path: root/boost/coroutine2/detail/pull_coroutine.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/coroutine2/detail/pull_coroutine.hpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/coroutine2/detail/pull_coroutine.hpp b/boost/coroutine2/detail/pull_coroutine.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff76bd3aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/coroutine2/detail/pull_coroutine.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+// Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2014.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/context/execution_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/coroutine2/detail/config.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace coroutines2 {
+namespace detail {
+template< typename T >
+class pull_coroutine {
+ template< typename X >
+ friend class push_coroutine;
+ struct control_block;
+ control_block * cb_;
+ explicit pull_coroutine( control_block *);
+ bool has_result_() const;
+ template< typename Fn >
+ explicit pull_coroutine( Fn &&, bool = false);
+ template< typename StackAllocator, typename Fn >
+ explicit pull_coroutine( StackAllocator, Fn &&, bool = false);
+ ~pull_coroutine();
+ pull_coroutine( pull_coroutine const&) = delete;
+ pull_coroutine & operator=( pull_coroutine const&) = delete;
+ pull_coroutine( pull_coroutine &&);
+ pull_coroutine & operator=( pull_coroutine && other) {
+ if ( this != & other) {
+ cb_ = other.cb_;
+ other.cb_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ return * this;
+ }
+ pull_coroutine & operator()();
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
+ bool operator!() const noexcept;
+ T get() const noexcept;
+ class iterator : public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, typename std::remove_reference< T >::type > {
+ private:
+ pull_coroutine< T > * c_;
+ void fetch_() {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( nullptr != c_);
+ if ( ! ( * c_) ) {
+ c_ = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ void increment_() {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( nullptr != c_);
+ BOOST_ASSERT( * c_);
+ ( * c_)();
+ fetch_();
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef typename iterator::pointer pointer_t;
+ typedef typename iterator::reference reference_t;
+ iterator() :
+ c_( nullptr) {
+ }
+ explicit iterator( pull_coroutine< T > * c) :
+ c_( c) {
+ fetch_();
+ }
+ iterator( iterator const& other) :
+ c_( other.c_) {
+ }
+ iterator & operator=( iterator const& other) {
+ if ( this == & other) return * this;
+ c_ = other.c_;
+ return * this;
+ }
+ bool operator==( iterator const& other) const {
+ return other.c_ == c_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=( iterator const& other) const {
+ return other.c_ != c_;
+ }
+ iterator & operator++() {
+ increment_();
+ return * this;
+ }
+ iterator operator++( int) = delete;
+ reference_t operator*() const {
+ return * c_->cb_->other->t;
+ }
+ pointer_t operator->() const {
+ return c_->cb_->other->t;
+ }
+ };
+ friend class iterator;
+template< typename T >
+class pull_coroutine< T & > {
+ template< typename X >
+ friend class push_coroutine;
+ struct control_block;
+ control_block * cb_;
+ explicit pull_coroutine( control_block *);
+ bool has_result_() const;
+ template< typename Fn >
+ explicit pull_coroutine( Fn &&, bool = false);
+ template< typename StackAllocator, typename Fn >
+ explicit pull_coroutine( StackAllocator, Fn &&, bool = false);
+ ~pull_coroutine();
+ pull_coroutine( pull_coroutine const&) = delete;
+ pull_coroutine & operator=( pull_coroutine const&) = delete;
+ pull_coroutine( pull_coroutine &&);
+ pull_coroutine & operator=( pull_coroutine && other) {
+ if ( this != & other) {
+ cb_ = other.cb_;
+ other.cb_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ return * this;
+ }
+ pull_coroutine & operator()();
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
+ bool operator!() const noexcept;
+ T & get() const noexcept;
+ class iterator : public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, typename std::remove_reference< T >::type > {
+ private:
+ pull_coroutine< T & > * c_;
+ void fetch_() {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( nullptr != c_);
+ if ( ! ( * c_) ) {
+ c_ = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ void increment_() {
+ BOOST_ASSERT( nullptr != c_);
+ BOOST_ASSERT( * c_);
+ ( * c_)();
+ fetch_();
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef typename iterator::pointer pointer_t;
+ typedef typename iterator::reference reference_t;
+ iterator() :
+ c_( nullptr) {
+ }
+ explicit iterator( pull_coroutine< T & > * c) :
+ c_( c) {
+ fetch_();
+ }
+ iterator( iterator const& other) :
+ c_( other.c_) {
+ }
+ iterator & operator=( iterator const& other) {
+ if ( this == & other) return * this;
+ c_ = other.c_;
+ return * this;
+ }
+ bool operator==( iterator const& other) const {
+ return other.c_ == c_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=( iterator const& other) const {
+ return other.c_ != c_;
+ }
+ iterator & operator++() {
+ increment_();
+ return * this;
+ }
+ iterator operator++( int) = delete;
+ reference_t operator*() const {
+ return * c_->cb_->other->t;
+ }
+ pointer_t operator->() const {
+ return c_->cb_->other->t;
+ }
+ };
+ friend class iterator;
+class pull_coroutine< void > {
+ template< typename X >
+ friend class push_coroutine;
+ struct control_block;
+ control_block * cb_;
+ explicit pull_coroutine( control_block *);
+ template< typename Fn >
+ explicit pull_coroutine( Fn &&, bool = false);
+ template< typename StackAllocator, typename Fn >
+ explicit pull_coroutine( StackAllocator, Fn &&, bool = false);
+ ~pull_coroutine();
+ pull_coroutine( pull_coroutine const&) = delete;
+ pull_coroutine & operator=( pull_coroutine const&) = delete;
+ pull_coroutine( pull_coroutine &&);
+ pull_coroutine & operator=( pull_coroutine && other) {
+ if ( this != & other) {
+ cb_ = other.cb_;
+ other.cb_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ return * this;
+ }
+ pull_coroutine & operator()();
+ explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
+ bool operator!() const noexcept;
+template< typename T >
+typename pull_coroutine< T >::iterator
+begin( pull_coroutine< T > & c) {
+ return typename pull_coroutine< T >::iterator( & c);
+template< typename T >
+typename pull_coroutine< T >::iterator
+end( pull_coroutine< T > &) {
+ return typename pull_coroutine< T >::iterator();