path: root/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp
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33 files changed, 10482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/CMakeLists.txt b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e4f4b129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e21337f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// fixedpoint.h: fixed-point arithmetic, with basic operations and
+// a few math functions such as tanh.
+#include <cassert>
+#include <limits>
+#include "../internal/common.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// Part 1: Low-level integer-arithmetic primitives.
+// The implementations here are generic implementations valid for
+// scalar types (e.g. std::int32_t). Architecture-specific SIMD types
+// (e.g. NEON int32x4_t) may be supported by providing
+// specializations for them in separate files.
+// The purpose of these primitives is two-fold:
+// - They will be used to implement higher-level fixed-point
+// abstractions, namely the FixedPoint class and its arithmetic
+// operators.
+// - They will be directly used to implement some more involved
+// fixed-point computations, e.g. the fixed-point implementation
+// of math functions such as tanh.
+// Some compile-time traits around raw types to handle SIMD aspects:
+// number of lanes, underlying scalar type.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits {};
+template <>
+struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits<std::int32_t> {
+ typedef std::int32_t ScalarRawType;
+ static const int kLanes = 1;
+// Returns a SIMD value duplicating a scalar value across all lanes.
+template <typename tRawType>
+tRawType Dup(typename FixedPointRawTypeTraits<tRawType>::ScalarRawType x) {
+ return x;
+// Plain bit-wise AND
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType BitAnd(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return a & b;
+// Plain bit-wise OR
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType BitOr(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return a | b;
+// Plain bit-wise XOR
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType BitXor(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return a ^ b;
+// Plain bit-wise NOT
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType BitNot(tIntegerType a) {
+ return ~a;
+// Integer addition. Not saturating. Overflow is undefined behavior.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType Add(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return a + b;
+// Integer subtraction. Not saturating. Overflow is undefined behavior.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType Mul(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return a * b;
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType Sub(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return a - b;
+// Integer unary negative. Not saturating. Overflow is undefined behavior.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType Neg(tIntegerType a) {
+ return -a;
+// Integer arithmetic left-shift, equivalent to multiplying with a
+// power of two. Not saturating. Overflow is undefined behavior.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType ShiftLeft(tIntegerType a, int offset) {
+ return a << offset;
+// Integer arithmetic right-shift. Not rounding.
+// Relying on implementation-defined, but in-practice-consistent,
+// C++ compiler behavior.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType ShiftRight(tIntegerType a, int offset) {
+ return a >> offset;
+// Each bit of the result is set to the corresponding bit of either then_val or
+// else_val depending on whether the corresponding bit of if_mask is set.
+// Equivalent to the VBSL instruction in ARM NEON.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType SelectUsingMask(tIntegerType if_mask, tIntegerType then_val,
+ tIntegerType else_val) {
+ return BitXor(BitAnd(if_mask, then_val), BitAnd(BitNot(if_mask), else_val));
+// For each input scalar, the corresponding bits of the result are set if the
+// input scalar is non-zero.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfNonZero(tIntegerType a) {
+ static const tIntegerType zero = 0;
+ return a ? BitNot(zero) : zero;
+// For each input scalar, the corresponding bits of the result are set if the
+// input scalar is zero.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfZero(tIntegerType a) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(!a);
+// For each pair of input scalars, the corresponding bits of the result are
+// set if the input scalars are equal.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a == b);
+// For each pair of input scalars, the corresponding bits of the result are
+// set if the input scalars are not equal.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfNotEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a != b);
+// For each pair of input scalars, the corresponding bits of the result are
+// set if the input scalars a, b satisfy a > b.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfGreaterThan(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a > b);
+// For each pair of input scalars, the corresponding bits of the result are
+// set if the input scalars a, b satisfy a >= b.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfGreaterThanOrEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a >= b);
+// For each pair of input scalars, the corresponding bits of the result are
+// set if the input scalars a, b satisfy a < b.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfLessThan(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a < b);
+// For each pair of input scalars, the corresponding bits of the result are
+// set if the input scalars a, b satisfy a <= b.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+tIntegerType MaskIfLessThanOrEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
+ return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a <= b);
+// Returns true if all of the input scalars are nonzero.
+// This function may currently assume that each of the input scalars has either
+// all or none of its bits set. Otherwise, its behavior is currently undefined.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+bool All(tIntegerType a) {
+ return a;
+// Returns true if any of the input scalars are nonzero.
+// This function may currently assume that each of the input scalars has either
+// all or none of its bits set. Otherwise, its behavior is currently undefined.
+template <typename tIntegerType>
+bool Any(tIntegerType a) {
+ return a;
+// Returns (a+b)/2, rounded to the nearest integer.
+// Equivalent to VRHADD in the ARM NEON instruction set.
+template <typename IntegerType>
+IntegerType RoundingHalfSum(IntegerType a, IntegerType b) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<IntegerType, void>::value, "unimplemented");
+ return a;
+template <>
+inline std::int32_t RoundingHalfSum(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) {
+ std::int64_t a64 = a;
+ std::int64_t b64 = b;
+ std::int64_t sum = a64 + b64;
+ std::int64_t sign = sum >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ return static_cast<std::int32_t>((sum + sign) / 2);
+// Returns the integer that represents the product of two fixed-point
+// numbers, interpreting all integers as fixed-point values in the
+// interval [-1, 1), rounding to the nearest value, and saturating
+// -1 * -1 to the maximum value (since 1 is not in the half-open
+// interval [-1, 1)).
+// [The explanation below specializes to std::int32_t for example purpose.]
+// The mapping between IntegerType and the interval [-1, 1) is unique and
+// implied by IntegerType, which is assumed to be signed. For example,
+// for IntegerType==std::int32_t, the mapping is
+// real_value = integer_value / 2^31.
+// So in this case, and leaving aside rounding and saturating, this
+// function computes ((a / 2^31) * (b / 2^31)) * 2^31, which simplifies to
+// (a * b) / 2^31.
+// The 'doubling' part in the name of this function comes from the fact that
+// this operation is very close to a "multiply-high" operation, keeping only
+// the top half bits, except that that would be effectively computing
+// (a * b) / 2^32,
+// so here we are computing 2x that, since
+// 1/2^31 = 2 * 1/2^32.
+// The idea is to use all of the available 32 bits in the destination int32
+// value.
+// [End of the explanation specializing to int32.]
+// This is equivalent to the VQRDMULH instruction in ARM NEON.
+template <typename IntegerType>
+IntegerType SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(IntegerType a, IntegerType b) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<IntegerType, void>::value, "unimplemented");
+ return a;
+// This function implements the same computation as the ARMv7 NEON VQRDMULH
+// instruction.
+template <>
+inline std::int32_t SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(std::int32_t a,
+ std::int32_t b) {
+ bool overflow = a == b && a == std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min();
+ std::int64_t a_64(a);
+ std::int64_t b_64(b);
+ std::int64_t ab_64 = a_64 * b_64;
+ std::int32_t nudge = ab_64 >= 0 ? (1 << 30) : (1 - (1 << 30));
+ std::int32_t ab_x2_high32 =
+ static_cast<std::int32_t>((ab_64 + nudge) / (1ll << 31));
+ return overflow ? std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max() : ab_x2_high32;
+// Correctly-rounded-to-nearest division by a power-of-two.
+// Also known as a rounding arithmetic right shift.
+template <typename IntegerType>
+inline IntegerType RoundingDivideByPOT(IntegerType x, int exponent) {
+ using ScalarIntegerType =
+ typename FixedPointRawTypeTraits<IntegerType>::ScalarRawType;
+ static_assert(std::is_same<ScalarIntegerType, std::int32_t>::value,
+ "Currently only supporting int32 scalar and SIMD types");
+ assert(exponent >= 0);
+ assert(exponent <= 31);
+ const IntegerType mask = Dup<IntegerType>((1ll << exponent) - 1);
+ const IntegerType zero = Dup<IntegerType>(0);
+ const IntegerType one = Dup<IntegerType>(1);
+ const IntegerType remainder = BitAnd(x, mask);
+ const IntegerType threshold =
+ Add(ShiftRight(mask, 1), BitAnd(MaskIfLessThan(x, zero), one));
+ return Add(ShiftRight(x, exponent),
+ BitAnd(MaskIfGreaterThan(remainder, threshold), one));
+// Returns the product of a run-time integer value by a compile-time power
+// of two, with either a positive exponent (equivalent to an arithmetic
+// left shift, saturating) or a negative exponent (equivalent to an arithmetic
+// right shift, rounding to nearest).
+template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType,
+ int ExponentSign = (Exponent > 0 ? 1 : Exponent < 0 ? -1 : 0)>
+struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT {};
+template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType>
+struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, IntegerType, 0> {
+ static IntegerType eval(IntegerType x) { return x; }
+template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType>
+struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, IntegerType, 1> {
+ static IntegerType eval(IntegerType x) {
+ using ScalarIntegerType =
+ typename FixedPointRawTypeTraits<IntegerType>::ScalarRawType;
+ static_assert(std::is_same<ScalarIntegerType, std::int32_t>::value,
+ "Currently only supporting int32 scalar and SIMD types");
+ const IntegerType min =
+ Dup<IntegerType>(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min());
+ const IntegerType max =
+ Dup<IntegerType>(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max());
+ const std::int32_t threshold = ((1 << (31 - Exponent)) - 1);
+ const IntegerType positive_mask =
+ MaskIfGreaterThan(x, Dup<IntegerType>(threshold));
+ const IntegerType negative_mask =
+ MaskIfLessThan(x, Dup<IntegerType>(-threshold));
+ IntegerType result = ShiftLeft(x, Exponent);
+ result = SelectUsingMask(positive_mask, max, result);
+ result = SelectUsingMask(negative_mask, min, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType>
+struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, IntegerType, -1> {
+ static IntegerType eval(IntegerType x) {
+ return RoundingDivideByPOT<IntegerType>(x, -Exponent);
+ }
+template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType>
+IntegerType SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT(IntegerType x) {
+ return ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, IntegerType>::eval(x);
+// Part 2: the FixedPoint class.
+// A FixedPoint object represents a fixed-point value stored in the underlying
+// integer type tRawType, if tRawType is a plain scalar integer type.
+// Alternatively, tRawType may be a SIMD type (e.g. NEON int32x4_t) in which
+// case a FixedPoint object represents a corresponding SIMD vector of fixed
+// point values.
+// tIntegerBits describes the range of the fixed-point format: if
+// tIntegerBits == m then the range of representable values is the half-open
+// interval [-2^m; 2^m) where the open boundary on the right side means that
+// 2^m is not representable (how close the maximum representable value is to
+// it, depends on bit-depth of tRawType).
+// In "Q format notation",
+// we are describing the format
+// Qm.n
+// where
+// m = tIntegerBits
+// and
+// n = NumberOfBits(tRawType) - (m + 1)
+// Note that the (m + 1) in the above line is because we adopt the convention
+// that we count the integer bits exclusively of the sign bit; so (m + 1) is
+// the total number of integer bits inclusive of the sign bit.
+// Accordingly, the number of integral representable values in our range
+// [-2^m ; 2^m)
+// is equal to 2^(m+1).
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+class FixedPoint {
+ public:
+ typedef tRawType RawType;
+ typedef FixedPointRawTypeTraits<RawType> RawTypeTraits;
+ typedef typename RawTypeTraits::ScalarRawType ScalarRawType;
+ static const int kTotalBits = 8 * sizeof(ScalarRawType);
+ static const int kIntegerBits = tIntegerBits;
+ static const int kFractionalBits = kTotalBits - 1 - kIntegerBits;
+ static_assert(kIntegerBits >= 0 && kIntegerBits < kTotalBits,
+ "bad IntegerBits");
+ typedef FixedPoint<ScalarRawType, kIntegerBits> ScalarFixedPointType;
+ static const ScalarRawType ScalarRawMin() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<ScalarRawType>::min();
+ }
+ static const ScalarRawType ScalarRawMax() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<ScalarRawType>::max();
+ }
+ static const ScalarRawType RawMin() {
+ return VectorFromScalar(ScalarRawMin());
+ }
+ static const ScalarRawType RawMax() {
+ return VectorFromScalar(ScalarRawMax());
+ }
+ static FixedPoint FromRaw(RawType x) {
+ FixedPoint retval;
+ retval.raw() = x;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ static FixedPoint FromScalarRaw(ScalarRawType x) {
+ FixedPoint retval;
+ retval.raw() = Dup<RawType>(x);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ static FixedPoint FromScalarFixedPoint(ScalarFixedPointType x) {
+ return FromScalarRaw(x.raw());
+ }
+ template <int Exponent>
+ static FixedPoint ConstantPOT() {
+ static const int kOffset = kFractionalBits + Exponent;
+ static_assert(
+ kOffset < 31,
+ "Constant not exactly representable in this fixed-point format");
+ return FromScalarRaw(ScalarRawType(1) << kOffset);
+ }
+ static FixedPoint Zero() { return FromScalarRaw(0); }
+ static FixedPoint One() {
+ return FromScalarRaw(kIntegerBits == 0
+ ? ScalarRawMax()
+ : (ScalarRawType(1) << kFractionalBits));
+ }
+ static FixedPoint FromDouble(double x) {
+ const double min_bound = static_cast<double>(ScalarRawMin());
+ const double max_bound = static_cast<double>(ScalarRawMax());
+ return FromScalarRaw(static_cast<std::int32_t>(std::min(
+ std::max(round(x * static_cast<double>(1ll << kFractionalBits)),
+ min_bound),
+ max_bound)));
+ }
+ RawType raw() const { return i_; }
+ RawType& raw() { return i_; }
+ private:
+ RawType i_;
+// Part 3: implementation of arithmetic operators for the
+// FixedPoint class, and a few related functions.
+// A FixedPoint multiplication is just a
+// SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul operation on the underlying
+// raw integer values. The IntegerBits simply add up, as is obvious
+// from the fact that the range is [-2^IntegerBits, 2^IntegerBits).
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits_a, int tIntegerBits_b>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_a + tIntegerBits_b> operator*(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_a> a,
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_b> b) {
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_a + tIntegerBits_b> c;
+ c.raw() = SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(a.raw(), b.raw());
+ return c;
+// Tweaking IntegerBits gives exact multiplication by a power of two.
+template <int tExponent, typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, tExponent + tIntegerBits> ExactMulByPot(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tExponent + tIntegerBits> c;
+ c.raw() = a.raw();
+ return c;
+// If we want to leave IntegerBits fixed, then multiplication
+// by a power of two has to be saturating/rounding, not exact anymore.
+template <int tExponent, typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(
+ SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<tExponent>(a.raw()));
+// Generic arithmetic operators.
+#define MAKE_FIXEDPOINT_UNARY_FUNC(FuncName, ImplFuncName) \
+ template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits> \
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> FuncName( \
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) { \
+ return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(ImplFuncName(a.raw())); \
+ }
+#define MAKE_FIXEDPOINT_BINARY_FUNC(FuncName, ImplFuncName) \
+ template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits> \
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> FuncName( \
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a, \
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) { \
+ return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw( \
+ ImplFuncName(a.raw(), b.raw())); \
+ }
+MAKE_FIXEDPOINT_BINARY_FUNC(RoundingHalfSum, RoundingHalfSum)
+ template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits> \
+ tRawType FuncName(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) { \
+ return FuncName(a.raw()); \
+ }
+ template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits> \
+ tRawType FuncName(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a, \
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) { \
+ return FuncName(a.raw(), b.raw()); \
+ }
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> SelectUsingMask(
+ tRawType if_mask, FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> then_val,
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> else_val) {
+ return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(
+ SelectUsingMask(if_mask, then_val.raw(), else_val.raw()));
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+bool operator==(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a,
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) {
+ return All(MaskIfEqual(a.raw(), b.raw()));
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+bool operator!=(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a,
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) {
+ return !(a == b);
+// Conversion to floating-point.
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+double ToDouble(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> x) {
+ static_assert(FixedPointRawTypeTraits<tRawType>::kLanes == 1,
+ "not applicable to SIMD types");
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> F;
+ return x.raw() / static_cast<double>(1ll << F::kFractionalBits);
+// Rescale changes the number of IntegerBits and updates the underlying
+// raw integer value accordingly.
+template <int tIntegerBitsDst, typename tRawType, int tIntegerBitsSrc>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBitsDst> Rescale(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBitsSrc> x) {
+ static const int kExponent = tIntegerBitsSrc - tIntegerBitsDst;
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBitsDst> result;
+ result.raw() = SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<kExponent>(x.raw());
+ return result;
+// CheckedFixedPointConstant allows to specify fixed-point constants
+// initialized as real numbers, in a way that does not compile floating-point
+// arithmetic in production code, yet still checks agreement with the
+// floating-point expressions when asserts are enabled.
+template <typename FixedPointType>
+FixedPointType CheckedFixedPointConstant(
+ typename FixedPointType::ScalarRawType raw_value, double double_value) {
+ typedef typename FixedPointType::RawType RawType;
+ const FixedPointType result = FixedPointType::FromScalarRaw(raw_value);
+ assert(result == FixedPointType::FromDouble(double_value));
+ return result;
+#define GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(FixedPointType, ScalarRawValue, \
+ DoubleValue) \
+ (CheckedFixedPointConstant<FixedPointType>(ScalarRawValue, DoubleValue))
+#define GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(FixedPointType, ScalarRawValue, \
+ DoubleValue) \
+ (FixedPointType::FromScalarRaw(ScalarRawValue))
+// Implementation of exponential function.
+// Returns exp(x) for x in [-1/4, 0).
+template <typename tRawType>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> exp_on_interval_between_negative_one_quarter_and_0_excl(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> a) {
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> F;
+ const F constant_term =
+ GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F, 1895147668, std::exp(-1.0 / 8.0));
+ const F constant_1_over_3 =
+ // We're evaluating a Taylor expansion around -1/8, so we do the change of
+ // variable: x = a + 1/8.
+ // In fixed-point with 0 integer bits, 1/8 is represented by 1 << 28.
+ F x = a + F::template ConstantPOT<-3>();
+ F x2 = x * x;
+ F x3 = x2 * x;
+ F x4 = x2 * x2;
+ F x4_over_4 = SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<-2>(x4);
+ F x4_over_24_plus_x3_over_6_plus_x2_over_2 =
+ SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<-1>(
+ ((x4_over_4 + x3) * constant_1_over_3) + x2);
+ return constant_term +
+ constant_term * (x + x4_over_24_plus_x3_over_6_plus_x2_over_2);
+// Returns exp(x) for x < 0.
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> exp_on_negative_values(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> InputF;
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> ResultF;
+ static const int kFractionalBits = InputF::kFractionalBits;
+ static const int kIntegerBits = InputF::kIntegerBits;
+ static const InputF kOneQuarter = InputF::template ConstantPOT<-2>();
+ InputF mask = kOneQuarter - InputF::FromScalarRaw(1);
+ InputF a_mod_quarter_minus_one_quarter = (a & mask) - kOneQuarter;
+ ResultF result = exp_on_interval_between_negative_one_quarter_and_0_excl(
+ Rescale<0>(a_mod_quarter_minus_one_quarter));
+ tRawType remainder = (a_mod_quarter_minus_one_quarter - a).raw();
+#define GEMMLOWP_EXP_BARREL_SHIFTER(Exponent, FixedPointMultiplier) \
+ if (kIntegerBits > Exponent) { \
+ ResultF, FixedPointMultiplier, std::exp(-std::pow(2.0, Exponent))); \
+ static constexpr int kShiftAmount = \
+ kIntegerBits > Exponent ? kFractionalBits + Exponent : 0; \
+ result = SelectUsingMask( \
+ MaskIfNonZero(BitAnd(remainder, Dup<tRawType>(1 << kShiftAmount))), \
+ result * kMultiplier, result); \
+ }
+ if (kIntegerBits > 5) {
+ static const int b = kIntegerBits > 5 ? kFractionalBits + 5 : 0;
+ const InputF clamp =
+ result = SelectUsingMask(MaskIfLessThan(a, clamp), ResultF::Zero(), result);
+ }
+ result = SelectUsingMask(MaskIfZero(a), ResultF::One(), result);
+ return result;
+// Implementation of tanh: (1 - exp(-2x)) / (1 + exp(-2x)).
+// Returns (1 - x) / (1 + x) for x in (0, 1).
+template <typename tRawType>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> one_minus_x_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> a) {
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> F0;
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 2> F2;
+ F0 half_denominator = RoundingHalfSum(a, F0::One());
+ // Newton-Raphson division
+ //
+ // Refer to that page for the logic behind the 48/17 and 32/17 constants.
+ const F2 constant_48_over_17 =
+ GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F2, 1515870810, 48.0 / 17.0);
+ const F2 constant_neg_32_over_17 =
+ GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F2, -1010580540, -32.0 / 17.0);
+ F2 x = constant_48_over_17 + half_denominator * constant_neg_32_over_17;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ F2 half_denominator_times_x = half_denominator * x;
+ F2 one_minus_half_denominator_times_x =
+ F2::One() - half_denominator_times_x;
+ x = x + Rescale<2>(x * one_minus_half_denominator_times_x);
+ }
+ return Rescale<0>(x - F2::One());
+// Returns -tanh(x) for x < 0.
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> neg_tanh_on_negative_values(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ return one_minus_x_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(
+ exp_on_negative_values(ExactMulByPot<1>(a)));
+// Returns tanh(x) for any x.
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> tanh(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> InputF;
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> ResultF;
+ tRawType mask_if_negative = MaskIfLessThan(a, InputF::Zero());
+ tRawType mask_if_zero = MaskIfZero(a);
+ InputF n = SelectUsingMask(mask_if_negative, a, -a);
+ ResultF t = neg_tanh_on_negative_values(n);
+ return SelectUsingMask(mask_if_zero, ResultF::Zero(),
+ SelectUsingMask(mask_if_negative, -t, t));
+// Implementation of logistic function.
+// Returns 1 / (1 + x) for x in (0, 1).
+template <typename tRawType>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> a) {
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> F0;
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 2> F2;
+ F0 half_denominator = RoundingHalfSum(a, F0::One());
+ // Newton-Raphson division
+ //
+ // Refer to that page for the logic behind the 48/17 and 32/17 constants.
+ const F2 constant_48_over_17 =
+ GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F2, 1515870810, 48.0 / 17.0);
+ const F2 constant_neg_32_over_17 =
+ GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F2, -1010580540, -32.0 / 17.0);
+ F2 x = constant_48_over_17 + half_denominator * constant_neg_32_over_17;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ F2 half_denominator_times_x = half_denominator * x;
+ F2 one_minus_half_denominator_times_x =
+ F2::One() - half_denominator_times_x;
+ x = x + Rescale<2>(x * one_minus_half_denominator_times_x);
+ }
+ return Rescale<0>(ExactMulByPot<-1>(x));
+// Returns logistic(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) for x > 0.
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> logistic_on_positive_values(
+ FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ return one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(exp_on_negative_values(-a));
+// Returns logistic(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) for any x.
+template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
+FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> logistic(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> InputF;
+ typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> ResultF;
+ tRawType mask_if_positive = MaskIfGreaterThan(a, InputF::Zero());
+ tRawType mask_if_zero = MaskIfZero(a);
+ InputF abs_input = SelectUsingMask(mask_if_positive, a, -a);
+ ResultF result_if_positive = logistic_on_positive_values(abs_input);
+ ResultF result_if_negative = ResultF::One() - result_if_positive;
+ const ResultF one_half =
+ return SelectUsingMask(mask_if_zero, one_half,
+ SelectUsingMask(mask_if_positive, result_if_positive,
+ result_if_negative));
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
+#include "./fixedpoint_neon.h"
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE4)
+#include "./fixedpoint_sse.h"
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint_neon.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint_neon.h
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index 000000000..8b23de274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint_neon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// fixedpoint_neon.h: optimized NEON specializations of the templates
+// in fixedpoint.h.
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <>
+struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits<int32x4_t> {
+ typedef std::int32_t ScalarRawType;
+ static const int kLanes = 4;
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t BitAnd(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vandq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t BitOr(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vorrq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t BitXor(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return veorq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t BitNot(int32x4_t a) {
+ return veorq_s32(a, vdupq_n_s32(-1));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t Add(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vaddq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t Sub(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vsubq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t Neg(int32x4_t a) {
+ return vnegq_s32(a);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t ShiftLeft(int32x4_t a, int offset) {
+ return vshlq_s32(a, vdupq_n_s32(offset));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t ShiftRight(int32x4_t a, int offset) {
+ return vshlq_s32(a, vdupq_n_s32(-offset));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t SelectUsingMask(int32x4_t if_mask, int32x4_t then_val,
+ int32x4_t else_val) {
+ return vbslq_s32(vreinterpretq_u32_s32(if_mask), then_val, else_val);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vceqq_s32(a, b));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfNotEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return BitNot(MaskIfEqual(a, b));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfZero(int32x4_t a) {
+ return MaskIfEqual(a, vdupq_n_s32(0));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfNonZero(int32x4_t a) {
+ return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vtstq_s32(a, a));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfGreaterThan(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcgtq_s32(a, b));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfGreaterThanOrEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcgeq_s32(a, b));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfLessThan(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcltq_s32(a, b));
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t MaskIfLessThanOrEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcleq_s32(a, b));
+template <>
+inline bool All(int32x4_t a) {
+ a = vandq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 1));
+ a = vandq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 2));
+ return vgetq_lane_s32(a, 0);
+template <>
+inline bool Any(int32x4_t a) {
+ a = vorrq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 1));
+ a = vorrq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 2));
+ return vgetq_lane_s32(a, 0);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t RoundingHalfSum(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vrhaddq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
+ return vqrdmulhq_s32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t RoundingDivideByPOT(int32x4_t x, int exponent) {
+ const int32x4_t shift_vec = vdupq_n_s32(-exponent);
+ const int32x4_t fixup = vshrq_n_s32(vandq_s32(x, shift_vec), 31);
+ const int32x4_t fixed_up_x = vqaddq_s32(x, fixup);
+ return vrshlq_s32(fixed_up_x, shift_vec);
+template <int Exponent>
+struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, int32x4_t, 1> {
+ static int32x4_t eval(int32x4_t x) { return vqshlq_n_s32(x, Exponent); }
+template <int Exponent>
+struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, int32x4_t, -1> {
+ static int32x4_t eval(int32x4_t x) {
+ const int32x4_t fixup = vshrq_n_s32(x, 31);
+ const int32x4_t fixed_up_x = vqaddq_s32(x, fixup);
+ return vrshrq_n_s32(fixed_up_x, -Exponent);
+ }
+template <>
+inline int32x4_t Dup<int32x4_t>(std::int32_t x) {
+ return vdupq_n_s32(x);
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint_sse.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint_sse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f2654d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint_sse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// fixedpoint_SSE.h: optimized SSE specializations of the templates
+// in fixedpoint.h.
+#include <smmintrin.h>
+#include "fixedpoint.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <>
+struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits<__m128i> {
+ typedef std::int32_t ScalarRawType;
+ static const int kLanes = 4;
+template <>
+inline __m128i BitAnd(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_and_si128(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i BitOr(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_or_si128(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i BitXor(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_xor_si128(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i BitNot(__m128i a) {
+ return _mm_andnot_si128(a, _mm_set1_epi32(-1));
+template <>
+inline __m128i Add(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_add_epi32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i Mul(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_mullo_epi32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i Sub(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_sub_epi32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i Neg(__m128i a) {
+ return _mm_sign_epi32(a, _mm_set1_epi32(-1));
+template <>
+inline __m128i ShiftLeft(__m128i a, int offset) {
+ return _mm_slli_epi32(a, offset);
+template <>
+inline __m128i ShiftRight(__m128i a, int offset) {
+ return _mm_srai_epi32(a, offset);
+template <>
+inline __m128i SelectUsingMask(__m128i if_mask, __m128i then_val,
+ __m128i else_val) {
+ return _mm_castps_si128(_mm_blendv_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(else_val),
+ _mm_castsi128_ps(then_val),
+ _mm_castsi128_ps(if_mask)));
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfEqual(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_cmpeq_epi32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfNotEqual(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return BitNot(MaskIfEqual(a, b));
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfZero(__m128i a) {
+ return MaskIfEqual(a, _mm_set1_epi32(0));
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfNonZero(__m128i a) {
+ return MaskIfNotEqual(a, _mm_set1_epi32(0));
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfGreaterThan(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_cmpgt_epi32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfLessThan(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return _mm_cmplt_epi32(a, b);
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfGreaterThanOrEqual(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return BitNot(MaskIfLessThan(a, b));
+template <>
+inline __m128i MaskIfLessThanOrEqual(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ return BitNot(MaskIfGreaterThan(a, b));
+/* Assumptions:
+ - All and Any are used on masks.
+ - masks are all_ones for true lanes, all_zeroes otherwise.
+Hence, All means all 128bits set, and Any means any bit set.
