path: root/boost/circular_buffer/details.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/circular_buffer/details.hpp')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
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+// Helper classes and functions for the circular buffer.
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Jan Gaspar
+// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
+// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1200
+ #pragma once
+#include <boost/iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/no_exceptions_support.hpp>
+#include <iterator>
+namespace boost {
+namespace cb_details {
+template <class Traits> struct nonconst_traits;
+template<class ForwardIterator, class Diff, class T, class Alloc>
+void uninitialized_fill_n_with_alloc(
+ ForwardIterator first, Diff n, const T& item, Alloc& alloc);
+template<class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator, class Alloc>
+ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy_with_alloc(
+ InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator dest, Alloc& alloc);
+ \struct const_traits
+ \brief Defines the data types for a const iterator.
+template <class Traits>
+struct const_traits {
+ // Basic types
+ typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename Traits::const_pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename Traits::const_reference reference;
+ typedef typename Traits::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename Traits::difference_type difference_type;
+ // Non-const traits
+ typedef nonconst_traits<Traits> nonconst_self;
+ \struct nonconst_traits
+ \brief Defines the data types for a non-const iterator.
+template <class Traits>
+struct nonconst_traits {
+ // Basic types
+ typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename Traits::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename Traits::reference reference;
+ typedef typename Traits::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename Traits::difference_type difference_type;
+ // Non-const traits
+ typedef nonconst_traits<Traits> nonconst_self;
+ \struct iterator_wrapper
+ \brief Helper iterator dereference wrapper.
+template <class Iterator>
+struct iterator_wrapper {
+ mutable Iterator m_it;
+ explicit iterator_wrapper(Iterator it) : m_it(it) {}
+ Iterator operator () () const { return m_it++; }
+ iterator_wrapper<Iterator>& operator = (const iterator_wrapper<Iterator>&); // do not generate
+ \struct item_wrapper
+ \brief Helper item dereference wrapper.
+template <class Pointer, class Value>
+struct item_wrapper {
+ Value m_item;
+ explicit item_wrapper(Value item) : m_item(item) {}
+ Pointer operator () () const { return &m_item; }
+ item_wrapper<Pointer, Value>& operator = (const item_wrapper<Pointer, Value>&); // do not generate
+ \struct assign_n
+ \brief Helper functor for assigning n items.
+template <class Value, class Alloc>
+struct assign_n {
+ typedef typename Alloc::size_type size_type;
+ size_type m_n;
+ Value m_item;
+ Alloc& m_alloc;
+ assign_n(size_type n, Value item, Alloc& alloc) : m_n(n), m_item(item), m_alloc(alloc) {}
+ template <class Pointer>
+ void operator () (Pointer p) const {
+ uninitialized_fill_n_with_alloc(p, m_n, m_item, m_alloc);
+ }
+ assign_n<Value, Alloc>& operator = (const assign_n<Value, Alloc>&); // do not generate
+ \struct assign_range
+ \brief Helper functor for assigning range of items.
+template <class Iterator, class Alloc>
+struct assign_range {
+ const Iterator& m_first;
+ const Iterator& m_last;
+ Alloc& m_alloc;
+ assign_range(const Iterator& first, const Iterator& last, Alloc& alloc)
+ : m_first(first), m_last(last), m_alloc(alloc) {}
+ template <class Pointer>
+ void operator () (Pointer p) const {
+ uninitialized_copy_with_alloc(m_first, m_last, p, m_alloc);
+ }
+ assign_range<Iterator, Alloc>& operator = (const assign_range<Iterator, Alloc>&); // do not generate
+ \class capacity_control
+ \brief Capacity controller of the space optimized circular buffer.
+template <class Size>
+class capacity_control {
+ //! The capacity of the space optimized circular buffer.
+ Size m_capacity;
+ //! The lowest guaranteed capacity of the adapted circular buffer.
+ Size m_min_capacity;
+ //! Constructor.
+ capacity_control(Size buffer_capacity, Size min_buffer_capacity = 0)
+ : m_capacity(buffer_capacity), m_min_capacity(min_buffer_capacity) {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(buffer_capacity >= min_buffer_capacity); // check for capacity lower than min_capacity
+ }
+ // Default copy constructor.
+ // Default assign operator.
