path: root/boost/beast/http/impl/field.ipp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'boost/beast/http/impl/field.ipp')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/beast/http/impl/field.ipp b/boost/beast/http/impl/field.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8da470ff24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost/beast/http/impl/field.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// Official repository:
+#include <boost/beast/core/string.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace beast {
+namespace http {
+namespace detail {
+struct field_table
+ using array_type =
+ std::array<string_view, 352>;
+ struct hash
+ {
+ std::size_t
+ operator()(string_view s) const
+ {
+ auto const n = s.size();
+ return
+ beast::detail::ascii_tolower(s[0]) *
+ beast::detail::ascii_tolower(s[n/2]) ^
+ beast::detail::ascii_tolower(s[n-1]); // hist[] = 331, 10, max_load_factor = 0.15f
+ }
+ };
+ struct iequal
+ {
+ // assumes inputs have equal length
+ bool
+ operator()(
+ string_view lhs,
+ string_view rhs) const
+ {
+ auto p1 =;
+ auto p2 =;
+ auto pend = lhs.end();
+ char a, b;
+ while(p1 < pend)
+ {
+ a = *p1++;
+ b = *p2++;
+ if(a != b)
+ goto slow;
+ }
+ return true;
+ while(p1 < pend)
+ {
+ slow:
+ if( beast::detail::ascii_tolower(a) !=
+ beast::detail::ascii_tolower(b))
+ return false;
+ a = *p1++;
+ b = *p2++;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ using map_type = std::unordered_map<
+ string_view, field, hash, iequal>;
+ array_type by_name_;
+ std::vector<map_type> by_size_;
+ From:
+ field_table()
+ : by_name_({{
+ "<unknown-field>",
+ "A-IM",
+ "Accept",
+ "Accept-Additions",
+ "Accept-Charset",
+ "Accept-Datetime",
+ "Accept-Encoding",
+ "Accept-Features",
+ "Accept-Language",
+ "Accept-Patch",
+ "Accept-Post",
+ "Accept-Ranges",
+ "Access-Control",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
+ "Access-Control-Max-Age",
+ "Access-Control-Request-Headers",
+ "Access-Control-Request-Method",
+ "Age",
+ "Allow",
+ "ALPN",
+ "Also-Control",
+ "Alt-Svc",
+ "Alt-Used",
+ "Alternate-Recipient",
+ "Alternates",
+ "Apparently-To",
+ "Apply-To-Redirect-Ref",
+ "Approved",
+ "Archive",
+ "Archived-At",
+ "Article-Names",
+ "Article-Updates",
+ "Authentication-Control",
+ "Authentication-Info",
+ "Authentication-Results",
+ "Authorization",
+ "Auto-Submitted",
+ "Autoforwarded",
+ "Autosubmitted",
+ "Base",
+ "Bcc",
+ "Body",
+ "C-Ext",
+ "C-Man",
+ "C-Opt",
+ "C-PEP",
+ "C-PEP-Info",
+ "Cache-Control",
+ "CalDAV-Timezones",
+ "Cancel-Key",
+ "Cancel-Lock",
+ "Cc",
+ "Close",
+ "Comments",
+ "Compliance",
+ "Connection",
+ "Content-Alternative",
+ "Content-Base",
+ "Content-Description",
+ "Content-Disposition",
+ "Content-Duration",
+ "Content-Encoding",
+ "Content-features",
+ "Content-ID",
+ "Content-Identifier",
+ "Content-Language",
+ "Content-Length",
+ "Content-Location",
+ "Content-MD5",
+ "Content-Range",
+ "Content-Return",
+ "Content-Script-Type",
+ "Content-Style-Type",
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding",
+ "Content-Type",
+ "Content-Version",
+ "Control",
+ "Conversion",
+ "Conversion-With-Loss",
+ "Cookie",
+ "Cookie2",
+ "Cost",
+ "DASL",
+ "Date",
+ "Date-Received",
+ "DAV",
+ "Default-Style",
+ "Deferred-Delivery",
+ "Delivery-Date",
+ "Delta-Base",
+ "Depth",
+ "Derived-From",
+ "Destination",
+ "Differential-ID",
+ "Digest",
+ "Discarded-X400-IPMS-Extensions",
+ "Discarded-X400-MTS-Extensions",
+ "Disclose-Recipients",
