path: root/boost/hana/fwd/concept/foldable.hpp
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diff --git a/boost/hana/fwd/concept/foldable.hpp b/boost/hana/fwd/concept/foldable.hpp
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index 0000000000..6e460ad435
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+++ b/boost/hana/fwd/concept/foldable.hpp
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+Forward declares `boost::hana::Foldable`.
+@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file or copy at
+ */
+#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
+ //! @ingroup group-concepts
+ //! @defgroup group-Foldable Foldable
+ //! The `Foldable` concept represents data structures that can be reduced
+ //! to a single value.
+ //!
+ //! Generally speaking, folding refers to the concept of summarizing a
+ //! complex structure as a single value, by successively applying a
+ //! binary operation which reduces two elements of the structure to a
+ //! single value. Folds come in many flavors; left folds, right folds,
+ //! folds with and without an initial reduction state, and their monadic
+ //! variants. This concept is able to express all of these fold variants.
+ //!
+ //! Another way of seeing `Foldable` is as data structures supporting
+ //! internal iteration with the ability to accumulate a result. By
+ //! internal iteration, we mean that the _loop control_ is in the hand
+ //! of the structure, not the caller. Hence, it is the structure who
+ //! decides when the iteration stops, which is normally when the whole
+ //! structure has been consumed. Since C++ is an eager language, this
+ //! requires `Foldable` structures to be finite, or otherwise one would
+ //! need to loop indefinitely to consume the whole structure.
+ //!
+ //! @note
+ //! While the fact that `Foldable` only works for finite structures may
+ //! seem overly restrictive in comparison to the Haskell definition of
+ //! `Foldable`, a finer grained separation of the concepts should
+ //! mitigate the issue. For iterating over possibly infinite data
+ //! structures, see the `Iterable` concept. For searching a possibly
+ //! infinite data structure, see the `Searchable` concept.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Minimal complete definition
+ //! ---------------------------
+ //! `fold_left` or `unpack`
+ //!
+ //! However, please note that a minimal complete definition provided
+ //! through `unpack` will be much more compile-time efficient than one
+ //! provided through `fold_left`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Concrete models
+ //! ---------------
+ //! `hana::map`, `hana::optional`, `hana::pair`, `hana::set`,
+ //! `hana::range`, `hana::tuple`
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @anchor Foldable-lin
+ //! The linearization of a `Foldable`
+ //! ---------------------------------
+ //! Intuitively, for a `Foldable` structure `xs`, the _linearization_ of
+ //! `xs` is the sequence of all the elements in `xs` as if they had been
+ //! put in a list:
+ //! @code
+ //! linearization(xs) = [x1, x2, ..., xn]
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //! Note that it is always possible to produce such a linearization
+ //! for a finite `Foldable` by setting
+ //! @code
+ //! linearization(xs) = fold_left(xs, [], flip(prepend))
+ //! @endcode
+ //! for an appropriate definition of `[]` and `prepend`. The notion of
+ //! linearization is useful for expressing various properties of
+ //! `Foldable` structures, and is used across the documentation. Also
+ //! note that `Iterable`s define an [extended version](@ref Iterable-lin)
+ //! of this allowing for infinite structures.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Compile-time Foldables
+ //! ----------------------
+ //! A compile-time `Foldable` is a `Foldable` whose total length is known
+ //! at compile-time. In other words, it is a `Foldable` whose `length`
+ //! method returns a `Constant` of an unsigned integral type. When
+ //! folding a compile-time `Foldable`, the folding can be unrolled,
+ //! because the final number of steps of the algorithm is known at
+ //! compile-time.
+ //!
+ //! Additionally, the `unpack` method is only available to compile-time
+ //! `Foldable`s. This is because the return _type_ of `unpack` depends
+ //! on the number of objects in the structure. Being able to resolve
+ //! `unpack`'s return type at compile-time hence requires the length of
+ //! the structure to be known at compile-time too.
+ //!
+ //! __In the current version of the library, only compile-time `Foldable`s
+ //! are supported.__ While it would be possible in theory to support
+ //! runtime `Foldable`s too, doing so efficiently requires more research.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Provided conversion to `Sequence`s
+ //! ----------------------------------
+ //! Given a tag `S` which is a `Sequence`, an object whose tag is a model
+ //! of the `Foldable` concept can be converted to an object of tag `S`.
+ //! In other words, a `Foldable` can be converted to a `Sequence` `S`, by
+ //! simply taking the linearization of the `Foldable` and creating the
+ //! sequence with that. More specifically, given a `Foldable` `xs` with a
+ //! linearization of `[x1, ..., xn]` and a `Sequence` tag `S`, `to<S>(xs)`
+ //! is equivalent to `make<S>(x1, ..., xn)`.
+ //! @include example/foldable/to.cpp
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Free model for builtin arrays
+ //! -----------------------------
+ //! Builtin arrays whose size is known can be folded as-if they were
+ //! homogeneous tuples. However, note that builtin arrays can't be
+ //! made more than `Foldable` (e.g. `Iterable`) because they can't
+ //! be empty and they also can't be returned from functions.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @anchor monadic-folds
+ //! Primer on monadic folds
+ //! -----------------------
+ //! A monadic fold is a fold in which subsequent calls to the binary
+ //! function are chained with the monadic `chain` operator of the
+ //! corresponding Monad. This allows a structure to be folded in a
+ //! custom monadic context. For example, performing a monadic fold with
+ //! the `hana::optional` monad would require the binary function to return
+ //! the result as a `hana::optional`, and the fold would abort and return
+ //! `nothing` whenever one of the accumulation step would fail (i.e.
+ //! return `nothing`). If, however, all the reduction steps succeed,
+ //! then `just` the result would be returned. Different monads will of
+ //! course result in different effects.
+ template <typename T>
+ struct Foldable;