# Release Note 1.8.0 ## Feature Highlights - **ONE** Compiler - Support new command line interface - **ONE** Runtime - CPU backend supports 7 more operations - CPU backend supports 9 more quant8 operations ## ONE Compiler ### New command line interface for user interface consistancy - `one-import-bcq` : import BCQ(Binary coding quantized) TensorFlow model - Commands now support `--version` option to show version number ### Changes - Experimental support for TensorFlow 2.x has updated to 2.3.0 (TensorFlow 1.3.2 is our official support version) - Support more operators in luci-interpreter - Enhancing one-quantizer ## ONE Runtime ### Rename headers - Rename `nnfw_dev.h` to `nnfw_experimental.h` ### Optimization - Remove copies for model input/outputs whenever possible ### Support CPU backend operation - BatchToSpaceND, L2Normalization, ReLU6, ResizeBilinear, SpaceToDepth, SplitV, StatelessRandomUniform ### Support CPU backend quant8 operation - BatchToSpaceND, L2Normalization, Pad, PadV2, ResizeBilinear, Slice, Quantize, SpaceToDepth, Sum