path: root/boost/gil/gil_concept.hpp
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- Copyright 2005-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- See for most recent version including documentation.
-#ifndef GIL_CONCEPT_H
-#define GIL_CONCEPT_H
-/// \file
-/// \brief Concept check classes for GIL concepts
-/// \author Lubomir Bourdev and Hailin Jin \n
-/// Adobe Systems Incorporated
-/// \date 2005-2007 \n Last updated on February 12, 2007
-#include <functional>
-#include "gil_config.hpp"
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/iterator_concepts.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace gil {
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedefs"
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable:4510) //default constructor could not be generated
-#pragma warning(disable:4512) //assignment operator could not be generated
-#pragma warning(disable:4610) //can never be instantiated - user defined constructor required
-template <typename T> struct channel_traits;
-template <typename P> struct is_pixel;
-template <typename dstT, typename srcT>
-typename channel_traits<dstT>::value_type channel_convert(const srcT& val);
-template <typename T> class point2;
-template <std::size_t K, typename T> const T& axis_value(const point2<T>& p);
-template <std::size_t K, typename T> T& axis_value( point2<T>& p);
-template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_element_type;
-template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_element_reference_type;
-template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_element_const_reference_type;
-template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_semantic_element_reference_type;
-template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_semantic_element_const_reference_type;
-template <typename ColorBase> struct size;
-template <typename ColorBase> struct element_type;
-template <typename T> struct channel_type;
-template <typename T> struct color_space_type;
-template <typename T> struct channel_mapping_type;
-template <typename T> struct is_planar;
-template <typename T> struct num_channels;
-template <typename It> struct const_iterator_type;
-template <typename It> struct iterator_is_mutable;
-template <typename It> struct is_iterator_adaptor;
-template <typename It, typename NewBaseIt> struct iterator_adaptor_rebind;
-template <typename It> struct iterator_adaptor_get_base;
-// forward-declare at_c
-namespace detail { template <typename Element, typename Layout, int K> struct homogeneous_color_base; }
-template <int K, typename E, typename L, int N>
-typename add_reference<E>::type at_c( detail::homogeneous_color_base<E,L,N>& p);
-template <int K, typename E, typename L, int N>
-typename add_reference<typename add_const<E>::type>::type at_c(const detail::homogeneous_color_base<E,L,N>& p);
-template <typename P, typename C, typename L> struct packed_pixel;
-template <int K, typename P, typename C, typename L>
-typename kth_element_reference_type<packed_pixel<P,C,L>, K>::type
-at_c(packed_pixel<P,C,L>& p);
-template <int K, typename P, typename C, typename L>
-typename kth_element_const_reference_type<packed_pixel<P,C,L>,K>::type
-at_c(const packed_pixel<P,C,L>& p);
-template <typename B, typename C, typename L, bool M> struct bit_aligned_pixel_reference;
-template <int K, typename B, typename C, typename L, bool M> inline
-typename kth_element_reference_type<bit_aligned_pixel_reference<B,C,L,M>, K>::type
-at_c(const bit_aligned_pixel_reference<B,C,L,M>& p);
-// Forward-declare semantic_at_c
-template <int K, typename ColorBase>
-typename disable_if<is_const<ColorBase>,typename kth_semantic_element_reference_type<ColorBase,K>::type>::type semantic_at_c(ColorBase& p);
-template <int K, typename ColorBase>
-typename kth_semantic_element_const_reference_type<ColorBase,K>::type semantic_at_c(const ColorBase& p);
-template <typename T> struct dynamic_x_step_type;
-template <typename T> struct dynamic_y_step_type;
-template <typename T> struct transposed_type;
-namespace detail {
-template <typename T>
-void initialize_it(T&) {}
-} // namespace detail
-template <typename T>
-struct remove_const_and_reference : public remove_const<typename remove_reference<T>::type> {};
- #define GIL_CLASS_REQUIRE(type_var, ns, concept) BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE(type_var, ns, concept);
- template <typename C> void gil_function_requires() { function_requires<C>(); }
- template <typename C> void gil_function_requires() {}
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-auto concept DefaultConstructible<typename T> {
- T::T();
-template <typename T>
-struct DefaultConstructible {
- void constraints() {
- function_requires<boost::DefaultConstructibleConcept<T> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-\codeauto concept CopyConstructible<typename T> {
- T::T(T);
- T::~T();
-template <typename T>
-struct CopyConstructible {
- void constraints() {
- function_requires<boost::CopyConstructibleConcept<T> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-auto concept Assignable<typename T, typename U = T> {
- typename result_type;
- result_type operator=(T&, U);
-template <typename T>
-struct Assignable {
- void constraints() {
- function_requires<boost::AssignableConcept<T> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-auto concept EqualityComparable<typename T, typename U = T> {
- bool operator==(T x, T y);
- bool operator!=(T x, T y) { return !(x==y); }
-template <typename T>
-struct EqualityComparable {
- void constraints() {
- function_requires<boost::EqualityComparableConcept<T> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-concept SameType<typename T, typename U>;// unspecified
-template <typename T, typename U>
-struct SameType {
- void constraints() {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_same<T,U>::value_core));
- }
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-auto concept Swappable<typename T> {
- void swap(T&,T&);
-template <typename T>
-struct Swappable {
- void constraints() {
- using std::swap;
- swap(x,y);
- }
- T x,y;
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-auto concept Regular<typename T> : DefaultConstructible<T>, CopyConstructible<T>, EqualityComparable<T>,
- Assignable<T>, Swappable<T> {};
-template <typename T>
-struct Regular {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< boost::DefaultConstructibleConcept<T> >();
- gil_function_requires< boost::CopyConstructibleConcept<T> >();
- gil_function_requires< boost::EqualityComparableConcept<T> >(); // ==, !=
- gil_function_requires< boost::AssignableConcept<T> >();
- gil_function_requires< Swappable<T> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup BasicConcepts
-auto concept Metafunction<typename T> {
- typename type;
-template <typename T>
-struct Metafunction {
- void constraints() {
- typedef typename T::type type;
- }
-/// \brief N-dimensional point concept
-/// \ingroup PointConcept
-concept PointNDConcept<typename T> : Regular<T> {
- // the type of a coordinate along each axis
- template <size_t K> struct axis; where Metafunction<axis>;
- const size_t num_dimensions;
- // accessor/modifier of the value of each axis.
