path: root/boost/beast/core/async_base.hpp
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1 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boost/beast/core/async_base.hpp b/boost/beast/core/async_base.hpp
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+// Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// Official repository:
+#include <boost/beast/core/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/bind_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/detail/allocator.hpp>
+#include <boost/beast/core/detail/async_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_allocator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/bind_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/executor_work_guard.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_alloc_hook.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_continuation_hook.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_invoke_hook.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/post.hpp>
+#include <boost/core/exchange.hpp>
+#include <boost/core/empty_value.hpp>
+#include <utility>
+namespace boost {
+namespace beast {
+/** Base class to assist writing composed operations.
+ A function object submitted to intermediate initiating functions during
+ a composed operation may derive from this type to inherit all of the
+ boilerplate to forward the executor, allocator, and legacy customization
+ points associated with the completion handler invoked at the end of the
+ composed operation.
+ The composed operation must be typical; that is, associated with one
+ executor of an I/O object, and invoking a caller-provided completion
+ handler when the operation is finished. Classes derived from
+ @ref async_base will acquire these properties:
+ @li Ownership of the final completion handler provided upon construction.
+ @li If the final handler has an associated allocator, this allocator will
+ be propagated to the composed operation subclass. Otherwise, the
+ associated allocator will be the type specified in the allocator
+ template parameter, or the default of `std::allocator<void>` if the
+ parameter is omitted.
+ @li If the final handler has an associated executor, then it will be used
+ as the executor associated with the composed operation. Otherwise,
+ the specified `Executor1` will be the type of executor associated
+ with the composed operation.
+ @li An instance of `net::executor_work_guard` for the instance of `Executor1`
+ shall be maintained until either the final handler is invoked, or the
+ operation base is destroyed, whichever comes first.
+ @li Calls to the legacy customization points
+ `asio_handler_invoke`,
+ `asio_handler_allocate`,
+ `asio_handler_deallocate`, and
+ `asio_handler_is_continuation`,
+ which use argument-dependent lookup, will be forwarded to the
+ legacy customization points associated with the handler.
+ @par Example
+ The following code demonstrates how @ref async_base may be be used to
+ assist authoring an asynchronous initiating function, by providing all of
+ the boilerplate to manage the final completion handler in a way that
+ maintains the allocator and executor associations:
+ @code
+ // Asynchronously read into a buffer until the buffer is full, or an error occurs
+ template<class AsyncReadStream, class ReadHandler>
+ typename net::async_result<ReadHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>::return_type
+ async_read(AsyncReadStream& stream, net::mutable_buffer buffer, ReadHandler&& handler)
+ {
+ using handler_type = BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(ReadHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t));
+ using base_type = async_base<handler_type, typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>;
+ struct op : base_type
+ {
+ AsyncReadStream& stream_;
+ net::mutable_buffer buffer_;
+ std::size_t total_bytes_transferred_;
+ op(
+ AsyncReadStream& stream,
+ net::mutable_buffer buffer,
+ handler_type& handler)
+ : base_type(std::move(handler), stream.get_executor())
+ , stream_(stream)
+ , buffer_(buffer)
+ , total_bytes_transferred_(0)
+ {
+ (*this)({}, 0, false); // start the operation
+ }
+ void operator()(error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred, bool is_continuation = true)
+ {
+ // Adjust the count of bytes and advance our buffer
+ total_bytes_transferred_ += bytes_transferred;
+ buffer_ = buffer_ + bytes_transferred;
+ // Keep reading until buffer is full or an error occurs
+ if(! ec && buffer_.size() > 0)
+ return stream_.async_read_some(buffer_, std::move(*this));
+ // Call the completion handler with the result. If `is_continuation` is
+ // false, which happens on the first time through this function, then
+ // `net::post` will be used to call the completion handler, otherwise
+ // the completion handler will be invoked directly.
