/* * libmedia-thumbnail * * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Contact: Hyunjun Ko * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include #include #if defined(_PERFORMANCE_CHECK_) #include #include #endif #include #include "media-thumb-debug.h" #include "img-codec-common.h" #include "img-codec-parser.h" #define FILE_READ_SIZE 4096 typedef struct _stream { HFile fd; unsigned int buffpos; unsigned int filepos; unsigned int filesize; unsigned int buffend; unsigned int debugpos; unsigned char *buffer; } IFEGSTREAMCTRL; ImgCodecType _ImgGetInfoStreaming(HFile hFile, unsigned long fileSize, ImgImageInfo *imgInfo); BOOL process_EXIF(unsigned char *ExifSection, unsigned int length, unsigned int *pOrientataion); ImgCodecType ImgGetInfoHFile(HFile hFile, unsigned long fileSize, ImgImageInfo *imgInfo) { ImgCodecType result = 0; SysAssert(hFile); SysAssert(fileSize); if (imgInfo == NULL) { result = _ImgGetInfoStreaming(hFile, fileSize, NULL); } else { result = _ImgGetInfoStreaming(hFile, fileSize, imgInfo); } DrmSeekFile(hFile, SEEK_SET, 0); return result; } ImgCodecType ImgGetInfoFile(const char *filePath, ImgImageInfo * imgInfo) { HFile hFile; FmFileAttribute fileAttrib; ImgCodecType result; SysAssert(filePath); hFile = DrmOpenFile(filePath); if (hFile == (HFile) INVALID_HOBJ) { return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } DrmGetFileAttributes(filePath, &fileAttrib); if ((fileAttrib.fileSize == 0)) { DrmCloseFile(hFile); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } result = ImgGetInfoHFile(hFile, fileAttrib.fileSize, imgInfo); DrmCloseFile(hFile); return result; } static unsigned char gIfegPNGHeader[] = { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a }; static unsigned char gIfegJPEGHeader[] = { 0xFF, 0xD8 }; static unsigned char gIfegGIFHeader[] = { "GIF" }; static unsigned char gIfegBMPHeader[] = { 0x42, 0x4D }; static int _CheckBuffer(IFEGSTREAMCTRL *pIfegstreamctrl, unsigned int size) { unsigned long fileread; if ((size + pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos) > pIfegstreamctrl->buffend) { if (pIfegstreamctrl->filepos == pIfegstreamctrl->filesize) { return 0; } if (pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos == 0) { if (DrmReadFile (pIfegstreamctrl->fd, pIfegstreamctrl->buffer, FILE_READ_SIZE, &fileread) == FALSE) { return 0; } if (fileread == 0) { return 0; } pIfegstreamctrl->buffend = fileread; pIfegstreamctrl->filepos += fileread; pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos = 0; } else { if (size >= 2048 || pIfegstreamctrl->buffend - pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos > FILE_READ_SIZE) { return 0; } AcMemcpy(pIfegstreamctrl->buffer, &pIfegstreamctrl->buffer[pIfegstreamctrl-> buffpos], pIfegstreamctrl->buffend - pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos); if (DrmReadFile (pIfegstreamctrl->fd, &pIfegstreamctrl->buffer[pIfegstreamctrl->buffend - pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos], pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos, &fileread) == FALSE) { return 0; } if (fileread == 0) { return 0; } pIfegstreamctrl->buffend = pIfegstreamctrl->buffend - pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos + fileread; pIfegstreamctrl->buffpos = 0; pIfegstreamctrl->filepos += fileread; } return 1; } return 2; } static unsigned int _IfegReadUINT(unsigned char *pBuffer) { return (((*pBuffer) << 24) | ((*(pBuffer + 1)) << 16) | ((*(pBuffer + 2)) << 8) | (*(pBuffer + 3))); } ImgCodecType ImgGetInfo(unsigned char *pEncodedData, unsigned long fileSize, ImgImageInfo *imgInfo) { unsigned int width = 0, height = 0; /* Initialize values */ if (imgInfo) { imgInfo->width = 0; imgInfo->height = 0; imgInfo->numberOfFrame = 1; imgInfo->bOrientation = 0; } SysAssert(pEncodedData); SysAssert(fileSize); /*********************** PNG *************************/ if (AcMemcmp(pEncodedData, gIfegPNGHeader, PNG_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { unsigned char tmp; if (fileSize < 40) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in PNG"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /* Get Image Width */ width = _IfegReadUINT((pEncodedData + 16)); /* Get Image Height */ height = _IfegReadUINT((pEncodedData + 20)); /* Read Interlace byte */ tmp = *(pEncodedData + 28); /* If image is interlaced then multiple should be 2 */ if (tmp) { thumb_dbg("Interlaced PNG Image."); } thumb_dbg("type: IMG_CODEC_PNG"); if (imgInfo) { imgInfo->width = width; imgInfo->height = height; } return IMG_CODEC_PNG; } /*********************** BMP *************************/ else if (AcMemcmp(pEncodedData, gIfegBMPHeader, BMP_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { /* Parse BMP File and get image width and image height */ if (fileSize < 26) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in BMP"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (imgInfo) { imgInfo->width = pEncodedData[18] | (pEncodedData[19] << 8) | (pEncodedData[20] << 16) | (pEncodedData[21] << 24); imgInfo->height = pEncodedData[22] | (pEncodedData[23] << 8) | (pEncodedData[24] << 16) | (pEncodedData[25] << 24); } thumb_dbg("type : IMG_CODEC_BMP"); return IMG_CODEC_BMP; } /*********************** GIF *************************/ else if (AcMemcmp(pEncodedData, gIfegGIFHeader, GIF_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { int length; int inputPos = 0; int temp; int finished; int imagecount = 0; if ((unsigned int)inputPos + 13 > fileSize) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (pEncodedData[0] != 'G' || pEncodedData[1] != 'I' || pEncodedData[2] != 'F' || pEncodedData[3] < '0' || pEncodedData[3] > '9' || pEncodedData[4] < '0' || pEncodedData[4] > '9' || pEncodedData[5] < 'A' || pEncodedData[5] > 'z') { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /* get Logical width, height */ if (imgInfo) { imgInfo->width = pEncodedData[6] | (pEncodedData[7] << 8); imgInfo->height = pEncodedData[8] | (pEncodedData[9] << 8); } if ((pEncodedData[10] & 0x80) != 0) /* Global color table */ { temp = (pEncodedData[10] & 0x7) + 1; length = (1 << temp) * 3; inputPos += length; if ((unsigned int)inputPos > fileSize) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } } inputPos += 13; finished = 0; /* still gif image (image_cnt = 1) */ while (!finished) { if ((unsigned int)inputPos > fileSize) break; switch (pEncodedData[inputPos++]) { case 0x3b: /* End of the GIF dataset */ finished = 1; break; case 0x21: /* Extension Block */ switch (pEncodedData[inputPos++]) { case 0xf9: /* Graphic control extension block */ if (4 != pEncodedData[inputPos++]) { /* data length : fixed 4 bytes */ thumb_warn ("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } inputPos += 4; inputPos++; /* block end */ break; case 0x01: /* Plain Text block */ case 0xfe: /* Comment Extension block */ case 0xff: /* Appliation Extension block */ while ((length = pEncodedData[inputPos++]) > 0) { /* get the data length */ inputPos += (length); if ((unsigned int)inputPos > fileSize) { thumb_warn ("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } } break; default: break; } break; case 0x2c: /* Start of an image object. Read the image description. */ if ((unsigned int)inputPos + 9 > fileSize) { thumb_warn ("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /* Color Resolution */ if ((pEncodedData[inputPos + 8] & 0x80) != 0) { /* Logical color table */ temp = (pEncodedData[inputPos + 8] & 0x7) + 1; length = (1 << temp) * 3; inputPos += length; if ((unsigned int)inputPos > fileSize) { thumb_warn ("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } } inputPos += 9; temp = pEncodedData[inputPos++]; if (temp < 2 || 9 < temp) { thumb_warn ("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } do { length = pEncodedData[inputPos++]; inputPos += length; if ((unsigned int)inputPos > fileSize) { thumb_warn ("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } } while (length); if (!imagecount) imagecount++; else { if (imgInfo) imgInfo->numberOfFrame = 2; return