path: root/boost/beast/http/serializer.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'boost/beast/http/serializer.hpp')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/beast/http/serializer.hpp b/boost/beast/http/serializer.hpp
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index 0000000000..50e58185a9
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+++ b/boost/beast/http/serializer.hpp
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+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// Official repository:
+#include <boost/beast/core/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/buffers_cat.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/buffers_prefix.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/buffers_suffix.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/string.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/detail/variant.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/http/message.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/http/chunk_encode.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace beast {
+namespace http {
+/** Provides buffer oriented HTTP message serialization functionality.
+ An object of this type is used to serialize a complete
+ HTTP message into a sequence of octets. To use this class,
+ construct an instance with the message to be serialized.
+ The implementation will automatically perform chunk encoding
+ if the contents of the message indicate that chunk encoding
+ is required.
+ Chunked output produced by the serializer never contains chunk
+ extensions or trailers, and the location of chunk boundaries
+ is not specified. If callers require chunk extensions, trailers,
+ or control over the exact contents of each chunk they should
+ use the serializer to write just the message header, and then
+ assume control over serializing the chunked payload by using
+ the chunk buffer sequence types @ref chunk_body, @ref chunk_crlf,
+ @ref chunk_header, and @ref chunk_last.
+ @tparam isRequest `true` if the message is a request.
+ @tparam Body The body type of the message.
+ @tparam Fields The type of fields in the message.
+ bool isRequest,
+ class Body,
+ class Fields = fields>
+class serializer
+ static_assert(is_body<Body>::value,
+ "Body requirements not met");
+ static_assert(is_body_writer<Body>::value,
+ "BodyWriter requirements not met");
+ /** The type of message this serializer uses
+ This may be const or non-const depending on the
+ implementation of the corresponding @b BodyWriter.
+ */
+ using value_type = implementation_defined;
+ using value_type =
+ typename std::conditional<
+ std::is_constructible<typename Body::writer,
+ message<isRequest, Body, Fields>&>::value &&
+ ! std::is_constructible<typename Body::writer,
+ message<isRequest, Body, Fields> const&>::value,
+ message<isRequest, Body, Fields>,
+ message<isRequest, Body, Fields> const>::type;
+ enum
+ {
+ do_construct = 0,
+ do_init = 10,
+ do_header_only = 20,
+ do_header = 30,
+ do_body = 40,
+ do_init_c = 50,
+ do_header_only_c = 60,
+ do_header_c = 70,
+ do_body_c = 80,
+ do_final_c = 90,
+ do_body_final_c = 100,
+ do_all_c = 110,
+ #endif
+ do_complete = 120
+ };
+ void frdinit(std::true_type);
+ void frdinit(std::false_type);
+ template<std::size_t, class Visit>
+ void
+ do_visit(error_code& ec, Visit& visit);
+ using writer = typename Body::writer;
+ using cb1_t = buffers_suffix<typename
+ Fields::writer::const_buffers_type>; // header
+ using pcb1_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb1_t const&>;
+ using cb2_t = buffers_suffix<buffers_cat_view<
+ typename Fields::writer::const_buffers_type,// header
+ typename writer::const_buffers_type>>; // body
+ using pcb2_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb2_t const&>;
+ using cb3_t = buffers_suffix<
+ typename writer::const_buffers_type>; // body
+ using pcb3_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb3_t const&>;
+ using cb4_t = buffers_suffix<buffers_cat_view<
+ typename Fields::writer::const_buffers_type,// header
+ detail::chunk_size, // chunk-size
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-ext
+ chunk_crlf, // crlf
+ typename writer::const_buffers_type, // body
+ chunk_crlf>>; // crlf
+ using pcb4_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb4_t const&>;
+ using cb5_t = buffers_suffix<buffers_cat_view<
+ detail::chunk_size, // chunk-header
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-ext
+ chunk_crlf, // crlf
+ typename writer::const_buffers_type, // body
+ chunk_crlf>>; // crlf
+ using pcb5_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb5_t const&>;
+ using cb6_t = buffers_suffix<buffers_cat_view<
+ detail::chunk_size, // chunk-header
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-size
+ chunk_crlf, // crlf
+ typename writer::const_buffers_type, // body
+ chunk_crlf, // crlf
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-final
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // trailers
+ chunk_crlf>>; // crlf
+ using pcb6_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb6_t const&>;
+ using cb7_t = buffers_suffix<buffers_cat_view<
+ typename Fields::writer::const_buffers_type,// header
+ detail::chunk_size, // chunk-size
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-ext
+ chunk_crlf, // crlf
+ typename writer::const_buffers_type, // body
+ chunk_crlf, // crlf
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-final
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // trailers
+ chunk_crlf>>; // crlf
+ using pcb7_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb7_t const&>;
+ using cb8_t = buffers_suffix<buffers_cat_view<
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // chunk-final
+ boost::asio::const_buffer, // trailers
+ chunk_crlf>>; // crlf
+ using pcb8_t = buffers_prefix_view<cb8_t const&>;
+ value_type& m_;
+ writer rd_;
+ boost::optional<typename Fields::writer> frd_;
+ beast::detail::variant<
+ cb1_t, cb2_t, cb3_t, cb4_t,
+ cb5_t ,cb6_t, cb7_t, cb8_t> v_;
+ beast::detail::variant<
+ pcb1_t, pcb2_t, pcb3_t, pcb4_t,
+ pcb5_t ,pcb6_t, pcb7_t, pcb8_t> pv_;
+ std::size_t limit_ =
+ (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)();
+ int s_ = do_construct;
+ bool split_ = false;
+ bool header_done_ = false;
+ bool more_;
+ /// Constructor
+ serializer(serializer&&) = default;
+ /// Constructor
+ serializer(serializer const&) = default;
+ /// Assignment
+ serializer& operator=(serializer const&) = delete;
+ /** Constructor
+ The implementation guarantees that the message passed on
+ construction will not be accessed until the first call to
+ @ref next. This allows the message to be lazily created.
