path: root/tools/tflitefile_tool/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/tools/tflitefile_tool/ b/tools/tflitefile_tool/
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index 6aa752772..000000000
--- a/tools/tflitefile_tool/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import tflite.Conv2DOptions
-import tflite.Pool2DOptions
-import tflite.BuiltinOptions
-import tflite.Tensor
-from tensor_wrapping import Tensor
-import math
-# - an internal class. do not import outside this file.
-# - REF:
-class _OperationComputeMethod(object):
- '''
- NOTE: How to count operations of convolution(and also pooling)?
- If we know operations of output's one element, we can calculate total output's operations.
- For example, consider output Shape[3,3]
- [ e11 e12 e13 ]
- [ e21 e22 e23 ]
- [ e31 e32 e33 ]
- If we know operations for calculation of e11, we can know total operations of output(e11, e12, ... e33)
- by operations of e11 * 9(total number of elements)
- So we only need to know how to calculate operations of e11.
- For this, just think how to conv operation to the output's element
- If input_channel is 1, we can only think of kernel_size(kernel_w and kernel_h).
- For example, consider input Shape[3,3] and kernel Shape[2,2]
- [ i11 i12 i13 ] [ k11 k12 ] [ o11 o12 o13 ]
- [ i21 i22 i23 ] * [ k21 k22 ] = [ o21 o22 o23 ]
- [ i31 i32 i33 ] [ o31 o32 o33 ]
- Conv operation: for o11, i11 * k11 + i21 * k21 + i12 * k12 + i22 * k22 = o11
- On above conv operation, mul operations are done at 4 times(== kernel_w * kernel_h)
- and add operations are dont at 3 times(== kernel_w * kernel_h - 1)
- and also, bias will be done and it will be counted on add operations.
- Anyway, we can calculate total operations on this way. This can apply to the way of pooling.
- '''
- def ComputeOperationForConv2D(self, tf_operator, inputs, outputs):
- assert (
- tf_operator.BuiltinOptionsType() == tflite.BuiltinOptions.BuiltinOptions()
- .Conv2DOptions)
- # NOTE: Assume that conv2d operator always take 3 tensors as inputs
- # and both width and height are the same.
- # operator_inputs[]: [input_tensor, weight_tensor, bias_tensor]
- # operator_outputs[]: [output_tensor]
- # tflite's tensor shape: [N,H,W,C]
- input_tensor = inputs[0].tf_tensor
- weight_tensor = inputs[1].tf_tensor
- output_tensor = outputs[0].tf_tensor
- # kernel_ops = (kernel_w * kernel_h * input_channel * 2(multiply and add))
- kernel_ops = (
- weight_tensor.Shape(2) * weight_tensor.Shape(1) * input_tensor.Shape(3))
- # total ops
- # = batch_size * output_channel * output_width * output_height * kernel_ops
- total_ops = (output_tensor.Shape(0) * output_tensor.Shape(3) *
- output_tensor.Shape(2) * output_tensor.Shape(1))
- add_instr_num = (total_ops * (kernel_ops + 1)) # bias
- mul_instr_num = (total_ops * (kernel_ops))
- nonlinear_instr_num = 0
- return (add_instr_num, mul_instr_num, nonlinear_instr_num)
- # NOTE: Reference the comment 'NOTE' of ComputeOperationForConv2D
- def ComputeOperationForPooling(self, tf_operator, inputs, outputs):
- assert (
- tf_operator.BuiltinOptionsType() == tflite.BuiltinOptions.BuiltinOptions()
- .Pool2DOptions)
- dummy_input_tensor = inputs[0].tf_tensor
- output_tensor = outputs[0].tf_tensor
- pool2d_options = tflite.Pool2DOptions.Pool2DOptions()
- pool2d_options.Init(tf_operator.BuiltinOptions().Bytes,
- tf_operator.BuiltinOptions().Pos)
- # kernel_ops = kernel_w * kernel_h
- kernel_ops = (pool2d_options.FilterWidth() * pool2d_options.FilterHeight())
- # total ops
- # = batch_size * output_channel * output_width * output_height *
- # kernel_ops(kernel_w * kernel_h)
- total_ops = (output_tensor.Shape(0) * output_tensor.Shape(3) *
- output_tensor.Shape(2) * output_tensor.Shape(1))
- add_instr_num = (total_ops * kernel_ops - 1)
