path: root/boost/hana/fwd
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/hana/fwd')
10 files changed, 308 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/adjust_if.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/adjust_if.hpp
index 017ac03972..3042dc72c9 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/adjust_if.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/adjust_if.hpp
//! ---------
//! Given a `Functor` `F` and a `Logical` `Bool`, the signature is
//! \f$
- //! \mathtt{adjust_if} : F(T) \times (T \to Bool) \times (T \to T) \to F(T)
+ //! \mathtt{adjust\_if} : F(T) \times (T \to Bool) \times (T \to T) \to F(T)
//! \f$
//! @param xs
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/core/tag_of.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/core/tag_of.hpp
index bcc4ef8e53..5d490dd717 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/core/tag_of.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/core/tag_of.hpp
//! std::is_same<
//! typename fusion::traits::tag_of<T>::type,
//! fusion::traits::tag_of<fusion::vector<>>::type
- //! >{}
+ //! >::value
//! >> {
//! using type = BoostFusionVector;
//! };
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/difference.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/difference.hpp
index 3702f075e0..d96142b5b9 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/difference.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/difference.hpp
@@ -15,50 +15,18 @@ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- //! Returns the set-theoretic difference of two sets.
- //! @relates hana::set
- //!
- //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `difference(xs, ys)` is a new set
- //! containing all the elements of `xs` that are _not_ contained in `ys`.
- //! For any object `x`, the following holds:
- //! @code
- //! x ^in^ difference(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs && !(x ^in^ ys)
- //! @endcode
- //!
- //!
- //! @note
- //! This operation is not commutative, i.e. `difference(xs, ys)` is not
- //! necessarily the same as `difference(ys, xs)`. Indeed, consider the
- //! case where `xs` is empty and `ys` isn't. Then, `difference(xs, ys)`
- //! is empty but `difference(ys, xs)` is equal to `ys`. For the symmetric
- //! version of this operation, see `symmetric_difference`.
- //!
- //!
- //! @param xs
- //! A set to remove values from.
- //!
- //! @param ys
- //! The set whose values are removed from `xs`.
- //!
- //!
- //! Example
- //! -------
- //! @include example/difference.cpp
- constexpr auto difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
- return tag-dispatched;
- };
+ // Note: This function is documented per datatype/concept only.
+ //! @cond
template <typename S, typename = void>
struct difference_impl : difference_impl<S, when<true>> { };
+ //! @endcond
struct difference_t {
template <typename Xs, typename Ys>
- constexpr auto operator()(Xs&& xs, Ys&& ys) const;
+ constexpr auto operator()(Xs&&, Ys&&) const;
constexpr difference_t difference{};
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/index_if.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/index_if.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59f98f59fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/index_if.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Forward declares `boost::hana::index_if`.
+@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017
+@copyright Jason Rice 2017
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file or copy at
+ */
+#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/core/when.hpp>
+ //! Finds the value associated to the first key satisfying a predicate.
+ //! @ingroup group-Iterable
+ //!
+ //! Given an `Iterable` structure `xs` and a predicate `pred`,
+ //! `index_if(xs, pred)` returns a `hana::optional` containing an `IntegralConstant`
+ //! of the index of the first element that satisfies the predicate or nothing
+ //! if no element satisfies the predicate.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs
+ //! The structure to be searched.
+ //!
+ //! @param predicate
+ //! A function called as `predicate(x)`, where `x` is an element of the
+ //! `Iterable` structure and returning whether `x` is the element being
+ //! searched for. In the current version of the library, the predicate
+ //! has to return an `IntegralConstant` holding a value that can be
+ //! converted to `bool`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/index_if.cpp
+ constexpr auto index_if = [](auto&& xs, auto&& predicate) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
+ template <typename S, typename = void>
+ struct index_if_impl : index_if_impl<S, when<true>> { };
+ struct index_if_t {
+ template <typename Xs, typename Pred>
+ constexpr auto operator()(Xs&& xs, Pred&& pred) const;
+ };
+ constexpr index_if_t index_if{};
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/intersection.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/intersection.hpp
index ec9b1daad2..f289dd03fa 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/intersection.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/intersection.hpp
@@ -15,39 +15,18 @@ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- //! Returns the intersection of two sets.
- //! @relates hana::set
- //!
- //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `intersection(xs, ys)` is a new set
- //! containing exactly those elements that are present both in `xs` and
- //! in `ys`. In other words, the following holds for any object `x`:
- //! @code
- //! x ^in^ intersection(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs && x ^in^ ys
- //! @endcode
- //!
- //!
- //! @param xs, ys
- //! Two sets to intersect.
- //!
- //!
- //! Example
- //! -------
- //! @include example/intersection.cpp
- constexpr auto intersection = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
- return tag-dispatched;
- };
+ // Note: This function is documented per datatype/concept only.
