path: root/boost/log/expressions/predicates/channel_severity_filter.hpp
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diff --git a/boost/log/expressions/predicates/channel_severity_filter.hpp b/boost/log/expressions/predicates/channel_severity_filter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0ddfb564c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/log/expressions/predicates/channel_severity_filter.hpp
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+ * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2014.
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ */
+ * \file channel_severity_filter.hpp
+ * \author Andrey Semashev
+ * \date 25.11.2012
+ *
+ * The header contains implementation of a minimal severity per channel filter.
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/phoenix/core/actor.hpp>
+#include <boost/phoenix/core/terminal_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/phoenix/core/is_nullary.hpp>
+#include <boost/phoenix/core/environment.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/at_c.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/custom_terminal_spec.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute_name.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/attributes/fallback_policy.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/attributes/value_visitation.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/utility/functional/logical.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/expressions/attr_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/expressions/keyword_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
+#pragma once
+namespace boost {
+namespace expressions {
+ typename ChannelT,
+ typename SeverityT,
+ typename ChannelFallbackT = fallback_to_none,
+ typename SeverityFallbackT = fallback_to_none,
+ typename ChannelOrderT = less,
+ typename SeverityCompareT = greater_equal,
+ typename AllocatorT = std::allocator< void >
+class channel_severity_filter_terminal
+ //! Internal typedef for type categorization
+ typedef void _is_boost_log_terminal;
+ //! Function result type
+ typedef bool result_type;
+ //! Channel attribute value type
+ typedef ChannelT channel_value_type;
+ //! Channel fallback policy
+ typedef ChannelFallbackT channel_fallback_policy;
+ //! Severity level attribute value type
+ typedef SeverityT severity_value_type;
+ //! Severity level fallback policy
+ typedef SeverityFallbackT severity_fallback_policy;
+ //! Channel to severity mapping type
+ typedef std::map<
+ channel_value_type,
+ severity_value_type,
+ ChannelOrderT,
+ typename AllocatorT::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE rebind< std::pair< const channel_value_type, severity_value_type > >::other
+ > mapping_type;
+ //! Attribute value visitor invoker for channel
+ typedef value_visitor_invoker< channel_value_type, channel_fallback_policy > channel_visitor_invoker_type;
+ //! Attribute value visitor invoker for severity level
+ typedef value_visitor_invoker< severity_value_type, severity_fallback_policy > severity_visitor_invoker_type;
+ //! Channel visitor
+ template< typename ArgT >
+ struct channel_visitor
+ {
+ typedef void result_type;
+ channel_visitor(channel_severity_filter_terminal const& self, ArgT arg, bool& res) : m_self(self), m_arg(arg), m_res(res)
+ {
+ }
+ result_type operator() (channel_value_type const& channel) const
+ {
+ m_self.visit_channel(channel, m_arg, m_res);
+ }
+ private:
+ channel_severity_filter_terminal const& m_self;
+ ArgT m_arg;
+ bool& m_res;
+ };
+ //! Severity level visitor
+ struct severity_visitor
+ {
+ typedef void result_type;
+ severity_visitor(channel_severity_filter_terminal const& self, severity_value_type const& severity, bool& res) : m_self(self), m_severity(severity), m_res(res)
+ {
+ }
+ result_type operator() (severity_value_type const& severity) const
+ {
+ m_self.visit_severity(severity, m_severity, m_res);
+ }
+ private:
+ channel_severity_filter_terminal const& m_self;
+ severity_value_type const& m_severity;
+ bool& m_res;
+ };
+ //! Channel attribute name
+ attribute_name m_channel_name;
+ //! Severity level attribute name
+ attribute_name m_severity_name;
+ //! Channel value visitor invoker
+ channel_visitor_invoker_type m_channel_visitor_invoker;
+ //! Severity level value visitor invoker
+ severity_visitor_invoker_type m_severity_visitor_invoker;
+ //! Channel to severity level mapping
+ mapping_type m_mapping;
+ //! Severity checking predicate
+ SeverityCompareT m_severity_compare;
+ //! Default result
+ bool m_default;
+ //! Initializing constructor
+ channel_severity_filter_terminal
+ (
+ attribute_name const& channel_name,
+ attribute_name const& severity_name,
+ channel_fallback_policy const& channel_fallback = channel_fallback_policy(),
+ severity_fallback_policy const& severity_fallback = severity_fallback_policy(),