+template <>
+inline bool All(__m128i a) {
+ return _mm_testc_si128(a, a);
+template <>
+inline bool Any(__m128i a) {
+ return BitNot(_mm_testz_si128(a, a));
+template <>
+inline __m128i RoundingHalfSum(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ /* __m128i round_bit_mask, a_over_2, b_over_2, round_bit, sum; */
+ /* We divide the inputs before the add to avoid the overflow and costly test
+ */
+ /* of checking if an overflow occured on signed add */
+ /* round_bit_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(1); */
+ /* a_over_2 = _mm_srai_epi32(a, 1); */
+ /* b_over_2 = _mm_srai_epi32(b, 1); */
+ /* sum = Add(a_over_2, b_over_2); */
+ /* round_bit = _mm_sign_epi32(BitAnd(BitOr(a,b), round_bit_mask), sum); */
+ /* return Add(sum, round_bit); */
+ /* Other possibility detecting overflow and xor the sign if an overflow
+ * happened*/
+ __m128i one, sign_bit_mask, sum, rounded_half_sum, overflow, result;
+ one = _mm_set1_epi32(1);
+ sign_bit_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x80000000);
+ sum = Add(a, b);
+ rounded_half_sum = _mm_srai_epi32(Add(sum, one), 1);
+ overflow =
+ BitAnd(BitAnd(BitXor(a, rounded_half_sum), BitXor(b, rounded_half_sum)),
+ sign_bit_mask);
+ result = BitXor(rounded_half_sum, overflow);
+ return result;
+template <>
+inline __m128i SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
+ __m128i min, saturation_mask, a0_a2, a1_a3, b0_b2, b1_b3;
+ __m128i a0b0_a2b2, a1b1_a3b3, a0b0_a2b2_rounded, a1b1_a3b3_rounded;
+ __m128i a0b0_a2b2_rounded_2x, a1b1_a3b3_rounded_2x, result;
+ __m128i nudge;
+ // saturation only happen if a == b == INT_MIN
+ min = _mm_set1_epi32(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min());
+ saturation_mask = BitAnd(MaskIfEqual(a, b), MaskIfEqual(a, min));
+ // a = a0 | a1 | a2 | a3
+ // b = b0 | b1 | b2 | b3
+ a0_a2 = a;
+ a1_a3 = _mm_srli_si128(a, 4);
+ b0_b2 = b;
+ b1_b3 = _mm_srli_si128(b, 4);
+ a0b0_a2b2 = _mm_mul_epi32(a0_a2, b0_b2);
+ a1b1_a3b3 = _mm_mul_epi32(a1_a3, b1_b3);
+ // do the rounding and take into account that it will be doubled
+ nudge = _mm_set1_epi64x(1 << 30);
+ a0b0_a2b2_rounded = _mm_add_epi64(a0b0_a2b2, nudge);
+ a1b1_a3b3_rounded = _mm_add_epi64(a1b1_a3b3, nudge);
+ // do the doubling
+ a0b0_a2b2_rounded_2x = _mm_slli_epi64(a0b0_a2b2_rounded, 1);
+ a1b1_a3b3_rounded_2x = _mm_slli_epi64(a1b1_a3b3_rounded, 1);
+ // get the high part of the products
+ result = _mm_blend_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(a0b0_a2b2_rounded_2x, 4),
+ a1b1_a3b3_rounded_2x, 0xcc);
+ // saturate those which overflowed
+ return SelectUsingMask(saturation_mask, min, result);
+template <>
+inline __m128i Dup<__m128i>(std::int32_t x) {
+ return _mm_set1_epi32(x);
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/allocator.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/allocator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da325a4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/allocator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// allocator.h: a buffer allocator that allows avoiding most of the
+// malloc/free overhead, by:
+// 1. Requiring all N allocations to be reserved in advance, and
+// then commited at once, turning N allocations into 1.
+// 2. Being persistent, the allocated storage is reused across commits,
+// and only reallocated as needed when the commit size gets larger.
+// This is driven by Android-specific needs:
+// 1. On Android, the default (Bionic) allocator tends to aggressively
+// unmap pages, which means that malloc/free can be surprisingly expensive.
+// 2. On Android, stack allocations with alloca() can't be as large as on
+// desktop platforms.
+// General usage:
+// 1. Reserve blocks by calling Reserve(), which returns a Handle.
+// 2. Call Commit() once.
+// 3. Now it is possible to get pointers to allocated buffers by calling
+// GetPointer().
+// 4. Call Decommit() once.
+// 5. The allocator is now reverted to its original state, except that
+// it retained its allocated storage, so the next Commit() will be faster.
+// The allocated storage is only freed when the Allocator object is
+// destroyed.
+#include "common.h"
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
+#include <android/api-level.h>
+// The 18 here should be 16, but has to be 18 for now due
+// to a Google-internal issue.
+#if __ANDROID_API__ < 18
+#include <malloc.h>
+// posix_memalign is missing on some 4.1 x86 devices
+#if __ANDROID_API__ == 18
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_X86_32
+#include <malloc.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+enum class TypeId : std::uint8_t { Uint8, Int8, Uint16, Int16, Uint32, Int32 };
+template <typename T>
+struct GetTypeIdImpl {};
+template <typename T>
+inline TypeId GetTypeId() {
+ return GetTypeIdImpl<T>::Value;
+template <typename T>
+struct GetTypeIdImpl<const T> : GetTypeIdImpl<T> {};
+#define GEMMLOWP_REGISTER_TYPEID(type_, id) \
+ template <> \
+ struct GetTypeIdImpl<type_> { \
+ static const TypeId Value = TypeId::id; \
+ };
+GEMMLOWP_REGISTER_TYPEID(std::uint8_t, Uint8)
+GEMMLOWP_REGISTER_TYPEID(std::uint16_t, Uint16)
+GEMMLOWP_REGISTER_TYPEID(std::int16_t, Int16)
+GEMMLOWP_REGISTER_TYPEID(std::uint32_t, Uint32)
+GEMMLOWP_REGISTER_TYPEID(std::int32_t, Int32)
+class Allocator {
+ public:
+ Allocator()
+ : committed_(false),
+ storage_size_(0),
+ storage_(nullptr),
+ reserved_blocks_(0),
+ reserved_bytes_(0),
+ generation_(0) {}
+ ~Allocator() {
+ assert(!committed_);
+ assert(!reserved_blocks_);
+ DeallocateStorage();
+ }
+ // Alignment of allocated blocks.
+ static const std::size_t kAlignment = kDefaultCacheLineSize;
+ // This is all we need so far, and since the usage pattern is fixed,
+ // there is no point in allowing more until we need to.
+ static const std::size_t kMaxBlocks = 5;
+ void Commit() {
+ assert(!committed_);
+ if (reserved_bytes_ > storage_size_) {
+ DeallocateStorage();
+ storage_size_ = RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(reserved_bytes_);
+ storage_ = memalign(kAlignment, storage_size_);
+ if (posix_memalign(&storage_, kAlignment, storage_size_)) {
+ storage_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ ReleaseBuildAssertion(!storage_size_ || storage_, "allocation failure");
+ committed_ = true;
+ }
+ void Decommit() {
+ assert(committed_);
+ committed_ = false;
+ generation_++;
+ reserved_blocks_ = 0;
+ reserved_bytes_ = 0;
+ }
+ // See generation_
+ typedef std::size_t generation_t;
+ // A handle on a reserved block. The user obtains
+ // one by calling Reserve() and, after committing,
+ // passes it to GetPointer().
+ class Handle {
+ std::uint8_t index_;
+ generation_t generation_;
+ TypeId type_;
+ friend class Allocator;
+ };
+ // Reserves a block sized for n elements of type T, and
+ // returns a handle to it. Must be called before committing.
+ template <typename T>
+ Handle Reserve(std::size_t n) {
+ assert(!committed_ && "can't reserve blocks while committed");
+ assert(reserved_blocks_ < kMaxBlocks &&
+ "didn't expect to allocate this many blocks");
+ const std::size_t bytes = RoundUp<kAlignment>(n * sizeof(T));
+ const std::size_t offset = reserved_bytes_;
+ const std::size_t index = reserved_blocks_;
+ reserved_blocks_offsets_[index] = offset;
+ Handle h;
+ h.index_ = index;
+ h.generation_ = generation_;
+ h.type_ = GetTypeId<T>();
+ reserved_blocks_++;
+ reserved_bytes_ += bytes;
+ return h;
+ }
+ // Returns the pointer to the allocated buffer for the given handle.
+ // Must be called after committing.
+ template <typename T>
+ T* GetPointer(const Handle& h) const {
+ assert(committed_ && "can't get block pointers unless committed");
+ assert(h.index_ < reserved_blocks_ &&
+ "bad handle, points to inexistant block");
+ assert(h.generation_ == generation_ &&
+ "handle from earlier generation, have decommitted since");
+ assert(h.type_ == GetTypeId<T>() && "type mismatch");
+ std::size_t offset = reserved_blocks_offsets_[h.index_];
+ std::uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(storage_) + offset;
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(addr);
+ }
+ private:
+ void DeallocateStorage() {
+ assert(!committed_);
+ free(storage_);
+ storage_size_ = 0;
+ }
+ // Set to true by Commit() and to false by Decommit(). Initially false.
+ bool committed_;
+ // The actually allocated storage size and buffer pointer.
+ std::size_t storage_size_;
+ mutable void* storage_;
+ // The number of blocks that have been reserved by Reserve().
+ std::size_t reserved_blocks_;
+ // The number of bytes that have been reserved by Reserve().
+ std::size_t reserved_bytes_;
+ // The offsets of reserved blocks into the storage buffer.
+ std::size_t reserved_blocks_offsets_[kMaxBlocks];
+ // The 'generation' is incremented on Decommit() and allows catching
+ // bad GetPointer() calls still referring to a previous commit.
+ generation_t generation_;
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/block_params.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/block_params.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2fc3ff78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/block_params.h
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// block_params.h: Logic to choose L1 and L2 block sizes
+// to optimize cache-friendliness.
+#include "common.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// A BlockParams instance contains a full description of all the block size
+// parameters to be used by a Gemm.
+// There are two nested levels of block subdivisions: first a subdivision
+// into large blocks that should fit in last-level cache (what we call L2 here)
+// and then another subdivision into smaller blocks that should fit in
+// L1 cache. There is then actually a third level of subdivision to fit
+// in registers, but we are not concerned with that here.
+struct BlockParams {
+ // L1 block parameters determine the size of small blocks that should
+ // fit in L1 cache.
+ int l1_rows;
+ int l1_cols;
+ int l1_depth;
+ // L2 block parameters determine the size of larger blocks that should
+ // fit in L2 cache.
+ int l2_rows;
+ int l2_cols;
+ int l2_depth;
+ template <typename KernelFormat>
+ void Init(int rows, int cols, int depth, int num_threads,
+ int l1_bytes_to_use, int l2_bytes_to_use, float l2_rhs_factor) {
+ FindL2BlockSizes<KernelFormat>(rows, cols, depth, num_threads,
+ l2_bytes_to_use, l2_rhs_factor,
+ &l2_rows, &l2_cols, &l2_depth);
+ FindL1BlockSizes<KernelFormat>(l2_rows, l2_cols, l2_depth,
+ l1_bytes_to_use,
+ &l1_rows, &l1_cols, &l1_depth);
+ }
+ template <typename KernelFormat>
+ static void FindL2BlockSizes(int rows, int cols, int depth, int num_threads,
+ int l2_bytes_to_use, float l2_rhs_factor,
+ int* out_l2_rows, int* out_l2_cols,
+ int* out_l2_depth) {
+ int l2_rows = 0;
+ int l2_cols = 0;
+ int l2_depth = 0;
+ // No L2 blocking in the depth dimension at the moment.
+ // Too much loss of accuracy due to storing intermediate results in
+ // low precision.
+ // However, we still want to round l2_depth up to the next multiple
+ // of register size, so as to avoid having to special-case unaligned depths.
+ l2_depth = RoundUp<kRegisterSize>(depth);
+ {
+ int max_cache_friendly_l2_cols = std::max(
+ 1, static_cast<int>(l2_rhs_factor * (l2_bytes_to_use / l2_depth)));
+ int min_l2_cols_blocks =
+ std::max(1, CeilQuotient(cols, max_cache_friendly_l2_cols));
+ l2_cols =
+ RoundUp<KernelFormat::kCols>(CeilQuotient(cols, min_l2_cols_blocks));
+ }
+ // No L2 blocking in the row dimension if l2_rhs_factor is 1.0 as the row
+ // dimension concerns only the LHS. Blocking only RHS matrix for L2 enhances
+ // the performance on x86.
+ if (l2_rhs_factor == 1.0f) {
+ l2_rows = RoundUp<KernelFormat::kRows>(rows);
+ } else {
+ int max_cache_friendly_l2_rows =
+ std::max(1, (l2_bytes_to_use - l2_depth * l2_cols) /
+ (num_threads * (l2_depth + 4 * l2_cols)));
+ int min_l2_rows_blocks =
+ std::max(1, CeilQuotient(rows, max_cache_friendly_l2_rows));
+ l2_rows =
+ RoundUp<KernelFormat::kRows>(CeilQuotient(rows, min_l2_rows_blocks));
+ }
+ *out_l2_rows = l2_rows;
+ *out_l2_cols = l2_cols;
+ *out_l2_depth = l2_depth;
+ }
+ template <typename KernelFormat>
+ static void FindL1BlockSizes(int rows, int cols, int depth,
+ int l1_bytes_to_use, int* out_l1_rows,
+ int* out_l1_cols, int* out_l1_depth) {
+ int l1_rows = 0;
+ int l1_cols = 0;
+ int l1_depth = 0;
+ // L2 block sizes should already be multiples of kernel block sizes.
+ assert(rows % KernelFormat::kRows == 0);
+ assert(cols % KernelFormat::kCols == 0);
+ assert(depth % KernelFormat::kDepth == 0);
+ // No L1 blocking in the columns dimension at the moment.
+ // Thought not to be needed. Similar to Eigen.
+ l1_cols = cols;
+ {
+ int max_cache_friendly_l1_depth = std::max(
+ 1, (l1_bytes_to_use - 4 * KernelFormat::kRows * KernelFormat::kCols) /
+ (KernelFormat::kRows + KernelFormat::kCols));
+ int min_l1_depth_blocks =
+ std::max(1, CeilQuotient(depth, max_cache_friendly_l1_depth));
+ l1_depth =
+ RoundUp<kRegisterSize>(CeilQuotient(depth, min_l1_depth_blocks));
+ }
+ {
+ int max_cache_friendly_l1_rows =
+ std::max(1, l1_bytes_to_use / (l1_depth + 4 * l1_cols));
+ int min_l1_rows_blocks =
+ std::max(1, CeilQuotient(rows, max_cache_friendly_l1_rows));
+ l1_rows =
+ RoundUp<KernelFormat::kRows>(CeilQuotient(rows, min_l1_rows_blocks));
+ }
+ *out_l1_rows = l1_rows;
+ *out_l1_cols = l1_cols;
+ *out_l1_depth = l1_depth;
+ }
+// A SideBlockParams instance contains only the block params relevant to
+// one side (LHS or RHS), expressed in terms of 'width' instead of
+// rows/colums. See the explanation in kernel.h: in the LHS, 'width' means
+// the number of rows, while in the RHS, 'width' means the number of columns.
+// That allows us to write generic code that applies to either LHS or RHS.
+struct SideBlockParams {
+ // L1 block parameters determine the size of small blocks that should
+ // fit in L1 cache.
+ int l1_width;
+ int l1_depth;
+ // L2 block parameters determine the size of larger blocks that should
+ // fit in L2 cache.
+ int l2_width;
+ int l2_depth;
+enum class Side { Lhs, Rhs };
+inline void GetSideBlockParams(Side side, SideBlockParams* side_block_params,
+ const BlockParams& block_params) {
+ side_block_params->l1_width =
+ side == Side::Lhs ? block_params.l1_rows : block_params.l1_cols;
+ side_block_params->l2_width =
+ side == Side::Lhs ? block_params.l2_rows : block_params.l2_cols;
+ side_block_params->l1_depth = block_params.l1_depth;
+ side_block_params->l2_depth = block_params.l2_depth;
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/common.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..511809d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// common.h: contains stuff that's used throughout gemmlowp
+// and should always be available.
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "../profiling/instrumentation.h"
+// Our inline assembly path assume GCC/Clang syntax.
+// Native Client doesn't seem to support inline assembly(?).
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__native_client__)
+// Define macro statement that avoids inlining for GCC.
+// For non-GCC, define as empty macro.
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define GEMMLOWP_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
+// Detect ARM, 32-bit or 64-bit
+#ifdef __arm__
+#define GEMMLOWP_ARM_32
+#ifdef __aarch64__
+#define GEMMLOWP_ARM_64
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM_32) || defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM_64)
+// Detect x86, 32-bit or 64-bit
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_) || defined(__i386)
+#define GEMMLOWP_X86_32
+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__amd64)
+#define GEMMLOWP_X86_64
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_32) || defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_64)
+#define GEMMLOWP_X86
+// Some of our optimized paths use inline assembly and for
+// now we don't bother enabling some other optimized paths using intrinddics
+// where we can't use inline assembly paths.
+// Detect NEON. It's important to check for both tokens.
+#if (defined __ARM_NEON) || (defined __ARM_NEON__)
+// Convenience NEON tokens for 32-bit or 64-bit
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_NEON) && defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM_32)
+#define GEMMLOWP_NEON_32
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_NEON) && defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM_64)
+#define GEMMLOWP_NEON_64
+// Detect SSE.
+#ifdef __SSE4_1__
+#define GEMMLOWP_SSE4
+#ifdef __SSE3__
+#define GEMMLOWP_SSE3
+// Convenience SSE4 tokens for 32-bit or 64-bit
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE4) && defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_32)
+#define GEMMLOWP_SSE4_32
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE3) && defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_32)
+#define GEMMLOWP_SSE3_32
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE4) && defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_64)
+#define GEMMLOWP_SSE4_64
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE3) && defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_64)
+#define GEMMLOWP_SSE3_64
+// Detect Android. Don't conflate with ARM - we care about tuning
+// for non-ARM Android devices too. This can be used in conjunction
+// with x86 to tune differently for mobile x86 CPUs (Atom) vs. desktop x86 CPUs.
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// Standard cache line size. Useful to optimize alignment and
+// prefetches. Ideally we would query this at runtime, however
+// 64 byte cache lines are the vast majority, and even if it's
+// wrong on some device, it will be wrong by no more than a 2x factor,
+// which should be acceptable.
+const int kDefaultCacheLineSize = 64;
+// Default L1 and L2 data cache sizes.
+// The L1 cache size is assumed to be for each core.
+// The L2 cache size is assumed to be shared among all cores. What
+// we call 'L2' here is effectively top-level cache.
+// On x86, we should ideally query this at
+// runtime. On ARM, the instruction to query this is privileged and
+// Android kernels do not expose it to userspace. Fortunately, the majority
+// of ARM devices have roughly comparable values:
+// Nexus 5: L1 16k, L2 1M
+// Android One: L1 32k, L2 512k
+// The following values are equal to or somewhat lower than that, and were
+// found to perform well on both the Nexus 5 and Android One.
+// Of course, these values are in principle too low for typical x86 CPUs
+// where we should set the L2 value to (L3 cache size / number of cores) at
+// least.
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM) && defined(__APPLE__)
+// iPhone/iPad
+const int kDefaultL1CacheSize = 48 * 1024;
+const int kDefaultL2CacheSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM) || defined(GEMMLOWP_ANDROID)
+// Other ARM or ARM-like hardware (Android implies ARM-like) so here it's OK
+// to tune for ARM, although on x86 Atom we might be able to query
+// cache sizes at runtime, which would be better.
+const int kDefaultL1CacheSize = 16 * 1024;
+const int kDefaultL2CacheSize = 384 * 1024;
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_64)
+// x86-64 and not Android. Therefore, likely desktop-class x86 hardware.
+// Thus we assume larger cache sizes, though we really should query
+// them at runtime.
+const int kDefaultL1CacheSize = 32 * 1024;
+const int kDefaultL2CacheSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_X86_32)
+// x86-32 and not Android. Same as x86-64 but less bullish.
+const int kDefaultL1CacheSize = 32 * 1024;
+const int kDefaultL2CacheSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
+// Less common hardware. Maybe some unusual or older or embedded thing.
+// Assume smaller caches, but don't depart too far from what we do
+// on ARM/Android to avoid accidentally exposing unexpected behavior.
+const int kDefaultL1CacheSize = 16 * 1024;
+const int kDefaultL2CacheSize = 256 * 1024;
+// The proportion of the cache that we intend to use for storing
+// RHS blocks. This should be between 0 and 1, and typically closer to 1,
+// as we typically want to use most of the L2 cache for storing a large
+// RHS block.
+#if defined(GEMMLOWP_X86)
+// For IA, use the entire L2 cache for the RHS matrix. LHS matrix is not blocked
+// for L2 cache.
+const float kDefaultL2RhsFactor = 1.00f;
+const float kDefaultL2RhsFactor = 0.75f;
+// The number of bytes in a SIMD register. This is used to determine
+// the dimensions of PackingRegisterBlock so that such blocks can
+// be efficiently loaded into registers, so that packing code can
+// work within registers as much as possible.
+// In the non-SIMD generic fallback code, this is just a generic array
+// size, so any size would work there. Different platforms may set this
+// to different values but must ensure that their own optimized packing paths
+// are consistent with this value.
+const int kRegisterSize = 16;
+// Hints the CPU to prefetch the cache line containing ptr.
+inline void Prefetch(const void* ptr) {
+ // Aarch64 has very detailed prefetch instructions, that compilers
+ // can't know how to map __builtin_prefetch to, and as a result, don't,
+ // leaving __builtin_prefetch a no-op on this architecture.
+ // For our purposes, "pldl1keep" is usually what we want, meaning:
+ // "prefetch for load, into L1 cache, using each value multiple times".
+ asm volatile("prfm pldl1keep, [%[ptr]]\n" ::[ptr] "r"(ptr) : );
+#elif defined \
+ __GNUC__ // Clang and GCC define __GNUC__ and have __builtin_prefetch.
+ __builtin_prefetch(ptr);
+ (void)ptr;
+// Returns the runtime argument rounded down to the nearest multiple of
+// the fixed Modulus.
+template <unsigned Modulus, typename Integer>
+Integer RoundDown(Integer i) {
+ return i - (i % Modulus);
+// Returns the runtime argument rounded up to the nearest multiple of
+// the fixed Modulus.
+template <unsigned Modulus, typename Integer>
+Integer RoundUp(Integer i) {
+ return RoundDown<Modulus>(i + Modulus - 1);
+// Returns the quotient a / b rounded up ('ceil') to the nearest integer.
+template <typename Integer>
+Integer CeilQuotient(Integer a, Integer b) {
+ return (a + b - 1) / b;
+// Returns the argument rounded up to the nearest power of two.
+template <typename Integer>
+Integer RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(Integer n) {
+ Integer i = n - 1;
+ i |= i >> 1;
+ i |= i >> 2;
+ i |= i >> 4;
+ i |= i >> 8;
+ i |= i >> 16;
+ return i + 1;
+template <int N>
+struct IsPowerOfTwo {
+ static const bool value = !(N & (N - 1));
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/compute.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/compute.h
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index 000000000..bbc9e2a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/compute.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// compute.h: the central stage of the Gemm computation, operates
+// on already-packed LHS and RHS blocks and calls the Gemm kernel
+// to compute a block of the product.
+#include "block_params.h"
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include "pack.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <typename PackedLhs, typename PackedRhs, typename PackedResult>
+class ComputeImpl {
+ typedef typename PackedLhs::KernelSideFormat KernelLhsFormat;
+ typedef typename PackedRhs::KernelSideFormat KernelRhsFormat;
+ typedef KernelFormat<KernelLhsFormat, KernelRhsFormat> Format;
+ const KernelBase& kernel_;
+ const BlockParams& block_params_;
+ PackedResult* const packed_result_;
+ const PackedLhs& packed_lhs_;
+ const PackedRhs& packed_rhs_;
+ public:
+ ComputeImpl(const KernelBase& _kernel, const BlockParams& _block_params,
+ PackedResult* _packed_result, const PackedLhs& _packed_lhs,
+ const PackedRhs& _packed_rhs)
+ : kernel_(_kernel),
+ block_params_(_block_params),
+ packed_result_(_packed_result),
+ packed_lhs_(_packed_lhs),
+ packed_rhs_(_packed_rhs) {}
+ void Compute(int depth) {
+ depth = RoundUp<Format::kDepth>(depth);
+ assert(depth <= block_params_.l2_depth);
+ for (int d = 0; d < depth; d += block_params_.l1_depth) {
+ int ds = std::min(block_params_.l1_depth, depth - d);
+ for (int r = 0; r < block_params_.l2_rows; r += block_params_.l1_rows) {
+ int rs = std::min(block_params_.l1_rows, block_params_.l2_rows - r);
+ ComputeL1(r, rs, 0, block_params_.l2_cols, d, ds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void ComputeRun(int start_row, int start_col, int start_depth,
+ int depth) GEMMLOWP_NOINLINE {
+ packed_lhs_.seek_run(start_row, start_depth);
+ packed_rhs_.seek_run(start_col, start_depth);
+ auto packed_result_block = packed_result_->Map().block(
+ start_row, start_col, Format::kRows, Format::kCols);
+ kernel_.Run(, packed_result_block.rows_stride(),
+ packed_result_block.cols_stride(), packed_lhs_.current_data(),
+ packed_rhs_.current_data(), start_depth, depth);
+ }
+ void ComputeL1(int start_row, int rows, int start_col, int cols,
+ int start_depth, int depth) {
+ assert(rows % Format::kRows == 0);
+ assert(cols % Format::kCols == 0);
+ assert(depth % Format::kDepth == 0);
+ for (int c = 0; c < cols; c += Format::kCols) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < rows; r += Format::kRows) {
+ ComputeRun(start_row + r, start_col + c, start_depth, depth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename PackedLhs, typename PackedRhs, typename PackedResult>
+void Compute(const KernelBase& kernel, const BlockParams& block_params,
+ PackedResult* packed_result, const PackedLhs& packed_lhs,
+ const PackedRhs& packed_rhs, int depth) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("compute");
+ ComputeImpl<PackedLhs, PackedRhs, PackedResult> impl(
+ kernel, block_params, packed_result, packed_lhs, packed_rhs);
+ impl.Compute(depth);
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/dispatch_gemm_shape.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/dispatch_gemm_shape.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0be0bf360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/dispatch_gemm_shape.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// dispatch_gemm_shape.h: dispatch GEMM calls according to their shape
+#include "../internal/kernel_default.h"
+#include "../public/map.h"
+#include "../public/output_stages.h"
+#include "multi_thread_gemm.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <typename T>
+struct TransposeImpl {
+ typedef T DstType;
+ static T Run(const T& t) { return t; }
+template <typename T>
+using TransposeType = typename TransposeImpl<T>::DstType;
+template <typename T>
+TransposeType<T> Transpose(const T& t) {
+ return TransposeImpl<T>::Run(t);
+template <MapOrder Order>
+struct TransposeMapOrder {
+ static constexpr MapOrder Value =
+ Order == MapOrder::RowMajor ? MapOrder::ColMajor : MapOrder::RowMajor;
+template <VectorShape Shape>
+struct TransposeVectorShape {
+ static constexpr VectorShape Value =
+ Shape == VectorShape::Row ? VectorShape::Col : VectorShape::Row;
+template <typename Scalar, VectorShape Shape>
+struct TransposeImpl<VectorMap<Scalar, Shape>> {
+ typedef VectorMap<Scalar, Shape> SrcType;
+ static constexpr VectorShape TransposedShape =
+ TransposeVectorShape<Shape>::Value;
+ typedef VectorMap<Scalar, TransposedShape> DstType;
+ static DstType Run(const SrcType& src) {
+ return DstType(, src.size());
+ }
+template <typename Scalar, MapOrder Order>
+struct TransposeImpl<MatrixMap<Scalar, Order>> {
+ typedef MatrixMap<Scalar, Order> SrcType;
+ static constexpr MapOrder TransposedOrder = TransposeMapOrder<Order>::Value;
+ typedef MatrixMap<Scalar, TransposedOrder> DstType;
+ static DstType Run(const SrcType& src) {
+ return DstType(, src.cols(), src.rows(), src.stride());
+ }
+template <VectorShape Shape>
+struct TransposeImpl<OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<Shape>> {
+ typedef OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<Shape> SrcType;
+ static const VectorShape TransposedShape = TransposeVectorShape<Shape>::Value;
+ typedef OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<TransposedShape> DstType;
+ static DstType Run(const SrcType& src) {
+ DstType dst;
+ dst.result_shift = src.result_shift;
+ dst.result_offset = Transpose(src.result_offset);
+ dst.result_mult_int = Transpose(src.result_mult_int);
+ return dst;
+ }
+template <typename VectorMapType>
+struct TransposeImpl<OutputStageBiasAddition<VectorMapType>> {
+ typedef OutputStageBiasAddition<VectorMapType> SrcType;
+ typedef TransposeType<VectorMapType> TransposedVectorMapType;
+ typedef OutputStageBiasAddition<TransposedVectorMapType> DstType;
+ static DstType Run(const SrcType& src) {
+ DstType dst;
+ dst.bias_vector = Transpose(src.bias_vector);
+ return dst;
+ }
+// TODO(benoitjacob) - does anyone understand C++ variadic templates?
+// How to use them to implement TransposeTuple? Note: there are lots
+// of answers on StackOverflow but they seem to all involve either
+// C++14/C++17 (we can only use C++11) or lots of abstract nonsense.