- template <size_t K> const typename axis<K>::type& T::axis_value() const;
- template <size_t K> typename axis<K>::type& T::axis_value();
-template <typename P>
-struct PointNDConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< Regular<P> >();
- typedef typename P::value_type value_type;
- static const std::size_t N=P::num_dimensions; ignore_unused_variable_warning(N);
- typedef typename P::template axis<0>::coord_t FT;
- typedef typename P::template axis<N-1>::coord_t LT;
- FT ft=gil::axis_value<0>(point);
- axis_value<0>(point)=ft;
- LT lt=axis_value<N-1>(point);
- axis_value<N-1>(point)=lt;
-// value_type v=point[0]; ignore_unused_variable_warning(v);
- }
- P point;
-/// \brief 2-dimensional point concept
-/// \ingroup PointConcept
-concept Point2DConcept<typename T> : PointNDConcept<T> {
- where num_dimensions == 2;
- where SameType<axis<0>::type, axis<1>::type>;
- typename value_type = axis<0>::type;
- const value_type& operator[](const T&, size_t i);
- value_type& operator[]( T&, size_t i);
- value_type x,y;
-template <typename P>
-struct Point2DConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< PointNDConcept<P> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(P::num_dimensions == 2);
- point.x=point.y;
- point[0]=point[1];
- }
- P point;
-// Taken from boost's concept_check.hpp. Isolating mutability to result in faster compile time
-namespace detail {
- template <class TT> // Preconditions: TT Models boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept
- struct ForwardIteratorIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- *i++ = *i; // require postincrement and assignment
- }
- TT i;
- };
- template <class TT> // Preconditions: TT Models boost::BidirectionalIteratorConcept
- struct BidirectionalIteratorIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< ForwardIteratorIsMutableConcept<TT> >();
- *i-- = *i; // require postdecrement and assignment
- }
- TT i;
- };
- template <class TT> // Preconditions: TT Models boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept
- struct RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< BidirectionalIteratorIsMutableConcept<TT> >();
- typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::difference_type n=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(n);
- i[n] = *i; // require element access and assignment
- }
- TT i;
- };
-} // namespace detail
-/// \brief Color space type concept
-/// \ingroup ColorSpaceAndLayoutConcept
-concept ColorSpaceConcept<MPLRandomAccessSequence Cs> {
- // An MPL Random Access Sequence, whose elements are color tags
-template <typename Cs>
-struct ColorSpaceConcept {
- void constraints() {
- // An MPL Random Access Sequence, whose elements are color tags
- }
-template <typename ColorSpace1, typename ColorSpace2> // Models ColorSpaceConcept
-struct color_spaces_are_compatible : public is_same<ColorSpace1,ColorSpace2> {};
-/// \brief Two color spaces are compatible if they are the same
-/// \ingroup ColorSpaceAndLayoutConcept
-concept ColorSpacesCompatibleConcept<ColorSpaceConcept Cs1, ColorSpaceConcept Cs2> {
- where SameType<Cs1,Cs2>;
-template <typename Cs1, typename Cs2>
-struct ColorSpacesCompatibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((color_spaces_are_compatible<Cs1,Cs2>::value));
- }
-/// \brief Channel mapping concept
-/// \ingroup ColorSpaceAndLayoutConcept
-concept ChannelMappingConcept<MPLRandomAccessSequence CM> {
- // An MPL Random Access Sequence, whose elements model MPLIntegralConstant representing a permutation
-template <typename CM>
-struct ChannelMappingConcept {
- void constraints() {
- // An MPL Random Access Sequence, whose elements model MPLIntegralConstant representing a permutation
- }
-/// Channel CONCEPTS
-/// \ingroup ChannelConcept
-/// \brief A channel is the building block of a color. Color is defined as a mixture of primary colors and a channel defines the degree to which each primary color is used in the mixture.
-For example, in the RGB color space, using 8-bit unsigned channels, the color red is defined as [255 0 0], which means maximum of Red, and no Green and Blue.
-Built-in scalar types, such as \p int and \p float, are valid GIL channels. In more complex scenarios, channels may be represented as bit ranges or even individual bits.
-In such cases special classes are needed to represent the value and reference to a channel.
-Channels have a traits class, \p channel_traits, which defines their associated types as well as their operating ranges.
-concept ChannelConcept<typename T> : EqualityComparable<T> {
- typename value_type = T; // use channel_traits<T>::value_type to access it
- typename reference = T&; // use channel_traits<T>::reference to access it
- typename pointer = T*; // use channel_traits<T>::pointer to access it
- typename const_reference = const T&; // use channel_traits<T>::const_reference to access it
- typename const_pointer = const T*; // use channel_traits<T>::const_pointer to access it
- static const bool is_mutable; // use channel_traits<T>::is_mutable to access it
- static T min_value(); // use channel_traits<T>::min_value to access it
- static T max_value(); // use channel_traits<T>::min_value to access it
-template <typename T>
-struct ChannelConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< boost::EqualityComparableConcept<T> >();
- typedef typename channel_traits<T>::value_type v;
- typedef typename channel_traits<T>::reference r;
- typedef typename channel_traits<T>::pointer p;
- typedef typename channel_traits<T>::const_reference cr;
- typedef typename channel_traits<T>::const_pointer cp;
- channel_traits<T>::min_value();
- channel_traits<T>::max_value();
- }
- T c;
-namespace detail {
- // Preconditions: T models ChannelConcept
- template <typename T>
- struct ChannelIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- c1=c2;
- using std::swap;
- swap(c1,c2);
- }
- T c1;
- T c2;
- };
-/// \brief A channel that allows for modifying its value
-/// \ingroup ChannelConcept
-concept MutableChannelConcept<ChannelConcept T> : Assignable<T>, Swappable<T> {};
-template <typename T>
-struct MutableChannelConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<ChannelConcept<T> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::ChannelIsMutableConcept<T> >();
- }
-/// \brief A channel that supports default construction.
-/// \ingroup ChannelConcept
-concept ChannelValueConcept<ChannelConcept T> : Regular<T> {};
-template <typename T>
-struct ChannelValueConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<ChannelConcept<T> >();
- gil_function_requires<Regular<T> >();
- }
-/// \brief Predicate metafunction returning whether two channels are compatible
-/// \ingroup ChannelAlgorithm
-/// Channels are considered compatible if their value types (ignoring constness and references) are the same.
-BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((channels_are_compatible<uint8_t, const uint8_t&>::value));
-template <typename T1, typename T2> // Models GIL Pixel
-struct channels_are_compatible
- : public is_same<typename channel_traits<T1>::value_type, typename channel_traits<T2>::value_type> {};
-/// \brief Channels are compatible if their associated value types (ignoring constness and references) are the same
-/// \ingroup ChannelConcept
-concept ChannelsCompatibleConcept<ChannelConcept T1, ChannelConcept T2> {
- where SameType<T1::value_type, T2::value_type>;
-template <typename T1, typename T2>
-struct ChannelsCompatibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((channels_are_compatible<T1,T2>::value));
- }
-/// \brief A channel is convertible to another one if the \p channel_convert algorithm is defined for the two channels
-/// Convertibility is non-symmetric and implies that one channel can be converted to another. Conversion is explicit and often lossy operation.
-/// \ingroup ChannelConcept
-concept ChannelConvertibleConcept<ChannelConcept SrcChannel, ChannelValueConcept DstChannel> {
- DstChannel channel_convert(const SrcChannel&);
-template <typename SrcChannel, typename DstChannel>
-struct ChannelConvertibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<ChannelConcept<SrcChannel> >();
- gil_function_requires<MutableChannelConcept<DstChannel> >();
- dst=channel_convert<DstChannel,SrcChannel>(src); ignore_unused_variable_warning(dst);
- }
- SrcChannel src;
- DstChannel dst;
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief A color base is a container of color elements (such as channels, channel references or channel pointers)
-The most common use of color base is in the implementation of a pixel, in which case the color
-elements are channel values. The color base concept, however, can be used in other scenarios. For example, a planar pixel has channels that are not
-contiguous in memory. Its reference is a proxy class that uses a color base whose elements are channel references. Its iterator uses a color base
-whose elements are channel iterators.
-A color base must have an associated layout (which consists of a color space, as well as an ordering of the channels).
-There are two ways to index the elements of a color base: A physical index corresponds to the way they are ordered in memory, and
-a semantic index corresponds to the way the elements are ordered in their color space.
-For example, in the RGB color space the elements are ordered as {red_t, green_t, blue_t}. For a color base with a BGR layout, the first element
-in physical ordering is the blue element, whereas the first semantic element is the red one.
-Models of \p ColorBaseConcept are required to provide the \p at_c<K>(ColorBase) function, which allows for accessing the elements based on their
-physical order. GIL provides a \p semantic_at_c<K>(ColorBase) function (described later) which can operate on any model of ColorBaseConcept and returns
-the corresponding semantic element.
