## Build Requires If you are building this project, then the following modules must be installed on your system: - CMake - Boost C++ libraries ``` $ sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev ``` ## How to use (simple) NNAPI Binding This repo provides a T/F Lite Model loader(named ``tflite_run``), and simple NNAPI binding. Let's type the following commands, and see what happens! ``` $ make install $ USE_NNAPI=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/Product/obj/runtimes/logging:$(pwd)/Product/out/lib" Product/out/bin/tflite_run [T/F Lite Flatbuffer Model Path] ``` ## How to get pre-built T/F Lite Flatbuffer models? Google provides several pre-built T/F Lite models. Please check [this article](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/lite/g3doc/models.md) ## Build How-to - [Cross building for ARM](howto/CrossBuildForArm.md) - [Cross building for AARCH64](howto/CrossBuildForAarch64.md) - [Build using prebuilt docker image](howto/HowToUseDockerImage.md) ## Other how-to documents - [Building TensorFlow and TOCO from source](howto/BuildTFfromSource.md) - [How to setup XU3 with Ubuntu 16.04](howto/device/xu3_ubuntu.md) - [How to setup XU4 with Ubuntu 16.04](howto/device/xu4_ubuntu.md) - [How to add unittest using gtest](howto/HowToAddUnittest.md)