path: root/src/agent/framework/san-parser
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/agent/framework/san-parser')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/agent/framework/san-parser/pm_sanparser.c b/src/agent/framework/san-parser/pm_sanparser.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bbb21e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/agent/framework/san-parser/pm_sanparser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ * oma-ds-agent
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @PM_SanParser.c
+ * @version 0.1
+ * @brief This file is the source file of implementation of San Parser
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <sync_agent.h>
+#include "wbxml/wbxml.h"
+#include "wbxml/wbxml_tree.h"
+#include "framework/san-parser/pm_sanparser.h"
+#undef LOG_TAG
+static san_content_type_s contentTypeSupported[] = {
+ {0x00, NULL},
+ {0x03, "text/plain"},
+ {0x06, "text/x-vcalendar"},
+ {0x07, "text/x-vcard"},
+ {0x0305, "text/calendar"},
+ {0x0306, "application/vnd.omads-email+xml"},
+ {0x0307, "application/vnd.omads-file+xml"},
+ {0x0308, "application/vnd.omads-folder+xml"},
+ {0x0309, "text/vcard"}
+san_package_s *san_package_12_parser(const char *msg_body, unsigned int msg_size)
+ unsigned int idLength = (uint8_t) msg_body[23];
+ retvm_if(msg_size < (25 + idLength), NULL, "[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package size is smaller than its minimal size specified in the spec, related to [Header] part.");
+ san_package_s *san = (san_package_s *) calloc(1, sizeof(san_package_s));
+ retvm_if(san == NULL, NULL, "[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Container]");
+ san->msg_body_without_digest = (char *)calloc(msg_size - 16, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->msg_body_without_digest == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Msg body]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->msg_body_without_digest, msg_body + 16, msg_size - 16);
+ san->msg_body_without_digest_length = msg_size - 16;
+ /* DIGEST */
+ san->digest = (char *)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->digest == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Digest]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->digest, msg_body, 16);
+ /* VERSION */
+ unsigned int version = ((uint8_t) msg_body[16]) << 2;
+ version = version | ((uint8_t) msg_body[17]) >> 6;
+ if (version != 12) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] Not supported SAN version %d.", version);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->version = version;
+ /* UI MODE */
+ san->ui_mode = (((uint8_t) msg_body[17]) & 0x30) >> 4;
+ san->initiator = (((uint8_t) msg_body[17]) & 0x08) >> 3;
+ /* SESSION ID */
+/*san->sessionID = ((uint8_t)msgBody[21]) << 8;
+ san->sessionID = san->sessionID | (uint8_t)msgBody[22];*/
+ san->session_id = atoi(g_strdup_printf("%02X%02X", msg_body[21], msg_body[22]));
+ _DEBUG_INFO("session id : %d \n", san->session_id);
+ /* SERVER ID */
+ if (idLength) {
+ san->server_id = (char *)calloc(idLength + 1, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->server_id == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Server ID]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->server_id, msg_body + 24, idLength);
+ }
+ san->cnt_sync_alerts = ((uint8_t) msg_body[24 + idLength]) >> 4;
+ if (san->cnt_sync_alerts == 0) {
+ if (msg_size > 24 + idLength + 1) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("[sanPackage12Parser] There are remaining bytes at the end of the package. (w/o alerts info)");
+ }
+ /* If number of sync alerts equals 0, should sync all data store in the client */
+ return san;
+ }
+ san->sync_alerts = (san_sync_alert_s *) calloc(san->cnt_sync_alerts, sizeof(san_sync_alert_s));
+ if (san->sync_alerts == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [syncAlerts]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ msg_body += 25 + idLength;
+ unsigned int alertLength = 25 + idLength;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < san->cnt_sync_alerts; i++) {
+ idLength = (uint8_t) msg_body[4];
+ if (msg_size < (alertLength + 5 + idLength)) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package size is smaller than");
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] its minimal size specified in the spec, related to [Alerts] part.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ alertLength = alertLength + 5 + idLength;
+ /* SYNC TYPE */
+ san_sync_type_e alert_type = (((uint8_t) msg_body[0]) >> 4) + 200;
+ if (alert_type < 206 || alert_type > 210) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN doesn't support the sync type %d.", alert_type);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ unsigned int contentType = ((uint8_t) msg_body[1]) << 16;
+ contentType = contentType | ((uint8_t) msg_body[2]) << 8;
+ contentType = contentType | ((uint8_t) msg_body[3]);
+ char *alert_ct = NULL;
+ int j;
+ int cnt = (int)sizeof(contentTypeSupported) / sizeof(san_content_type_s);
+ bool isContentSupported = false;
+ for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
+ if (contentType == contentTypeSupported[j].type) {
+ alert_ct = contentTypeSupported[j].strType;
+ isContentSupported = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isContentSupported) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN doesn't support the content type %d.", contentType);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* SERVER URI */
+ char *alert_uri = NULL;
+ if (idLength) {
+ alert_uri = (char *)calloc(idLength + 1, sizeof(char));
