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1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/perf/ui/browsers/hists.c b/tools/perf/ui/browsers/hists.c
index 53f6697d014..f556e5f6388 100644
--- a/tools/perf/ui/browsers/hists.c
+++ b/tools/perf/ui/browsers/hists.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ struct hist_browser {
struct hists *hists;
struct hist_entry *he_selection;
struct map_symbol *selection;
+ int print_seq;
bool has_symbols;
@@ -800,6 +801,196 @@ do_offset:
+static int hist_browser__fprintf_callchain_node_rb_tree(struct hist_browser *browser,
+ struct callchain_node *chain_node,
+ u64 total, int level,
+ FILE *fp)
+ struct rb_node *node;
+ int offset = level * LEVEL_OFFSET_STEP;
+ u64 new_total, remaining;
+ int printed = 0;
+ if (callchain_param.mode == CHAIN_GRAPH_REL)
+ new_total = chain_node->children_hit;
+ else
+ new_total = total;
+ remaining = new_total;
+ node = rb_first(&chain_node->rb_root);
+ while (node) {
+ struct callchain_node *child = rb_entry(node, struct callchain_node, rb_node);
+ struct rb_node *next = rb_next(node);
+ u64 cumul = callchain_cumul_hits(child);
+ struct callchain_list *chain;
+ char folded_sign = ' ';
+ int first = true;
+ int extra_offset = 0;
+ remaining -= cumul;
+ list_for_each_entry(chain, &child->val, list) {
+ char ipstr[BITS_PER_LONG / 4 + 1], *alloc_str;
+ const char *str;
+ bool was_first = first;
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ extra_offset = LEVEL_OFFSET_STEP;
+ folded_sign = callchain_list__folded(chain);
+ alloc_str = NULL;
+ str = callchain_list__sym_name(chain, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr));
+ if (was_first) {
+ double percent = cumul * 100.0 / new_total;
+ if (asprintf(&alloc_str, "%2.2f%% %s", percent, str) < 0)
+ str = "Not enough memory!";
+ else
+ str = alloc_str;
+ }
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "%*s%c %s\n", offset + extra_offset, " ", folded_sign, str);
+ free(alloc_str);
+ if (folded_sign == '+')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (folded_sign == '-') {
+ const int new_level = level + (extra_offset ? 2 : 1);
+ printed += hist_browser__fprintf_callchain_node_rb_tree(browser, child, new_total,
+ new_level, fp);
+ }
+ node = next;
+ }
+ return printed;
+static int hist_browser__fprintf_callchain_node(struct hist_browser *browser,
+ struct callchain_node *node,
+ int level, FILE *fp)
+ struct callchain_list *chain;
+ int offset = level * LEVEL_OFFSET_STEP;
+ char folded_sign = ' ';
+ int printed = 0;
+ list_for_each_entry(chain, &node->val, list) {
+ char ipstr[BITS_PER_LONG / 4 + 1], *s;
+ folded_sign = callchain_list__folded(chain);
+ s = callchain_list__sym_name(chain, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr));
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "%*s%c %s\n", offset, " ", folded_sign, s);
+ }
+ if (folded_sign == '-')
+ printed += hist_browser__fprintf_callchain_node_rb_tree(browser, node,
+ browser->hists->stats.total_period,
+ level + 1, fp);
+ return printed;
+static int hist_browser__fprintf_callchain(struct hist_browser *browser,
+ struct rb_root *chain, int level, FILE *fp)
+ struct rb_node *nd;
+ int printed = 0;
+ for (nd = rb_first(chain); nd; nd = rb_next(nd)) {
+ struct callchain_node *node = rb_entry(nd, struct callchain_node, rb_node);
+ printed += hist_browser__fprintf_callchain_node(browser, node, level, fp);
+ }
+ return printed;
+static int hist_browser__fprintf_entry(struct hist_browser *browser,
+ struct hist_entry *he, FILE *fp)
+ char s[8192];
+ double percent;
+ int printed = 0;
+ char folded_sign = ' ';
+ if (symbol_conf.use_callchain)
+ folded_sign = hist_entry__folded(he);
+ hist_entry__snprintf(he, s, sizeof(s), browser->hists);
+ percent = (he->period * 100.0) / browser->hists->stats.total_period;
+ if (symbol_conf.use_callchain)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "%c ", folded_sign);
+ printed += fprintf(fp, " %5.2f%%", percent);
+ if (symbol_conf.show_nr_samples)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, " %11u", he->nr_events);
+ if (symbol_conf.show_total_period)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, " %12" PRIu64, he->period);
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "%s\n", rtrim(s));
+ if (folded_sign == '-')
+ printed += hist_browser__fprintf_callchain(browser, &he->sorted_chain, 1, fp);
+ return printed;
+static int hist_browser__fprintf(struct hist_browser *browser, FILE *fp)
+ struct rb_node *nd = hists__filter_entries(rb_first(browser->b.entries));
+ int printed = 0;
+ while (nd) {
+ struct hist_entry *h = rb_entry(nd, struct hist_entry, rb_node);
+ printed += hist_browser__fprintf_entry(browser, h, fp);
+ nd = hists__filter_entries(rb_next(nd));
+ }
+ return printed;
+static int hist_browser__dump(struct hist_browser *browser)
+ char filename[64];
+ FILE *fp;
+ while (1) {
+ scnprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "perf.hist.%d", browser->print_seq);
+ if (access(filename, F_OK))
+ break;
+ /*
+ * XXX: Just an arbitrary lazy upper limit
+ */
+ if (++browser->print_seq == 8192) {
+ ui_helpline__fpush("Too many perf.hist.N files, nothing written!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ fp = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if (fp == NULL) {
+ char bf[64];
+ strerror_r(errno, bf, sizeof(bf));
+ ui_helpline__fpush("Couldn't write to %s: %s", filename, bf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ++browser->print_seq;
+ hist_browser__fprintf(browser, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ ui_helpline__fpush("%s written!", filename);
+ return 0;
static struct hist_browser *hist_browser__new(struct hists *hists)
struct hist_browser *browser = zalloc(sizeof(*browser));
@@ -937,6 +1128,9 @@ static int perf_evsel__hists_browse(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int nr_events,
goto do_annotate;
+ case 'P':
+ hist_browser__dump(browser);
+ continue;
case 'd':
goto zoom_dso;
case 't':
@@ -969,6 +1163,7 @@ static int perf_evsel__hists_browse(struct perf_evsel *evsel, int nr_events,
"E Expand all callchains\n"
"d Zoom into current DSO\n"
"t Zoom into current Thread\n"
+ "P Print histograms to perf.hist.N\n"
"/ Filter symbol by name");
case K_ENTER: