path: root/boost/graph/two_graphs_common_spanning_trees.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/graph/two_graphs_common_spanning_trees.hpp')
1 files changed, 870 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/graph/two_graphs_common_spanning_trees.hpp b/boost/graph/two_graphs_common_spanning_trees.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86d57ece07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/graph/two_graphs_common_spanning_trees.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012, Michele Caini.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// Two Graphs Common Spanning Trees Algorithm
+// Based on academic article of Mint, Read and Tarjan
+// Efficient Algorithm for Common Spanning Tree Problem
+// Electron. Lett., 28 April 1983, Volume 19, Issue 9, p.346-347
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/bimap.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/concept/requires.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/undirected_dfs.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/connected_components.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stack>
+#include <map>
+namespace boost
+namespace detail {
+ template
+ <
+ typename TreeMap,
+ typename PredMap,
+ typename DistMap,
+ typename LowMap,
+ typename Buffer
+ >
+ struct bridges_visitor: public default_dfs_visitor
+ {
+ bridges_visitor(
+ TreeMap tree,
+ PredMap pred,
+ DistMap dist,
+ LowMap low,
+ Buffer& buffer
+ ): mTree(tree), mPred(pred), mDist(dist), mLow(low), mBuffer(buffer)
+ { mNum = -1; }
+ template <typename Vertex, typename Graph>
+ void initialize_vertex(const Vertex& u, const Graph& g)
+ {
+ put(mPred, u, u);
+ put(mDist, u, -1);
+ }
+ template <typename Vertex, typename Graph>
+ void discover_vertex(const Vertex& u, const Graph& g)
+ {
+ put(mDist, u, ++mNum);
+ put(mLow, u, get(mDist, u));
+ }
+ template <typename Edge, typename Graph>
+ void tree_edge(const Edge& e, const Graph& g)
+ {
+ put(mPred, target(e, g), source(e, g));
+ put(mTree, target(e, g), e);
+ }
+ template <typename Edge, typename Graph>
+ void back_edge(const Edge& e, const Graph& g)
+ {
+ put(mLow, source(e, g),
+ (std::min)(get(mLow, source(e, g)), get(mDist, target(e, g))));
+ }
+ template <typename Vertex, typename Graph>
+ void finish_vertex(const Vertex& u, const Graph& g)
+ {
+ Vertex parent = get(mPred, u);
+ if(get(mLow, u) > get(mDist, parent))
+ mBuffer.push(get(mTree, u));
+ put(mLow, parent,
+ (std::min)(get(mLow, parent), get(mLow, u)));
+ }
+ TreeMap mTree;
+ PredMap mPred;
+ DistMap mDist;
+ LowMap mLow;
+ Buffer& mBuffer;
+ int mNum;
+ };
+ template <typename Buffer>
+ struct cycle_finder: public base_visitor< cycle_finder<Buffer> >
+ {
+ typedef on_back_edge event_filter;
+ cycle_finder(): mBuffer(0) { }
+ cycle_finder(Buffer* buffer)
+ : mBuffer(buffer) { }
+ template <typename Edge, typename Graph>
+ void operator()(const Edge& e, const Graph& g)
+ {
+ if(mBuffer)
+ mBuffer->push(e);
+ }
+ Buffer* mBuffer;
+ };
+ template <typename DeletedMap>
+ struct deleted_edge_status
+ {
+ deleted_edge_status() { }
+ deleted_edge_status(DeletedMap map): mMap(map) { }
+ template <typename Edge>
+ bool operator()(const Edge& e) const
+ { return (!get(mMap, e)); }
+ DeletedMap mMap;
+ };
+ template <typename InLMap>
+ struct inL_edge_status
+ {
+ inL_edge_status() { }
+ inL_edge_status(InLMap map): mMap(map) { }
+ template <typename Edge>
+ bool operator()(const Edge& e) const
+ { return get(mMap, e); }
+ InLMap mMap;
+ };
+ template <
+ typename Graph,
+ typename Func,
+ typename Seq,
+ typename Map
+ >
+ void rec_two_graphs_common_spanning_trees
+ (
+ const Graph& iG,
+ bimap<
+ bimaps::set_of<int>,
+ bimaps::set_of< typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor >
+ > iG_bimap,
+ Map aiG_inL,
+ Map diG,
+ const Graph& vG,
+ bimap<
+ bimaps::set_of<int>,
+ bimaps::set_of< typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor >
+ > vG_bimap,
+ Map avG_inL,
+ Map dvG,
+ Func func,
+ Seq inL
+ )
+ {
+ typedef graph_traits<Graph> GraphTraits;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
+ typedef typename Seq::size_type seq_size_type;
+ int edges = num_vertices(iG) - 1;
+// [ Michele Caini ]
+// Using the condition (edges != 0) leads to the accidental submission of
+// sub-graphs ((V-1+1)-fake-tree, named here fat-tree).