-concept ColorBaseConcept<typename T> : CopyConstructible<T>, EqualityComparable<T> {
- // a GIL layout (the color space and element permutation)
- typename layout_t;
- // The type of K-th element
- template <int K> struct kth_element_type; where Metafunction<kth_element_type>;
- // The result of at_c
- template <int K> struct kth_element_const_reference_type; where Metafunction<kth_element_const_reference_type>;
- template <int K> kth_element_const_reference_type<T,K>::type at_c(T);
- // Copy-constructible and equality comparable with other compatible color bases
- template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
- T::T(T2);
- template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
- bool operator==(const T&, const T2&);
- template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
- bool operator!=(const T&, const T2&);
-template <typename ColorBase>
-struct ColorBaseConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< CopyConstructible<ColorBase> >();
- gil_function_requires< EqualityComparable<ColorBase> >();
- typedef typename ColorBase::layout_t::color_space_t color_space_t;
- gil_function_requires<ColorSpaceConcept<color_space_t> >();
- typedef typename ColorBase::layout_t::channel_mapping_t channel_mapping_t;
- // TODO: channel_mapping_t must be an MPL RandomAccessSequence
- static const std::size_t num_elements = size<ColorBase>::value;
- typedef typename kth_element_type<ColorBase,num_elements-1>::type TN;
- typedef typename kth_element_const_reference_type<ColorBase,num_elements-1>::type CR;
- CR cr=gil::at_c<num_elements-1>(cb); ignore_unused_variable_warning(cr);
- // functions that work for every pixel (no need to require them)
- semantic_at_c<0>(cb);
- semantic_at_c<num_elements-1>(cb);
- // also static_max(cb), static_min(cb), static_fill(cb,value), and all variations of static_for_each(), static_generate(), static_transform()
- }
- ColorBase cb;
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief Color base which allows for modifying its elements
-concept MutableColorBaseConcept<ColorBaseConcept T> : Assignable<T>, Swappable<T> {
- template <int K> struct kth_element_reference_type; where Metafunction<kth_element_reference_type>;
- template <int K> kth_element_reference_type<kth_element_type<T,K>::type>::type at_c(T);
- template <ColorBaseConcept T2> where { ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<T,T2> }
- T& operator=(T&, const T2&);
-template <typename ColorBase>
-struct MutableColorBaseConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< ColorBaseConcept<ColorBase> >();
- gil_function_requires< Assignable<ColorBase> >();
- gil_function_requires< Swappable<ColorBase> >();
- typedef typename kth_element_reference_type<ColorBase, 0>::type CR;
- CR r=gil::at_c<0>(cb);
- gil::at_c<0>(cb)=r;
- }
- ColorBase cb;
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief Color base that also has a default-constructor. Refines Regular
-concept ColorBaseValueConcept<typename T> : MutableColorBaseConcept<T>, Regular<T> {
-template <typename ColorBase>
-struct ColorBaseValueConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< MutableColorBaseConcept<ColorBase> >();
- gil_function_requires< Regular<ColorBase> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief Color base whose elements all have the same type
-concept HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBaseConcept CB> {
- // For all K in [0 ... size<C1>::value-1):
- // where SameType<kth_element_type<CB,K>::type, kth_element_type<CB,K+1>::type>;
- kth_element_const_reference_type<CB,0>::type dynamic_at_c(const CB&, std::size_t n) const;
-template <typename ColorBase>
-struct HomogeneousColorBaseConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< ColorBaseConcept<ColorBase> >();
- static const std::size_t num_elements = size<ColorBase>::value;
- typedef typename kth_element_type<ColorBase,0>::type T0;
- typedef typename kth_element_type<ColorBase,num_elements-1>::type TN;
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<T0,TN>::value)); // better than nothing
- typedef typename kth_element_const_reference_type<ColorBase,0>::type CRef0;
- CRef0 e0=dynamic_at_c(cb,0);
- }
- ColorBase cb;
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief Homogeneous color base that allows for modifying its elements
-concept MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBaseConcept CB> : HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<CB> {
- kth_element_reference_type<CB,0>::type dynamic_at_c(CB&, std::size_t n);
-template <typename ColorBase>
-struct MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< ColorBaseConcept<ColorBase> >();
- gil_function_requires< HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBase> >();
- typedef typename kth_element_reference_type<ColorBase, 0>::type R0;
- R0 x=dynamic_at_c(cb,0);
- dynamic_at_c(cb,0) = dynamic_at_c(cb,0);
- }
- ColorBase cb;
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief Homogeneous color base that also has a default constructor. Refines Regular.
-concept HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept<typename T> : MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<T>, Regular<T> {
-template <typename ColorBase>
-struct HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<ColorBase> >();
- gil_function_requires< Regular<ColorBase> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup ColorBaseConcept
-/// \brief Two color bases are compatible if they have the same color space and their elements are compatible, semantic-pairwise.
-concept ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<ColorBaseConcept C1, ColorBaseConcept C2> {
- where SameType<C1::layout_t::color_space_t, C2::layout_t::color_space_t>;
- // also, for all K in [0 ... size<C1>::value):
- // where Convertible<kth_semantic_element_type<C1,K>::type, kth_semantic_element_type<C2,K>::type>;
- // where Convertible<kth_semantic_element_type<C2,K>::type, kth_semantic_element_type<C1,K>::type>;
-template <typename ColorBase1, typename ColorBase2>
-struct ColorBasesCompatibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename ColorBase1::layout_t::color_space_t,
- typename ColorBase2::layout_t::color_space_t>::value));
-// typedef typename kth_semantic_element_type<ColorBase1,0>::type e1;
-// typedef typename kth_semantic_element_type<ColorBase2,0>::type e2;
-// "e1 is convertible to e2"
- }
-/// \brief Concept for all pixel-based GIL constructs, such as pixels, iterators, locators, views and images whose value type is a pixel
-/// \ingroup PixelBasedConcept
-concept PixelBasedConcept<typename T> {
- typename color_space_type<T>;
- where Metafunction<color_space_type<T> >;
- where ColorSpaceConcept<color_space_type<T>::type>;
- typename channel_mapping_type<T>;
- where Metafunction<channel_mapping_type<T> >;
- where ChannelMappingConcept<channel_mapping_type<T>::type>;
- typename is_planar<T>;
- where Metafunction<is_planar<T> >;
- where SameType<is_planar<T>::type, bool>;
-template <typename P>
-struct PixelBasedConcept {
- void constraints() {
- typedef typename color_space_type<P>::type color_space_t;
- gil_function_requires<ColorSpaceConcept<color_space_t> >();
- typedef typename channel_mapping_type<P>::type channel_mapping_t;
- gil_function_requires<ChannelMappingConcept<channel_mapping_t> >();
- static const bool planar = is_planar<P>::type::value; ignore_unused_variable_warning(planar);
- // This is not part of the concept, but should still work
- static const std::size_t nc = num_channels<P>::value;
- ignore_unused_variable_warning(nc);
- }
-/// \brief Concept for homogeneous pixel-based GIL constructs
-/// \ingroup PixelBasedConcept
-concept HomogeneousPixelBasedConcept<PixelBasedConcept T> {
- typename channel_type<T>;
- where Metafunction<channel_type<T> >;
- where ChannelConcept<channel_type<T>::type>;
-template <typename P>
-struct HomogeneousPixelBasedConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelBasedConcept<P> >();
- typedef typename channel_type<P>::type channel_t;
- gil_function_requires<ChannelConcept<channel_t> >();
- }
-/// \brief Pixel concept - A color base whose elements are channels
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept PixelConcept<typename P> : ColorBaseConcept<P>, PixelBasedConcept<P> {
- where is_pixel<P>::type::value==true;
- // where for each K [0..size<P>::value-1]:
- // ChannelConcept<kth_element_type<P,K> >;
- typename P::value_type; where PixelValueConcept<value_type>;
- typename P::reference; where PixelConcept<reference>;
- typename P::const_reference; where PixelConcept<const_reference>;
- static const bool P::is_mutable;
- template <PixelConcept P2> where { PixelConcept<P,P2> }
- P::P(P2);
- template <PixelConcept P2> where { PixelConcept<P,P2> }
- bool operator==(const P&, const P2&);
- template <PixelConcept P2> where { PixelConcept<P,P2> }
- bool operator!=(const P&, const P2&);
-template <typename P>
-struct PixelConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<ColorBaseConcept<P> >();
- gil_function_requires<PixelBasedConcept<P> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_pixel<P>::value));
- static const bool is_mutable = P::is_mutable; ignore_unused_variable_warning(is_mutable);
