path: root/boost/geometry/formulas
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diff --git a/boost/geometry/formulas/vertex_longitude.hpp b/boost/geometry/formulas/vertex_longitude.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00f2fd4e7a
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+++ b/boost/geometry/formulas/vertex_longitude.hpp
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+// Boost.Geometry
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+// Contributed and/or modified by Vissarion Fysikopoulos, on behalf of Oracle
+// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
+// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
+// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/geometry/formulas/spherical.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/formulas/flattening.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/core/srs.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/hypot.hpp>
+namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace formula
+\brief Algorithm to compute the vertex longitude of a geodesic segment. Vertex is
+a point on the geodesic that maximizes (or minimizes) the latitude. The algorithm
+is given the vertex latitude.
+//Classes for spesific CS
+template <typename CT>
+class vertex_longitude_on_sphere
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline CT apply(T const& lat1, //segment point 1
+ T const& lat2, //segment point 2
+ T const& lat3, //vertex latitude
+ T const& sin_l12,
+ T const& cos_l12) //lon1 -lon2
+ {
+ //
+ CT const A = sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lat3) * sin_l12;
+ CT const B = sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lat3) * cos_l12
+ - cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) * cos(lat3);
+ CT lon = atan2(B, A);
+ return lon + math::pi<CT>();
+ }
+template <typename CT>
+class vertex_longitude_on_spheroid
+ template<typename T>
+ static inline void normalize(T& x, T& y)
+ {
+ T h = boost::math::hypot(x, y);
+ x /= h;
+ y /= h;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename Spheroid>
+ static inline CT apply(T const& lat1, //segment point 1
+ T const& lat2, //segment point 2
+ T const& lat3, //vertex latitude
+ T& alp1,
+ Spheroid const& spheroid)
+ {
+ // We assume that segment points lay on different side w.r.t.
+ // the vertex
+ // Constants
+ CT const c0 = 0;
+ CT const c2 = 2;
+ CT const half_pi = math::pi<CT>() / c2;
+ if (math::equals(lat1, half_pi)
+ || math::equals(lat2, half_pi)
+ || math::equals(lat1, -half_pi)
+ || math::equals(lat2, -half_pi))
+ {
+ // one segment point is the pole
+ return c0;
+ }
+ // More constants
+ CT const f = flattening<CT>(spheroid);
+ CT const pi = math::pi<CT>();
+ CT const c1 = 1;
+ CT const cminus1 = -1;
+ // First, compute longitude on auxiliary sphere
+ CT const one_minus_f = c1 - f;
+ CT const bet1 = atan(one_minus_f * tan(lat1));
+ CT const bet2 = atan(one_minus_f * tan(lat2));
+ CT const bet3 = atan(one_minus_f * tan(lat3));
+ CT cos_bet1 = cos(bet1);
+ CT cos_bet2 = cos(bet2);
+ CT const sin_bet1 = sin(bet1);
+ CT const sin_bet2 = sin(bet2);
+ CT const sin_bet3 = sin(bet3);
+ CT omg12 = 0;
+ if (bet1 < c0)
+ {
+ cos_bet1 *= cminus1;
+ omg12 += pi;
+ }
+ if (bet2 < c0)
+ {
+ cos_bet2 *= cminus1;
+ omg12 += pi;
+ }
+ CT const sin_alp1 = sin(alp1);
+ CT const cos_alp1 = math::sqrt(c1 - math::sqr(sin_alp1));
+ CT const norm = math::sqrt(math::sqr(cos_alp1) + math::sqr(sin_alp1 * sin_bet1));
+ CT const sin_alp0 = sin(atan2(sin_alp1 * cos_bet1, norm));
+ BOOST_ASSERT(cos_bet2 != c0);
+ CT const sin_alp2 = sin_alp1 * cos_bet1 / cos_bet2;
+ CT const cos_alp0 = math::sqrt(c1 - math::sqr(sin_alp0));
+ CT const cos_alp2 = math::sqrt(c1 - math::sqr(sin_alp2));
+ CT const sig1 = atan2(sin_bet1, cos_alp1 * cos_bet1);
+ CT const sig2 = atan2(sin_bet2, -cos_alp2 * cos_bet2); //lat3 is a vertex
+ CT const cos_sig1 = cos(sig1);
+ CT const sin_sig1 = math::sqrt(c1 - math::sqr(cos_sig1));