+ "Disposition-Notification-Options",
+ "Disposition-Notification-To",
+ "Distribution",
+ "DKIM-Signature",
+ "DL-Expansion-History",
+ "Downgraded-Bcc",
+ "Downgraded-Cc",
+ "Downgraded-Disposition-Notification-To",
+ "Downgraded-Final-Recipient",
+ "Downgraded-From",
+ "Downgraded-In-Reply-To",
+ "Downgraded-Mail-From",
+ "Downgraded-Message-Id",
+ "Downgraded-Original-Recipient",
+ "Downgraded-Rcpt-To",
+ "Downgraded-References",
+ "Downgraded-Reply-To",
+ "Downgraded-Resent-Bcc",
+ "Downgraded-Resent-Cc",
+ "Downgraded-Resent-From",
+ "Downgraded-Resent-Reply-To",
+ "Downgraded-Resent-Sender",
+ "Downgraded-Resent-To",
+ "Downgraded-Return-Path",
+ "Downgraded-Sender",
+ "Downgraded-To",
+ "EDIINT-Features",
+ "Eesst-Version",
+ "Encoding",
+ "Encrypted",
+ "Errors-To",
+ "ETag",
+ "Expect",
+ "Expires",
+ "Expiry-Date",
+ "Ext",
+ "Followup-To",
+ "Forwarded",
+ "From",
+ "Generate-Delivery-Report",
+ "GetProfile",
+ "Hobareg",
+ "Host",
+ "HTTP2-Settings",
+ "If",
+ "If-Match",
+ "If-Modified-Since",
+ "If-None-Match",
+ "If-Range",
+ "If-Schedule-Tag-Match",
+ "If-Unmodified-Since",
+ "IM",
+ "Importance",
+ "In-Reply-To",
+ "Incomplete-Copy",
+ "Injection-Date",
+ "Injection-Info",
+ "Jabber-ID",
+ "Keep-Alive",
+ "Keywords",
+ "Label",
+ "Language",
+ "Last-Modified",
+ "Latest-Delivery-Time",
+ "Lines",
+ "Link",
+ "List-Archive",
+ "List-Help",
+ "List-ID",
+ "List-Owner",
+ "List-Post",
+ "List-Subscribe",
+ "List-Unsubscribe",
+ "List-Unsubscribe-Post",
+ "Location",
+ "Lock-Token",
+ "Man",
+ "Max-Forwards",
+ "Memento-Datetime",
+ "Message-Context",
+ "Message-ID",
+ "Message-Type",
+ "Meter",
+ "Method-Check",
+ "Method-Check-Expires",
+ "MIME-Version",
+ "MMHS-Acp127-Message-Identifier",
+ "MMHS-Authorizing-Users",
+ "MMHS-Codress-Message-Indicator",
+ "MMHS-Copy-Precedence",
+ "MMHS-Exempted-Address",
+ "MMHS-Extended-Authorisation-Info",
+ "MMHS-Handling-Instructions",
+ "MMHS-Message-Instructions",
+ "MMHS-Message-Type",
+ "MMHS-Originator-PLAD",
+ "MMHS-Originator-Reference",
+ "MMHS-Other-Recipients-Indicator-CC",
+ "MMHS-Other-Recipients-Indicator-To",
+ "MMHS-Primary-Precedence",
+ "MMHS-Subject-Indicator-Codes",
+ "MT-Priority",
+ "Negotiate",
+ "Newsgroups",
+ "NNTP-Posting-Date",
+ "NNTP-Posting-Host",
+ "Non-Compliance",
+ "Obsoletes",
+ "Opt",
+ "Optional",
+ "Optional-WWW-Authenticate",
+ "Ordering-Type",
+ "Organization",
+ "Origin",
+ "Original-Encoded-Information-Types",
+ "Original-From",
+ "Original-Message-ID",
+ "Original-Recipient",
+ "Original-Sender",
+ "Original-Subject",
+ "Originator-Return-Address",
+ "Overwrite",
+ "P3P",
+ "Path",
+ "PEP",
+ "Pep-Info",
+ "PICS-Label",
+ "Position",
+ "Posting-Version",
+ "Pragma",
+ "Prefer",
+ "Preference-Applied",
+ "Prevent-NonDelivery-Report",
+ "Priority",
+ "Privicon",
+ "ProfileObject",
+ "Protocol",
+ "Protocol-Info",
+ "Protocol-Query",
+ "Protocol-Request",
+ "Proxy-Authenticate",
+ "Proxy-Authentication-Info",
+ "Proxy-Authorization",
+ "Proxy-Connection",
+ "Proxy-Features",
+ "Proxy-Instruction",
+ "Public",
+ "Public-Key-Pins",
+ "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only",
+ "Range",
+ "Received",
+ "Received-SPF",
+ "Redirect-Ref",
+ "References",
+ "Referer",
+ "Referer-Root",
+ "Relay-Version",
+ "Reply-By",
+ "Reply-To",
+ "Require-Recipient-Valid-Since",
+ "Resent-Bcc",
+ "Resent-Cc",
+ "Resent-Date",
+ "Resent-From",
+ "Resent-Message-ID",
+ "Resent-Reply-To",
+ "Resent-Sender",
+ "Resent-To",
+ "Resolution-Hint",
+ "Resolver-Location",
+ "Retry-After",