+inline std::tuple<> TransposeTuple(const std::tuple<>& t) { return t; }
+template <typename T0>
+std::tuple<TransposeType<T0>> TransposeTuple(const std::tuple<T0>& t) {
+ return std::make_tuple(Transpose(std::get<0>(t)));
+template <typename T0, typename T1>
+std::tuple<TransposeType<T0>, TransposeType<T1>> TransposeTuple(
+ const std::tuple<T0, T1>& t) {
+ return std::make_tuple(Transpose(std::get<0>(t)), Transpose(std::get<1>(t)));
+template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
+std::tuple<TransposeType<T0>, TransposeType<T1>, TransposeType<T2>>
+TransposeTuple(const std::tuple<T0, T1, T2>& t) {
+ return std::make_tuple(Transpose(std::get<0>(t)), Transpose(std::get<1>(t)),
+ Transpose(std::get<2>(t)));
+template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+std::tuple<TransposeType<T0>, TransposeType<T1>, TransposeType<T2>,
+ TransposeType<T3>>
+TransposeTuple(const std::tuple<T0, T1, T2, T3>& t) {
+ return std::make_tuple(Transpose(std::get<0>(t)), Transpose(std::get<1>(t)),
+ Transpose(std::get<2>(t)), Transpose(std::get<3>(t)));
+template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+std::tuple<TransposeType<T0>, TransposeType<T1>, TransposeType<T2>,
+ TransposeType<T3>, TransposeType<T4>>
+TransposeTuple(const std::tuple<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4>& t) {
+ return std::make_tuple(Transpose(std::get<0>(t)), Transpose(std::get<1>(t)),
+ Transpose(std::get<2>(t)), Transpose(std::get<3>(t)),
+ Transpose(std::get<4>(t)));
+template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
+ typename T5>
+std::tuple<TransposeType<T0>, TransposeType<T1>, TransposeType<T2>,
+ TransposeType<T3>, TransposeType<T4>, TransposeType<T5>>
+TransposeTuple(const std::tuple<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>& t) {
+ return std::make_tuple(Transpose(std::get<0>(t)), Transpose(std::get<1>(t)),
+ Transpose(std::get<2>(t)), Transpose(std::get<3>(t)),
+ Transpose(std::get<4>(t)), Transpose(std::get<5>(t)));
+template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar, typename BitDepthParams,
+ MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder, MapOrder ResultOrder,
+ typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset, typename OutputPipelineType,
+ typename GemmContextType>
+void DispatchGemmShape(GemmContextType* context,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* result,
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
+ assert(lhs.cols() == rhs.rows());
+ int rows = result->rows();
+ int cols = result->cols();
+ int depth = lhs.cols();
+ if (rows == 0 || cols == 0 || depth == 0) {
+ // Vacuous GEMM, return early to avoid having to deal with
+ // zero sizes below.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rows < cols) {
+ auto transposed_result_map = Transpose(*result);
+ return DispatchGemmShape<InputScalar, OutputScalar, BitDepthParams>(
+ context, Transpose(rhs), Transpose(lhs), &transposed_result_map,
+ Transpose(rhs_offset), Transpose(lhs_offset),
+ TransposeTuple(output_pipeline));
+ }
+ typedef DefaultKernel<BitDepthParams> Kernel;
+ MultiThreadGemm<typename Kernel::Format, InputScalar, OutputScalar,
+ BitDepthParams>(context, Kernel(), lhs, rhs, result,
+ lhs_offset, rhs_offset, output_pipeline);
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d006af92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// kernel.h: general definitions for kernels.
+#include "../public/bit_depth.h"
+#include "common.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// Explanation of general gemmlowp terminology
+// ===========================================
+// We use the following abbreviations:
+// LHS = "left-hand side"
+// RHS = "right-hand side"
+// Sometimes when referring to either LHS or RHS, we just say a "Side".
+// In a matrix product of a MxK matrix times a KxN matrix,
+// we call K the 'depth'. Note that M is the number of rows
+// of the result (and of the LHS), and N is the number of columns
+// of the result (and of the RHS).
+// In each of the LHS and RHS matrices, we call 'width' the
+// other dimension, besides the depth. So in the LHS, 'width'
+// is the number of rows, while in the RHS, 'width' is the number
+// of columns.
+// So in the LHS MxK matrix, the depth is K and the width in M.
+// And in the RHS KxN matrix, the depth is K and the width in N.
+// This is illustrated in this picture:
+// RHS width
+// <----------------->
+// +-----------------+ ^
+// | RHS | | Depth
+// +-----------------+ v
+// ^ +--+ +-----------------+
+// | |L | | |
+// LHS width | |H | | Result |
+// | |S | | |
+// v +--+ +-----------------+
+// <-->
+// Depth
+// Explanation of gemmlowp kernel formats and "cells"
+// ==================================================
+// Kernels operate on small LHS and RHS blocks that fit in registers.
+// These blocks are stored contiguously in memory, but not always
+// in a traditional column-major or row-major order; instead,
+// they consist of a number of sub-blocks, which we call "cells",
+// that are stored in column-major or row-major order. However,
+// what really matters to us is not so much rows vs columns, but
+// rather width vs depth. So we refer to "width-major" and "depth-major"
+// storage orders. In the LHS, width-major means row-major,
+// while in the RHS, width-major means column-major.
+// There is also a third possibility, "diagonal order",
+// which is unused at the moment.
+// We aim to treat both sides, LHS and RHS, on an equal footing,
+// so we call them both 'sides'. A KernelFormat thus is just a pair
+// of KernelSideFormat's, one for LHS and one for RHS; each KernelSideFormat
+// contains a CellFormat and a number of cells; cells are only ever
+// stacked in the width dimension, which means stacked vertically in the
+// LHS and stacked horizondally in the RHS.
+// Example
+// =======
+// Let's work out the data layout expected by a kernel having the
+// following format (the struct names here are defined below in this file):
+// KernelFormat<
+// KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<3, 4>, 3>,
+// KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<5, 4>, 2>
+// >
+// The LHS format, KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<3, 4>, 3>, means:
+// 3 cells, each cell having dimensions (width=3, depth=4), laid out in
+// DepthMajor order (the default value, see CellFormat). In the LHS,
+// DepthMajor means column-major, so the LHS cells are of size 3x4 in
+// column-major order, so the LHS layout is:
+// 0 3 6 9
+// 1 4 7 10
+// 2 5 8 11
+// 12 15 18 21
+// 13 16 19 22
+// 14 17 20 23
+// 24 27 30 33
+// 25 28 31 34
+// 26 29 32 35
+// The RHS format, KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<5, 4>, 2>, means:
+// 2 cells each having dimensions (width=5, depth=4), laid out in
+// DepthMajor order (the default value, see CellFormat). In the RHS,
+// DepthMajor means row-major, so the RHS cells are of size 4x5 in
+// row-major order, so the RHS layout is:
+// 0 1 2 3 4 20 21 22 23 24
+// 5 6 7 8 9 25 26 27 28 29
+// 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34
+// 15 16 17 18 19 35 36 37 38 39
+// CellOrder enumerates the possible storage orders (=layouts) for
+// a cell (see explanation above).
+enum class CellOrder { DepthMajor, WidthMajor, Diagonal };
+// CellFormat describes how data is laid
+// out in a cell. That is, a CellOrder together with actual dimensions.
+template <int tWidth, int tDepth, CellOrder tOrder = CellOrder::DepthMajor>
+struct CellFormat {
+ static const int kWidth = tWidth;
+ static const int kDepth = tDepth;
+ static const CellOrder kOrder = tOrder;
+ static const int kSize = kWidth * kDepth;
+// KernelSideFormat describes how data is laid out in a kernel side
+// (i.e. LHS or RHS). That is, a CellFormat together with a number of
+// cells. These cells are always stacked in the Width dimension.
+// For example, in the LHS case, the Width dimension is the rows dimension,
+// se we're saying that in the LHS, cells are stacked vertically.
+// We never stack cells in the Depth dimension.
+template <typename tCellFormat, int tCells>
+struct KernelSideFormat {
+ typedef tCellFormat Cell;
+ static const int kCells = tCells;
+ static const int kWidth = kCells * Cell::kWidth;
+ static const int kDepth = Cell::kDepth;
+ typedef std::uint8_t Scalar;
+template <typename tCellFormat, int tCells>
+struct KernelSideFormatInt8 : KernelSideFormat<tCellFormat, tCells> {
+ typedef std::int8_t Scalar;
+// KernelFormat describes fully the input data layout that a kernel expects.
+// It consists of two KernelSideFormat's, one for LHS and one for RHS.
+template <typename tLhs, typename tRhs>
+struct KernelFormat {
+ typedef tLhs Lhs;
+ typedef tRhs Rhs;
+ static_assert(Lhs::Cell::kDepth == Rhs::Cell::kDepth, "");
+ static const int kDepth = Lhs::Cell::kDepth;
+ static const int kRows = Lhs::Cell::kWidth * Lhs::kCells;
+ static const int kCols = Rhs::Cell::kWidth * Rhs::kCells;
+inline const char* CellOrderName(CellOrder o) {
+ switch (o) {
+ case CellOrder::DepthMajor:
+ return "DepthMajor";
+ case CellOrder::WidthMajor:
+ return "WidthMajor";
+ case CellOrder::Diagonal:
+ return "Diagonal";
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+// Returns the offset into a cell, at which a given coefficient is stored.
+template <typename CellFormat>
+inline int OffsetIntoCell(int w, int d) {
+ switch (CellFormat::kOrder) {
+ case CellOrder::DepthMajor:
+ return w + d * CellFormat::kWidth;
+ case CellOrder::WidthMajor:
+ return d + w * CellFormat::kDepth;
+ case CellOrder::Diagonal:
+ assert(CellFormat::kWidth == CellFormat::kDepth);
+ static const int size = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ return ((size + w - d) * size + d) % (size * size);
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+// KernelBase is the virtual base class below all kernels.
+// The idea is that we don't need to templatize all our code on the exact
+// kernel type; we only need to templatize on kernel format. Kernels
+// sharing the same format can thus share the same packing/unpacking code.
+struct KernelBase {
+ virtual const char* Name() const = 0;
+ // This is the kernel implementation. We use the word 'run' consistently
+ // throughout gemmlowp to mean an inner loop, the implementation of which
+ // is to be provided by a separate optimized function.
+ virtual void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const = 0;
+ virtual ~KernelBase() {}
+template <typename KernelScalarType>
+struct ZeroPointInputValue {};
+template <>
+struct ZeroPointInputValue<std::uint8_t> {
+ static constexpr std::uint8_t kValue = 0;
+template <>
+struct ZeroPointInputValue<std::int8_t> {
+ static constexpr std::uint8_t kValue = 128;
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_default.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_default.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ed55b83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_default.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// kernel_default.h: Chooses default GEMM and GEMV kernels for the
+// host platform.
+#include "../public/bit_depth.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "kernel_reference.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <bool MaxProductIsLessThan4096,
+ bool LhsAlwaysNonzero>
+struct DefaultKernelImpl {};
+// Partial specialization implementing the logic that if we want to use
+// a kernel for LhsAlwaysNonzero but do not have such a kernel, then we fall
+// back to a generic kernel not taking advantage of LhsAlwaysNonzero.
+template <bool LhsAlwaysNonzero>
+struct DefaultKernelImpl<true, LhsAlwaysNonzero>
+ : DefaultKernelImpl<false, LhsAlwaysNonzero> {};
+// Partial specialization implementing the logic that if we want to use
+// a kernel for MaxProductIsLessThan4096 but do not have such a kernel, then we
+// fall back to a generic kernel not taking advantage of
+// MaxProductIsLessThan4096.
+template <bool MaxProductIsLessThan4096>
+struct DefaultKernelImpl<MaxProductIsLessThan4096, true>
+ : DefaultKernelImpl<MaxProductIsLessThan4096, false> {};
+template <typename BitDepthParams>
+struct DefaultKernel
+ : DefaultKernelImpl<(BitDepthParams::LhsRange::kMaxValue *
+ BitDepthParams::RhsRange::kMaxValue <
+ 4096),
+ (BitDepthParams::LhsRange::kMinValue > 0)> {};
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
+#define GEMMLOWP_SET_DEFAULT_KERNEL(MaxProductIsLessThan4096, \
+ LhsAlwaysNonzero, Kernel) \
+ namespace gemmlowp { \
+ template <> \
+ struct DefaultKernelImpl<MaxProductIsLessThan4096, \
+ LhsAlwaysNonzero> : Kernel {}; \
+ }
+#if defined GEMMLOWP_NEON_32
+#include "kernel_neon.h"
+GEMMLOWP_SET_DEFAULT_KERNEL(false, false, NEON_32_Kernel12x4Depth2)
+ NEON_32_Kernel12x4Depth2Assuming12BitProducts)
+ NEON_32bit_GEMM_Int8Operands_LhsNonzero)
+#elif defined GEMMLOWP_NEON_64
+#include "kernel_neon.h"
+GEMMLOWP_SET_DEFAULT_KERNEL(false, false, NEON_64_Kernel12x8Depth2)
+ NEON_64bit_GEMM_Int8Operands_LhsNonzero)
+#elif defined GEMMLOWP_SSE4_32
+#include "kernel_sse.h"
+GEMMLOWP_SET_DEFAULT_KERNEL(false, false, SSE4_32_Kernel4x4Depth2)
+#elif defined GEMMLOWP_SSE4_64
+#include "kernel_sse.h"
+GEMMLOWP_SET_DEFAULT_KERNEL(false, false, SSE4_64_Kernel12x4Depth2)
+#if defined __ARM_ARCH_5TE__
+// SIMD is not available on this platform. The slow fallback will be used.
+// Don't require GEMMLOWP_ALLOW_SLOW_SCALAR_FALLBACK because there's nothing
+// the user can do about it.
+#error \
+ "SIMD not enabled, you'd be getting a slow software fallback. Consider \
+enabling SIMD extensions (for example using -msse4 if you're on modern x86). \
+If that's not an option, and you would like to continue with the \
+#include "kernel_reference.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+typedef ReferenceKernel<KernelFormat<
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1>,
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> > >
+ DefaultReferenceKernel;
+GEMMLOWP_SET_DEFAULT_KERNEL(false, false, DefaultReferenceKernel)
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_neon.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_neon.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c253babe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_neon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1619 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// kernel_neon.h: a collection of NEON optimized kernels.
+// Check in kernel_default.h which one(s) are actually used by default.
+// Others are mere experiments; they are still covered by tests
+// in case they might be useful some day.
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// The kernels here are specifically arm 32bit assembly, not arm 64bit.
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_NEON_32
+// Our main GEMM kernel.
+struct NEON_32_Kernel12x4Depth2 : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2>, 3>,
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2>, 1> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override { return "NEON, 12x4, depth 2"; }
+ // TODO(benoitjacob): reorder function arguments so dst comes last
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized kernel (NEON 12x4)");
+// For iOS assembler, the %= style of local labels cause compilation errors,
+// so use numerical ones instead. See
+// If you add any labels, remember to undef them at the end.
+ assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
+ asm volatile(
+ // Overview of register layout:
+ //
+ // A 2x4 cell of Rhs is stored in 16bit in d0--d1 (q0).
+ // A 12x2 block of 3 4x2 cells Lhs is stored in 16bit in d2--d7
+ // (q1--q3).
+ // A 12x4 block of accumulators is stored in 32bit in q4--q15.
+ //
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |d0[0]|d0[1]|d0[2]|d0[3]|
+ // Rhs +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |d1[0]|d1[1]|d1[2]|d1[3]|
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ //
+ // | | | | |
+ //
+ // Lhs | | | | |
+ //
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |d2|d3| | q4 | q5 | q6 | q7 |
+ // |d2|d3| | q4 | q5 | q6 | q7 |
+ // |d2|d3| | q4 | q5 | q6 | q7 |
+ // |d2|d3| | q4 | q5 | q6 | q7 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |d4|d5| | q8 | q9 | q10 | q11 |
+ // |d4|d5| | q8 | q9 | q10 | q11 |
+ // |d4|d5| | q8 | q9 | q10 | q11 |
+ // |d4|d5| | q8 | q9 | q10 | q11 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |d6|d7| | q12 | q13 | q14 | q15 |
+ // |d6|d7| | q12 | q13 | q14 | q15 |
+ // |d6|d7| | q12 | q13 | q14 | q15 |
+ // |d6|d7| | q12 | q13 | q14 | q15 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ //
+ // Accumulator
+ // Load 1 Rhs cell of size 2x4
+ "vld1.8 {d0}, [%[rhs_ptr]]!\n"
+ // Load 3 Lhs cells of size 4x2 each
+ "vld1.8 {d2}, [%[lhs_ptr]]!\n"
+ "vld1.8 {d4}, [%[lhs_ptr]]!\n"
+ "vld1.8 {d6}, [%[lhs_ptr]]!\n"
+ // Check if start_depth==0 to decide whether we will clear
+ // accumulators or load existing accumulators.
+ "cmp %[start_depth], #0\n"
+ // Multiply dst_col_stride by 4 == sizeof(int32) to use
+ // it as a byte offset below.
+ "lsl %[dst_col_stride], #2\n"
+ "f\n"
+ // Load accumulators (start_depth != 0)
+ "mov r1, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d8, d9}, [r0]!\n"
+ "add r1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d16, d17}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d24, d25}, [r0]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d10, d11}, [r0]!\n"
+ "add r1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d18, d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d26, d27}, [r0]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d12, d13}, [r0]!\n"
+ "add r1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d20, d21}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d28, d29}, [r0]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d14, d15}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d22, d23}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d30, d31}, [r0]\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Clear accumulators (start_depth == 0)
+ "vmov.s32 q4, #0\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q8, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q12, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q5, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q9, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q13, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q6, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q10, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q14, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q7, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q11, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q15, q4\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // If there are only two levels of depth, skip the loop.
+ ":\n"
+ // Expand Lhs/Rhs cells to 16 bit.
+ // Note: moving theses vmovls further down to allow for
+ // longer data pipelining helps a little on A57 but is
+ // harmful on A53 --- It looks as if A53 doesn't like
+ // interleaving vmovl's into the vmlal's.
+ "vmovl.u8 q0, d0\n"
+ "vmovl.u8 q1, d2\n"
+ "vmovl.u8 q2, d4\n"
+ "vmovl.u8 q3, d6\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, level of depth 0
+ "vmlal.u16 q4, d2, d0[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q5, d2, d0[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q6, d2, d0[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q7, d2, d0[3]\n"
+ "vldr d2, [%[lhs_ptr]]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q8, d4, d0[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q9, d4, d0[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q10, d4, d0[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q11, d4, d0[3]\n"
+ "vldr d4, [%[lhs_ptr], #8]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q12, d6, d0[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q13, d6, d0[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q14, d6, d0[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q15, d6, d0[3]\n"
+ "vldr d6, [%[lhs_ptr], #16]\n"
+ "vldr d0, [%[rhs_ptr]]\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, level of depth 1
+ "vmlal.u16 q4, d3, d1[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q5, d3, d1[1]\n"
+ "add %[lhs_ptr], #24\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q6, d3, d1[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q7, d3, d1[3]\n"
+ "add %[rhs_ptr], #8\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q8, d5, d1[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q9, d5, d1[1]\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q10, d5, d1[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q11, d5, d1[3]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q12, d7, d1[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q13, d7, d1[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q14, d7, d1[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q15, d7, d1[3]\n"
+ "bne " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_LOOP "b\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Do remaining arithmetic for the last 2 levels of depth.
+ // Expand Lhs/Rhs cells to 16 bit.
+ "vmovl.u8 q0, d0\n"
+ "vmovl.u8 q1, d2\n"
+ "vmovl.u8 q2, d4\n"
+ "vmovl.u8 q3, d6\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, level of depth 0
+ "vmlal.u16 q4, d2, d0[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q5, d2, d0[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q6, d2, d0[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q7, d2, d0[3]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q8, d4, d0[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q9, d4, d0[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q10, d4, d0[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q11, d4, d0[3]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q12, d6, d0[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q13, d6, d0[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q14, d6, d0[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q15, d6, d0[3]\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, level of depth 1
+ "vmlal.u16 q4, d3, d1[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q5, d3, d1[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q6, d3, d1[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q7, d3, d1[3]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q8, d5, d1[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q9, d5, d1[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q10, d5, d1[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q11, d5, d1[3]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q12, d7, d1[0]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q13, d7, d1[1]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q14, d7, d1[2]\n"
+ "vmlal.u16 q15, d7, d1[3]\n"
+ // Store accumulators
+ "mov r1, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d8, d9}, [r0]!\n"
+ "add r1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16, d17}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d24, d25}, [r0]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d10, d11}, [r0]!\n"
+ "add r1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d18, d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d26, d27}, [r0]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d12, d13}, [r0]!\n"
+ "add r1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d20, d21}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d28, d29}, [r0]\n"
+ "mov r0, r1\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d14, d15}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d22, d23}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d30, d31}, [r0]\n"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr),
+ [run_depth] "+r"(run_depth)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "r"(start_depth),
+ [dst_col_stride] "r"(dst_col_stride)
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "r0", "r1",
+ // note: someone on internet says that quad registers are
+ // unsupported in the clobber list!
+ "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d9", "d10",
+ "d11", "d12", "d13", "d14", "d15", "d16", "d17", "d18", "d19", "d20",
+ "d21", "d22", "d23", "d24", "d25", "d26", "d27", "d28", "d29", "d30",
+ "d31");
+ }
+struct NEON_32_Kernel12x4Depth2Assuming12BitProducts : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 3>,
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override {
+ return "NEON, 12x4, depth 2, assuming 12-bit products";
+ }
+ // TODO(benoitjacob): reorder function arguments so dst comes last
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label(
+ "optimized kernel (NEON 12x4, assuming 12-bit products)");
+ assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
+// See comments above for why we need local numerical labels in our asm.
+#define GEMMLOWP_LABEL_32 "3"
+#define GEMMLOWP_LABEL_24 "4"
+#define GEMMLOWP_LABEL_16 "5"
+#define GEMMLOWP_LABEL_8 "6"
+#define GEMMLOWP_LABEL_2 "7"
+ // This kernel is special in that it uses local 16-bit accumulators.
+ // Because it assumes that each product fits in 12 bits, it can accumulate
+ // 16 products into a local 16-bit accumulator without risking overflow.
+ // At that point, it must accumulate these local 16-bit accumulators back
+ // into global 32-bit accumulators, which have to be stored in memory for
+ // lack of register space.
+ // This 12x4 block of global accumulators is laid out as 3 cells of size 4x4
+ // stored in diagonal-major order like this for the first 4x4 cell:
+ //
+ // 0 4 8 12
+ // 13 1 5 9
+ // 10 14 2 6
+ // 7 11 15 3
+ //
+ // and likewise for the 2nd cell (16--31) and 3rd cell (32--47)
+ std::int32_t global_accumulators[3 * 4 * 4];
+ asm volatile(
+ // Compute stride between consecutive columns, in bytes
+ "mov r0, #4\n" // multiply by 4 = sizeof(int32)
+ "mul %[dst_col_stride], r0\n"
+ "cmp %[start_depth], #0\n"
+ "bne"
+ "f\n"
+ // If start_depth==0, we need to clear our global accumulators
+ "mov r0, %[global_accumulators]\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q8, #0\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q9, q8\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17,d18,d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17,d18,d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17,d18,d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17,d18,d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17,d18,d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17,d18,d19}, [r0]!\n"
+ "f\n"
+ // If start_depth!=0, we need to load our existing global accumulators
+ ":\n"
+ // Load global accumulators from destination matrix, column-major
+ "mov r1, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "mov r0, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "sub r0, #32\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d0,d1}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d8,d9}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d16,d17}, [r1], r0\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d2,d3}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d10,d11}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d18,d19}, [r1], r0\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d4,d5}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d12,d13}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d20,d21}, [r1], r0\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d6,d7}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d14,d15}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d22,d23}, [r1], r0\n"
+ // Now we need to convert the global accumulator registers to
+ // 4x4-block-wise diagonal-major order. What we effectively want to do
+ // is to rotate the rows, however the accumulators are stored in
+ // column-major order in registers. So we achieve this by
+ // transposing, rotating the registers, and transposing again each
+ // 4x4 block.
+ //
+ // Transpose 3 4x4 blocks separately
+ "vtrn.32 q0, q1\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q2, q3\n"
+ "vswp d1, d4\n"
+ "vswp d3, d6\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q4, q5\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q6, q7\n"
+ "vswp d9, d12\n"
+ "vswp d11, d14\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q8, q9\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q10, q11\n"
+ "vswp d17, d20\n"
+ "vswp d19, d22\n"
+ // Rotate the registers
+ "vext.32 q1, q1, q1, #1\n"
+ "vext.32 q2, q2, q2, #2\n"
+ "vext.32 q3, q3, q3, #3\n"
+ "vext.32 q5, q5, q5, #1\n"
+ "vext.32 q6, q6, q6, #2\n"
+ "vext.32 q7, q7, q7, #3\n"
+ "vext.32 q9, q9, q9, #1\n"
+ "vext.32 q10, q10, q10, #2\n"
+ "vext.32 q11, q11, q11, #3\n"
+ // Transpose again and store into our global accumulators
+ // buffer. These two operations are done at once using vst4.
+ "mov r0, %[global_accumulators]\n"
+ "vst4.32 {d0,d2,d4,d6}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst4.32 {d1,d3,d5,d7}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst4.32 {d8,d10,d12,d14}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst4.32 {d9,d11,d13,d15}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst4.32 {d16,d18,d20,d22}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vst4.32 {d17,d19,d21,d23}, [r0]!\n"
+ /* Main loop */
+ ":\n"
+// Overview of register layout:
+// Registers q4--q16 are the local 16-bit accumulators.
+// However, each entry in the result matrix is represented
+// by *two* local 16-bit accumulators: one for even levels
+// of depth and one for odd levels of depth. These correspond
+// to the scalars at even and odd indices within each q-register.
+// Thus we effectively use 32 bits of register space for each
+// entry in the result matrix. The accumulators register layout
+// is the same as was described above for the global 32-bit
+// accumulators (3 cells of size 4x4 in diagonal-major order)
+// with the only difference that instead of 32bit values we have
+// pairs of 16bit values.
+// A 2x4 cell of Rhs is stored in 8bit in d0.
+// A 12x2 block of 3 4x2 cells Lhs is stored in 8bit in d1--d3.
+// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// |d0[0] |d0[2] |d0[4] |d0[6] |
+// Rhs +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// |d0[1] |d0[3] |d0[5] |d0[7] |
+// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// | | | | |
+// Lhs | | | | |
+// +-----+-----+ - - - +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// |d1[0]|d1[1]| |q4[0,1] |q5[0,1] |q6[0,1] |q7[0,1] |
+// |d1[2]|d1[3]| |q7[2,3] |q4[2,3] |q5[2,3] |q6[2,3] |
+// |d1[4]|d1[5]| |q6[4,5] |q7[4,5] |q4[4,5] |q5[4,5] |
+// |d1[6]|d1[7]| |q5[6,7] |q6[6,7] |q7[6,7] |q4[6,7] |
+// +-----+-----+ - - - +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// |d2[0]|d2[1]| |q8[0,1] |q8[0,1] |q8[0,1] |q8[0,1] |
+// |d2[2]|d2[3]| |q9[2,3] |q9[2,3] |q9[2,3] |q9[2,3] |
+// |d2[4]|d2[5]| |q10[4,5]|q10[4,5]|q10[4,5]|q10[4,5]|
+// |d2[6]|d2[7]| |q11[6,7]|q11[6,7]|q11[6,7]|q11[6,7]|
+// +-----+-----+ - - - +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// |d3[0]|d3[1]| |q12[0,1]|q12[0,1]|q12[0,1]|q12[0,1]|
+// |d3[2]|d3[3]| |q13[2,3]|q13[2,3]|q13[2,3]|q13[2,3]|
+// |d3[4]|d3[5]| |q14[4,5]|q14[4,5]|q14[4,5]|q14[4,5]|
+// |d3[6]|d3[7]| |q15[6,7]|q15[6,7]|q15[6,7]|q15[6,7]|
+// +-----+-----+ - - - +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+// Local 16-bit accumulators
+// Note: 2 scalars per matrix entry
+ /* Load 3 Lhs cells of size 4x2 */ \
+ "vld1.8 {d1,d2,d3}, [%[lhs_ptr]:64]!\n" \
+ \
+ /* Load 1 Rhs cell of size 2x4 */ \
+ "vld1.8 {d0}, [%[rhs_ptr]:64]!\n" \
+ \
+ /* Multiply-accumulate */ \
+ "vmlal.u8 q4, d1, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q8, d2, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q12, d3, d0\n" \
+ "vext.8 d0, d0, d0, #2\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q5, d1, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q9, d2, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q13, d3, d0\n" \
+ "vext.8 d0, d0, d0, #2\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q6, d1, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q10, d2, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q14, d3, d0\n" \
+ "vext.8 d0, d0, d0, #2\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q7, d1, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q11, d2, d0\n" \
+ "vmlal.u8 q15, d3, d0\n" \
+ \
+ "sub %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ // Clear local 16-bit accumulators
+ "vmov.s32 q4, #0\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q5, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q6, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q7, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q8, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q9, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q10, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q11, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q12, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q13, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q14, q4\n"
+ "vmov.s32 q15, q4\n"
+ // Select a suitable number of depth levels
+ // to process at this iteration. TODO (benoitjacob) I guess that
+ // someone who really knows asm should make this a jump table.
+ "cmp %[run_depth], #32\n"
+ "bge " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_32
+ "f\n"
+ "cmp %[run_depth], #24\n"
+ "bge " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_24
+ "f\n"
+ "cmp %[run_depth], #16\n"
+ "bge " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_16
+ "f\n"
+ "cmp %[run_depth], #8\n"
+ "f\n"
+ "b " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_2 "f\n"
+ // Accumulate the local accumulators into the global accumulators.
+ // This is about summing adjacent pairs of 16-bit scalars into
+ // single 32-bit scalars, so we use pairwise long addition (vpadal).
+ "mov r0, %[global_accumulators]\n"
+ "mov r1, %[global_accumulators]\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d4,d5,d6,d7}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q0, q4\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q1, q5\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q2, q6\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q3, q7\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d4,d5,d6,d7}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d4,d5,d6,d7}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q0, q8\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q1, q9\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q2, q10\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q3, q11\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d4,d5,d6,d7}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d4,d5,d6,d7}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q0, q12\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q1, q13\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q2, q14\n"
+ "vpadal.u16 q3, q15\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d0,d1,d2,d3}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d4,d5,d6,d7}, [r1]!\n"
+ // Loop.
