/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement * or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or * otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with * other software, or any other product whatsoever. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, * Mountain View, CA 94043, or: * * http://www.sgi.com * * For further information regarding this notice, see: * * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ */ #ifndef __XFS_AG_H__ #define __XFS_AG_H__ /* * Allocation group header * This is divided into three structures, placed in sequential 512-byte * buffers after a copy of the superblock (also in a 512-byte buffer). */ struct xfs_buf; struct xfs_mount; struct xfs_trans; #define XFS_AGF_MAGIC 0x58414746 /* 'XAGF' */ #define XFS_AGI_MAGIC 0x58414749 /* 'XAGI' */ #define XFS_AGF_VERSION 1 #define XFS_AGI_VERSION 1 #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGF_GOOD_VERSION) int xfs_agf_good_version(unsigned v); #define XFS_AGF_GOOD_VERSION(v) xfs_agf_good_version(v) #else #define XFS_AGF_GOOD_VERSION(v) ((v) == XFS_AGF_VERSION) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGI_GOOD_VERSION) int xfs_agi_good_version(unsigned v); #define XFS_AGI_GOOD_VERSION(v) xfs_agi_good_version(v) #else #define XFS_AGI_GOOD_VERSION(v) ((v) == XFS_AGI_VERSION) #endif /* * Btree number 0 is bno, 1 is cnt. This value gives the size of the * arrays below. */ #define XFS_BTNUM_AGF ((int)XFS_BTNUM_CNTi + 1) /* * The second word of agf_levels in the first a.g. overlaps the EFS * superblock's magic number. Since the magic numbers valid for EFS * are > 64k, our value cannot be confused for an EFS superblock's. */ typedef struct xfs_agf { /* * Common allocation group header information */ __uint32_t agf_magicnum; /* magic number == XFS_AGF_MAGIC */ __uint32_t agf_versionnum; /* header version == XFS_AGF_VERSION */ xfs_agnumber_t agf_seqno; /* sequence # starting from 0 */ xfs_agblock_t agf_length; /* size in blocks of a.g. */ /* * Freespace information */ xfs_agblock_t agf_roots[XFS_BTNUM_AGF]; /* root blocks */ __uint32_t agf_spare0; /* spare field */ __uint32_t agf_levels[XFS_BTNUM_AGF]; /* btree levels */ __uint32_t agf_spare1; /* spare field */ __uint32_t agf_flfirst; /* first freelist block's index */ __uint32_t agf_fllast; /* last freelist block's index */ __uint32_t agf_flcount; /* count of blocks in freelist */ xfs_extlen_t agf_freeblks; /* total free blocks */ xfs_extlen_t agf_longest; /* longest free space */ } xfs_agf_t; #define XFS_AGF_MAGICNUM 0x00000001 #define XFS_AGF_VERSIONNUM 0x00000002 #define XFS_AGF_SEQNO 0x00000004 #define XFS_AGF_LENGTH 0x00000008 #define XFS_AGF_ROOTS 0x00000010 #define XFS_AGF_LEVELS 0x00000020 #define XFS_AGF_FLFIRST 0x00000040 #define XFS_AGF_FLLAST 0x00000080 #define XFS_AGF_FLCOUNT 0x00000100 #define XFS_AGF_FREEBLKS 0x00000200 #define XFS_AGF_LONGEST 0x00000400 #define XFS_AGF_NUM_BITS 11 #define XFS_AGF_ALL_BITS ((1 << XFS_AGF_NUM_BITS) - 1) /* disk block (xfs_daddr_t) in the AG */ #define XFS_AGF_DADDR(mp) ((xfs_daddr_t)(1 << (mp)->m_sectbb_log)) #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGF_BLOCK) xfs_agblock_t xfs_agf_block(struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_AGF_BLOCK(mp) xfs_agf_block(mp) #else #define XFS_AGF_BLOCK(mp) XFS_HDR_BLOCK(mp, XFS_AGF_DADDR(mp)) #endif /* * Size of the unlinked inode hash table in the agi. */ #define XFS_AGI_UNLINKED_BUCKETS 64 typedef struct xfs_agi { /* * Common allocation group header information */ __uint32_t agi_magicnum; /* magic number == XFS_AGI_MAGIC */ __uint32_t agi_versionnum; /* header version == XFS_AGI_VERSION */ xfs_agnumber_t agi_seqno; /* sequence # starting from 0 */ xfs_agblock_t agi_length; /* size in blocks of a.g. */ /* * Inode information * Inodes are mapped by interpreting the inode number, so no * mapping data is needed