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authorAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 12:57:26 -0700
committerAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 12:57:26 -0700
commit1a78a62555be32868418fe52f8e330c9d0f95d5a (patch)
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+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="string_algo.usage"></a>Usage</h2></div></div></div>
+<div class="toc"><dl>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183270">First Example</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183468">Case conversion</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183534">Predicates and Classification</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183616">Trimming</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183685">Find algorithms</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183806">Replace Algorithms</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3183933">Find Iterator</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="usage.html#id3184031">Split</a></span></dt>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183270"></a>First Example</h3></div></div></div>
+ Using the algorithms is straightforward. Let us have a look at the first example:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ #include &lt;boost/algorithm/string.hpp&gt;
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace boost;
+ // ...
+ string str1(" hello world! ");
+ to_upper(str1); // str1 == " HELLO WORLD! "
+ trim(str1); // str1 == "HELLO WORLD!"
+ string str2=
+ to_lower_copy(
+ ireplace_first_copy(
+ str1,"hello","goodbye")); // str2 == "goodbye world!"
+ </pre>
+ This example converts str1 to upper case and trims spaces from the start and the end
+ of the string. str2 is then created as a copy of str1 with "hello" replaced with "goodbye".
+ This example demonstrates several important concepts used in the library:
+ </p>
+<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
+<li class="listitem">
+<p><span class="bold"><strong>Container parameters:</strong></span>
+ Unlike in the STL algorithms, parameters are not specified only in the form
+ of iterators. The STL convention allows for great flexibility,
+ but it has several limitations. It is not possible to <span class="emphasis"><em>stack</em></span> algorithms together,
+ because a container is passed in two parameters. Therefore it is not possible to use
+ a return value from another algorithm. It is considerably easier to write
+ <code class="computeroutput">to_lower(str1)</code>, than <code class="computeroutput">to_lower(str1.begin(), str1.end())</code>.
+ </p>
+ The magic of <a href="../../../libs/range/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Range</a>
+ provides a uniform way of handling different string types.
+ If there is a need to pass a pair of iterators,
+ <a href="../../../libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/utilities/iterator_range.html" target="_top"><code class="computeroutput">boost::iterator_range</code></a>
+ can be used to package iterators into a structure with a compatible interface.
+ </p>
+<li class="listitem"><p><span class="bold"><strong>Copy vs. Mutable:</strong></span>
+ Many algorithms in the library are performing a transformation of the input.
+ The transformation can be done in-place, mutating the input sequence, or a copy
+ of the transformed input can be created, leaving the input intact. None of
+ these possibilities is superior to the other one and both have different
+ advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, both are provided with the library.
+ </p></li>
+<li class="listitem"><p><span class="bold"><strong>Algorithm stacking:</strong></span>
+ Copy versions return a transformed input as a result, thus allow a simple chaining of
+ transformations within one expression (i.e. one can write <code class="computeroutput">trim_copy(to_upper_copy(s))</code>).
+ Mutable versions have <code class="computeroutput">void</code> return, to avoid misuse.
+ </p></li>
+<li class="listitem"><p><span class="bold"><strong>Naming:</strong></span>
+ Naming follows the conventions from the Standard C++ Library. If there is a
+ copy and a mutable version of the same algorithm, the mutable version has no suffix
+ and the copy version has the suffix <span class="emphasis"><em>_copy</em></span>.
+ Some algorithms have the prefix <span class="emphasis"><em>i</em></span>
+ (e.g. <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/ifind_first.html" title="Function template ifind_first">ifind_first()</a></code>).
+ This prefix identifies that the algorithm works in a case-insensitive manner.
+ </p></li>
+ To use the library, include the <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string.hpp</a></code> header.
+ If the regex related functions are needed, include the
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string_regex_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string_regex.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string_regex.hpp</a></code> header.
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183468"></a>Case conversion</h3></div></div></div>
+ STL has a nice way of converting character case. Unfortunately, it works only
+ for a single character and we want to convert a string,
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ string str1("HeLlO WoRld!");
+ to_upper(str1); // str1=="HELLO WORLD!"
+ </pre>
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/to_upper.html" title="Function template to_upper">to_upper()</a></code> and <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/to_lower.html" title="Function template to_lower">to_lower()</a></code> convert the case of
+ characters in a string using a specified locale.
+ </p>
+ For more information see the reference for <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.case_conv_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp</a></code>.
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183534"></a>Predicates and Classification</h3></div></div></div>
+ A part of the library deals with string related predicates. Consider this example:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ bool is_executable( string&amp; filename )
+ {
+ return
+ iends_with(filename, ".exe") ||
+ iends_with(filename, ".com");
+ }
+ // ...
+ string str1("");
+ cout
+ &lt;&lt; str1
+ &lt;&lt; (is_executable("")? "is": "is not")
+ &lt;&lt; "an executable"
+ &lt;&lt; endl; // prints " is an executable"
+ //..