+ "cmp %[run_depth], #0\n"
+ "b\n"
+ /* end of main loop */
+ // Store the global accumulators to the destination matrix
+ // (column-major)
+ // This is the reverse of the steps that we followed at the beginning
+ // when we load the global accumulators from the destination matrix.
+ // The problem is the same: how to convert 4x4 blocks
+ // between column-major and diagonal-major orders.
+ // Like above, we do this by rotating rows, and we achieve that by
+ // tranposing, rotating columns, and transposing again.
+ //
+ // Load and transpose 4x4 blocks of global accumulators
+ // These two steps are done at once by the vld4 instruction.
+ "mov r0, %[global_accumulators]\n"
+ "vld4.32 {d0,d2,d4,d6}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld4.32 {d1,d3,d5,d7}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld4.32 {d8,d10,d12,d14}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld4.32 {d9,d11,d13,d15}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld4.32 {d16,d18,d20,d22}, [r0]!\n"
+ "vld4.32 {d17,d19,d21,d23}, [r0]!\n"
+ // Rotate the rows of each 4x4 block
+ "vext.32 q1, q1, q1, #3\n"
+ "vext.32 q2, q2, q2, #2\n"
+ "vext.32 q3, q3, q3, #1\n"
+ "vext.32 q5, q5, q5, #3\n"
+ "vext.32 q6, q6, q6, #2\n"
+ "vext.32 q7, q7, q7, #1\n"
+ "vext.32 q9, q9, q9, #3\n"
+ "vext.32 q10, q10, q10, #2\n"
+ "vext.32 q11, q11, q11, #1\n"
+ // Transpose again each 4x4 block
+ "vtrn.32 q0, q1\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q2, q3\n"
+ "vswp d1, d4\n"
+ "vswp d3, d6\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q4, q5\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q6, q7\n"
+ "vswp d9, d12\n"
+ "vswp d11, d14\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q8, q9\n"
+ "vtrn.32 q10, q11\n"
+ "vswp d17, d20\n"
+ "vswp d19, d22\n"
+ // Store into the column-major destination matrix
+ "mov r1, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "mov r0, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "sub r0, #32\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d0,d1}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d8,d9}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d16,d17}, [r1], r0\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d2,d3}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d10,d11}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d18,d19}, [r1], r0\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d4,d5}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d12,d13}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d20,d21}, [r1], r0\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d6,d7}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d14,d15}, [r1]!\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d22,d23}, [r1], r0\n"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr),
+ [run_depth] "+r"(run_depth)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "r"(start_depth), [dst_col_stride] "r"(dst_col_stride),
+ [global_accumulators] "r"(&global_accumulators[0])
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "r0", "r1",
+ // note: someone on internet says that quad registers are
+ // unsupported in the clobber list!
+ "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d9", "d10",
+ "d11", "d12", "d13", "d14", "d15", "d16", "d17", "d18", "d19", "d20",
+ "d21", "d22", "d23", "d24", "d25", "d26", "d27", "d28", "d29", "d30",
+ "d31");
+ }
+struct NEON_32bit_GEMM_Int8Operands_LhsNonzero : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<
+ KernelSideFormatInt8<CellFormat<4, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1>,
+ KernelSideFormatInt8<CellFormat<2, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override {
+ return "NEON, 4x2, depth 16, accumulating two within signed int16";
+ }
+ // TODO(benoitjacob): reorder function arguments so dst comes last
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ asm volatile(
+ // Multiply dst_col_stride by 4 == sizeof(int32) to use
+ // it as a byte offset below.
+ "lsl %[dst_col_stride], %[dst_col_stride], #2\n"
+ // Overview of register layout:
+ //
+ // A 2x16 block of Rhs is stored in 8 bit in d0--d3.
+ // A 4x16 block of Lhs is stored in 8 bit in d4--d7. That is only
+ // half of the register space required, so we loop over these registers
+ // twice. Only half of it, a 2x16 block, is stored in d4--d7 at
+ // any given time.
+ //
+ // A 4x2 block of accumulators is stored in q8--q15 (as 4x32 bit
+ // components which need to be horizontally-added at the end)
+ //
+ // The Lhs vectors are multiplied by the Rhs vectors with a widening
+ // multiply over the 8 first levels of depth, producing int16x8
+ // vectors of products for each position in the accumulator matrix.
+ // Here comes the special trick: since the operands are signed int8,
+ // their range being [ -2^7 , 2^7 ), their products are in range
+ // [ -2^14 , 2^14 - 1 ), meaning that we can add two such values
+ // without any risk of overflowing int16.
+ // We thus proceed with the 8 next levels of depth, multiplying
+ // again Lhs by Rhs, accumulating into this existing int16x8 vector.
+ //
+ // Only then, having processed 16 levels of depth, do we need to
+ // horizontally add these int16x8 accumulators into the final
+ // int32x4 accumulators.
+ //
+ // As we do not have enough registers to store all 16 int16x8
+ // temporary-16bit-accumulators, we have them cycle through q4--q7.
+ //
+ //
+ // Register layout (ignoring the q4--q7 temporary 16bit accumulators):
+ //
+ // +----+----+
+ // | d0 | d2 |
+ // | . | . |
+ // | . | . |
+ // | . | . |
+ // Rhs +----+----+
+ // | d1 | d3 |
+ // | . | . |
+ // | . | . |
+ // | . | . |
+ // +----+----+
+ //
+ // | | |
+ //
+ // Lhs | | |
+ //
+ // +--------+--------+ - - - - +----+----+
+ // | d4 ... | d5 ... | | q8 | q9 |
+ // | d6 ... | d7 ... | | q10| q11|
+ // | d4 ... | d5 ... | | q12| q13|
+ // | d6 ... | d7 ... | | q14| q15|
+ // +--------+--------+ - - - - +----+----+
+ //
+ // Accumulator
+ //
+ // Clear accumulators, and, interleaved with it,
+ // initial loads of the first loop iteration,
+ // taken out of the loop so that in the loop itself we have
+ // optimal streaming of data from memory.
+ "vldr d0, [%[rhs_ptr], #0]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q8, #0\n"
+ "vldr d4, [%[lhs_ptr], #0]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q9, #0\n"
+ "vldr d2, [%[rhs_ptr], #16]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q10, q8\n"
+ "vldr d6, [%[lhs_ptr], #16]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q11, q8\n"
+ "vldr d1, [%[rhs_ptr], #8]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q12, q8\n"
+ "vldr d5, [%[lhs_ptr], #8]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q13, q8\n"
+ "vldr d3, [%[rhs_ptr], #24]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q14, q8\n"
+ "vldr d7, [%[lhs_ptr], #24]\n"
+ "vmov.i32 q15, q8\n"
+ // General loop.
+ ":\n"
+ // Multiply 8 first levels of depth.
+ "vmull.s8 q4, d0, d4\n"
+ "add %[rhs_ptr], %[rhs_ptr], #32\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q5, d2, d4\n"
+ "vldr d4, [%[lhs_ptr], #32]\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q6, d0, d6\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q7, d2, d6\n"
+ "vldr d6, [%[lhs_ptr], #48]\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "vmlal.s8 q4, d1, d5\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q5, d3, d5\n"
+ "vldr d5, [%[lhs_ptr], #40]\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q6, d1, d7\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q7, d3, d7\n"
+ "vldr d7, [%[lhs_ptr], #56]\n"
+ // Add pairwise, accumulate into 32-bit accumulators.
+ "vpadal.s16 q8, q4\n"
+ "add %[lhs_ptr], %[lhs_ptr], #64\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q9, q5\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #16\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q10, q6\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q11, q7\n"
+ "f\n"
+ // Multiply first half.
+ "vmull.s8 q4, d0, d4\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q5, d2, d4\n"
+ "vldr d4, [%[lhs_ptr], #0]\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q6, d0, d6\n"
+ "vldr d0, [%[rhs_ptr], #0]\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q7, d2, d6\n"
+ "vldr d2, [%[rhs_ptr], #16]\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "vmlal.s8 q4, d1, d5\n"
+ "vldr d6, [%[lhs_ptr], #16]\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q5, d3, d5\n"
+ "vldr d5, [%[lhs_ptr], #8]\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q6, d1, d7\n"
+ "vldr d1, [%[rhs_ptr], #8]\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q7, d3, d7\n"
+ "vldr d3, [%[rhs_ptr], #24]\n"
+ // Add pairwise, accumulate into 32-bit accumulators.
+ "vpadal.s16 q12, q4\n"
+ "vldr d7, [%[lhs_ptr], #24]\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q13, q5\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q14, q6\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q15, q7\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Multiply first half.
+ "vmull.s8 q4, d0, d4\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q5, d2, d4\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q6, d0, d6\n"
+ "vmull.s8 q7, d2, d6\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "vmlal.s8 q4, d1, d5\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q5, d3, d5\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q6, d1, d7\n"
+ "vmlal.s8 q7, d3, d7\n"
+ // Add pairwise, accumulate into 32-bit accumulators.
+ "vpadal.s16 q12, q4\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q13, q5\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q14, q6\n"
+ "vpadal.s16 q15, q7\n"
+ "cmp %[start_depth], #0\n"
+ // Reduce 32bit accumulators horizontally.
+ "vpadd.s32 d0, d16, d17\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d1, d18, d19\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d2, d20, d21\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d3, d22, d23\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d4, d24, d25\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d5, d26, d27\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d6, d28, d29\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d7, d30, d31\n"
+ "f\n"
+ // Reduce 32bit accumulators horizontally, second pass
+ // (each pass adds pairwise. we need to add 4-wise).
+ "vpadd.s32 d8, d0, d2\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d9, d4, d6\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d10, d1, d3\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d11, d5, d7\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Reduce 32bit accumulators horizontally, second pass
+ // (each pass adds pairwise. we need to add 4-wise),
+ // and load destination values from memory.
+ "mov r0, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d16, d17}, [r0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d8, d0, d2\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d9, d4, d6\n"
+ "vld1.32 {d18, d19}, [r0]\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d10, d1, d3\n"
+ "vpadd.s32 d11, d5, d7\n"
+ // Add horizontally-reduced accumulators into
+ // the values loaded from memory
+ "vadd.s32 q4, q8, q4\n"
+ "vadd.s32 q5, q9, q5\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Store back into memory
+ "mov r0, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d8, d9}, [r0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "vst1.32 {d10, d11}, [r0]\n"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr), [run_depth] "+r"(run_depth)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "r"(start_depth),
+ [dst_col_stride] "r"(dst_col_stride)
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "r0", "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7",
+ "d8", "d9", "d10", "d11", "d12", "d13", "d14", "d15", "d16", "d17",
+ "d18", "d19", "d20", "d21", "d22", "d23", "d24", "d25", "d26", "d27",
+ "d28", "d29", "d30", "d31");
+ }
+#endif // GEMMLOWP_NEON_32
+// The kernels here are specifically arm 64bit assembly, not arm 32bit.
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_NEON_64
+struct NEON_64bit_GEMM_Int8Operands_LhsNonzero : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<
+ KernelSideFormatInt8<CellFormat<4, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1>,
+ KernelSideFormatInt8<CellFormat<4, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override {
+ return "NEON, 4x4, depth 16, accumulating two within signed int16";
+ }
+ // TODO(benoitjacob): reorder function arguments so dst comes last
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ asm volatile(
+ // Clear accumulators, and, interleaved with it,
+ // initial loads of the first loop iteration,
+ // taken out of the loop so that in the loop itself we have
+ // optimal streaming of data from memory.
+ "ld1 {v0.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v16.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v4.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v17.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v1.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v18.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v5.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v19.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v2.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v20.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v3.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v21.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v6.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v22.4s, wzr\n"
+ "ld1 {v7.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "dup v23.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v24.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v25.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v26.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v27.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v28.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v29.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v30.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v31.4s, wzr\n"
+ // Multiply dst_col_stride by 4 == sizeof(int32) to use
+ // it as a byte offset below.
+ "lsl %[dst_col_stride], %[dst_col_stride], #2\n"
+ // Initial arithmetic of the first loop iteration,
+ // taken out of the loop so that in the loop itself we have
+ // optimal streaming of data from memory.
+ "smull v8.8h, v0.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "smull v9.8h, v1.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "smull v10.8h, v2.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "smull v11.8h, v3.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "smull v12.8h, v0.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ "smull v13.8h, v1.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ "smull v14.8h, v2.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ "smull v15.8h, v3.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "smlal2 v8.8h, v0.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v9.8h, v1.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v10.8h, v2.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v11.8h, v3.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v12.8h, v0.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v13.8h, v1.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v14.8h, v2.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v15.8h, v3.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #16\n"
+ // If the loop depth is only 16, then we can skip the general loop
+ // and go straight to the final part of the code.
+ // General loop.
+ ":\n"
+ // Overview of register layout:
+ //
+ // A 4x16 block of Rhs is stored in 8 bit in v0--v3.
+ // A 4x16 block of Lhs is stored in 8 bit in v4--v7.
+ //
+ // A 4x4 block of accumulators is stored in v16-v31 (as 4x32 bit
+ // components which need to be horizontally-added at the end)
+ //
+ // The Lhs vectors are multiplied by the Rhs vectors with a widening
+ // multiply over the 8 first levels of depth, producing int16x8
+ // vectors of products for each position in the accumulator matrix.
+ // Here comes the special trick: since the operands are signed int8,
+ // their range being [ -2^7 , 2^7 ), their products are in range
+ // [ -2^14 , 2^14 - 1 ), meaning that we can add two such values
+ // without any risk of overflowing int16.
+ // We thus proceed with the 8 next levels of depth, multiplying
+ // again Lhs by Rhs, accumulating into this existing int16x8 vector.
+ //
+ // Only then, having processed 16 levels of depth, do we need to
+ // horizontally add these int16x8 accumulators into the final
+ // int32x4 accumulators.
+ //
+ // As we do not have enough registers to store all 16 int16x8
+ // temporary-16bit-accumulators, we have them cycle through v8--v15.
+ //
+ //
+ // Register layout (ignoring the v8--v15 temporary 16bit accumulators):
+ //
+ // +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ // |v0.b[0] |v1.b[0] |v2.b[0] |v3.b[0] |
+ // Rhs +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ // | ... | ... | ... | ... |
+ // +--------+--------+--------+--------|
+ // |v0.b[15]|v1.b[15]|v2.b[15]|v3.b[15]|
+ // +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ //
+ // | | | | |
+ //
+ // Lhs | | | | |
+ //
+ // +-------+-----+--------+ - - +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ // |v4.b[0]| ... |v4.b[15]| | v16.4s | v17.4s | v18.4s | v19.4s |
+ // |v5.b[0]| ... |v5.b[15]| | v20.4s | v21.4s | v22.4s | v23.4s |
+ // |v6.b[0]| ... |v6.b[15]| | v24.4s | v25.4s | v26.4s | v27.4s |
+ // |v7.b[0]| ... |v7.b[15]| | v28.4s | v29.4s | v30.4s | v31.4s |
+ // +-------+--------------+ - - +--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ //
+ // Accumulator
+ //
+ // Some multiplications and 16-bit accumulation were already done above,
+ // so we start right away in the middle.
+ "sadalp v16.4s, v8.8h\n"
+ "ld1 {v4.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smull v8.8h, v0.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v17.4s, v9.8h\n"
+ "ld1 {v5.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smull v9.8h, v1.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v18.4s, v10.8h\n"
+ "smull v10.8h, v2.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v19.4s, v11.8h\n"
+ "smull v11.8h, v3.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v20.4s, v12.8h\n"
+ "smull v12.8h, v0.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v21.4s, v13.8h\n"
+ "smull v13.8h, v1.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v22.4s, v14.8h\n"
+ "smull v14.8h, v2.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v23.4s, v15.8h\n"
+ "smull v15.8h, v3.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "smlal2 v8.8h, v0.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v9.8h, v1.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v10.8h, v2.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v11.8h, v3.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "ld1 {v6.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smlal2 v12.8h, v0.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "ld1 {v0.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smlal2 v13.8h, v1.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "ld1 {v1.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smlal2 v14.8h, v2.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "ld1 {v2.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smlal2 v15.8h, v3.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "ld1 {v3.16b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "sadalp v24.4s, v8.8h\n"
+ "smull v8.8h, v0.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v25.4s, v9.8h\n"
+ "ld1 {v7.16b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #16\n"
+ "smull v9.8h, v1.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v26.4s, v10.8h\n"
+ "smull v10.8h, v2.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v27.4s, v11.8h\n"
+ "smull v11.8h, v3.8b, v4.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v28.4s, v12.8h\n"
+ "smull v12.8h, v0.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v29.4s, v13.8h\n"
+ "smull v13.8h, v1.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v30.4s, v14.8h\n"
+ "smull v14.8h, v2.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v31.4s, v15.8h\n"
+ "smull v15.8h, v3.8b, v5.8b\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "smlal2 v8.8h, v0.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v9.8h, v1.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v10.8h, v2.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v11.8h, v3.16b, v4.16b\n"
+ // Loop. Decrement loop index (depth) by 16, since we just handled
+ // 16 levels of depth. Do this subs a bit before the end of the loop
+ // for better dispatch on A57.
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #16\n"
+ "smlal2 v12.8h, v0.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v13.8h, v1.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v14.8h, v2.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v15.8h, v3.16b, v5.16b\n"
+ "bne " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_LOOP "b\n"
+ // Final code for the last 16 levels of depth.
+ // There is nothing to load anymore, only some arithmetic to finish.
+ ":\n"
+ // Some multiplications and 16-bit accumulation were already done above,
+ // so we start right away in the middle.
+ "sadalp v16.4s, v8.8h\n"
+ "smull v8.8h, v0.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v17.4s, v9.8h\n"
+ "smull v9.8h, v1.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v18.4s, v10.8h\n"
+ "smull v10.8h, v2.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v19.4s, v11.8h\n"
+ "smull v11.8h, v3.8b, v6.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v20.4s, v12.8h\n"
+ "smull v12.8h, v0.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v21.4s, v13.8h\n"
+ "smull v13.8h, v1.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v22.4s, v14.8h\n"
+ "smull v14.8h, v2.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ "sadalp v23.4s, v15.8h\n"
+ "smull v15.8h, v3.8b, v7.8b\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate second-half, again into the same
+ // 16bit local accumulator registers. This is where we
+ // take advantage of having int8 instead of uint8 and therefore
+ // being able to accumulate two products into int16.
+ "smlal2 v8.8h, v0.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v9.8h, v1.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v10.8h, v2.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v11.8h, v3.16b, v6.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v12.8h, v0.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v13.8h, v1.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v14.8h, v2.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "smlal2 v15.8h, v3.16b, v7.16b\n"
+ "sadalp v24.4s, v8.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v25.4s, v9.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v26.4s, v10.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v27.4s, v11.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v28.4s, v12.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v29.4s, v13.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v30.4s, v14.8h\n"
+ "sadalp v31.4s, v15.8h\n"
+ // Reduce 32bit accumulators horizontally.
+ "addp v0.4s, v16.4s, v20.4s\n"
+ "addp v2.4s, v17.4s, v21.4s\n"
+ "addp v4.4s, v18.4s, v22.4s\n"
+ "addp v6.4s, v19.4s, v23.4s\n"
+ "addp v1.4s, v24.4s, v28.4s\n"
+ "addp v3.4s, v25.4s, v29.4s\n"
+ "addp v5.4s, v26.4s, v30.4s\n"
+ "addp v7.4s, v27.4s, v31.4s\n"
+ "cmp %[start_depth], #0\n"
+ "f\n"
+ // Reduce 32bit accumulators horizontally, second pass
+ // (each pass adds pairwise. we need to add 4-wise).
+ "addp v12.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s\n"
+ "addp v13.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s\n"
+ "addp v14.4s, v4.4s, v5.4s\n"
+ "addp v15.4s, v6.4s, v7.4s\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Reduce 32bit accumulators horizontally, second pass
+ // (each pass adds pairwise. we need to add 4-wise),
+ // and load destination values from memory.
+ "mov x0, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "ld1 {v12.16b}, [x0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "addp v8.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s\n"
+ "ld1 {v13.16b}, [x0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "addp v9.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s\n"
+ "ld1 {v14.16b}, [x0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "addp v10.4s, v4.4s, v5.4s\n"
+ "ld1 {v15.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "addp v11.4s, v6.4s, v7.4s\n"
+ // Add horizontally-reduced accumulators into
+ // the values loaded from memory
+ "add v12.4s, v12.4s, v8.4s\n"
+ "add v13.4s, v13.4s, v9.4s\n"
+ "add v14.4s, v14.4s, v10.4s\n"
+ "add v15.4s, v15.4s, v11.4s\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Store back into memory
+ "mov x0, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "st1 {v12.16b}, [x0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v13.16b}, [x0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v14.16b}, [x0], %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v15.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr), [run_depth] "+r"(run_depth),
+ [dst_col_stride] "+r"(dst_col_stride)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "r"(start_depth)
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "x0", "v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6", "v7",
+ "v8", "v9", "v10", "v11", "v12", "v13", "v14", "v15", "v16", "v17",
+ "v18", "v19", "v20", "v21", "v22", "v23", "v24", "v25", "v26", "v27",
+ "v28", "v29", "v30", "v31");
+ }
+// Our main GEMM kernel.
+struct NEON_64_Kernel12x8Depth2 : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2>, 3>,
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2>, 2> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override { return "NEON, 12x8, depth 2"; }
+ // TODO(benoitjacob): reorder function arguments so dst comes last
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized kernel (NEON 12x8)");
+// See comments above for why we need local numerical labels in our asm.
+ assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
+ asm volatile(
+ // Load 1 Rhs cell of size 2x8
+ "ld1 {v5.8b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "ld1 {v6.8b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ // Load 3 Lhs cells of size 4x2 each
+ "ld1 {v2.8b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "ld1 {v3.8b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "ld1 {v4.8b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ // Multiply dst_col_stride by 4 == sizeof(int32) to use
+ // it as a byte offset below.
+ "lsl %[dst_col_stride], %[dst_col_stride], #2\n"
+ "cmp %[start_depth], #0\n"
+ "f\n"
+ // Load accumulators
+ "mov x1, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v8.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ "ld1 {v16.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v24.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v9.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v17.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v25.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v10.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v18.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v26.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v11.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v19.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v27.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v12.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v20.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v28.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v13.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v21.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v29.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v14.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "ld1 {v22.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v30.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "ld1 {v15.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v23.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "ld1 {v31.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Clear accumulator registers (see layout below)
+ "dup v8.4s, wzr\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ "dup v9.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v10.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v11.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v12.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v13.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v14.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v15.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v16.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v17.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v18.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v19.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v20.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v21.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v22.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v23.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v24.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v25.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v26.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v27.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v28.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v29.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v30.4s, wzr\n"
+ "dup v31.4s, wzr\n"
+ ":\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Overview of register layout:
+ //
+ // A 2x8 block of 2 2x4 cells of Rhs is stored in 16bit in v0--v1.
+ // A 12x2 block of 3 4x2 cells Lhs is stored in 16bit in v2--v4.
+ // A 12x8 block of accumulators is stored in 32bit in v8--v31.
+ //
+ // +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ // |v0.h[0] |v0.h[1] | ... |v1.h[2] |v1.h[3] |
+ // Rhs +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ // |v0.h[4] |v0.h[5] | ... |v1.h[6] |v1.h[7] |
+ // +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ //
+ // | | | | | |
+ //
+ // Lhs | | | | | |
+ //
+ // +-------+-------+ - - +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ // |v2.h[0]|v2.h[4]| |v8.s[0] |v9.s[0] | ... |v14.s[0]|v15.s[0]|
+ // |v2.h[1]|v2.h[5]| |v8.s[1] |v9.s[1] | ... |v14.s[1]|v15.s[1]|
+ // |v2.h[2]|v2.h[6]| |v8.s[2] |v9.s[2] | ... |v14.s[2]|v15.s[2]|
+ // |v2.h[3]|v2.h[7]| |v8.s[3] |v9.s[3] | ... |v14.s[3]|v15.s[3]|
+ // +-------+-------+ - - +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ // |v3.h[0]|v3.h[4]| |v16.s[0]|v17.s[0]| ... |v22.s[0]|v23.s[0]|
+ // |v3.h[1]|v3.h[5]| |v16.s[1]|v17.s[1]| ... |v22.s[1]|v23.s[1]|
+ // |v3.h[2]|v3.h[6]| |v16.s[2]|v17.s[2]| ... |v22.s[2]|v23.s[2]|
+ // |v3.h[3]|v3.h[7]| |v16.s[3]|v17.s[3]| ... |v22.s[3]|v23.s[3]|
+ // +-------+-------+ - - +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ // |v4.h[0]|v4.h[4]| |v24.s[0]|v25.s[0]| ... |v30.s[0]|v31.s[0]|
+ // |v4.h[1]|v4.h[5]| |v24.s[1]|v25.s[1]| ... |v30.s[1]|v31.s[1]|
+ // |v4.h[2]|v4.h[6]| |v24.s[2]|v25.s[2]| ... |v30.s[2]|v31.s[2]|
+ // |v4.h[3]|v4.h[7]| |v24.s[3]|v25.s[3]| ... |v30.s[3]|v31.s[3]|
+ // +-------+-------+ - - +--------+--------+-----+--------+--------+
+ //
+ // Accumulator
+ // Expand Lhs/Rhs cells to 16 bit.
+ "uxtl v0.8h, v5.8b\n"
+ "ld1 {v5.8b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "uxtl v1.8h, v6.8b\n"
+ "ld1 {v6.8b}, [%[rhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "uxtl v2.8h, v2.8b\n"
+ "uxtl v3.8h, v3.8b\n"
+ "uxtl v4.8h, v4.8b\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, top third
+ "umlal v8.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v9.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v10.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v11.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v12.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v13.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v14.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v15.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal2 v8.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v9.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v10.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v11.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v12.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v13.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v14.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v15.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[7]\n"
+ "ld1 {v2.8b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, middle third
+ "umlal v16.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v17.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v18.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v19.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v20.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v21.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v22.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v23.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal2 v16.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v17.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v18.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v19.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v20.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v21.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v22.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v23.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[7]\n"
+ "ld1 {v3.8b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, bottom third
+ "umlal v24.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v25.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v26.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v27.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v28.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v29.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v30.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v31.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal2 v24.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v25.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v26.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v27.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v28.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v29.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v30.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v31.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[7]\n"
+ "ld1 {v4.8b}, [%[lhs_ptr]], #8\n"
+ "bne " GEMMLOWP_LABEL_LOOP "b\n"
+ ":\n"
+ // Expand Lhs/Rhs cells to 16 bit.
+ "uxtl v0.8h, v5.8b\n"
+ "uxtl v1.8h, v6.8b\n"
+ "uxtl v2.8h, v2.8b\n"
+ "uxtl v3.8h, v3.8b\n"
+ "uxtl v4.8h, v4.8b\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, level of depth 0
+ "umlal v8.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v9.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v10.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v11.4s, v2.4h, v0.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v12.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v13.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v14.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v15.4s, v2.4h, v1.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v16.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v17.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v18.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v19.4s, v3.4h, v0.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v20.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v21.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v22.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v23.4s, v3.4h, v1.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v24.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v25.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v26.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v27.4s, v4.4h, v0.h[3]\n"
+ "umlal v28.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[0]\n"
+ "umlal v29.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[1]\n"
+ "umlal v30.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[2]\n"
+ "umlal v31.4s, v4.4h, v1.h[3]\n"
+ // Multiply-accumulate, level of depth 1
+ "umlal2 v8.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v9.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v10.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v11.4s, v2.8h, v0.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v12.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v13.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v14.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v15.4s, v2.8h, v1.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v16.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v17.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v18.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v19.4s, v3.8h, v0.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v20.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v21.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v22.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v23.4s, v3.8h, v1.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v24.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v25.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v26.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v27.4s, v4.8h, v0.h[7]\n"
+ "umlal2 v28.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[4]\n"
+ "umlal2 v29.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[5]\n"
+ "umlal2 v30.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[6]\n"
+ "umlal2 v31.4s, v4.8h, v1.h[7]\n"
+ // Store accumulators
+ "mov x1, %[dst_ptr]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v8.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "subs %[run_depth], %[run_depth], #2\n"
+ "st1 {v16.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v24.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v9.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v17.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v25.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v10.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v18.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v26.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v11.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v19.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v27.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v12.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v20.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v28.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v13.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v21.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v29.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v14.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "add x1, x1, %[dst_col_stride]\n"
+ "st1 {v22.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v30.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ "mov x0, x1\n"
+ "st1 {v15.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v23.16b}, [x0], #16\n"
+ "st1 {v31.16b}, [x0]\n"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr),
+ [run_depth] "+r"(run_depth)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "r"(start_depth),
+ [dst_col_stride] "r"(dst_col_stride)
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "x0", "x1", "v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6",
+ "v7", "v8", "v9", "v10", "v11", "v12", "v13", "v14", "v15", "v16",
+ "v17", "v18", "v19", "v20", "v21", "v22", "v23", "v24", "v25", "v26",
+ "v27", "v28", "v29", "v30", "v31");
+ }
+#endif // GEMMLOWP_NEON_64
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_reference.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_reference.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3458c6a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_reference.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// kernel_reference.h: a reference kernel for CPU architectures where we don't
+// have optimized kernels yet. Also useful for testing, as it's templatized
+// to have any arbitrary format, allowing tests to cover all sorts of corner
+// cases.