IMG_CODEC_AGIF; } break; default: finished = 0; break; } /* end of switch (pEncodedData[inputPos++]) */ } /* end of while (pImage->bitmapCount > image_cnt && !finished) */ return IMG_CODEC_GIF; } thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } ImgCodecType _ImgGetInfoStreaming(HFile hFile, unsigned long fileSize, ImgImageInfo *imgInfo) { unsigned int fileleft; unsigned long fileread; unsigned char EncodedDataBuffer[4096]; unsigned int *pNumberOfFrames = NULL; unsigned int *pWidth = NULL; unsigned int *pHeight = NULL; unsigned int *pOrientation = NULL; if (imgInfo == NULL) { pNumberOfFrames = NULL; pWidth = NULL; pHeight = NULL; pOrientation = NULL; } else { pWidth = &(imgInfo->width); pHeight = &(imgInfo->height); pOrientation = &(imgInfo->bOrientation); pNumberOfFrames = &(imgInfo->numberOfFrame); *pWidth = 0; *pHeight = 0; *pOrientation = 0; } AcMemset(EncodedDataBuffer, 0, 4096); /* Initialize values */ if (pNumberOfFrames) { *pNumberOfFrames = 1; } SysAssert((const char *)&fileSize); if (DrmReadFile(hFile, EncodedDataBuffer, 8, &fileread) == FALSE) { thumb_err("DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } if (fileread < MINIMUM_HEADER_BYTES) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /*********************** PNG *************************/ if (AcMemcmp(EncodedDataBuffer, gIfegPNGHeader, PNG_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { unsigned char tmp; if (DrmReadFile(hFile, EncodedDataBuffer, 32, &fileread) == FALSE) { thumb_err("DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } if (fileread < 32) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in PNG"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /* Get Image Width */ if (pWidth) { *pWidth = _IfegReadUINT((EncodedDataBuffer + 8)); } /* Get Image Height */ if (pHeight) { *pHeight = _IfegReadUINT((EncodedDataBuffer + 12)); } /* Read Interlace byte */ tmp = *(EncodedDataBuffer + 20); /* If image is interlaced then multiple should be 2 */ if (tmp) { thumb_dbg("Interlaced PNG Image."); } thumb_dbg("IMG_CODEC_PNG\n"); return IMG_CODEC_PNG; } /*********************** BMP *************************/ else if (AcMemcmp(EncodedDataBuffer, gIfegBMPHeader, BMP_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { /* Parse BMP File and get image width and image height */ if (DrmReadFile(hFile, &EncodedDataBuffer[8], 18, &fileread) == FALSE) { thumb_err("DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } if (fileread < 18) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in BMP"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (pWidth == NULL || pHeight == NULL || pNumberOfFrames == NULL) { return IMG_CODEC_BMP; } if (pWidth) { *pWidth = EncodedDataBuffer[18] | (EncodedDataBuffer[19] << 8) | (EncodedDataBuffer[20] << 16) | (EncodedDataBuffer[21] << 24); } if (pHeight) { *pHeight = EncodedDataBuffer[22] | (EncodedDataBuffer[23] << 8) | (EncodedDataBuffer[24] << 16) | (EncodedDataBuffer[25] << 24); } thumb_dbg("IMG_CODEC_BMP"); return IMG_CODEC_BMP; } /*********************** GIF *************************/ else if (AcMemcmp(EncodedDataBuffer, gIfegGIFHeader, GIF_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { unsigned int tablelength = 0; unsigned int imagecount = 0; int finished = 0; unsigned char temp; unsigned int length; IFEGSTREAMCTRL ifegstreamctrl; if (13 > fileSize) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (DrmReadFile(hFile, &EncodedDataBuffer[8], 5, &fileread) == FALSE) { thumb_err("DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } if (fileread < 5) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (EncodedDataBuffer[0] != 'G' || EncodedDataBuffer[1] != 'I' || EncodedDataBuffer[2] != 'F' || EncodedDataBuffer[3] < '0' || EncodedDataBuffer[3] > '9' || EncodedDataBuffer[4] < '0' || EncodedDataBuffer[4] > '9' || EncodedDataBuffer[5] < 'A' || EncodedDataBuffer[5] > 'z') { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (!