path: root/libs/heap
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authorAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 12:57:26 -0700
committerAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 12:57:26 -0700
commit1a78a62555be32868418fe52f8e330c9d0f95d5a (patch)
treed3765a80e7d3b9640ec2e930743630cd6b9fce2b /libs/heap
Imported Upstream version 1.49.0upstream/1.49.0
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/heap')
19 files changed, 2898 insertions, 0 deletions
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Tim Blechmann
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+import doxygen ;
+import quickbook ;
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+ :
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diff --git a/libs/heap/doc/heap.qbk b/libs/heap/doc/heap.qbk
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+[library Boost.Heap
+ [quickbook 1.4]
+ [authors [Blechmann, Tim]]
+ [copyright 2010-2011 Tim Blechmann]
+ [category algorithms]
+ [purpose
+ heap data structures
+ ]
+ [id heap]
+ [dirname heap]
+ [license
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ [@])
+ ]
+[/ Links ]
+[def _heap_ [^boost.heap]]
+[/ unspecified stuff ]
+[def __unspecified_int__ /unspecified-int-type/]
+[def __unspecified__ /unspecified/]
+[def __unspecified_bool__ /unspecified-bool-type/]
+[section Introduction & Motivation]
+_heap_ is an implementation of priority queues. Priority queues are queue data structures, that order their elements by
+a priority. The STL provides a single template class =std::priority_queue=, which only provides a limited functionality.
+To overcome these limitations, _heap_ implements [link heap.data_structures data structures] with more functionality and
+different performance characteristics. Especially, it deals with additional aspects:
+* *Mutability*: The priority of heap elements can be modified.
+* *Iterators*: Heaps provide iterators to iterate all elements.
+* *Mergable*: While all heaps can be merged, some can be merged efficiently.
+* *Stability*: Heaps can be configured to be stable sorted.
+* *Comparison*: Heaps can be compared for equivalence.
+[section:concepts Concepts & Interface]
+[section:basic Basic Priority Queue Interface]
+Priority queues are queues of objects, that are ordered by their priority. They support the operations of adding nodes to
+the data structure, accessing the top element (the element with the highest priority), and removing the top element.
+[note _heap_ implements priority queues as max-heaps to be consistent with the STL heap functions. This is in contrast to
+the typical textbook design, which uses min-heaps.]
+[h5 Synopsis]
+ template <typename T, class ...Options>
+ class priority_queue
+ {
+ // types
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` size_type;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` difference_type;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` allocator_type;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` value_compare;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` reference;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` const_reference;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` pointer;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` const_pointer;
+ // construct/copy/destruct
+ explicit priority_queue(value_compare const & = value_compare());
+ priority_queue(priority_queue const &);
+ priority_queue& operator=(priority_queue const &);
+ priority_queue(priority_queue &&); // move semantics (C++11 only)
+ priority_queue& operator=(priority_queue &&); // move semantics (C++11 only)
+ // public member functions
+ ``/unspecified/`` push(const_reference); // push new element to heap
+ template<class... Args> void emplace(Args &&...); // push new element to heap, C++11 only
+ const_reference top() const; // return top element
+ void pop(); // remove top element
+ void clear(); // clear heap
+ size_type size() const; // number of elements
+ bool empty() const; // priority queue is empty
+ allocator_type get_allocator(void) const; // return allocator
+ size_type max_size(void) const; // maximal possible size
+ void reserve(size_type); // reserve space, only available if (has_reserve == true)
+ // heap equivalence
+ template<typename HeapType> bool operator==(HeapType const &) const;
+ template<typename HeapType> bool operator!=(HeapType const &) const;
+ // heap comparison
+ template<typename HeapType> bool operator<(HeapType const &) const;
+ template<typename HeapType> bool operator>(HeapType const &) const;
+ template<typename HeapType> bool operator>=(HeapType const &) const;
+ template<typename HeapType> bool operator<=(HeapType const &) const;
+ // public data members
+ static const bool constant_time_size; // size() has constant complexity
+ static const bool has_ordered_iterators; // priority queue has ``[link heap.concepts.iterators ordered iterators]``
+ static const bool is_mergable; // priority queue is efficiently ``[link heap.concepts.merge mergable]``
+ static const bool is_stable; // priority queue has a ``[link heap.concepts.stability stable heap order]``
+ static const bool has_reserve; // priority queue has a reserve() member
+ };
+[h5 Example]
+[import ../examples/interface.cpp]
+[section:iterators Priority Queue Iterators]
+[h5 Synopsis]
+ class iteratable_heap_interface
+ {
+ public:
+ // types
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` iterator;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` const_iterator;
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` ordered_iterator;
+ // public member functions
+ iterator begin(void) const;
+ iterator end(void) const;
+ ordered_iterator ordered_begin(void) const;
+ ordered_iterator ordered_end(void) const;
+ };
+Priority queues provide iterators, that can be used to traverse their elements. All heap iterators are const_iterators, that means
+they cannot be used to modify the values, because changing the value of a heap node may corrupt the heap order. Details about
+modifying heap nodes are described in the section about the [link heap.concepts.mutability mutability interface].
+Iterators do not visit heap elements in any specific order. Unless otherwise noted, all non-const heap member functions invalidate
+iterators, while all const member functions preserve the iterator validity.
+[note Some implementations require iterators, that contain a set of elements, that are *discovered*, but not *visited*. Therefore
+copying iterators can be inefficient and should be avoided.]
+[h5 Example]
+[section:ordered_iterators Ordered Iterators]
+Except for [classref boost::heap::priority_queue] all _heap_ data structures support ordered iterators, which visit all elements
+of the heap in heap-order. The implementation of these [^ordered_iterator]s requires some internal bookkeeping, so iterating the a
+heap in heap order has an amortized complexity of O(N*log(N)).
+[h5 Example]
+[section:comparing Comparing Priority Queues & Equivalence]
+The data structures of _heap_ can be compared with standard comparison operators. The comparison is performed by comparing two
+heaps element by element using =value_compare=.
+[note Depending on the heap type, this operation can be rather expensive, because both data structures need to be traversed in
+heap order. On heaps without ordered iterators, the heap needs to be copied internally. The typical complexity is O(n log(n)).]
+[section:merge Merging Priority Queues]
+[h3 Mergable Priority Queues]
+[h5 Synopsis]
+ class mergable_heap_interface
+ {
+ public:
+ // public member functions
+ void merge(mergable_heap_interface &);
+ };
+_heap_ has a concept of a Mergable Priority Queue. A mergable priority queue can efficiently be merged with a different instance
+of the same type.
+[h5 Example]
+[h3 Heap Merge Algorithms]
+_heap_ provides a =heap_merge()= algorithm that is can be used to merge different kinds of heaps. Using this algorithm, all _heap_
+data structures can be merged, although some cannot be merged efficiently.
+[h5 Example]
+[section:mutability Mutability]
+Some priority queues of _heap_ are mutable, that means the priority of their elements can be changed. To achieve mutability,
+_heap_ introduces the concept of *handles*, which can be used to access the internal nodes of the priority queue in order to
+change its value and to restore the heap order.
+[h5 Synopsis]
+ class mutable_heap_interface
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ``/unspecified/`` iterator;
+ struct handle_type
+ {
+ value_type & operator*() const;
+ };
+ static handle_type s_iterator_to_handle(iterator const &);
+ // priority queue interface
+ handle_type push(T const & v);
+ // update element via assignment and fix heap
+ void update(handle_type const & handle, value_type const & v);
+ void increase(handle_type const & handle, value_type const & v);
+ void decrease(handle_type const & handle, value_type const & v);
+ // fix heap after element has been changed via the handle
+ void update(handle_type const & handle);
+ void increase(handle_type const & handle);
+ void decrease(handle_type const & handle);
+ };
+[warning Incorrect use of =increase= or =decrease= may corrupt the priority queue data structure. If unsure use =update= can be
+used at the cost of efficiency.]
+[h5 Example]
+Note that handles can be stored inside the =value_type=:
+[h3 The Fixup Interface]
+There are two different APIs to support mutability. The first family of functions provides update functionality by changing
+the current element by assigning a new value. The second family of functions can be used to fix the heap data structure after
+an element has been changed directly via a handle. While this provides the user with a means to modify the priority of queue
+elements without the need to change their non-priority part, this needs to be handled with care. The heap needs to be fixed up
+immediately after the priority of the element has been changed.
+Beside an =update= function, two additional functions =increase= and =decrease= are provided, that are generally more efficient
+than the generic =update= function. However the user has do ensure, that the priority of an element is changed to the right
+[h5 Example]
+Iterators can be coverted to handles using the static member function =s_handle_from_iterator=. However most implementations of
+=update= invalidate all iterators. The most notable exception is the [classref boost::heap::fibonacci_heap fibonacci heap],
+providing a lazy update function, that just invalidates the iterators, that are related to this handle.
+[warning After changing the priority via a handle, the heap needs to be fixed by calling one of the update functions. Otherwise the
+priority queue structure may be corrupted!]
+[section:stability Stability]
+A priority queue is `stable', if elements with the same priority are popped from the heap, in the same order as
+they are inserted. The data structures provided by _heap_, can be configured to be stable at compile time using the
+[classref boost::heap::stable] policy. Two notions of stability are supported. If a heap is configured with *no stability*,
+the order of nodes of the same priority is undefined, if it is configured as *stable*, nodes of the same priority are ordered by
+their insertion time.
+Stability is achieved by associating an integer version count with each value in order to distinguish values with the same node.
+The type of this version count defaults to =boost::uintmax_t=, which is at least 64bit on most systems. However it can be
+configured to use a different type using the [classref boost::heap::stability_counter_type] template argument.
+[warning The stability counter is prone to integer overflows. If an overflow occurs during a =push()= call, the operation
+ will fail and an exception is thrown. Later =push()= call will succeed, but the stable heap order will be compromised. However an
+ integer overflow at 64bit is very unlikely: if an application would issue one =push()= operation per microsecond, the value will
+ overflow in more than 500000 years.]
+[section:data_structures Data Structures]
+_heap_ provides the following data structures:
+ [[[classref boost::heap::priority_queue]]
+ [
+ The [classref boost::heap::priority_queue priority_queue] class is a wrapper to the stl heap functions. It implements
+ a heap as container adaptor ontop of a =std::vector= and is immutable.
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::d_ary_heap]]
+ [
+ [@ D-ary heaps] are a generalization of binary heap with each non-leaf node
+ having N children. For a low arity, the height of the heap is larger, but the number of comparisons to find the largest
+ child node is bigger. D-ary heaps are implemented as container adaptors based on a =std::vector=.
+ The data structure can be configured as mutable. This is achieved by storing the values inside a std::list.
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::binomial_heap]]
+ [
+ [@ Binomial heaps] are node-base heaps, that are implemented as a set of
+ binomial trees of piecewise different order. The most important heap operations have a worst-case complexity of O(log n).
+ In contrast to d-ary heaps, binomial heaps can also be merged in O(log n).
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::fibonacci_heap]]
+ [
+ [@ Fibonacci heaps] are node-base heaps, that are implemented as a forest of
+ heap-ordered trees. They provide better amortized performance than binomial heaps. Except =pop()= and =erase()=, the most
+ important heap operations have constant amortized complexity.
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::pairing_heap]]
+ [
+ [@ Pairing heaps] are self-adjusting node-based heaps. Although design and
+ implementation are rather simple, the complexity analysis is yet unsolved. For details, consult:
+ Pettie, Seth (2005), "Towards a final analysis of pairing heaps", Proc. 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pp. 174–183
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::skew_heap]]
+ [
+ [@ Skew heaps] are self-adjusting node-based heaps. Although there are no
+ constraints for the tree structure, all heap operations can be performed in O(log n).
+ ]
+ ]
+[table Comparison of amortized complexity
+ [[] [[^top()]] [[^push()]] [[^pop()]] [[^update()]] [[^increase()]] [[^decrease()]] [[^erase()]] [[^merge_and_clear()]]]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::priority_queue]] [[^O(1)]] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [n/a] [n/a] [n/a] [n/a] [O((N+M)*log(N+M))]]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::d_ary_heap]] [[^O(1)]] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O((N+M)*log(N+M))]]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::binomial_heap]] [[^O(1)]] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N+M))]]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::fibonacci_heap]] [[^O(1)]] [O(1)] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))
+ [footnote The fibonacci a [^update_lazy()] method, which has O(log(N)) amortized complexity as well, but does not try to consolidate the internal forest]
+ ] [O(1)] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(1)]]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::pairing_heap]] [[^O(1)]] [O(2**2*log(log(N)))] [O(log(N))] [O(2**2*log(log(N)))] [O(2**2*log(log(N)))] [O(2**2*log(log(N)))] [O(2**2*log(log(N)))] [O(2**2*log(log(N)))]]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::skew_heap]] [[^O(1)]] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N))] [O(log(N+M))]]
+[section Data Structure Configuration]
+The data structures can be configured with [@boost:/libs/parameter/doc/html/index.html Boost.Parameter]-style templates.
