path: root/boost/beast/websocket/impl/handshake.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/beast/websocket/impl/handshake.hpp')
1 files changed, 540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/beast/websocket/impl/handshake.hpp b/boost/beast/websocket/impl/handshake.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21fba99738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/beast/websocket/impl/handshake.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// Official repository:
+#include <boost/beast/websocket/impl/stream_impl.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/websocket/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/http/empty_body.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/http/message.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/http/read.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/http/write.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/async_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/flat_buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/stream_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/coroutine.hpp>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+namespace boost {
+namespace beast {
+namespace websocket {
+// send the upgrade request and process the response
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class Handler>
+class stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::handshake_op
+ : public beast::stable_async_base<Handler,
+ beast::executor_type<stream>>
+ , public net::coroutine
+ struct data
+ {
+ // VFALCO This really should be two separate
+ // composed operations, to save on memory
+ request_type req;
+ http::response_parser<
+ typename response_type::body_type> p;
+ flat_buffer fb;
+ bool overflow = false; // could be a member of the op
+ explicit
+ data(request_type&& req_)
+ : req(std::move(req_))
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ boost::weak_ptr<impl_type> wp_;
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key_;
+ response_type* res_p_;
+ data& d_;
+ template<class Handler_>
+ handshake_op(
+ Handler_&& h,
+ boost::shared_ptr<impl_type> const& sp,
+ request_type&& req,
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key,
+ response_type* res_p)
+ : stable_async_base<Handler,
+ beast::executor_type<stream>>(
+ std::forward<Handler_>(h),
+ sp->stream().get_executor())
+ , wp_(sp)
+ , key_(key)
+ , res_p_(res_p)
+ , d_(beast::allocate_stable<data>(
+ *this, std::move(req)))
+ {
+ sp->reset(); // VFALCO I don't like this
+ (*this)({}, 0, false);
+ }
+ void
+ operator()(
+ error_code ec = {},
+ std::size_t bytes_used = 0,
+ bool cont = true)
+ {
+ boost::ignore_unused(bytes_used);
+ auto sp = wp_.lock();
+ if(! sp)
+ {
+ ec = net::error::operation_aborted;
+ return this->complete(cont, ec);
+ }
+ auto& impl = *sp;
+ {
+ impl.change_status(status::handshake);
+ impl.update_timer(this->get_executor());
+ // write HTTP request
+ impl.do_pmd_config(d_.req);
+ http::async_write(,
+ d_.req, std::move(*this));
+ if(impl.check_stop_now(ec))
+ goto upcall;
+ // read HTTP response
+ http::async_read(,
+ impl.rd_buf, d_.p,
+ std::move(*this));
+ if(ec == http::error::buffer_overflow)
+ {
+ // If the response overflows the internal
+ // read buffer, switch to a dynamically
+ // allocated flat buffer.
+ d_.fb.commit(net::buffer_copy(
+ d_.fb.prepare(impl.rd_buf.size()),
+ impl.rd_buf.clear();
+ http::async_read(,
+ d_.fb, d_.p, std::move(*this));
+ if(! ec)
+ {
+ // Copy any leftovers back into the read
+ // buffer, since this represents websocket
+ // frame data.
+ if(d_.fb.size() <= impl.rd_buf.capacity())
+ {
+ impl.rd_buf.commit(net::buffer_copy(
+ impl.rd_buf.prepare(d_.fb.size()),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ec = http::error::buffer_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do this before the upcall
+ d_.fb.clear();
+ }
+ if(impl.check_stop_now(ec))
+ goto upcall;
+ // success
+ impl.reset_idle();
+ impl.on_response(d_.p.get(), key_, ec);
+ if(res_p_)
+ swap(d_.p.get(), *res_p_);
+ upcall:
+ this->complete(cont ,ec);
+ }
+ }
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+struct stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+ run_handshake_op
+ template<class HandshakeHandler>
+ void operator()(
+ HandshakeHandler&& h,
+ boost::shared_ptr<impl_type> const& sp,
+ request_type&& req,
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key,
+ response_type* res_p)
+ {
+ // If you get an error on the following line it means
+ // that your handler does not meet the documented type
+ // requirements for the handler.
+ static_assert(
+ beast::detail::is_invocable<HandshakeHandler,
+ void(error_code)>::value,
+ "HandshakeHandler type requirements not met");
+ handshake_op<
+ typename std::decay<HandshakeHandler>::type>(
+ std::forward<HandshakeHandler>(h),
+ sp, std::move(req), key, res_p);
+ }
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+ response_type* res_p,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator,
+ error_code& ec)
+ auto& impl = *impl_;
+ impl.change_status(status::handshake);
+ impl.reset();
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key;
+ {
+ auto const req = impl.build_request(
+ key, host, target, decorator);
+ impl.do_pmd_config(req);
+ http::write(, req, ec);
+ }
+ if(impl.check_stop_now(ec))
+ return;
+ http::response_parser<
+ typename response_type::body_type> p;
+ http::read(next_layer(), impl.rd_buf, p, ec);
+ if(ec == http::error::buffer_overflow)
+ {
+ // If the response overflows the internal
+ // read buffer, switch to a dynamically
+ // allocated flat buffer.
