Features: - test kdbus_match_bloom() multi-generation bloom masks, we need to be sure it works with old kernels when we update userspace tools - make sure that our domain/kuid/pidns creds passing/deny logic based on the PID namespace is what we need; interaction with userns? - use/prepare for something like this to manage the pool backing shmemfd: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/minchan/linux.git/commit/?h=vrange-v10-rc5&id=0b40a69d4c5d9eb13352fd357d73a5fab3ee699d - figure out/prepare for priority inheritance like mutexes for the sync call - check guards for all privileged-only operations: - activation - monitor - impersonation - name register - $UID prefix - domain creation - ep prefixing - policy, policy for custom endpoints - attach seclabel to well-known names - attach view/talk/own access policy to names - support policy name wildcards like foo.bar.* - also attach queued names to message metadata? - support the creation of anonymous buses? - actually return compatible/incompatible flags to users - test message budget limits External API: - rules for: -unknown items to ignore in userspace lib? -unknown items to ignore if SEND sees them?