+ [[[classref boost::heap::compare]]
+ [Predicate for defining the heap order, optional
+ (defaults to =boost::heap::compare<std::less<T> >=)]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::allocator]]
+ [Allocator for internal memory management, optional
+ (defaults to =boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<T> >=)]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::stable]]
+ [Configures the heap to use a [link heap.concepts.stability stable heap order], optional (defaults to =boost::heap::stable<false>=).
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::mutable_]]
+ [Configures the heap to be mutable. [classref boost::heap::d_ary_heap] and [classref boost::heap::skew_heap] have to be configured
+ with this policy to enable the [link heap.concepts.mutability mutability interface].
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::stability_counter_type]]
+ [Configures the integer type used for the stability counter, optional (defaults to =boost::heap::stability_counter_type<boost::uintmax_t>=).
+ For more details, consult the [link heap.concepts.stability Stability] section.
+ ]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::constant_time_size]]
+ [Specifies, whether =size()= should have linear or constant complexity. This argument is only available for node-based
+ heap data structures and if available, it is optional (defaults to =boost::heap::constant_time_size<true>=)]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::arity]]
+ [Specifies the arity of a d-ary heap. For details, please consult the class reference of [classref boost::heap::d_ary_heap]]
+ ]
+ [[[classref boost::heap::store_parent_pointer]]
+ [Store the parent pointer in the heap nodes. This policy is only available in the [classref boost::heap::skew_heap].
+ ]
+ ]
+[xinclude autodoc.xml]
+[section Acknowledgements]
+ [[Google Inc.]
+ [For sponsoring the development of this library during the Summer of Code 2010]
+ ]
+ [[Hartmut Kaiser]
+ [For mentoring the Summer of Code project]
+ ]
+[endsect] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/heap/examples/interface.cpp b/libs/heap/examples/interface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f46a20d498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/examples/interface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2010 Tim Blechmann
+ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
+ License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "../../../boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp"
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using namespace boost::heap;
+//[ basic_interface
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void basic_interface(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ pq.push(2);
+ pq.push(3);
+ pq.push(1);
+ cout << "Priority Queue: popped elements" << endl;
+ cout << << " "; // 3
+ pq.pop();
+ cout << << " "; // 2
+ pq.pop();
+ cout << << " "; // 1
+ pq.pop();
+ cout << endl;
+//[ iterator_interface
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void iterator_interface(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ pq.push(2);
+ pq.push(3);
+ pq.push(1);
+ typename PriorityQueue::iterator begin = pq.begin();
+ typename PriorityQueue::iterator end = pq.end();
+ cout << "Priority Queue: iteration" << endl;
+ for (typename PriorityQueue::iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ cout << *it << " "; // 1, 2, 3 in unspecified order
+ cout << endl;
+//[ ordered_iterator_interface
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void ordered_iterator_interface(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ pq.push(2);
+ pq.push(3);
+ pq.push(1);
+ typename PriorityQueue::ordered_iterator begin = pq.ordered_begin();
+ typename PriorityQueue::ordered_iterator end = pq.ordered_end();
+ cout << "Priority Queue: ordered iteration" << endl;
+ for (typename PriorityQueue::ordered_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ cout << *it << " "; // 3, 2, 1 (i.e. 1, 2, 3 in heap order)
+ cout << endl;
+//[ merge_interface
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void merge_interface(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ pq.push(3);
+ pq.push(5);
+ pq.push(1);
+ PriorityQueue pq2;
+ pq2.push(2);
+ pq2.push(4);
+ pq2.push(0);
+ pq.merge(pq2);
+ cout << "Priority Queue: merge" << endl;
+ cout << "first queue: ";
+ while (!pq.empty()) {
+ cout << << " "; // 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ pq.pop();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "second queue: ";
+ while (!pq2.empty()) {
+ cout << << " "; // 4 2 0
+ pq2.pop();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+//[ heap_merge_algorithm
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void heap_merge_algorithm(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ pq.push(3);
+ pq.push(5);
+ pq.push(1);
+ PriorityQueue pq2;
+ pq2.push(2);
+ pq2.push(4);
+ pq2.push(0);
+ boost::heap::heap_merge(pq, pq2);
+ cout << "Priority Queue: merge" << endl;
+ cout << "first queue: ";
+ while (!pq.empty()) {
+ cout << << " "; // 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ pq.pop();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "second queue: ";
+ while (!pq2.empty()) {
+ cout << << " "; // 4 2 0
+ pq2.pop();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+//[ mutable_interface
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void mutable_interface(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ typedef typename PriorityQueue::handle_type handle_t;
+ handle_t t3 = pq.push(3);
+ handle_t t5 = pq.push(5);
+ handle_t t1 = pq.push(1);
+ pq.update(t3, 4);
+ pq.increase(t5, 7);
+ pq.decrease(t1, 0);
+ cout << "Priority Queue: update" << endl;
+ while (!pq.empty()) {
+ cout << << " "; // 7, 4, 0
+ pq.pop();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+//[ mutable_fixup_interface
+// PriorityQueue is expected to be a max-heap of integer values
+template <typename PriorityQueue>
+void mutable_fixup_interface(void)
+ PriorityQueue pq;
+ typedef typename PriorityQueue::handle_type handle_t;
+ handle_t t3 = pq.push(3);
+ handle_t t5 = pq.push(5);
+ handle_t t1 = pq.push(1);
+ *t3 = 4;
+ pq.update(t3);
+ *t5 = 7;
+ pq.increase(t5);
+ *t1 = 0;
+ pq.decrease(t1);
+ cout << "Priority Queue: update with fixup" << endl;
+ while (!pq.empty()) {
+ cout << << " "; // 7, 4, 0
+ pq.pop();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+//[ mutable_interface_handle_in_value
+struct heap_data
+ fibonacci_heap<heap_data>::handle_type handle;
+ int payload;
+ heap_data(int i):
+ payload(i)
+ {}
+ bool operator<(heap_data const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return payload < rhs.payload;
+ }
+void mutable_interface_handle_in_value(void)
+ fibonacci_heap<heap_data> heap;
+ heap_data f(2);
+ fibonacci_heap<heap_data>::handle_type handle = heap.push(f);
+ (*handle).handle = handle; // store handle in node
+int main(void)
+ using boost::heap::fibonacci_heap;
+ cout << std::setw(2);
+ basic_interface<fibonacci_heap<int> >();
+ cout << endl;
+ iterator_interface<fibonacci_heap<int> >();
+ cout << endl;
+ ordered_iterator_interface<fibonacci_heap<int> >();
+ cout << endl;
+ merge_interface<fibonacci_heap<int> >();
+ cout << endl;
+ mutable_interface<fibonacci_heap<int> >();
+ cout << endl;
+ mutable_fixup_interface<fibonacci_heap<int> >();
+ mutable_interface_handle_in_value();
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/heap/index.html b/libs/heap/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2717f97112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=../../doc/html/heap.html">
+Automatic redirection failed, please go to
+<a href="../../doc/html/heap.html">../../doc/html/heap.html</a> &nbsp;<hr>
+<p>&copy; Copyright Beman Dawes, 2001</p>
+<p>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+file <a href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy
+at <a href=""></a>)</p>
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/Jamfile.v2 b/libs/heap/test/Jamfile.v2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..856ad5c919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/Jamfile.v2
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2010: Tim Blechmann
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+import testing ;
+rule test_all
+ local all_rules = ;
+ for local fileb in [ glob *.cpp ]
+ {
+ all_rules += [ run $(fileb) ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework/<link>static
+ : # additional args
+ : # test-files
+ : <library>/boost/test//boost_unit_test_framework # requirements
+ ] ;
+ }
+ return $(all_rules) ;
+test-suite heap : [ test_all r ] : <threading>multi ;
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/binomial_heap_test.cpp b/libs/heap/test/binomial_heap_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50c0e17009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/binomial_heap_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/heap/binomial_heap.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "stable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "mutable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "merge_heap_tests.hpp"
