diff options
authorjiyong.min <>2023-02-13 07:52:11 +0900
committerjiyong.min <>2023-02-21 09:00:13 +0900
commitd9988868a4c8e6b8b6763abbbae8981957c34970 (patch)
parent6678129c4289346a4eeebb5d4d96d1b34fc3f196 (diff)
- Please use this option for low memory limit due to memory policy. For large-sized images, memory usage may decrease to less than 100MB, but thumbnail quality may be slightly lowered in some cases. - A-Gif has been changed from mmutil_magick to mmutil_gif. - Jpeg has been added to use the downscale option. Change-Id: Id0cff4690e4ebea10649859ee2ff678d67d850db Add image size limitation for specific device - This patch is for specific device, do not use it on other devices. If necessary in the future, we will provide a hal-config that can be used on the others. Change-Id: I6ee8f6fb8f03874d7c9cb31bd2b09e56af8a3a8f Separate functions for 'USE_MEMORY_USAGE_REDUCTION' Change-Id: I3967b917078d2cefb277a1627729005856a16ae7 Add to convert RGBA to BGRA for raw data - In case of raw data, if it is an image, thumbnail should be returned as BGRA colorspace. Change-Id: I11065190336962db66f228d6d93279dd180e2e6e
3 files changed, 217 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c74eb53..41534a0 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,8 +26,13 @@ MESSAGE("Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")
+ pkg_check_modules(pkgs REQUIRED glib-2.0 dlog mm-fileinfo aul libmedia-utils libtzplatform-config mmutil-common mmutil-magick mmutil-gif mmutil-jpeg libexif)
pkg_check_modules(pkgs REQUIRED glib-2.0 dlog mm-fileinfo aul libmedia-utils libtzplatform-config mmutil-common mmutil-magick)
FOREACH(flag ${pkgs_CFLAGS})
@@ -50,6 +55,11 @@ ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DPACKAGE_NAME=\"${PKGNAME}\"")
SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=both")
CONFIGURE_FILE( media-thumbnail.pc @ONLY)
diff --git a/packaging/libmedia-thumbnail.spec b/packaging/libmedia-thumbnail.spec
index c5fb01f..ec50ef8 100644
--- a/packaging/libmedia-thumbnail.spec
+++ b/packaging/libmedia-thumbnail.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Name: libmedia-thumbnail
Summary: Media thumbnail service library for multimedia applications
-Version: 0.4.3
+Version: 0.4.4
Release: 0
Group: Multimedia/Libraries
License: Apache-2.0
@@ -17,7 +17,12 @@ BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libtzplatform-config)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mmutil-common)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mmutil-magick)
%if 0%{?gtests:1}
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gmock)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gmock)
+%if 0%{?_with_da_profile:1}
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mmutil-gif)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mmutil-jpeg)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libexif)
@@ -38,7 +43,8 @@ cp %{SOURCE1001} %{SOURCE1002} .
-%cmake . -DBUILD_GTESTS=%{?gtests:1}%{!?gtests:0}
+%cmake . -DBUILD_GTESTS=%{?gtests:1}%{!?gtests:0} \
+ -DWITH_DA_PROFILE=%{?_with_da_profile:1}%{!?_with_da_profile:0}
make %{?_smp_mflags}
diff --git a/src/media-thumbnail.c b/src/media-thumbnail.c
index 6b4960e..4671f82 100755
--- a/src/media-thumbnail.c
+++ b/src/media-thumbnail.c
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
#include "media-thumbnail.h"
#include "media-thumbnail-debug.h"
#include <aul.h>
+#include <mm_util_gif.h>
+#include <mm_util_jpeg.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
#define MAX_THUMB_SIZE 2000
#define MIME_TYPE_TIFF "image/tiff"
@@ -368,34 +374,199 @@ int create_video_thumbnail_to_buffer(const char *path,
return err;
-static int __adjust_thumb_ratio(const char *path, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height)
+static int __adjust_thumb_ratio(const char *path, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height,
+ unsigned int *image_w, unsigned int *image_h, mm_util_img_codec_type *image_type)
int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
- unsigned int image_w = 0;
- unsigned int image_h = 0;
- mm_util_img_codec_type image_type = 0;