+ this->invoke(is_continuation, ec, total_bytes_transferred_);
+ }
+ };
+ net::async_completion<ReadHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)> init{handler};
+ op(stream, buffer, init.completion_handler);
+ return init.result.get();
+ }
+ @endcode
+ Data members of composed operations implemented as completion handlers
+ do not have stable addresses, as the composed operation object is move
+ constructed upon each call to an initiating function. For most operations
+ this is not a problem. For complex operations requiring stable temporary
+ storage, the class @ref stable_async_base is provided which offers
+ additional functionality:
+ @li The free function @ref allocate_stable may be used to allocate
+ one or more temporary objects associated with the composed operation.
+ @li Memory for stable temporary objects is allocated using the allocator
+ associated with the composed operation.
+ @li Stable temporary objects are automatically destroyed, and the memory
+ freed using the associated allocator, either before the final completion
+ handler is invoked (a Networking requirement) or when the composed operation
+ is destroyed, whichever occurs first.
+ @par Temporary Storage Example
+ The following example demonstrates how a composed operation may store a
+ temporary object.
+ @code
+ @endcode
+ @tparam Handler The type of the completion handler to store.
+ This type must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
+ @tparam Executor1 The type of the executor used when the handler has no
+ associated executor. An instance of this type must be provided upon
+ construction. The implementation will maintain an executor work guard
+ and a copy of this instance.
+ @tparam Allocator The allocator type to use if the handler does not
+ have an associated allocator. If this parameter is omitted, then
+ `std::allocator<void>` will be used. If the specified allocator is
+ not default constructible, an instance of the type must be provided
+ upon construction.
+ @see stable_async_base
+ class Handler,
+ class Executor1,
+ class Allocator = std::allocator<void>
+class async_base
+ : private boost::empty_value<Allocator>
+ static_assert(
+ net::is_executor<Executor1>::value,
+ "Executor type requirements not met");
+ Handler h_;
+ net::executor_work_guard<Executor1> wg1_;
+ virtual
+ void
+ before_invoke_hook()
+ {
+ }
+ /** Constructor
+ @param handler The final completion handler.
+ The type of this object must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
+ The implementation takes ownership of the handler by performing a decay-copy.
+ @param ex1 The executor associated with the implied I/O object
+ target of the operation. The implementation shall maintain an
+ executor work guard for the lifetime of the operation, or until
+ the final completion handler is invoked, whichever is shorter.
+ @param alloc The allocator to be associated with objects
+ derived from this class. If `Allocator` is default-constructible,
+ this parameter is optional and may be omitted.
+ */
+ template<class Handler_>
+ async_base(
+ Handler&& handler,
+ Executor1 const& ex1,
+ Allocator const& alloc = Allocator());
+ template<
+ class Handler_,
+ class = typename std::enable_if<
+ ! std::is_same<typename
+ std::decay<Handler_>::type,
+ async_base
+ >::value>::type
+ >
+ async_base(
+ Handler_&& handler,
+ Executor1 const& ex1)
+ : h_(std::forward<Handler_>(handler))
+ , wg1_(ex1)
+ {
+ }
+ template<class Handler_>
+ async_base(
+ Handler_&& handler,
+ Executor1 const& ex1,
+ Allocator const& alloc)
+ : boost::empty_value<Allocator>(
+ boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc)
+ , h_(std::forward<Handler_>(handler))
+ , wg1_(ex1)
+ {
+ }
+ /// Move Constructor
+ async_base(async_base&& other) = default;
+ /** The type of allocator associated with this object.
+ If a class derived from @ref async_base is a completion
+ handler, then the associated allocator of the derived class will
+ be this type.
+ */
+ using allocator_type =
+ net::associated_allocator_t<Handler, Allocator>;
+ /** The type of executor associated with this object.
+ If a class derived from @ref async_base is a completion
+ handler, then the associated executor of the derived class will
+ be this type.
+ */
+ using executor_type =
+ net::associated_executor_t<Handler, Executor1>;
+ /** Returns the allocator associated with this object.
+ If a class derived from @ref async_base is a completion
+ handler, then the object returned from this function will be used
+ as the associated allocator of the derived class.
+ */
+ allocator_type
+ get_allocator() const noexcept
+ {
+ return net::get_associated_allocator(h_,
+ boost::empty_value<Allocator>::get());
+ }
+ /** Returns the executor associated with this object.