+template <bool stable, bool constant_time_size>
+void run_binomial_heap_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::binomial_heap<int, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::compare<std::less<int> >,
+ boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<int> >,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size> > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MutablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MergablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_tests<pri_queue >();
+ run_ordered_iterator_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::binomial_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size> > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( binomial_heap_test )
+ run_binomial_heap_test<false, false>();
+ run_binomial_heap_test<false, true>();
+ run_binomial_heap_test<true, false>();
+ run_binomial_heap_test<true, true>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/common_heap_tests.hpp b/libs/heap/test/common_heap_tests.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..191ab7f343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/common_heap_tests.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/concept/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/concept_archetype.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/heap_concepts.hpp>
+typedef boost::default_constructible_archetype<
+ boost::less_than_comparable_archetype<
+ boost::copy_constructible_archetype<
+ boost::assignable_archetype<
+ > > > > test_value_type;
+typedef std::vector<int> test_data;
+const int test_size = 64;//128;
+struct dummy_run
+ static void run(void)
+ {}
+test_data make_test_data(int size, int offset = 0, int strive = 1)
+ test_data ret;
+ for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i)
+ ret.push_back(i * strive + offset);
+ return ret;
+template <typename pri_queue, typename data_container>
+void check_q(pri_queue & q, data_container const & expected)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(q.size(), expected.size());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i != expected.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(q.size(), expected.size() - i);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(, expected[expected.size()-1-i]);
+ q.pop();
+ }
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.empty());
+template <typename pri_queue, typename data_container>
+void fill_q(pri_queue & q, data_container const & data)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i)
+ q.push(data[i]);
+template <typename pri_queue, typename data_container>
+void fill_emplace_q(pri_queue & q, data_container const & data)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i) {
+ typename pri_queue::value_type value = data[i];
+ q.emplace(std::move(value));
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_sequential_push(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_sequential_reverse_push(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ std::reverse(data.begin(), data.end());
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ std::reverse(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_emplace(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ std::reverse(data.begin(), data.end());
+ fill_emplace_q(q, data);
+ std::reverse(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_random_push(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data shuffled (data);
+ std::random_shuffle(shuffled.begin(), shuffled.end());
+ fill_q(q, shuffled);
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_copyconstructor(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ pri_queue r(q);
+ check_q(r, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_assignment(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ pri_queue r;
+ r = q;
+ check_q(r, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_moveconstructor(void)
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ pri_queue r(std::move(q));
+ check_q(r, data);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.empty());
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_move_assignment(void)
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ pri_queue r;
+ r = std::move(q);
+ check_q(r, data);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.empty());
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_swap(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data shuffled (data);
+ std::random_shuffle(shuffled.begin(), shuffled.end());
+ fill_q(q, shuffled);
+ pri_queue r;
+ q.swap(r);
+ check_q(r, data);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.empty());
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_iterators(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ test_data shuffled (data);
+ std::random_shuffle(shuffled.begin(), shuffled.end());
+ pri_queue q;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.begin() == q.end());
+ fill_q(q, shuffled);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(std::find(q.begin(), q.end(), data[i]) != q.end());
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(std::find(q.begin(), q.end(), data[i] + data.size()) == q.end());
+ test_data data_from_queue(q.begin(), q.end());
+ std::sort(data_from_queue.begin(), data_from_queue.end());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(data == data_from_queue);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i) {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((long)std::distance(q.begin(), q.end()), (long)(data.size() - i));
+ q.pop();
+ }
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_ordered_iterators(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data shuffled (data);
+ std::random_shuffle(shuffled.begin(), shuffled.end());
+ pri_queue q;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.ordered_begin() == q.ordered_end());
+ fill_q(q, shuffled);
+ test_data data_from_queue(q.ordered_begin(), q.ordered_end());
+ std::reverse(data_from_queue.begin(), data_from_queue.end());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(data == data_from_queue);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(std::find(q.ordered_begin(), q.ordered_end(), data[i]) != q.ordered_end());
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(std::find(q.ordered_begin(), q.ordered_end(), data[i] + data.size()) == q.ordered_end());
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i) {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL((long)std::distance(q.begin(), q.end()), (long)(data.size() - i));
+ q.pop();
+ }
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_equality(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ std::reverse(data.begin(), data.end());
+ fill_q(r, data);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(r == q);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_inequality(void)
+ for (int i = 1; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ data[0] = data.back() + 1;
+ fill_q(r, data);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(r != q);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_less(void)
+ for (int i = 1; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data r_data(data);
+ r_data.pop_back();
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ fill_q(r, r_data);
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data r_data(data);
+ data.push_back(data.back() + 1);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ fill_q(r, r_data);
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data r_data(data);
+ data.back() += 1;
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ fill_q(r, r_data);
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ test_data r_data(data);
+ r_data.front() -= 1;
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ fill_q(r, r_data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_clear(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(i);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ q.clear();
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.size() == 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(q.empty());
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_concept_check(void)
