path: root/boost/histogram/histogram.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/histogram/histogram.hpp')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/histogram/histogram.hpp b/boost/histogram/histogram.hpp
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+++ b/boost/histogram/histogram.hpp
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+// Copyright 2015-2018 Hans Dembinski
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at
+#include <boost/histogram/detail/axes.hpp>
+#include <boost/histogram/detail/common_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/histogram/detail/linearize.hpp>
+#include <boost/histogram/detail/meta.hpp>
+#include <boost/histogram/fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/mp11/list.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+namespace boost {
+namespace histogram {
+/** Central class of the histogram library.
+ Histogram uses the call operator to insert data, like the
+ [Boost.Accumulators](
+ Use factory functions (see
+ [make_histogram.hpp](histogram/reference.html#header.boost.histogram.make_histogram_hpp)
+ and
+ [make_profile.hpp](histogram/reference.html#header.boost.histogram.make_profile_hpp)) to
+ conveniently create histograms rather than calling the ctors directly.
+ Use the [indexed](boost/histogram/indexed.html) range generator to iterate over filled
+ histograms, which is convenient and faster than hand-written loops for multi-dimensional
+ histograms.
+ @tparam Axes std::tuple of axis types OR std::vector of an axis type or axis::variant
+ @tparam Storage class that implements the storage interface
+ */
+template <class Axes, class Storage>
+class histogram {
+ static_assert(mp11::mp_size<Axes>::value > 0, "at least one axis required");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<detail::remove_cvref_t<Storage>, Storage>::value,
+ "Storage may not be a reference or const or volatile");
+ using axes_type = Axes;
+ using storage_type = Storage;
+ using value_type = typename storage_type::value_type;
+ // typedefs for boost::range_iterator
+ using iterator = typename storage_type::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename storage_type::const_iterator;
+ histogram() = default;
+ histogram(const histogram& rhs) = default;
+ histogram(histogram&& rhs) = default;
+ histogram& operator=(const histogram& rhs) = default;
+ histogram& operator=(histogram&& rhs) = default;
+ template <class A, class S>
+ explicit histogram(histogram<A, S>&& rhs) : storage_(std::move(rhs.storage_)) {
+ detail::axes_assign(axes_, rhs.axes_);
+ }
+ template <class A, class S>
+ explicit histogram(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) : storage_(rhs.storage_) {
+ detail::axes_assign(axes_, rhs.axes_);
+ }
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram& operator=(histogram<A, S>&& rhs) {
+ detail::axes_assign(axes_, std::move(rhs.axes_));
+ storage_ = std::move(rhs.storage_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram& operator=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
+ detail::axes_assign(axes_, rhs.axes_);
+ storage_ = rhs.storage_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram(A&& a, S&& s) : axes_(std::forward<A>(a)), storage_(std::forward<S>(s)) {
+ storage_.reset(detail::bincount(axes_));
+ }
+ template <class A, class = detail::requires_axes<A>>
+ explicit histogram(A&& a) : histogram(std::forward<A>(a), storage_type()) {}
+ /// Number of axes (dimensions).
+ constexpr unsigned rank() const noexcept {
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(detail::get_size(axes_));
+ }
+ /// Total number of bins (including underflow/overflow).
+ std::size_t size() const noexcept { return storage_.size(); }
+ /// Reset all bins to default initialized values.
+ void reset() { storage_.reset(storage_.size()); }
+ /// Get N-th axis using a compile-time number.
+ /// This version is more efficient than the one accepting a run-time number.
+ template <unsigned N = 0>
+ decltype(auto) axis(std::integral_constant<unsigned, N> = {}) const {
+ detail::axis_index_is_valid(axes_, N);
+ return detail::axis_get<N>(axes_);
+ }
+ /// Get N-th axis with run-time number.
+ /// Use version that accepts a compile-time number, if possible.
+ decltype(auto) axis(unsigned i) const {
+ detail::axis_index_is_valid(axes_, i);
+ return detail::axis_get(axes_, i);
+ }
+ /// Apply unary functor/function to each axis.
+ template <class Unary>
+ auto for_each_axis(Unary&& unary) const {
+ return detail::for_each_axis(axes_, std::forward<Unary>(unary));
+ }
+ /** Fill histogram with values, an optional weight, and/or a sample.