+ CT const cos_sig2 = cos(sig2);
+ CT const sin_sig2 = math::sqrt(c1 - math::sqr(cos_sig2));
+ CT const omg1 = atan2(sin_alp0 * sin_sig1, cos_sig1);
+ CT const omg2 = atan2(sin_alp0 * sin_sig2, cos_sig2);
+ omg12 += omg1 - omg2;
+ CT const sin_omg12 = sin(omg12);
+ CT const cos_omg12 = cos(omg12);
+ CT omg13 = geometry::formula::vertex_longitude_on_sphere<CT>
+ ::apply(bet1, bet2, bet3, sin_omg12, cos_omg12);
+ if (lat1 * lat2 < c0)//different hemispheres
+ {
+ if ((lat2 - lat1) * lat3 > c0)// ascending segment
+ {
+ omg13 = pi - omg13;
+ }
+ }
+ // Second, compute the ellipsoidal longitude
+ CT const e2 = f * (c2 - f);
+ CT const ep = math::sqrt(e2 / (c1 - e2));
+ CT const k2 = math::sqr(ep * cos_alp0);
+ CT const sqrt_k2_plus_one = math::sqrt(c1 + k2);
+ CT const eps = (sqrt_k2_plus_one - c1) / (sqrt_k2_plus_one + c1);
+ CT const eps2 = eps * eps;
+ CT const n = f / (c2 - f);
+ // sig3 is the length from equator to the vertex
+ CT sig3;
+ if(sin_bet3 > c0)
+ {
+ sig3 = half_pi;
+ } else {
+ sig3 = -half_pi;
+ }
+ CT const cos_sig3 = 0;
+ CT const sin_sig3 = 1;
+ CT sig13 = sig3 - sig1;
+ if (sig13 > pi)
+ {
+ sig13 -= 2 * pi;
+ }
+ // Order 2 approximation
+ CT const c1over2 = 0.5;
+ CT const c1over4 = 0.25;
+ CT const c1over8 = 0.125;
+ CT const c1over16 = 0.0625;
+ CT const c4 = 4;
+ CT const c8 = 8;
+ CT const A3 = 1 - (c1over2 - c1over2 * n) * eps - c1over4 * eps2;
+ CT const C31 = (c1over4 - c1over4 * n) * eps + c1over8 * eps2;
+ CT const C32 = c1over16 * eps2;
+ CT const sin2_sig3 = c2 * cos_sig3 * sin_sig3;
+ CT const sin4_sig3 = sin_sig3 * (-c4 * cos_sig3
+ + c8 * cos_sig3 * cos_sig3 * cos_sig3);
+ CT const sin2_sig1 = c2 * cos_sig1 * sin_sig1;
+ CT const sin4_sig1 = sin_sig1 * (-c4 * cos_sig1
+ + c8 * cos_sig1 * cos_sig1 * cos_sig1);
+ CT const I3 = A3 * (sig13
+ + C31 * (sin2_sig3 - sin2_sig1)
+ + C32 * (sin4_sig3 - sin4_sig1));
+ int sign = c1;
+ if (bet3 < c0)
+ {
+ sign = cminus1;
+ }
+ CT const dlon_max = omg13 - sign * f * sin_alp0 * I3;
+ return dlon_max;
+ }
+//CS_tag dispatching
+template <typename CT, typename CS_Tag>
+struct compute_vertex_lon
+ (
+ );
+template <typename CT>
+struct compute_vertex_lon<CT, spherical_equatorial_tag>
+ template <typename Strategy>
+ static inline CT apply(CT const& lat1,
+ CT const& lat2,
+ CT const& vertex_lat,
+ CT const& sin_l12,
+ CT const& cos_l12,
+ CT,
+ Strategy)
+ {
+ return vertex_longitude_on_sphere<CT>
+ ::apply(lat1,
+ lat2,
+ vertex_lat,
+ sin_l12,
+ cos_l12);
+ }
+template <typename CT>
+struct compute_vertex_lon<CT, geographic_tag>
+ template <typename Strategy>
+ static inline CT apply(CT const& lat1,
+ CT const& lat2,
+ CT const& vertex_lat,
+ CT,
+ CT,
+ CT& alp1,
+ Strategy const& azimuth_strategy)
+ {
+ return vertex_longitude_on_spheroid<CT>
+ ::apply(lat1,
+ lat2,
+ vertex_lat,
+ alp1,
+ azimuth_strategy.model());
+ }
+// Vertex longitude interface
+// Assume that lon1 < lon2 and vertex_lat is the latitude of the vertex
+template <typename CT, typename CS_Tag>
+class vertex_longitude
+public :
+ template <typename Strategy>
+ static inline CT apply(CT& lon1,
+ CT& lat1,
+ CT& lon2,
+ CT& lat2,
+ CT const& vertex_lat,
+ CT& alp1,
+ Strategy const& azimuth_strategy)
+ {
+ CT const c0 = 0;
+ CT pi = math::pi<CT>();
+ //Vertex is a segment's point
+ if (math::equals(vertex_lat, lat1))
+ {
+ return lon1;
+ }
+ if (math::equals(vertex_lat, lat2))
+ {
+ return lon2;
+ }
+ //Segment lay on meridian
+ if (math::equals(lon1, lon2))
+ {
+ return (std::max)(lat1, lat2);
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT(lon1 < lon2);
+ CT dlon = compute_vertex_lon<CT, CS_Tag>::apply(lat1, lat2,
+ vertex_lat,
+ sin(lon1 - lon2),
+ cos(lon1 - lon2),
+ alp1,
+ azimuth_strategy);
+ CT vertex_lon = std::fmod(lon1 + dlon, 2 * pi);
+ if (vertex_lat < c0)
+ {
+ vertex_lon -= pi;
+ }
+ if (std::abs(lon1 - lon2) > pi)
+ {
+ vertex_lon -= pi;
+ }
+ return vertex_lon;
+ }
+}}} // namespace boost::geometry::formula