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::PriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_common_heap_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_sequential_push<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_sequential_reverse_push<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_random_push<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_equality<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_inequality<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_less<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_clear<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_emplace<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_iterator_heap_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_iterators<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_copyable_heap_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_copyconstructor <pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_assignment<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_swap<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_moveable_heap_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_moveconstructor <pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_move_assignment <pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_reserve_heap_tests(void)
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ pri_queue q;
+ q.reserve(6);
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ check_q(q, data);
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/d_ary_heap_test.cpp b/libs/heap/test/d_ary_heap_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18a4248888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/d_ary_heap_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/heap/d_ary_heap.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "stable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "mutable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "merge_heap_tests.hpp"
+template <int D, bool stable>
+void run_d_ary_heap_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::d_ary_heap<int, boost::heap::arity<D>,
+ boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::compare<std::less<int> >,
+ boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<int> > > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::PriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_concept_check<pri_queue>();
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_reserve_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_ordered_iterator_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::d_ary_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::arity<D>,
+ boost::heap::stable<stable>
+ > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( d_ary_heap_test )
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<2, false>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<3, false>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<4, false>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<5, false>();
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( d_ary_heap_stable_test )
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<2, true>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<3, true>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<4, true>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_test<5, true>();
+template <int D, bool stable>
+void run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::d_ary_heap<int, boost::heap::mutable_<true>,
+ boost::heap::arity<D>,
+ boost::heap::stable<stable>
+ > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MutablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_reserve_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_ordered_iterator_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::d_ary_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::mutable_<true>,
+ boost::heap::arity<D>,
+ boost::heap::stable<stable>
+ > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( d_ary_heap_mutable_test )
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<2, false>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<3, false>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<4, false>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<5, false>();
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( d_ary_heap_mutable_stable_test )
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<2, true>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<3, true>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<4, true>();
+ run_d_ary_heap_mutable_test<5, true>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/fibonacci_heap_test.cpp b/libs/heap/test/fibonacci_heap_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7429a24a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/fibonacci_heap_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "stable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "mutable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "merge_heap_tests.hpp"
+template <bool stable, bool constant_time_size>
+void run_fibonacci_heap_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<int, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::compare<std::less<int> >,
+ boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<int> >,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>
+ > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MutablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MergablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_ordered_iterator_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>
+ > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( fibonacci_heap_test )
+ run_fibonacci_heap_test<true, false>();
+ run_fibonacci_heap_test<true, true>();
+ run_fibonacci_heap_test<false, false>();
+ run_fibonacci_heap_test<false, true>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/merge_heap_tests.hpp b/libs/heap/test/merge_heap_tests.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7b9f99834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/merge_heap_tests.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include <boost/heap/heap_merge.hpp>
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size, 0, 1); \
+ std::random_shuffle(data.begin(), data.end()); \
+ \
+ test_data data_q (data.begin(), data.begin() + INDEX); \
+ test_data data_r (data.begin() + INDEX, data.end()); \
+ \
+ std::stable_sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct pri_queue_test_merge
+ static void run(void)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ fill_q(q, data_q);
+ fill_q(r, data_r);
+ q.merge(r);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(r.empty());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue1, typename pri_queue2>
+struct pri_queue_test_heap_merge
+ static void run (void)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue1 q;
+ pri_queue2 r;
+ fill_q(q, data_q);
+ fill_q(r, data_r);
+ boost::heap::heap_merge(q, r);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(r.empty());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_merge_tests(void)
+ boost::mpl::if_c<pri_queue::is_mergable,
+ pri_queue_test_merge<pri_queue>,
+ dummy_run
+ >::type::run();
+ pri_queue_test_heap_merge<pri_queue, pri_queue>::run();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/mutable_heap_test.cpp b/libs/heap/test/mutable_heap_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7827fc7c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/mutable_heap_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/d_ary_heap.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/pairing_heap.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/binomial_heap.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/skew_heap.hpp>
+using namespace boost::heap;
+typedef fibonacci_heap<struct fwd_declared_struct_1>::handle_type handle_type_1;
+typedef d_ary_heap<struct fwd_declared_struct_2, arity<4>, mutable_<true> >::handle_type handle_type_2;
+typedef pairing_heap<struct fwd_declared_struct_3>::handle_type handle_type_3;
+typedef binomial_heap<struct fwd_declared_struct_4>::handle_type handle_type_4;
+typedef skew_heap<struct fwd_declared_struct_5, mutable_<true> >::handle_type handle_type_5;
+template <typename HeapType>
+void run_handle_as_member_test(void)
+ typedef typename HeapType::value_type value_type;
+ HeapType heap;
+ value_type f(2);
+ typename value_type::handle_type handle = heap.push(f);
+ value_type & fInHeap = *handle;
+ fInHeap.handle = handle;
+struct fibonacci_heap_data
+ typedef fibonacci_heap<fibonacci_heap_data>::handle_type handle_type;
+ handle_type handle;
+ int i;
+ fibonacci_heap_data(int i):i(i) {}
+ bool operator<(fibonacci_heap_data const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return i < rhs.i;
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( fibonacci_heap_handle_as_member )
+ run_handle_as_member_test<fibonacci_heap<fibonacci_heap_data> >();
+struct d_heap_data
+ typedef d_ary_heap<d_heap_data, arity<4>, mutable_<true> >::handle_type handle_type;
+ handle_type handle;
+ int i;
+ d_heap_data(int i):i(i) {}
+ bool operator<(d_heap_data const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return i < rhs.i;
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( d_heap_handle_as_member )
+ run_handle_as_member_test<d_ary_heap<d_heap_data, arity<4>, mutable_<true> > >();
+struct pairing_heap_data
+ typedef pairing_heap<pairing_heap_data>::handle_type handle_type;
+ handle_type handle;
+ int i;
+ pairing_heap_data(int i):i(i) {}
+ bool operator<(pairing_heap_data const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return i < rhs.i;
