path: root/boost/gil/extension/toolbox/color_spaces/hsv.hpp
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1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ Copyright 2012 Christian Henning
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+/// \file hsv.hpp
+/// \brief Support for HSV color space
+/// \author Christian Henning \n
+/// \date 2012 \n
+#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/gil/typedefs.hpp>
+namespace boost{ namespace gil {
+/// \addtogroup ColorNameModel
+/// \{
+namespace hsv_color_space
+/// \brief Hue
+struct hue_t {};
+/// \brief Saturation
+struct saturation_t{};
+/// \brief Value
+struct value_t {};
+/// \}
+/// \ingroup ColorSpaceModel
+typedef mpl::vector3< hsv_color_space::hue_t
+ , hsv_color_space::saturation_t
+ , hsv_color_space::value_t
+ > hsv_t;
+/// \ingroup LayoutModel
+typedef layout<hsv_t> hsv_layout_t;
+GIL_DEFINE_ALL_TYPEDEFS(32f, float32_t, hsv)
+/// \ingroup ColorConvert
+/// \brief RGB to HSV
+template <>
+struct default_color_converter_impl< rgb_t, hsv_t >
+ template <typename P1, typename P2>
+ void operator()( const P1& src, P2& dst ) const
+ {
+ using namespace hsv_color_space;
+ // only float32_t for hsv is supported
+ float32_t temp_red = channel_convert<float32_t>( get_color( src, red_t() ));
+ float32_t temp_green = channel_convert<float32_t>( get_color( src, green_t() ));
+ float32_t temp_blue = channel_convert<float32_t>( get_color( src, blue_t() ));
+ float32_t hue, saturation, value;
+ float32_t min_color = (std::min)( temp_red, (std::min)( temp_green, temp_blue ));
+ float32_t max_color = (std::max)( temp_red, (std::max)( temp_green, temp_blue ));
+ value = max_color;
+ float32_t diff = max_color - min_color;
+ if( max_color < 0.0001f )
+ {
+ saturation = 0.f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saturation = diff / max_color;
+ }
+ if( saturation < 0.0001f )
+ {
+ //it doesn't matter what value it has
+ hue = 0.f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (std::abs)( boost::numeric_cast<float32_t>(temp_red - max_color) ) < 0.0001f )
+ {
+ hue = ( temp_green - temp_blue )
+ / diff;
+ }
+ else if( temp_green == max_color )
+ {
+ hue = 2.f + ( temp_blue - temp_red )
+ / diff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hue = 4.f + ( temp_red - temp_green )
+ / diff;
+ }
+ //to bring it to a number between 0 and 1
+ hue /= 6.f;
+ if( hue < 0.f )
+ {
+ hue++;
+ }
+ }
+ get_color( dst, hue_t() ) = hue;
+ get_color( dst, saturation_t() ) = saturation;
+ get_color( dst, value_t() ) = value;
+ }
+/// \ingroup ColorConvert
+/// \brief HSV to RGB
+template <>
+struct default_color_converter_impl<hsv_t,rgb_t>
+ template <typename P1, typename P2>
+ void operator()( const P1& src, P2& dst) const
+ {
+ using namespace hsv_color_space;
+ float32_t red, green, blue;
+ //If saturation is 0, the color is a shade of gray
+ if( abs( get_color( src, saturation_t() )) < 0.0001f )
+ {
+ // If saturation is 0, the color is a shade of gray
+ red = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ green = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ blue = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float32_t frac, p, q, t, h;
+ uint32_t i;
+ //to bring hue to a number between 0 and 6, better for the calculations
+ h = get_color( src, hue_t() );
+ h *= 6.f;
+ i = static_cast<uint32_t>(floor(h));
+ frac = h - i;
+ p = get_color( src, value_t() )
+ * ( 1.f - get_color( src, saturation_t() ));
+ q = get_color( src, value_t() )
+ * ( 1.f - ( get_color( src, saturation_t() ) * frac ));
+ t = get_color( src, value_t() )
+ * ( 1.f - ( get_color( src, saturation_t() ) * ( 1.f - frac )));
+ switch( i )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ red = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ green = t;
+ blue = p;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ red = q;
+ green = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ blue = p;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ red = p;
+ green = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ blue = t;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ red = p;
+ green = q;
+ blue = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ red = t;
+ green = p;
+ blue = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5:
+ {
+ red = get_color( src, value_t() );
+ green = p;
+ blue = q;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ get_color(dst,red_t()) =
+ channel_convert<typename color_element_type< P2, red_t >::type>( red );
+ get_color(dst,green_t())=
+ channel_convert<typename color_element_type< P2, green_t >::type>( green );
+ get_color(dst,blue_t()) =
+ channel_convert<typename color_element_type< P2, blue_t >::type>( blue );
+ }
+} // namespace gil
+} // namespace boost