+ if (alert_uri == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage12Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Server URI]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(alert_uri, msg_body + 5, idLength);
+ }
+ msg_body += 5 + idLength;
+ san->sync_alerts[i].sync_type = alert_type;
+ san->sync_alerts[i].content_type = alert_ct;
+ san->sync_alerts[i].server_uri = alert_uri;
+ }
+ if (msg_size > alertLength) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("[sanPackage12Parser] There are remaining bytes at the end of the package. (with alerts info)");
+ }
+ return san;
+ error:
+ sanPackageParserFree(san);
+ return NULL;
+san_package_s *san_package_11_parser(const char *msg_body, unsigned int msg_size)
+ san_package_s *san = (san_package_s *) calloc(1, sizeof(san_package_s));
+ if (san == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Container]");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ WBXMLTree *wbxml_tree = NULL;
+ WBXMLError wbxml_err = wbxml_tree_from_wbxml((unsigned char *)msg_body, msg_size, WBXML_LANG_UNKNOWN, WBXML_CHARSET_UNKNOWN, &wbxml_tree);
+ if (wbxml_err != WBXML_OK) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] Libwbxml2 failed to parse WBXML STREAM to WBXML TREE, error code : %s", wbxml_errors_string(wbxml_err));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ WBXMLTreeNode *synchdr_node;
+ if ((synchdr_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(wbxml_tree->root, "SyncHdr", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [SyncHdr]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ WBXMLTreeNode *child_node = NULL;
+ const char *child_node_name = NULL;
+ for (child_node = synchdr_node->children; child_node != NULL; child_node = child_node->next) {
+ child_node_name = (const char *)wbxml_tag_get_xml_name(child_node->name);
+ if ((strcmp(child_node_name, "VerDTD") == 0) || (strcmp(child_node_name, "VerProto") == 0)) {
+ char *version = NULL;
+ if (child_node->children != NULL && child_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && child_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ version = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(child_node->children->content);
+ if (strcmp(version, "1.1") && strcmp(version, "SyncML/1.1")) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] Not supported SAN version %s.", version);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->version = 11;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(child_node_name, "SessionID") == 0) {
+ char *sessionID = NULL;
+ if (child_node->children != NULL && child_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && child_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ sessionID = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(child_node->children->content);
+ if (sessionID == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL sessionID detected. sessionID MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->session_id = atoi(sessionID);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(child_node_name, "Source") == 0) {
+ char *serverID = NULL;
+ unsigned serverIDlen = 0;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *serverid_node;
+ if ((serverid_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(child_node, "LocURI", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [LocURI]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (serverid_node->children != NULL && serverid_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && serverid_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ serverID = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(serverid_node->children->content);
+ serverIDlen = wbxml_buffer_len(serverid_node->children->content);
+ if (serverID == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL serverID detected. serverID MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->server_id = (char *)calloc(serverIDlen, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->server_id == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [Server ID]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->server_id, serverID, serverIDlen);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(child_node_name, "Cred") == 0) {
+ san->cred = (san_cred_s *) calloc(1, sizeof(san_cred_s));
+ if (san->cred == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [cred]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ char *credFormat = NULL;
+ unsigned credFormatLen = 0;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *credformat_node;
+ if ((credformat_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(child_node, "Format", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [Format]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (credformat_node->children != NULL && credformat_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && credformat_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ credFormat = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(credformat_node->children->content);
+ credFormatLen = wbxml_buffer_len(credformat_node->children->content);
+ if (credFormat == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL credFormat detected. credFormat MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->cred->cred_format = (char *)calloc(credFormatLen, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->cred->cred_format == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [credFormat]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->cred->cred_format, credFormat, credFormatLen);
+ }
+ char *credAuth = NULL;
+ unsigned credAuthLen = 0;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *credauth_node;