+ //! Get the capacity of the space optimized circular buffer.
+ Size capacity() const { return m_capacity; }
+ //! Get the minimal capacity of the space optimized circular buffer.
+ Size min_capacity() const { return m_min_capacity; }
+ //! Size operator - returns the capacity of the space optimized circular buffer.
+ operator Size() const { return m_capacity; }
+ \struct iterator
+ \brief Random access iterator for the circular buffer.
+ \param Buff The type of the underlying circular buffer.
+ \param Traits Basic iterator types.
+ \note This iterator is not circular. It was designed
+ for iterating from begin() to end() of the circular buffer.
+template <class Buff, class Traits>
+struct iterator :
+ public boost::iterator<
+ std::random_access_iterator_tag,
+ typename Traits::value_type,
+ typename Traits::difference_type,
+ typename Traits::pointer,
+ typename Traits::reference>
+ , public debug_iterator_base
+#endif // #if BOOST_CB_ENABLE_DEBUG
+// Helper types
+ //! Base iterator.
+ typedef boost::iterator<
+ std::random_access_iterator_tag,
+ typename Traits::value_type,
+ typename Traits::difference_type,
+ typename Traits::pointer,
+ typename Traits::reference> base_iterator;
+ //! Non-const iterator.
+ typedef iterator<Buff, typename Traits::nonconst_self> nonconst_self;
+// Basic types
+ //! The type of the elements stored in the circular buffer.
+ typedef typename base_iterator::value_type value_type;
+ //! Pointer to the element.
+ typedef typename base_iterator::pointer pointer;
+ //! Reference to the element.
+ typedef typename base_iterator::reference reference;
+ //! Size type.
+ typedef typename Traits::size_type size_type;
+ //! Difference type.
+ typedef typename base_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
+// Member variables
+ //! The circular buffer where the iterator points to.
+ const Buff* m_buff;
+ //! An internal iterator.
+ pointer m_it;
+// Construction & assignment
+ // Default copy constructor.
+ //! Default constructor.
+ iterator() : m_buff(0), m_it(0) {}
+ //! Copy constructor (used for converting from a non-const to a const iterator).
+ iterator(const nonconst_self& it) : debug_iterator_base(it), m_buff(it.m_buff), m_it(it.m_it) {}
+ //! Internal constructor.
+ /*!
+ \note This constructor is not intended to be used directly by the user.
+ */
+ iterator(const Buff* cb, const pointer p) : debug_iterator_base(cb), m_buff(cb), m_it(p) {}
+ iterator(const nonconst_self& it) : m_buff(it.m_buff), m_it(it.m_it) {}
+ iterator(const Buff* cb, const pointer p) : m_buff(cb), m_it(p) {}
+#endif // #if BOOST_CB_ENABLE_DEBUG
+ //! Assign operator.
+ iterator& operator = (const iterator& it) {
+ if (this == &it)
+ return *this;
+ debug_iterator_base::operator =(it);
+#endif // #if BOOST_CB_ENABLE_DEBUG
+ m_buff = it.m_buff;
+ m_it = it.m_it;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// Random access iterator methods
+ //! Dereferencing operator.
+ reference operator * () const {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(m_it != 0); // check for iterator pointing to end()
+ return *m_it;
+ }
+ //! Dereferencing operator.
+ pointer operator -> () const { return &(operator*()); }
+ //! Difference operator.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ difference_type operator - (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(it.is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ return linearize_pointer(*this) - linearize_pointer(it);
+ }
+ //! Increment operator (prefix).
+ iterator& operator ++ () {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(m_it != 0); // check for iterator pointing to end()
+ m_buff->increment(m_it);
+ if (m_it == m_buff->m_last)
+ m_it = 0;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! Increment operator (postfix).
+ iterator operator ++ (int) {
+ iterator<Buff, Traits> tmp = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ //! Decrement operator (prefix).
+ iterator& operator -- () {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(m_it != m_buff->m_first); // check for iterator pointing to begin()
+ if (m_it == 0)
+ m_it = m_buff->m_last;
+ m_buff->decrement(m_it);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! Decrement operator (postfix).
+ iterator operator -- (int) {
+ iterator<Buff, Traits> tmp = *this;
+ --*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ //! Iterator addition.
