/* * media-thumbnail-server * * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Contact: Hyunjun Ko * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "thumb-server-internal.h" #include "media-thumb-util.h" #include "media-thumb-debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef LOG_TAG #undef LOG_TAG #endif #define LOG_TAG "MEDIA_THUMBNAIL_SERVER" #define THUMB_BLOCK_SIZE 512 static __thread char **arr_path; static __thread uid_t *arr_uid; static __thread int g_idx = 0; static __thread int g_cur_idx = 0; GMainLoop *g_thumb_server_mainloop; // defined in thumb-server.c as extern gboolean _thumb_server_send_msg_to_agent(int msg_type); void _thumb_daemon_stop_job(); gboolean _thumb_daemon_start_jobs(gpointer data) { thumb_dbg(""); _thumb_server_send_msg_to_agent(MS_MSG_THUMB_SERVER_READY); return FALSE; } void _thumb_daemon_finish_jobs(void) { sqlite3 *sqlite_db_handle = _media_thumb_db_get_handle(); if (sqlite_db_handle != NULL) { _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); thumb_dbg("sqlite3 handle is alive. So disconnect to sqlite3"); } g_main_loop_quit(g_thumb_server_mainloop); return; } int _thumb_daemon_mmc_status(void) { int err = -1; int status = -1; err = vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_STATUS, &status); if (err == 0) { return status; } else if (err == -1) { thumb_err("vconf_get_int failed : %d", err); } else { thumb_err("vconf_get_int Unexpected error code: %d", err); } return status; } void _thumb_daemon_mmc_eject_vconf_cb(void *data) { int err = -1; int status = 0; thumb_warn("_thumb_daemon_vconf_cb called"); err = vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_STATUS, &status); if (err == 0) { if (status == VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_REMOVED || status == VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_INSERTED_NOT_MOUNTED) { thumb_warn("SD card is ejected or not mounted. So media-thumbnail-server stops jobs to extract all thumbnails"); _thumb_daemon_stop_job(); } } else if (err == -1) { thumb_err("vconf_get_int failed : %d", err); } else { thumb_err("vconf_get_int Unexpected error code: %d", err); } return; } void _thumb_daemon_vconf_cb(void *data) { int err = -1; int status = 0; thumb_warn("_thumb_daemon_vconf_cb called"); err = vconf_get_int(VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_FORMAT, &status); if (err == 0) { if (status == VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_FORMAT_COMPLETED) { thumb_warn("SD card format is completed. So media-thumbnail-server stops jobs to extract all thumbnails"); _thumb_daemon_stop_job(); } else { thumb_dbg("not completed"); } } else if (err == -1) { thumb_err("vconf_get_int failed : %d", err); } else { thumb_err("vconf_get_int Unexpected error code: %d", err); } return; } void _thumb_daemon_stop_job() { int i = 0; char *path = NULL; thumb_warn("There are %d jobs in the queue. But all jobs will be stopped", g_idx - g_cur_idx); for (i = g_cur_idx; i < g_idx; i++) { path = arr_path[g_cur_idx++]; SAFE_FREE(path); } return; } int _thumb_daemon_process_job(thumbMsg *req_msg, thumbMsg *res_msg, uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; err = _media_thumb_process(req_msg, res_msg, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { if (req_msg->msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_SAVE_FILE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_process is failed: %d", err); res_msg->status = THUMB_FAIL; } else { thumb_warn("_media_thumb_process is failed: %d, So use default thumb", err); res_msg->status = THUMB_SUCCESS; } } else { res_msg->status = THUMB_SUCCESS; } return err; } static int __thumb_daemon_process_job_raw(thumbMsg *req_msg, thumbMsg *res_msg, thumbRawAddMsg *res_raw_msg, uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; err = _media_thumb_process_raw(req_msg, res_msg, res_raw_msg, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_FILE_NOT_EXIST) { thumb_warn("_media_thumb_process is failed: %d, So use default thumb", err); res_msg->status = THUMB_SUCCESS; } else { thumb_warn("_media_thumb_process