/* * oma-ds-agent * Copyright (c) 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @SA_Error.h * @version 0.1 * @brief This file is the header file of Error is defined */ #ifndef SA_ERROR_H_ #define SA_ERROR_H_ typedef enum { ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0, /* Informational */ IN_PROGRESS = 101, /* OK code */ /** No error */ NO_ERROR = 200, /** Requested item was added */ ITEM_ADDED = 201, /** Accepted for processing */ PROCESSING_ACCEPTED = 202, /** Non-authoritative response */ NON_AUTHORITATIVE = 203, /** No content */ NO_CONTENT = 204, /** Reset content */ RESET_CONTENT = 205, /** Partial content */ PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, /** Conflict resolved with merge */ CONFLICT_MERGE = 207, /** Conflict resolved with client win */ CONFLICT_CLIENT_WIN = 208, /** Conflict resolved with duplicate */ CONFLICT_DUPLICATE = 209, /** Deleted without archiving */ DELETE_NO_ARCHIVE = 210, /** Item not deleted (not found) */ DELETE_NOT_FOUND = 211, /** Authentication accepted */ AUTH_ACCEPTED = 212, /** Chunked item accepted */ CHUNK_ACCEPTED = 213, /** Operation cancelled */ OPERATION_CANCELLED = 214, /** Not executed */ NOT_EXECUTED = 215, /** Atomic rollback ok */ ATOMIC_ROLLBACK_OK = 216, /* Retry error */ ERROR_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300, ERROR_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, ERROR_FOUND_RETRY = 302, ERROR_SEE_OTHER_RETRY = 303, ERROR_NOT_MODIFIED = 304, ERROR_USE_PROXY = 305, /* Errors */ ERROR_BAD_REQUEST = 400, /* Bad Request */ ERROR_AUTH_REJECTED = 401, /* Unauthorized, Invalid Credentials */ ERROR_PAYMENT_NEEDED = 402, /* Payment need */ ERROR_FORBIDDEN = 403, /* Forbidden */ ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 404, /* Not found */ ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, /* Command not allowed */ ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = 406, /* Optional feature unsupported */ ERROR_AUTH_REQUIRED = 407, /* Authentication required, Missing Credentials */ ERROR_SIZE_REQUIRED = 411, ERROR_REQUESTED_SIZE_TOO_BIG = 416, ERROR_RETRY_LATER = 417, /* Retry later */ ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 418, /* Put or Add failed because item already exists */ ERROR_SIZE_MISMATCH = 424, /* Size mismatch */ /* Standard errors */ ERROR_GENERIC = 500, ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, ERROR_REQUIRE_REFRESH = 508, ERROR_SERVER_FAILURE = 511, } oma_status_type_e; typedef enum { /* Internal errors - never ever send this via SyncML */ SA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0, SA_INTERNAL_OK = 1, SA_INTERNAL_ERROR, SA_INTERNAL_BINDER_ERROR, SA_INTERNAL_TIMEOUT, SA_INTERNAL_NOT_FOUND, SA_INTERNAL_MISCONFIGURATION, SA_INTERNAL_NO_MEMORY, SA_INTERNAL_NOT_DEFINED, SA_INTERNAL_CONNECTION_ERROR, SA_INTERNAL_DA_ERROR, SA_INTERNAL_CANCEL, SA_INTERNAL_AUTOCONFIG_NOT_SUPPORT_BY_SERVER, SA_INTERNAL_BUSY_SIGNALING, SA_INTERNAL_SERVER_FAILURE, SA_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, SA_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, SA_INTERNAL_SUSPEND_FAIL, } sa_error_type_e; #endif /* SA_ERROR_H_ */