path: root/doc/html/signals/s05.html
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authorAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 12:57:26 -0700
committerAnas Nashif <>2012-10-30 12:57:26 -0700
commit1a78a62555be32868418fe52f8e330c9d0f95d5a (patch)
treed3765a80e7d3b9640ec2e930743630cd6b9fce2b /doc/html/signals/s05.html
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1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/signals/s05.html b/doc/html/signals/s05.html
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+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="id3149052"></a>Design Overview</h2></div></div></div>
+<div class="toc"><dl>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="s05.html#id3149057">Type Erasure</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="s05.html#id3149127"><code class="computeroutput">connection</code> class</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="s05.html#id3149245">Slot Call Iterator</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="section"><a href="s05.html#id3149443"><code class="computeroutput">visit_each</code> function template</a></span></dt>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3149057"></a>Type Erasure</h3></div></div></div>
+<p>"Type erasure", where static type information is eliminated
+ by the use of dynamically dispatched interfaces, is used
+ extensively within the Boost.Signals library to reduce the amount
+ of code generated by template instantiation. Each signal must
+ manage a list of slots and their associated connections, along
+ with a <code class="computeroutput">std::map</code> to map from group identifiers to
+ their associated connections. However, instantiating this map for
+ every token type, and perhaps within each translation unit (for
+ some popular template instantiation strategies) increase compile
+ time overhead and space overhead.</p>
+<p> To combat this so-called "template bloat", we use
+ Boost.Function and Boost.Any to store unknown types and
+ operations. Then, all of the code for handling the list of slots
+ and the mapping from slot identifiers to connections is factored
+ into the class <code class="computeroutput">signal_base</code>
+ that deals exclusively with the <code class="computeroutput">any</code> and
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/function.html" title="Class template function">function</a></code> objects, hiding the
+ actual implementations using the well-known pimpl idiom. The
+ actual <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signalN.html" title="Class template signalN">signalN</a></code> class templates
+ deal only with code that will change depending on the number of
+ arguments or which is inherently template-dependent (such as
+ connection).</p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3149127"></a><code class="computeroutput">connection</code> class</h3></div></div></div>
+<p> The <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signals/connection.html" title="Class connection">connection</a></code> class is
+ central to the behavior of the Boost.Signals library. It is the
+ only entity within the Boost.Signals system that has knowledge of
+ all objects that are associated by a given connection. To be
+ specific, the <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signals/connection.html" title="Class connection">connection</a></code> class
+ itself is merely a thin wrapper over a
+ <code class="computeroutput">shared_ptr</code> to a
+ <code class="computeroutput">basic_connection</code> object.</p>
+<p> <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signals/connection.html" title="Class connection">connection</a></code> objects are
+ stored by all participants in the Signals system: each
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signals/trackable.html" title="Class trackable">trackable</a></code> object contains a
+ list of <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signals/connection.html" title="Class connection">connection</a></code> objects
+ describing all connections it is a part of; similarly, all signals
+ contain a set of pairs that define a slot. The pairs consist of a
+ slot function object (generally a Boost.Function object) and a
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/signals/connection.html" title="Class connection">connection</a></code> object (that will
+ disconnect on destruction). Finally, the mapping from slot groups
+ to slots is based on the key value in a
+ <code class="computeroutput">std::multimap</code> (the stored data
+ in the <code class="computeroutput">std::multimap</code> is the
+ slot pair).</p>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3149245"></a>Slot Call Iterator</h3></div></div></div>
+<p> The slot call iterator is conceptually a stack of iterator
+ adaptors that modify the behavior of the underlying iterator
+ through the list of slots. The following table describes the type
+ and behavior of each iterator adaptor required. Note that this is
+ only a conceptual model: the implementation collapses all these
+ layers into a single iterator adaptor because several popular
+ compilers failed to compile the implementation of the conceptual
+ model.</p>
+<div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
+<th align="left">Iterator Adaptor</th>
+<th align="left">Purpose</th>