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// This kernel is templatized in an arbitrary Format template parameter,
+// allowing it to have any arbitrary format.
+template <typename tFormat>
+struct ReferenceKernel : KernelBase {
+ typedef tFormat Format;
+ const char* Name() const override {
+ static char buf[256];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+ "reference(Lhs: %d cells %dx%d %s, Rhs: %d cells %dx%d %s)",
+ Format::Lhs::kCells, Format::Lhs::Cell::kWidth,
+ Format::Lhs::Cell::kDepth,
+ CellOrderName(Format::Lhs::Cell::kOrder), Format::Rhs::kCells,
+ Format::Rhs::Cell::kDepth, Format::Rhs::Cell::kWidth,
+ CellOrderName(Format::Rhs::Cell::kOrder));
+ return buf;
+ }
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ std::int32_t accumulator[Format::kRows * Format::kCols];
+ memset(accumulator, 0, sizeof(accumulator));
+ const int run_depth_cells = static_cast<int>(run_depth / Format::kDepth);
+ // The outer loop is over the depth dimension.
+ for (int dc = 0; dc < run_depth_cells; dc++) {
+ // The next two loops are over cells of the Lhs (stacked vertically),
+ // and over cells of the Rhs (stacked horizontally).
+ for (int rc = 0; rc < Format::Lhs::kCells; rc++) {
+ const std::uint8_t* lhs_cell_ptr =
+ lhs_ptr + (dc * Format::Lhs::kCells + rc) *
+ Format::Lhs::Cell::kWidth * Format::kDepth;
+ for (int cc = 0; cc < Format::Rhs::kCells; cc++) {
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_cell_ptr =
+ rhs_ptr + (dc * Format::Rhs::kCells + cc) *
+ Format::Rhs::Cell::kWidth * Format::kDepth;
+ // Now we are inside one cell of the Lhs and inside one cell
+ // of the Rhs, so the remaining inner loops are just
+ // traditional three loops of matrix multiplication.
+ for (int di = 0; di < Format::kDepth; di++) {
+ for (int ri = 0; ri < Format::Lhs::Cell::kWidth; ri++) {
+ for (int ci = 0; ci < Format::Rhs::Cell::kWidth; ci++) {
+ const std::uint8_t* lhs_coeff_ptr =
+ lhs_cell_ptr +
+ OffsetIntoCell<typename Format::Lhs::Cell>(ri, di);
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_coeff_ptr =
+ rhs_cell_ptr +
+ OffsetIntoCell<typename Format::Rhs::Cell>(ci, di);
+ std::int32_t* accumulator_coeff_ptr =
+ accumulator + (ri + rc * Format::Lhs::Cell::kWidth) +
+ (ci + cc * Format::Rhs::Cell::kWidth) * Format::kRows;
+ *accumulator_coeff_ptr +=
+ std::int32_t(*lhs_coeff_ptr) * std::int32_t(*rhs_coeff_ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (start_depth == 0) {
+ // start_depth == 0 means we haven't accumulated anything yet, so we need
+ // to overwrite the accumulator, as it hasn't been initialized to zero.
+ for (int r = 0; r < Format::kRows; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < Format::kCols; c++) {
+ dst_ptr[r * dst_row_stride + c * dst_col_stride] =
+ accumulator[r + c * Format::kRows];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We have already accumulated stuff, so we need to continue accumulating
+ // instead of just overwriting.
+ for (int r = 0; r < Format::kRows; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < Format::kCols; c++) {
+ dst_ptr[r * dst_row_stride + c * dst_col_stride] +=
+ accumulator[r + c * Format::kRows];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_sse.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_sse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b879fd7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/kernel_sse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// kernel_SSE.h: a collection of Intel SSE optimized kernels.
+// Check in kernel_default.h which one(s) are actually used by default.
+// Others are mere experiments; they are still covered by tests
+// in case they might be useful some day.
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_SSE4_32
+struct SSE4_32_Kernel4x4Depth2 : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1>,
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override { return "SSE, 4x4, depth 2"; }
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized kernel");
+ assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
+ std::int32_t run_depth_cells = run_depth / Format::kDepth;
+ /* Main loop */
+ // A 2x4 cell of Rhs is stored in 16bit in xmm1 .
+ // A 4x2 block Lhs is stored in 16bit in xmm0.
+ // A 4x4 block of accumulators is stored in 32bit in xmm4--xmm7.
+ //
+ // +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ // |xmm1[0]|xmm1[2]|xmm1[4]|xmm1[6]|
+ // Rhs +-------+---------------+-------+
+ // |xmm1[1]|xmm1[3]|xmm1[5]|xmm1[7]|
+ // +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ //
+ // | | | | |
+ //
+ // Lhs | | | | |
+ //
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // |xmm0 | (Iter1) | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ //
+ // Accumulator
+ asm volatile(
+ // set accumulators to zero.
+ "pxor %%xmm4 , %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm5 , %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm6 , %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm7 , %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "movl %[run_depth_cells], %%eax\n\t"
+ "subl $2, %%eax\n\t"
+ "js outerLoop1%=\n\t"
+ // Loop for K unrolled by 4
+ "outerLoop2%=:\n\t"
+ // K = 1,2
+ // RHS cell to xmm1
+ "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
+ // LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "prefetcht0 0x80(%[lhs_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "prefetcht0 0x80(%[rhs_ptr]) \n\t"
+ // K = 3,4
+ // RHS cell to xmm1
+ "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ // LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "addl $0x10, %[lhs_ptr] \n\t"
+ "addl $0x10, %[rhs_ptr] \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "subl $2, %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
+ "ja outerLoop2%=\n\t"
+ "movl %[run_depth_cells], %%eax\n\t"
+ "decl %%eax\n\t"
+ "js finish%=\n\t"
+ // Loop for K unrolled by 2
+ "outerLoop1%=:\n\t"
+ // RHS cell to xmm1
+ "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
+ // LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "addl $0x08, %[lhs_ptr]\n\t"
+ "addl $0x08, %[rhs_ptr]\n\t"
+ "decl %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
+ "jnz outerLoop1%=\n\t"
+ "finish%=:\n\t"
+ "movl %[dst_col_stride], %%eax\n\t"
+ "shll $2, %%eax\n\t"
+ "movl %[start_depth], %%ecx\n\t"
+ "test %%ecx, %%ecx\n\t"
+ "jz storeDst%=\n\t"
+ "leal (%%eax,%%eax,0x2), %%ecx\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr]) , %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 1) , %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 2) , %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%ecx, 1) , %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "storeDst%=:\n\t"
+ "leal (%%eax,%%eax,0x2), %%ecx\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm4 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm5 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 1)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm6 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 2)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm7 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%ecx, 1)\n\t"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "g"(start_depth), [dst_col_stride] "g"(dst_col_stride),
+ [run_depth_cells] "g"(run_depth_cells)
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm3", "%xmm2", "%xmm4", "%xmm5",
+ "%xmm6", "%xmm7", "%eax", "%ecx");
+ }
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_SSE4_64
+struct SSE4_64_Kernel12x4Depth2 : KernelBase {
+ typedef KernelFormat<
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 3>,
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
+ Format;
+ const char* Name() const override { return "SSE, 12x4, depth 2"; }
+ void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
+ std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
+ const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
+ std::size_t run_depth) const override {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized kernel");
+ assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
+ const std::int64_t run_depth_cells = run_depth / Format::kDepth;
+ const std::int64_t dst_col_stride_q = dst_col_stride;
+ /* Main loop */
+ // A 2x4 cell of Rhs is stored in 16bit in xmm1 .
+ // A 12x2 block of 3 4x2 cells Lhs is stored in 16bit in xmm0, replaced
+ // every Iteration.
+ // A 12x4 block of accumulators is stored in 32bit in xmm4--xmm15.
+ //
+ // +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ // |xmm1[0]|xmm1[2]|xmm1[4]|xmm1[6]|
+ // Rhs +-------+---------------+-------+
+ // |xmm1[1]|xmm1[3]|xmm1[5]|xmm1[7]|
+ // +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ //
+ // | | | | |
+ //
+ // Lhs | | | | |
+ //
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // |xmm0 | (Iter1) | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm4 | xmm5 | xmm6 | xmm7 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm8 | xmm9 | xmm10 | xmm11 |
+ // |xmm0 | (Iter2) | xmm8 | xmm9 | xmm10 | xmm11 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm8 | xmm9 | xmm10 | xmm11 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm8 | xmm9 | xmm10 | xmm11 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
+ // |xmm0 | (Iter3) | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
+ // |xmm0 | | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
+ // +--+--+ - - - - +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ //
+ // Accumulator
+ asm volatile(
+ // Set registers for destination
+ "movq %[dst_col_stride_q], %%r12\n\t"
+ "shlq $2, %%r12\n\t"
+ "leaq (%%r12,%%r12,0x2), %%r13\n\t"
+ // Set accumulators to zero.
+ "pxor %%xmm4 , %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm5 , %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm6 , %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm7 , %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm8 , %%xmm8 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm9 , %%xmm9 \n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm10 , %%xmm10\n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm11 , %%xmm11\n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm12 , %%xmm12\n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm13 , %%xmm13\n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm14 , %%xmm14\n\t"
+ "pxor %%xmm15 , %%xmm15\n\t"
+ "movq %[run_depth_cells], %%r14\n\t"
+ "subq $2, %%r14\n\t"
+ "js outerLoop1%=\n\t"
+ // Loop for K unrolled by 4
+ "outerLoop2%=:\n\t"
+ // K = 1,2
+ // RHS cell to xmm1
+ "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
+ // LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "prefetcht0 0x80(%[lhs_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ // next LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm8 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm9 \n\t"
+ "prefetcht0 0x80(%[rhs_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm10 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm11 \n\t"
+ // next LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x10(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm12 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm13 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm14 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm15 \n\t"
+ // K = 3,4
+ // RHS cell to xmm1
+ "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
+ // LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x18(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ // next LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x20(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm8 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm9 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm10 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm11 \n\t"
+ // next LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x28(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "addq $0x30, %[lhs_ptr] \n\t"
+ "addq $0x10, %[rhs_ptr] \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm12 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm13 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm14 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm15 \n\t"
+ "subq $2, %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
+ "ja outerLoop2%=\n\t"
+ "movq %[run_depth_cells], %%r14\n\t"
+ "decq %%r14\n\t"
+ "js finish%=\n\t"
+ // Loop for K unrolled by 2
+ "outerLoop1%=:\n\t"
+ // RHS cell to xmm1
+ "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
+ // LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ // next LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm8 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm9 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm10 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm11 \n\t"
+ // next LHS cell
+ "pmovzxbw 0x10(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
+ "addq $0x18, %[lhs_ptr] \n\t"
+ "addq $0x08, %[rhs_ptr] \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm12 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm13 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2 \n\t"
+ "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm14 \n\t"
+ "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm15 \n\t"
+ "decq %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
+ "jnz outerLoop1%=\n\t"
+ "finish%=:\n\t"
+ "test %[start_depth], %[start_depth]\n\t"
+ "jz storeDst%=\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr]) , %%xmm4 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr]) , %%xmm8 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr]) , %%xmm12\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1) , %%xmm5 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1) , %%xmm9 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1) , %%xmm13\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2) , %%xmm6 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2) , %%xmm10\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2) , %%xmm14\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1) , %%xmm7 \n\t"
+ "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1) , %%xmm11\n\t"
+ "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1) , %%xmm15\n\t"
+ "storeDst%=:\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm4 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm8 , 0x10(%[dst_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm12 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr]) \n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm5 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm9 , 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm13 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm6 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm10 , 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm14 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm7 , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm11 , 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1)\n\t"
+ "movdqu %%xmm15 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1)\n\t"
+ : // outputs
+ [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
+ [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr)
+ : // inputs
+ [start_depth] "r"(start_depth),
+ [dst_col_stride_q] "r"(dst_col_stride_q),
+ [run_depth_cells] "r"(run_depth_cells)
+ : // clobbers
+ "cc", "memory", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm3", "%xmm2", "%xmm4", "%xmm5",
+ "%xmm6", "%xmm7", "%xmm8", "%xmm9", "%xmm10", "%r12", "%r13", "%r14",
+ "%xmm11", "%xmm12", "%xmm13", "%xmm14", "%xmm15");
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/multi_thread_gemm.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/multi_thread_gemm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0234b26e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/multi_thread_gemm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// multi_thread_gemm.h: Multi-threaded GEMM entry point.
+// Readers note: To understand this file, it is useful to first
+// read and understand the much simpler single_thread_gemm.h.
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "single_thread_gemm.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// On X86 and ARM platforms we enable a busy-wait spinlock before waiting on a
+// pthread conditional variable. In order to implement that correctly we need
+// to put some explicit memory load/store barriers.
+ (defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM) || defined(GEMMLOWP_X86))
+const int kMaxBusyWaitNOPs = 32 * 1000 * 1000;
+#define GEMMLOWP_NOP "nop\n"
+inline int Do256NOPs() {
+ asm volatile(GEMMLOWP_NOP64);
+ return 64;
+#undef GEMMLOWP_NOP256
+#undef GEMMLOWP_NOP64
+#undef GEMMLOWP_NOP16
+inline void WriteBarrier() {
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_ARM_32
+ MemoryBarrier();
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM_64)
+ asm volatile("dmb ishst" ::: "memory");
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_X86)
+ asm volatile("sfence" ::: "memory");
+#error "Unsupported architecture for WriteBarrier."
+inline void ReadBarrier() {
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_ARM_32
+ MemoryBarrier();
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM_64)
+ asm volatile("dmb ishld" ::: "memory");
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_X86)
+ asm volatile("lfence" ::: "memory");
+#error "Unsupported architecture for ReadBarrier."
+// Waits until *var != initial_value.
+// Returns the new value of *var. The guarantee here is that
+// the return value is different from initial_value, and that that
+// new value has been taken by *var at some point during the
+// execution of this function. There is no guarantee that this is
+// still the value of *var when this function returns, since *var is
+// not assumed to be guarded by any lock.
+// First does some busy-waiting for a fixed number of no-op cycles,
+// then falls back to passive waiting for the given condvar, guarded
+// by the given mutex.
+// The idea of doing some initial busy-waiting is to help get
+// better and more consistent multithreading benefits for small GEMM sizes.
+// Busy-waiting help ensuring that if we need to wake up soon after having
+// started waiting, then we can wake up quickly (as opposed to, say,
+// having to wait to be scheduled again by the OS). On the other hand,
+// we must still eventually revert to passive waiting for longer waits
+// (e.g. worker threads having finished a GEMM and waiting until the next GEMM)
+// so as to avoid permanently spinning.
+template <typename T>
+T WaitForVariableChange(volatile T* var, T initial_value, pthread_cond_t* cond,
+ pthread_mutex_t* mutex) {
+ // If we are on a platform that supports it, spin for some time.
+ {
+ int nops = 0;
+ // First, trivial case where the variable already changed value.
+ T new_value = *var;
+ if (new_value != initial_value) {
+ ReadBarrier();
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ // Then try busy-waiting.
+ while (nops < kMaxBusyWaitNOPs) {
+ nops += Do256NOPs();
+ new_value = *var;
+ if (new_value != initial_value) {
+ ReadBarrier();
+ return new_value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, do real passive waiting.
+ pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
+ T new_value = *var;
+ if (new_value == initial_value) {
+ pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
+ new_value = *var;
+ assert(new_value != initial_value);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
+ return new_value;
+// A BlockingCounter lets one thread to wait for N events to occur.
+// This is how the master thread waits for all the worker threads
+// to have finished working.
+class BlockingCounter {
+ public:
+ BlockingCounter()
+ count_(0),
+ initial_count_(0) {}
+ // Sets/resets the counter; initial_count is the number of
+ // decrementing events that the Wait() call will be waiting for.
+ void Reset(std::size_t initial_count) {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_);
+ assert(count_ == 0);
+ initial_count_ = initial_count;
+ count_ = initial_count_;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_);
+ }
+ // Decrements the counter; if the counter hits zero, signals
+ // the thread that was waiting for that, and returns true.
+ // Otherwise (if the decremented count is still nonzero),
+ // returns false.
+ bool DecrementCount() {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_);
+ assert(count_ > 0);
+ count_--;
+ WriteBarrier();
+ if (count_ == 0) {
+ pthread_cond_signal(&cond_);
+ }
+ bool retval = count_ == 0;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ // Waits for the N other threads (N having been set by Reset())
+ // to hit the BlockingCounter.
+ void Wait() {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("BlockingCounter::Wait");
+ while (count_) {
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ const std::size_t count_value = count_;
+ if (count_value) {
+ WaitForVariableChange(&count_, count_value, &cond_, &mutex_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ pthread_cond_t cond_;
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
+ std::size_t count_;
+ std::size_t initial_count_;
+// A workload for a worker.
+struct Task {
+ Task() : local_allocator(nullptr) {}
+ virtual ~Task() {}
+ virtual void Run() = 0;
+ Allocator* local_allocator;
+// A worker thread.
+class Worker {
+ public:
+ enum class State {
+ ThreadStartup, // The initial state before the thread main loop runs.
+ Ready, // Is not working, has not yet received new work to do.
+ HasWork, // Has work to do.
+ ExitAsSoonAsPossible // Should exit at earliest convenience.
+ };
+ explicit Worker(BlockingCounter* counter_to_decrement_when_ready)
+ : task_(nullptr),
+ state_(State::ThreadStartup),
+ counter_to_decrement_when_ready_(counter_to_decrement_when_ready) {
+ pthread_create(&thread_, nullptr, ThreadFunc, this);
+ }
+ ~Worker() {
+ ChangeState(State::ExitAsSoonAsPossible);
+ pthread_join(thread_, nullptr);
+ }
+ // Changes State; may be called from either the worker thread
+ // or the master thread; however, not all state transitions are legal,
+ // which is guarded by assertions.
+ void ChangeState(State new_state) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("Worker::ChangeState");
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&state_mutex_);
+ assert(new_state != state_);
+ switch (state_) {
+ case State::ThreadStartup:
+ assert(new_state == State::Ready);
+ break;
+ case State::Ready:
+ assert(new_state == State::HasWork ||
+ new_state == State::ExitAsSoonAsPossible);
+ break;
+ case State::HasWork:
+ assert(new_state == State::Ready ||
+ new_state == State::ExitAsSoonAsPossible);
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ state_ = new_state;
+ pthread_cond_signal(&state_cond_);
+ if (state_ == State::Ready) {
+ counter_to_decrement_when_ready_->DecrementCount();
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&state_mutex_);
+ }
+ // Thread entry point.
+ void ThreadFunc() {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("Worker::ThreadFunc");
+ RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling();
+ ChangeState(State::Ready);
+ // Thread main loop
+ while (true) {
+ // Get a state to act on
+ // In the 'Ready' state, we have nothing to do but to wait until
+ // we switch to another state.
+ State state_to_act_upon = WaitForVariableChange(
+ &state_, State::Ready, &state_cond_, &state_mutex_);
+ // We now have a state to act on, so act.
+ switch (state_to_act_upon) {
+ case State::HasWork:
+ // Got work to do! So do it, and then revert to 'Ready' state.
+ assert(task_);
+ task_->Run();
+ task_ = nullptr;
+ ChangeState(State::Ready);
+ break;
+ case State::ExitAsSoonAsPossible:
+ return;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void* ThreadFunc(void* arg) {
+ static_cast<Worker*>(arg)->ThreadFunc();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Called by the master thead to give this worker work to do.
+ // It is only legal to call this if the worker
+ void StartWork(Task* task) {
+ assert(!task_);
+ task->local_allocator = &local_allocator_;
+ task_ = task;
+ WriteBarrier();
+ assert(state_ == State::Ready);
+ ChangeState(State::HasWork);
+ }
+ private:
+ // The underlying thread.
+ pthread_t thread_;
+ // The task to be worked on.
+ Task* task_;
+ // The condition variable and mutex guarding state changes.
+ pthread_cond_t state_cond_;
+ pthread_mutex_t state_mutex_;
+ // The state enum tells if we're currently working, waiting for work, etc.
+ State state_;
+ // Each thread had a local allocator so they can allocate temporary
+ // buffers without blocking each other.
+ Allocator local_allocator_;
+ // pointer to the master's thread BlockingCounter object, to notify the
+ // master thread of when this worker switches to the 'Ready' state.
+ BlockingCounter* const counter_to_decrement_when_ready_;
+// A very simple pool of workers, that only allows the very
+// specific parallelization pattern that we use here:
+// a fixed number of workers can be given work, and one then
+// waits for all of them to finish.
+// See MultiThreadGemmContextBase for how other WorkersPool implementations can
+// be used. Note that in those implementations, StartWorker can be free to
+// ignore the <index> value; that is, the caller of WorkersPool does not rely on
+// <index> to order tasks with equal <index>.
+class WorkersPool {
+ public:
+ WorkersPool() {}
+ ~WorkersPool() {
+ for (auto w : workers_) {
+ delete w;
+ }
+ }
+ void Execute(const std::vector<Task*>& tasks) {
+ assert(tasks.size() >= 1);
+ // One of the tasks will be run on the current thread.
+ int workers_count = tasks.size() - 1;
+ CreateWorkers(workers_count);
+ assert(workers_count <= workers_.size());
+ counter_to_decrement_when_ready_.Reset(workers_count);
+ int n = 0;
+ std::for_each(tasks.begin(), --tasks.end(), [this, &n](Task *task) {
+ workers_[n++]->StartWork(task);
+ });
+ // Execute the remaining workload immediately on the current thread.
+ Task* task = tasks.back();
+ task->local_allocator = &main_thread_task_allocator_;
+ task->Run();
+ // Wait for the workers submitted above to finish.
+ counter_to_decrement_when_ready_.Wait();
+ // Cleanup tasks (best to do this from the same thread that allocated
+ // the memory).
+ std::for_each(tasks.begin(), tasks.end(), [](Task *task) {
+ delete task;
+ });
+ }
+ private:
+ // Ensures that the pool has at least the given count of workers.
+ // If any new worker has to be created, this function waits for it to
+ // be ready.
+ void CreateWorkers(std::size_t workers_count) {
+ if (workers_.size() >= workers_count) {
+ return;
+ }
+ counter_to_decrement_when_ready_.Reset(workers_count - workers_.size());
+ while (workers_.size() < workers_count) {
+ workers_.push_back(new Worker(&counter_to_decrement_when_ready_));
+ }
+ counter_to_decrement_when_ready_.Wait();
+ }
+ // copy construction disallowed
+ WorkersPool(const WorkersPool&) = delete;
+ // The workers in this pool. They are owned by the pool:
+ // the pool creates workers and destroys them in its destructor.
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers_;
+ // The BlockingCounter used to wait for the workers.
+ BlockingCounter counter_to_decrement_when_ready_;
+ // For N-threaded operations, we will use only N-1 worker threads
+ // while the last task will be run directly on the main thread.
+ // It will then use this main_thread_task_allocator_; having a
+ // dedicated allocator for that (separate from the base allocator_)
+ // allows to use the same code for all tasks regardless of which
+ // thread they run on.
+ Allocator main_thread_task_allocator_;
+// The task we use to implement a multi-threaded Gemm: a block of the
+// RHS has been packed by the master thread; each worker thread
+// then has to pack a block of the LHS and accumulate the Gemm of these
+// packed LHS and RHS blocks.
+template <typename KernelFormat, typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar,
+ typename BitDepthParams, MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder,
+ MapOrder ResultOrder, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
+ typename OutputPipelineType, typename GemmContextType>
+struct GemmWithPackedRhsTask : Task {
+ typedef PackedSideBlock<typename KernelFormat::Lhs> PackedLhs;
+ typedef PackedSideBlock<typename KernelFormat::Rhs> PackedRhs;
+ GemmWithPackedRhsTask(GemmContextType* _context,
+ const KernelBase& _kernel,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& _lhs,
+ const PackedRhs& _packed_rhs,
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* _result,
+ const MatrixBlockBounds& _result_block,
+ const LhsOffset& _lhs_offset,
+ const RhsOffset& _rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& _output_pipeline)
+ : context(_context),
+ kernel(_kernel),
+ lhs(_lhs),
+ packed_rhs(_packed_rhs),
+ result(*_result),
+ result_block(_result_block),
+ lhs_offset(_lhs_offset),
+ rhs_offset(_rhs_offset),
+ output_pipeline(_output_pipeline) {}
+ void Run() override {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("GemmWithPackedRhsTask");
+ const int rows = result_block.rows;
+ const int cols = result_block.cols;
+ const int depth = lhs.cols();
+ BlockParams block_params;
+ block_params.Init<KernelFormat>(rows, cols, depth, 1,
+ context->l1_bytes_to_use(),
+ context->l2_bytes_to_use(),
+ context->l2_rhs_factor());
+ PackedLhs packed_lhs(Side::Lhs, local_allocator, block_params);
+ PackedResult packed_result(local_allocator, block_params);
+ local_allocator->Commit();
+ for (int c = 0; c < cols; c += block_params.l2_cols) {
+ int cs = std::min(block_params.l2_cols, cols - c);
+ for (int r = 0; r < rows; r += block_params.l2_rows) {
+ int rs = std::min(block_params.l2_rows, rows - r);
+ PackLhs(&packed_lhs, lhs.block(r, 0, rs, depth));
+ Compute(kernel, block_params, &packed_result, packed_lhs, packed_rhs,
+ depth);
+ auto curr_result_block = MatrixBlockBounds(
+ result_block.start_row + r, result_block.start_col + c, rs, cs);
+ UnpackResult<KernelFormat>(
+ &result, curr_result_block, packed_result, depth,
+ packed_lhs.sums_of_each_slice(), packed_rhs.sums_of_each_slice(),
+ lhs_offset.block(curr_result_block.start_row, rs),
+ rhs_offset.block(curr_result_block.start_col, cs), output_pipeline);
+ }
+ }
+ local_allocator->Decommit();
+ }
+ const GemmContextType* context;
+ const KernelBase& kernel;
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder> lhs;
+ const PackedRhs packed_rhs;
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder> result;
+ const MatrixBlockBounds result_block;
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset;
+ const RhsOffset& rhs_offset;
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline;
+// This base class for multi-threading allows subclasses to implement their own
+// workers_pool() method. See MultiThreadGemmContext below for an example;
+// any other implementation of workers_pool() must return an object with the
+// same public methods as WorkersPool.
+class MultiThreadGemmContextBase : public SingleThreadGemmContext {
+ public:
+ void set_max_num_threads(int n) { max_num_threads_ = n; }
+ int max_num_threads() const { return max_num_threads_; }
+ protected:
+ // The maximum number of worker threads to use (including
+ // the master thread).
+ // The default value 1 means single-threading. That is the default
+ // because gemmlowp's primary target is mobile hardware, where thermal
+ // constraints usually mean that it may not be realistic to use more
+ // than 1 CPU core even if multiple cores are present.
+ // The special value 0 means try to detect the number of hardware threads.
+ // Note: this assumes that all CPU cores are equivalent. That assumption
+ // is defeated on big.LITTLE ARM devices, where we have no API to query
+ // the number of big cores (which is typically what we would want to use,
+ // leaving aside above-mentioned thermal issues). That is the other reason
+ // why the best compromise here is to let max_num_threads_ default to 1,
+ // so users who want multi-threading have to make the decision of how many
+ // threads to use by themselves.
+ int max_num_threads_ = 1;
+class MultiThreadGemmContext : public MultiThreadGemmContextBase {
+ public:
+ WorkersPool* workers_pool() { return &workers_pool_; }
+ private:
+ // The workers pool used by MultiThreadGemm. Making
+ // this part of the context allows it to be persistent,
+ // avoiding recreating threads on every Gemm.
+ WorkersPool workers_pool_;
+// Needed by chrome native builds
+// Determines how many threads should be used for a given Gemm
+// operation.
+template <int KernelRows>
+inline int HowManyThreads(int max_num_threads, int rows, int cols, int depth) {
+ // Early-exit in the default case where multi-threading is disabled.
+ if (max_num_threads == 1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Determine the maximum number of threads.
+ int max_count = max_num_threads;
+ // The special value 0 means try to determine the total number of cores.
+ if (max_count == 0) {
+ // No user-set maximum number of threads, so we need to
+ // do some hardware detection.
+ // This is expensive to query so we do it only once.
+ // Too bad for dynamicness. Also, we dont use the c++11 standard getter
+ // because Google's coding style currently bans #include <thread_>.
+ static const int hardware_threads_count =
+ static_cast<int>(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF));
+ max_count = hardware_threads_count;
+ }
+ // Basic calculation: take into account max pool size, and
+ // how many rows we have to feed our kernel.
+ // The motivation for an absolute minimum number of rows per thread,
+ // potentially higher than KernelRows, is that very thin thread workload
+ // currently defeat assumptions of the AddMod generator, resulting
+ // in substantial bias in TestWithRealData on 24 threads.
+ // Ideally, the AddMod generator should be aware of global (r,c) coordinates
+ // so as to be independent of the number of threads.
+ static const int AbsoluteMinRowsPerThread = 16;
+ static const int MinRowsPerThread = KernelRows > AbsoluteMinRowsPerThread
+ ? KernelRows
+ : AbsoluteMinRowsPerThread;
+ int thread_count = std::min(max_count, CeilQuotient(rows, MinRowsPerThread));
+ // At this point for small products we already have thread_count==1 so
+ // we can avoid doing more work; otherwise, we still want to check
+ // that the cubic size (rows*cols*depth) is big enough to keep
+ // workers_ busy.
+ if (thread_count > 1) {
+ // Empirically determined value.