- typedef typename P::value_type value_type;
-// gil_function_requires<PixelValueConcept<value_type> >();
- typedef typename P::reference reference;
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<typename remove_const_and_reference<reference>::type> >();
- typedef typename P::const_reference const_reference;
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<typename remove_const_and_reference<const_reference>::type> >();
- }
-/// \brief Pixel concept that allows for changing its channels
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept MutablePixelConcept<PixelConcept P> : MutableColorBaseConcept<P> {
- where is_mutable==true;
-template <typename P>
-struct MutablePixelConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<P> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(P::is_mutable);
- }
-/// \brief Homogeneous pixel concept
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept HomogeneousPixelConcept<PixelConcept P> : HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<P>, HomogeneousPixelBasedConcept<P> {
- P::template element_const_reference_type<P>::type operator[](P p, std::size_t i) const { return dynamic_at_c(p,i); }
-template <typename P>
-struct HomogeneousPixelConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<P> >();
- gil_function_requires<HomogeneousColorBaseConcept<P> >();
- gil_function_requires<HomogeneousPixelBasedConcept<P> >();
- p[0];
- }
- P p;
-/// \brief Homogeneous pixel concept that allows for changing its channels
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept MutableHomogeneousPixelConcept<HomogeneousPixelConcept P> : MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<P> {
- P::template element_reference_type<P>::type operator[](P p, std::size_t i) { return dynamic_at_c(p,i); }
-template <typename P>
-struct MutableHomogeneousPixelConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<HomogeneousPixelConcept<P> >();
- gil_function_requires<MutableHomogeneousColorBaseConcept<P> >();
- p[0]=v;
- v=p[0];
- }
- typename P::template element_type<P>::type v;
- P p;
-/// \brief Pixel concept that is a Regular type
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept PixelValueConcept<PixelConcept P> : Regular<P> {
- where SameType<value_type,P>;
-template <typename P>
-struct PixelValueConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<P> >();
- gil_function_requires<Regular<P> >();
- }
-/// \brief Homogeneous pixel concept that is a Regular type
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept HomogeneousPixelValueConcept<HomogeneousPixelConcept P> : Regular<P> {
- where SameType<value_type,P>;
-template <typename P>
-struct HomogeneousPixelValueConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<HomogeneousPixelConcept<P> >();
- gil_function_requires<Regular<P> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<P, typename P::value_type>::value));
- }
-namespace detail {
- template <typename P1, typename P2, int K>
- struct channels_are_pairwise_compatible : public
- mpl::and_<channels_are_pairwise_compatible<P1,P2,K-1>,
- channels_are_compatible<typename kth_semantic_element_reference_type<P1,K>::type,
- typename kth_semantic_element_reference_type<P2,K>::type> > {};
- template <typename P1, typename P2>
- struct channels_are_pairwise_compatible<P1,P2,-1> : public mpl::true_ {};
-/// \brief Returns whether two pixels are compatible
-/// Pixels are compatible if their channels and color space types are compatible. Compatible pixels can be assigned and copy constructed from one another.
-/// \ingroup PixelAlgorithm
-template <typename P1, typename P2> // Models GIL Pixel
-struct pixels_are_compatible
- : public mpl::and_<typename color_spaces_are_compatible<typename color_space_type<P1>::type,
- typename color_space_type<P2>::type>::type,
- detail::channels_are_pairwise_compatible<P1,P2,num_channels<P1>::value-1> > {};
-/// \brief Concept for pixel compatibility
-/// Pixels are compatible if their channels and color space types are compatible. Compatible pixels can be assigned and copy constructed from one another.
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-concept PixelsCompatibleConcept<PixelConcept P1, PixelConcept P2> : ColorBasesCompatibleConcept<P1,P2> {
- // where for each K [0..size<P1>::value):
- // ChannelsCompatibleConcept<kth_semantic_element_type<P1,K>::type, kth_semantic_element_type<P2,K>::type>;
-template <typename P1, typename P2> // precondition: P1 and P2 model PixelConcept
-struct PixelsCompatibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((pixels_are_compatible<P1,P2>::value));
- }
-/// \brief Pixel convertible concept
-/// Convertibility is non-symmetric and implies that one pixel can be converted to another, approximating the color. Conversion is explicit and sometimes lossy.
-/// \ingroup PixelConcept
-template <PixelConcept SrcPixel, MutablePixelConcept DstPixel>
-concept PixelConvertibleConcept {
- void color_convert(const SrcPixel&, DstPixel&);
-template <typename SrcP, typename DstP>
-struct PixelConvertibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<SrcP> >();
- gil_function_requires<MutablePixelConcept<DstP> >();
- color_convert(src,dst);
- }
- SrcP src;
- DstP dst;
-/// \ingroup PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept
-/// \brief Represents a unary function object that can be invoked upon dereferencing a pixel iterator.
-/// This can perform an arbitrary computation, such as color conversion or table lookup
-concept PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept<boost::UnaryFunctionConcept D>
- : DefaultConstructibleConcept<D>, CopyConstructibleConcept<D>, AssignableConcept<D> {
- typename const_t; where PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept<const_t>;
- typename value_type; where PixelValueConcept<value_type>;
- typename reference; // may be mutable
- typename const_reference; // must not be mutable
- static const bool D::is_mutable;
- where Convertible<value_type,result_type>;
-template <typename D>
-struct PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< boost::UnaryFunctionConcept<D,
- typename remove_const_and_reference<typename D::result_type>::type,
- typename D::argument_type> >();
- gil_function_requires< boost::DefaultConstructibleConcept<D> >();
- gil_function_requires< boost::CopyConstructibleConcept<D> >();
- gil_function_requires< boost::AssignableConcept<D> >();
- gil_function_requires<PixelConcept<typename remove_const_and_reference<typename D::result_type>::type> >();
- typedef typename D::const_t const_t;
- gil_function_requires<PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept<const_t> >();
- typedef typename D::value_type value_type;
- gil_function_requires<PixelValueConcept<value_type> >();
- typedef typename D::reference reference; // == PixelConcept (if you remove const and reference)
- typedef typename D::const_reference const_reference; // == PixelConcept (if you remove const and reference)
- const bool is_mutable=D::is_mutable; ignore_unused_variable_warning(is_mutable);
- }
- D d;
-template <typename P>
-struct PixelDereferenceAdaptorArchetype {
- typedef P argument_type;
- typedef P result_type;
- typedef PixelDereferenceAdaptorArchetype const_t;
- typedef typename remove_reference<P>::type value_type;
- typedef typename add_reference<P>::type reference;
- typedef reference const_reference;
- static const bool is_mutable=false;
- P operator()(P) const { throw; }
-/// \brief Concept for iterators, locators and views that can define a type just like the given iterator/locator/view, except it supports runtime specified step along the X navigation
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConcept
-concept HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept<typename T> {
- typename dynamic_x_step_type<T>;
- where Metafunction<dynamic_x_step_type<T> >;
-template <typename T>
-struct HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept {
- void constraints() {
- typedef typename dynamic_x_step_type<T>::type type;
- }
-/// \brief Concept for locators and views that can define a type just like the given locator or view, except it supports runtime specified step along the Y navigation
-/// \ingroup PixelLocatorConcept
-concept HasDynamicYStepTypeConcept<typename T> {
- typename dynamic_y_step_type<T>;
- where Metafunction<dynamic_y_step_type<T> >;
-template <typename T>
-struct HasDynamicYStepTypeConcept {
- void constraints() {
- typedef typename dynamic_y_step_type<T>::type type;
- }
-/// \brief Concept for locators and views that can define a type just like the given locator or view, except X and Y is swapped
-/// \ingroup PixelLocatorConcept
-concept HasTransposedTypeConcept<typename T> {
- typename transposed_type<T>;
- where Metafunction<transposed_type<T> >;
-template <typename T>
-struct HasTransposedTypeConcept {
- void constraints() {
- typedef typename transposed_type<T>::type type;
- }
-/// \defgroup PixelIteratorConceptPixelIterator PixelIteratorConcept
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConcept
-/// \brief STL iterator over pixels
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptPixelIterator
-/// \brief An STL random access traversal iterator over a model of PixelConcept.