+// Remove this condition is a workaround for the problem of fat-trees.
+// Please do not add that condition, even if it improves performance.
+// Here is proposed the previous guard (that was wrong):
+// for(seq_size_type i = 0; (i < inL.size()) && (edges != 0); ++i)
+ {
+ for(seq_size_type i = 0; i < inL.size(); ++i)
+ if(inL[i])
+ --edges;
+ if(edges < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ bool is_tree = (edges == 0);
+ if(is_tree) {
+ func(inL);
+ } else {
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> vertex_color;
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> edge_color;
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> iG_buf, vG_buf;
+ bool found = false;
+ seq_size_type m;
+ for(seq_size_type j = 0; j < inL.size() && !found; ++j) {
+ if(!inL[j]
+ && !get(diG,
+ && !get(dvG,
+ {
+ put(aiG_inL,, true);
+ put(avG_inL,, true);
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(aiG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder< std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&iG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(avG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder< std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&vG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ if(iG_buf.empty() && vG_buf.empty()) {
+ inL[j] = true;
+ found = true;
+ m = j;
+ } else {
+ while(!iG_buf.empty()) iG_buf.pop();
+ while(!vG_buf.empty()) vG_buf.pop();
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(found) {
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> iG_buf_copy, vG_buf_copy;
+ for(seq_size_type j = 0; j < inL.size(); ++j) {
+ if(!inL[j]
+ && !get(diG,
+ && !get(dvG,
+ {
+ put(aiG_inL,, true);
+ put(avG_inL,, true);
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(aiG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder<
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&iG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map< std::map<
+ vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(avG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder<
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&vG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map< std::map<
+ vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ if(!iG_buf.empty() || !vG_buf.empty()) {
+ while(!iG_buf.empty()) iG_buf.pop();
+ while(!vG_buf.empty()) vG_buf.pop();
+ put(diG,, true);
+ put(dvG,, true);
+ iG_buf_copy.push(;
+ vG_buf_copy.push(;
+ }
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // REC
+ detail::rec_two_graphs_common_spanning_trees<Graph, Func, Seq, Map>
+ (iG, iG_bimap, aiG_inL, diG, vG, vG_bimap, aiG_inL, dvG, func, inL);
+ while(!iG_buf_copy.empty()) {
+ put(diG,, false);
+ put(dvG,
+, false);
+ iG_buf_copy.pop();
+ }
+ while(!vG_buf_copy.empty()) {
+ put(dvG,, false);
+ put(diG,
+, false);
+ vG_buf_copy.pop();
+ }
+ inL[m] = false;
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ put(diG,, true);
+ put(dvG,, true);
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor> tree_map;
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> pred_map;
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> dist_map, low_map;
+ detail::bridges_visitor<
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor>
+ >,
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor>
+ >,
+ associative_property_map< std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> >,
+ associative_property_map< std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> >,
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor>
+ >
+ iG_vis(
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor> >(tree_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> >(pred_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(dist_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(low_map),
+ iG_buf
+ ),
+ vG_vis(
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor> >(tree_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> >(pred_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(dist_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(low_map),
+ vG_buf
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::deleted_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(diG)),
+ iG_vis,
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::deleted_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(dvG)),
+ vG_vis,
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ found = false;
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> iG_buf_tmp, vG_buf_tmp;
+ while(!iG_buf.empty() && !found) {
+ if(!inL[]) {
+ put(aiG_inL,, true);
+ put(avG_inL,
+, true);
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(aiG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder<
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&iG_buf_tmp)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<
+ vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(avG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder<
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&vG_buf_tmp)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<
+ vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ if(!iG_buf_tmp.empty() || !vG_buf_tmp.empty()) {
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ while(!iG_buf_tmp.empty()) iG_buf_tmp.pop();
+ while(!vG_buf_tmp.empty()) vG_buf_tmp.pop();
+ iG_buf_copy.push(;
+ }
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,