+ if ((credauth_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(child_node, "Type", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [Type]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (credauth_node->children != NULL && credauth_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && credauth_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ credAuth = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(credauth_node->children->content);
+ credAuthLen = wbxml_buffer_len(credauth_node->children->content);
+ if (credAuth == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL credAuth detected. credAuth MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->cred->cred_auth = (char *)calloc(credAuthLen, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->cred->cred_auth == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [credAuth]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->cred->cred_auth, credAuth, credAuthLen);
+ }
+ char *credData = NULL;
+ unsigned credDataLen = 0;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *creddata_node;
+ if ((creddata_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(child_node, "Data", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [Data]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (creddata_node->children != NULL && creddata_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && creddata_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ credData = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(creddata_node->children->content);
+ credDataLen = wbxml_buffer_len(creddata_node->children->content);
+ if (credData == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL credData detected. credData MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->cred->cred_data = (char *)calloc(credDataLen, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->cred->cred_data == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [credData]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->cred->cred_data, credData, credDataLen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WBXMLTreeNode *syncbody_node;
+ if ((syncbody_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(wbxml_tree->root, "SyncBody", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [SyncBody]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ WBXMLList *alertnode_list = wbxml_tree_node_get_all_children(syncbody_node);
+ unsigned int alertnode_list_len = wbxml_list_len(alertnode_list);
+ child_node = (WBXMLTreeNode *) wbxml_list_get(alertnode_list, alertnode_list_len - 1);
+ child_node_name = (const char *)wbxml_tag_get_xml_name(child_node->name);
+ if (strcmp(child_node_name, "Final") == 0)
+ san->cnt_sync_alerts = alertnode_list_len - 1;
+ if (san->cnt_sync_alerts == 0) {
+ /* If number of sync alerts equals 0, should sync all data store in the client */
+ return san;
+ } else {
+ san->sync_alerts = (san_sync_alert_s *) calloc(san->cnt_sync_alerts, sizeof(san_sync_alert_s));
+ if (san->sync_alerts == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [syncAlerts]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ unsigned int indexNode;
+ for (indexNode = 0; indexNode < san->cnt_sync_alerts; indexNode++) {
+ WBXMLTreeNode *alert_node = (WBXMLTreeNode *) wbxml_list_get(alertnode_list, indexNode);
+ char *alertData = NULL;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *alertdata_node;
+ if ((alertdata_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(alert_node, "Data", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [Data]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (alertdata_node->children != NULL && alertdata_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && alertdata_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ alertData = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(alertdata_node->children->content);
+ if (alertData == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL alertData detected. alertData MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (atoi(alertData) < 206 || atoi(alertData) > 210) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN doesn't support the sync type %d.", atoi(alertData));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->sync_alerts[indexNode].sync_type = atoi(alertData);
+ }
+ char *alertURI = NULL;
+ unsigned alertURIlen = 0;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *alerturi_node;
+ if ((alerturi_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(alert_node, "LocURI", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [LocURI]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (alerturi_node->children != NULL && alerturi_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && alerturi_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ alertURI = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(alerturi_node->children->content);
+ alertURIlen = wbxml_buffer_len(alerturi_node->children->content);
+ if (alertURI == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL alertURI detected. alertURI MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ san->sync_alerts[indexNode].server_uri = (char *)calloc(alertURIlen, sizeof(char));
+ if (san->sync_alerts[indexNode].server_uri == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN package memory allocation fail. [serverURI]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memcpy(san->sync_alerts[indexNode].server_uri, alertURI, alertURIlen);
+ }
+ char *alertContentType = NULL;
+ unsigned alertContentTypeLen = 0;
+ WBXMLTreeNode *alertcontenttype_node;