-GIL's iterators must also provide the following metafunctions:
- - \p const_iterator_type<Iterator>: Returns a read-only equivalent of \p Iterator
- - \p iterator_is_mutable<Iterator>: Returns whether the given iterator is read-only or mutable
- - \p is_iterator_adaptor<Iterator>: Returns whether the given iterator is an adaptor over another iterator. See IteratorAdaptorConcept for additional requirements of adaptors.
- \code
-concept PixelIteratorConcept<typename Iterator> : boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<Iterator>, PixelBasedConcept<Iterator> {
- where PixelValueConcept<value_type>;
- typename const_iterator_type<It>::type;
- where PixelIteratorConcept<const_iterator_type<It>::type>;
- static const bool iterator_is_mutable<It>::type::value;
- static const bool is_iterator_adaptor<It>::type::value; // is it an iterator adaptor
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct PixelIteratorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<Iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<PixelBasedConcept<Iterator> >();
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;
- gil_function_requires<PixelValueConcept<value_type> >();
- typedef typename const_iterator_type<Iterator>::type const_t;
- static const bool is_mut = iterator_is_mutable<Iterator>::type::value; ignore_unused_variable_warning(is_mut);
- const_t const_it(it); ignore_unused_variable_warning(const_it); // immutable iterator must be constructible from (possibly mutable) iterator
- check_base(typename is_iterator_adaptor<Iterator>::type());
- }
- void check_base(mpl::false_) {}
- void check_base(mpl::true_) {
- typedef typename iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator>::type base_t;
- gil_function_requires<PixelIteratorConcept<base_t> >();
- }
- Iterator it;
-namespace detail {
- template <typename Iterator> // Preconditions: Iterator Models PixelIteratorConcept
- struct PixelIteratorIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<Iterator> >();
- typedef typename remove_reference<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference>::type ref;
- typedef typename element_type<ref>::type channel_t;
- gil_function_requires<detail::ChannelIsMutableConcept<channel_t> >();
- }
- };
-/// \brief Pixel iterator that allows for changing its pixel
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptPixelIterator
-concept MutablePixelIteratorConcept<PixelIteratorConcept Iterator> : MutableRandomAccessIteratorConcept<Iterator> {};
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct MutablePixelIteratorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelIteratorConcept<Iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::PixelIteratorIsMutableConcept<Iterator> >();
- }
-namespace detail {
- // Iterators that can be used as the base of memory_based_step_iterator require some additional functions
- template <typename Iterator> // Preconditions: Iterator Models boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept
- struct RandomAccessIteratorIsMemoryBasedConcept {
- void constraints() {
- std::ptrdiff_t bs=memunit_step(it); ignore_unused_variable_warning(bs);
- it=memunit_advanced(it,3);
- std::ptrdiff_t bd=memunit_distance(it,it); ignore_unused_variable_warning(bd);
- memunit_advance(it,3);
- // for performace you may also provide a customized implementation of memunit_advanced_ref
- }
- Iterator it;
- };
-/// \defgroup PixelIteratorConceptStepIterator StepIteratorConcept
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConcept
-/// \brief Iterator that advances by a specified step
-/// \brief Concept of a random-access iterator that can be advanced in memory units (bytes or bits)
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptStepIterator
-concept MemoryBasedIteratorConcept<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept Iterator> {
- typename byte_to_memunit<Iterator>; where metafunction<byte_to_memunit<Iterator> >;
- std::ptrdiff_t memunit_step(const Iterator&);
- std::ptrdiff_t memunit_distance(const Iterator& , const Iterator&);
- void memunit_advance(Iterator&, std::ptrdiff_t diff);
- Iterator memunit_advanced(const Iterator& p, std::ptrdiff_t diff) { Iterator tmp; memunit_advance(tmp,diff); return tmp; }
- Iterator::reference memunit_advanced_ref(const Iterator& p, std::ptrdiff_t diff) { return *memunit_advanced(p,diff); }
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct MemoryBasedIteratorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<Iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMemoryBasedConcept<Iterator> >();
- }
-/// \brief Step iterator concept
-/// Step iterators are iterators that have a set_step method
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptStepIterator
-concept StepIteratorConcept<boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept Iterator> {
- template <Integral D> void Iterator::set_step(D step);
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct StepIteratorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept<Iterator> >();
- it.set_step(0);
- }
- Iterator it;
-/// \brief Step iterator that allows for modifying its current value
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptStepIterator
-concept MutableStepIteratorConcept<Mutable_ForwardIteratorConcept Iterator> : StepIteratorConcept<Iterator> {};
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct MutableStepIteratorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<StepIteratorConcept<Iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::ForwardIteratorIsMutableConcept<Iterator> >();
- }
-/// \defgroup PixelIteratorConceptIteratorAdaptor IteratorAdaptorConcept
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConcept
-/// \brief Adaptor over another iterator
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptIteratorAdaptor
-/// \brief Iterator adaptor is a forward iterator adapting another forward iterator.
-In addition to GIL iterator requirements, GIL iterator adaptors must provide the following metafunctions:
- - \p is_iterator_adaptor<Iterator>: Returns \p mpl::true_
- - \p iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator>: Returns the base iterator type
- - \p iterator_adaptor_rebind<Iterator,NewBase>: Replaces the base iterator with the new one
-The adaptee can be obtained from the iterator via the "base()" method.
-concept IteratorAdaptorConcept<boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept Iterator> {
- where SameType<is_iterator_adaptor<Iterator>::type, mpl::true_>;
- typename iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator>;
- where Metafunction<iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator> >;
- where boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept<iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator>::type>;
- typename another_iterator;
- typename iterator_adaptor_rebind<Iterator,another_iterator>::type;
- where boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept<another_iterator>;
- where IteratorAdaptorConcept<iterator_adaptor_rebind<Iterator,another_iterator>::type>;
- const iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator>::type& Iterator::base() const;
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct IteratorAdaptorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept<Iterator> >();
- typedef typename iterator_adaptor_get_base<Iterator>::type base_t;
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::ForwardTraversalConcept<base_t> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(is_iterator_adaptor<Iterator>::value);
- typedef typename iterator_adaptor_rebind<Iterator, void*>::type rebind_t;
- base_t base=it.base(); ignore_unused_variable_warning(base);
- }
- Iterator it;
-/// \brief Iterator adaptor that is mutable
-/// \ingroup PixelIteratorConceptIteratorAdaptor
-concept MutableIteratorAdaptorConcept<Mutable_ForwardIteratorConcept Iterator> : IteratorAdaptorConcept<Iterator> {};
-template <typename Iterator>
-struct MutableIteratorAdaptorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<IteratorAdaptorConcept<Iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::ForwardIteratorIsMutableConcept<Iterator> >();
- }
-/// \defgroup LocatorNDConcept RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept
-/// \ingroup PixelLocatorConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional locator
-/// \defgroup Locator2DConcept RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept
-/// \ingroup PixelLocatorConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional locator
-/// \defgroup PixelLocator2DConcept PixelLocatorConcept
-/// \ingroup PixelLocatorConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional locator over pixel data
-/// \ingroup LocatorNDConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional locator over immutable values
-concept RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<Regular Loc> {
- typename value_type; // value over which the locator navigates
- typename reference; // result of dereferencing
- typename difference_type; where PointNDConcept<difference_type>; // return value of operator-.
- typename const_t; // same as Loc, but operating over immutable values
- typename cached_location_t; // type to store relative location (for efficient repeated access)
- typename point_t = difference_type;
- static const size_t num_dimensions; // dimensionality of the locator
- where num_dimensions = point_t::num_dimensions;
- // The difference_type and iterator type along each dimension. The iterators may only differ in
- // difference_type. Their value_type must be the same as Loc::value_type
- template <size_t D> struct axis {
- typename coord_t = point_t::axis<D>::coord_t;
- typename iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<iterator>; // iterator along D-th axis.