+ char text1[]="hello world!";
+ cout
+ &lt;&lt; text1
+ &lt;&lt; (all( text1, is_lower() )? "is": "is not")
+ &lt;&lt; " written in the lower case"
+ &lt;&lt; endl; // prints "hello world! is written in the lower case"
+ </pre>
+ The predicates determine whether if a substring is contained in the input string
+ under various conditions. The conditions are: a string starts with the substring,
+ ends with the substring,
+ simply contains the substring or if both strings are equal. See the reference for
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.predicate_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp</a></code> for more details.
+ </p>
+ In addition the algorithm <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/all.html" title="Function template all">all()</a></code> checks
+ all elements of a container to satisfy a condition specified by a predicate.
+ This predicate can be any unary predicate, but the library provides a bunch of
+ useful string-related predicates and combinators ready for use.
+ These are located in the <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.classification_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp</a></code> header.
+ Classification predicates can be combined using logical combinators to form
+ a more complex expressions. For example: <code class="computeroutput">is_from_range('a','z') || is_digit()</code>
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183616"></a>Trimming</h3></div></div></div>
+ When parsing the input from a user, strings usually have unwanted leading or trailing
+ characters. To get rid of them, we need trim functions:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ string str1=" hello world! ";
+ string str2=trim_left_copy(str1); // str2 == "hello world! "
+ string str3=trim_right_copy(str1); // str3 == " hello world!"
+ trim(str1); // str1 == "hello world!"
+ string phone="00423333444";
+ // remove leading 0 from the phone number
+ trim_left_if(phone,is_any_of("0")); // phone == "423333444"
+ </pre>
+ It is possible to trim the spaces on the right, on the left or on both sides of a string.
+ And for those cases when there is a need to remove something else than blank space, there
+ are <span class="emphasis"><em>_if</em></span> variants. Using these, a user can specify a functor which will
+ select the <span class="emphasis"><em>space</em></span> to be removed. It is possible to use classification
+ predicates like <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/is_digit.html" title="Function is_digit">is_digit()</a></code> mentioned in the previous paragraph.
+ See the reference for the <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.trim_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp</a></code>.
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183685"></a>Find algorithms</h3></div></div></div>
+ The library contains a set of find algorithms. Here is an example:
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ char text[]="hello dolly!";
+ iterator_range&lt;char*&gt; result=find_last(text,"ll");
+ transform( result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(), bind2nd(plus&lt;char&gt;(), 1) );
+ // text = "hello dommy!"
+ to_upper(result); // text == "hello doMMy!"
+ // iterator_range is convertible to bool
+ if(find_first(text, "dolly"))
+ {
+ cout &lt;&lt; "Dolly is there" &lt;&lt; endl;
+ }
+ </pre>
+ We have used <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/find_last.html" title="Function template find_last">find_last()</a></code> to search the <code class="computeroutput">text</code> for "ll".
+ The result is given in the <a href="../../../libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/utilities/iterator_range.html" target="_top"><code class="computeroutput">boost::iterator_range</code></a>.
+ This range delimits the
+ part of the input which satisfies the find criteria. In our example it is the last occurrence of "ll".
+ As we can see, input of the <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/find_last.html" title="Function template find_last">find_last()</a></code> algorithm can be also
+ char[] because this type is supported by
+ <a href="../../../libs/range/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Range</a>.
+ The following lines transform the result. Notice that
+ <a href="../../../libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/utilities/iterator_range.html" target="_top"><code class="computeroutput">boost::iterator_range</code></a> has familiar
+ <code class="computeroutput">begin()</code> and <code class="computeroutput">end()</code> methods, so it can be used like any other STL container.
+ Also it is convertible to bool therefore it is easy to use find algorithms for a simple containment checking.
+ </p>
+ Find algorithms are located in <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.find_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/find.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/find.hpp</a></code>.
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183806"></a>Replace Algorithms</h3></div></div></div>
+ Find algorithms can be used for searching for a specific part of string. Replace goes one step
+ further. After a matching part is found, it is substituted with something else. The substitution is computed
+ from the original, using some transformation.
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ string str1="Hello Dolly, Hello World!"
+ replace_first(str1, "Dolly", "Jane"); // str1 == "Hello Jane, Hello World!"
+ replace_last(str1, "Hello", "Goodbye"); // str1 == "Hello Jane, Goodbye World!"
+ erase_all(str1, " "); // str1 == "HelloJane,GoodbyeWorld!"
+ erase_head(str1, 6); // str1 == "Jane,GoodbyeWorld!"
+ </pre>
+ For the complete list of replace and erase functions see the
+ <a class="link" href="reference.html" title="Reference">reference</a>.
+ There is a lot of predefined function for common usage, however, the library allows you to
+ define a custom <code class="computeroutput">replace()</code> that suits a specific need. There is a generic <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/find_format.html" title="Function template find_format">find_format()</a></code>
+ function which takes two parameters.
+ The first one is a <a class="link" href="concept.html#string_algo.finder_concept" title="Finder Concept">Finder</a> object, the second one is
+ a <a class="link" href="concept.html#string_algo.formatter_concept" title="Formatter concept">Formatter</a> object.