is failed: %d, (file not exist) ", err); res_msg->status = THUMB_FAIL; } } else { res_msg->status = THUMB_SUCCESS; } return err; } int _thumb_daemon_all_extract(uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; char query_string[MAX_PATH_SIZE + 1] = { 0, }; char path[MAX_PATH_SIZE + 1] = { 0, }; sqlite3 *sqlite_db_handle = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *sqlite_stmt = NULL; err = _media_thumb_db_connect(uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_db_connect failed: %d", err); return err; } sqlite_db_handle = _media_thumb_db_get_handle(); if (sqlite_db_handle == NULL) { thumb_err("sqlite handle is NULL"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL; } if (_thumb_daemon_mmc_status() == VCONFKEY_SYSMAN_MMC_MOUNTED) { snprintf(query_string, sizeof(query_string), SELECT_PATH_FROM_UNEXTRACTED_THUMB_MEDIA); } else { snprintf(query_string, sizeof(query_string), SELECT_PATH_FROM_UNEXTRACTED_THUMB_INTERNAL_MEDIA); } thumb_warn("Query: %s", query_string); err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlite_db_handle, query_string, strlen(query_string), &sqlite_stmt, NULL); if (SQLITE_OK != err) { thumb_err("prepare error [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite_db_handle)); _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL; } while(1) { err = sqlite3_step(sqlite_stmt); if (err != SQLITE_ROW) { thumb_dbg("end of row [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite_db_handle)); break; } strncpy(path, (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(sqlite_stmt, 0), sizeof(path)); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0'; thumb_dbg("Path : %s", path); if (g_idx == 0) { arr_path = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)); arr_uid = (uid_t*)malloc(sizeof(uid_t)); } else { arr_path = (char**)realloc(arr_path, (g_idx + 1) * sizeof(char*)); arr_uid = (uid_t*)realloc(arr_uid, (g_idx + 1) * sizeof(uid_t)); } arr_uid[g_idx] = uid; arr_path[g_idx++] = strdup(path); } sqlite3_finalize(sqlite_stmt); _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; } int _thumb_daemon_process_queue_jobs(gpointer data) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; char *path = NULL; uid_t uid = NULL; if (g_cur_idx < g_idx) { thumb_warn("There are %d jobs in the queue", g_idx - g_cur_idx); thumb_dbg("Current idx : [%d]", g_cur_idx); uid = arr_uid[g_cur_idx]; path = arr_path[g_cur_idx++]; thumbMsg recv_msg, res_msg; memset(&recv_msg, 0x00, sizeof(thumbMsg)); memset(&res_msg, 0x00, sizeof(thumbMsg)); recv_msg.msg_type = THUMB_REQUEST_DB_INSERT; recv_msg.thumb_type = MEDIA_THUMB_LARGE; strncpy(recv_msg.org_path, path, sizeof(recv_msg.org_path)); recv_msg.org_path[sizeof(recv_msg.org_path) - 1] = '\0'; _thumb_daemon_process_job(&recv_msg, &res_msg,uid ); if (res_msg.status == THUMB_SUCCESS) { err = _media_thumb_db_connect(uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_mb_svc_connect failed: %d", err); return TRUE; } /* Need to update DB once generating thumb is done */ err = _media_thumb_update_db(recv_msg.org_path, res_msg.dst_path, res_msg.origin_width, res_msg.origin_height, uid); if (err < 0) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_update_db failed : %d", err); } _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); } SAFE_FREE(path); } else { g_cur_idx = 0; g_idx = 0; thumb_warn("Deleting array"); SAFE_FREE(arr_path); SAFE_FREE(arr_uid); //_media_thumb_db_disconnect(); _thumb_server_send_msg_to_agent(MS_MSG_THUMB_EXTRACT_ALL_DONE); // MS_MSG_THUMB_EXTRACT_ALL_DONE return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean _thumb_server_read_socket(GIOChannel *src, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { struct sockaddr_un client_addr; unsigned int client_addr_len; int client_sock; thumbMsg recv_msg; thumbMsg res_msg; thumbRawAddMsg res_raw_msg; int sock = -1; int header_size = 0; memset((void *)&recv_msg, 0, sizeof(recv_msg)); memset((void *)&res_msg, 0, sizeof(res_msg)); memset((void *)&res_raw_msg, 0, sizeof(res_raw_msg)); sock = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(src); if (sock < 0) { thumb_err("sock fd is invalid!"); return TRUE; } header_size = sizeof(thumbMsg) - MAX_PATH_SIZE * 2 - sizeof(unsigned char *); if (_media_thumb_recv_udp_msg(sock, header_size, &recv_msg, &client_addr, &client_addr_len) < 0) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_recv_udp_msg failed"); return TRUE; } thumb_warn("Received [%d] %s(%d) from PID(%d) \n", recv_msg.msg_type, recv_msg.org_path, strlen(recv_msg.org_path), recv_msg.pid); if (recv_msg.msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_ALL_MEDIA) { thumb_dbg("All thumbnails are being extracted now"); _thumb_daemon_all_extract(recv_msg.uid); g_idle_add(_thumb_daemon_process_queue_jobs, NULL); } else if(recv_msg.msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_RAW_DATA) { __thumb_daemon_process_job_raw(&recv_msg, &res_msg, &res_raw_msg, recv_msg.uid); } else if(recv_msg.msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_KILL_SERVER) { thumb_warn("received KILL msg from thumbnail agent."); } else { _thumb_daemon_process_job(&recv_msg, &res_msg,recv_msg.uid); } if(res_msg.msg_type == 0) res_msg.msg_type = recv_msg.msg_type; res_msg.request_id = recv_msg.request_id; strncpy(res_msg.org_path, recv_msg.org_path, recv_msg.origin_path_size); res_msg.origin_path_size = recv_msg.origin_path_size; res_msg.thumb_data = (unsigned char *)"\0"; if(res_msg.msg_type != THUMB_RESPONSE_RAW_DATA) { res_msg.dest_path_size = strlen(res_msg.dst_path) + 1; res_msg.thumb_size = 1; } else { res_msg.dest_path_size = 1; res_msg.dst_path[0] = '\0'; } int buf_size = 0; int block_size = 0; int sent_size = 0; unsigned char *buf = NULL; _media_thumb_set_buffer_for_response(&res_msg, &buf, &buf_size); if (sendto(sock, buf, buf_size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, sizeof(client_addr)) != buf_size) { thumb_stderror("sendto failed"); SAFE_FREE(buf); return TRUE; } thumb_warn_slog("Sent %s(%d)", res_msg.dst_path, strlen(res_msg.dst_path)); SAFE_FREE(buf); //Add sendto_raw_data if(recv_msg.msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_RAW_DATA) { _media_thumb_set_add_raw_data_buffer(&res_raw_msg, &buf, &buf_size); block_size = THUMB_BLOCK_SIZE; while(buf_size > 0) { if (buf_size < THUMB_BLOCK_SIZE) { block_size = buf_size; } if (sendto(sock, buf + sent_size, block_size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, sizeof(client_addr)) != block_size) { thumb_err("sendto failed: %s", strerror(errno)); SAFE_FREE(buf); return TRUE; } sent_size += block_size; buf_size -= block_size; } thumb_warn_slog("Sent [%s] additional data[%d]", res_msg.org_path, sent_size); } SAFE_FREE(buf); if(recv_msg.msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_KILL_SERVER) { thumb_warn("Shutting down..."); g_main_loop_quit(g_thumb_server_mainloop); } return TRUE; } gboolean _thumb_server_send_msg_to_agent(int msg_type) { int sock; ms_sock_info_s sock_info; struct sockaddr_un serv_addr; ms_thumb_server_msg send_msg; sock_info.port = MS_THUMB_COMM_PORT; if (ms_ipc_create_client_socket(MS_PROTOCOL_UDP, MS_TIMEOUT_SEC_10, &sock_info) < 0) { thumb_err("ms_ipc_create_server_socket failed"); return FALSE; } memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); sock = sock_info.sock_fd; serv_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(serv_addr.sun_path, "/var/run/media-server/media_ipc_thumbcomm.socket"); send_msg.msg_type = msg_type; if (sendto(sock, &send_msg, sizeof(ms_thumb_server_msg), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) != sizeof(ms_thumb_server_msg)) { thumb_stderror("sendto failed"); ms_ipc_delete_client_socket(&sock_info); return FALSE; } thumb_dbg("Sending msg to thumbnail agent[%d] is successful", send_msg.msg_type); ms_ipc_delete_client_socket(&sock_info); return TRUE; } gboolean _thumb_server_prepare_socket(int *sock_fd) { int sock; unsigned short serv_port; thumbMsg recv_msg; thumbMsg res_msg; memset((void *)&recv_msg, 0, sizeof(recv_msg)); memset((void *)&res_msg, 0, sizeof(res_msg)); serv_port = MS_THUMB_DAEMON_PORT; if (ms_ipc_create_server_socket(MS_PROTOCOL_UDP, serv_port, &sock) < 0) { thumb_err("ms_ipc_create_server_socket failed"); return FALSE; } *sock_fd = sock; return TRUE; } static int _mkdir(const char *dir, mode_t mode) { char tmp[256]; char *p = NULL; size_t len; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),"%s",dir); len = strlen(tmp); if(tmp[len - 1] == '/') tmp[len - 1] = 0; for(p = tmp + 1; *p; p++) if(*p == '/') { *p = 0; mkdir(tmp, mode); *p = '/'; } return mkdir(tmp, mode); } static char* _media_thumb_get_default_path(uid_t uid) { char *result_psswd = NULL; struct group *grpinfo = NULL; if(uid == getuid()) { result_psswd = strdup(THUMB_DEFAULT_PATH); grpinfo = getgrnam("users"); if(grpinfo == NULL) { thumb_err("getgrnam(users) returns NULL !"); if(result_psswd) free(result_psswd); return NULL; } } else { struct passwd *userinfo = getpwuid(uid); if(userinfo == NULL) { thumb_err("getpwuid(%d) returns NULL !", uid); return NULL; } grpinfo = getgrnam("users"); if(grpinfo == NULL) { thumb_err("getgrnam(users) returns NULL !"); return NULL; } // Compare git_t type and not group name if (grpinfo->gr_gid != userinfo->pw_gid) { thumb_err("UID [%d] does not belong to 'users' group!", uid); return NULL; } asprintf(&result_psswd, "%s/data/file-manager-service/.thumb/phone", userinfo->pw_dir); } /* create dir */ _mkdir(result_psswd,S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); return result_psswd; } int _thumbnail_get_data(const char *origin_path, media_thumb_type thumb_type, media_thumb_format format, unsigned char **data, int *size, int *width, int *height, int *origin_width, int *origin_height, int *alpha, uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; int thumb_width = -1; int thumb_height = -1; if (origin_path == NULL || size == NULL || width == NULL || height == NULL) { thumb_err("Invalid parameter"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (format < MEDIA_THUMB_BGRA || format > MEDIA_THUMB_RGB888) { thumb_err("parameter format is invalid"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!g_file_test (origin_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { thumb_err("Original path (%s) does not exist", origin_path); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } thumb_width = _media_thumb_get_width(thumb_type); if (thumb_width < 0) { thumb_err("media_thumb_type is invalid"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } thumb_height = _media_thumb_get_height(thumb_type); if (thumb_height < 0) { thumb_err("media_thumb_type is invalid"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } thumb_dbg("Origin path : %s", origin_path); int file_type = THUMB_NONE_TYPE; media_thumb_info thumb_info = {0,}; file_type = _media_thumb_get_file_type(origin_path); if (file_type == THUMB_IMAGE_TYPE) { err = _media_thumb_image(origin_path, thumb_width, thumb_height, format, &thumb_info, false, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_image failed"); return err; } } else if (file_type == THUMB_VIDEO_TYPE) { err = _media_thumb_video(origin_path, thumb_width, thumb_height, format, &thumb_info,uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_image failed"); return err; } } if (size) *size = thumb_info.size; if (width) *width = thumb_info.width; if (height) *height = thumb_info.height; *data = thumb_info.gdkdata; if (origin_width) *origin_width = thumb_info.origin_width; if (origin_height) *origin_height = thumb_info.origin_height; if (alpha) *alpha = thumb_info.alpha; thumb_dbg("Thumb data is generated successfully (Size:%d, W:%d, H:%d) 0x%x", *size, *width, *height, *data); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; } int _thumbnail_get_raw_data(const char *origin_path, media_thumb_format format, unsigned char **data, int *size, int *width, int *height, uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; int thumb_width = -1; int thumb_height = -1; if (origin_path == NULL || *width <= 0 || *height <= 0) { thumb_err("Invalid parameter"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (format < MEDIA_THUMB_BGRA || format > MEDIA_THUMB_RGB888) { thumb_err("parameter format is invalid"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!g_file_test (origin_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { thumb_err("Original path (%s) does not exist", origin_path); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } thumb_dbg("Origin path : %s", origin_path); int file_type = THUMB_NONE_TYPE; media_thumb_info thumb_info = {0,}; file_type = _media_thumb_get_file_type(origin_path); thumb_width = *width; thumb_height = *height; if (file_type == THUMB_IMAGE_TYPE) { err = _media_thumb_image(origin_path, thumb_width, thumb_height, format, &thumb_info, true, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_image failed"); return err; } } else if (file_type == THUMB_VIDEO_TYPE) { err = _media_thumb_video(origin_path, thumb_width, thumb_height, format, &thumb_info,uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_image failed"); return err; } } if (size) *size = thumb_info.size; if (width) *width = thumb_info.width; if (height) *height = thumb_info.height; *data = thumb_info.data; //thumb_dbg("Thumb data is generated successfully (Size:%d, W:%d, H:%d) 0x%x", *size, *width, *height, *data); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; } int _media_thumb_process(thumbMsg *req_msg, thumbMsg *res_msg, uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; GdkPixbuf *gdkdata = NULL; int thumb_size = 0; int thumb_w = 0; int thumb_h = 0; int origin_w = 0; int origin_h = 0; int max_length = 0; char *thumb_path = NULL; int need_update_db = 0; int alpha = 0; if (req_msg == NULL || res_msg == NULL) { thumb_err("Invalid msg!"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } int msg_type = req_msg->msg_type; media_thumb_type thumb_type = req_msg->thumb_type; const char *origin_path = req_msg->org_path; // Currently, The color space that is supported by the gdk-pixbuf is only RGB. media_thumb_format thumb_format = MEDIA_THUMB_RGB888; thumb_path = res_msg->dst_path; thumb_path[0] = '\0'; max_length = sizeof(res_msg->dst_path); err = _media_thumb_db_connect(uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_mb_svc_connect failed: %d", err); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_DB_CONNECT_FAIL; } if (msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_DB_INSERT) { err = _media_thumb_get_thumb_from_db_with_size(origin_path, thumb_path, max_length, &need_update_db, &origin_w, &origin_h); if (err == MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { res_msg->origin_width = origin_w; res_msg->origin_height = origin_h; _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; } else { if (strlen(thumb_path) == 0) { err = _media_thumb_get_hash_name(origin_path, thumb_path, max_length,uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { char *default_path = _media_thumb_get_default_path(uid); if(default_path) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_get_hash_name failed - %d\n", err); strncpy(thumb_path, default_path, max_length); free(default_path); } _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return err; } thumb_path[strlen(thumb_path)] = '\0'; } } } else if (msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_SAVE_FILE) { strncpy(thumb_path, req_msg->dst_path, max_length); } else if (msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_ALL_MEDIA) { err = _media_thumb_get_hash_name(origin_path, thumb_path, max_length,uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { char *default_path = _media_thumb_get_default_path(uid); if(default_path) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_get_hash_name failed - %d\n", err); strncpy(thumb_path, default_path, max_length); free(default_path); } _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return err; } thumb_path[strlen(thumb_path)] = '\0'; } thumb_dbg_slog("Thumb path : %s", thumb_path); if (g_file_test(thumb_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { thumb_warn("thumb path already exists in file system.. remove the existed file"); _media_thumb_remove_file(thumb_path); } err = _thumbnail_get_data(origin_path, thumb_type, thumb_format, &gdkdata, &thumb_size, &thumb_w, &thumb_h, &origin_w, &origin_h, &alpha, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { char *default_path = _media_thumb_get_default_path(uid); thumb_err("_thumbnail_get_data failed - %d\n", err); if ( gdkdata != NULL ){ g_object_unref(gdkdata); } if(default_path) { strncpy(thumb_path, default_path, max_length); free(default_path); } _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return err; } //thumb_dbg("Size : %d, W:%d, H:%d", thumb_size, thumb_w, thumb_h); //thumb_dbg("Origin W:%d, Origin H:%d\n", origin_w, origin_h); //thumb_dbg("Thumb : %s", thumb_path); res_msg->msg_type = THUMB_RESPONSE; res_msg->thumb_size = thumb_size; res_msg->thumb_width = thumb_w; res_msg->thumb_height = thumb_h; res_msg->origin_width = origin_w; res_msg->origin_height = origin_h; /* If the image is transparent PNG format, make png file as thumbnail of this image */ if (alpha) { char file_ext[10]; err = _media_thumb_get_file_ext(origin_path, file_ext, sizeof(file_ext)); if (strncasecmp(file_ext, "png", 3) == 0) { int len = strlen(thumb_path); thumb_path[len - 3] = 'p'; thumb_path[len - 2] = 'n'; thumb_path[len - 1] = 'g'; } thumb_dbg("Thumb path is changed : %s", thumb_path); } err = _media_thumb_save_to_file_with_gdk(gdkdata, thumb_w, thumb_h, alpha, thumb_path); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { char *default_path = _media_thumb_get_default_path(uid); thumb_err("save_to_file_with_gdk failed - %d", err); if ( gdkdata != NULL ){ g_object_unref(gdkdata); } if (msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_DB_INSERT || msg_type == THUMB_REQUEST_ALL_MEDIA) { if(default_path) { strncpy(thumb_path, default_path, max_length); free(default_path); } } _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return err; } else { thumb_dbg("file save success"); } /* fsync */ int fd = 0; fd = open(thumb_path, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { thumb_warn("open failed"); } else { err = fsync(fd); if (err == -1) { thumb_warn("fsync failed"); } close(fd); } /* End of fsync */ g_object_unref(gdkdata); /* DB update if needed */ if (need_update_db == 1) { err = _media_thumb_update_db(origin_path, thumb_path, res_msg->origin_width, res_msg->origin_height, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_media_thumb_update_db failed : %d", err); } } _media_thumb_db_disconnect(); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; } int _media_thumb_process_raw(thumbMsg *req_msg, thumbMsg *res_msg, thumbRawAddMsg *res_raw_msg, uid_t uid) { int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; unsigned char *data = NULL; int thumb_size = 0; int thumb_w = 0; int thumb_h = 0; if (req_msg == NULL || res_msg == NULL) { thumb_err("Invalid msg!"); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } const char *origin_path = req_msg->org_path; media_thumb_format thumb_format = MEDIA_THUMB_BGRA; thumb_w = req_msg->thumb_width; thumb_h = req_msg->thumb_height; //thumb_dbg("origin_path : %s, thumb_w : %d, thumb_h : %d ", origin_path, thumb_w, thumb_h); if (!g_file_test(origin_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { thumb_err("origin_path does not exist in file system."); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_FILE_NOT_EXIST; } err = _thumbnail_get_raw_data(origin_path, thumb_format, &data, &thumb_size, &thumb_w, &thumb_h, uid); if (err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE) { thumb_err("_thumbnail_get_data failed - %d", err); SAFE_FREE(data); } res_msg->msg_type = THUMB_RESPONSE_RAW_DATA; res_msg->thumb_width = thumb_w; res_msg->thumb_height = thumb_h; res_raw_msg->thumb_size = thumb_size; res_raw_msg->thumb_data = malloc(thumb_size * sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(res_raw_msg->thumb_data, data, thumb_size); res_msg->thumb_size = thumb_size + sizeof(thumbRawAddMsg) - sizeof(unsigned char*); //thumb_dbg("Size : %d, W:%d, H:%d", thumb_size, thumb_w, thumb_h); return MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE; }