; set environment variables [Environment] ONECC_ENV="ONECC" ; To activate a step (or task), ; set True for the step in [onecc] section and fill options in the corresponding section [onecc] ; neural network model to circle one-import-tf=False one-import-tflite=False one-import-bcq=False one-import-onnx=False ; circle to circle with optimization one-optimize=False ; circle to circle with quantization one-quantize=False ; partition circle one-partition=False ; package circle and metadata into nnpackage one-pack=False ; generate code for backend one-codegen=False ; profile one-profile=False ; infer one-infer=False ; group option ; multiple group options are allowed include=O1 # include=O1 O2 OMY_OPT [one-import-tf] # mandatory ; pb file input_path= ; circle file output_path= # optional ; v1 or v2 converter_version=v2 ; graph_def(default), saved_model or keras_model model_format=graph_def # optional but mandatory for model_format=graph_def ; input tensor names of the input arrays, comma-separated input_arrays= ; output tensor names of the input arrays, comma-separated output_arrays= ; input shapes corresponding to --input_arrays, colon-separated.(ex:1,4,4,3:1,20,20,3) input_shapes= [one-import-tflite] # mandatory ; tflite file input_path= ; circle file output_path= [one-import-bcq] # mandatory ; bcq file input_path= ; circle file output_path= # optional ; v1 or v2 converter_version=v2 ; graph_def(default), saved_model or keras_model model_format=graph_def # optional but mandatory for model_format=graph_def ; input tensor names of the input arrays, comma-separated input_arrays= ; output tensor names of the input arrays, comma-separated output_arrays= ; input shapes corresponding to --input_arrays, colon-separated.(ex:1,4,4,3:1,20,20,3) input_shapes= [one-import-onnx] # mandatory ; onnx file input_path= ; circle file output_path= # optional ; True or False unroll_rnn= ; True or False unroll_lstm= [one-optimize] # mandatory ; circle file input_path= ; circle file output_path= # //TODO: Add available options [one-quantize] # mandatory ; circle file input_path= ; circle file output_path= # optional arguments for quantization ; input data file (if not given, random data will be used for calibration) input_data= ; h5/hdf5(default), list/filelist, or dir/directory input_data_format= ; dtype of quantized model (uint8(default), int16) quantized_dtype= ; granularity of quantization (layer(default), channel) granularity= ; dtype of model's input (uint8, int16, float32). Same with quantized_dtype by default. input_type= ; dtype of model's output (uint8, int16, float32). Same with quantized_dtype by default. output_type= [one-partition] # mandatory ; partition file which provides backend to assign part_file= ; circle file input_file= # //TODO: Add available options [one-pack] # mandatory ; input path input_path= ; output path output_path= # //TODO: Add available options [one-codegen] # mandatory ; backend name backend= ; commands for each backend command= [one-profile] # mandatory ; backend name backend= # //TODO: Add available options [one-infer] # mandatory (mutually exclusive) ; backend name backend= ; driver name driver= # //TODO: Add available options