(pWidth && pHeight)) { return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } else { *pWidth = EncodedDataBuffer[6] | (EncodedDataBuffer[7] << 8); *pHeight = EncodedDataBuffer[8] | (EncodedDataBuffer[9] << 8); } thumb_dbg("Logical width : %d, Height : %d", *pWidth, *pHeight); if ((EncodedDataBuffer[10] & 0x80) != 0) { /* Global color table */ temp = (EncodedDataBuffer[10] & 0x7) + 1; tablelength = (1 << temp) * 3; if ((tablelength * sizeof(char)) > sizeof(EncodedDataBuffer)) { thumb_warn("_ImgGetInfoStreaming :table length is more than buffer length"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (13 + tablelength > fileSize) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /* coverity[ -tainted_data_argument : EncodedDataBuffer ] */ if (DrmReadFile(hFile, EncodedDataBuffer, tablelength, &fileread) == FALSE) { thumb_err("DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } if (fileread < tablelength) { thumb_warn("IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE in GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } } fileleft = fileSize - 13 - tablelength; ifegstreamctrl.fd = hFile; ifegstreamctrl.filesize = fileleft; ifegstreamctrl.filepos = 0; ifegstreamctrl.buffpos = 0; ifegstreamctrl.buffend = 0; ifegstreamctrl.buffer = EncodedDataBuffer; while (!finished) { if (ifegstreamctrl.buffpos > ifegstreamctrl.buffend) break; if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 1) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } switch (EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++]) { case 0x3b: /* End of the GIF dataset */ finished = 1; break; case 0x21: /* Extension Block */ if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 1) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } switch (EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++]) { case 0xf9: /* Graphic control extension block */ if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 6) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (4 != EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++]) { /* data length : fixed 4 bytes */ return 0; } ifegstreamctrl.buffpos += 4; ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++; /* block end */ break; case 0x01: /* Plain Text block */ case 0xfe: /* Comment Extension block */ case 0xff: /* Appliation Extension block */ if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 1) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } if (ifegstreamctrl.buffpos > sizeof(EncodedDataBuffer)) { thumb_warn("buffer position exceeds buffer max length "); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } while ((ifegstreamctrl.buffpos < sizeof(EncodedDataBuffer)) && ((length = EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++]) > 0)) { /* get the data length */ if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, length) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } /* Check integer overflow */ if (ifegstreamctrl.buffpos > 0xffffffff - length) { thumb_err("Prevent integer overflow.."); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } ifegstreamctrl.buffpos += (length); /* File End Check */ } break; default: break; } break; case 0x2c: /* Start of an image object. Read the image description. */ if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 9) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } #if 1 if (imagecount == 0) { /* Regard the width/height of the first image block as the size of thumbnails. */ int img_block_w, img_block_h, img_block_left, img_block_top; img_block_left = EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl. buffpos] | (EncodedDataBuffer [ifegstreamctrl.buffpos + 1] << 8); img_block_top = EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl. buffpos + 2] | (EncodedDataBuffer [ifegstreamctrl.buffpos + 3] << 8); img_block_w = EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl. buffpos + 4] | (EncodedDataBuffer [ifegstreamctrl.buffpos + 5] << 8); img_block_h = EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl. buffpos + 6] | (EncodedDataBuffer [ifegstreamctrl.buffpos + 7] << 8); thumb_dbg ("Image block