- err = mm_util_extract_image_info(path, &image_type, &image_w, &image_h);
+ const size_t image_size_limit[IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE] = {
+ [IMG_CODEC_JPEG] = (4096 * 4096),
+ [IMG_CODEC_PNG] = (3000 * 3000),
+ [IMG_CODEC_GIF] = (3000 * 3000),
+ };
+ err = mm_util_extract_image_info(path, image_type, image_w, image_h);
thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_extract_image_info: %d", err);
- thumb_retvm_if(image_type == IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_THUMB_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported image codec");
+ thumb_retvm_if(*image_type == IMG_CODEC_UNKNOWN_TYPE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_THUMB_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported image codec");
+ if ((*image_type == IMG_CODEC_JPEG) ||
+ (*image_type == IMG_CODEC_PNG) ||
+ (*image_type == IMG_CODEC_GIF))
+ if ((size_t)((*image_w) * (*image_h)) > image_size_limit[*image_type]) {
+ thumb_err("Unsupported image size [%u x %u] limit [%zu]", *image_w, *image_h, image_size_limit[*image_type]);
+ }
+ __media_thumb_get_proper_thumb_size(*image_w, *image_h, width, height);
+static mm_util_rotate_type_e __get_image_orientation(const char *path)
+ ExifData *ed = NULL;
+ ExifEntry *entry = NULL;
+ short orientation = 0;
+ mm_util_rotate_type_e rotation = MM_UTIL_ROTATE_0;
+ ed = exif_data_new_from_file(path);
+ thumb_retvm_if(!ed, MM_UTIL_ROTATE_0, "no exif data");
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry(ed, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION);
+ if (!entry) {
+ thumb_info("no orientation entry");
+ exif_data_unref(ed);
+ return MM_UTIL_ROTATE_0;
+ }
- __media_thumb_get_proper_thumb_size(image_w, image_h, width, height);
+ orientation = exif_get_short(entry->data, exif_data_get_byte_order(ed));
+ /* exif orientation
+ * 0 - not available, 1- normal, 2 - hflip, 3 - rot_180,
+ * 4 - vflip, 5 - tranpose, 6 - rot_90, 7 - transverse, 8 - rot_270
+ */
+ switch (orientation) {
+ case 3:
+ rotation = MM_UTIL_ROTATE_180;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ rotation = MM_UTIL_ROTATE_90;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ rotation = MM_UTIL_ROTATE_270;
+ break;
+ default:
+ thumb_warn("not supported orientation[%d], rotation will be 0", orientation);
+ rotation = MM_UTIL_ROTATE_0;
+ break;
+ };
+ exif_data_unref(ed);
+ thumb_info("orientation: %d, rotation: %d", orientation, rotation);
+ return rotation;
+static int __create_gif_thumbnail_to_file(const char *path, unsigned int thumb_w, unsigned int thumb_h, const char *thumb_path)
+ int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
+ mm_util_image_h decode_image = NULL;
+ err = mm_util_decode_from_gif_file(path, &decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_decode_from_gif_file failed : %d", err);
+ err = mm_util_resize_B_P(decode_image, thumb_w, thumb_h, thumb_path);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_B_P failed : %d", err);
+static int __create_gif_thumbnail_to_buffer(const char *path, unsigned int thumb_w, unsigned int thumb_h, mm_util_image_h *thumbnail)
+ int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
+ mm_util_image_h decode_image = NULL;
+ mm_util_image_h rgba_thumbnail = NULL;
+ err = mm_util_decode_from_gif_file(path, &decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_decode_from_gif_file failed : %d", err);
+ err = mm_util_resize_B_B(decode_image, thumb_w, thumb_h, &rgba_thumbnail);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_B_B failed : %d", err);
+ err = mm_util_convert_B_B(rgba_thumbnail, MM_UTIL_COLOR_BGRA, thumbnail);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(rgba_thumbnail);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_convert_B_B failed : %d", err);
+static int __decode_jpeg_with_downscale(const char *path, size_t image_size, size_t thumb_size, mm_util_image_h *decode_image)
+ mm_util_jpeg_decode_downscale downscale = MM_UTIL_JPEG_DECODE_DOWNSCALE_1_1;
+ // The downscale divide each width & height, so we should use squares 4(2*2), 16(4*4), 64(8*8).