+ The Finder object is a functor which performs the searching for the replacement part. The Formatter object
+ takes the result of the Finder (usually a reference to the found substring) and creates a
+ substitute for it. Replace algorithm puts these two together and makes the desired substitution.
+ </p>
+ Check <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.replace_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp</a></code>, <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.erase_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/erase.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/erase.hpp</a></code> and
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.find_format_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/find_format.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/find_format.hpp</a></code> for reference.
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3183933"></a>Find Iterator</h3></div></div></div>
+ An extension to find algorithms it the Find Iterator. Instead of searching for just a one part of a string,
+ the find iterator allows us to iterate over the substrings matching the specified criteria.
+ This facility is using the <a class="link" href="concept.html#string_algo.finder_concept" title="Finder Concept">Finder</a> to incrementally
+ search the string.
+ Dereferencing a find iterator yields an <a href="../../../libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/utilities/iterator_range.html" target="_top"><code class="computeroutput">boost::iterator_range</code></a>
+ object, that delimits the current match.
+ </p>
+ There are two iterators provided <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/find_iterator.html" title="Class template find_iterator">find_iterator</a></code> and
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/split_iterator.html" title="Class template split_iterator">split_iterator</a></code>. The former iterates over substrings that are found using the specified
+ Finder. The latter iterates over the gaps between these substrings.
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ string str1("abc-*-ABC-*-aBc");
+ // Find all 'abc' substrings (ignoring the case)
+ // Create a find_iterator
+ typedef find_iterator&lt;string::iterator&gt; string_find_iterator;
+ for(string_find_iterator It=
+ make_find_iterator(str1, first_finder("abc", is_iequal()));
+ It!=string_find_iterator();
+ ++It)
+ {
+ cout &lt;&lt; copy_range&lt;std::string&gt;(*It) &lt;&lt; endl;
+ }
+ // Output will be:
+ // abc
+ // ABC
+ // aBC
+ typedef split_iterator&lt;string::iterator&gt; string_split_iterator;
+ for(string_split_iterator It=
+ make_split_iterator(str1, first_finder("-*-", is_iequal()));
+ It!=string_split_iterator();
+ ++It)
+ {
+ cout &lt;&lt; copy_range&lt;std::string&gt;(*It) &lt;&lt; endl;
+ }
+ // Output will be:
+ // abc
+ // ABC
+ // aBC
+ </pre>
+ Note that the find iterators have only one template parameter. It is the base iterator type.
+ The Finder is specified at runtime. This allows us to typedef a find iterator for
+ common string types and reuse it. Additionally make_*_iterator functions help
+ to construct a find iterator for a particular range.
+ </p>
+ See the reference in <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.find_iterator_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/find_iterator.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/find_iterator.hpp</a></code>.
+ </p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3184031"></a>Split</h3></div></div></div>
+ Split algorithms are an extension to the find iterator for one common usage scenario.
+ These algorithms use a find iterator and store all matches into the provided
+ container. This container must be able to hold copies (e.g. <code class="computeroutput">std::string</code>) or
+ references (e.g. <code class="computeroutput">iterator_range</code>) of the extracted substrings.
+ </p>
+ Two algorithms are provided. <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/find_all.html" title="Function template find_all">find_all()</a></code> finds all copies
+ of a string in the input. <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/split_id820181.html" title="Function template split">split()</a></code> splits the input into parts.
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+ string str1("hello abc-*-ABC-*-aBc goodbye");
+ typedef vector&lt; iterator_range&lt;string::iterator&gt; &gt; find_vector_type;
+ find_vector_type FindVec; // #1: Search for separators
+ ifind_all( FindVec, str1, "abc" ); // FindVec == { [abc],[ABC],[aBc] }
+ typedef vector&lt; string &gt; split_vector_type;
+ split_vector_type SplitVec; // #2: Search for tokens
+ split( SplitVec, str1, is_any_of("-*"), token_compress_on ); // SplitVec == { "hello abc","ABC","aBc goodbye" }
+ </pre>
+ <code class="computeroutput">[hello]</code> designates an <code class="computeroutput">iterator_range</code> delimiting this substring.
+ </p>
+ First example show how to construct a container to hold references to all extracted
+ substrings. Algorithm <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/ifind_all.html" title="Function template ifind_all">ifind_all()</a></code> puts into FindVec references
+ to all substrings that are in case-insensitive manner equal to "abc".
+ </p>
+ Second example uses <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/algorithm/split_id820181.html" title="Function template split">split()</a></code> to split string str1 into parts
+ separated by characters '-' or '*'. These parts are then put into the SplitVec.
+ It is possible to specify if adjacent separators are concatenated or not.
+ </p>
+ More information can be found in the reference: <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="reference.html#header.boost.algorithm.string.split_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp&gt;">boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp</a></code>.
+ </p>
+<table xmlns:rev="" width="100%"><tr>
+<td align="left"><p><small>Last revised: October 30, 2010 at 18:34:45 +0100</small></p></td>
+<td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2002-2004 Pavol Droba<p>Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost
+ Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+ <code class="filename">LICENSE_1_0.txt</code> or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)
+ </p>
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