path: root/boost/hana/detail/integral_constant.hpp
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1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/hana/detail/integral_constant.hpp b/boost/hana/detail/integral_constant.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aded3ba331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/hana/detail/integral_constant.hpp
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+Defines the barebones `boost::hana::integral_constant` template, but no
+operations on it.
+@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file or copy at
+ */
+#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/hana/detail/operators/adl.hpp>
+#include <type_traits>
+ //! Tag representing `hana::integral_constant`.
+ //! @relates hana::integral_constant
+ template <typename T>
+ struct integral_constant_tag {
+ using value_type = T;
+ };
+ namespace ic_detail {
+ template <typename T, T v>
+ struct with_index_t {
+ template <typename F>
+ constexpr void operator()(F&& f) const;
+ };
+ template <typename T, T v>
+ struct times_t {
+ static constexpr with_index_t<T, v> with_index{};
+ template <typename F>
+ constexpr void operator()(F&& f) const;
+ };
+ }
+ //! @ingroup group-datatypes
+ //! Compile-time value of an integral type.
+ //!
+ //! An `integral_constant` is an object that represents a compile-time
+ //! integral value. As the name suggests, `hana::integral_constant` is
+ //! basically equivalent to `std::integral_constant`, except that
+ //! `hana::integral_constant` also provide other goodies to make them
+ //! easier to use, like arithmetic operators and similar features. In
+ //! particular, `hana::integral_constant` is guaranteed to inherit from
+ //! the corresponding `std::integral_constant`, and hence have the same
+ //! members and capabilities. The sections below explain the extensions
+ //! to `std::integral_constant` provided by `hana::integral_constant`.
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Arithmetic operators
+ //! --------------------
+ //! `hana::integral_constant` provides arithmetic operators that return
+ //! `hana::integral_constant`s to ease writing compile-time arithmetic:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp operators
+ //!
+ //! It is pretty important to realize that these operators return other
+ //! `integral_constant`s, not normal values of an integral type.
+ //! Actually, all those operators work pretty much in the same way.
+ //! Simply put, for an operator `@`,
+ //! @code
+ //! integral_constant<T, x>{} @ integral_constant<T, y>{} == integral_constant<T, x @ y>{}
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //! The fact that the operators return `Constant`s is very important
+ //! because it allows all the information that's known at compile-time
+ //! to be conserved as long as it's only used with other values known at
+ //! compile-time. It is also interesting to observe that whenever an
+ //! `integral_constant` is combined with a normal runtime value, the
+ //! result will be a runtime value (because of the implicit conversion).
+ //! In general, this gives us the following table
+ //!
+ //! left operand | right operand | result
+ //! :-----------------: | :-----------------: | :-----------------:
+ //! `integral_constant` | `integral_constant` | `integral_constant`
+ //! `integral_constant` | runtime | runtime
+ //! runtime | `integral_constant` | runtime
+ //! runtime | runtime | runtime
+ //!
+ //! The full range of provided operators is
+ //! - Arithmetic: binary `+`, binary `-`, `/`, `*`, `%`, unary `+`, unary `-`
+ //! - Bitwise: `~`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`, `>>`
+ //! - Comparison: `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`
+ //! - %Logical: `||`, `&&`, `!`
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Construction with user-defined literals
+ //! ---------------------------------------
+ //! `integral_constant`s of type `long long` can be created with the
+ //! `_c` user-defined literal, which is contained in the `literals`
+ //! namespace:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp literals
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! Modeled concepts
+ //! ----------------
+ //! 1. `Constant` and `IntegralConstant`\n
+ //! An `integral_constant` is a model of the `IntegralConstant` concept in
+ //! the most obvious way possible. Specifically,
+ //! @code
+ //! integral_constant<T, v>::value == v // of type T
+ //! @endcode
+ //! The model of `Constant` follows naturally from the model of `IntegralConstant`, i.e.
+ //! @code
+ //! value<integral_constant<T, v>>() == v // of type T
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //! 2. `Comparable`, `Orderable`, `Logical`, `Monoid`, `Group`, `Ring`, and `EuclideanRing`, `Hashable`\n
+ //! Those models are exactly those provided for `Constant`s, which are
+ //! documented in their respective concepts.
+ template <typename T, T v>
+ struct integral_constant {
+ //! Call a function n times.
+ //!
+ //! `times` allows a nullary function to be invoked `n` times:
+ //! @code
+ //! int_<3>::times(f)
+ //! @endcode
+ //! should be expanded by any decent compiler to
+ //! @code
+ //! f(); f(); f();
+ //! @endcode
+ //!
+ //! This can be useful in several contexts, e.g. for loop unrolling:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp times_loop_unrolling
+ //!
+ //! Note that `times` is really a static function object, not just a
+ //! static function. This allows `int_<n>::%times` to be passed to
+ //! higher-order algorithms:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp times_higher_order
+ //!
+ //! Also, since static members can be accessed using both the `.` and
+ //! the `::` syntax, one can take advantage of this (loophole?) to
+ //! call `times` on objects just as well as on types:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp from_object
+ //!
+ //! @note
+ //! `times` is equivalent to the `hana::repeat` function, which works
+ //! on an arbitrary `IntegralConstant`.
+ //!
+ //! Sometimes, it is also useful to know the index we're at inside the
+ //! function. This can be achieved by using `times.with_index`:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp times_with_index_runtime
+ //!
+ //! Remember that `times` is a _function object_, and hence it can
+ //! have subobjects. `with_index` is just a function object nested
+ //! inside `times`, which allows for this nice little interface. Also
+ //! note that the indices passed to the function are `integral_constant`s;
+ //! they are known at compile-time. Hence, we can do compile-time stuff
+ //! with them, like indexing inside a tuple:
+ //! @snippet example/integral_constant.cpp times_with_index_compile_time
+ //!
+ //! @note
+ //! `times.with_index(f)` guarantees that the calls to `f` will be
+ //! done in order of ascending index. In other words, `f` will be
+ //! called as `f(0)`, `f(1)`, `f(2)`, etc., but with `integral_constant`s
+ //! instead of normal integers. Side effects can also be done in the
+ //! function passed to `times` and `times.with_index`.
+ template <typename F>
+ static constexpr void times(F&& f) {
+ f(); f(); ... f(); // n times total
+ }
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::plus`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator+(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::minus`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator-(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::negate`
+ template <typename X>
+ friend constexpr auto operator-(X&& x);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::mult`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator*(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::div`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator/(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::mod`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator%(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::equal`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator==(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::not_equal`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator!=(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::or_`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator||(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::and_`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator&&(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::not_`
+ template <typename X>
+ friend constexpr auto operator!(X&& x);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::less`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator<(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::greater`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator>(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::less_equal`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator<=(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ //! Equivalent to `hana::greater_equal`
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ friend constexpr auto operator>=(X&& x, Y&& y);
+ };
+ template <typename T, T v>
+ struct integral_constant
+ : std::integral_constant<T, v>
+ , detail::operators::adl<integral_constant<T, v>>
+ {
+ using type = integral_constant; // override std::integral_constant::type
+ static constexpr ic_detail::times_t<T, v> times{};
+ using hana_tag = integral_constant_tag<T>;
+ };