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( pairing_heap_handle_as_member )
+ run_handle_as_member_test<pairing_heap<pairing_heap_data> >();
+struct binomial_heap_data
+ typedef binomial_heap<binomial_heap_data>::handle_type handle_type;
+ handle_type handle;
+ int i;
+ binomial_heap_data(int i):i(i) {}
+ bool operator<(binomial_heap_data const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return i < rhs.i;
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( binomial_heap_handle_as_member )
+ run_handle_as_member_test<binomial_heap<binomial_heap_data> >();
+struct skew_heap_data
+ typedef skew_heap<skew_heap_data, mutable_<true> >::handle_type handle_type;
+ handle_type handle;
+ int i;
+ skew_heap_data(int i):i(i) {}
+ bool operator<(skew_heap_data const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return i < rhs.i;
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( skew_heap_handle_as_member )
+ run_handle_as_member_test<skew_heap<skew_heap_data, mutable_<true> > >();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/mutable_heap_tests.hpp b/libs/heap/test/mutable_heap_tests.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cee60d4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/mutable_heap_tests.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// random uses boost.fusion, which clashes with boost.test
+#include <boost/random.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+ std::vector<typename pri_queue::handle_type> HANDLES; \
+ \
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k != data.size(); ++k) \
+ HANDLES.push_back(Q.push(DATA[k]));
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_update_decrease(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ *handles[i] = -1;
+ data[i] = -1;
+ q.update(handles[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_update_decrease_function(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ data[i] = -1;
+ q.update(handles[i], -1);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_update_function_identity(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ q.update(handles[i], data[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_update_shuffled(void)
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ test_data shuffled (data);
+ std::random_shuffle(shuffled.begin(), shuffled.end());
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ q.update(handles[i], shuffled[i]);
+ check_q(q, data);
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_update_increase(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ data[i] = data.back()+1;
+ *handles[i] = data[i];
+ q.update(handles[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_update_increase_function(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ data[i] = data.back()+1;
+ q.update(handles[i], data[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_decrease(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ *handles[i] = -1;
+ data[i] = -1;
+ q.decrease(handles[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_decrease_function(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ data[i] = -1;
+ q.decrease(handles[i], -1);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_decrease_function_identity(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ q.decrease(handles[i], data[i]);
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_increase(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ data[i] = data.back()+1;
+ *handles[i] = data[i];
+ q.increase(handles[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_increase_function(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ data[i] = data.back()+1;
+ q.increase(handles[i], data[i]);
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_increase_function_identity(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i) {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ q.increase(handles[i], data[i]);
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_test_erase(void)
+ boost::mt19937 rng;
+ for (int i = 0; i != test_size; ++i)
+ {
+ pri_queue q;
+ test_data data = make_test_data(test_size);
+ PUSH_WITH_HANDLES(handles, q, data);
+ for (int j = 0; j != i; ++j)
+ {
+ boost::uniform_int<> range(0, data.size() - 1);
+ boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > gen(rng, range);
+ int index = gen();
+ int index = rand() % (data.size() - 1);
+ q.erase(handles[index]);
+ handles.erase(handles.begin() + index);
+ data.erase(data.begin() + index);
+ }
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ check_q(q, data);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_mutable_heap_update_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_update_increase<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_update_decrease<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_update_shuffled<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_mutable_heap_update_function_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_update_increase_function<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_update_decrease_function<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_update_function_identity<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_mutable_heap_decrease_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_decrease<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_decrease_function<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_decrease_function_identity<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_mutable_heap_increase_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_increase<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_increase_function<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_increase_function_identity<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_mutable_heap_erase_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_test_erase<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_mutable_heap_tests(void)
+ run_mutable_heap_update_function_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_update_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_decrease_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_increase_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_erase_tests<pri_queue>();
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_ordered_iterator_tests()
+ pri_queue_test_ordered_iterators<pri_queue>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/pairing_heap_tests.cpp b/libs/heap/test/pairing_heap_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb7132d0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/pairing_heap_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/heap/pairing_heap.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "stable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "mutable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "merge_heap_tests.hpp"
+template <bool stable, bool constant_time_size>
+void run_pairing_heap_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::pairing_heap<int, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::compare<std::less<int> >,
+ boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<int> >,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size> > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MutablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MergablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_tests<pri_queue >();
+ run_ordered_iterator_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::pairing_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>
+ > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( pairing_heap_test )
+ run_pairing_heap_test<false, false>();
+ run_pairing_heap_test<false, true>();
+ run_pairing_heap_test<true, false>();
+ run_pairing_heap_test<true, true>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/priority_queue_test.cpp b/libs/heap/test/priority_queue_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ad51421cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/priority_queue_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/heap/priority_queue.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "stable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "merge_heap_tests.hpp"
+template <bool stable>
+void run_common_priority_queue_tests(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::priority_queue<int, boost::heap::stable<stable> > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::PriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_concept_check<pri_queue>();
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::priority_queue<q_tester, boost::heap::stable<stable> > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( std_pri_queue_test )
+ run_common_priority_queue_tests<false>();