+ static const std::uint64_t min_cubic_size_per_thread = 64 * 1024;
+ // We can only multiply two out of three sizes without risking overflow
+ const std::uint64_t cubic_size =
+ std::uint64_t(rows) * std::uint64_t(cols) * std::uint64_t(depth);
+ thread_count =
+ std::min(thread_count, int(cubic_size / min_cubic_size_per_thread));
+ if (thread_count < 1) {
+ thread_count = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(thread_count > 0 && thread_count <= max_count);
+ return thread_count;
+// The main multi-threaded Gemm function.
+// To understand it, first read the code of SingleThreadGemm().
+// The parallelization scheme used here is to have this master function
+// pack a block of RHS and then start worker threads to pack a block of LHS
+// each, and accumulate the corresponding products.
+template <typename KernelFormat, typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar,
+ typename BitDepthParams, MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder,
+ MapOrder ResultOrder, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
+ typename OutputPipelineType, typename GemmContextType>
+void MultiThreadGemm(GemmContextType* context, const KernelBase& kernel,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* result,
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("gemmlowp::MultiThreadGemm");
+ assert(lhs.cols() == rhs.rows());
+ int rows = result->rows();
+ int cols = result->cols();
+ int depth = lhs.cols();
+ // zero sizes should have been caught earlier and early-returned.
+ assert(rows > 0);
+ assert(cols > 0);
+ assert(depth > 0);
+ // The case of rows<cols should have been caught earlier and transposed.
+ assert(rows >= cols);
+ const int thread_count = HowManyThreads<KernelFormat::kRows>(
+ context->max_num_threads(), rows, cols, depth);
+ if (thread_count == 1) {
+ return SingleThreadGemm<KernelFormat, InputScalar, OutputScalar,
+ BitDepthParams>(context, kernel, lhs, rhs, result,
+ lhs_offset, rhs_offset,
+ output_pipeline);
+ }
+ assert(thread_count > 1);
+ // Simple 1:1 mapping of tasks to physical cores, which is very important
+ // to getting good multithreaded performance, specially for not-very-large
+ // GEMMs, and especially on Android.
+ const int task_count = thread_count;
+ Allocator* allocator = context->allocator();
+ auto* workers_pool = context->workers_pool();
+ BlockParams block_params;
+ block_params.Init<KernelFormat>(rows, cols, depth, task_count,
+ context->l1_bytes_to_use(),
+ context->l2_bytes_to_use(),
+ context->l2_rhs_factor());
+ PackedSideBlock<typename KernelFormat::Rhs> packed_rhs(Side::Rhs, allocator,
+ block_params);
+ allocator->Commit();
+ // We loop over large blocks of the RHS.
+ for (int c = 0; c < cols; c += block_params.l2_cols) {
+ int cs = std::min(block_params.l2_cols, cols - c);
+ // Pack a large block of the RHS.
+ PackRhs(&packed_rhs, rhs.block(0, c, depth, cs));
+ // Give work to each worker.
+ std::vector<Task*> tasks;
+ int next_start_row = 0;
+ for (int n = 0; n < task_count; ++n) {
+ int start_row = next_start_row;
+ next_start_row = std::min(rows, RoundUp<KernelFormat::kRows>(
+ rows * (n + 1) / task_count));
+ int block_rows = next_start_row - start_row;
+ auto lhs_block = lhs.block(start_row, 0, block_rows, depth);
+ typedef GemmWithPackedRhsTask<
+ KernelFormat, InputScalar, OutputScalar, BitDepthParams, LhsOrder,
+ RhsOrder, ResultOrder, LhsOffset, RhsOffset, OutputPipelineType,
+ GemmContextType>
+ TaskType;
+ tasks.push_back(new TaskType(context, kernel, lhs_block, packed_rhs, result,
+ MatrixBlockBounds(start_row, c, block_rows, cs),
+ lhs_offset, rhs_offset, output_pipeline));
+ }
+ // Execute the work on the workers (and partially on this thread).
+ workers_pool->Execute(tasks);
+ }
+ allocator->Decommit();
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ccb8ee1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// output.h: processing the 32-bit accumulators output by the unpack
+// stage, obtaining the final result matrix entries and storing them into
+// the destination matrix.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "../fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h"
+#include "../public/output_stages.h"
+#include "simd_wrappers.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <typename OutputStage, typename InputBufferType>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl {
+ // This generic template body should never be hit.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_same<InputBufferType, void>::value,
+ "Unimplemented: missing implementation of this output pipeline stage "
+ "for this data type. This would happen if some architecture-specific "
+ "SIMD back-end (output_$arch.h) were incomplete.");
+template <typename OutputStage, typename InputType>
+struct OutputStageEvalImpl {
+ static constexpr int kRows = InputType::kRows;
+ static constexpr int kCols = InputType::kCols;
+ using InputBufferType = typename InputType::BufferType;
+ using BufferEvalImplType =
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStage, InputBufferType>;
+ using OutputBufferType = typename BufferEvalImplType::OutputType;
+ using OutputScalarType = typename OutputBufferType::ScalarType;
+ using OutputType = RegisterBlock<OutputScalarType, kRows, kCols>;
+ OutputStageEvalImpl(const OutputStage& s) : buffer_eval_impl(s) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input, int, int) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ output.buf = buffer_eval_impl.Eval(input.buf);
+ return output;
+ }
+ const BufferEvalImplType buffer_eval_impl;
+template <int Size>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale,
+ RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>> {
+ using InputType = RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>;
+ using OutputType = RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>;
+ typedef OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage& s) : output_stage(s) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ const int result_shift = output_stage.result_shift;
+ const std::int32_t result_mult_int = output_stage.result_mult_int;
+ using RegisterType = typename InputType::RegisterType;
+ const RegisterType result_offset =
+ Dup<RegisterType>(output_stage.result_offset);
+ OutputType output;
+ for (int i = 0; i < InputType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ output.reg[i] = RoundingDivideByPOT(
+ Mul(Add(input.reg[i], result_offset), result_mult_int), result_shift);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ const OutputStage& output_stage;
+template <int Rows, int Cols, VectorShape Shape>
+struct OutputStageEvalImpl<OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<Shape>,
+ RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, Rows, Cols>> {
+ typedef RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, Rows, Cols> InputType;
+ typedef RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, Rows, Cols> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<Shape> OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalImpl(const OutputStage& s) : output_stage(s) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input, int row, int col) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ const int result_shift = output_stage.result_shift;
+ const int pos = Shape == VectorShape::Col ? row : col;
+ const auto result_mult_int =
+ LoadForBroadcasting<InputType>(output_stage.result_mult_int, pos);
+ const auto result_offset =
+ LoadForBroadcasting<InputType>(output_stage.result_offset, pos);
+ const auto dividend = BroadcastMul<InputType>(
+ BroadcastAdd<InputType>(input, result_offset), result_mult_int);
+ for (int i = 0; i < InputType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ output.buf.reg[i] =
+ RoundingDivideByPOT(dividend.buf.reg[i], result_shift);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ const OutputStage& output_stage;
+template <int Size>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<
+ OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPoint,
+ RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>> {
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> InputType;
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPoint OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage& s) : output_stage(s) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ using RegisterType = typename InputType::RegisterType;
+ const RegisterType result_offset_after_shift =
+ Dup<RegisterType>(output_stage.result_offset_after_shift);
+ for (int i = 0; i < InputType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ const RegisterType mulhigh_val = SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(
+ input.reg[i], output_stage.result_fixedpoint_multiplier);
+ output.reg[i] =
+ Add(RoundingDivideByPOT(mulhigh_val, output_stage.result_shift),
+ result_offset_after_shift);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ const OutputStage& output_stage;
+// Implementation of OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 for scalar data
+template <int Size>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>> {
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> InputType;
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::uint8_t, Size> OutputType;
+ static_assert(InputType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ for (int i = 0; i < InputType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ std::int32_t data = input.reg[i];
+ output.reg[i] = data > 255 ? 255 : data < 0 ? 0 : data;
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+template <int Rows, int Cols, typename VectorType>
+struct OutputStageEvalImpl<OutputStageBiasAddition<VectorType>,
+ RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, Rows, Cols>> {
+ typedef RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, Rows, Cols> InputType;
+ typedef RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, Rows, Cols> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageBiasAddition<VectorType> OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalImpl(const OutputStage& s) : output_stage(s) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input, int row, int col) const {
+ const int pos = VectorType::kShape == VectorShape::Row ? col : row;
+ return BroadcastAdd<InputType>(
+ input, LoadForBroadcasting<InputType>(output_stage.bias_vector, pos));
+ }
+ const OutputStage& output_stage;
+template <int Size>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageClamp,
+ RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>> {
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> InputType;
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageClamp OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage& s) : output_stage(s) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ using RegisterType = typename InputType::RegisterType;
+ const RegisterType min = Dup<RegisterType>(output_stage.min);
+ const RegisterType max = Dup<RegisterType>(output_stage.max);
+ OutputType output;
+ for (int i = 0; i < InputType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ output.reg[i] = Min(Max(input.reg[i], min), max);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ const OutputStage& output_stage;
+template <int Size>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageTanh,
+ RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size>> {
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> InputType;
+ typedef RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, Size> OutputType;
+ using RegisterType = typename InputType::RegisterType;
+ typedef RegisterType DataType;
+ typedef OutputStageTanh OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage& s) : output_stage(s) {
+ const std::int32_t real_zero_as_int32 = output_stage.real_zero_as_int32;
+ const std::int32_t real_amplitude_as_int32 =
+ output_stage.real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ input_cutoff_min = real_zero_as_int32 - 8 * real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ input_cutoff_max = real_zero_as_int32 + 8 * real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ output_min = real_zero_as_int32 - real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ output_max = real_zero_as_int32 + real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ double inverse_amplitude_normalized_double = 1.0 / real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ inverse_amplitude_neg_exponent = 0;
+ while (inverse_amplitude_normalized_double < 0.5) {
+ inverse_amplitude_normalized_double *= 2;
+ inverse_amplitude_neg_exponent++;
+ }
+ inverse_amplitude_normalized = FixedPoint<DataType, 0>::FromDouble(
+ inverse_amplitude_normalized_double);
+ double amplitude_normalized_double = real_amplitude_as_int32;
+ amplitude_exponent = 0;
+ while (amplitude_normalized_double >= 1.0) {
+ amplitude_normalized_double *= 0.5;
+ amplitude_exponent++;
+ }
+ amplitude_normalized =
+ FixedPoint<DataType, 0>::FromDouble(amplitude_normalized_double);
+ }
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ const std::int32_t real_zero_as_int32 = output_stage.real_zero_as_int32;
+ typedef FixedPoint<DataType, 3> F3;
+ typedef FixedPoint<DataType, 0> F0;
+ OutputType output;
+ for (int i = 0; i < OutputType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ // fixed-point affine transformation
+ DataType input_centered =
+ Sub(input.reg[i], Dup<DataType>(real_zero_as_int32));
+ F3 fixedpoint_input =
+ F3::FromRaw(input_centered) * inverse_amplitude_normalized;
+ // left shift
+ fixedpoint_input.raw() = ShiftLeft(fixedpoint_input.raw(),
+ 28 - inverse_amplitude_neg_exponent);
+ // fixed-point tanh and multiplication
+ F0 fixedpoint_output = tanh(fixedpoint_input) * amplitude_normalized;
+ // right shift
+ DataType int32_output =
+ Add(Dup<DataType>(real_zero_as_int32),
+ ShiftRight(fixedpoint_output.raw(), 31 - amplitude_exponent));
+ DataType mask_if_below_cutoff_min =
+ MaskIfLessThanOrEqual(input.reg[i], Dup<DataType>(input_cutoff_min));
+ DataType mask_if_above_cutoff_max = MaskIfGreaterThanOrEqual(
+ input.reg[i], Dup<DataType>(input_cutoff_max));
+ output.reg[i] = SelectUsingMask(
+ mask_if_below_cutoff_min, Dup<DataType>(output_min),
+ SelectUsingMask(mask_if_above_cutoff_max, Dup<DataType>(output_max),
+ int32_output));
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ const OutputStage& output_stage;
+ std::int32_t input_cutoff_min, input_cutoff_max;
+ std::int32_t output_min, output_max;
+ FixedPoint<DataType, 0> inverse_amplitude_normalized;
+ int inverse_amplitude_neg_exponent;
+ FixedPoint<DataType, 0> amplitude_normalized;
+ int amplitude_exponent;
+// OutputPipelineOutputType is a helper to determine the output data type of a
+// pipeline, for a
+// given input data type. It is a recursive template; see the explanation on
+// OutputPipelineEvalImpl below.
+template <typename OutputPipelineType, int FirstStage, typename InputType,
+ bool StopRecursion =
+ FirstStage == std::tuple_size<OutputPipelineType>::value>
+struct OutputPipelineOutputType {
+ typedef typename std::tuple_element<FirstStage, OutputPipelineType>::type
+ FirstStageType;
+ typedef typename OutputStageEvalImpl<FirstStageType, InputType>::OutputType
+ FirstStageOutputType;
+ typedef typename OutputPipelineOutputType<OutputPipelineType, FirstStage + 1,
+ FirstStageOutputType>::Type Type;
+template <typename OutputPipelineType, int FirstStage, typename InputType>
+struct OutputPipelineOutputType<OutputPipelineType, FirstStage, InputType,
+ true> {
+ typedef InputType Type;
+// OutputPipelineEvalImpl is a helper to implement the evaluation of
+// the whole pipeline. It is a recursive template to implement compile-time
+// unrolling of the loop over all pipeline stages. The 'FirstStage' parameter
+// is how we implement recursion: each specialization implements only
+// evaluation starting at 'FirstStage'. The StopRecursion parameter is just a
+// helper to implement the termination of the recursion as a partial
+// specialization below.
+template <typename OutputPipelineType, int FirstStage, typename InputType,
+ bool StopRecursion =
+ FirstStage == std::tuple_size<OutputPipelineType>::value>
+struct OutputPipelineEvalImpl {
+ typedef typename std::tuple_element<FirstStage, OutputPipelineType>::type
+ FirstStageType;
+ typedef typename OutputStageEvalImpl<FirstStageType, InputType>::OutputType
+ FirstStageOutputType;
+ typedef typename OutputPipelineOutputType<OutputPipelineType, FirstStage,
+ InputType>::Type OutputType;
+ OutputPipelineEvalImpl(const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline)
+ : head_impl(std::get<FirstStage>(output_pipeline)),
+ tail_impl(output_pipeline) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input, int row, int col) const {
+ // Evaluate the first stage.
+ FirstStageOutputType first_stage_output = head_impl.Eval(input, row, col);
+ // Recurse into the remaining stages.
+ return tail_impl.Eval(first_stage_output, row, col);
+ }
+ const OutputStageEvalImpl<FirstStageType, InputType> head_impl;
+ const OutputPipelineEvalImpl<OutputPipelineType, FirstStage + 1,
+ FirstStageOutputType>
+ tail_impl;
+// Specialization on 'StopRecursion' for terminating the recursion.
+template <typename OutputPipelineType, int FirstStage, typename InputType>
+struct OutputPipelineEvalImpl<OutputPipelineType, FirstStage, InputType, true> {
+ OutputPipelineEvalImpl(const OutputPipelineType&) {}
+ InputType Eval(InputType input, int, int) const {
+ // Terminating the recursion.
+ return input;
+ }
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<RegisterBlockType, void>::value,
+ "This generic impl should never be hit");
+template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>, DstType> {
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
+ static void Run(const RegisterBlockType& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
+ *dst->data(row + r, col + c) = src.buf.reg[r + c * Rows];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// StoreFinalOutput takes the final value at the end of the output pipeline and
+// stores it into the destination matrix. It can be specialized for different
+// data types; the generic implementation here is typically used only for plain
+// old scalar (not SIMD) types.
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename DstType>
+void StoreFinalOutput(RegisterBlockType src, DstType* dst, int row, int col) {
+ StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegisterBlockType, DstType>::Run(src, dst, row, col);
+template <typename OutputPipelineType, typename InputType>
+struct OutputPipelineExecutor {
+ OutputPipelineExecutor(const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline)
+ : output_pipeline_eval_impl_(output_pipeline) {}
+ // RunOutputPipeline is the entry point into the output pipeline evaluation
+ // code. It should be the only thing that unpack code calls. It takes the
+ // result
+ // of the unpack stage and stores it into the destination matrix.
+ template <typename DstType>
+ void Execute(InputType input, DstType* dst, int src_global_row,
+ int src_global_col, int dst_row, int dst_col) const {
+ // Statically assert that the output pipeline matches the given destination
+ // matrix's scalar type.
+ typedef typename OutputPipelineOutputType<
+ OutputPipelineType, 0, InputType>::Type::BufferType::ScalarType
+ ScalarOutputType;
+ typedef typename DstType::Scalar ScalarDstType;
+ static_assert(std::is_same<ScalarOutputType, ScalarDstType>::value,
+ "mismatched destination scalar type and output pipeline");
+ // Evaluate the output pipeline.
+ auto output =
+ output_pipeline_eval_impl_.Eval(input, src_global_row, src_global_col);
+ // Store the result into the destination matrix.
+ StoreFinalOutput(output, dst, dst_row, dst_col);
+ }
+ const OutputPipelineEvalImpl<OutputPipelineType, 0, InputType>
+ output_pipeline_eval_impl_;
+} // namespace gemmlowp
+#include "output_neon.h"
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE4)
+#include "output_sse.h"
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output_neon.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output_neon.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e111e586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output_neon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// output_neon.h: optimized NEON specializations of the templates in output.h.
+#include "output.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<4>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<4> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<4> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ int16x4_t res_16 = vqmovn_s32(input.reg[0]);
+ uint8x8_t res_8 = vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(res_16, res_16));
+ output.reg[0] = vget_lane_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u8(res_8), 0);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<8>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<8> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<8> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ int16x8_t res_16 =
+ vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(input.reg[0]), vqmovn_s32(input.reg[1]));
+ output.reg[0] = vqmovun_s16(res_16);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<16>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<16> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<16> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ int16x8_t res_16_0 =
+ vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(input.reg[0]), vqmovn_s32(input.reg[1]));
+ int16x8_t res_16_1 =
+ vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(input.reg[2]), vqmovn_s32(input.reg[3]));
+ output.reg[0] = vqmovun_s16(res_16_0);
+ output.reg[1] = vqmovun_s16(res_16_1);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<32>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<32> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<32> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ int16x8_t res_16[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ res_16[i] = vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(input.reg[2 * i]),
+ vqmovn_s32(input.reg[2 * i + 1]));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ output.reg[i] = vqmovun_s16(res_16[i]);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col), src.buf.reg[0]);
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4, col), src.buf.reg[1]);
+ } else {
+ *dst->data(row + 0, col) = GetLane<0>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 1, col) = GetLane<1>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 2, col) = GetLane<2>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 3, col) = GetLane<3>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 4, col) = GetLane<0>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ *dst->data(row + 5, col) = GetLane<1>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ *dst->data(row + 6, col) = GetLane<2>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ *dst->data(row + 7, col) = GetLane<3>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ }
+ }
+inline RegBlockInt32<4, 4> Transpose(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& src) {
+ const int32x4x2_t t0 = vtrnq_s32(src.buf.reg[0], src.buf.reg[1]);
+ const int32x4x2_t t1 = vtrnq_s32(src.buf.reg[2], src.buf.reg[3]);
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] =
+ vcombine_s32(vget_low_s32(t0.val[0]), vget_low_s32(t1.val[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[1] =
+ vcombine_s32(vget_low_s32(t0.val[1]), vget_low_s32(t1.val[1]));
+ result.buf.reg[2] =
+ vcombine_s32(vget_high_s32(t0.val[0]), vget_high_s32(t1.val[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[3] =
+ vcombine_s32(vget_high_s32(t0.val[1]), vget_high_s32(t1.val[1]));
+ return result;
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ const auto& block =
+ DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor ? src : Transpose(src);
+ std::int32_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ int stride = dst->stride();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * stride, block.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::int32_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ int col_stride = dst->cols_stride();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * col_stride + 0, src.buf.reg[2 * i + 0]);
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * col_stride + 4, src.buf.reg[2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int row_stride = dst->rows_stride();
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> top;
+ top.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[0];
+ top.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[2];
+ top.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[4];
+ top.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[6];
+ const auto transpose_top = Transpose(top);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * row_stride, transpose_top.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> bottom;
+ bottom.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[1];
+ bottom.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[3];
+ bottom.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[5];
+ bottom.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[7];
+ const auto transpose_bottom = Transpose(bottom);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + (i + 4) * row_stride, transpose_bottom.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 8>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 8>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::int32_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ int col_stride = dst->cols_stride();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * col_stride, src.buf.reg[2 * i]);
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * col_stride + 4, src.buf.reg[2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int row_stride = dst->rows_stride();
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> top_left;
+ top_left.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[0];
+ top_left.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[2];
+ top_left.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[4];
+ top_left.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[6];
+ const auto transpose_top_left = Transpose(top_left);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * row_stride, transpose_top_left.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> bottom_left;
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[1];
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[3];
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[5];
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[7];
+ const auto transpose_bottom_left = Transpose(bottom_left);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + (i + 4) * row_stride,
+ transpose_bottom_left.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> top_right;
+ top_right.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[8];
+ top_right.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[10];
+ top_right.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[12];
+ top_right.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[14];
+ const auto transpose_top_right = Transpose(top_right);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + i * row_stride + 4, transpose_top_right.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> bottom_right;
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[9];
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[11];
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[13];
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[15];
+ const auto transpose_bottom_right = Transpose(bottom_right);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr + (i + 4) * row_stride + 4,
+ transpose_bottom_right.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::int32_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr, src.buf.reg[0]);
+ } else {
+ int row_stride = dst->rows_stride();
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 0 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 0);
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 1 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 1);
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 2 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 2);
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 3 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 3);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::int32_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::RowMajor) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst_ptr, src.buf.reg[0]);
+ } else {
+ int col_stride = dst->cols_stride();
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 0 * col_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 0);
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 1 * col_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 1);
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 2 * col_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 2);
+ vst1q_lane_s32(dst_ptr + 3 * col_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 3);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<4, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<4, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ const std::uint32_t src_reg = src.buf.reg[0];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ *dst->data(row + i, col) = (src_reg >> (8 * i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<1, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<1, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ *dst->data(row, col + i) = (src.buf.reg[0] >> (8 * i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<8, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr, src.buf.reg[0]);
+ } else {
+ const int row_stride = dst->rows_stride();
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 0 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 0);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 1 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 1);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 2 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 2);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 3 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 3);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 4 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 4);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 5 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 5);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 6 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 6);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 7 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[0], 7);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<4, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<4, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ const int row_stride = dst->rows_stride();
+ const int col_stride = dst->cols_stride();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 0 * row_stride + (2 * i + 0) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 0);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 1 * row_stride + (2 * i + 0) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 1);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 2 * row_stride + (2 * i + 0) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 2);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 3 * row_stride + (2 * i + 0) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 3);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 0 * row_stride + (2 * i + 1) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 4);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 1 * row_stride + (2 * i + 1) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 5);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 2 * row_stride + (2 * i + 1) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 6);
+ vst1_lane_u8(dst_ptr + 3 * row_stride + (2 * i + 1) * col_stride,
+ src.buf.reg[i], 7);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<8, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ int col_stride = dst->cols_stride();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr + i * col_stride, src.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ int row_stride = dst->rows_stride();
+ std::uint8_t* col_ptr = dst_ptr + i;
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 0 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 0);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 1 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 1);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 2 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 2);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 3 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 3);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 4 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 4);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 5 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 5);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 6 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 6);
+ vst1_lane_u8(col_ptr + 7 * row_stride, src.buf.reg[i], 7);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline RegBlockUint8<8, 8> Transpose(const RegBlockUint8<8, 8>& src) {
+ uint8x8x2_t a[4];
+ a[0] = vtrn_u8(src.buf.reg[0], src.buf.reg[1]);
+ a[1] = vtrn_u8(src.buf.reg[2], src.buf.reg[3]);
+ a[2] = vtrn_u8(src.buf.reg[4], src.buf.reg[5]);
+ a[3] = vtrn_u8(src.buf.reg[6], src.buf.reg[7]);
+ uint16x4x2_t b[4];
+ b[0] = vtrn_u16(vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[0].val[0]),
+ vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[1].val[0]));
+ b[1] = vtrn_u16(vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[0].val[1]),
+ vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[1].val[1]));
+ b[2] = vtrn_u16(vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[2].val[0]),
+ vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[3].val[0]));
+ b[3] = vtrn_u16(vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[2].val[1]),
+ vreinterpret_u16_u8(a[3].val[1]));
+ uint32x2x2_t c[4];
+ c[0] = vtrn_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[0].val[0]),
+ vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[2].val[0]));
+ c[1] = vtrn_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[1].val[0]),
+ vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[3].val[0]));
+ c[2] = vtrn_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[0].val[1]),
+ vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[2].val[1]));
+ c[3] = vtrn_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[1].val[1]),
+ vreinterpret_u32_u16(b[3].val[1]));
+ RegBlockUint8<8, 8> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[0].val[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[1].val[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[2] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[2].val[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[3] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[3].val[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[4] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[0].val[1]);
+ result.buf.reg[5] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[1].val[1]);
+ result.buf.reg[6] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[2].val[1]);
+ result.buf.reg[7] = vreinterpret_u8_u32(c[3].val[1]);
+ return result;
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 8>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<8, 8>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ const auto& block =
+ DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor ? src : Transpose(src);
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->data(row, col);
+ int stride = dst->stride();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr + i * stride, block.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output_sse.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output_sse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c0625398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/output_sse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// output_sse.h: optimized SSE4.2 specializations of the templates in output.h.
+#include "output.h"
+#include <smmintrin.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<4>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<4> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<4> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ __m128i res_16 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[0], input.reg[0]);
+ __m128i res_8 = _mm_packus_epi16(res_16, res_16);
+ output.reg[0] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(res_8);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<8>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<8> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<8> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ __m128i res_16 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[0], input.reg[1]);
+ __m128i res_8 = _mm_packus_epi16(res_16, res_16);
+ output.reg[0] = _mm_extract_epi32(res_8, 0);
+ output.reg[1] = _mm_extract_epi32(res_8, 1);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<16>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<16> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<16> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ __m128i res_16_0 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[0], input.reg[1]);
+ __m128i res_16_1 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[2], input.reg[3]);
+ output.reg[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(res_16_0, res_16_1);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <>
+struct OutputStageEvalBufferImpl<OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8,
+ RegBufferInt32<32>> {
+ typedef RegBufferInt32<32> InputType;
+ typedef RegBufferUint8<32> OutputType;
+ typedef OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 OutputStage;
+ OutputStageEvalBufferImpl(const OutputStage&) {}
+ OutputType Eval(InputType input) const {
+ OutputType output;
+ __m128i res_16_0 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[0], input.reg[1]);
+ __m128i res_16_1 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[2], input.reg[3]);
+ output.reg[0] = _mm_packus_epi16(res_16_0, res_16_1);
+ __m128i res_16_2 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[4], input.reg[5]);
+ __m128i res_16_3 = _mm_packs_epi32(input.reg[6], input.reg[7]);
+ output.reg[1] = _mm_packus_epi16(res_16_2, res_16_3);
+ return output;
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col), src.buf.reg[0]);
+ } else {
+ *dst->data(row + 0, col) = GetLane<0>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 1, col) = GetLane<1>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 2, col) = GetLane<2>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 3, col) = GetLane<3>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col), src.buf.reg[0]);
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4, col), src.buf.reg[1]);
+ } else {
+ *dst->data(row + 0, col) = GetLane<0>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 1, col) = GetLane<1>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 2, col) = GetLane<2>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 3, col) = GetLane<3>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row + 4, col) = GetLane<0>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ *dst->data(row + 5, col) = GetLane<1>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ *dst->data(row + 6, col) = GetLane<2>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ *dst->data(row + 7, col) = GetLane<3>(src.buf.reg[1]);
+ }
+ }
+inline RegBlockInt32<4, 4> Transpose(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& src) {
+ __m128i t0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(src.buf.reg[0], src.buf.reg[1]);
+ __m128i t1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(src.buf.reg[2], src.buf.reg[3]);
+ __m128i t2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(src.buf.reg[0], src.buf.reg[1]);
+ __m128i t3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(src.buf.reg[2], src.buf.reg[3]);
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(t0, t1);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(t0, t1);
+ result.buf.reg[2] = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(t2, t3);
+ result.buf.reg[3] = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(t2, t3);
+ return result;
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col + i), src.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const auto transpose = Transpose(src);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + i, col), transpose.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col + i), src.buf.reg[2 * i]);
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4, col + i), src.buf.reg[2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> top;
+ top.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[0];
+ top.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[2];
+ top.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[4];
+ top.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[6];
+ const auto transpose_top = Transpose(top);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + i, col), transpose_top.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> bottom;
+ bottom.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[1];
+ bottom.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[3];
+ bottom.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[5];
+ bottom.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[7];
+ const auto transpose_bottom = Transpose(bottom);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4 + i, col), transpose_bottom.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 8>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 8>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col + i), src.buf.reg[2 * i]);
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4, col + i), src.buf.reg[2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> top_left;
+ top_left.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[0];
+ top_left.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[2];
+ top_left.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[4];
+ top_left.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[6];
+ const auto transpose_top_left = Transpose(top_left);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + i, col), transpose_top_left.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> bottom_left;
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[1];
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[3];
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[5];
+ bottom_left.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[7];
+ const auto transpose_bottom_left = Transpose(bottom_left);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4 + i, col),
+ transpose_bottom_left.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> top_right;
+ top_right.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[8];
+ top_right.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[10];
+ top_right.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[12];
+ top_right.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[14];
+ const auto transpose_top_right = Transpose(top_right);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + i, col + 4),
+ transpose_top_right.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> bottom_right;
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[0] = src.buf.reg[9];
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[1] = src.buf.reg[11];
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[2] = src.buf.reg[13];
+ bottom_right.buf.reg[3] = src.buf.reg[15];
+ const auto transpose_bottom_right = Transpose(bottom_right);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row + 4 + i, col + 4),
+ transpose_bottom_right.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ if (DstType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor) {
+ *dst->data(row, col + 0) = GetLane<0>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row, col + 1) = GetLane<1>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row, col + 2) = GetLane<2>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ *dst->data(row, col + 3) = GetLane<3>(src.buf.reg[0]);
+ } else {
+ StoreInt32x4(dst->data(row, col), src.buf.reg[0]);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<4, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<4, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ const std::uint32_t src_reg = src.buf.reg[0];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ *dst->data(row + i, col) = (src_reg >> (8 * i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 1>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<8, 1>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ *dst->data(row + i, col) = (src.buf.reg[0] >> (8 * i));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ *dst->data(row + 4 + i, col) = (src.buf.reg[1] >> (8 * i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<1, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<1, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ *dst->data(row, col + i) = (src.buf.reg[0] >> (8 * i));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<4, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<4, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::uint8_t buf[16];
+ StoreUint8x16(buf, src.buf.reg[0]);
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
+ *dst->data(row + r, col + c) = buf[r + 4 * c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 4>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<8, 4>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::uint8_t buf[32];
+ StoreUint8x16(buf, src.buf.reg[0]);
+ StoreUint8x16(buf + 16, src.buf.reg[1]);
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
+ *dst->data(row + r, col + c) = buf[r + 8 * c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename DstType>
+struct StoreFinalOutputImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 8>, DstType> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockUint8<8, 8>& src, DstType* dst, int row,
+ int col) {
+ std::uint8_t buf[64];
+ StoreUint8x16(buf, src.buf.reg[0]);
+ StoreUint8x16(buf + 16, src.buf.reg[1]);
+ StoreUint8x16(buf + 32, src.buf.reg[2]);
+ StoreUint8x16(buf + 48, src.buf.reg[3]);
+ for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
+ *dst->data(row + r, col + c) = buf[r + 8 * c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..339539602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pack.h: packing blocks of the LHS and RHS into the data layout
+// that is expected by compute.h and eventually by kernels.