width : %d, Height : %d, left:%d, top:%d\n", img_block_w, img_block_h, img_block_left, img_block_top); *pWidth = img_block_w; *pHeight = img_block_h; } #endif /* Color Resolution */ if ((EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos + 8] & 0x80) != 0) { /* Logical color table */ temp = (EncodedDataBuffer [ifegstreamctrl.buffpos + 8] & 0x7) + 1; length = (1 << temp) * 3; if (_CheckBuffer (&ifegstreamctrl, length + 9) == 0) { thumb_warn ("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } ifegstreamctrl.buffpos += length; /* File End Check */ } ifegstreamctrl.buffpos += 9; if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 1) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } temp = EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++]; if (temp < 2 || 9 < temp) { return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } do { if (_CheckBuffer(&ifegstreamctrl, 1) == 0) { thumb_warn("_CheckBuffer was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } length =EncodedDataBuffer[ifegstreamctrl.buffpos++]; if ((length + ifegstreamctrl.buffpos) > ifegstreamctrl.buffend) { length = length + ifegstreamctrl.buffpos - ifegstreamctrl.buffend; if (DrmSeekFile(ifegstreamctrl.fd, SEEK_CUR, length) == FALSE) { if (imagecount) { if (pNumberOfFrames) *pNumberOfFrames = 2; thumb_dbg("IMG_CODEC_AGIF"); return IMG_CODEC_AGIF; } return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } ifegstreamctrl.filepos += length; ifegstreamctrl.buffpos = 0; ifegstreamctrl.buffend = 0; } else { ifegstreamctrl.buffpos +=length; } /* File End Check */ } while (length); if (!imagecount) imagecount++; else { if (pNumberOfFrames) *pNumberOfFrames = 2; thumb_dbg("IMG_CODEC_AGIF"); return IMG_CODEC_AGIF; } break; default: finished = 0; break; } } if (pNumberOfFrames) { *pNumberOfFrames = 1; } thumb_dbg("IMG_CODEC_GIF"); return IMG_CODEC_GIF; } /*********************** Jpeg *************************/ else if (AcMemcmp(EncodedDataBuffer, gIfegJPEGHeader, JPG_HEADER_LENGTH) == 0) { #if 1 /* IFEGSTREAMCTRL ifegstreamctrl; if( DrmReadFile(hFile, &EncodedDataBuffer[8], FILE_READ_SIZE-8, &fileread) == FALSE ) { thumb_err( "DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } ifegstreamctrl.fd = hFile; ifegstreamctrl.filesize = fileSize; ifegstreamctrl.filepos = fileread+8; ifegstreamctrl.buffpos = 2; ifegstreamctrl.buffend = 8+fileread; ifegstreamctrl.buffer = EncodedDataBuffer; */ #else /* Get w / h from jpeg header */ #ifdef _PERFORMANCE_CHECK_ long start = 0L, end = 0L; start = mediainfo_get_debug_time(); #endif unsigned char *img_buf = NULL; img_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(fileSize); rewind(hFile); if (DrmReadFile(hFile, img_buf, fileSize, &fileread) == FALSE) { thumb_err("DrmReadFile was failed"); return IMG_CODEC_NONE; } unsigned short block_length = img_buf[4] * 256 + img_buf[5]; thumb_dbg("block length : %d", block_length); int i = 4; while (i < fileSize) { i += block_length; if (i >= fileSize) { thumb_warn ("Failed to get w / h from jpeg at index [%d]", i); break; } if (img_buf[i] != 0xFF) { thumb_warn ("Failed to get w / h from jpeg at index [%d]", i); break; } if (img_buf[i + 1] == 0xC0) { *pWidth = img_buf[i + 5] * 256 + img_buf[i + 6]; *pHeight = img_buf[i + 7] * 256 + img_buf[i + 8]; break; } else { i += 2; block_length = img_buf[i] * 256 + img_buf[i + 1]; thumb_dbg("new block length : %d", block_length); } } thumb_dbg("Jpeg w: %d, h: %d", *pWidth, *pHeight); if (img_buf) free(img_buf); #if defined(_PERFORMANCE_CHECK_) && defined(_USE_LOG_FILE_) end = mediainfo_get_debug_time(); double get_size = ((double)(end - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); thumb_dbg("get_size from jpeg header : %f", get_size); mediainfo_init_file_debug(); mediainfo_file_dbg("get_size from jpeg header : %f", get_size); mediainfo_close_file_debug(); #endif #endif /* End of Get w / h from jpeg header */ thumb_dbg("IMG_CODEC_JPEG"); return IMG_CODEC_JPEG; } return IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE; }