+ "Return-Path",
+ "Safe",
+ "Schedule-Reply",
+ "Schedule-Tag",
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Accept",
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions",
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Key",
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol",
+ "Sec-WebSocket-Version",
+ "Security-Scheme",
+ "See-Also",
+ "Sender",
+ "Sensitivity",
+ "Server",
+ "Set-Cookie",
+ "Set-Cookie2",
+ "SetProfile",
+ "SIO-Label",
+ "SIO-Label-History",
+ "SLUG",
+ "SoapAction",
+ "Solicitation",
+ "Status-URI",
+ "Strict-Transport-Security",
+ "Subject",
+ "SubOK",
+ "Subst",
+ "Summary",
+ "Supersedes",
+ "Surrogate-Capability",
+ "Surrogate-Control",
+ "TCN",
+ "TE",
+ "Timeout",
+ "Title",
+ "To",
+ "Topic",
+ "Trailer",
+ "Transfer-Encoding",
+ "TTL",
+ "UA-Color",
+ "UA-Media",
+ "UA-Pixels",
+ "UA-Resolution",
+ "UA-Windowpixels",
+ "Upgrade",
+ "Urgency",
+ "URI",
+ "User-Agent",
+ "Variant-Vary",
+ "Vary",
+ "VBR-Info",
+ "Version",
+ "Via",
+ "Want-Digest",
+ "Warning",
+ "WWW-Authenticate",
+ "X-Archived-At",
+ "X-Device-Accept",
+ "X-Device-Accept-Charset",
+ "X-Device-Accept-Encoding",
+ "X-Device-Accept-Language",
+ "X-Device-User-Agent",
+ "X-Frame-Options",
+ "X-Mittente",
+ "X-PGP-Sig",
+ "X-Ricevuta",
+ "X-Riferimento-Message-ID",
+ "X-TipoRicevuta",
+ "X-Trasporto",
+ "X-VerificaSicurezza",
+ "X400-Content-Identifier",
+ "X400-Content-Return",
+ "X400-Content-Type",
+ "X400-MTS-Identifier",
+ "X400-Originator",
+ "X400-Received",
+ "X400-Recipients",
+ "X400-Trace",
+ "Xref"
+ }})
+ {
+ // find the longest field length
+ std::size_t high = 0;
+ for(auto const& s : by_name_)
+ if(high < s.size())
+ high = s.size();
+ // build by_size map
+ // skip field::unknown
+ by_size_.resize(high + 1);
+ for(auto& map : by_size_)
+ map.max_load_factor(.15f);
+ for(std::size_t i = 1;
+ i < by_name_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto const& s = by_name_[i];
+ by_size_[s.size()].emplace(
+ s, static_cast<field>(i));
+ }
+#if 0
+ // This snippet calculates the performance
+ // of the hash function and map settings
+ {
+ std::vector<std::size_t> hist;
+ for(auto const& map : by_size_)
+ {
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < map.bucket_count(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto const n = map.bucket_size(i);
+ if(n > 0)
+ {
+ if(hist.size() < n)
+ hist.resize(n);
+ ++hist[n-1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ field
+ string_to_field(string_view s) const
+ {
+ if(s.size() >= by_size_.size())
+ return field::unknown;
+ auto const& map = by_size_[s.size()];
+ if(map.empty())
+ return field::unknown;
+ auto it = map.find(s);
+ if(it == map.end())
+ return field::unknown;
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ //
+ // Deprecated
+ //
+ using const_iterator =
+ array_type::const_iterator;
+ std::size_t
+ size() const
+ {
+ return by_name_.size();
+ }
+ const_iterator
+ begin() const
+ {
+ return by_name_.begin();
+ }
+ const_iterator
+ end() const
+ {
+ return by_name_.end();
+ }
+field_table const&
+ static field_table const tab;
+ return tab;
+template<class = void>
+to_string(field f)
+ auto const& v = get_field_table();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(f) < v.size());
+ return v.begin()[static_cast<unsigned>(f)];
+} // detail
+to_string(field f)
+ return detail::to_string(f);
+string_to_field(string_view s)
+ return detail::get_field_table().string_to_field(s);
+} // http
+} // beast
+} // boost