+, false);
+ }
+ iG_buf.pop();
+ }
+ while(!vG_buf.empty() && !found) {
+ if(!inL[]) {
+ put(avG_inL,, true);
+ put(aiG_inL,
+, true);
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(aiG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder<
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&iG_buf_tmp)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<
+ vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(avG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder<
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&vG_buf_tmp)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<
+ vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ if(!iG_buf_tmp.empty() || !vG_buf_tmp.empty()) {
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ while(!iG_buf_tmp.empty()) iG_buf_tmp.pop();
+ while(!vG_buf_tmp.empty()) vG_buf_tmp.pop();
+ vG_buf_copy.push(;
+ }
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ put(aiG_inL,
+, false);
+ }
+ vG_buf.pop();
+ }
+ if(!found) {
+ while(!iG_buf_copy.empty()) {
+ inL[] = true;
+ put(aiG_inL,, true);
+ put(avG_inL,
+, true);
+ iG_buf.push(;
+ iG_buf_copy.pop();
+ }
+ while(!vG_buf_copy.empty()) {
+ inL[] = true;
+ put(avG_inL,, true);
+ put(aiG_inL,
+, true);
+ vG_buf.push(;
+ vG_buf_copy.pop();
+ }
+ // REC
+ detail::rec_two_graphs_common_spanning_trees<
+ Graph, Func, Seq, Map>
+ (iG, iG_bimap, aiG_inL, diG, vG, vG_bimap, aiG_inL, dvG, func, inL);
+ while(!iG_buf.empty()) {
+ inL[] = false;
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,
+, false);
+ iG_buf.pop();
+ }
+ while(!vG_buf.empty()) {
+ inL[] = false;
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ put(aiG_inL,
+, false);
+ vG_buf.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ put(diG,, false);
+ put(dvG,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename Coll, typename Seq>
+struct tree_collector
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BackInsertionSequence<Coll>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((RandomAccessContainer<Seq>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((CopyConstructible<Seq>));
+ typedef typename Coll::value_type coll_value_type;
+ typedef typename Seq::value_type seq_value_type;
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<coll_value_type, Seq>::value));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<seq_value_type, bool>::value));
+ tree_collector(Coll& seqs): mSeqs(seqs) { }
+ inline void operator()(Seq seq)
+ { mSeqs.push_back(seq); }
+ Coll& mSeqs;
+template <
+ typename Graph,
+ typename Order,
+ typename Func,
+ typename Seq
+ ((RandomAccessContainer<Order>))
+ ((IncidenceGraphConcept<Graph>))
+ ((UnaryFunction<Func, void, Seq>))
+ ((Mutable_RandomAccessContainer<Seq>))
+ ((VertexAndEdgeListGraphConcept<Graph>)),
+ (void)
+ (
+ const Graph& iG,
+ Order iG_map,
+ const Graph& vG,
+ Order vG_map,
+ Func func,
+ Seq inL
+ )
+ typedef graph_traits<Graph> GraphTraits;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::directed_category directed_category;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edges_size_type edges_size_type;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
+ typedef typename Seq::const_iterator seq_const_iterator;
+ typedef typename Seq::difference_type seq_diff_type;
+ typedef typename Seq::value_type seq_value_type;
+ typedef typename Seq::size_type seq_size_type;
+ typedef typename Seq::iterator seq_iterator;
+ typedef typename Order::const_iterator order_const_iterator;
+ typedef typename Order::difference_type order_diff_type;
+ typedef typename Order::value_type order_value_type;
+ typedef typename Order::size_type order_size_type;
+ typedef typename Order::iterator order_iterator;
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<order_value_type, edge_descriptor>::value));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((Convertible<order_size_type, edges_size_type>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((Convertible<seq_size_type, edges_size_type>));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<seq_value_type, bool>::value));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<directed_category, undirected_tag>::value));
+ if(num_vertices(iG) != num_vertices(vG))
+ return;
+ if(inL.size() != num_edges(iG)
+ || inL.size() != num_edges(vG))
+ return;
+ if(iG_map.size() != num_edges(iG)
+ || vG_map.size() != num_edges(vG))
+ return;
+ typedef bimaps::bimap<
+ bimaps::set_of< int >,
+ bimaps::set_of< order_value_type >
+ > bimap_type;
+ typedef typename bimap_type::value_type bimap_value;
+ bimap_type iG_bimap, vG_bimap;
+ for(order_size_type i = 0; i < iG_map.size(); ++i)
+ iG_bimap.insert(bimap_value(i, iG_map[i]));
+ for(order_size_type i = 0; i < vG_map.size(); ++i)
+ vG_bimap.insert(bimap_value(i, vG_map[i]));
+ edge_iterator current, last;
+ boost::tuples::tie(current, last) = edges(iG);
+ for(; current != last; ++current)
+ if(iG_bimap.right.find(*current) == iG_bimap.right.end())
+ return;
+ boost::tuples::tie(current, last) = edges(vG);
+ for(; current != last; ++current)
+ if(vG_bimap.right.find(*current) == vG_bimap.right.end())
+ return;
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor> iG_buf, vG_buf;
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor> tree_map;
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> pred_map;
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> dist_map, low_map;
+ detail::bridges_visitor<