+// Because this data layout depends on the kernel format, code here
+// is templated in KernelLhsFormat/KernelRhsFormat.
+// Readers note: an important theme around here is that we try hard
+// to handle both Lhs and Rhs with a single piece of code. We indifferently
+// refer to the Lhs and Rhs as a 'Side'. Instead of addressing matrices
+// by (row, column) indices, we address them by (width, depth), as explained
+// in kernel.h. This allows us to handle both Lhs and Rhs on an equal footing,
+// at once.
+#include <cstring>
+#include "allocator.h"
+#include "block_params.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "kernel.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// A PackedSideBlock instance is a packed block of either the LHS or RHS
+// (whence the generic 'Side' name).
+// 'Packed' means that it is laid out in the storage order that
+// is expected by the specified kernel format. From a block of the input
+// LHS or RHS matrix, one obtains a PackedSideBlock by calling PackLhs()
+// or PackRhs().
+template <typename tKernelSideFormat>
+class PackedSideBlock {
+ public:
+ typedef tKernelSideFormat KernelSideFormat;
+ PackedSideBlock(Side side, Allocator* allocator,
+ const BlockParams& block_params)
+ : allocator_(allocator), pos_(0) {
+ GetSideBlockParams(side, &params_, block_params);
+ data_handle_ =
+ allocator_->Reserve<std::uint8_t>(params_.l2_width * params_.l2_depth);
+ sums_of_each_slice_handle_ =
+ allocator_->Reserve<std::int32_t>(params_.l2_width);
+ }
+ ~PackedSideBlock() {}
+ void seek_run(int start_width, int start_depth) const {
+ int kernel_run_depth =
+ std::min<int>(params_.l1_depth, params_.l2_depth - start_depth);
+ pos_ = params_.l2_width * start_depth + start_width * kernel_run_depth;
+ }
+ void seek_next_cell() const { pos_ += KernelSideFormat::Cell::kSize; }
+ void seek_forward_n_cells(int n) const {
+ pos_ += n * KernelSideFormat::Cell::kSize;
+ }
+ const std::uint8_t* current_data() const {
+ return allocator_->GetPointer<std::uint8_t>(data_handle_) + pos_;
+ }
+ std::uint8_t* current_data() {
+ return allocator_->GetPointer<std::uint8_t>(data_handle_) + pos_;
+ }
+ std::int32_t* sums_of_each_slice() {
+ return allocator_->GetPointer<std::int32_t>(sums_of_each_slice_handle_);
+ }
+ const std::int32_t* sums_of_each_slice() const {
+ return allocator_->GetPointer<const std::int32_t>(
+ sums_of_each_slice_handle_);
+ }
+ const SideBlockParams& params() const { return params_; }
+ private:
+ // The block size parameters that this PackedSizeBlock follows.
+ // The L2 parameters determine its overall size, while the L1 parameters,
+ // together with the kernel format template parameter, determine
+ // the fine details of the storage/traversal order.
+ SideBlockParams params_;
+ // Pointer to the allocator provided by the caller. Not owned.
+ // The Allocator is assumed to outlive the PackedSideBlock.
+ Allocator* const allocator_;
+ // Handle on the buffer backing this packed block. Owned.
+ Allocator::Handle data_handle_;
+ // Handle on the additional buffer backing the vector of sums of slices
+ // associated with this block. Owned.
+ Allocator::Handle sums_of_each_slice_handle_;
+ // pos_ is the current position in the buffer, which we access
+ // sequentially, like a file.
+ // The idea is that we pack data in the same order as it is
+ // going to be traversed during the computation, which for
+ // cache-friendliness reasons is complicated to random-access,
+ // as the offsets calculations would be intricate. So we
+ // give up random-access addressing, and instead content ourselves
+ // with sequential access.
+ //
+ // pos_ is mutable because during the computation we will want to
+ // be able to iterate on the data in a const PackedSideBlock.
+ mutable int pos_;
+// WidthMajor and DepthMajor are custom phrases modelled after the
+// standard terminology 'row-major' and 'column-major'. Their meaning
+// should be transparent once one has read the explanation in kernel.h:
+// for example, in the Lhs, the 'width' dimension is the rows dimension,
+// so there WidthMajor means RowMajor, while in the Rhs it is the opposite.
+// Another way to put it: WidthMajor means that contiguous storage is used
+// for entries having the same 'width' index.
+enum class SideMapOrder { WidthMajor, DepthMajor };
+// Similar to MatrixMap from map.h, but in terms of width/depth instead of
+// rows/columns. Used to address blocks of the input LHS/RHS matrices when
+// packing them.
+template <typename tScalar, SideMapOrder tOrder>
+class SideMap {
+ public:
+ typedef tScalar Scalar;
+ static const SideMapOrder kOrder = tOrder;
+ SideMap(Scalar* data, int width, int depth, int stride)
+ : data_(data), width_(width), depth_(depth), stride_(stride) {}
+ SideMap(Scalar* data, int width, int depth)
+ : data_(data), width_(width), depth_(depth) {
+ stride_ = kOrder == SideMapOrder::WidthMajor ? depth_ : width_;
+ }
+ SideMap(const SideMap& other)
+ : data_(other.data_),
+ width_(other.width_),
+ depth_(other.depth_),
+ stride_(other.stride_) {}
+ int width() const { return width_; }
+ int depth() const { return depth_; }
+ int stride() const { return stride_; }
+ int width_stride() const {
+ return kOrder == SideMapOrder::DepthMajor ? 1 : stride_;
+ }
+ int depth_stride() const {
+ return kOrder == SideMapOrder::WidthMajor ? 1 : stride_;
+ }
+ Scalar* data() const { return data_; }
+ Scalar* data(int w, int d) const {
+ return data_ + w * width_stride() + d * depth_stride();
+ }
+ Scalar operator()(int w, int d) const { return *data(w, d); }
+ Scalar& operator()(int w, int d) { return *data(w, d); }
+ SideMap block(int start_width, int start_depth, int block_width,
+ int block_depth) const {
+ assert(start_width >= 0);
+ assert(start_width + block_width <= width_);
+ assert(start_depth >= 0);
+ assert(start_depth + block_depth <= depth_);
+ return SideMap(data(start_width, start_depth), block_width, block_depth,
+ stride_);
+ }
+ private:
+ Scalar* data_; // not owned.
+ int width_, depth_, stride_;
+// A PackingRegisterBlock is a small fixed-size block of a matrix being
+// packed. This class is the generic non-optimized implementation,
+// it is inherited by the generic implementation of PackingRegisterBlock,
+// which may be overriden by template specialization. Overriding it is how
+// one may provide optimized packing code paths.
+// The packing of a block proceeds in two steps:
+// 1. Ensuring that we have a complete block of source data, i.e. a block of
+// the compile-time prescribed size. This is where we handle unaligned
+// boundaries: if we don't have a complete block of source data, then
+// we copy and zero-extend it into a local temporary (complete_src_),
+// see MakeCompleteSrc. In the generic case, we do have a complete block,
+// so we just use it in-place, see UseCompleteSrcInPlace.
+// 2. Packing a complete block into the destination, see Pack. This is the
+// most critical part, so it's convenient that unaligned boundaries have
+// already been handled in step 1.
+template <typename SrcMapType, typename PackedSideBlock>
+class PackingRegisterBlockBase {
+ public:
+ typedef typename PackedSideBlock::KernelSideFormat KernelSideFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Scalar KernelScalar;
+ static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
+ static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
+ static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
+ static const int kCellSize = CellFormat::kSize;
+ static const SideMapOrder kSrcOrder = SrcMapType::kOrder;
+ static const int kZeroPointInputValue =
+ ZeroPointInputValue<KernelScalar>::kValue;
+ PackingRegisterBlockBase() : complete_src_(nullptr, 0, 0, 0) {}
+ protected:
+ // The source data that's ready for packing. May point to
+ // in-place actual source data if it's already a complete block,
+ // (see UseCompleteSrcInPlace)
+ // or to the local buf_ below into which we copy incomplete blocks
+ // (see MakeCompleteSrc)
+ SrcMapType complete_src_;
+ // Temporary buffer for loading incomplete blocks to,
+ // in the source storage order
+ std::uint8_t buf_[kKernelWidth * kRegisterSize];
+ public:
+ // Selects a block if in-place source data that's already a complete block
+ void UseCompleteSrcInPlace(const SrcMapType& src) { complete_src_ = src; }
+ // Copies an incomplete block of source data into a local temporary
+ // complete block by zero-extending it.
+ void MakeCompleteSrc(const SrcMapType& src) {
+ memset(buf_, kZeroPointInputValue, kKernelWidth * kRegisterSize);
+ if (kSrcOrder == SideMapOrder::WidthMajor) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < src.width(); w++) {
+ memcpy(buf_ + w * kRegisterSize,, 0), src.depth());
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(kSrcOrder == SideMapOrder::DepthMajor);
+ for (int d = 0; d < src.depth(); d++) {
+ memcpy(buf_ + d * kKernelWidth,, d), src.width());
+ }
+ }
+ complete_src_ = SrcMapType(buf_, kKernelWidth, kRegisterSize);
+ }
+ // Packs a complete block into the destination. This is the most
+ // critical part and the part that we most typically want to
+ // override in architecture-specific optimized specializations.
+ void Pack(PackedSideBlock* dst, int start_width) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->current_data();
+ for (int cell_start_depth = 0; cell_start_depth < kRegisterSize;
+ cell_start_depth += kCellDepth) {
+ for (int cell_start_width = 0; cell_start_width < kKernelWidth;
+ cell_start_width += kCellWidth) {
+ std::int32_t* cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr =
+ dst->sums_of_each_slice() + start_width + cell_start_width;
+ const SideMap<const std::uint8_t, kSrcOrder> src_cell_map(
+ complete_src_.block(cell_start_width, cell_start_depth, kCellWidth,
+ kCellDepth));
+ for (int w = 0; w < kCellWidth; w++) {
+ std::int32_t sum = 0;
+ for (int d = 0; d < kCellDepth; d++) {
+ const std::uint8_t src_val = src_cell_map(w, d);
+ const std::int16_t kernel_val_unwrapped =
+ src_val - kZeroPointInputValue;
+ const std::uint8_t kernel_val_uint8 = kernel_val_unwrapped;
+ dst_ptr[OffsetIntoCell<CellFormat>(w, d)] = kernel_val_uint8;
+ sum += kernel_val_unwrapped;
+ }
+ cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr[w] += sum;
+ }
+ dst_ptr += kCellSize;
+ }
+ }
+ dst->seek_forward_n_cells(kCells * kRegisterSize / kCellDepth);
+ }
+template <typename SrcMapType, typename PackedSideBlock>
+class PackingRegisterBlock
+ : public PackingRegisterBlockBase<SrcMapType, PackedSideBlock> {};
+// Large-scale implementation of packing.
+template <typename SrcMapType, typename PackedSideBlock>
+class PackSideBlockImpl {
+ public:
+ typedef typename PackedSideBlock::KernelSideFormat KernelSideFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
+ static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
+ static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
+ static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
+ typedef PackingRegisterBlock<SrcMapType, PackedSideBlock>
+ PackingRegisterBlockType;
+ PackSideBlockImpl(PackedSideBlock* packed_side_block,
+ const SrcMapType& src_map)
+ : packed_side_block_(packed_side_block), src_map_(src_map) {}
+ PackedSideBlock* packed_side_block() const { return packed_side_block_; }
+ const SrcMapType& src_map() const { return src_map_; }
+ // The public entry point to pack a block.
+ void PackL2() {
+ memset(packed_side_block_->sums_of_each_slice(), 0,
+ sizeof(std::int32_t) * packed_side_block_->params().l2_width);
+ for (int d = 0; d < src_map_.depth();
+ d += packed_side_block_->params().l1_depth) {
+ int ds = std::min<int>(packed_side_block_->params().l1_depth,
+ src_map_.depth() - d);
+ for (int w = 0; w < src_map_.width();
+ w += packed_side_block_->params().l1_width) {
+ int ws = std::min<int>(packed_side_block_->params().l1_width,
+ src_map_.width() - w);
+ PrefetchL1(w, ws, d, ds);
+ PackL1(w, ws, d, ds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ // The intermediate-level loops, between PackL2 and PackRun.
+ void PackL1(int start_width, int width, int start_depth, int depth) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < width; w += kKernelWidth) {
+ int ws = std::min(+kKernelWidth, width - w);
+ packed_side_block_->seek_run(start_width + w, start_depth);
+ PackRun(start_width + w, ws, start_depth, depth);
+ }
+ }
+ // Prefetches the data that will be read by PackL1
+ void PrefetchL1(int start_width, int width, int start_depth, int depth) {
+ if (SrcMapType::kOrder == SideMapOrder::WidthMajor) {
+ for (int d = 0; d < depth; d += kDefaultCacheLineSize) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < width; w += 1) {
+ Prefetch( + w, start_depth + d));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < width; w += kDefaultCacheLineSize) {
+ Prefetch( + w, start_depth + d));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // PackRun packs only a run i.e. is the inner loop in the depth dimension.
+ void PackRun(int start_width, int width, int start_depth, int depth) {
+ PackingRegisterBlockType b;
+ if (width == kKernelWidth) {
+ const int register_aligned_depth = RoundDown<kRegisterSize>(depth);
+ if (register_aligned_depth) {
+ for (int d = 0; d < register_aligned_depth; d += kRegisterSize) {
+ b.UseCompleteSrcInPlace(src_map_.block(start_width, start_depth + d,
+ width, kRegisterSize));
+ b.Pack(packed_side_block_, start_width);
+ }
+ }
+ if (register_aligned_depth < depth) {
+ b.MakeCompleteSrc(
+ src_map_.block(start_width, start_depth + register_aligned_depth,
+ width, depth - register_aligned_depth));
+ b.Pack(packed_side_block_, start_width);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(width < kKernelWidth);
+ for (int d = 0; d < depth; d += kRegisterSize) {
+ const int ds = std::min(+kRegisterSize, depth - d);
+ b.MakeCompleteSrc(
+ src_map_.block(start_width, start_depth + d, width, ds));
+ b.Pack(packed_side_block_, start_width);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The PackedSideBlock being packed, i.e. the 'destination'.
+ PackedSideBlock* const packed_side_block_;
+ // A map on the block of the original matrix block being packed,
+ // i.e. the 'source'.
+ const SrcMapType& src_map_;
+// Packs a block of the input LHS matrix, into a PackedSideBlock
+template <typename PackedSideBlock, typename MatrixMapType>
+void PackLhs(PackedSideBlock* dst, const MatrixMapType& src) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("pack LHS");
+ static const SideMapOrder kSideMapOrder =
+ MatrixMapType::kOrder == MapOrder::RowMajor ? SideMapOrder::WidthMajor
+ : SideMapOrder::DepthMajor;
+ typedef typename MatrixMapType::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef SideMap<Scalar, kSideMapOrder> SideMapType;
+ SideMapType src_side_map(, src.rows(), src.cols(), src.stride());
+ typedef PackSideBlockImpl<SideMapType, PackedSideBlock> ImplType;
+ ImplType impl(dst, src_side_map);
+ impl.PackL2();
+// Packs a block of the input RHS matrix, into a PackedSideBlock
+template <typename PackedSideBlock, typename MatrixMapType>
+void PackRhs(PackedSideBlock* dst, const MatrixMapType& src) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("pack RHS");
+ static const SideMapOrder kSideMapOrder =
+ MatrixMapType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor ? SideMapOrder::WidthMajor
+ : SideMapOrder::DepthMajor;
+ typedef typename MatrixMapType::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef SideMap<Scalar, kSideMapOrder> SideMapType;
+ SideMapType src_side_map(, src.cols(), src.rows(), src.stride());
+ typedef PackSideBlockImpl<SideMapType, PackedSideBlock> ImplType;
+ ImplType impl(dst, src_side_map);
+ impl.PackL2();
+} // namespace gemmlowp
+#include "pack_neon.h"
+#elif defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE4)
+#include "pack_sse.h"
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack_neon.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack_neon.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e212d0756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack_neon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pack_neon.h: optimized NEON specializations of the templates in pack.h.
+#include "pack.h"
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+typedef SideMap<const std::uint8_t, SideMapOrder::WidthMajor>
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap;
+template <int Cells>
+using DepthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2 = KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2>, Cells>;
+template <int Cells>
+class PackingRegisterBlock<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<DepthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells>>>
+ : public PackingRegisterBlockBase<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<DepthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells>>> {
+ public:
+ typedef DepthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> KernelSideFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
+ static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
+ static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
+ static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
+ static const int kCellSize = CellFormat::kSize;
+ void Pack(PackedSideBlock<KernelSideFormat>* dst, int start_width) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->current_data();
+ const std::uint8_t* const src_ptr = this->;
+ const int stride = this->complete_src_.stride();
+ // Load source WidthMajor data
+ uint8x16_t src_lines[4 * kCells];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4 * kCells; i++) {
+ src_lines[i] = vld1q_u8(src_ptr + i * stride);
+ }
+ // Reorder the data within registers to make DepthMajor 4x2 cells
+ uint8x16x2_t src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * kCells];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCells; i++) {
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i] =
+ vzipq_u8(src_lines[4 * i], src_lines[4 * i + 2]);
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i + 1] =
+ vzipq_u8(src_lines[4 * i + 1], src_lines[4 * i + 3]);
+ }
+ uint8x16x2_t src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * kCells];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCells; i++) {
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * i] =
+ vzipq_u8(src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i].val[0],
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i + 1].val[0]);
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * i + 1] =
+ vzipq_u8(src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i].val[1],
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i + 1].val[1]);
+ }
+ // Store the resulting DepthMajor 4x2 cells in the destination packed block
+ for (int outer = 0; outer < 2; outer++) {
+ for (int inner = 0; inner < 2; inner++) {
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ uint8x8_t value = vget_low_u8(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]);
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr, value);
+ dst_ptr += 8;
+ }
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ uint8x8_t value = vget_high_u8(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]);
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr, value);
+ dst_ptr += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute sums across the depth dimension
+ uint16x8_t sums_of_2_cells[kCells][4];
+ for (int outer = 0; outer < 2; outer++) {
+ for (int inner = 0; inner < 2; inner++) {
+ int i = 2 * outer + inner;
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ sums_of_2_cells[cell][i] = vaddl_u8(
+ vget_low_u8(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]),
+ vget_high_u8(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int32x4_t sums_of_4_cells[kCells][4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ sums_of_4_cells[cell][i] = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(
+ vaddl_u16(vget_low_u16(sums_of_2_cells[cell][i]),
+ vget_high_u16(sums_of_2_cells[cell][i])));
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the sums_of_each_slice vector
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ int32x4_t s01 =
+ vaddq_s32(sums_of_4_cells[cell][0], sums_of_4_cells[cell][1]);
+ int32x4_t s23 =
+ vaddq_s32(sums_of_4_cells[cell][2], sums_of_4_cells[cell][3]);
+ int32x4_t s = vaddq_s32(s01, s23);
+ std::int32_t* sums_of_each_slice_ptr =
+ dst->sums_of_each_slice() + start_width + 4 * cell;
+ vst1q_s32(sums_of_each_slice_ptr,
+ vaddq_s32(s, vld1q_s32(sums_of_each_slice_ptr)));
+ }
+ dst->seek_forward_n_cells(kCells * kRegisterSize / kCellDepth);
+ }
+template <int Cells>
+using WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2 =
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, Cells>;
+template <int Cells>
+class PackingRegisterBlock<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells>>>
+ : public PackingRegisterBlockBase<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells>>> {
+ public:
+ typedef WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> KernelSideFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
+ static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
+ static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
+ static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
+ static const int kCellSize = CellFormat::kSize;
+ void Pack(PackedSideBlock<KernelSideFormat>* dst, int start_width) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->current_data();
+ const std::uint8_t* src_ptr = this->;
+ const int stride = this->complete_src_.stride();
+ // Load source WidthMajor data
+ uint16x8_t src_lines[kCells * 4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCells; i++) {
+// This packing path is used with our current
+// less-than-8-bit kernel, and the partial unrolling of this loop
+// results in substantially faster code (thanks to better
+// register allocation) on Nexus 5.
+ src_lines[4 * i + k] = vreinterpretq_u16_u8(vld1q_u8(src_ptr)); \
+ src_ptr += stride;
+ }
+ // Reorder the data within registers to make WidthMajor 4x2 cells
+ uint16x8x2_t src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * kCells];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCells; i++) {
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i] =
+ vzipq_u16(src_lines[4 * i], src_lines[4 * i + 2]);
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i + 1] =
+ vzipq_u16(src_lines[4 * i + 1], src_lines[4 * i + 3]);
+ }
+ uint16x8x2_t src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * kCells];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCells; i++) {
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * i] =
+ vzipq_u16(src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i].val[0],
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i + 1].val[0]);
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * i + 1] =
+ vzipq_u16(src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i].val[1],
+ src_lines_intertwined_2x[2 * i + 1].val[1]);
+ }
+ // Store the resulting WidthMajor 4x2 cells in the destination packed block
+ for (int outer = 0; outer < 2; outer++) {
+ for (int inner = 0; inner < 2; inner++) {
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ uint8x8_t value = vreinterpret_u8_u16(vget_low_u16(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]));
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr, value);
+ dst_ptr += 8;
+ }
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ uint8x8_t value = vreinterpret_u8_u16(vget_high_u16(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]));
+ vst1_u8(dst_ptr, value);
+ dst_ptr += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute sums across the depth dimension
+ uint16x8_t sums_of_2[kCells][4];
+ for (int outer = 0; outer < 2; outer++) {
+ for (int inner = 0; inner < 2; inner++) {
+ int i = 2 * outer + inner;
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ sums_of_2[cell][i] = vpaddlq_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_u16(
+ src_lines_intertwined_4x[2 * cell + outer].val[inner]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint16x8_t sums_of_4[kCells][2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ sums_of_4[cell][i] =
+ vaddq_u16(sums_of_2[cell][2 * i], sums_of_2[cell][2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ uint16x8_t sums_of_8[kCells];
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ sums_of_8[cell] = vaddq_u16(sums_of_4[cell][0], sums_of_4[cell][1]);
+ }
+ uint16x4_t sums_of_16[kCells];
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ sums_of_16[cell] = vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(sums_of_8[cell]),
+ vget_high_u16(sums_of_8[cell]));
+ }
+ // Update the sums_of_each_slice vector
+ for (int cell = 0; cell < kCells; cell++) {
+ int32x4_t s = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vmovl_u16(sums_of_16[cell]));
+ std::int32_t* sums_of_each_slice_ptr =
+ dst->sums_of_each_slice() + start_width + 4 * cell;
+ vst1q_s32(sums_of_each_slice_ptr,
+ vaddq_s32(s, vld1q_s32(sums_of_each_slice_ptr)));
+ }
+ dst->seek_forward_n_cells(kCells * kRegisterSize / kCellDepth);
+ }
+#ifdef GEMMLOWP_NEON_32
+inline int16x8_t vpaddq_s16(int16x8_t a, int16x8_t b) {
+ const int16x4_t c = vpadd_s16(vget_low_s16(a), vget_high_s16(a));
+ const int16x4_t d = vpadd_s16(vget_low_s16(b), vget_high_s16(b));
+ return vcombine_s16(c, d);
+template <int Width>
+using Int8FastKernelFormat =
+ KernelSideFormatInt8<CellFormat<Width, 16, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1>;
+template <int Width>
+class PackingRegisterBlock<WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<Int8FastKernelFormat<Width>>>
+ : public PackingRegisterBlockBase<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<Int8FastKernelFormat<Width>>> {
+ public:
+ static_assert(Width == 2 || Width == 4, "");
+ typedef Int8FastKernelFormat<Width> KernelSideFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
+ static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
+ static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
+ static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
+ static const int kCellSize = CellFormat::kSize;
+ void Pack(PackedSideBlock<KernelSideFormat>* dst, int start_width) {
+ std::int32_t* sums_ptr = dst->sums_of_each_slice() + start_width;
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->current_data();
+ const std::uint8_t* const src_ptr = this->;
+ const int stride = this->complete_src_.stride();
+ // Load source WidthMajor data
+ uint8x16_t src_lines[Width];
+ for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
+ src_lines[i] = vld1q_u8(src_ptr + i * stride);
+ }
+ const uint8x16_t sign_bit_dup = vdupq_n_u8(0x80);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
+ src_lines[i] = veorq_u8(src_lines[i], sign_bit_dup);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
+ vst1q_u8(dst_ptr + 16 * i, src_lines[i]);
+ }
+ int16x8_t sums2[Width];
+ for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
+ const int8x8_t lo = vreinterpret_s8_u8(vget_low_u8(src_lines[i]));
+ const int8x8_t hi = vreinterpret_s8_u8(vget_high_u8(src_lines[i]));
+ sums2[i] = vaddl_s8(lo, hi);
+ }
+ int16x8_t sums4[Width / 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < Width / 2; i++) {
+ sums4[i] = vpaddq_s16(sums2[2 * i], sums2[2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ if (Width == 4) {
+ int32x4_t sum = vld1q_s32(sums_ptr);
+ int16x8_t sums8 = vpaddq_s16(sums4[0], sums4[1]);
+ sum = vpadalq_s16(sum, sums8);
+ vst1q_s32(sums_ptr, sum);
+ } else {
+ assert(Width == 2);
+ int32x2_t sum = vld1_s32(sums_ptr);
+ int16x4_t sums8 =
+ vpadd_s16(vget_low_s16(sums4[0]), vget_high_s16(sums4[0]));
+ sum = vpadal_s16(sum, sums8);
+ vst1_s32(sums_ptr, sum);
+ }
+ dst->seek_forward_n_cells(1);
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack_sse.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack_sse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52163c4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/pack_sse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// pack_SSE.h: optimized SSE specializations of the templates in pack.h.
