path: root/boost/log/sources/global_logger_storage.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/log/sources/global_logger_storage.hpp')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/log/sources/global_logger_storage.hpp b/boost/log/sources/global_logger_storage.hpp
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+ * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2014.
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ */
+ * \file global_logger_storage.hpp
+ * \author Andrey Semashev
+ * \date 21.04.2008
+ *
+ * The header contains implementation of facilities to declare global loggers.
+ */
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/smart_ptr/make_shared_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/enum.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/singleton.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/visible_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
+#pragma once
+namespace boost {
+namespace sources {
+namespace aux {
+//! The base class for logger holders
+ //! The source file name where the logger was registered
+ const char* m_RegistrationFile;
+ //! The line number where the logger was registered
+ unsigned int m_RegistrationLine;
+ logger_holder_base(const char* file, unsigned int line) :
+ m_RegistrationFile(file),
+ m_RegistrationLine(line)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~logger_holder_base() {}
+ virtual std::type_info const& logger_type() const = 0;
+//! The actual logger holder class
+template< typename LoggerT >
+struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE logger_holder :
+ public logger_holder_base
+ //! The logger instance
+ LoggerT m_Logger;
+ logger_holder(const char* file, unsigned int line, LoggerT const& logger) :
+ logger_holder_base(file, line),
+ m_Logger(logger)
+ {
+ }
+ std::type_info const& logger_type() const { return typeid(LoggerT); }
+//! The class implements a global repository of tagged loggers
+struct global_storage
+ typedef shared_ptr< logger_holder_base >(*initializer_t)();
+ //! Finds or creates the logger and returns its holder
+ BOOST_LOG_API static shared_ptr< logger_holder_base > get_or_init(std::type_info const& key, initializer_t initializer);
+ // Non-constructible, non-copyable, non-assignable
+ BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(global_storage())
+ BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(global_storage(global_storage const&))
+ BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(global_storage& operator= (global_storage const&))
+//! Throws the \c odr_violation exception
+BOOST_LOG_API BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_odr_violation(
+ std::type_info const& tag_type,
+ std::type_info const& logger_type,
+ logger_holder_base const& registered);
+//! The class implements a logger singleton
+template< typename TagT >
+struct logger_singleton :
+ public boost::log::aux::lazy_singleton<
+ logger_singleton< TagT >,
+ shared_ptr< logger_holder< typename TagT::logger_type > >
+ >
+ //! Base type
+ typedef boost::log::aux::lazy_singleton<
+ logger_singleton< TagT >,
+ shared_ptr< logger_holder< typename TagT::logger_type > >
+ > base_type;
+ //! Logger type
+ typedef typename TagT::logger_type logger_type;
+ //! Returns the logger instance
+ static logger_type& get()
+ {
+ return base_type::get()->m_Logger;
+ }
+ //! Initializes the logger instance (called only once)
+ static void init_instance()
+ {
+ shared_ptr< logger_holder< logger_type > >& instance = base_type::get_instance();
+ shared_ptr< logger_holder_base > holder = global_storage::get_or_init(
+ typeid(boost::log::aux::visible_type< TagT >),
+ &logger_singleton::construct_logger);
+ instance = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< logger_holder< logger_type > >(holder);
+ if (!instance)
+ {
+ // In pure C++ this should never happen, since there cannot be two
+ // different tag types that have equal type_infos. In real life it can
+ // happen if the same-named tag is defined differently in two or more
+ // dlls. This check is intended to detect such ODR violations. However, there
+ // is no protection against different definitions of the logger type itself.
+ throw_odr_violation(typeid(TagT), typeid(logger_type), *holder);
+ }
+ }
+ //! Constructs a logger holder
+ static shared_ptr< logger_holder_base > construct_logger()
+ {
+ return boost::make_shared< logger_holder< logger_type > >(
+ TagT::registration_file(),
+ static_cast< unsigned int >(TagT::registration_line),
+ TagT::construct_logger());
+ }
+} // namespace aux
+//! The macro forward-declares a global logger with a custom initialization
+#define BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER(tag_name, logger)\
+ struct tag_name\
+ {\
+ typedef logger logger_type;\
+ enum registration_line_t { registration_line = __LINE__ };\
+ static const char* registration_file() { return __FILE__; }\
+ static logger_type construct_logger();\
+ static inline logger_type& get()\
+ {\
+ return ::boost::log::sources::aux::logger_singleton< tag_name >::get();\
+ }\
+ };
+//! The macro defines a global logger initialization routine
+#define BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER_INIT(tag_name, logger)\
+ tag_name::logger_type tag_name::construct_logger()
+//! The macro defines a global logger initializer that will default-construct the logger
+#define BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER_DEFAULT(tag_name, logger)\
+ BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER_INIT(tag_name, logger)\
+ {\
+ return logger_type();\
+ }
+//! The macro defines a global logger initializer that will construct the logger with the specified constructor arguments
+#define BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER_CTOR_ARGS(tag_name, logger, args)\
+ BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER_INIT(tag_name, logger)\
+ {\
+ return logger_type(BOOST_PP_SEQ_ENUM(args));\
+ }
+//! The macro declares a global logger with a custom initialization
+#define BOOST_LOG_INLINE_GLOBAL_LOGGER_INIT(tag_name, logger)\
+ BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER(tag_name, logger)\
+ inline BOOST_LOG_GLOBAL_LOGGER_INIT(tag_name, logger)
+//! The macro declares a global logger that will be default-constructed
+#define BOOST_LOG_INLINE_GLOBAL_LOGGER_DEFAULT(tag_name, logger)\
+ {\
+ return logger_type();\
+ }
+//! The macro declares a global logger that will be constructed with the specified arguments
+#define BOOST_LOG_INLINE_GLOBAL_LOGGER_CTOR_ARGS(tag_name, logger, args)\
+ {\
+ return logger_type(BOOST_PP_SEQ_ENUM(args));\
+ }
+} // namespace sources
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>