+ run_common_priority_queue_tests<true>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/skew_heap_test.cpp b/libs/heap/test/skew_heap_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb79381bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/skew_heap_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/heap/skew_heap.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "stable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "mutable_heap_tests.hpp"
+#include "merge_heap_tests.hpp"
+template <bool stable, bool constant_time_size, bool store_parent_pointer>
+void run_skew_heap_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::skew_heap<int, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::compare<std::less<int> >,
+ boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<int> >,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>,
+ boost::heap::store_parent_pointer<store_parent_pointer>
+ > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::PriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MergablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_test_ordered_iterators<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::skew_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::stable<stable>,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>,
+ boost::heap::store_parent_pointer<store_parent_pointer>
+ > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+template <bool stable, bool constant_time_size>
+void run_skew_heap_mutable_test(void)
+ typedef boost::heap::skew_heap<int, boost::heap::stable<stable>, boost::heap::mutable_<true>,
+ boost::heap::compare<std::less<int> >,
+ boost::heap::allocator<std::allocator<int> >,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>
+ > pri_queue;
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MutablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::heap::MergablePriorityQueue<pri_queue>));
+ run_common_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_iterator_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_copyable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_moveable_heap_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_merge_tests<pri_queue>();
+ run_mutable_heap_tests<pri_queue >();
+ run_ordered_iterator_tests<pri_queue>();
+ if (stable) {
+ typedef boost::heap::skew_heap<q_tester, boost::heap::stable<stable>, boost::heap::mutable_<true>,
+ boost::heap::constant_time_size<constant_time_size>
+ > stable_pri_queue;
+ run_stable_heap_tests<stable_pri_queue>();
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( skew_heap_test )
+ run_skew_heap_test<false, false, true>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<false, true, true>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<true, false, true>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<true, true, true>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<false, false, false>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<false, true, false>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<true, false, false>();
+ run_skew_heap_test<true, true, false>();
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( skew_heap_mutable_test )
+ run_skew_heap_mutable_test<false, false>();
+ run_skew_heap_mutable_test<false, true>();
+ run_skew_heap_mutable_test<true, false>();
+ run_skew_heap_mutable_test<true, true>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/test/stable_heap_tests.hpp b/libs/heap/test/stable_heap_tests.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4455b9251d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/test/stable_heap_tests.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include "common_heap_tests.hpp"
+struct q_tester
+ q_tester(int i = 0, int j = 0):
+ value(i), id(j)
+ {}
+ bool operator< (q_tester const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return value < rhs.value;
+ }
+ bool operator> (q_tester const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return value > rhs.value;
+ }
+ bool operator== (q_tester const & rhs) const
+ {
+ return (value == rhs.value) && (id ==;
+ }
+ int value;
+ int id;
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, q_tester const & t)
+ out << "[" << t.value << " " << << "]";
+ return out;
+typedef std::vector<q_tester> stable_test_data;
+stable_test_data make_stable_test_data(int size, int same_count = 3,
+ int offset = 0, int strive = 1)
+ stable_test_data ret;
+ for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i)
+ for (int j = 0; j != same_count; ++j)
+ ret.push_back(q_tester(i * strive + offset, j));
+ return ret;
+struct compare_by_id
+ bool operator()(q_tester const & lhs, q_tester const & rhs)
+ {
+ return >;
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_stable_test_sequential_push(void)
+ stable_test_data data = make_stable_test_data(test_size);
+ pri_queue q;
+ fill_q(q, data);
+ std::stable_sort(data.begin(), data.end(), compare_by_id());
+ std::stable_sort(data.begin(), data.end(), std::less<q_tester>());
+ check_q(q, data);
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void pri_queue_stable_test_sequential_reverse_push(void)
+ stable_test_data data = make_stable_test_data(test_size);
+ pri_queue q;
+ stable_test_data push_data(data);
+ std::stable_sort(push_data.begin(), push_data.end(), std::greater<q_tester>());
+ fill_q(q, push_data);
+ std::stable_sort(data.begin(), data.end(), compare_by_id());
+ std::stable_sort(data.begin(), data.end(), std::less<q_tester>());
+ check_q(q, data);
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void run_stable_heap_tests(void)
+ pri_queue_stable_test_sequential_push<pri_queue>();
+ pri_queue_stable_test_sequential_reverse_push<pri_queue>();
diff --git a/libs/heap/tools/heap_benchmarks.hpp b/libs/heap/tools/heap_benchmarks.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e1d1bbd3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/tools/heap_benchmarks.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include "high_resolution_timer.hpp"
+#include <boost/heap/heap_merge.hpp>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (!defined __INTEL_COMPILER)
+#define no_inline __attribute__ ((noinline))
+#define no_inline
+typedef std::vector<int> test_data;
+const int num_benchmarks = 1;
+inline test_data make_sequential_test_data(int size)
+ test_data v(size);
+ for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i)
+ v[i] = i;
+ return v;
+inline test_data make_test_data(int size)
+ test_data v = make_sequential_test_data(size);
+ std::random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());
+ return v;
+const int max_data = 20;
+test_data const & get_data(int index)
+ static std::vector <test_data> data;
+ if (data.empty())
+ for (int i = 0; i != num_benchmarks; ++i)
+ data.push_back(make_test_data((1<<(max_data+1))+1024));
+ return data[index];
+struct make_##SUFFIX \
+{ \
+ template <typename heap> \
+ struct rebind { \
+ typedef run_##SUFFIX<heap> type; \
+ }; \
+template <typename pri_queue>
+void fill_heap(pri_queue & q, int index, int size, int offset = 0)
+ test_data const & data = get_data(index);
+ for (int i = 0; i != size + 1; ++i) {
+ q.push(data[i]);
+ int top =;
+ q.pop();
+ q.push(top);
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue,
+ typename handle_container
+ >
+void fill_heap_with_handles(pri_queue & q, handle_container & handles, int index, int size, int offset = 0)
+ test_data const & data = get_data(index);
+ for (int i = 0; i != size + 1; ++i) {
+ handles[i] = q.push(data[i]);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ typename pri_queue::handle_type last = handles[i-1];
+ int val = *last;
+ q.erase(last);
+ handles[i-1] = q.push(val);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct run_sequential_push
+ run_sequential_push(int size):
+ size(size)
+ {}
+ void prepare(int index)
+ {
+ q.clear();
+ fill_heap(q, index, size);
+ }
+ no_inline void operator()(int index)
+ {
+ test_data const & data = get_data(index);
+ for (int i = 0; i != 16; ++i)
+ q.push(data[(1<<max_data) + i]);
+ }
+ pri_queue q;
+ int size;
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct run_sequential_pop
+ run_sequential_pop(int size):
+ size(size)
+ {}
+ void prepare(int index)
+ {
+ q.clear();
+ fill_heap(q, index, size);
+ }
+ no_inline void operator()(int index)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i != 16; ++i)
+ q.pop();
+ }
+ pri_queue q;
+ int size;
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct run_sequential_increase
+ run_sequential_increase(int size):
+ size(size), handles(size)
+ {}
+ void prepare(int index)
+ {
+ q.clear();
+ fill_heap_with_handles(q, handles, index, size);
+ }
+ no_inline void operator()(int index)
+ {
+ test_data const & data = get_data(index);
+ for (int i = 0; i != 16; ++i)
+ q.increase(handles[i], data[i] + (1<<max_data));
+ }
+ pri_queue q;
+ int size;
+ std::vector<typename pri_queue::handle_type> handles;
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct run_sequential_decrease
+ run_sequential_decrease(int size):
+ size(size), handles(size)
+ {}
+ void prepare(int index)
+ {
+ q.clear();
+ fill_heap_with_handles(q, handles, index, size);
+ }
