path: root/inc/iotivity/OCProvisioningManager.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'inc/iotivity/OCProvisioningManager.hpp')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inc/iotivity/OCProvisioningManager.hpp b/inc/iotivity/OCProvisioningManager.hpp
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+// Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <thread>
+#include "pinoxmcommon.h"
+#include "ocprovisioningmanager.h"
+#include "OCApi.h"
+#include "OCPlatform_impl.h"
+namespace OC
+ class OCSecureResource;
+ typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<OCSecureResource>> DeviceList_t;
+ typedef std::vector<OicUuid_t> UuidList_t;
+ typedef std::vector<OCProvisionResult_t> PMResultList_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(PMResultList_t *result, int hasError)> ResultCallBack;
+ typedef std::function<void(uint16_t credId, uint8_t *trustCertChain,
+ size_t chainSize)>CertChainCallBack;
+ struct ProvisionContext
+ {
+ ResultCallBack callback;
+ ProvisionContext(ResultCallBack cb) : callback(cb){}
+ };
+ struct TrustCertChainContext
+ {
+ CertChainCallBack callback;
+ TrustCertChainContext(CertChainCallBack cb) : callback(cb){}
+ };
+ /**
+ * This class is for credential's to be set to devices.
+ * The types supported are
+ * 0: no security mode
+ * 1: symmetric pair-wise key
+ * 2: symmetric group key
+ * 4: asymmetric key
+ * 8: signed asymmetric key (aka certificate)
+ * 16: PIN /password
+ */
+ class Credential
+ {
+ OicSecCredType_t type;
+ size_t keySize;
+ public:
+ Credential() = default;
+ Credential(OicSecCredType_t type, size_t size) : type(type), keySize(size)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * API to get credential type of device.
+ * @return credential type of device.
+ */
+ OicSecCredType_t getCredentialType() const
+ {
+ return type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * API to get size of credential key type.
+ * @return size of credential key type.
+ */
+ size_t getCredentialKeySize() const
+ {
+ return keySize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * API to set credential type of device.
+ * Device can have following credential types
+ * - symmetric pair-wise key
+ * - symmetric group key
+ * - asymmetric key
+ * - signed asymmetric key (aka certificate)
+ * - PIN /password
+ * @param type credential type.
+ */
+ void setCredentialType(OicSecCredType_t type)
+ {
+ this->type = type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * API to set size of credential key type.
+ * @param keySize credential key size.
+ * @note can be either 128 or 256 for symmetric pair-wise key
+ */
+ void setCredentialKeySize(size_t keySize)
+ {
+ this->keySize = keySize;
+ }
+ };
+ class OCSecure
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * The API is responsible for initialization of the provisioning manager. It will load
+ * provisioning database which have owned device's list and their linked status.
+ *
+ * @param dbPath file path of the sqlite3 database.
+ *
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult provisionInit(const std::string& dbPath);
+ /**
+ * API is responsible for discovery of devices in it's subnet. It will list
+ * all the device in subnet which are not yet owned.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Timeout in seconds, time until which function will listen to
+ * responses from server before returning the list of devices.
+ * @param list List of candidate devices to be provisioned.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult discoverUnownedDevices(unsigned short timeout,
+ DeviceList_t &list);
+ /**
+ * API is responsible for discovery of devices in it's subnet. It will list
+ * all the device in subnet which are already owned by calling provisioning client.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Timeout in seconds, time until which function will listen to
+ * responses from server before returning the list of devices.
+ * @param list List of owned devices.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult discoverOwnedDevices(unsigned short timeout,
+ DeviceList_t &list);
+ /**
+ * API is responsible for discovery of devices in specified endpoint/deviceID.
+ * And this function will only return the specified device's response.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Timeout in seconds, time until which function will listen to
+ * responses from server before returning the specified device.
+ * @param deviceID deviceID of target device
+ * @param foundDevice OCSecureResource object of found device.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.\n
+ * ::OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM when deviceID is NULL or ppFoundDevice is not
+ * initailized.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult discoverSingleDevice(unsigned short timeout,
+ const OicUuid_t* deviceID,
+ std::shared_ptr<OCSecureResource> &foundDevice);
+ /**
+ * API for registering Ownership transfer methods for a particular transfer Type.