+ If a class derived from @ref async_base is a completion
+ handler, then the object returned from this function will be used
+ as the associated executor of the derived class.
+ */
+ executor_type
+ get_executor() const noexcept
+ {
+ return net::get_associated_executor(
+ h_, wg1_.get_executor());
+ }
+ /// Returns the handler associated with this object
+ Handler const&
+ handler() const noexcept
+ {
+ return h_;
+ }
+ /** Returns ownership of the handler associated with this object
+ This function is used to transfer ownership of the handler to
+ the caller, by move-construction. After the move, the only
+ valid operations on the base object are move construction and
+ destruction.
+ */
+ Handler
+ release_handler()
+ {
+ return std::move(h_);
+ }
+ /** Invoke the final completion handler, maybe using post.
+ This invokes the final completion handler with the specified
+ arguments forwarded. It is undefined to call either of
+ @ref complete or @ref complete_now more than once.
+ Any temporary objects allocated with @ref beast::allocate_stable will
+ be automatically destroyed before the final completion handler
+ is invoked.
+ @param is_continuation If this value is `false`, then the
+ handler will be submitted to the executor using `net::post`.
+ Otherwise the handler will be invoked as if by calling
+ @ref complete_now.
+ @param args A list of optional parameters to invoke the handler
+ with. The completion handler must be invocable with the parameter
+ list, or else a compilation error will result.
+ */
+ template<class... Args>
+ void
+ complete(bool is_continuation, Args&&... args)
+ {
+ this->before_invoke_hook();
+ if(! is_continuation)
+ {
+ auto const ex = get_executor();
+ net::post(net::bind_executor(
+ ex,
+ beast::bind_front_handler(
+ std::move(h_),
+ std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
+ wg1_.reset();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wg1_.reset();
+ h_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Invoke the final completion handler.
+ This invokes the final completion handler with the specified
+ arguments forwarded. It is undefined to call either of
+ @ref complete or @ref complete_now more than once.
+ Any temporary objects allocated with @ref beast::allocate_stable will
+ be automatically destroyed before the final completion handler
+ is invoked.
+ @param args A list of optional parameters to invoke the handler
+ with. The completion handler must be invocable with the parameter
+ list, or else a compilation error will result.
+ */
+ template<class... Args>
+ void
+ complete_now(Args&&... args)
+ {
+ this->before_invoke_hook();
+ wg1_.reset();
+ h_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ Handler*
+ get_legacy_handler_pointer() noexcept
+ {
+ return std::addressof(h_);
+ }
+/** Base class to provide completion handler boilerplate for composed operations.
+ A function object submitted to intermediate initiating functions during
+ a composed operation may derive from this type to inherit all of the
+ boilerplate to forward the executor, allocator, and legacy customization
+ points associated with the completion handler invoked at the end of the
+ composed operation.
+ The composed operation must be typical; that is, associated with one
+ executor of an I/O object, and invoking a caller-provided completion
+ handler when the operation is finished. Classes derived from
+ @ref async_base will acquire these properties:
+ @li Ownership of the final completion handler provided upon construction.
+ @li If the final handler has an associated allocator, this allocator will
+ be propagated to the composed operation subclass. Otherwise, the
+ associated allocator will be the type specified in the allocator
+ template parameter, or the default of `std::allocator<void>` if the
+ parameter is omitted.
+ @li If the final handler has an associated executor, then it will be used
+ as the executor associated with the composed operation. Otherwise,
+ the specified `Executor1` will be the type of executor associated
+ with the composed operation.
+ @li An instance of `net::executor_work_guard` for the instance of `Executor1`
+ shall be maintained until either the final handler is invoked, or the
+ operation base is destroyed, whichever comes first.
+ @li Calls to the legacy customization points
+ `asio_handler_invoke`,
+ `asio_handler_allocate`,
+ `asio_handler_deallocate`, and
+ `asio_handler_is_continuation`,
+ which use argument-dependent lookup, will be forwarded to the
+ legacy customization points associated with the handler.