+ no_inline void operator()(int index)
+ {
+ test_data const & data = get_data(index);
+ for (int i = 0; i != 16; ++i)
+ q.decrease(handles[i], data[i] + (1<<max_data));
+ }
+ pri_queue q;
+ int size;
+ std::vector<typename pri_queue::handle_type> handles;
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct run_merge_and_clear
+ run_merge_and_clear(int size):
+ size(size)
+ {}
+ void prepare(int index)
+ {
+ q.clear();
+ r.clear();
+ fill_heap(q, index, size);
+ fill_heap(r, index, size, size);
+ }
+ no_inline void operator()(int index)
+ {
+ boost::heap::heap_merge(q, r);
+ }
+ pri_queue q, r;
+ int size;
+template <typename pri_queue>
+struct run_equivalence
+ run_equivalence(int size):
+ size(size)
+ {}
+ void prepare(int index)
+ {
+ q.clear();
+ r.clear();
+ s.clear();
+ fill_heap(q, index, size);
+ fill_heap(r, index, size, size);
+ fill_heap(s, index, size);
+ }
+ no_inline bool operator()(int index)
+ {
+ return (q == r) ^ (q == s);
+ }
+ pri_queue q, r, s;
+ int size;
+template <typename benchmark>
+inline double run_benchmark(benchmark & b)
+ boost::high_resolution_timer timer;
+ std::vector<double> results;
+ for (int i = 0; i != num_benchmarks; ++i)
+ {
+ b.prepare(i);
+ timer.restart();
+ b(i);
+ double t = timer.elapsed();
+ results.push_back(t);
+ }
+ return; // median
diff --git a/libs/heap/tools/high_resolution_timer.hpp b/libs/heap/tools/high_resolution_timer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9893b24413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/tools/high_resolution_timer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Hartmut Kaiser
+ 2007, 2009 Tim Blechmann
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L
+#include "time.h"
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <limits>
+namespace boost {
+class high_resolution_timer
+ high_resolution_timer()
+ {
+ restart();
+ }
+ void restart()
+ {
+ int status = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
+ if (status == -1)
+ boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Couldn't initialize start_time"));
+ }
+ double elapsed() const // return elapsed time in seconds
+ {
+ struct timespec now;
+ int status = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
+ if (status == -1)
+ boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Couldn't get current time"));
+ struct timespec diff;
+ double ret_sec = double(now.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec);
+ double ret_nsec = double(now.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec);
+ while (ret_nsec < 0)
+ {
+ ret_sec -= 1.0;
+ ret_nsec += 1e9;
+ }
+ double ret = ret_sec + ret_nsec / 1e9;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ double elapsed_max() const // return estimated maximum value for elapsed()
+ {
+ return double((std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
+ }
+ double elapsed_min() const // return minimum value for elapsed()
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ struct timespec start_time;
+} // namespace boost
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#import <mach/mach_time.h>
+namespace boost {
+class high_resolution_timer
+ high_resolution_timer(void)
+ {
+ mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
+ kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info(&info);
+ if (err)
+ throw std::runtime_error("cannot create mach timebase info");
+ conversion_factor = (double)info.numer/(double)info.denom;
+ restart();
+ }
+ void restart()
+ {
+ start = mach_absolute_time();
+ }
+ double elapsed() const // return elapsed time in seconds
+ {
+ uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
+ double duration = double(now - start) * conversion_factor;
+ return duration
+ }
+ double elapsed_max() const // return estimated maximum value for elapsed()
+ {
+ return double((std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());
+ }
+ double elapsed_min() const // return minimum value for elapsed()
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ uint64_t start;
+ double conversion_factor;
+} // namespace boost
+#elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <limits>
+#include <windows.h>
+namespace boost {
+// high_resolution_timer
+// A timer object measures elapsed time.
+// CAUTION: Windows only!
+class high_resolution_timer
+ high_resolution_timer()
+ {
+ start_time.QuadPart = 0;
+ frequency.QuadPart = 0;
+ if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency))
+ boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Couldn't acquire frequency"));
+ restart();
+ }
+ void restart()
+ {
+ if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_time))
+ boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Couldn't initialize start_time"));
+ }
+ double elapsed() const // return elapsed time in seconds
+ {
+ if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&now))
+ boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Couldn't get current time"));
+ return double(now.QuadPart - start_time.QuadPart) / frequency.QuadPart;
+ }
+ double elapsed_max() const // return estimated maximum value for elapsed()
+ {
+ return (double((std::numeric_limits<LONGLONG>::max)())
+ - double(start_time.QuadPart)) / double(frequency.QuadPart);
+ }
+ double elapsed_min() const // return minimum value for elapsed()
+ {
+ return 1.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
+ }
+ LARGE_INTEGER start_time;
+ LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
+} // namespace boost
+// For other platforms, simply fall back to boost::timer
+#include <boost/timer.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+ typedef boost::timer high_resolution_timer;
diff --git a/libs/heap/tools/throughput_benchmarks.cpp b/libs/heap/tools/throughput_benchmarks.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74c440a01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/heap/tools/throughput_benchmarks.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "../../../boost/heap/d_ary_heap.hpp"
+#include "../../../boost/heap/pairing_heap.hpp"
+#include "../../../boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp"
+#include "../../../boost/heap/binomial_heap.hpp"
+#include "../../../boost/heap/skew_heap.hpp"
+#include "heap_benchmarks.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+template <typename benchmark_selector>
+void run_benchmarks_immutable(void)
+ for (int i = 4; i != max_data; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j != 8; ++j) {
+ int size = 1<<i;
+ if (j%4 == 1)
+ size += 1<<(i-3);
+ if (j%4 == 2)
+ size += 1<<(i-2);
+ if (j%4 == 3)
+ size += (1<<(i-3)) + (1<<(i-2));
+ if (j >= 4)
+ size += (1<<(i-1));
+ cout << size << "\t";
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<2> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<2>, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<4> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<4>, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<8> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<8>, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::binomial_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::pairing_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::skew_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::skew_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+template <typename benchmark_selector>
+void run_benchmarks_mutable(void)
+ for (int i = 4; i != max_data; ++i)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j != 8; ++j)
+ {
+ int size = 1<<i;
+ if (j%4 == 1)
+ size += 1<<(i-3);
+ if (j%4 == 2)
+ size += 1<<(i-2);
+ if (j%4 == 3)
+ size += (1<<(i-3)) + (1<<(i-2));
+ if (j >= 4)
+ size += (1<<(i-1));
+ cout << size << "\t";
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<2>, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<4>, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::d_ary_heap<long, boost::heap::arity<8>, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::binomial_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::pairing_heap<long> >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ {
+ typedef typename benchmark_selector::
+ template rebind<boost::heap::skew_heap<long, boost::heap::mutable_<true> > >
+ ::type benchmark_functor;
+ benchmark_functor benchmark(size);
+ double result = run_benchmark(benchmark);
+ cout << result << '\t';
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+int main()
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(12);
+ cout << "sequential push" << endl;
+ run_benchmarks_immutable<make_sequential_push>();
+ cout << endl << "sequential pop" << endl;
+ run_benchmarks_immutable<make_sequential_pop>();
+ cout << endl << "sequential increase" << endl;
+ run_benchmarks_mutable<make_sequential_increase>();
+ cout << endl << "sequential decrease" << endl;
+ run_benchmarks_mutable<make_sequential_decrease>();
+ cout << endl << "merge_and_clear" << endl;
+ run_benchmarks_immutable<make_merge_and_clear>();
+ cout << endl << "equivalence" << endl;
+ run_benchmarks_immutable<make_equivalence>();