+ flat_buffer fb;
+ fb.commit(net::buffer_copy(
+ fb.prepare(impl.rd_buf.size()),
+ impl.rd_buf.clear();
+ http::read(next_layer(), fb, p, ec);;
+ if(! ec)
+ {
+ // Copy any leftovers back into the read
+ // buffer, since this represents websocket
+ // frame data.
+ if(fb.size() <= impl.rd_buf.capacity())
+ {
+ impl.rd_buf.commit(net::buffer_copy(
+ impl.rd_buf.prepare(fb.size()),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ec = http::error::buffer_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(impl.check_stop_now(ec))
+ return;
+ impl.on_response(p.get(), key, ec);
+ if(impl.check_stop_now(ec))
+ return;
+ if(res_p)
+ *res_p = p.release();
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class HandshakeHandler>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ HandshakeHandler&& handler)
+ static_assert(is_async_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "AsyncStream type requirements not met");
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key;
+ auto req = impl_->build_request(
+ key, host, target, &default_decorate_req);
+ return net::async_initiate<
+ HandshakeHandler,
+ void(error_code)>(
+ run_handshake_op{},
+ handler,
+ impl_,
+ std::move(req),
+ key,
+ nullptr);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class HandshakeHandler>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+ response_type& res,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ HandshakeHandler&& handler)
+ static_assert(is_async_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "AsyncStream type requirements not met");
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key;
+ auto req = impl_->build_request(
+ key, host, target, &default_decorate_req);
+ return net::async_initiate<
+ HandshakeHandler,
+ void(error_code)>(
+ run_handshake_op{},
+ handler,
+ impl_,
+ std::move(req),
+ key,
+ &res);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake(string_view host,
+ string_view target)
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ error_code ec;
+ handshake(
+ host, target, ec);
+ if(ec)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec});
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake(response_type& res,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target)
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ error_code ec;
+ handshake(res, host, target, ec);
+ if(ec)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec});
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake(string_view host,
+ string_view target, error_code& ec)
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ do_handshake(nullptr,
+ host, target, &default_decorate_req, ec);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake(response_type& res,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ error_code& ec)
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ do_handshake(&res,
+ host, target, &default_decorate_req, ec);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake_ex(string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator)
+ static_assert(sizeof(RequestDecorator) == 0,
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ static_assert(detail::is_request_decorator<
+ RequestDecorator>::value,
+ "RequestDecorator requirements not met");
+ error_code ec;
+ handshake_ex(host, target, decorator, ec);
+ if(ec)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec});
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake_ex(response_type& res,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator)
+ static_assert(sizeof(RequestDecorator) == 0,
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ static_assert(detail::is_request_decorator<
+ RequestDecorator>::value,
+ "RequestDecorator requirements not met");
+ error_code ec;
+ handshake_ex(res, host, target, decorator, ec);
+ if(ec)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec});
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake_ex(string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator,
+ error_code& ec)
+ static_assert(sizeof(RequestDecorator) == 0,
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ static_assert(detail::is_request_decorator<
+ RequestDecorator>::value,
+ "RequestDecorator requirements not met");
+ do_handshake(nullptr,
+ host, target, decorator, ec);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+handshake_ex(response_type& res,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator,
+ error_code& ec)
+ static_assert(sizeof(RequestDecorator) == 0,
+ static_assert(is_sync_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "SyncStream type requirements not met");
+ static_assert(detail::is_request_decorator<
+ RequestDecorator>::value,
+ "RequestDecorator requirements not met");
+ do_handshake(&res,
+ host, target, decorator, ec);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator, class HandshakeHandler>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+async_handshake_ex(string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator,
+ HandshakeHandler&& handler)
+ static_assert(sizeof(RequestDecorator) == 0,
+ static_assert(is_async_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "AsyncStream type requirements not met");
+ static_assert(detail::is_request_decorator<
+ RequestDecorator>::value,
+ "RequestDecorator requirements not met");
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key;
+ auto req = impl_->build_request(
+ key, host, target, decorator);
+ return net::async_initiate<
+ HandshakeHandler,
+ void(error_code)>(
+ run_handshake_op{},
+ handler,
+ impl_,
+ std::move(req),
+ key,
+ nullptr);
+template<class NextLayer, bool deflateSupported>
+template<class RequestDecorator, class HandshakeHandler>
+stream<NextLayer, deflateSupported>::
+async_handshake_ex(response_type& res,
+ string_view host,
+ string_view target,
+ RequestDecorator const& decorator,
+ HandshakeHandler&& handler)
+ static_assert(sizeof(RequestDecorator) == 0,
+ static_assert(is_async_stream<next_layer_type>::value,
+ "AsyncStream type requirements not met");
+ static_assert(detail::is_request_decorator<
+ RequestDecorator>::value,
+ "RequestDecorator requirements not met");
+ detail::sec_ws_key_type key;
+ auto req = impl_->build_request(
+ key, host, target, decorator);
+ return net::async_initiate<
+ HandshakeHandler,
+ void(error_code)>(
+ run_handshake_op{},
+ handler,
+ impl_,
+ std::move(req),
+ key,
+ &res);
+} // websocket
+} // beast
+} // boost