+ ChannelOrderT const& channel_order = ChannelOrderT(),
+ SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare = SeverityCompareT()
+ ) :
+ m_channel_name(channel_name),
+ m_severity_name(severity_name),
+ m_channel_visitor_invoker(channel_fallback),
+ m_severity_visitor_invoker(severity_fallback),
+ m_mapping(channel_order),
+ m_severity_compare(severity_compare),
+ m_default(false)
+ {
+ }
+ //! Adds a new element to the mapping
+ void add(channel_value_type const& channel, severity_value_type const& severity)
+ {
+ typedef typename mapping_type::iterator iterator;
+ std::pair< iterator, bool > res = m_mapping.insert(typename mapping_type::value_type(channel, severity));
+ if (!res.second)
+ res.first->second = severity;
+ }
+ //! Sets the default result of the predicate
+ void set_default(bool def)
+ {
+ m_default = def;
+ }
+ //! Invokation operator
+ template< typename ContextT >
+ result_type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) const
+ {
+ result_type res = m_default;
+ typedef typename remove_cv<
+ typename remove_reference< typename phoenix::result_of::env< ContextT >::type >::type
+ >::type env_type;
+ typedef typename env_type::args_type args_type;
+ typedef typename fusion::result_of::at_c< args_type, 0 >::type arg_type;
+ arg_type arg = fusion::at_c< 0 >(phoenix::env(ctx).args());
+ m_channel_visitor_invoker(m_channel_name, arg, channel_visitor< arg_type >(*this, arg, res));
+ return res;
+ }
+ //! Visits channel name
+ template< typename ArgT >
+ void visit_channel(channel_value_type const& channel, ArgT const& arg, bool& res) const
+ {
+ typename mapping_type::const_iterator it = m_mapping.find(channel);
+ if (it != m_mapping.end())
+ {
+ m_severity_visitor_invoker(m_severity_name, arg, severity_visitor(*this, it->second, res));
+ }
+ }
+ //! Visits severity level
+ void visit_severity(severity_value_type const& left, severity_value_type const& right, bool& res) const
+ {
+ res = m_severity_compare(left, right);
+ }
+ typename ChannelT,
+ typename SeverityT,
+ typename ChannelFallbackT = fallback_to_none,
+ typename SeverityFallbackT = fallback_to_none,
+ typename ChannelOrderT = less,
+ typename SeverityCompareT = greater_equal,
+ typename AllocatorT = std::allocator< void >,
+ template< typename > class ActorT = phoenix::actor
+class channel_severity_filter_actor :
+ public ActorT< channel_severity_filter_terminal< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, AllocatorT > >
+ //! Self type
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor this_type;
+ //! Terminal type
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_terminal< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, AllocatorT > terminal_type;
+ //! Base actor type
+ typedef ActorT< terminal_type > base_type;
+ //! Channel attribute value type
+ typedef typename terminal_type::channel_value_type channel_value_type;
+ //! Channel fallback policy
+ typedef typename terminal_type::channel_fallback_policy channel_fallback_policy;
+ //! Severity level attribute value type
+ typedef typename terminal_type::severity_value_type severity_value_type;
+ //! Severity level fallback policy
+ typedef typename terminal_type::severity_fallback_policy severity_fallback_policy;
+ //! An auxiliary pseudo-reference to implement insertion through subscript operator
+ class subscript_result
+ {
+ private:
+ channel_severity_filter_actor& m_owner;
+ channel_value_type const& m_channel;
+ public:
+ subscript_result(channel_severity_filter_actor& owner, channel_value_type const& channel) : m_owner(owner), m_channel(channel)
+ {
+ }
+ void operator= (severity_value_type const& severity)
+ {
+ m_owner.add(m_channel, severity);
+ }
+ };
+ //! Initializing constructor
+ explicit channel_severity_filter_actor(base_type const& act) : base_type(act)
+ {
+ }
+ //! Copy constructor
+ channel_severity_filter_actor(channel_severity_filter_actor const& that) : base_type(static_cast< base_type const& >(that))
+ {
+ }
+ //! Sets the default function result
+ this_type& set_default(bool def)
+ {
+ this->proto_expr_.child0.set_default(def);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! Adds a new element to the mapping
+ this_type& add(channel_value_type const& channel, severity_value_type const& severity)
+ {
+ this->proto_expr_.child0.add(channel, severity);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! Alternative interface for adding a new element to the mapping
+ subscript_result operator[] (channel_value_type const& channel)
+ {
+ return subscript_result(*this, channel);
+ }
+ * The function generates a filtering predicate that checks the severity levels of log records in different channels. The predicate will return \c true
+ * if the record severity level is not less than the threshold for the channel the record belongs to.