+ iterator& operator += (difference_type n) {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ if (n > 0) {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(m_buff->end() - *this >= n); // check for too large n
+ m_it = m_buff->add(m_it, n);
+ if (m_it == m_buff->m_last)
+ m_it = 0;
+ } else if (n < 0) {
+ *this -= -n;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! Iterator addition.
+ iterator operator + (difference_type n) const { return iterator<Buff, Traits>(*this) += n; }
+ //! Iterator subtraction.
+ iterator& operator -= (difference_type n) {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ if (n > 0) {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(*this - m_buff->begin() >= n); // check for too large n
+ m_it = m_buff->sub(m_it == 0 ? m_buff->m_last : m_it, n);
+ } else if (n < 0) {
+ *this += -n;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! Iterator subtraction.
+ iterator operator - (difference_type n) const { return iterator<Buff, Traits>(*this) -= n; }
+ //! Element access operator.
+ reference operator [] (difference_type n) const { return *(*this + n); }
+// Equality & comparison
+ //! Equality.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ bool operator == (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(it.is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ return m_it == it.m_it;
+ }
+ //! Inequality.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ bool operator != (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(it.is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ return m_it != it.m_it;
+ }
+ //! Less.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ bool operator < (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const {
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ BOOST_CB_ASSERT(it.is_valid(m_buff)); // check for uninitialized or invalidated iterator
+ return linearize_pointer(*this) < linearize_pointer(it);
+ }
+ //! Greater.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ bool operator > (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const { return it < *this; }
+ //! Less or equal.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ bool operator <= (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const { return !(it < *this); }
+ //! Greater or equal.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ bool operator >= (const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const { return !(*this < it); }
+// Helpers
+ //! Get a pointer which would point to the same element as the iterator in case the circular buffer is linearized.
+ template <class Traits0>
+ typename Traits0::pointer linearize_pointer(const iterator<Buff, Traits0>& it) const {
+ return it.m_it == 0 ? m_buff->m_buff + m_buff->size() :
+ (it.m_it < m_buff->m_first ? it.m_it + (m_buff->m_end - m_buff->m_first)
+ : m_buff->m_buff + (it.m_it - m_buff->m_first));
+ }
+//! Iterator addition.
+template <class Buff, class Traits>
+inline iterator<Buff, Traits>
+operator + (typename Traits::difference_type n, const iterator<Buff, Traits>& it) {
+ return it + n;
+//! Iterator category.
+template <class Buff, class Traits>
+inline std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category(const iterator<Buff, Traits>&) {
+ return std::random_access_iterator_tag();
+//! The type of the elements stored in the circular buffer.
+template <class Buff, class Traits>
+inline typename Traits::value_type* value_type(const iterator<Buff, Traits>&) { return 0; }
+//! Distance type.
+template <class Buff, class Traits>
+inline typename Traits::difference_type* distance_type(const iterator<Buff, Traits>&) { return 0; }
+ \fn ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy_with_alloc(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator dest,
+ Alloc& alloc)
+ \brief Equivalent of <code>std::uninitialized_copy</code> with allocator.
+template<class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator, class Alloc>
+inline ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy_with_alloc(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator dest,
+ Alloc& alloc) {
+ ForwardIterator next = dest;
+ for (; first != last; ++first, ++dest)
+ alloc.construct(dest, *first);
+ } BOOST_CATCH(...) {
+ for (; next != dest; ++next)
+ alloc.destroy(next);
+ }
+ return dest;
+ \fn void uninitialized_fill_n_with_alloc(ForwardIterator first, Diff n, const T& item, Alloc& alloc)
+ \brief Equivalent of <code>std::uninitialized_fill_n</code> with allocator.
+template<class ForwardIterator, class Diff, class T, class Alloc>
+inline void uninitialized_fill_n_with_alloc(ForwardIterator first, Diff n, const T& item, Alloc& alloc) {
+ ForwardIterator next = first;
+ for (; n > 0; ++first, --n)
+ alloc.construct(first, item);
+ } BOOST_CATCH(...) {
+ for (; next != first; ++next)
+ alloc.destroy(next);
+ }
+} // namespace cb_details
+} // namespace boost
+#endif // #if !defined(BOOST_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_DETAILS_HPP)