+ For example, if the header is filled in before serialization.
+ @param msg A reference to the message to serialize, which must
+ remain valid for the lifetime of the serializer. Depending on
+ the type of Body used, this may or may not be a `const` reference.
+ @note This function participates in overload resolution only if
+ Body::writer is constructible from a `const` message reference.
+ */
+ explicit
+ serializer(value_type& msg);
+ /// Returns the message being serialized
+ value_type&
+ get()
+ {
+ return m_;
+ }
+ /// Returns the serialized buffer size limit
+ std::size_t
+ limit()
+ {
+ return limit_;
+ }
+ /** Set the serialized buffer size limit
+ This function adjusts the limit on the maximum size of the
+ buffers passed to the visitor. The new size limit takes effect
+ in the following call to @ref next.
+ The default is no buffer size limit.
+ @param limit The new buffer size limit. If this number
+ is zero, the size limit is removed.
+ */
+ void
+ limit(std::size_t limit)
+ {
+ limit_ = limit > 0 ? limit :
+ (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)();
+ }
+ /** Returns `true` if we will pause after writing the complete header.
+ */
+ bool
+ split()
+ {
+ return split_;
+ }
+ /** Set whether the header and body are written separately.
+ When the split feature is enabled, the implementation will
+ write only the octets corresponding to the serialized header
+ first. If the header has already been written, this function
+ will have no effect on output.
+ */
+ void
+ split(bool v)
+ {
+ split_ = v;
+ }
+ /** Return `true` if serialization of the header is complete.
+ This function indicates whether or not all buffers containing
+ serialized header octets have been retrieved.
+ */
+ bool
+ is_header_done()
+ {
+ return header_done_;
+ }
+ /** Return `true` if serialization is complete.
+ The operation is complete when all octets corresponding
+ to the serialized representation of the message have been
+ successfully retrieved.
+ */
+ bool
+ is_done()
+ {
+ return s_ == do_complete;
+ }
+ /** Returns the next set of buffers in the serialization.
+ This function will attempt to call the `visit` function
+ object with a @b ConstBufferSequence of unspecified type
+ representing the next set of buffers in the serialization
+ of the message represented by this object.
+ If there are no more buffers in the serialization, the
+ visit function will not be called. In this case, no error
+ will be indicated, and the function @ref is_done will
+ return `true`.
+ @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
+ @param visit The function to call. The equivalent function
+ signature of this object must be:
+ @code
+ template<class ConstBufferSequence>
+ void visit(error_code&, ConstBufferSequence const&);
+ @endcode
+ The function is not copied, if no error occurs it will be
+ invoked before the call to @ref next returns.
+ */
+ template<class Visit>
+ void
+ next(error_code& ec, Visit&& visit);
+ /** Consume buffer octets in the serialization.
+ This function should be called after one or more octets
+ contained in the buffers provided in the prior call
+ to @ref next have been used.
+ After a call to @ref consume, callers should check the
+ return value of @ref is_done to determine if the entire
+ message has been serialized.
+ @param n The number of octets to consume. This number must
+ be greater than zero and no greater than the number of
+ octets in the buffers provided in the prior call to @ref next.
+ */
+ void
+ consume(std::size_t n);
+ /** Provides low-level access to the associated @b BodyWriter
+ This function provides access to the instance of the writer
+ associated with the body and created by the serializer
+ upon construction. The behavior of accessing this object
+ is defined by the specification of the particular writer
+ and its associated body.
+ @return A reference to the writer.
+ */
+ writer&
+ reader_impl()
+ {
+ return rd_;
+ }
+/// A serializer for HTTP/1 requests
+template<class Body, class Fields = fields>
+using request_serializer = serializer<true, Body, Fields>;
+/// A serializer for HTTP/1 responses
+template<class Body, class Fields = fields>
+using response_serializer = serializer<false, Body, Fields>;
+} // http
+} // beast
+} // boost
+#include <boost/beast/http/impl/serializer.ipp>