+ //! @cond
template <typename S, typename = void>
struct intersection_impl : intersection_impl<S, when<true>> { };
+ //! @endcond
struct intersection_t {
template <typename Xs, typename Ys>
- constexpr auto operator()(Xs&& xs, Ys&& ys) const;
+ constexpr auto operator()(Xs&&, Ys&&) const;
constexpr intersection_t intersection{};
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/map.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/map.hpp
index bff0b012f0..c00f57195f 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/map.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/map.hpp
@@ -255,6 +255,126 @@ BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
return tag-dispatched;
+ //! Returns the union of two maps.
+ //! @relates hana::map
+ //!
+ //! Given two maps `xs` and `ys`, `hana::union_(xs, ys)` is a new map
+ //! containing all the elements of `xs` and all the elements of `ys`,
+ //! without duplicates. If both `xs` and `ys` contain an element with the
+ //! same `key`, the one in `ys` is taken. Functionally,
+ //! `hana::union_(xs, ys)` is equivalent to
+ //! @code
+ //! hana::fold_left(xs, ys, hana::insert)
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! The two maps to compute the union of.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/map/union.cpp
+ constexpr auto union_ = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
+ //! Returns the intersection of two maps.
+ //! @relates hana::map
+ //!
+ //! Given two maps `xs` and `ys`, `intersection(xs, ys)` is a new map
+ //! containing exactly those (key, value) pairs from xs, for which key
+ //! is present in `ys`.
+ //! In other words, the following holds for any object `pair(k, v)`:
+ //! @code
+ //! pair(k, v) ^in^ intersection(xs, ys) if and only if (k, v) ^in^ xs && k ^in^ keys(ys)
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @note
+ //! This function is not commutative, i.e. `intersection(xs, ys)` is not
+ //! necessarily the same as `intersection(ys, xs)`. Indeed, the set of keys
+ //! in `intersection(xs, ys)` is always the same as the set of keys in
+ //! `intersection(ys, xs)`, but the value associated to each key may be
+ //! different. `intersection(xs, ys)` contains values present in `xs`, and
+ //! `intersection(ys, xs)` contains values present in `ys`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! Two maps to intersect.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/map/intersection.cpp
+ constexpr auto intersection = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
+ //! Returns the difference of two maps.
+ //! @relates hana::map
+ //!
+ //! Given two maps `xs` and `ys`, `difference(xs, ys)` is a new map
+ //! containing exactly those (key, value) pairs from xs, for which key
+ //! is not present in `keys(ys)`.
+ //! In other words, the following holds for any object `pair(k, v)`:
+ //! @code
+ //! pair(k, v) ^in^ difference(xs, ys) if and only if (k, v) ^in^ xs && k ^not in^ keys(ys)
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @note
+ //! This function is not commutative, i.e. `difference(xs, ys)` is not
+ //! necessarily the same as `difference(ys, xs)`.
+ //! Indeed, consider the case where `xs` is empty and `ys` isn't.
+ //! In that case, `difference(xs, ys)` is empty, but `difference(ys, xs)`
+ //! is equal to `ys`.
+ //! For symmetric version of this operation, see `symmetric_difference`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! Two maps to compute the difference of.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/map/intersection.cpp
+ constexpr auto difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
+ //! Returns the symmetric set-theoretic difference of two maps.
+ //! @relates hana::map
+ //!
+ //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `symmetric_difference(xs, ys)` is a new
+ //! map containing all the elements of `xs` whose keys are not contained in `keys(ys)`,
+ //! and all the elements of `ys` whose keys are not contained in `keys(xs)`. The
+ //! symmetric difference of two maps satisfies the following:
+ //! @code
+ //! symmetric_difference(xs, ys) == union_(difference(xs, ys), difference(ys, xs))
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! Two maps to compute the symmetric difference of.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/map/symmetric_difference.cpp
+constexpr auto symmetric_difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/replace_if.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/replace_if.hpp
index e3fe882125..48d5b4c15c 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/replace_if.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/replace_if.hpp
//! ---------
//! Given `F` a Functor and `Bool` a Logical, the signature is
//! \f$
- //! \mathtt{replace_if} : F(T) \times (T \to Bool) \times T \to F(T)
+ //! \mathtt{replace\_if} : F(T) \times (T \to Bool) \times T \to F(T)
//! \f$
//! @param xs
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/set.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/set.hpp
index 55bd72d248..7312854782 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/set.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/set.hpp
@@ -182,9 +182,116 @@ BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
+ //! Returns the union of two sets.
+ //! @relates hana::set
+ //!
+ //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `union_(xs, ys)` is a new set containing
+ //! all the elements of `xs` and all the elements of `ys`, without
+ //! duplicates. For any object `x`, the following holds: `x` is in
+ //! `hana::union_(xs, ys)` if and only if `x` is in `xs` or `x` is in `ys`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! Two sets to compute the union of.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/set/union.cpp
+ constexpr auto union_ = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
+ //! Returns the intersection of two sets.
