path: root/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/closest_feature/point_to_range.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/closest_feature/point_to_range.hpp')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/closest_feature/point_to_range.hpp b/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/closest_feature/point_to_range.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91be6b0ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/closest_feature/point_to_range.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
+// Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+// Contributed and/or modified by Menelaos Karavelas, on behalf of Oracle
+// Licensed under the Boost Software License version 1.0.
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/range.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/core/closure.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/strategies/distance.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
+namespace boost { namespace geometry
+namespace detail { namespace closest_feature
+// returns the segment (pair of iterators) that realizes the closest
+// distance of the point to the range
+ typename Point,
+ typename Range,
+ closure_selector Closure,
+ typename Strategy
+class point_to_point_range
+ typedef typename boost::range_iterator<Range const>::type iterator_type;
+ template <typename Distance>
+ static inline void apply(Point const& point,
+ iterator_type first,
+ iterator_type last,
+ Strategy const& strategy,
+ iterator_type& it_min1,
+ iterator_type& it_min2,
+ Distance& dist_min)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( first != last );
+ Distance const zero = Distance(0);
+ iterator_type it = first;
+ iterator_type prev = it++;
+ if (it == last)
+ {
+ it_min1 = it_min2 = first;
+ dist_min = strategy.apply(point, *first, *first);
+ return;
+ }
+ // start with first segment distance
+ dist_min = strategy.apply(point, *prev, *it);
+ iterator_type prev_min_dist = prev;
+ // check if other segments are closer
+ for (++prev, ++it; it != last; ++prev, ++it)
+ {
+ Distance dist = strategy.apply(point, *prev, *it);
+ if (geometry::math::equals(dist, zero))
+ {
+ dist_min = zero;
+ it_min1 = prev;
+ it_min2 = it;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (dist < dist_min)
+ {
+ dist_min = dist;
+ prev_min_dist = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ it_min1 = it_min2 = prev_min_dist;
+ ++it_min2;
+ }
+ typedef typename std::pair<iterator_type, iterator_type> return_type;
+ template <typename Distance>
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ iterator_type first,
+ iterator_type last,
+ Strategy const& strategy,
+ Distance& dist_min)
+ {
+ iterator_type it_min1, it_min2;
+ apply(point, first, last, strategy, it_min1, it_min2, dist_min);
+ return std::make_pair(it_min1, it_min2);
+ }
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ iterator_type first,
+ iterator_type last,
+ Strategy const& strategy)
+ {
+ typename strategy::distance::services::return_type
+ <
+ Strategy,
+ Point,
+ typename boost::range_value<Range>::type
+ >::type dist_min;
+ return apply(point, first, last, strategy, dist_min);
+ }
+ template <typename Distance>
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ Range const& range,
+ Strategy const& strategy,
+ Distance& dist_min)
+ {
+ return apply(point,
+ boost::begin(range),
+ boost::end(range),
+ strategy,
+ dist_min);
+ }
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ Range const& range,
+ Strategy const& strategy)
+ {
+ return apply(point, boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), strategy);
+ }
+// specialization for open ranges
+template <typename Point, typename Range, typename Strategy>
+class point_to_point_range<Point, Range, open, Strategy>
+ : point_to_point_range<Point, Range, closed, Strategy>
+ typedef point_to_point_range<Point, Range, closed, Strategy> base_type;
+ typedef typename base_type::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ template <typename Distance>
+ static inline void apply(Point const& point,
+ iterator_type first,
+ iterator_type last,
+ Strategy const& strategy,
+ iterator_type& it_min1,
+ iterator_type& it_min2,
+ Distance& dist_min)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( first != last );
+ base_type::apply(point, first, last, strategy,
+ it_min1, it_min2, dist_min);
+ iterator_type it_back = --last;
+ Distance const zero = Distance(0);
+ Distance dist = strategy.apply(point, *it_back, *first);
+ if (geometry::math::equals(dist, zero))
+ {
+ dist_min = zero;
+ it_min1 = it_back;
+ it_min2 = first;
+ }
+ else if (dist < dist_min)
+ {
+ dist_min = dist;
+ it_min1 = it_back;
+ it_min2 = first;
+ }
+ }
+ typedef typename std::pair<iterator_type, iterator_type> return_type;
+ template <typename Distance>
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ iterator_type first,
+ iterator_type last,
+ Strategy const& strategy,
+ Distance& dist_min)
+ {
+ iterator_type it_min1, it_min2;
+ apply(point, first, last, strategy, it_min1, it_min2, dist_min);
+ return std::make_pair(it_min1, it_min2);
+ }
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ iterator_type first,
+ iterator_type last,
+ Strategy const& strategy)
+ {
+ typedef typename strategy::distance::services::return_type
+ <
+ Strategy,
+ Point,
+ typename boost::range_value<Range>::type
+ >::type distance_return_type;
+ distance_return_type dist_min;
+ return apply(point, first, last, strategy, dist_min);
+ }
+ template <typename Distance>
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ Range const& range,
+ Strategy const& strategy,
+ Distance& dist_min)
+ {
+ return apply(point,
+ boost::begin(range),
+ boost::end(range),
+ strategy,
+ dist_min);
+ }
+ static inline return_type apply(Point const& point,
+ Range const& range,
+ Strategy const& strategy)
+ {
+ return apply(point, boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), strategy);
+ }
+}} // namespace detail::closest_feature
+}} // namespace boost::geometry