#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kdbus-util.h" #include "kdbus-enum.h" static uint64_t expected = 0; int timeout_msg_recv(struct conn *conn) { struct kdbus_cmd_recv recv = {}; struct kdbus_msg *msg; int ret; ret = ioctl(conn->fd, KDBUS_CMD_MSG_RECV, &recv); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error receiving message: %d (%m)\n", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } msg = (struct kdbus_msg *)(conn->buf + recv.offset); expected &= ~(1ULL << msg->cookie_reply); printf("Got message timeout for cookie %llu\n", msg->cookie_reply); ret = ioctl(conn->fd, KDBUS_CMD_FREE, &recv.offset); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error free message: %d (%m)\n", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return 0; } static int run_test(void) { struct { struct kdbus_cmd_make head; /* bloom size item */ struct { uint64_t size; uint64_t type; struct kdbus_bloom_parameter bloom; } bs; /* name item */ uint64_t n_size; uint64_t n_type; char name[64]; } bus_make; char *bus; struct conn *conn_a, *conn_b; struct pollfd fd; int fdc, ret, i, n_msgs = 4; printf("-- opening /dev/" KBUILD_MODNAME "/control\n"); fdc = open("/dev/" KBUILD_MODNAME "/control", O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC); if (fdc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "--- error %d (%m)\n", fdc); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memset(&bus_make, 0, sizeof(bus_make)); bus_make.head.flags = KDBUS_MAKE_POLICY_OPEN; bus_make.bs.size = sizeof(bus_make.bs); bus_make.bs.type = KDBUS_ITEM_BLOOM_PARAMETER; bus_make.bs.bloom.size = 64; bus_make.bs.bloom.n_hash = 1; snprintf(bus_make.name, sizeof(bus_make.name), "%u-testbus", getuid()); bus_make.n_type = KDBUS_ITEM_MAKE_NAME; bus_make.n_size = KDBUS_ITEM_HEADER_SIZE + strlen(bus_make.name) + 1; bus_make.head.size = sizeof(struct kdbus_cmd_make) + sizeof(bus_make.bs) + bus_make.n_size; printf("-- creating bus '%s'\n", bus_make.name); ret = ioctl(fdc, KDBUS_CMD_BUS_MAKE, &bus_make); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "--- error %d (%m)\n", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (asprintf(&bus, "/dev/" KBUILD_MODNAME "/%s/bus", bus_make.name) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; conn_a = connect_to_bus(bus, 0); conn_b = connect_to_bus(bus, 0); if (!conn_a || !conn_b) return EXIT_FAILURE; fd.fd = conn_b->fd; /* send messages that expect a reply (within 1 sec), but never answer it */ for (i = 0; i < n_msgs; i++) { printf("Sending message with cookie %u ...\n", i); msg_send(conn_b, NULL, i, KDBUS_MSG_FLAGS_EXPECT_REPLY, (i + 1) * 1000ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL, 0, conn_a->id); expected |= 1ULL << i; } for (;;) { fd.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLHUP; fd.revents = 0; ret = poll(&fd, 1, (n_msgs + 1) * 1000); if (ret == 0) printf("--- timeout\n"); if (ret <= 0) break; if (fd.revents & POLLIN) timeout_msg_recv(conn_b); if (expected == 0) break; } if (expected != 0) { for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) if (expected & (1ULL << i)) printf("No timeout notification received for cookie %u\n", i); } else { printf("Timeout notifications received for all messages. Good.\n"); } close(conn_a->fd); close(conn_b->fd); free(conn_a); free(conn_b); close(fdc); free(bus); return expected ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc > 1) while (run_test() == 0); return run_test(); }