+ //! @relates hana::set
+ //!
+ //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `intersection(xs, ys)` is a new set
+ //! containing exactly those elements that are present both in `xs` and
+ //! in `ys`.
+ //! In other words, the following holds for any object `x`:
+ //! @code
+ //! x ^in^ intersection(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs && x ^in^ ys
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! Two sets to intersect.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/set/intersection.cpp
+ constexpr auto intersection = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
//! Equivalent to `to<set_tag>`; provided for convenience.
//! @relates hana::set
constexpr auto to_set = to<set_tag>;
+ //! Returns the set-theoretic difference of two sets.
+ //! @relates hana::set
+ //!
+ //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `difference(xs, ys)` is a new set
+ //! containing all the elements of `xs` that are _not_ contained in `ys`.
+ //! For any object `x`, the following holds:
+ //! @code
+ //! x ^in^ difference(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs && !(x ^in^ ys)
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! This operation is not commutative, i.e. `difference(xs, ys)` is not
+ //! necessarily the same as `difference(ys, xs)`. Indeed, consider the
+ //! case where `xs` is empty and `ys` isn't. Then, `difference(xs, ys)`
+ //! is empty but `difference(ys, xs)` is equal to `ys`. For the symmetric
+ //! version of this operation, see `symmetric_difference`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs
+ //! A set param to remove values from.
+ //!
+ //! @param ys
+ //! The set whose values are removed from `xs`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/set/difference.cpp
+ constexpr auto difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ //! Returns the symmetric set-theoretic difference of two sets.
+ //! @relates hana::set
+ //!
+ //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `symmetric_difference(xs, ys)` is a new
+ //! set containing all the elements of `xs` that are not contained in `ys`,
+ //! and all the elements of `ys` that are not contained in `xs`. The
+ //! symmetric difference of two sets satisfies the following:
+ //! @code
+ //! symmetric_difference(xs, ys) == union_(difference(xs, ys), difference(ys, xs))
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @param xs, ys
+ //! Two sets to compute the symmetric difference of.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Example
+ //! -------
+ //! @include example/set/symmetric_difference.cpp
+constexpr auto symmetric_difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
+ return tag-dispatched;
+ };
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/symmetric_difference.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/symmetric_difference.hpp
index 2908daaeee..2253f167eb 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/symmetric_difference.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/symmetric_difference.hpp
@@ -15,40 +15,18 @@ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- //! Returns the symmetric set-theoretic difference of two sets.
- //! @relates hana::set
- //!
- //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `symmetric_difference(xs, ys)` is a new
- //! set containing all the elements of `xs` that are not contained in `ys`,
- //! and all the elements of `ys` that are not contained in `xs`. The
- //! symmetric difference of two sets satisfies the following:
- //! @code
- //! symmetric_difference(xs, ys) == union_(difference(xs, ys), difference(ys, xs))
- //! @endcode
- //!
- //!
- //! @param xs, ys
- //! Two sets to compute the symmetric difference of.
- //!
- //!
- //! Example
- //! -------
- //! @include example/symmetric_difference.cpp
- constexpr auto symmetric_difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
- return tag-dispatched;
- };
+ // Note: This function is documented per datatype/concept only.
+ //! @cond
template <typename S, typename = void>
struct symmetric_difference_impl : symmetric_difference_impl<S, when<true>> { };
+ //! @endcond
struct symmetric_difference_t {
template <typename Xs, typename Ys>
- constexpr auto operator()(Xs&& xs, Ys&& ys) const;
+ constexpr auto operator()(Xs&&, Ys&&) const;
constexpr symmetric_difference_t symmetric_difference{};
diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/union.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/union.hpp
index ccf539221f..5775151888 100644
--- a/boost/hana/fwd/union.hpp
+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/union.hpp
@@ -15,39 +15,18 @@ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- //! Returns the union of two sets.
- //! @relates hana::set
- //!
- //! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `union_(xs, ys)` is a new set containing
- //! all the elements of `xs` and all the elements of `ys`, without
- //! duplicates. For any object `x`, the following holds:
- //! @code
- //! x ^in^ union_(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs || x ^in^ ys
- //! @endcode
- //!
- //!
- //! @param xs, ys
- //! Two sets to compute the union of.
- //!
- //!
- //! Example
- //! -------
- //! @include example/union.cpp
- constexpr auto union_ = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
- return tag-dispatched;
- };
- template <typename S, typename = void>
- struct union_impl : union_impl<S, when<true>> { };
+ // Note: This function is documented per datatype/concept only.
+ //! @cond
+ template <typename T, typename = void>
+ struct union_impl : union_impl<T, when<true>> { };
+ //! @endcond
struct union_t {
template <typename Xs, typename Ys>
- constexpr auto operator()(Xs&& xs, Ys&& ys) const;
+ constexpr auto operator()(Xs&&, Ys&&) const;
constexpr union_t union_{};