+ Arguments are passed in order to the axis objects. Passing an argument type that is
+ not convertible to the value type accepted by the axis or passing the wrong number
+ of arguments causes a throw of `std::invalid_argument`.
+ __Axis with multiple arguments__
+ If the histogram contains an axis which accepts a `std::tuple` of arguments, the
+ arguments for that axis need to passed as a `std::tuple`, for example,
+ `std::make_tuple(1.2, 2.3)`. If the histogram contains only this axis and no other,
+ the arguments can be passed directly.
+ __Optional weight__
+ An optional weight can be passed as the first or last argument
+ with the [weight](boost/histogram/weight.html) helper function. Compilation fails if
+ the storage elements do not support weights.
+ __Samples__
+ If the storage elements accept samples, pass them with the sample helper function
+ in addition to the axis arguments, which can be the first or last argument. The
+ [sample](boost/histogram/sample.html) helper function can pass one or more arguments to
+ the storage element. If samples and weights are used together, they can be passed in
+ any order at the beginning or end of the argument list.
+ */
+ template <class... Ts>
+ auto operator()(const Ts&... ts) {
+ return operator()(std::make_tuple(ts...));
+ }
+ /// Fill histogram with values, an optional weight, and/or a sample from a `std::tuple`.
+ template <class... Ts>
+ auto operator()(const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) {
+ return detail::fill(storage_, axes_, t);
+ }
+ /// Access cell value at integral indices.
+ /**
+ You can pass indices as individual arguments, as a std::tuple of integers, or as an
+ interable range of integers. Passing the wrong number of arguments causes a throw of
+ std::invalid_argument. Passing an index which is out of bounds causes a throw of
+ std::out_of_range.
+ */
+ template <class... Ts>
+ decltype(auto) at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts) {
+ return at(std::forward_as_tuple(t, ts...));
+ }
+ /// Access cell value at integral indices (read-only).
+ /// @copydoc at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts)
+ template <class... Ts>
+ decltype(auto) at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts) const {
+ return at(std::forward_as_tuple(t, ts...));
+ }
+ /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in `std::tuple`.
+ /// @copydoc at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts)
+ template <typename... Ts>
+ decltype(auto) at(const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) {
+ const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, t);
+ if (!idx) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("indices out of bounds"));
+ return storage_[*idx];
+ }
+ /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in `std::tuple` (read-only).
+ /// @copydoc at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts)
+ template <typename... Ts>
+ decltype(auto) at(const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) const {
+ const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, t);
+ if (!idx) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("indices out of bounds"));
+ return storage_[*idx];
+ }
+ /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in iterable.
+ /// @copydoc at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts)
+ template <class Iterable, class = detail::requires_iterable<Iterable>>
+ decltype(auto) at(const Iterable& c) {
+ const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, c);
+ if (!idx) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("indices out of bounds"));
+ return storage_[*idx];
+ }
+ /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in iterable (read-only).
+ /// @copydoc at(axis::index_type t, Ts... ts)
+ template <class Iterable, class = detail::requires_iterable<Iterable>>
+ decltype(auto) at(const Iterable& c) const {
+ const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, c);
+ if (!idx) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("indices out of bounds"));
+ return storage_[*idx];
+ }
+ /// Access value at index (number for rank = 1, else `std::tuple` or iterable).
+ template <class T>
+ decltype(auto) operator[](const T& t) {
+ return at(t);
+ }
+ /// @copydoc operator[]
+ template <class T>
+ decltype(auto) operator[](const T& t) const {
+ return at(t);
+ }
+ /// Equality operator, tests equality for all axes and the storage.
+ template <class A, class S>
+ bool operator==(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) const noexcept {
+ return detail::axes_equal(axes_, rhs.axes_) && storage_ == rhs.storage_;
+ }
+ /// Negation of the equality operator.
+ template <class A, class S>
+ bool operator!=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) const noexcept {
+ return !operator==(rhs);
+ }
+ /// Add values of another histogram.
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram& operator+=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
+ static_assert(detail::has_operator_radd<value_type,
+ typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value,
+ "cell value does not support adding value of right-hand-side");
+ if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, rhs.axes_))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
+ auto rit = rhs.storage_.begin();
+ std::for_each(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x += *rit++; });
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Subtract values of another histogram.