- where iterator::value_type == value_type;
- };
- // Defines the type of a locator similar to this type, except it invokes Deref upon dereferencing
- template <PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept Deref> struct add_deref {
- typename type; where RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<type>;
- static type make(const Loc& loc, const Deref& deref);
- };
- Loc& operator+=(Loc&, const difference_type&);
- Loc& operator-=(Loc&, const difference_type&);
- Loc operator+(const Loc&, const difference_type&);
- Loc operator-(const Loc&, const difference_type&);
- reference operator*(const Loc&);
- reference operator[](const Loc&, const difference_type&);
- // Storing relative location for faster repeated access and accessing it
- cached_location_t Loc::cache_location(const difference_type&) const;
- reference operator[](const Loc&,const cached_location_t&);
- // Accessing iterators along a given dimension at the current location or at a given offset
- template <size_t D> axis<D>::iterator& Loc::axis_iterator();
- template <size_t D> axis<D>::iterator const& Loc::axis_iterator() const;
- template <size_t D> axis<D>::iterator Loc::axis_iterator(const difference_type&) const;
-template <typename Loc>
-struct RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< Regular<Loc> >();
- typedef typename Loc::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename Loc::reference reference; // result of dereferencing
- typedef typename Loc::difference_type difference_type; // result of operator-(pixel_locator, pixel_locator)
- typedef typename Loc::cached_location_t cached_location_t; // type used to store relative location (to allow for more efficient repeated access)
- typedef typename Loc::const_t const_t; // same as this type, but over const values
- typedef typename Loc::point_t point_t; // same as difference_type
- static const std::size_t N=Loc::num_dimensions; ignore_unused_variable_warning(N);
- typedef typename Loc::template axis<0>::iterator first_it_type;
- typedef typename Loc::template axis<N-1>::iterator last_it_type;
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<first_it_type> >();
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<last_it_type> >();
- // point_t must be an N-dimensional point, each dimension of which must have the same type as difference_type of the corresponding iterator
- gil_function_requires<PointNDConcept<point_t> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(point_t::num_dimensions==N);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<first_it_type>::difference_type, typename point_t::template axis<0>::coord_t>::value));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<last_it_type>::difference_type, typename point_t::template axis<N-1>::coord_t>::value));
- difference_type d;
- loc+=d;
- loc-=d;
- loc=loc+d;
- loc=loc-d;
- reference r1=loc[d]; ignore_unused_variable_warning(r1);
- reference r2=*loc; ignore_unused_variable_warning(r2);
- cached_location_t cl=loc.cache_location(d); ignore_unused_variable_warning(cl);
- reference r3=loc[d]; ignore_unused_variable_warning(r3);
- first_it_type fi=loc.template axis_iterator<0>();
- fi=loc.template axis_iterator<0>(d);
- last_it_type li=loc.template axis_iterator<N-1>();
- li=loc.template axis_iterator<N-1>(d);
- typedef PixelDereferenceAdaptorArchetype<typename Loc::value_type> deref_t;
- typedef typename Loc::template add_deref<deref_t>::type dtype;
- //gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<dtype> >(); // infinite recursion
- }
- Loc loc;
-/// \ingroup Locator2DConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional locator over immutable values
-concept RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept Loc> {
- where num_dimensions==2;
- where Point2DConcept<point_t>;
- typename x_iterator = axis<0>::iterator;
- typename y_iterator = axis<1>::iterator;
- typename x_coord_t = axis<0>::coord_t;
- typename y_coord_t = axis<1>::coord_t;
- // Only available to locators that have dynamic step in Y
- //Loc::Loc(const Loc& loc, y_coord_t);
- // Only available to locators that have dynamic step in X and Y
- //Loc::Loc(const Loc& loc, x_coord_t, y_coord_t, bool transposed=false);
- x_iterator& Loc::x();
- x_iterator const& Loc::x() const;
- y_iterator& Loc::y();
- y_iterator const& Loc::y() const;
- x_iterator Loc::x_at(const difference_type&) const;
- y_iterator Loc::y_at(const difference_type&) const;
- Loc Loc::xy_at(const difference_type&) const;
- // x/y versions of all methods that can take difference type
- x_iterator Loc::x_at(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
- y_iterator Loc::y_at(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
- Loc Loc::xy_at(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
- reference operator()(const Loc&, x_coord_t, y_coord_t);
- cached_location_t Loc::cache_location(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
- bool Loc::is_1d_traversable(x_coord_t width) const;
- y_coord_t Loc::y_distance_to(const Loc& loc2, x_coord_t x_diff) const;
-template <typename Loc>
-struct RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<Loc> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(Loc::num_dimensions==2);
- typedef typename dynamic_x_step_type<Loc>::type dynamic_x_step_t;
- typedef typename dynamic_y_step_type<Loc>::type dynamic_y_step_t;
- typedef typename transposed_type<Loc>::type transposed_t;
- typedef typename Loc::cached_location_t cached_location_t;
- gil_function_requires<Point2DConcept<typename Loc::point_t> >();
- typedef typename Loc::x_iterator x_iterator;
- typedef typename Loc::y_iterator y_iterator;
- typedef typename Loc::x_coord_t x_coord_t;
- typedef typename Loc::y_coord_t y_coord_t;
- x_coord_t xd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(xd);
- y_coord_t yd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(yd);
- typename Loc::difference_type d;
- typename Loc::reference r=loc(xd,yd); ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
- dynamic_x_step_t loc2(dynamic_x_step_t(), yd);
- dynamic_x_step_t loc3(dynamic_x_step_t(), xd, yd);
- typedef typename dynamic_y_step_type<typename dynamic_x_step_type<transposed_t>::type>::type dynamic_xy_step_transposed_t;
- dynamic_xy_step_transposed_t loc4(loc, xd,yd,true);
- bool is_contiguous=loc.is_1d_traversable(xd); ignore_unused_variable_warning(is_contiguous);
- loc.y_distance_to(loc, xd);
- loc=loc.xy_at(d);
- loc=loc.xy_at(xd,yd);
- x_iterator xit=loc.x_at(d);
- xit=loc.x_at(xd,yd);
- xit=loc.x();
- y_iterator yit=loc.y_at(d);
- yit=loc.y_at(xd,yd);
- yit=loc.y();
- cached_location_t cl=loc.cache_location(xd,yd); ignore_unused_variable_warning(cl);
- }
- Loc loc;
-/// \ingroup PixelLocator2DConcept
-/// \brief GIL's 2-dimensional locator over immutable GIL pixels
-concept PixelLocatorConcept<RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept Loc> {
- where PixelValueConcept<value_type>;
- where PixelIteratorConcept<x_iterator>;
- where PixelIteratorConcept<y_iterator>;
- where x_coord_t == y_coord_t;
- typename coord_t = x_coord_t;
-template <typename Loc>
-struct PixelLocatorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<Loc> >();
- gil_function_requires< PixelIteratorConcept<typename Loc::x_iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires< PixelIteratorConcept<typename Loc::y_iterator> >();
- typedef typename Loc::coord_t coord_t;
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename Loc::x_coord_t, typename Loc::y_coord_t>::value));
- }
- Loc loc;
-namespace detail {
- template <typename Loc> // preconditions: Loc Models RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept
- struct RandomAccessNDLocatorIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<typename Loc::template axis<0>::iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<typename Loc::template axis<Loc::num_dimensions-1>::iterator> >();
- typename Loc::difference_type d; initialize_it(d);
- typename Loc::value_type v;initialize_it(v);
- typename Loc::cached_location_t cl=loc.cache_location(d);
- *loc=v;
- loc[d]=v;
- loc[cl]=v;
- }
- Loc loc;
- };
- template <typename Loc> // preconditions: Loc Models RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept
- struct RandomAccess2DLocatorIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessNDLocatorIsMutableConcept<Loc> >();
- typename Loc::x_coord_t xd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(xd);
- typename Loc::y_coord_t yd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(yd);
- typename Loc::value_type v; initialize_it(v);
- loc(xd,yd)=v;
- }
- Loc loc;
- };
-/// \ingroup LocatorNDConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional locator over mutable pixels
-concept MutableRandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept Loc> {
- where Mutable<reference>;
-template <typename Loc>
-struct MutableRandomAccessNDLocatorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<Loc> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessNDLocatorIsMutableConcept<Loc> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup Locator2DConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional locator over mutable pixels
-concept MutableRandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept Loc> : MutableRandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<Loc> {};
-template <typename Loc>
-struct MutableRandomAccess2DLocatorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<Loc> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccess2DLocatorIsMutableConcept<Loc> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup PixelLocator2DConcept
-/// \brief GIL's 2-dimensional locator over mutable GIL pixels
-concept MutablePixelLocatorConcept<PixelLocatorConcept Loc> : MutableRandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<Loc> {};
-template <typename Loc>
-struct MutablePixelLocatorConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<PixelLocatorConcept<Loc> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccess2DLocatorIsMutableConcept<Loc> >();
- }
-/// \defgroup ImageViewNDConcept ImageViewNDLocatorConcept
-/// \ingroup ImageViewConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional range
-/// \defgroup ImageView2DConcept ImageView2DConcept
-/// \ingroup ImageViewConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional range
-/// \defgroup PixelImageViewConcept ImageViewConcept
-/// \ingroup ImageViewConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional range over pixel data
-/// \ingroup ImageViewNDConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional view over immutable values
-concept RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<Regular View> {
- typename value_type;
- typename reference; // result of dereferencing
- typename difference_type; // result of operator-(iterator,iterator) (1-dimensional!)
