path: root/src/agent/framework/event/oma_ds_platform_event_handler.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/agent/framework/event/oma_ds_platform_event_handler.c')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/agent/framework/event/oma_ds_platform_event_handler.c b/src/agent/framework/event/oma_ds_platform_event_handler.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ddc3547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/agent/framework/event/oma_ds_platform_event_handler.c
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * oma-ds-agent
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @OMA_DS_Platform_Event_Handler.c
+ * @version 0.1
+ * @brief This file is the source file of implementation of event callback function(from platform)
+ */
+#include <sync_agent.h>
+#include <plugin/plugin_slp_sysnoti_wap_push.h>
+#include "framework/event/oma_ds_platform_event_handler.h"
+#include "framework/task/oma_ds_engine_controller_task.h"
+#include "framework/san-parser/pm_sanparser.h"
+#include "common/common_define_internal.h"
+#include "common/common_util.h"
+#undef LOG_TAG
+static void _request_periodic_sync_task_finish_callback(sync_agent_ec_task_error_e task_error, unsigned int out_param_cnt, sync_agent_ec_param_param_s ** out_param_spec_array, void *usr_data);
+static void _request_san_sync_task_finish_callback(sync_agent_ec_task_error_e task_error, unsigned int out_param_cnt, sync_agent_ec_param_param_s ** out_param_spec_array, void *usr_data);
+static void _request_periodic_sync_task_finish_callback(sync_agent_ec_task_error_e task_error, unsigned int out_param_cnt, sync_agent_ec_param_param_s ** out_param_spec_array, void *usr_data)
+ unsigned int request_msg_id_to_cancel = 0;
+ get_periodic_sync_request_id(&request_msg_id_to_cancel);
+static void _request_san_sync_task_finish_callback(sync_agent_ec_task_error_e task_error, unsigned int out_param_cnt, sync_agent_ec_param_param_s ** out_param_spec_array, void *usr_data)
+ unsigned int request_msg_id_to_cancel = 0;
+ get_san_sync_request_id(&request_msg_id_to_cancel);
+int san_callback_parse(int item_id, void *user_data)
+ san_package_s *pSanPackage = NULL;
+ int accountID = -1;
+ char *sync_mode = NULL;
+ char *server_id = NULL;
+ bool result;
+ sync_agent_acc_error_e acc_err = SYNC_AGENT_ACC_SUCCESS;
+ sync_agent_fw_account_s *fw_account = NULL;
+ GList *account_info_list = NULL;
+ GList *iter = NULL;
+ pmci_san_incoming_s *incoming_data = (pmci_san_incoming_s *) user_data;
+ switch (incoming_data->version) {
+ case 11:
+ {
+ pSanPackage = san_package_11_parser(incoming_data->msg_body, incoming_data->msg_size);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ {
+ pSanPackage = san_package_12_parser(incoming_data->msg_body, incoming_data->msg_size);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ sync_agent_da_return_e da_err = sync_agent_open_agent();
+ if (da_err != SYNC_AGENT_DA_SUCCESS) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("da_err = %d", da_err);
+ goto return_part;
+ }
+ if (pSanPackage == NULL) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("pSanPackage is NULL");
+ goto return_part;
+ }
+ sync_agent_fw_account_query_s query;
+ query.query = ACCOUNT_QUERY_BY_NONE;
+ acc_err = sync_agent_query_fw_account(&query, &account_info_list);
+ if (acc_err != SYNC_AGENT_ACC_SUCCESS) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("sync_agent_query_fw_account is failed");
+ goto return_part;
+ }
+ for (iter = account_info_list; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) {
+ fw_account = (sync_agent_fw_account_s *) iter->data;
+ result = get_config(fw_account->account_id, DEFINE_CONFIG_KEY_PROFILE_SYNC_MODE, &sync_mode);
+ if (result == true) {
+ /*One device MUST NOT register multi account at same server... */
+ if (strcmp(sync_mode, DEFINE_SYNC_MODE_PUSH) == 0) {
+ result = get_config(fw_account->account_id, DEFINE_CONFIG_KEY_PROFILE_SERVER_ID, &server_id);
+ if (result == true) {
+ /*One device MUST NOT register multi account at same server... */
+ if (strcmp(pSanPackage->server_id, server_id) == 0) {
+ accountID = fw_account->account_id;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("failed in get_Config");
+ goto return_part;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("failed in get_Config");
+ goto return_part;
+ }
+ }
+ if (accountID < 0)
+ goto return_part;
+ char *syncMode = strdup(DEFINE_SYNC_MODE_PUSH);
+ void *in_param_value_array[3] = { &accountID, &syncMode, &pSanPackage };
+ int in_param_index_array[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ unsigned int request_msg_id = 0;
+ sync_agent_request_async_task(EC_MSG_TYPE_SYNC_TASK_REQUEST, 0, 3, in_param_index_array, in_param_type, in_param_value_array, _request_san_sync_task_finish_callback, NULL, (int *)&request_msg_id);
+ insert_request_msg_info(SYNC_MODE_SAN, request_msg_id);
+ sync_agent_close_agent();
+ if (pSanPackage != NULL)
+ sanPackageParserFree((void *)pSanPackage);
+ return 1;
+ return_part:
+ sync_agent_free_fw_account_list(account_info_list);
+ if (sync_mode != NULL)
+ free(sync_mode);
+ if (server_id != NULL)
+ free(server_id);
+/* if( incoming_data != NULL){
+ if (incoming_data->msg_body != NULL)
+ free((void *)incoming_data->msg_body);