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram& operator-=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
+ static_assert(detail::has_operator_rsub<value_type,
+ typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value,
+ "cell value does not support subtracting value of right-hand-side");
+ if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, rhs.axes_))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
+ auto rit = rhs.storage_.begin();
+ std::for_each(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x -= *rit++; });
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Multiply by values of another histogram.
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram& operator*=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
+ static_assert(detail::has_operator_rmul<value_type,
+ typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value,
+ "cell value does not support multiplying by value of right-hand-side");
+ if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, rhs.axes_))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
+ auto rit = rhs.storage_.begin();
+ std::for_each(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x *= *rit++; });
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Divide by values of another histogram.
+ template <class A, class S>
+ histogram& operator/=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
+ static_assert(detail::has_operator_rdiv<value_type,
+ typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value,
+ "cell value does not support dividing by value of right-hand-side");
+ if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, rhs.axes_))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
+ auto rit = rhs.storage_.begin();
+ std::for_each(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x /= *rit++; });
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Multiply all values with a scalar.
+ template <class V = value_type,
+ class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rmul<V, double>::value>>
+ histogram& operator*=(const double x) {
+ // use special implementation of scaling if available
+ detail::static_if<detail::has_operator_rmul<storage_type, double>>(
+ [](storage_type& s, auto x) { s *= x; },
+ [](storage_type& s, auto x) {
+ for (auto&& si : s) si *= x;
+ },
+ storage_, x);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Divide all values by a scalar.
+ template <class V = value_type,
+ class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rmul<V, double>::value>>
+ histogram& operator/=(const double x) {
+ return operator*=(1.0 / x);
+ }
+ /// Return value iterator to the beginning of the histogram.
+ iterator begin() noexcept { return storage_.begin(); }
+ /// Return value iterator to the end in the histogram.
+ iterator end() noexcept { return storage_.end(); }
+ /// Return value iterator to the beginning of the histogram (read-only).
+ const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return storage_.begin(); }
+ /// Return value iterator to the end in the histogram (read-only).
+ const_iterator end() const noexcept { return storage_.end(); }
+ /// Return value iterator to the beginning of the histogram (read-only).
+ const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return storage_.begin(); }
+ /// Return value iterator to the end in the histogram (read-only).
+ const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return storage_.end(); }
+ axes_type axes_;
+ storage_type storage_;
+ template <class A, class S>
+ friend class histogram;
+ friend struct unsafe_access;
+template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
+auto operator+(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
+ auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
+ return r += b;
+template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
+auto operator*(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
+ auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
+ return r *= b;
+template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
+auto operator-(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
+ auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
+ return r -= b;
+template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
+auto operator/(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
+ auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
+ return r /= b;
+template <class A, class S>
+auto operator*(const histogram<A, S>& h, double x) {
+ auto r = histogram<A, detail::common_storage<S, dense_storage<double>>>(h);
+ return r *= x;
+template <class A, class S>
+auto operator*(double x, const histogram<A, S>& h) {
+ return h * x;
+template <class A, class S>
+auto operator/(const histogram<A, S>& h, double x) {
+ return h * (1.0 / x);
+#if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606
+template <class Axes>
+histogram(Axes&& axes)->histogram<detail::remove_cvref_t<Axes>, default_storage>;
+template <class Axes, class Storage>
+histogram(Axes&& axes, Storage&& storage)
+ ->histogram<detail::remove_cvref_t<Axes>, detail::remove_cvref_t<Storage>>;
+/// Helper function to mark argument as weight.
+/// @param t argument to be forward to the histogram.
+template <typename T>
+auto weight(T&& t) noexcept {
+ return weight_type<T>{std::forward<T>(t)};
+/// Helper function to mark arguments as sample.
+/// @param ts arguments to be forwarded to the accumulator.
+template <typename... Ts>
+auto sample(Ts&&... ts) noexcept {
+ return sample_type<std::tuple<Ts...>>{std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)};
+template <class T>
+struct weight_type {
+ T value;
+template <class T>
+struct sample_type {
+ T value;
+} // namespace histogram
+} // namespace boost