BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
accepted/tizen_3.0.m2_mobilePackaging: update version to 0.3.5Gwanglim Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.m2_tvPackaging: update version to 0.3.5Gwanglim Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.m2_wearablePackaging: update version to 0.3.5Gwanglim Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_commonPackaging: update version to 0.3.30Juyeon Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_iviPackaging: update version to 0.3.30Juyeon Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_mobilePackaging: update version to 0.3.30Juyeon Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_tvPackaging: update version to 0.3.30Juyeon Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_wearablePackaging: update version to 0.3.30Juyeon Lee7 years
accepted/tizen_4.0_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.3.35Doyoun Kang5 years
accepted/tizen_5.0_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.3.36Doyoun Kang5 years
accepted/tizen_5.5_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.4.5Juyeon Lee4 years
accepted/tizen_5.5_unified_mobile_hotfixPackaging: update version to 0.4.2Seunghun Lee5 years
accepted/tizen_5.5_unified_wearable_hotfixPackaging: update version to 0.4.5Juyeon Lee4 years
accepted/tizen_6.0_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.4.14Doyoun Kang3 years
accepted/tizen_6.0_unified_hotfixPackaging: update version to 0.4.10Junseok, Kim4 years
accepted/tizen_6.5_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.4.18Doyoun Kang2 years
accepted/tizen_7.0_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.4.22Doyoun Kang13 months
accepted/tizen_7.0_unified_hotfixrotation: code refactoringDoyoun Kang22 months
accepted/tizen_8.0_unifiedPackaging: update version to 0.5.9SooChan Lim7 months
accepted/tizen_commonPackaging: update version to 0.3.27Doyoun Kang7 years
accepted/tizen_iviPackaging: update version to 0.3.27Doyoun Kang7 years
accepted/tizen_mobilePackaging: update version to 0.3.27Doyoun Kang7 years
accepted/tizen_tvPackaging: update version to 0.3.27Doyoun Kang7 years
accepted/tizen_unifiedPackaging: Update version to 0.5.13Junseok Kim2 months
accepted/tizen_unified_toolchainPackaging: update version to 0.5.11Junseok Kim3 months
accepted/tizen_unified_xPackaging: Update version to 0.5.13Junseok Kim2 months
accepted/tizen_wearablePackaging: update version to 0.3.27Doyoun Kang7 years
masterInitial empty repositoryJaeKyu Park9 years
ref/for/tizenpolicy: defer to create interface: tizen_launchscreen after edj loadingJuyeon Lee8 years
sandbox/boram/develpackaging: update version to 0.1.65Boram Park8 years
sandbox/doyoun/develPackaging: update version to 0.4.7Juyeon Lee4 years
sandbox/gwanglim/develindicator: added code to handle properties of the indicator serviceDoyoun Kang8 years
sandbox/shiin/develrotation: temporarily commitSeunghun Lee8 years
sandbox/wangbiao/rpm_upgradePackaging: update version to 0.4.4Juyeon Lee5 years
tizenPackaging: Update version to 0.5.13Junseok Kim2 months
tizen_3.0Packaging: update version to 0.3.30Juyeon Lee7 years
tizen_3.0.2014.q4_commonFix checking method of E_Client's visible state on Visibility Calulation Func...Mun, Gwan-gyeong9 years
tizen_3.0.2015.q1_commonFix checking method of E_Client's visible state on Visibility Calulation Func...Mun, Gwan-gyeong9 years
tizen_3.0.2015.q2_commonPackaging: update version to 0.1.17Gwanglim Lee9 years
tizen_3.0.m1_mobilePackaging: update version to 0.1.40Gwanglim Lee9 years
tizen_3.0.m1_tvPackaging: update version to 0.1.40Gwanglim Lee9 years
tizen_3.0.m2Packaging: update version to 0.3.5Gwanglim Lee7 years
tizen_3.0_tvPackaging: update version to 0.3.26Juyeon Lee7 years
tizen_4.0Packaging: update version to 0.3.35Doyoun Kang5 years
tizen_5.0Packaging: update version to 0.3.36Doyoun Kang5 years
tizen_5.5Packaging: update version to 0.4.5Juyeon Lee4 years
tizen_5.5_mobile_hotfixPackaging: update version to 0.4.2Seunghun Lee5 years
tizen_5.5_tvPackaging: update version to 0.4.5Juyeon Lee4 years
tizen_5.5_wearable_hotfixPackaging: update version to 0.4.5Juyeon Lee4 years
tizen_6.0Packaging: update version to 0.4.15Doyoun Kang3 years
tizen_6.0_bkup_20210115Packaging: update version to 0.4.13Doyoun Kang3 years
tizen_6.0_hotfixPackaging: update version to 0.4.10Junseok, Kim4 years
tizen_6.5Packaging: update version to 0.4.18Doyoun Kang2 years
tizen_7.0Packaging: update version to 0.4.22Doyoun Kang13 months
tizen_7.0_hotfixrotation: code refactoringDoyoun Kang22 months
tizen_8.0Packaging: update version to 0.5.9SooChan Lim7 months