+ if ((alertcontenttype_node = wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name(alert_node, "Type", TRUE)) == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL from wbxml_tree_node_elt_get_from_name. [Type]");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (alertcontenttype_node->children != NULL && alertcontenttype_node->children->type == WBXML_TREE_TEXT_NODE && alertcontenttype_node->children->content != NULL) {
+ alertContentType = (char *)wbxml_buffer_get_cstr(alertcontenttype_node->children->content);
+ alertContentTypeLen = wbxml_buffer_len(alertcontenttype_node->children->content);
+ if (alertContentType == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] NULL alertContentType detected. alertContentType MUST NOT be NULL.");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ int j;
+ int cnt = (int)sizeof(contentTypeSupported) / sizeof(san_content_type_s);
+ bool isContentSupported = false;
+ for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
+ if (contentTypeSupported[j].strType == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (strcmp(alertContentType, contentTypeSupported[j].strType) == 0) {
+ san->sync_alerts[indexNode].content_type = contentTypeSupported[j].strType;
+ isContentSupported = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isContentSupported) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("[sanPackage11Parser] SAN doesn't support the content type %s.", alertContentType);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wbxml_tree_destroy(wbxml_tree);
+ return san;
+ error:
+ sanPackageParserFree(san);
+ return NULL;
+void sanPackageParserFree(void *point)
+ san_package_s *san = (san_package_s *) point;
+ if (san != NULL) {
+ if (san->msg_body_without_digest != NULL)
+ free(san->msg_body_without_digest);
+ if (san->digest != NULL)
+ free(san->digest);
+ if (san->cred != NULL) {
+ if (san->cred->cred_format != NULL)
+ free(san->cred->cred_format);
+ if (san->cred->cred_auth != NULL)
+ free(san->cred->cred_auth);
+ if (san->cred->cred_data != NULL)
+ free(san->cred->cred_data);
+ free(san->cred);
+ }
+ if (san->server_id != NULL)
+ free(san->server_id);
+ if (san->sync_alerts != NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < san->cnt_sync_alerts; i++) {
+ if (san->sync_alerts[i].server_uri != NULL) {
+ free(san->sync_alerts[i].server_uri);
+ }
+ }
+ free(san->sync_alerts);
+ }
+ free(san);
+ }
+void sanPrintMsg(san_package_s * san)
+ int i;
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Printing SAN package ============================\n\n");
+ _DEBUG_INFO("MsgBody without Digest :\n\t");
+ for (i = 0; i < san->msg_body_without_digest_length; i++) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("%02x ", san->msg_body_without_digest[i]);
+ if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0)
+ _DEBUG_INFO("\n\t");
+ }
+ _DEBUG_INFO("\n");
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Digest : %s\n", san->digest);
+ if (san->cred != NULL) {
+ if (san->cred->cred_format != NULL)
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Cred Format : %s\n", san->cred->cred_format);
+ if (san->cred->cred_auth != NULL)
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Cred Type : %s\n", san->cred->cred_auth);
+ if (san->cred->cred_data != NULL)
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Cred Data : %s\n", san->cred->cred_data);
+ }
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Version : %d\n", san->version);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("UI mode : %d\n", san->ui_mode);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Initiator : %d\n", san->initiator);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Session ID : %u\n", san->session_id);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("Server ID : %s\n", san->server_id);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("No. of Sync : %u\n", san->cnt_sync_alerts);
+ for (i = 0; i < san->cnt_sync_alerts; i++) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("\n\t=== Sync No. %d ============\n", i + 1);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("\tSync type : %d\n", san->sync_alerts[i].sync_type);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("\tContent type : %s\n", san->sync_alerts[i].content_type);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("\tServer URI : %s\n", san->sync_alerts[i].server_uri);
+ };
+int parse_ip_push_msg(char *data, san_package_s ** san_package, char **id)
+ retvm_if(data == NULL, 0, "data is NULL");
+ char *pay = NULL;
+ char *body = NULL;
+ char *decoded_body = NULL;
+ unsigned int decoded_size;
+ *id = strtok(data, "|");
+ pay = strtok(NULL, "|");
+ body = strtok(NULL, "|");
+ _DEBUG_INFO("id = %s", *id);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("pay = %s", pay);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("after = %s", body);
+ decoded_body = (char *)g_base64_decode(body, &decoded_size);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("decoded_body = %s", decoded_body);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("decoded_size = %d", decoded_size);
+ *san_package = san_package_12_parser(decoded_body, decoded_size);
+ if ((*san_package) != NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("serverId = %s", (*san_package)->server_id);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("sessionID = %d", (*san_package)->session_id);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("cntSyncAlerts = %d", (*san_package)->cnt_sync_alerts);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (*san_package)->cnt_sync_alerts; i++) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("syncAlerts = %d", (*san_package)->sync_alerts[i].sync_type);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("pSanPackage is NULL");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ error:
+ return 0;