- mul_instr_num = (total_ops * kernel_ops)
- nonlinear_instr_num = 0
- return (add_instr_num, mul_instr_num, nonlinear_instr_num)
- def ComputeOperationForSoftmax(self, tf_operator, inputs, outputs):
- assert (
- tf_operator.BuiltinOptionsType() == tflite.BuiltinOptions.BuiltinOptions()
- .SoftmaxOptions)
- input_tensor = inputs[0].tf_tensor
- dummy_batch_size = input_tensor.Shape(0)
- input_dim = input_tensor.Shape(1)
- # Softmax(x_i) = exp(x_i) / sum of exp(x)
- add_instr_num = input_dim - 1 # sum of exp(x)
- mul_instr_num = input_dim # /
- nonlinear_instr_num = input_dim + input_dim # sum of exp(x) and exp(x_i)
- return (add_instr_num, mul_instr_num, nonlinear_instr_num)
- def ComputeOperationForFullyConnected(self, tf_operator, inputs, outputs):
- assert (
- tf_operator.BuiltinOptionsType() == tflite.BuiltinOptions.BuiltinOptions()
- .FullyConnectedOptions)
- # NOTE: Assume that fully_connected operator always take 3 tensors as inputs
- # and its X tensor's shape is [1, 1, 1, input_dim] with
- # its output Y [1, output_dim]
- input_tensor = inputs[0].tf_tensor
- output_tensor = outputs[0].tf_tensor
- # ops_per_element
- # = input_dim(multiplication) + input_dim-1(addition) + 1(bias)
- # total_ops
- # = ops_per_elem * output_dim
- add_instr_num = (input_tensor.Shape(3) * output_tensor.Shape(1))
- mul_instr_num = (input_tensor.Shape(3) * output_tensor.Shape(1))
- nonlinear_instr_num = 0
- return (add_instr_num, mul_instr_num, nonlinear_instr_num)
- def ComputeOperationForNothing(self, tf_operator, inputs, outputs):
- add_instr_num = 0
- mul_instr_num = 0
- nonlinear_instr_num = 0
- return (add_instr_num, mul_instr_num, nonlinear_instr_num)
- def NYI_ComputeOperation(self, tf_operator, inputs, outputs):
- pass
- operation_to_method_map = {
- # Inceptionv3
- "CONV_2D": ComputeOperationForConv2D,
- "AVERAGE_POOL_2D": ComputeOperationForPooling,
- "MAX_POOL_2D": ComputeOperationForPooling,
- "SOFTMAX": ComputeOperationForSoftmax,
- "FULLY_CONNECTED": ComputeOperationForFullyConnected,
- "CONCATENATION": ComputeOperationForNothing,
- # Extension
- "TOPK_V2": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "SUB": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "STRIDED_SLICE": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "RESHAPE": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "GATHER": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "RESIZE_BILINEAR": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "CAST": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "ADD": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "MUL": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "DIV": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "CUSTOM(TensorFlowMax)": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- "CUSTOM": NYI_ComputeOperation,
- }
-class Operation(object):
- def __init__(self, tf_operator, operator_str, inputs, outputs):
- self.tf_operator = tf_operator
- self.operator_str = operator_str
- self.inputs = inputs
- self.outputs = outputs
- self.add_instr_num = 0
- self.mul_instr_num = 0
- self.nonlinear_instr_num = 0
- self.can_compute = True
- self.Compute()
- def Compute(self):
- comp_map = _OperationComputeMethod().operation_to_method_map
- if not self.operator_str in comp_map.keys():
- self.can_compute = False
- return
- method = comp_map[self.operator_str]
- if method.__name__ == _OperationComputeMethod().NYI_ComputeOperation.__name__:
- self.can_compute = False
- return
- self.add_instr_num, self.mul_instr_num, self.nonlinear_instr_num = method(
- _OperationComputeMethod(), self.tf_operator, self.inputs, self.outputs)
- def TotalInstrNum(self):
- return (self.add_instr_num + self.mul_instr_num + self.nonlinear_instr_num)