path: root/boost/poly_collection/detail/type_info_map.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/poly_collection/detail/type_info_map.hpp')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/poly_collection/detail/type_info_map.hpp b/boost/poly_collection/detail/type_info_map.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..289af10adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/poly_collection/detail/type_info_map.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* Copyright 2016-2017 Joaquin M Lopez Munoz.
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ *
+ * See for library home page.
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/poly_collection/detail/newdelete_allocator.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+namespace boost{
+namespace poly_collection{
+namespace detail{
+/* To cope with dynamic modules/libs, the standard allows for different
+ * std::type_info instances to describe the same type, which implies that
+ * std::type_info::operator== and std::type_info::hash_code are costly
+ * operations typically relying on the stored type name.
+ * type_info_ptr_hash<T> behaves roughly as a
+ * std::unordered_map<std::type_index,T> but maintains an internal cache of
+ * passed std::type_info instances so that lookup is performed (when there's a
+ * cache hit) without invoking std::type_info equality and hashing ops.
+ */
+struct type_info_ptr_hash
+ std::size_t operator()(const std::type_info* p)const noexcept
+ {return p->hash_code();}
+struct type_info_ptr_equal_to
+ bool operator()(
+ const std::type_info* p,const std::type_info* q)const noexcept
+ {return *p==*q;}
+template<typename T,typename Allocator>
+class type_info_map
+ using map_type=std::unordered_map<
+ const std::type_info*,T,
+ type_info_ptr_hash,type_info_ptr_equal_to,
+ typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template
+ rebind_alloc<std::pair<const std::type_info* const,T>>
+ >;
+ using key_type=std::type_info;
+ using mapped_type=T;
+ using value_type=typename map_type::value_type;
+ using allocator_type=typename map_type::allocator_type;
+ using iterator=typename map_type::iterator;
+ using const_iterator=typename map_type::const_iterator;
+ type_info_map()=default;
+ type_info_map(const type_info_map& x):
+ map{},cache{x.cache.get_allocator()}{build_cache(x.cache);}
+ type_info_map(type_info_map&& x)=default;
+ type_info_map(const allocator_type& al):
+ map{al},cache{cache_allocator_type{al}}{}
+ type_info_map(const type_info_map& x,const allocator_type& al):
+ map{,al},cache{cache_allocator_type{al}}{build_cache(x.cache);}
+ type_info_map(type_info_map&& x,const allocator_type& al):
+ map{std::move(,al},cache{cache_allocator_type{al}}
+ {
+ if(
+ cache_allocator_type{al}==x.cache.get_allocator()){
+ cache=std::move(x.cache);
+ }
+ else{
+ build_cache(x.cache);
+ x.cache.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ type_info_map& operator=(const type_info_map& x)
+ {
+ if(this!=&x){
+ type_info_map c{x};
+ swap(c);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ type_info_map& operator=(type_info_map&& x)=default;
+ allocator_type get_allocator()const noexcept{return map.get_allocator();}
+ iterator begin()noexcept{return map.begin();}
+ iterator end()noexcept{return map.end();}
+ const_iterator begin()const noexcept{return map.begin();}
+ const_iterator end()const noexcept{return map.end();}
+ const_iterator cbegin()const noexcept{return map.cbegin();}
+ const_iterator cend()const noexcept{return map.cend();}
+ iterator find(const key_type& key)
+ {
+ auto cit=cache.find(&key);
+ if(cit!=cache.end())return cit->second;
+ auto mit=map.find(&key);
+ if(mit!=map.end())cache.insert({&key,mit});
+ return mit;
+ }
+ const_iterator find(const key_type& key)const
+ {
+ auto cit=cache.find(&key);
+ if(cit!=cache.end())return cit->second;
+ return map.find(&key);
+ }
+ template<typename P>
+ std::pair<iterator,bool> insert(const key_type& key,P&& x)
+ {
+ auto p=map.insert({&key,std::forward<P>(x)});
+ cache.insert({&key,p.first});
+ return p;
+ }
+ void swap(type_info_map& x){map.swap(;cache.swap(x.cache);}
+ using cache_type=std::unordered_map<
+ const std::type_info*,iterator,
+ std::hash<const std::type_info*>,std::equal_to<const std::type_info*>,
+ newdelete_allocator_adaptor<
+ typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template
+ rebind_alloc<std::pair<const std::type_info* const,iterator>>
+ >
+ >;
+ using cache_allocator_type=typename cache_type::allocator_type;
+ void build_cache(const cache_type& x)
+ {
+ for(const auto& p:x)cache.insert({p.first,map.find(p.first)});
+ }
+ map_type map;
+ cache_type cache;
+template<typename T,typename Allocator>
+void swap(type_info_map<T,Allocator>& x,type_info_map<T,Allocator>& y)
+ x.swap(y);
+} /* namespace poly_collection::detail */
+} /* namespace poly_collection */
+} /* namespace boost */