+ *
+ * @param oxm Ownership transfer method.
+ * @param callbackData CallbackData Methods for ownership transfer.
+ * @param inputPin Callback method to input pin for verification.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult setOwnerTransferCallbackData(OicSecOxm_t oxm,
+ OTMCallbackData_t* callbackData, InputPinCallback inputPin);
+ /**
+ * API to get status of all the devices in current subnet. The status include endpoint
+ * information and doxm information which can be extracted during owned and unowned
+ * discovery. Along with this information, API will provide information about
+ * devices' status.
+ * Device can have following states
+ * - ON/OFF: Device is switched on or off.
+ *
+ * @param timeout Wait time for the API.
+ * @param ownedDevList List of owned devices.
+ * @param unownedDevList List of unowned devices.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult getDevInfoFromNetwork(unsigned short timeout,
+ DeviceList_t &ownedDevList,
+ DeviceList_t &unownedDevList);
+ /**
+ * Server API to register callback to display stack generated PIN.
+ *
+ * @param displayPin Callback Method to Display generated PIN.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult setDisplayPinCB(GeneratePinCallback displayPin);
+ /**
+ * API to remove device credential and ACL from all devices in subnet.
+ *
+ * @param resultCallback Callback provided by API user, callback will be called when
+ * credential revocation is finished.
+ * @param uuid Device uuid to be revoked.
+ * @param waitTimeForOwnedDeviceDiscovery Maximum wait time for owned device
+ * discovery in seconds.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult removeDeviceWithUuid(unsigned short waitTimeForOwnedDeviceDiscovery,
+ std::string uuid,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to save ACL which has several ACE into Acl of SVR.
+ *
+ * @param acl ACL to be saved in Acl of SVR.
+ * @return OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult saveACL(const OicSecAcl_t* acl);
+#if defined(__WITH_DTLS__) || defined(__WITH_TLS__)
+ /**
+ * API to save Trust certificate chain into Cred of SVR.
+ *
+ * @param[in] trustCertChain Trust certificate chain to be saved in Cred of SVR.
+ * @param[in] chainSize Size of trust certificate chain to be saved in Cred of SVR
+ * @param[in] encodingType Encoding type of trust certificate chain to be saved in Cred of SVR
+ * @param[out] credId CredId of saved trust certificate chain in Cred of SVR.
+ * @return OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult saveTrustCertChain(uint8_t *trustCertChain, size_t chainSize,
+ OicEncodingType_t encodingType, uint16_t *credId);
+ /*
+ * API to read Trust certificate chain from SVR.
+ * Caller must free when done using the returned trust certificate
+ * @param[in] credId CredId of trust certificate chain in SVR.
+ * @param[out] trustCertChain Trust certificate chain.
+ * @param[out] chainSize Size of trust certificate chain
+ * @return OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult readTrustCertChain(uint16_t credId, uint8_t **trustCertChain,
+ size_t *chainSize);
+ /**
+ * API to register Notifier for trustCertChain change.
+ *
+ * @param[in] TrustCertChainChangeCB trustCertChain Change will be
+ * notified asynchronously. User need to "delete[]" trustCertChain
+ * in the callback function.
+ * @return OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult registerTrustCertChangeNotifier(CertChainCallBack);
+ /**
+ * API to remove Already registered Notifier.
+ *
+ *@return OC_STACK_OK always, kept it for symmetry.
+ */
+ static OCStackResult removeTrustCertChangeNotifier();
+ /**
+ * Notifier wrapper for trustCertChain change.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ctx User context returned in callback
+ * @param[in] credId trustCertChain changed for this ID
+ * @param[in] trustCertChain trustcertchain binary blob
+ * @param[in] chainSize size of trustCertChain
+ */
+ static void certCallbackWrapper(void* ctx, uint16_t credId, uint8_t *trustCertChain,
+ size_t chainSize);
+#endif // __WITH_DTLS__ || __WITH_TLS__
+ };
+ /**
+ * This class represents a secure virtual device, which can be provisioned by the
+ * provisioning client.
+ */
+ class OCSecureResource
+ {
+ private:
+ std::weak_ptr<std::recursive_mutex> m_csdkLock;
+ OCProvisionDev_t *devPtr; // pointer to device.