+ if ((image_size >= thumb_size * 4) && (image_size < thumb_size * 16))
+ else if ((image_size >= thumb_size * 16) && (image_size < thumb_size * 64))
+ else if (image_size >= thumb_size * 64)
+ thumb_info("downscale: %d", downscale);
+ return mm_util_decode_from_jpeg_file(path, MM_UTIL_COLOR_BGRA, downscale, decode_image);
+static int __create_jpeg_thumbnail_to_file(const char *path, size_t image_size, unsigned int thumb_w, unsigned int thumb_h, const char *thumb_path, bool auto_rotate)
+ int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
+ mm_util_image_h decode_image = NULL;
+ mm_util_image_h resize_image = NULL;
+ mm_util_rotate_type_e rotation = __get_image_orientation(path);
+ err = __decode_jpeg_with_downscale(path, image_size, (size_t)(thumb_w * thumb_h), &decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_decode_from_jpeg_file failed : %d", err);
+ if (auto_rotate && (rotation != MM_UTIL_ROTATE_0)) {
+ err = mm_util_resize_B_B(decode_image, thumb_w, thumb_h, &resize_image);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_B_B failed : %d", err);
+ err = mm_util_rotate_B_P(resize_image, rotation, thumb_path);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(resize_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_rotate_B_P failed : %d", err);
+ } else {
+ err = mm_util_resize_B_P(decode_image, thumb_w, thumb_h, thumb_path);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_B_P failed : %d", err);
+ }
+static int __create_jpeg_thumbnail_to_buffer(const char *path, size_t image_size, unsigned int thumb_w, unsigned int thumb_h, mm_util_image_h *thumbnail)
+ int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
+ mm_util_image_h decode_image = NULL;
+ err = __decode_jpeg_with_downscale(path, image_size, (size_t)(thumb_w * thumb_h), &decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_decode_from_jpeg_file failed : %d", err);
+ err = mm_util_resize_B_B(decode_image, thumb_w, thumb_h, thumbnail);
+ mm_image_destroy_image(decode_image);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_B_B failed : %d", err);
int create_image_thumbnail_to_file(const char *path, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const char *thumb_path, bool auto_rotate)
int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
+ unsigned int image_w = 0;
+ unsigned int image_h = 0;
unsigned int thumb_w = width;
unsigned int thumb_h = height;
+ mm_util_img_codec_type image_type = 0;
err = __check_parameter_validity_for_file(path, width, height, thumb_path);
thumb_retvm_if(err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE, err, "Invalid parameter");
- err = __adjust_thumb_ratio(path, &thumb_w, &thumb_h);
+ err = __adjust_thumb_ratio(path, &thumb_w, &thumb_h, &image_w, &image_h, &image_type);
thumb_retvm_if(err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE, err, "__adjust_thumb_ratio failed");
+ if (image_type == IMG_CODEC_GIF)
+ return __create_gif_thumbnail_to_file(path, thumb_w, thumb_h, thumb_path);
+ else if (image_type == IMG_CODEC_JPEG)
+ return __create_jpeg_thumbnail_to_file(path, (size_t)(image_w * image_h), thumb_w, thumb_h, thumb_path, auto_rotate);
if (auto_rotate)
err = mm_util_resize_and_rotate_P_P(path, thumb_w, thumb_h, thumb_path);
@@ -408,18 +579,32 @@ int create_image_thumbnail_to_file(const char *path, unsigned int width, unsigne
int create_image_thumbnail_to_buffer(const char *path, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char **thumb_buffer, size_t *thumb_size, unsigned int *thumb_width, unsigned int *thumb_height)
int err = MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE;
+ unsigned int image_w = 0;
+ unsigned int image_h = 0;
unsigned int thumb_w = width;
unsigned int thumb_h = height;
mm_util_image_h img = NULL;
+ mm_util_img_codec_type image_type = 0;
err = __check_parameter_validity_for_buffer(path, width, height, thumb_buffer, thumb_size, thumb_width, thumb_height);
thumb_retvm_if(err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE, err, "Invalid parameter");
- err = __adjust_thumb_ratio(path, &thumb_w, &thumb_h);
+ err = __adjust_thumb_ratio(path, &thumb_w, &thumb_h, &image_w, &image_h, &image_type);
thumb_retvm_if(err != MS_MEDIA_ERR_NONE, err, "__adjust_thumb_ratio failed");
- err = mm_util_resize_P_B(path, thumb_w, thumb_h, MM_UTIL_COLOR_BGRA, &img);
- thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_P_B failed : %d", err);
+ if (image_type == IMG_CODEC_GIF) {
+ err = __create_gif_thumbnail_to_buffer(path, thumb_w, thumb_h, &img);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "__create_gif_thumbnail_to_buffer failed : %d", err);
+ } else if (image_type == IMG_CODEC_JPEG) {
+ err = __create_jpeg_thumbnail_to_buffer(path, (size_t)(image_w * image_h), thumb_w, thumb_h, &img);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "__create_jpeg_thumbnail_to_buffer failed : %d", err);
+ } else
+ {
+ err = mm_util_resize_P_B(path, thumb_w, thumb_h, MM_UTIL_COLOR_BGRA, &img);
+ thumb_retvm_if(err != MM_UTIL_ERROR_NONE, MS_MEDIA_ERR_INTERNAL, "mm_util_resize_P_B failed : %d", err);
+ }
err = mm_image_get_image(img, thumb_width, thumb_height, NULL, thumb_buffer, thumb_size);
@@ -491,4 +676,4 @@ int create_thumbnail_to_file(const char *path, unsigned int width, unsigned int
return create_video_thumbnail_to_file(path, width, height, thumb_path, false);
-} \ No newline at end of file