- typename const_t; where RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<View>; // same as View, but over immutable values
- typename point_t; where PointNDConcept<point_t>; // N-dimensional point
- typename locator; where RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<locator>; // N-dimensional locator.
- typename iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<iterator>; // 1-dimensional iterator over all values
- typename reverse_iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<reverse_iterator>;
- typename size_type; // the return value of size()
- // Equivalent to RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept::axis
- template <size_t D> struct axis {
- typename coord_t = point_t::axis<D>::coord_t;
- typename iterator; where RandomAccessTraversalConcept<iterator>; // iterator along D-th axis.
- where SameType<coord_t, iterator::difference_type>;
- where SameType<iterator::value_type,value_type>;
- };
- // Defines the type of a view similar to this type, except it invokes Deref upon dereferencing
- template <PixelDereferenceAdaptorConcept Deref> struct add_deref {
- typename type; where RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<type>;
- static type make(const View& v, const Deref& deref);
- };
- static const size_t num_dimensions = point_t::num_dimensions;
- // Create from a locator at the top-left corner and dimensions
- View::View(const locator&, const point_type&);
- size_type View::size() const; // total number of elements
- reference operator[](View, const difference_type&) const; // 1-dimensional reference
- iterator View::begin() const;
- iterator View::end() const;
- reverse_iterator View::rbegin() const;
- reverse_iterator View::rend() const;
- iterator View::at(const point_t&);
- point_t View::dimensions() const; // number of elements along each dimension
- bool View::is_1d_traversable() const; // can an iterator over the first dimension visit each value? I.e. are there gaps between values?
- // iterator along a given dimension starting at a given point
- template <size_t D> View::axis<D>::iterator View::axis_iterator(const point_t&) const;
- reference operator()(View,const point_t&) const;
-template <typename View>
-struct RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires< Regular<View> >();
- typedef typename View::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename View::reference reference; // result of dereferencing
- typedef typename View::difference_type difference_type; // result of operator-(1d_iterator,1d_iterator)
- typedef typename View::const_t const_t; // same as this type, but over const values
- typedef typename View::point_t point_t; // N-dimensional point
- typedef typename View::locator locator; // N-dimensional locator
- typedef typename View::iterator iterator;
- typedef typename View::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
- typedef typename View::size_type size_type;
- static const std::size_t N=View::num_dimensions;
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept<locator> >();
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<reverse_iterator> >();
- typedef typename View::template axis<0>::iterator first_it_type;
- typedef typename View::template axis<N-1>::iterator last_it_type;
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<first_it_type> >();
- gil_function_requires<boost_concepts::RandomAccessTraversalConcept<last_it_type> >();
-// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((typename std::iterator_traits<first_it_type>::difference_type, typename point_t::template axis<0>::coord_t>::value));
-// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((typename std::iterator_traits< last_it_type>::difference_type, typename point_t::template axis<N-1>::coord_t>::value));
- // point_t must be an N-dimensional point, each dimension of which must have the same type as difference_type of the corresponding iterator
- gil_function_requires<PointNDConcept<point_t> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(point_t::num_dimensions==N);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<first_it_type>::difference_type, typename point_t::template axis<0>::coord_t>::value));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<last_it_type>::difference_type, typename point_t::template axis<N-1>::coord_t>::value));
- point_t p;
- locator lc;
- iterator it;
- reverse_iterator rit;
- difference_type d; detail::initialize_it(d); ignore_unused_variable_warning(d);
- View(p,lc); // view must be constructible from a locator and a point
- p=view.dimensions();
- lc=view.pixels();
- size_type sz=view.size(); ignore_unused_variable_warning(sz);
- bool is_contiguous=view.is_1d_traversable(); ignore_unused_variable_warning(is_contiguous);
- it=view.begin();
- it=view.end();
- rit=view.rbegin();
- rit=view.rend();
- reference r1=view[d]; ignore_unused_variable_warning(r1); // 1D access
- reference r2=view(p); ignore_unused_variable_warning(r2); // 2D access
- // get 1-D iterator of any dimension at a given pixel location
- first_it_type fi=view.template axis_iterator<0>(p); ignore_unused_variable_warning(fi);
- last_it_type li=view.template axis_iterator<N-1>(p); ignore_unused_variable_warning(li);
- typedef PixelDereferenceAdaptorArchetype<typename View::value_type> deref_t;
- typedef typename View::template add_deref<deref_t>::type dtype;
- }
- View view;
-/// \ingroup ImageView2DConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional view over immutable values
-concept RandomAccess2DImageViewConcept<RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept View> {
- where num_dimensions==2;
- typename x_iterator = axis<0>::iterator;
- typename y_iterator = axis<1>::iterator;
- typename x_coord_t = axis<0>::coord_t;
- typename y_coord_t = axis<1>::coord_t;
- typename xy_locator = locator;
- x_coord_t View::width() const;
- y_coord_t View::height() const;
- // X-navigation
- x_iterator View::x_at(const point_t&) const;
- x_iterator View::row_begin(y_coord_t) const;
- x_iterator View::row_end (y_coord_t) const;
- // Y-navigation
- y_iterator View::y_at(const point_t&) const;
- y_iterator View::col_begin(x_coord_t) const;
- y_iterator View::col_end (x_coord_t) const;
- // navigating in 2D
- xy_locator View::xy_at(const point_t&) const;
- // (x,y) versions of all methods taking point_t
- View::View(x_coord_t,y_coord_t,const locator&);
- iterator View::at(x_coord_t,y_coord_t) const;
- reference operator()(View,x_coord_t,y_coord_t) const;
- xy_locator View::xy_at(x_coord_t,y_coord_t) const;
- x_iterator View::x_at(x_coord_t,y_coord_t) const;
- y_iterator View::y_at(x_coord_t,y_coord_t) const;
-template <typename View>
-struct RandomAccess2DImageViewConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<View> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(View::num_dimensions==2);
- // TODO: This executes the requirements for RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept again. Fix it to improve compile time
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<typename View::locator> >();
- typedef typename dynamic_x_step_type<View>::type dynamic_x_step_t;
- typedef typename dynamic_y_step_type<View>::type dynamic_y_step_t;
- typedef typename transposed_type<View>::type transposed_t;
- typedef typename View::x_iterator x_iterator;
- typedef typename View::y_iterator y_iterator;
- typedef typename View::x_coord_t x_coord_t;
- typedef typename View::y_coord_t y_coord_t;
- typedef typename View::xy_locator xy_locator;
- x_coord_t xd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(xd);
- y_coord_t yd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(yd);
- x_iterator xit;
- y_iterator yit;
- typename View::point_t d;
- View(xd,yd,xy_locator()); // constructible with width, height, 2d_locator
- xy_locator lc=view.xy_at(xd,yd);
- lc=view.xy_at(d);
- typename View::reference r=view(xd,yd); ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
- xd=view.width();
- yd=view.height();
- xit=view.x_at(d);
- xit=view.x_at(xd,yd);
- xit=view.row_begin(xd);
- xit=view.row_end(xd);
- yit=view.y_at(d);
- yit=view.y_at(xd,yd);
- yit=view.col_begin(xd);
- yit=view.col_end(xd);
- }
- View view;
-/// \ingroup PixelImageViewConcept
-/// \brief GIL's 2-dimensional view over immutable GIL pixels
-concept ImageViewConcept<RandomAccess2DImageViewConcept View> {
- where PixelValueConcept<value_type>;
- where PixelIteratorConcept<x_iterator>;
- where PixelIteratorConcept<y_iterator>;