+ Data members of composed operations implemented as completion handlers
+ do not have stable addresses, as the composed operation object is move
+ constructed upon each call to an initiating function. For most operations
+ this is not a problem. For complex operations requiring stable temporary
+ storage, the class @ref stable_async_base is provided which offers
+ additional functionality:
+ @li The free function @ref beast::allocate_stable may be used to allocate
+ one or more temporary objects associated with the composed operation.
+ @li Memory for stable temporary objects is allocated using the allocator
+ associated with the composed operation.
+ @li Stable temporary objects are automatically destroyed, and the memory
+ freed using the associated allocator, either before the final completion
+ handler is invoked (a Networking requirement) or when the composed operation
+ is destroyed, whichever occurs first.
+ @par Example
+ The following code demonstrates how @ref stable_async_base may be be used to
+ assist authoring an asynchronous initiating function, by providing all of
+ the boilerplate to manage the final completion handler in a way that maintains
+ the allocator and executor associations. Furthermore, the operation shown
+ allocates temporary memory using @ref beast::allocate_stable for the timer and
+ message, whose addresses must not change between intermediate operations:
+ @code
+ // Asynchronously send a message multiple times, once per second
+ template <class AsyncWriteStream, class T, class WriteHandler>
+ auto async_write_messages(
+ AsyncWriteStream& stream,
+ T const& message,
+ std::size_t repeat_count,
+ WriteHandler&& handler) ->
+ typename net::async_result<
+ typename std::decay<WriteHandler>::type,
+ void(error_code)>::return_type
+ {
+ using handler_type = typename net::async_completion<WriteHandler, void(error_code)>::completion_handler_type;
+ using base_type = stable_async_base<handler_type, typename AsyncWriteStream::executor_type>;
+ struct op : base_type, boost::asio::coroutine
+ {
+ // This object must have a stable address
+ struct temporary_data
+ {
+ // Although std::string is in theory movable, most implementations
+ // use a "small buffer optimization" which means that we might
+ // be submitting a buffer to the write operation and then
+ // moving the string, invalidating the buffer. To prevent
+ // undefined behavior we store the string object itself at
+ // a stable location.
+ std::string const message;
+ net::steady_timer timer;
+ temporary_data(std::string message_, net::io_context& ctx)
+ : message(std::move(message_))
+ , timer(ctx)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ AsyncWriteStream& stream_;
+ std::size_t repeats_;
+ temporary_data& data_;
+ op(AsyncWriteStream& stream, std::size_t repeats, std::string message, handler_type& handler)
+ : base_type(std::move(handler), stream.get_executor())
+ , stream_(stream)
+ , repeats_(repeats)
+ , data_(allocate_stable<temporary_data>(*this, std::move(message), stream.get_executor().context()))
+ {
+ (*this)(); // start the operation
+ }
+ // Including this file provides the keywords for macro-based coroutines
+ #include <boost/asio/yield.hpp>
+ void operator()(error_code ec = {}, std::size_t = 0)
+ {
+ reenter(*this)
+ {
+ // If repeats starts at 0 then we must complete immediately. But
+ // we can't call the final handler from inside the initiating
+ // function, so we post our intermediate handler first. We use
+ // net::async_write with an empty buffer instead of calling
+ // net::post to avoid an extra function template instantiation, to
+ // keep compile times lower and make the resulting executable smaller.
+ yield net::async_write(stream_, net::const_buffer{}, std::move(*this));
+ while(! ec && repeats_-- > 0)
+ {
+ // Send the string. We construct a `const_buffer` here to guarantee
+ // that we do not create an additional function template instantation
+ // of net::async_write, since we already instantiated it above for
+ // net::const_buffer.
+ yield net::async_write(stream_,
+ net::const_buffer(net::buffer(data_.message)), std::move(*this));
+ if(ec)
+ break;
+ // Set the timer and wait
+ data_.timer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(1));
+ yield data_.timer.async_wait(std::move(*this));
+ }
+ }
+ // The base class destroys the temporary data automatically,
+ // before invoking the final completion handler
+ this->complete_now(ec);
+ }
+ // Including this file undefines the macros for the coroutines
+ #include <boost/asio/unyield.hpp>
+ };
+ net::async_completion<WriteHandler, void(error_code)> completion(handler);
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << message;
+ op(stream, repeat_count, os.str(), completion.completion_handler);
+ return completion.result.get();
+ }
+ @endcode
+ @tparam Handler The type of the completion handler to store.