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor>
+ >,
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor>
+ >,
+ associative_property_map< std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> >,
+ associative_property_map< std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> >,
+ std::stack<edge_descriptor>
+ >
+ iG_vis(
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor> >(tree_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> >(pred_map),
+ associative_property_map<std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(dist_map),
+ associative_property_map<std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(low_map),
+ iG_buf
+ ),
+ vG_vis(
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, edge_descriptor> >(tree_map),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map< vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> >(pred_map),
+ associative_property_map<std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(dist_map),
+ associative_property_map<std::map< vertex_descriptor, int> >(low_map),
+ vG_buf
+ );
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> vertex_color;
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> edge_color;
+ undirected_dfs(iG, iG_vis,
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(vG, vG_vis,
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ while(!iG_buf.empty()) {
+ inL[] = true;
+ iG_buf.pop();
+ }
+ while(!vG_buf.empty()) {
+ inL[] = true;
+ vG_buf.pop();
+ }
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> iG_inL, vG_inL;
+ associative_property_map< std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> >
+ aiG_inL(iG_inL), avG_inL(vG_inL);
+ for(seq_size_type i = 0; i < inL.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(inL[i]) {
+ put(aiG_inL,, true);
+ put(avG_inL,, true);
+ } else {
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(aiG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder< std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&iG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(avG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder< std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&vG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ if(iG_buf.empty() && vG_buf.empty()) {
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> iG_deleted, vG_deleted;
+ associative_property_map< std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > diG(iG_deleted);
+ associative_property_map< std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > dvG(vG_deleted);
+ boost::tuples::tie(current, last) = edges(iG);
+ for(; current != last; ++current)
+ put(diG, *current, false);
+ boost::tuples::tie(current, last) = edges(vG);
+ for(; current != last; ++current)
+ put(dvG, *current, false);
+ for(seq_size_type j = 0; j < inL.size(); ++j) {
+ if(!inL[j]) {
+ put(aiG_inL,, true);
+ put(avG_inL,, true);
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(aiG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder< std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&iG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ undirected_dfs(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::inL_edge_status< associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(avG_inL)),
+ make_dfs_visitor(
+ detail::cycle_finder< std::stack<edge_descriptor> > (&vG_buf)),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, default_color_type> >(vertex_color),
+ associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, default_color_type> >(edge_color)
+ );
+ if(!iG_buf.empty() || !vG_buf.empty()) {
+ while(!iG_buf.empty()) iG_buf.pop();
+ while(!vG_buf.empty()) vG_buf.pop();
+ put(diG,, true);
+ put(dvG,, true);
+ }
+ put(aiG_inL,, false);
+ put(avG_inL,, false);
+ }
+ }
+ int cc = 0;
+ std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> com_map;
+ cc += connected_components(
+ make_filtered_graph(iG,
+ detail::deleted_edge_status<associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(diG)),
+ associative_property_map<std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> >(com_map)
+ );
+ cc += connected_components(
+ make_filtered_graph(vG,
+ detail::deleted_edge_status<associative_property_map<
+ std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >(dvG)),
+ associative_property_map< std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> >(com_map)
+ );
+ if(cc != 2)
+ return;
+ // REC
+ detail::rec_two_graphs_common_spanning_trees<Graph, Func, Seq,
+ associative_property_map< std::map<edge_descriptor, bool> > >
+ (iG, iG_bimap, aiG_inL, diG, vG, vG_bimap, aiG_inL, dvG, func, inL);
+ }
+template <
+ typename Graph,
+ typename Func,
+ typename Seq
+ ((IncidenceGraphConcept<Graph>))
+ ((EdgeListGraphConcept<Graph>)),
+ (void)
+ (
+ const Graph& iG,
+ const Graph& vG,
+ Func func,
+ Seq inL
+ )
+ typedef graph_traits<Graph> GraphTraits;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edges_size_type edges_size_type;
+ typedef typename GraphTraits::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
+ std::vector<edge_descriptor> iGO, vGO;
+ edge_iterator curr, last;
+ boost::tuples::tie(curr, last) = edges(iG);
+ for(; curr != last; ++curr)
+ iGO.push_back(*curr);
+ boost::tuples::tie(curr, last) = edges(vG);
+ for(; curr != last; ++curr)
+ vGO.push_back(*curr);
+ two_graphs_common_spanning_trees(iG, iGO, vG, vGO, func, inL);
+} // namespace boost