+ free(incoming_data);
+ }*/
+ if (pSanPackage != NULL)
+ sanPackageParserFree((void *)pSanPackage);
+ sync_agent_close_agent();
+ return 0;
+void send_periodic_sync_msg(int scheduler_id, void *data)
+ _DEBUG_INFO("#######Scheduler Send Msg Success!!!!!##########");
+ _DEBUG_INFO("schedulerId = %d", scheduler_id);
+ int accountId = -1;
+ int alarmId = 0;
+ char *alarmId_str = NULL;
+ bool result;
+ sync_agent_acc_error_e acc_err = SYNC_AGENT_ACC_SUCCESS;
+ sync_agent_fw_account_s *fw_account = NULL;
+ GList *account_info_list = NULL;
+ GList *iter = NULL;
+ sync_agent_da_return_e da_err = sync_agent_open_agent();
+ if (da_err != SYNC_AGENT_DA_SUCCESS) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("failed in sync_agent_open_agent");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ sync_agent_fw_account_query_s query;
+ query.query = ACCOUNT_QUERY_BY_NONE;
+ acc_err = sync_agent_query_fw_account(&query, &account_info_list);
+ if (acc_err != SYNC_AGENT_ACC_SUCCESS) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("sync_agent_query_fw_account is failed");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ for (iter = account_info_list; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) {
+ fw_account = (sync_agent_fw_account_s *) iter->data;
+ if (alarmId_str != NULL)
+ free(alarmId_str);
+ result = get_config(fw_account->account_id, DEFINE_CONFIG_KEY_PROFILE_ALARM_ID, &alarmId_str);
+ if (result == false) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("failed in get_Config");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ alarmId = atoi(alarmId_str);
+ _DEBUG_INFO("alarm id = %d", alarmId);
+ if (alarmId == scheduler_id) {
+ _DEBUG_INFO("account_list[i] = %d", fw_account->account_id);
+ accountId = fw_account->account_id;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (accountId != -1) {
+ int in_param_index_array[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ sync_agent_ec_value_type_e in_param_value_type_array[3] = { SYNC_AGENT_EC_VALUE_TYPE_INT,
+ };
+ char *syncMode = strdup(DEFINE_SYNC_MODE_PERIODIC);
+ void *in_param_value_array[3] = { &accountId, &syncMode, NULL };
+ unsigned int request_msg_id = 0;
+ sync_agent_request_async_task(EC_MSG_TYPE_SYNC_TASK_REQUEST, 0, 3, in_param_index_array, in_param_value_type_array, in_param_value_array, _request_periodic_sync_task_finish_callback, NULL, (int *)&request_msg_id);
+ insert_request_msg_info(SYNC_MODE_PERIODIC, request_msg_id);
+ }
+ error:
+ sync_agent_free_fw_account_list(account_info_list);
+ if (alarmId_str != NULL)
+ free(alarmId_str);
+ sync_agent_close_agent();
+int send_ip_push_sync_msg(char *data)
+ san_package_s *pSanPackage = NULL;
+ char *id = NULL;
+ char *server_id = NULL;
+ int accountId = -1;
+ bool result = false;
+ sync_agent_acc_error_e acc_err = SYNC_AGENT_ACC_SUCCESS;
+ GList *account_info_list = NULL;
+ GList *iter = NULL;
+ sync_agent_fw_account_s *account_info = NULL;
+ sync_agent_da_return_e da_err = sync_agent_open_agent();
+ if (da_err != SYNC_AGENT_DA_SUCCESS) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("failed in sync_agent_open_agent");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ result = parse_ip_push_msg(data, &pSanPackage, &id);
+ if (result != true) {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("Failed in parseIPPushMsg");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ cancel_current_sync_task();
+ sync_agent_fw_account_query_s query;
+ query.access_name = "DIVE";
+ acc_err = sync_agent_query_fw_account(&query, &account_info_list);
+ for (iter = account_info_list; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) {
+ account_info = (sync_agent_fw_account_s *) iter->data;
+ _DEBUG_INFO("accountId = %d", account_info->account_id);
+ result = get_config(account_info->account_id, DEFINE_CONFIG_KEY_PROFILE_SERVER_ID, &server_id);
+ if (result == true) {
+ if (strcmp(pSanPackage->server_id, server_id) == 0) {
+ accountId = account_info->account_id;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _DEBUG_ERROR("failed in get_Config");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ if (accountId < 0)
+ goto error;
+ char *syncMode = strdup(DEFINE_SYNC_MODE_PUSH);
+ void *in_param_value_array[3] = { &accountId, &syncMode, &pSanPackage };
+ int in_param_index_array[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ sync_agent_ec_value_type_e in_param_value_type_array[3] = { SYNC_AGENT_EC_VALUE_TYPE_INT, SYNC_AGENT_EC_VALUE_TYPE_STRUCT, SYNC_AGENT_EC_VALUE_TYPE_STRUCT };
+ unsigned int request_msg_id = 0;
+ sync_agent_request_async_task(EC_MSG_TYPE_SYNC_TASK_REQUEST, 0, 3, in_param_index_array, in_param_value_type_array, in_param_value_array, _request_san_sync_task_finish_callback, NULL, (int *)&request_msg_id);
+ insert_request_msg_info(SYNC_MODE_SAN, request_msg_id);
+ sync_agent_free_fw_account_list(account_info_list);
+ if (server_id != NULL)
+ free(server_id);
+ if (pSanPackage != NULL)
+ sanPackageParserFree((void *)pSanPackage);
+ sync_agent_close_agent();
+ return 1;
+ error:
+ sync_agent_free_fw_account_list(account_info_list);
+ if (server_id != NULL)
+ free(server_id);
+ if (pSanPackage != NULL)
+ sanPackageParserFree((void *)pSanPackage);
+ sync_agent_close_agent();
+ return 0;