+ */
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_name const& severity_name)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_name) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename SeverityT, typename ChannelDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_keyword< ChannelDescriptorT, ActorT > const& channel_keyword, attribute_name const& severity_name)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_keyword.get_name(), severity_name) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_keyword< SeverityDescriptorT, ActorT > const& severity_keyword)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_keyword.get_name()) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelDescriptorT, typename SeverityDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_keyword< ChannelDescriptorT, ActorT > const& channel_keyword, attribute_keyword< SeverityDescriptorT, ActorT > const& severity_keyword)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_keyword.get_name(), severity_keyword.get_name()) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename SeverityT, typename ChannelT, typename ChannelFallbackT, typename ChannelTagT, template< typename > class ActorT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_actor< ChannelT, ChannelFallbackT, ChannelTagT, ActorT > const& channel_placeholder, attribute_name const& severity_name)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, fallback_to_none, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_placeholder.get_name(), severity_name, channel_placeholder.get_fallback_policy()) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityFallbackT, typename SeverityTagT, template< typename > class ActorT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, SeverityFallbackT, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_actor< SeverityT, SeverityFallbackT, SeverityTagT, ActorT > const& severity_placeholder)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, SeverityFallbackT, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_placeholder.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), severity_placeholder.get_fallback_policy()) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename ChannelFallbackT, typename ChannelTagT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityFallbackT, typename SeverityTagT, template< typename > class ActorT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_actor< ChannelT, ChannelFallbackT, ChannelTagT, ActorT > const& channel_placeholder, attribute_actor< SeverityT, SeverityFallbackT, SeverityTagT, ActorT > const& severity_placeholder)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, less, greater_equal, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_placeholder.get_name(), severity_placeholder.get_name(), channel_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), severity_placeholder.get_fallback_policy()) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_name const& severity_name, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_name, fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename SeverityT, typename ChannelDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_keyword< ChannelDescriptorT, ActorT > const& channel_keyword, attribute_name const& severity_name, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_keyword.get_name(), severity_name, fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_keyword< SeverityDescriptorT, ActorT > const& severity_keyword, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_keyword.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelDescriptorT, typename SeverityDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_keyword< ChannelDescriptorT, ActorT > const& channel_keyword, attribute_keyword< SeverityDescriptorT, ActorT > const& severity_keyword, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_keyword.get_name(), severity_keyword.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename SeverityT, typename ChannelT, typename ChannelFallbackT, typename ChannelTagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_actor< ChannelT, ChannelFallbackT, ChannelTagT, ActorT > const& channel_placeholder, attribute_name const& severity_name, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, fallback_to_none, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_placeholder.get_name(), severity_name, channel_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), fallback_to_none(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityFallbackT, typename SeverityTagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, SeverityFallbackT, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_actor< SeverityT, SeverityFallbackT, SeverityTagT, ActorT > const& severity_placeholder, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, SeverityFallbackT, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_placeholder.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), severity_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename ChannelFallbackT, typename ChannelTagT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityFallbackT, typename SeverityTagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_actor< ChannelT, ChannelFallbackT, ChannelTagT, ActorT > const& channel_placeholder, attribute_actor< SeverityT, SeverityFallbackT, SeverityTagT, ActorT > const& severity_placeholder, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, less, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_placeholder.get_name(), severity_placeholder.get_name(), channel_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), severity_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), less(), severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_name const& severity_name, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_name, fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename SeverityT, typename ChannelDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_keyword< ChannelDescriptorT, ActorT > const& channel_keyword, attribute_name const& severity_name, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_keyword.get_name(), severity_name, fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_keyword< SeverityDescriptorT, ActorT > const& severity_keyword, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_keyword.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelDescriptorT, typename SeverityDescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_keyword< ChannelDescriptorT, ActorT > const& channel_keyword, attribute_keyword< SeverityDescriptorT, ActorT > const& severity_keyword, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< typename ChannelDescriptorT::value_type, typename SeverityDescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_keyword.get_name(), severity_keyword.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), fallback_to_none(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename SeverityT, typename ChannelT, typename ChannelFallbackT, typename ChannelTagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_actor< ChannelT, ChannelFallbackT, ChannelTagT, ActorT > const& channel_placeholder, attribute_name const& severity_name, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, fallback_to_none, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_placeholder.get_name(), severity_name, channel_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), fallback_to_none(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityFallbackT, typename SeverityTagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_name const& channel_name, attribute_actor< SeverityT, SeverityFallbackT, SeverityTagT, ActorT > const& severity_placeholder, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, fallback_to_none, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_name, severity_placeholder.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), severity_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+//! \overload
+template< typename ChannelT, typename ChannelFallbackT, typename ChannelTagT, typename SeverityT, typename SeverityFallbackT, typename SeverityTagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename SeverityCompareT, typename ChannelOrderT >
+BOOST_FORCEINLINE channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT >
+channel_severity_filter(attribute_actor< ChannelT, ChannelFallbackT, ChannelTagT, ActorT > const& channel_placeholder, attribute_actor< SeverityT, SeverityFallbackT, SeverityTagT, ActorT > const& severity_placeholder, SeverityCompareT const& severity_compare, ChannelOrderT const& channel_order)
+ typedef channel_severity_filter_actor< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, std::allocator< void >, ActorT > result_type;
+ typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
+ typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(channel_placeholder.get_name(), severity_placeholder.get_name(), channel_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), severity_placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), channel_order, severity_compare) }};
+ return result_type(act);
+} // namespace expressions
+namespace phoenix {
+namespace result_of {
+ typename ChannelT,
+ typename SeverityT,
+ typename ChannelFallbackT,
+ typename SeverityFallbackT,
+ typename ChannelOrderT,
+ typename SeverityCompareT,
+ typename AllocatorT
+struct is_nullary< custom_terminal< boost::log::expressions::channel_severity_filter_terminal< ChannelT, SeverityT, ChannelFallbackT, SeverityFallbackT, ChannelOrderT, SeverityCompareT, AllocatorT > > > :
+ public mpl::false_
+} // namespace result_of
+} // namespace phoenix
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>