+ This type must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
+ @tparam Executor1 The type of the executor used when the handler has no
+ associated executor. An instance of this type must be provided upon
+ construction. The implementation will maintain an executor work guard
+ and a copy of this instance.
+ @tparam Allocator The allocator type to use if the handler does not
+ have an associated allocator. If this parameter is omitted, then
+ `std::allocator<void>` will be used. If the specified allocator is
+ not default constructible, an instance of the type must be provided
+ upon construction.
+ @see allocate_stable, async_base
+ class Handler,
+ class Executor1,
+ class Allocator = std::allocator<void>
+class stable_async_base
+ : public async_base<
+ Handler, Executor1, Allocator>
+ detail::stable_base* list_ = nullptr;
+ void
+ before_invoke_hook() override
+ {
+ detail::stable_base::destroy_list(list_);
+ }
+ /** Constructor
+ @param handler The final completion handler.
+ The type of this object must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
+ The implementation takes ownership of the handler by performing a decay-copy.
+ @param ex1 The executor associated with the implied I/O object
+ target of the operation. The implementation shall maintain an
+ executor work guard for the lifetime of the operation, or until
+ the final completion handler is invoked, whichever is shorter.
+ @param alloc The allocator to be associated with objects
+ derived from this class. If `Allocator` is default-constructible,
+ this parameter is optional and may be omitted.
+ */
+ template<class Handler>
+ stable_async_base(
+ Handler&& handler,
+ Executor1 const& ex1,
+ Allocator const& alloc = Allocator());
+ template<
+ class Handler_,
+ class = typename std::enable_if<
+ ! std::is_same<typename
+ std::decay<Handler_>::type,
+ stable_async_base
+ >::value>::type
+ >
+ stable_async_base(
+ Handler_&& handler,
+ Executor1 const& ex1)
+ : async_base<
+ Handler, Executor1, Allocator>(
+ std::forward<Handler_>(handler), ex1)
+ {
+ }
+ template<class Handler_>
+ stable_async_base(
+ Handler_&& handler,
+ Executor1 const& ex1,
+ Allocator const& alloc)
+ : async_base<
+ Handler, Executor1, Allocator>(
+ std::forward<Handler_>(handler), ex1, alloc)
+ {
+ }
+ /// Move Constructor
+ stable_async_base(stable_async_base&& other)
+ : async_base<Handler, Executor1, Allocator>(
+ std::move(other))
+ , list_(boost::exchange(other.list_, nullptr))
+ {
+ }
+ /** Destructor
+ If the completion handler was not invoked, then any
+ state objects allocated with @ref allocate_stable will
+ be destroyed here.
+ */
+ ~stable_async_base()
+ {
+ detail::stable_base::destroy_list(list_);
+ }
+ /** Allocate a temporary object to hold operation state.
+ The object will be destroyed just before the completion
+ handler is invoked, or when the operation base is destroyed.
+ */
+ template<
+ class State,
+ class Handler_,
+ class Executor1_,
+ class Allocator_,
+ class... Args>
+ friend
+ State&
+ allocate_stable(
+ stable_async_base<
+ Handler_, Executor1_, Allocator_>& base,
+ Args&&... args);
+/** Allocate a temporary object to hold stable asynchronous operation state.
+ The object will be destroyed just before the completion
+ handler is invoked, or when the base is destroyed.
+ @tparam State The type of object to allocate.
+ @param base The helper to allocate from.
+ @param args An optional list of parameters to forward to the
+ constructor of the object being allocated.
+ @see stable_async_base
+ class State,
+ class Handler,
+ class Executor1,
+ class Allocator,
+ class... Args>
+ stable_async_base<
+ Handler, Executor1, Allocator>& base,
+ Args&&... args);
+} // beast
+} // boost
+#include <boost/beast/core/impl/async_base.hpp>