/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License * * * @file decrypt_migrated_wgt.c * @author Kyungwook Tak (k.tak@samsung.com) * @version 1.0 * @brief Restore old encryption key for removed secure-storage */ #include "decrypt_migrated_wgt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wae_log.h" #include "web_app_enc.h" #define DUK_SIZE 16 static void _logging_openssl_err() { unsigned long e = ERR_get_error(); char buf[512] = {0, }; ERR_error_string_n(e, buf, 511); WAE_SLOGE("Openssl err: %s", buf); } static int _get_old_duk(const char *pkg_id, raw_buffer_s **pduk) { if (pkg_id == NULL || pduk == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; unsigned char salt[32]; memset(salt, 0xFF, sizeof(salt)); raw_buffer_s *duk = buffer_create(DUK_SIZE * 2); if (duk == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_MEMORY; if (PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1(pkg_id, strlen(pkg_id), salt, sizeof(salt), 1, duk->size, duk->buf) != 1) { buffer_destroy(duk); return WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO; } duk->size = DUK_SIZE; *pduk = duk; WAE_SLOGD("get old duk of length: %zu", duk->size); return WAE_ERROR_NONE; } static int _get_old_iv(const raw_buffer_s *src, raw_buffer_s **piv) { if (!is_buffer_valid(src) || piv == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; raw_buffer_s *iv = buffer_create(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (iv == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_MEMORY; unsigned int _size; if (EVP_Digest(src->buf, src->size, iv->buf, &_size, EVP_sha1(), NULL) != 1) { buffer_destroy(iv); return WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO; } iv->size = _size; *piv = iv; WAE_SLOGD("get old iv of length: %zu", iv->size); return WAE_ERROR_NONE; } static int _decrypt(const crypto_element_s *ce, const raw_buffer_s *data, raw_buffer_s **pdecrypted) { if (!is_crypto_element_valid(ce) || !is_buffer_valid(data) || pdecrypted == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (ce->dek->size != DUK_SIZE || ce->iv->size < DUK_SIZE) { WAE_SLOGE("Invalid key or iv size for decrypt by aes_128_cbc algorithm. " "key should be 16 bytes and iv should be bigger than 16 bytes"); return WAE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } const struct evp_cipher_st *algo = EVP_aes_128_cbc(); int in_len = data->size; int out_len = 0; int final_len = 0; int ret = WAE_ERROR_NONE; raw_buffer_s *decrypted = buffer_create( (in_len / EVP_CIPHER_block_size(algo) + 1) * EVP_CIPHER_block_size(algo)); if (decrypted == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_MEMORY; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (!ctx) { ret = WAE_ERROR_MEMORY; goto error; } if (EVP_CipherInit(ctx, algo, ce->dek->buf, ce->iv->buf, 0) != 1) { ret = WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO; goto error; } if (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(ctx, 1) != 1) { ret = WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO; goto error; } if (EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx, decrypted->buf, &out_len, data->buf, in_len) != 1) { ret = WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO; goto error; } if (EVP_CipherFinal(ctx, decrypted->buf + out_len, &final_len) != 1) { ret = WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO; goto error; } decrypted->size = out_len + final_len; *pdecrypted = decrypted; error: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); if (ret != WAE_ERROR_NONE) buffer_destroy(decrypted); return ret; } int get_old_ss_crypto_element(const char *pkg_id, crypto_element_s **pce) { if (pkg_id == NULL || pce == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; raw_buffer_s *duk = NULL; raw_buffer_s *iv = NULL; crypto_element_s *ce = NULL; int ret = _get_old_duk(pkg_id, &duk); if (ret != WAE_ERROR_NONE) return ret; ret = _get_old_iv(duk, &iv); if (ret != WAE_ERROR_NONE) goto error; ce = crypto_element_create(duk, iv); if (ce == NULL) { ret = WAE_ERROR_MEMORY; goto error; } ce->is_migrated_app = true; *pce = ce; return WAE_ERROR_NONE; error: buffer_destroy(duk); buffer_destroy(iv); return ret; } int decrypt_by_old_ss_algo(const crypto_element_s *ce, const raw_buffer_s *encrypted, raw_buffer_s **pdecrypted) { if (!is_crypto_element_valid(ce) || !is_buffer_valid(encrypted) || pdecrypted == NULL) return WAE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; int ret = _decrypt(ce, encrypted, pdecrypted); switch (ret) { case WAE_ERROR_CRYPTO: WAE_SLOGE("decrypt with old ss algo failed with crypto error below."); _logging_openssl_err(); break; case WAE_ERROR_NONE: WAE_SLOGI("decrypt with old ss algo success!"); break; default: WAE_SLOGE("decrypt with old ss algo failed! ret(%d)", ret); break; } return ret; }