+<td align="left"><p>Slot List Iterator</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>An iterator through the list of slots
+ connected to a signal. The <code class="computeroutput">value_type</code> of this
+ iterator will be
+ <code class="computeroutput">std::pair&lt;any,
+ connection&gt;</code>, where the
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/any.html" title="Class any">any</a></code> contains an
+ instance of the slot function type.</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Filter Iterator Adaptor</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>This filtering iterator adaptor filters out
+ slots that have been disconnected, so we never see a
+ disconnected slot in later stages.</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Projection Iterator Adaptor</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>The projection iterator adaptor returns a
+ reference to the first member of the pair that constitutes
+ a connected slot (e.g., just the
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/any.html" title="Class any">boost::any</a></code> object that
+ holds the slot function).</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Transform Iterator Adaptor</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>This transform iterator adaptor performs an
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/any_cast.html" title="Function any_cast">any_cast</a></code> to
+ extract a reference to the slot function with the
+ appropriate slot function type.</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Transform Iterator Adaptor</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>This transform iterator adaptor calls the
+ function object returned by dereferencing the underlying
+ iterator with the set of arguments given to the signal
+ itself, and returns the result of that slot
+ call.</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Input Caching Iterator Adaptor</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>This iterator adaptor caches the result of
+ dereferencing the underlying iterator. Therefore,
+ dereferencing this iterator multiple times will only
+ result in the underlying iterator being dereferenced once;
+ thus, a slot can only be called once but its result can be
+ used multiple times.</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Slot Call Iterator</p></td>
+<td align="left"><p>Iterates over calls to each slot.</p></td>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="id3149443"></a><code class="computeroutput">visit_each</code> function template</h3></div></div></div>
+<p> The <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/visit_each.html" title="Function template visit_each">visit_each</a></code>
+ function template is a mechanism for discovering objects that are
+ stored within another object. Function template
+ <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/visit_each.html" title="Function template visit_each">visit_each</a></code> takes three
+ arguments: an object to explore, a visitor function object that is
+ invoked with each subobject, and the <code class="computeroutput">int</code> 0. </p>
+<p> The third parameter is merely a temporary solution to the
+ widespread lack of proper function template partial ordering. The
+ primary <code class="computeroutput"><a class="link" href="../boost/visit_each.html" title="Function template visit_each">visit_each</a></code>
+ function template specifies this third parameter type to be
+ <code class="computeroutput">long</code>, whereas any user specializations must specify
+ their third parameter to be of type <code class="computeroutput">int</code>. Thus, even
+ though a broken compiler cannot tell the ordering between, e.g., a
+ match against a parameter <code class="computeroutput">T</code> and a parameter
+ <code class="computeroutput">A&lt;T&gt;</code>, it can determine that the conversion from
+ the integer 0 to <code class="computeroutput">int</code> is better than the conversion to
+ <code class="computeroutput">long</code>. The ordering determined by this conversion thus
+ achieves partial ordering of the function templates in a limited,
+ but successful, way. The following example illustrates the use of
+ this technique:</p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+template&lt;typename&gt; class A {};
+template&lt;typename T&gt; void foo(T, long);
+template&lt;typename T&gt; void foo(A&lt;T&gt;, int);
+A&lt;T&gt; at;
+foo(at, 0);
+<p> In this example, we assume that our compiler can not tell
+ that <code class="computeroutput">A&lt;T&gt;</code> is a better match than
+ <code class="computeroutput">T</code>, and therefore assume that the function templates
+ cannot be ordered based on that parameter. Then the conversion
+ from 0 to <code class="computeroutput">int</code> is better than the conversion from 0 to
+ <code class="computeroutput">long</code>, and the second function template is
+ chosen. </p>
+<table xmlns:rev="" width="100%"><tr>
+<td align="left"><p><small>Last revised: November 25, 2007 at 18:38:02 +0000</small></p></td>
+<td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2001-2004 Douglas Gregor<p>Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost
+ Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+ <code class="filename">LICENSE_1_0.txt</code> or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)</p>
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