cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) project(nncc) enable_testing() set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) # This feature works with CMake 3.5.2 or later. However, using previous versions does not produce # an error. We are still officially using CMake 3.1.0, but put this code for the sake of semantic # support in various development tools. # Todo: Someday, CMake needs to be updated to 3.7.2 or later to take advantage of improvements # such as `cmake-server`. set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) set(NNCC_PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../.." CACHE INTERNAL "Where to find nncc top-level source directory" ) set(NNCC_EXTERNALS_DIR "${NNCC_PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/externals" CACHE INTERNAL "Where to download external dependencies" ) set(NNCC_OVERLAY_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/overlay" CACHE INTERNAL "Where locally built external dependencies are installed") # This allows find_package to access configurations installed inside overlay list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${NNCC_OVERLAY_DIR}") macro(nncc_include PREFIX) include("${NNCC_PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/infra/nncc/cmake/modules/${PREFIX}.cmake") endmacro(nncc_include) macro(nncc_find_package PREFIX) find_package(${PREFIX} CONFIG NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS ${NNCC_PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/infra/nncc/cmake/packages ${ARGN} ) endmacro(nncc_find_package) # nncc_find_resource(NAME) will update the following variables # # NAME_FOUND # NAME_DIR # # TODO Explain how to add a resource in function(nncc_find_resource NAME) set(RESOURCE_DIR "${NNCC_PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/res/${NAME}") if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${RESOURCE_DIR}) set(${NAME}_FOUND FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${RESOURCE_DIR}) set(${NAME}_DIR ${RESOURCE_DIR} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${NAME}_FOUND TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(nncc_find_resource) ### ### CMake configuration ### if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "Type of build" FORCE) endif(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message(STATUS "Use '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' configuration") # Prefer -pthread to -lpthread for find_package(Threads ...) # # std::thread code compiled only with -lpthread emits the following runtime error (on GCC 4.8.4) # # terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error' # what(): Enable multithreading to use std::thread: Operation not permitted # set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG TRUE) ### ### Configuration ### option(DOWNLOAD_PROTOBUF "Download Protocol Buffer source" ON) option(BUILD_PROTOBUF "Locally build Protocol Buffer from the downloaded source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_EIGEN "Download Eigen source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_FARMHASH "Download farmhash source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_GEMMLOWP "Download GEMM low precesion library source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_NEON2SSE "Download NEON2SSE library source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_GFLAGS "Download GFlags source" OFF) option(DOWNLOAD_FLATBUFFERS "Download FlatBuffers source" ON) option(BUILD_FLATBUFFERS "Locally build Flatbuffers from the downloaded source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_TENSORFLOW "Download TensorFlow source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_CAFFE "Download Caffe source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_PYTORCH "Download Pytorch source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_ONNX "Download ONNX source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_ABSEIL "Download Abseil-cpp source" ON) option(DOWNLOAD_GTEST "Download Google Test source" ON) option(BUILD_GTEST "Build Google Test from the downloaded source" ON) nncc_find_package(GTest QUIET) option(ENABLE_TEST "Build Tests using Google Test" ${GTest_FOUND}) if(${ENABLE_TEST} AND NOT ${GTest_FOUND}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Google Test is required to enable test") endif(${ENABLE_TEST} AND NOT ${GTest_FOUND}) option(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Build for coverage test" OFF) if(${ENABLE_COVERAGE} AND NOT ${ENABLE_TEST}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Test should be enabled to measure test coverage") endif(${ENABLE_COVERAGE} AND NOT ${ENABLE_TEST}) if(${ENABLE_TEST}) include(CTest) endif(${ENABLE_TEST}) option(ENABLE_CONTRIB_BUILD "Build incubating projects under contrib/" ON) option(ENABLE_STRICT_BUILD "Treat warning as error" OFF) ### ### Target ### add_library(nncc_common INTERFACE) if(ENABLE_STRICT_BUILD) # TODO Remove -Wno-reoder target_compile_options(nncc_common INTERFACE -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wno-reorder) endif(ENABLE_STRICT_BUILD) add_library(nncc_coverage INTERFACE) if(ENABLE_COVERAGE) target_compile_options(nncc_coverage INTERFACE -g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage) target_link_libraries(nncc_coverage INTERFACE gcov) endif(ENABLE_COVERAGE) ### ### Function ### # TODO Remove this nncc_include nncc_include(OptionalTargetTools) nncc_include(add_subdirectories) ### ### Components ### if(ENABLE_CONTRIB_BUILD) add_subdirectory("${NNCC_PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/compiler" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/compiler") endif(ENABLE_CONTRIB_BUILD)