path: root/boost/hana/ext/boost/fusion/list.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/hana/ext/boost/fusion/list.hpp')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/hana/ext/boost/fusion/list.hpp b/boost/hana/ext/boost/fusion/list.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f30f7e7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/hana/ext/boost/fusion/list.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Adapts `boost::fusion::list` for use with Hana.
+@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file or copy at
+ */
+#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/core/when.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/ext/boost/fusion/detail/common.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/fwd/at.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/fwd/core/make.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/fwd/core/tag_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/fwd/drop_front.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/fwd/length.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/transformation/pop_front.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/container/generation/make_list.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/container/list.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/container/list/convert.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/support/tag_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+namespace boost { namespace fusion {
+ //! @ingroup group-ext-fusion
+ //! Adapter for Boost.Fusion lists.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Modeled concepts
+ //! ----------------
+ //! A Fusion list is a model of the `Sequence` concept, and all the
+ //! concepts it refines. That makes it essentially the same as a Hana
+ //! tuple, although the complexity of some operations might differ from
+ //! that of a tuple.
+ //!
+ //! @include example/ext/boost/fusion/list.cpp
+ template <typename ...T>
+ struct list { };
+ namespace ext { namespace boost { namespace fusion {
+ struct list_tag;
+ }}}
+ template <typename T>
+ struct tag_of<T, when<
+ std::is_same<
+ typename ::boost::fusion::traits::tag_of<T>::type,
+ ::boost::fusion::traits::tag_of<
+ ::boost::fusion::list<>
+ >::type
+ >::value
+ >> {
+ using type = ext::boost::fusion::list_tag;
+ };
+ namespace detail {
+ template <>
+ struct is_fusion_sequence<ext::boost::fusion::list_tag> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+ };
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Iterable (the rest is in detail/common.hpp)
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <>
+ struct drop_front_impl<ext::boost::fusion::list_tag> {
+ template <std::size_t n, typename Xs, std::size_t ...i>
+ static constexpr auto drop_front_helper(Xs&& xs, std::index_sequence<i...>) {
+ return hana::make<ext::boost::fusion::list_tag>(
+ hana::at_c<n + i>(static_cast<Xs&&>(xs))...
+ );
+ }
+ template <typename Xs, typename N>
+ static constexpr auto apply(Xs&& xs, N const&) {
+ constexpr std::size_t n = N::value;
+ constexpr std::size_t len = decltype(hana::length(xs))::value;
+ return drop_front_helper<n>(static_cast<Xs&&>(xs),
+ std::make_index_sequence<(n < len ? len - n : 0)>{});
+ }
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Sequence
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <>
+ struct make_impl<ext::boost::fusion::list_tag> {
+ template <typename ...Xs>
+ static constexpr auto apply(Xs&& ...xs) {
+ return ::boost::fusion::make_list(static_cast<Xs&&>(xs)...);
+ }
+ };