here. */ xfs_agino_t agi_count; /* count of allocated inodes */ xfs_agblock_t agi_root; /* root of inode btree */ __uint32_t agi_level; /* levels in inode btree */ xfs_agino_t agi_freecount; /* number of free inodes */ xfs_agino_t agi_newino; /* new inode just allocated */ xfs_agino_t agi_dirino; /* last directory inode chunk */ /* * Hash table of inodes which have been unlinked but are * still being referenced. */ xfs_agino_t agi_unlinked[XFS_AGI_UNLINKED_BUCKETS]; } xfs_agi_t; #define XFS_AGI_MAGICNUM 0x00000001 #define XFS_AGI_VERSIONNUM 0x00000002 #define XFS_AGI_SEQNO 0x00000004 #define XFS_AGI_LENGTH 0x00000008 #define XFS_AGI_COUNT 0x00000010 #define XFS_AGI_ROOT 0x00000020 #define XFS_AGI_LEVEL 0x00000040 #define XFS_AGI_FREECOUNT 0x00000080 #define XFS_AGI_NEWINO 0x00000100 #define XFS_AGI_DIRINO 0x00000200 #define XFS_AGI_UNLINKED 0x00000400 #define XFS_AGI_NUM_BITS 11 #define XFS_AGI_ALL_BITS ((1 << XFS_AGI_NUM_BITS) - 1) /* disk block (xfs_daddr_t) in the AG */ #define XFS_AGI_DADDR(mp) ((xfs_daddr_t)(2 << (mp)->m_sectbb_log)) #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGI_BLOCK) xfs_agblock_t xfs_agi_block(struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_AGI_BLOCK(mp) xfs_agi_block(mp) #else #define XFS_AGI_BLOCK(mp) XFS_HDR_BLOCK(mp, XFS_AGI_DADDR(mp)) #endif /* * The third a.g. block contains the a.g. freelist, an array * of block pointers to blocks owned by the allocation btree code. */ #define XFS_AGFL_DADDR(mp) ((xfs_daddr_t)(3 << (mp)->m_sectbb_log)) #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGFL_BLOCK) xfs_agblock_t xfs_agfl_block(struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_AGFL_BLOCK(mp) xfs_agfl_block(mp) #else #define XFS_AGFL_BLOCK(mp) XFS_HDR_BLOCK(mp, XFS_AGFL_DADDR(mp)) #endif #define XFS_AGFL_SIZE(mp) ((mp)->m_sb.sb_sectsize / sizeof(xfs_agblock_t)) typedef struct xfs_agfl { xfs_agblock_t agfl_bno[1]; /* actually XFS_AGFL_SIZE(mp) */ } xfs_agfl_t; /* * Busy block/extent entry. Used in perag to mark blocks that have been freed * but whose transactions aren't committed to disk yet. */ typedef struct xfs_perag_busy { xfs_agblock_t busy_start; xfs_extlen_t busy_length; struct xfs_trans *busy_tp; /* transaction that did the free */ } xfs_perag_busy_t; /* * Per-ag incore structure, copies of information in agf and agi, * to improve the performance of allocation group selection. * * pick sizes which fit in allocation buckets well */ #if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32) #define XFS_PAGB_NUM_SLOTS 84 #elif (BITS_PER_LONG == 64) #define XFS_PAGB_NUM_SLOTS 128 #endif typedef struct xfs_perag { char pagf_init; /* this agf's entry is initialized */ char pagi_init; /* this agi's entry is initialized */ char pagf_metadata; /* the agf is prefered to be metadata */ char pagi_inodeok; /* The agi is ok for inodes */ __uint8_t pagf_levels[XFS_BTNUM_AGF]; /* # of levels in bno & cnt btree */ __uint32_t pagf_flcount; /* count of blocks in freelist */ xfs_extlen_t pagf_freeblks; /* total free blocks */ xfs_extlen_t pagf_longest; /* longest free space */ xfs_agino_t pagi_freecount; /* number of free inodes */ #ifdef __KERNEL__ lock_t pagb_lock; /* lock for pagb_list */ #endif int pagb_count; /* pagb slots in use */ xfs_perag_busy_t *pagb_list; /* unstable blocks */ } xfs_perag_t; #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AG_MAXLEVELS) int xfs_ag_maxlevels(struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_AG_MAXLEVELS(mp) xfs_ag_maxlevels(mp) #else #define XFS_AG_MAXLEVELS(mp) ((mp)->m_ag_maxlevels) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_MIN_FREELIST) int xfs_min_freelist(xfs_agf_t *a, struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_MIN_FREELIST(a,mp) xfs_min_freelist(a,mp) #else #define XFS_MIN_FREELIST(a,mp) \ XFS_MIN_FREELIST_RAW( \ INT_GET((a)->agf_levels[XFS_BTNUM_BNOi], ARCH_CONVERT), \ INT_GET((a)->agf_levels[XFS_BTNUM_CNTi], ARCH_CONVERT), mp) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_MIN_FREELIST_PAG) int xfs_min_freelist_pag(xfs_perag_t *pag, struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_MIN_FREELIST_PAG(pag,mp) xfs_min_freelist_pag(pag,mp) #else #define XFS_MIN_FREELIST_PAG(pag,mp) \ XFS_MIN_FREELIST_RAW((uint_t)(pag)->pagf_levels[XFS_BTNUM_BNOi], \ (uint_t)(pag)->pagf_levels[XFS_BTNUM_CNTi], mp) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_MIN_FREELIST_RAW) int xfs_min_freelist_raw(int bl, int cl, struct xfs_mount *mp); #define XFS_MIN_FREELIST_RAW(bl,cl,mp) xfs_min_freelist_raw(bl,cl,mp) #else #define XFS_MIN_FREELIST_RAW(bl,cl,mp) \ (MIN(bl + 1, XFS_AG_MAXLEVELS(mp)) + \ MIN(cl + 1, XFS_AG_MAXLEVELS(mp))) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGB_TO_FSB) xfs_fsblock_t xfs_agb_to_fsb(struct xfs_mount *mp, xfs_agnumber_t agno, xfs_agblock_t agbno); #define XFS_AGB_TO_FSB(mp,agno,agbno) xfs_agb_to_fsb(mp,agno,agbno) #else #define XFS_AGB_TO_FSB(mp,agno,agbno) \ (((xfs_fsblock_t)(agno) << (mp)->m_sb.sb_agblklog) | (agbno)) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_FSB_TO_AGNO) xfs_agnumber_t xfs_fsb_to_agno(struct xfs_mount *mp, xfs_fsblock_t fsbno); #define XFS_FSB_TO_AGNO(mp,fsbno) xfs_fsb_to_agno(mp,fsbno) #else #define XFS_FSB_TO_AGNO(mp,fsbno) \ ((xfs_agnumber_t)((fsbno) >> (mp)->m_sb.sb_agblklog)) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_FSB_TO_AGBNO) xfs_agblock_t xfs_fsb_to_agbno(struct xfs_mount *mp, xfs_fsblock_t fsbno); #define XFS_FSB_TO_AGBNO(mp,fsbno) xfs_fsb_to_agbno(mp,fsbno) #else #define XFS_FSB_TO_AGBNO(mp,fsbno) \ ((xfs_agblock_t)((fsbno) & XFS_MASK32LO((mp)->m_sb.sb_agblklog))) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR) xfs_daddr_t xfs_agb_to_daddr(struct xfs_mount *mp, xfs_agnumber_t agno, xfs_agblock_t agbno); #define XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(mp,agno,agbno) xfs_agb_to_daddr(mp,agno,agbno) #else #define XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(mp,agno,agbno) \ ((xfs_daddr_t)(XFS_FSB_TO_BB(mp, \ (xfs_fsblock_t)(agno) * (mp)->m_sb.sb_agblocks + (agbno)))) #endif /* * XFS_DADDR_TO_AGNO and XFS_DADDR_TO_AGBNO moved to xfs_mount.h * to avoid header file ordering change */ #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AG_DADDR) xfs_daddr_t xfs_ag_daddr(struct xfs_mount *mp, xfs_agnumber_t agno, xfs_daddr_t d); #define XFS_AG_DADDR(mp,agno,d) xfs_ag_daddr(mp,agno,d) #else #define XFS_AG_DADDR(mp,agno,d) (XFS_AGB_TO_DADDR(mp, agno, 0) + (d)) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_BUF_TO_AGF) xfs_agf_t *xfs_buf_to_agf(struct xfs_buf *bp); #define XFS_BUF_TO_AGF(bp) xfs_buf_to_agf(bp) #else #define XFS_BUF_TO_AGF(bp) ((xfs_agf_t *)XFS_BUF_PTR(bp)) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_BUF_TO_AGI) xfs_agi_t *xfs_buf_to_agi(struct xfs_buf *bp); #define XFS_BUF_TO_AGI(bp) xfs_buf_to_agi(bp) #else #define XFS_BUF_TO_AGI(bp) ((xfs_agi_t *)XFS_BUF_PTR(bp)) #endif #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_BUF_TO_AGFL) xfs_agfl_t *xfs_buf_to_agfl(struct xfs_buf *bp); #define XFS_BUF_TO_AGFL(bp) xfs_buf_to_agfl(bp) #else #define XFS_BUF_TO_AGFL(bp) ((xfs_agfl_t *)XFS_BUF_PTR(bp)) #endif /* * For checking for bad ranges of xfs_daddr_t's, covering multiple * allocation groups or a single xfs_daddr_t that's a superblock copy. */ #if XFS_WANT_FUNCS || (XFS_WANT_SPACE && XFSSO_XFS_AG_CHECK_DADDR) void xfs_ag_check_daddr(struct xfs_mount *mp, xfs_daddr_t d, xfs_extlen_t len); #define XFS_AG_CHECK_DADDR(mp,d,len) xfs_ag_check_daddr(mp,d,len) #else #define XFS_AG_CHECK_DADDR(mp,d,len) \ ((len) == 1 ? \ ASSERT((d) == XFS_SB_DADDR || \ XFS_DADDR_TO_AGBNO(mp, d) != XFS_SB_DADDR) : \ ASSERT(XFS_DADDR_TO_AGNO(mp, d) == \ XFS_DADDR_TO_AGNO(mp, (d) + (len) - 1))) #endif #endif /* __XFS_AG_H__ */