+ public:
+ OCSecureResource();
+ OCSecureResource(std::weak_ptr<std::recursive_mutex> csdkLock, OCProvisionDev_t *dPtr);
+ ~OCSecureResource();
+ /**
+ * API to provision credentials between two devices and ACLs for the devices who
+ * act as a server.
+ *
+ * @param cred Type of credentials & key size to be provisioned to the device.
+ * @param acl1 ACL for device 1. If this is not required set NULL.
+ * @param device2 Second device to be provisioned.
+ * @param acl2 ACL for device 2. If this is not required set NULL.
+ * @param resultCallback Callback will be called when provisioning request receives
+ * a response from first resource server.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult provisionPairwiseDevices(const Credential &cred, const OicSecAcl_t* acl1,
+ const OCSecureResource &device2, const OicSecAcl_t* acl2,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to do ownership transfer for un-owned device.
+ *
+ * @param resultCallback Result callback function to be invoked when
+ * ownership transfer finished.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult doOwnershipTransfer(ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to send ACL information to resource.
+ *
+ * @param acl ACL to provision.
+ * @param resultCallback Callback will be called when provisioning request
+ * receives a response from resource server.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult provisionACL(const OicSecAcl_t* acl,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to provision credential to devices.
+ *
+ * @param cred Type of credentials to be provisioned to the device.
+ * @param device2 Second device' instance, representing resource to be provisioned.
+ * @param resultCallback Callback will be called when provisioning request receives
+ * a response from first resource server.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult provisionCredentials(const Credential &cred,
+ const OCSecureResource &device2,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to remove the credential & relationship between the two devices.
+ *
+ * @param device2 Second device information to be unlinked.
+ * @param resultCallback Callback provided by API user, callback will be called when
+ * device unlink is finished.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult unlinkDevices(const OCSecureResource &device2,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to remove device credential from all devices in subnet.
+ *
+ * @param resultCallback Callback provided by API user, callback will be called when
+ * credential revocation is finished.
+ * @param waitTimeForOwnedDeviceDiscovery Maximum wait time for owned device
+ * discovery in seconds.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult removeDevice(unsigned short waitTimeForOwnedDeviceDiscovery,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+ /**
+ * API to provision DirectPairing to devices.
+ *
+ * @param pconf pointer to PCONF (Pairing Configuration).
+ * @param resultCallback Callback will be called when provisioning request receives
+ * a response from first resource server.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult provisionDirectPairing(const OicSecPconf_t *pconf,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+#if defined(__WITH_DTLS__) || defined(__WITH_TLS__)
+ /**
+ * API to provision cert.
+ *
+ * @param type type of cred.
+ * @param credId id of cert.
+ * @param resultCallback Callback will be called when provisioning request
+ * receives a response from resource server.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult provisionTrustCertChain(OicSecCredType_t type, uint16_t credId,
+ ResultCallBack resultCallback);
+#endif // __WITH_DTLS__ or __WITH_TLS__
+ /**
+ * This method is used to get linked devices' IDs.
+ *
+ * @param uuidList Information about the list of linked devices uuids.
+ * @return ::OC_STACK_OK in case of success and other value otherwise.
+ */
+ OCStackResult getLinkedDevices(UuidList_t &uuidList);
+ /**
+ * API to get the device ID of this resource.
+ * @return device ID.
+ */
+ std::string getDeviceID();
+ /**
+ * API to get the information of device for provisioning.
+ * @return @ref OCProvisionDev_t Reference provides information of device for provisioning.
+ */
+ OCProvisionDev_t* getDevPtr()const;
+ /**
+ * This function returns the device's IP address.
+ * @return device address.
+ */
+ std::string getDevAddr();
+ /**
+ * This function returns the device's Status.
+ * @return Device status (1 = ON and 2 = OFF).
+ */
+ int getDeviceStatus();
+ /**
+ * This function provides the owned status of the device.
+ * @return Device owned status.
+ */
+ bool getOwnedStatus();
+ /**
+ * Common callback wrapper, which will be called from OC-APIs.
+ */
+ static void callbackWrapper(void* ctx, int nOfRes,
+ OCProvisionResult_t *arr, bool hasError);
+ private:
+ void validateSecureResource();
+ };