- where x_coord_t == y_coord_t;
- typename coord_t = x_coord_t;
- std::size_t View::num_channels() const;
-template <typename View>
-struct ImageViewConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccess2DImageViewConcept<View> >();
- // TODO: This executes the requirements for RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept again. Fix it to improve compile time
- gil_function_requires<PixelLocatorConcept<typename View::xy_locator> >();
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<typename View::x_coord_t, typename View::y_coord_t>::value));
- typedef typename View::coord_t coord_t; // 1D difference type (same for all dimensions)
- std::size_t num_chan = view.num_channels(); ignore_unused_variable_warning(num_chan);
- }
- View view;
-namespace detail {
- template <typename View> // Preconditions: View Models RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept
- struct RandomAccessNDImageViewIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessNDLocatorIsMutableConcept<typename View::locator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<typename View::iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<typename View::reverse_iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<typename View::template axis<0>::iterator> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessIteratorIsMutableConcept<typename View::template axis<View::num_dimensions-1>::iterator> >();
- typename View::difference_type diff; initialize_it(diff); ignore_unused_variable_warning(diff);
- typename View::point_t pt;
- typename View::value_type v; initialize_it(v);
- view[diff]=v;
- view(pt)=v;
- }
- View view;
- };
- template <typename View> // preconditions: View Models RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept
- struct RandomAccess2DImageViewIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessNDImageViewIsMutableConcept<View> >();
- typename View::x_coord_t xd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(xd);
- typename View::y_coord_t yd=0; ignore_unused_variable_warning(yd);
- typename View::value_type v; initialize_it(v);
- view(xd,yd)=v;
- }
- View view;
- };
- template <typename View> // preconditions: View Models ImageViewConcept
- struct PixelImageViewIsMutableConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccess2DImageViewIsMutableConcept<View> >();
- }
- };
-/// \ingroup ImageViewNDConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional view over mutable values
-concept MutableRandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept View> {
- where Mutable<reference>;
-template <typename View>
-struct MutableRandomAccessNDImageViewConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<View> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccessNDImageViewIsMutableConcept<View> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup ImageView2DConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional view over mutable values
-concept MutableRandomAccess2DImageViewConcept<RandomAccess2DImageViewConcept View> : MutableRandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<View> {};
-template <typename View>
-struct MutableRandomAccess2DImageViewConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccess2DImageViewConcept<View> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::RandomAccess2DImageViewIsMutableConcept<View> >();
- }
-/// \ingroup PixelImageViewConcept
-/// \brief GIL's 2-dimensional view over mutable GIL pixels
-concept MutableImageViewConcept<ImageViewConcept View> : MutableRandomAccess2DImageViewConcept<View> {};
-template <typename View>
-struct MutableImageViewConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<ImageViewConcept<View> >();
- gil_function_requires<detail::PixelImageViewIsMutableConcept<View> >();
- }
-/// \brief Returns whether two views are compatible
-/// Views are compatible if their pixels are compatible. Compatible views can be assigned and copy constructed from one another.
-template <typename V1, typename V2> // Model ImageViewConcept
-struct views_are_compatible : public pixels_are_compatible<typename V1::value_type, typename V2::value_type> {};
-/// \brief Views are compatible if they have the same color spaces and compatible channel values. Constness and layout are not important for compatibility
-/// \ingroup ImageViewConcept
-concept ViewsCompatibleConcept<ImageViewConcept V1, ImageViewConcept V2> {
- where PixelsCompatibleConcept<V1::value_type, P2::value_type>;
-template <typename V1, typename V2>
-struct ViewsCompatibleConcept {
- void constraints() {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((views_are_compatible<V1,V2>::value));
- }
-/// \ingroup ImageConcept
-/// \brief N-dimensional container of values
-concept RandomAccessNDImageConcept<typename Img> : Regular<Img> {
- typename view_t; where MutableRandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<view_t>;
- typename const_view_t = view_t::const_t;
- typename point_t = view_t::point_t;
- typename value_type = view_t::value_type;
- typename allocator_type;
- Img::Img(point_t dims, std::size_t alignment=1);
- Img::Img(point_t dims, value_type fill_value, std::size_t alignment);
- void Img::recreate(point_t new_dims, std::size_t alignment=1);
- void Img::recreate(point_t new_dims, value_type fill_value, std::size_t alignment);
- const point_t& Img::dimensions() const;
- const const_view_t& const_view(const Img&);
- const view_t& view(Img&);
-template <typename Img>
-struct RandomAccessNDImageConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<Regular<Img> >();
- typedef typename Img::view_t view_t;
- gil_function_requires<MutableRandomAccessNDImageViewConcept<view_t> >();
- typedef typename Img::const_view_t const_view_t;
- typedef typename Img::value_type pixel_t;
- typedef typename Img::point_t point_t;
- gil_function_requires<PointNDConcept<point_t> >();
- const_view_t cv = const_view(img); ignore_unused_variable_warning(cv);
- view_t v = view(img); ignore_unused_variable_warning(v);
- pixel_t fill_value;
- point_t pt=img.dimensions();
- Img im1(pt);
- Img im2(pt,1);
- Img im3(pt,fill_value,1);
- img.recreate(pt);
- img.recreate(pt,1);
- img.recreate(pt,fill_value,1);
- }
- Img img;
-/// \ingroup ImageConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional container of values
-concept RandomAccess2DImageConcept<RandomAccessNDImageConcept Img> {
- typename x_coord_t = const_view_t::x_coord_t;
- typename y_coord_t = const_view_t::y_coord_t;
- Img::Img(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, std::size_t alignment=1);
- Img::Img(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, value_type fill_value, std::size_t alignment);
- x_coord_t Img::width() const;
- y_coord_t Img::height() const;
- void Img::recreate(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, std::size_t alignment=1);
- void Img::recreate(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, value_type fill_value, std::size_t alignment);
-template <typename Img>
-struct RandomAccess2DImageConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccessNDImageConcept<Img> >();
- typedef typename Img::x_coord_t x_coord_t;
- typedef typename Img::y_coord_t y_coord_t;
- typedef typename Img::value_type value_t;
- gil_function_requires<MutableRandomAccess2DImageViewConcept<typename Img::view_t> >();
- x_coord_t w=img.width();
- y_coord_t h=img.height();
- value_t fill_value;
- Img im1(w,h);
- Img im2(w,h,1);
- Img im3(w,h,fill_value,1);
- img.recreate(w,h);
- img.recreate(w,h,1);
- img.recreate(w,h,fill_value,1);
- }
- Img img;
-/// \ingroup ImageConcept
-/// \brief 2-dimensional image whose value type models PixelValueConcept
-concept ImageConcept<RandomAccess2DImageConcept Img> {
- where MutableImageViewConcept<view_t>;
- typename coord_t = view_t::coord_t;
-template <typename Img>
-struct ImageConcept {
- void constraints() {
- gil_function_requires<RandomAccess2DImageConcept<Img> >();
- gil_function_requires<MutableImageViewConcept<typename Img::view_t> >();
- typedef typename Img::coord_t coord_t;
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(num_channels<Img>::value == mpl::size<typename color_space_type<Img>::type>::value);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<coord_t, typename Img::x_coord_t>::value));
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same<coord_t, typename Img::y_coord_t>::value));
- }
- Img img;
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-} } // namespace boost::gil