+#include <smmintrin.h>
+#include "pack.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// TODO: Add DepthMajorUint8SideMap
+typedef SideMap<const std::uint8_t, SideMapOrder::WidthMajor>
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap;
+template <int Cells>
+using WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2 =
+ KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, Cells>;
+template <int Cells>
+class PackingRegisterBlock<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> > >
+ : public PackingRegisterBlockBase<
+ WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
+ PackedSideBlock<WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> > > {
+ public:
+ typedef WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> KernelSideFormat;
+ typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
+ static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
+ static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
+ static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
+ static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
+ static const int kCellSize = CellFormat::kSize;
+ void Pack(PackedSideBlock<KernelSideFormat>* dst, int start_width) {
+ std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->current_data();
+ const int width_stride = this->complete_src_.width_stride();
+ int depth_step = 8;
+ __m128i one = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
+ for (int cell_start_depth = 0; cell_start_depth < kRegisterSize;
+ cell_start_depth += depth_step) {
+ for (int cell_start_width = 0; cell_start_width < kKernelWidth;
+ cell_start_width += kCellWidth) {
+ std::int32_t* cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr =
+ dst->sums_of_each_slice() + start_width + cell_start_width;
+ const std::uint8_t* src_data =
+ this->, cell_start_depth);
+ __m128i xmm1 =
+ _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[0]));
+ __m128i xmm2 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
+ reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[1 * width_stride]));
+ __m128i xmm3 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
+ reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[2 * width_stride]));
+ __m128i xmm4 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
+ reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[3 * width_stride]));
+ __m128i xmm5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(xmm1, xmm2);
+ __m128i xmm8 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm5, 0x31);
+ __m128i xmm6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(xmm3, xmm4);
+ __m128i xmm7 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm6, 0x80);
+ __m128i xmm9 = _mm_blend_epi16(xmm5, xmm7, 0xcc);
+ __m128i xmm10 = _mm_blend_epi16(xmm8, xmm6, 0xcc);
+ _mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[0]), xmm9);
+ _mm_storel_epi64(
+ reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[kCellSize * kCells]), xmm10);
+ __m128i xmm11 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm9, 0xee);
+ __m128i xmm12 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm10, 0xee);
+ _mm_storel_epi64(
+ reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[2 * kCellSize * kCells]),
+ xmm11);
+ _mm_storel_epi64(
+ reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[3 * kCellSize * kCells]),
+ xmm12);
+ xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm9);
+ xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
+ __m128i sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_loadu_si128(
+ reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr[0]));
+ sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
+ xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm10);
+ xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
+ sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
+ xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm11);
+ xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
+ sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
+ xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm12);
+ xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
+ sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
+ _mm_storeu_si128(
+ reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr[0]),
+ sums_of_each_slice_xmm);
+ dst_ptr += kCellSize;
+ }
+ dst_ptr += 3 * kCellSize * kCells;
+ }
+ dst->seek_forward_n_cells(kCells * kRegisterSize / kCellDepth);
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e39eaf89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// simd_wrappers.h: some inline functions wrapping SIMD intrinsics,
+// extending the set of such functions from fixedpoint.h.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "../fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <typename ScalarType, int ScalarCount>
+struct RegisterType {
+ using Type = ScalarType;
+inline std::int32_t Min(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) {
+ return std::min(a, b);
+inline std::int32_t Max(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) {
+ return std::max(a, b);
+inline void MulAdd(std::int32_t lhs, std::int32_t rhs, std::int32_t* acc) {
+ *acc += lhs * rhs;
+template <typename tScalarType, int tScalarCount>
+struct RegisterBuffer {
+ using ScalarType = tScalarType;
+ static constexpr int kScalarCount = tScalarCount;
+ using RegisterType = typename RegisterType<ScalarType, kScalarCount>::Type;
+ static_assert((kScalarCount & (kScalarCount - 1)) == 0,
+ "kScalarCount must be a power of two");
+ static_assert(sizeof(RegisterType) % sizeof(ScalarType) == 0, "");
+ static constexpr int kRegisterLanes =
+ sizeof(RegisterType) / sizeof(ScalarType);
+ static constexpr int kRegisterCount =
+ (kScalarCount * sizeof(ScalarType) + sizeof(RegisterType) - 1) /
+ sizeof(RegisterType);
+ RegisterType reg[kRegisterCount];
+template <typename tScalarType, int tRows, int tCols>
+struct RegisterBlock {
+ using ScalarType = tScalarType;
+ static constexpr int kRows = tRows;
+ static constexpr int kCols = tCols;
+ static constexpr int kScalarCount = kRows * kCols;
+ using BufferType = RegisterBuffer<ScalarType, kScalarCount>;
+ using RegisterType = typename BufferType::RegisterType;
+ static constexpr int kRegisterCount = BufferType::kRegisterCount;
+ static constexpr int kRegisterLanes = BufferType::kRegisterLanes;
+ BufferType buf;
+template <typename RegisterBlockType>
+struct RegisterBlockAddImpl {
+ static RegisterBlockType Run(const RegisterBlockType& lhs,
+ const RegisterBlockType& rhs) {
+ RegisterBlockType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegisterBlockType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[i], rhs.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename RegisterBlockType>
+RegisterBlockType RegisterBlockAdd(const RegisterBlockType& lhs,
+ const RegisterBlockType& rhs) {
+ return RegisterBlockAddImpl<RegisterBlockType>::Run(lhs, rhs);
+template <typename LhsType, typename RhsType>
+struct ShouldFlipLhsRhs {
+ static constexpr bool kValue =
+ (LhsType::kScalarCount < RhsType::kScalarCount) ||
+ (LhsType::kScalarCount == RhsType::kScalarCount &&
+ (LhsType::kRows < RhsType::kRows));
+template <typename LhsType, typename RhsType,
+ bool Flip = ShouldFlipLhsRhs<LhsType, RhsType>::kValue>
+struct FlipLhsRhs {
+ using FlippedLhsType = LhsType;
+ using FlippedRhsType = RhsType;
+ static const FlippedLhsType& FlippedLhs(const LhsType& lhs,
+ const RhsType& rhs) {
+ return lhs;
+ }
+ static const FlippedRhsType& FlippedRhs(const LhsType& lhs,
+ const RhsType& rhs) {
+ return rhs;
+ }
+template <typename LhsType, typename RhsType>
+struct FlipLhsRhs<LhsType, RhsType, true> {
+ using FlippedLhsType = RhsType;
+ using FlippedRhsType = LhsType;
+ static const FlippedLhsType& FlippedLhs(const LhsType& lhs,
+ const RhsType& rhs) {
+ return rhs;
+ }
+ static const FlippedRhsType& FlippedRhs(const LhsType& lhs,
+ const RhsType& rhs) {
+ return lhs;
+ }
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct BroadcastBinaryOpShape {
+ static constexpr int kRows =
+ Lhs::kRows > Rhs::kRows ? Lhs::kRows : Rhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int kCols =
+ Lhs::kCols > Rhs::kCols ? Lhs::kCols : Rhs::kCols;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock {
+ using Shape = BroadcastBinaryOpShape<Lhs, Rhs>;
+ using ScalarType = typename Lhs::ScalarType;
+ using Type = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Shape::kRows, Shape::kCols>;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl {
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ static constexpr int Rows = ResultBlockType::kRows;
+ static constexpr int Cols = ResultBlockType::kCols;
+ static constexpr int LhsRows = Lhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int LhsCols = Lhs::kCols;
+ static constexpr int RhsRows = Rhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int RhsCols = Rhs::kCols;
+ static_assert(LhsRows == Rows || LhsRows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(RhsRows == Rows || RhsRows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(LhsCols == Cols || LhsCols == 1, "");
+ static_assert(RhsCols == Cols || RhsCols == 1, "");
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(Lhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(Rhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
+ const int lhs_c = LhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
+ const int rhs_c = RhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
+ const int lhs_r = LhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
+ const int rhs_r = RhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
+ result.buf.reg[r + c * Rows] =
+ Add(lhs.buf.reg[lhs_r + lhs_c * LhsRows],
+ rhs.buf.reg[rhs_r + rhs_c * RhsRows]);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type BroadcastAdd(
+ const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
+ using Flip = FlipLhsRhs<Lhs, Rhs>;
+ return BroadcastAddImpl<
+ typename Flip::FlippedLhsType,
+ typename Flip::FlippedRhsType>::Run(Flip::FlippedLhs(lhs, rhs),
+ Flip::FlippedRhs(lhs, rhs));
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl {
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ static constexpr int Rows = ResultBlockType::kRows;
+ static constexpr int Cols = ResultBlockType::kCols;
+ static constexpr int LhsRows = Lhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int LhsCols = Lhs::kCols;
+ static constexpr int RhsRows = Rhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int RhsCols = Rhs::kCols;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(Lhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(Rhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(LhsRows == Rows || LhsRows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(RhsRows == Rows || RhsRows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(LhsCols == Cols || LhsCols == 1, "");
+ static_assert(RhsCols == Cols || RhsCols == 1, "");
+ for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
+ const int lhs_c = LhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
+ const int rhs_c = RhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
+ const int lhs_r = LhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
+ const int rhs_r = RhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
+ result.buf.reg[r + c * Rows] =
+ Mul(lhs.buf.reg[lhs_r + lhs_c * LhsRows],
+ rhs.buf.reg[rhs_r + rhs_c * RhsRows]);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+typename BroadcastBinaryOpRegisterBlock<Lhs, Rhs>::Type BroadcastMul(
+ const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
+ using Flip = FlipLhsRhs<Lhs, Rhs>;
+ return BroadcastMulImpl<
+ typename Flip::FlippedLhsType,
+ typename Flip::FlippedRhsType>::Run(Flip::FlippedLhs(lhs, rhs),
+ Flip::FlippedRhs(lhs, rhs));
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Acc>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl {
+ static void Run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Acc* acc) {
+ static constexpr int Rows = Acc::kRows;
+ static constexpr int Cols = Acc::kCols;
+ static constexpr int LhsRows = Lhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int LhsCols = Lhs::kCols;
+ static constexpr int RhsRows = Rhs::kRows;
+ static constexpr int RhsCols = Rhs::kCols;
+ static_assert(Acc::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(Lhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(Rhs::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static_assert(LhsRows == Rows || LhsRows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(RhsRows == Rows || RhsRows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(LhsCols == Cols || LhsCols == 1, "");
+ static_assert(RhsCols == Cols || RhsCols == 1, "");
+ for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
+ const int lhs_c = LhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
+ const int rhs_c = RhsCols == Cols ? c : 0;
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
+ const int lhs_r = LhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
+ const int rhs_r = RhsRows == Rows ? r : 0;
+ MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[lhs_r + lhs_c * LhsRows],
+ rhs.buf.reg[rhs_r + rhs_c * RhsRows],
+ &acc->buf.reg[r + c * Rows]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Acc>
+void BroadcastMulAdd(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Acc* acc) {
+ using Flip = FlipLhsRhs<Lhs, Rhs>;
+ BroadcastMulAddImpl<typename Flip::FlippedLhsType,
+ typename Flip::FlippedRhsType,
+ Acc>::Run(Flip::FlippedLhs(lhs, rhs),
+ Flip::FlippedRhs(lhs, rhs), acc);
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+struct LoadImpl {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<SrcObjectType, void>::value,
+ "This generic impl should never be hit");
+template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType>
+struct LoadImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
+ MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>> {
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
+ using SrcObjectType = MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>;
+ static RegisterBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int row, int col) {
+ RegisterBlockType result;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
+ const ScalarType* src_ptr =, col + c);
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i++] = *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
+ VectorShape Shape>
+struct LoadImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
+ static RegisterBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Col || Rows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Row || Cols == 1, "");
+ RegisterBlockType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Rows * Cols; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = src(pos + i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
+ VectorShape Shape>
+struct LoadImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
+ VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
+ static RegisterBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int) {
+ static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Col || Rows == 1, "");
+ static_assert(Shape == VectorShape::Row || Cols == 1, "");
+ RegisterBlockType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Rows * Cols; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = src(0);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+RegisterBlockType Load(const SrcObjectType& src, int row, int col) {
+ return LoadImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(src, row, col);
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+RegisterBlockType Load(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ return LoadImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(src, pos);
+template <typename RegisterBlockType>
+struct LoadContiguousImpl {
+ using ScalarType = typename RegisterBlockType::ScalarType;
+ static_assert(RegisterBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static RegisterBlockType Run(const ScalarType* src) {
+ RegisterBlockType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegisterBlockType::kScalarCount; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = src[i];
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename RegisterBlockType>
+RegisterBlockType LoadContiguous(
+ const typename RegisterBlockType::ScalarType* src) {
+ return LoadContiguousImpl<RegisterBlockType>::Run(src);
+template <int BroadcastRows, int BroadcastCols, typename SrcObjectType>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingShape {};
+template <int BroadcastRows, int BroadcastCols, typename ScalarType,
+ VectorShape Shape>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingShape<BroadcastRows, BroadcastCols,
+ VectorMap<ScalarType, Shape>> {
+ static constexpr int kRows = Shape == VectorShape::Col ? BroadcastRows : 1;
+ static constexpr int kCols = Shape == VectorShape::Row ? BroadcastCols : 1;
+template <int BroadcastRows, int BroadcastCols, typename ScalarType,
+ VectorShape Shape>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingShape<BroadcastRows, BroadcastCols,
+ VectorDup<ScalarType, Shape>> {
+ static constexpr int kRows = 1;
+ static constexpr int kCols = 1;
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock {
+ using Shape =
+ LoadForBroadcastingShape<RegisterBlockType::kRows,
+ RegisterBlockType::kCols, SrcObjectType>;
+ using ScalarType = typename RegisterBlockType::ScalarType;
+ using Type = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Shape::kRows, Shape::kCols>;
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<SrcObjectType, void>::value,
+ "This generic impl should never be hit");
+template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
+ VectorShape Shape>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ for (int c = 0; c < ResultBlockType::kCols; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < ResultBlockType::kRows; r++) {
+ const int i = Shape == VectorShape::Col ? r : c;
+ result.buf.reg[r + c * ResultBlockType::kRows] = src(pos + i);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename ScalarType, int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcScalarType,
+ VectorShape Shape>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>,
+ VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>> {
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegisterBlock<ScalarType, Rows, Cols>;
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorDup<SrcScalarType, Shape>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterLanes == 1,
+ "This path is only for scalar values");
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ for (int c = 0; c < ResultBlockType::kCols; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < ResultBlockType::kRows; r++) {
+ result.buf.reg[r + c * ResultBlockType::kRows] = src(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type
+LoadForBroadcasting(const SrcObjectType& src, int row, int col) {
+ return LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(
+ src, row, col);
+template <typename RegisterBlockType, typename SrcObjectType>
+typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type
+LoadForBroadcasting(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ return LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegisterBlockType, SrcObjectType>::Run(src,
+ pos);
+template <int ConstantValue, typename RegisterBlockType>
+struct AddConstantImpl {
+ static void Run(RegisterBlockType* block) {
+ using RegisterType = typename RegisterBlockType::RegisterType;
+ const RegisterType dup = Dup<RegisterType>(ConstantValue);
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegisterBlockType::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ block->buf.reg[i] = Add(block->buf.reg[i], dup);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename RegisterBlockType>
+struct AddConstantImpl<0, RegisterBlockType> {
+ static void Run(RegisterBlockType*) {
+ // This is a no-op.
+ }
+template <int ConstantValue, typename RegisterBlockType>
+void AddConstant(RegisterBlockType* block) {
+ AddConstantImpl<ConstantValue, RegisterBlockType>::Run(block);
+template <int N>
+using RegBufferInt32 = RegisterBuffer<std::int32_t, N>;
+template <int N>
+using RegBufferUint8 = RegisterBuffer<std::uint8_t, N>;
+template <int R, int C>
+using RegBlockInt32 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, R, C>;
+template <int R, int C>
+using RegBlockUint8 = RegisterBlock<std::uint8_t, R, C>;
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
+#if defined GEMMLOWP_NEON
+#include "simd_wrappers_neon.h"
+#elif defined GEMMLOWP_SSE4
+#include "simd_wrappers_sse.h"
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_common_neon_sse.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_common_neon_sse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3830eb169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_common_neon_sse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// simd_wrappers_common_neon_sse.h: common SIMD (NEON and SSE) wrapper code
+#include "simd_wrappers.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+template <typename SrcScalarType, int N>
+struct LoadImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, N>,
+ MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, N> Run(
+ const MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>& src, int row,
+ int col) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, N> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = LoadInt32x4(, col + i));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType, int N>
+struct LoadImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, N>,
+ MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, N> Run(
+ const MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>& src, int row,
+ int col) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, N> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[2 * i + 0] = LoadInt32x4( + 0, col + i));
+ result.buf.reg[2 * i + 1] = LoadInt32x4( + 4, col + i));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType>
+struct LoadImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>,
+ MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 4> Run(
+ const MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>& src, int row,
+ int col) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 4> result;
+ std::int32_t buf[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ buf[i] = src(row, col + i);
+ }
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(buf);
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType>
+struct LoadImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 8>,
+ MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 8> Run(
+ const MatrixMap<SrcScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor>& src, int row,
+ int col) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 8> result;
+ std::int32_t buf[8];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ buf[i] = src(row, col + i);
+ }
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(buf);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = LoadInt32x4(buf + 4);
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType>
+struct LoadImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 1> Run(
+ const VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>& src, int pos) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(;
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType>
+struct LoadImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>,
+ VectorDup<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 1> Run(
+ const VectorDup<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>& src, int) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(src(0));
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType, int N>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, N>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>> {
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>;
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegBlockInt32<4, N>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterCount == 1, "");
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(;
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType, int N>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, N>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>> {
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Col>;
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegBlockInt32<8, N>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterCount == 2, "");
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(;
+ result.buf.reg[1] = LoadInt32x4( + 4));
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Row>> {
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Row>;
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegBlockInt32<4, 1>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = src(pos);
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType, int N>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegBlockInt32<N, 4>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Row>> {
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Row>;
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegBlockInt32<N, 4>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterCount == 1, "");
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(;
+ return result;
+ }
+template <typename SrcScalarType, int N>
+struct LoadForBroadcastingImpl<RegBlockInt32<N, 8>,
+ VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Row>> {
+ using SrcObjectType = VectorMap<SrcScalarType, VectorShape::Row>;
+ using RegisterBlockType = RegBlockInt32<N, 8>;
+ using ResultBlockType =
+ typename LoadForBroadcastingRegisterBlock<RegisterBlockType,
+ SrcObjectType>::Type;
+ static ResultBlockType Run(const SrcObjectType& src, int pos) {
+ ResultBlockType result;
+ static_assert(ResultBlockType::kRegisterCount == 2, "");
+ result.buf.reg[0] = LoadInt32x4(;
+ result.buf.reg[1] = LoadInt32x4( + 4));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x1 := 4x1 + 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], Dup<Int32x4>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 1x4 := 1x4 + 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], Dup<Int32x4>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x1 := 4x1 + 4x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, RegBlockInt32<4, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 1x4 := 1x4 + 1x4
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x4 := 4x4 + 1x4
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], DupLane<0>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[1], DupLane<1>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[2] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[2], DupLane<2>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[3] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[3], DupLane<3>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x4 := 4x4 + 4x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 4>, RegBlockInt32<4, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[1], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[2] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[2], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[3] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[3], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x1 := 8x1 + 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 1> result;
+ const Int32x4 p = Dup<Int32x4>(rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[i], p);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x1 := 8x1 + 8x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 1>, RegBlockInt32<8, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 1> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[i], rhs.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x4 := 8x4 + 1x4
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], DupLane<0>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[1], DupLane<0>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[2] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[2], DupLane<1>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[3] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[3], DupLane<1>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[4] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[4], DupLane<2>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[5] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[5], DupLane<2>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[6] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[6], DupLane<3>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[7] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[7], DupLane<3>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x4 := 8x4 + 8x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 4>, RegBlockInt32<8, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[1], rhs.buf.reg[1]);
+ result.buf.reg[2] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[2], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[3] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[3], rhs.buf.reg[1]);
+ result.buf.reg[4] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[4], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[5] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[5], rhs.buf.reg[1]);
+ result.buf.reg[6] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[6], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[7] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[7], rhs.buf.reg[1]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 1x8 := 1x8 + 1x8
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 8>, RegBlockInt32<1, 8>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 8> Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 8>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 8>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 8> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[1], rhs.buf.reg[1]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 1x8 := 1x8 + 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 8>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 8> Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 8>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 8> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[0], Dup<Int32x4>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Add(lhs.buf.reg[1], Dup<Int32x4>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x1 := 4x1 * 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], Dup<Int32x4>(rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x1 := 4x1 * 4x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, RegBlockInt32<4, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 1x4 := 1x4 * 1x4
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 1x4 := 1x4 * 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<1, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 4> result;
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x4 := 4x4 * 1x4
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> result;
+ const Int32x4 p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ result.buf.reg[0] = MulByRhsLane<0>(lhs.buf.reg[0], p);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = MulByRhsLane<1>(lhs.buf.reg[1], p);
+ result.buf.reg[2] = MulByRhsLane<2>(lhs.buf.reg[2], p);
+ result.buf.reg[3] = MulByRhsLane<3>(lhs.buf.reg[3], p);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 4x4 := 4x4 * 4x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 4>, RegBlockInt32<4, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<4, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 4> result;
+ const Int32x4 p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ result.buf.reg[0] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], p);
+ result.buf.reg[1] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[1], p);
+ result.buf.reg[2] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[2], p);
+ result.buf.reg[3] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[3], p);
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x1 := 8x1 * 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 1> result;
+ const std::int32_t p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[i], p);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x1 := 8x1 * 8x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 1>, RegBlockInt32<8, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 1> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 1> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[i], rhs.buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x4 := 8x4 * 1x4
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 4> result;
+ const Int32x4 p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i + 0] = MulByRhsLane<0>(lhs.buf.reg[i + 0], p);
+ result.buf.reg[i + 2] = MulByRhsLane<1>(lhs.buf.reg[i + 2], p);
+ result.buf.reg[i + 4] = MulByRhsLane<2>(lhs.buf.reg[i + 4], p);
+ result.buf.reg[i + 6] = MulByRhsLane<3>(lhs.buf.reg[i + 6], p);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// 8x4 := 8x4 * 8x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 4>, RegBlockInt32<8, 1>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 4> Run(const RegBlockInt32<8, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<8, 1>& rhs) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 4> result;
+ const Int32x4 p[2]{rhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[1]};
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ const int k = j + 2 * i;
+ result.buf.reg[k] = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[k], p[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// Rx1 += Rx1 * 1x1
+template <int Rows>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>* acc) {
+ const std::int32_t p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[i], p, &acc->buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+// RxC += Rx1 * 1x1
+template <int Rows, int Cols>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, Cols>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, Cols>* acc) {
+ const std::int32_t p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ static constexpr int kRegsPerCol = RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>::kRegisterCount;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kRegsPerCol; i++) {
+ const Int32x4 q = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[i], p);
+ for (int j = 0; j < Cols; j++) {
+ acc->buf.reg[i + j * kRegsPerCol] =
+ Add(acc->buf.reg[i + j * kRegsPerCol], q);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// 1xC += 1xC * 1x1
+template <int Cols>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>* acc) {
+ const std::int32_t p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[i], p, &acc->buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+// RxC += 1x1 * 1x1
+template <int Rows, int Cols>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, Cols>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, Cols>* acc) {
+ const Int32x4 p = Dup<Int32x4>(Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegBlockInt32<Rows, Cols>::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ acc->buf.reg[i] = Add(acc->buf.reg[i], p);
+ }
+ }
+// 1x1 += 1x1 * 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 1>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>* acc) {
+ MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0], &acc->buf.reg[0]);
+ }
+// Rx4 += Rx1 * 1x4
+template <int Rows>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, 4>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<Rows, 4>* acc) {
+ const Int32x4 p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ static constexpr int kRegsPerCol = RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>::kRegisterCount;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kRegsPerCol; i++) {
+ MulAddByRhsLane<0>(lhs.buf.reg[i], p, &acc->buf.reg[i + 0 * kRegsPerCol]);
+ MulAddByRhsLane<1>(lhs.buf.reg[i], p, &acc->buf.reg[i + 1 * kRegsPerCol]);
+ MulAddByRhsLane<2>(lhs.buf.reg[i], p, &acc->buf.reg[i + 2 * kRegsPerCol]);
+ MulAddByRhsLane<3>(lhs.buf.reg[i], p, &acc->buf.reg[i + 3 * kRegsPerCol]);
+ }
+ }
+// Rx4 += 1x4 * 1x1
+template <int Rows>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<Rows, 4>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<Rows, 4>* acc) {
+ const Int32x4 p = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ Int32x4 q[4];
+ q[0] = DupLane<0>(p);
+ q[1] = DupLane<1>(p);
+ q[2] = DupLane<2>(p);
+ q[3] = DupLane<3>(p);
+ static constexpr int kRegsPerCol = RegBlockInt32<Rows, 1>::kRegisterCount;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kRegsPerCol; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ acc->buf.reg[i + j * kRegsPerCol] =
+ Add(q[j], acc->buf.reg[i + j * kRegsPerCol]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// 1xC += 1x1 * 1x1
+template <int Cols>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>* acc) {
+ const Int32x4 p = Dup<Int32x4>(Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]));
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegBlockInt32<1, Cols>::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ acc->buf.reg[i] = Add(acc->buf.reg[i], p);
+ }
+ }
+// 1x4 += 1x4 * 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<1, 4>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<1, 4>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<1, 4>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<1, 4>* acc) {
+ const std::int32_t p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[0], p, &acc->buf.reg[0]);
+ }
+// 4xC += 4x1 * 1x1
+template <int Cols>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<4, Cols>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<4, Cols>* acc) {
+ const Int32x4 p = Mul(lhs.buf.reg[0], rhs.buf.reg[0]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Cols; i++) {
+ acc->buf.reg[i] = Add(p, acc->buf.reg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+// 4x1 += 4x1 * 1x1
+template <>
+struct BroadcastMulAddImpl<RegBlockInt32<4, 1>, RegBlockInt32<1, 1>,
+ RegBlockInt32<4, 1>> {
+ static void Run(const RegBlockInt32<4, 1>& lhs,
+ const RegBlockInt32<1, 1>& rhs, RegBlockInt32<4, 1>* acc) {
+ const std::int32_t p = rhs.buf.reg[0];
+ MulAdd(lhs.buf.reg[0], p, &acc->buf.reg[0]);
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_neon.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_neon.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c992b1597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_neon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// simd_wrappers_neon.h: NEON specialization of simd_wrappers.h
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+using Int32x4 = int32x4_t;
+using Uint8x8 = uint8x8_t;
+template <int ScalarCount>
+struct RegisterType<std::int32_t, ScalarCount> {
+ using Type =
+ typename std::conditional<ScalarCount >= 4, Int32x4, std::int32_t>::type;
+template <int ScalarCount>
+struct RegisterType<std::uint8_t, ScalarCount> {
+ using Type = typename std::conditional<
+ ScalarCount >= 8, Uint8x8,
+ typename std::conditional<ScalarCount >= 4, std::uint32_t,
+ std::uint8_t>::type>::type;
+inline Int32x4 LoadInt32x4(const std::int32_t* src) { return vld1q_s32(src); }
+inline void StoreInt32x4(std::int32_t* dst, Int32x4 value) {
+ vst1q_s32(dst, value);
+template <int Lane>
+std::int32_t GetLane(Int32x4 value) {
+ return vgetq_lane_s32(value, Lane);
+template <int Lane>
+Int32x4 DupLane(Int32x4 value) {
+ switch (Lane) {
+ case 0:
+ return vdupq_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(value), 0);
+ case 1:
+ return vdupq_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(value), 1);
+ case 2:
+ return vdupq_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(value), 0);
+ case 3:
+ return vdupq_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(value), 1);
+ default:
+ static_assert(Lane >= 0 && Lane <= 3, "");
+ return vdupq_n_s32(0);
+ }
+inline Int32x4 Mul(Int32x4 a, std::int32_t b) { return vmulq_n_s32(a, b); }
+inline Int32x4 Min(Int32x4 a, Int32x4 b) { return vminq_s32(a, b); }
+inline Int32x4 Max(Int32x4 a, Int32x4 b) { return vmaxq_s32(a, b); }
+inline Int32x4 SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(Int32x4 a, std::int32_t b) {
+ return vqrdmulhq_n_s32(a, b);
+template <int Lane>
+Int32x4 MulByRhsLane(Int32x4 a, Int32x4 b) {
+ switch (Lane) {
+ case 0:
+ return vmulq_lane_s32(a, vget_low_s32(b), 0);
+ case 1:
+ return vmulq_lane_s32(a, vget_low_s32(b), 1);
+ case 2:
+ return vmulq_lane_s32(a, vget_high_s32(b), 0);
+ case 3:
+ return vmulq_lane_s32(a, vget_high_s32(b), 1);
+ default:
+ static_assert(Lane >= 0 && Lane <= 3, "");
+ return vdupq_n_s32(0);
+ }
+inline void MulAdd(Int32x4 lhs, Int32x4 rhs, Int32x4* acc) {
+ *acc = vmlaq_s32(*acc, lhs, rhs);
+inline void MulAdd(Int32x4 lhs, std::int32_t rhs, Int32x4* acc) {
+ *acc = vmlaq_n_s32(*acc, lhs, rhs);
+template <int Lane>
+inline void MulAddByRhsLane(Int32x4 lhs, Int32x4 rhs, Int32x4* acc) {
+ switch (Lane) {
+ case 0:
+ *acc = vmlaq_lane_s32(*acc, lhs, vget_low_s32(rhs), 0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ *acc = vmlaq_lane_s32(*acc, lhs, vget_low_s32(rhs), 1);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *acc = vmlaq_lane_s32(*acc, lhs, vget_high_s32(rhs), 0);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ *acc = vmlaq_lane_s32(*acc, lhs, vget_high_s32(rhs), 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ static_assert(Lane >= 0 && Lane <= 3, "");
+ }
+template <>
+struct LoadContiguousImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 8>> {
+ static RegBlockUint8<8, 8> Run(const std::uint8_t* src) {
+ RegBlockUint8<8, 8> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = vld1_u8(src + 8 * i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <>
+struct LoadContiguousImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 8>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 8> Run(const std::int32_t* src) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 8> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = vld1q_s32(src + 4 * i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
+#include "simd_wrappers_common_neon_sse.h"
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_sse.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_sse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6480b6690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/simd_wrappers_sse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// simd_wrappers_neon.h: SSE SIMD wrappers
+#include <smmintrin.h>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+using Int32x4 = __m128i;
+using Uint8x16 = __m128i;
+template <int ScalarCount>
+struct RegisterType<std::int32_t, ScalarCount> {
+ using Type =
+ typename std::conditional<ScalarCount >= 4, Int32x4, std::int32_t>::type;
+template <int ScalarCount>
+struct RegisterType<std::uint8_t, ScalarCount> {
+ using Type = typename std::conditional<
+ ScalarCount >= 16, Uint8x16,
+ typename std::conditional<ScalarCount >= 4, std::uint32_t,
+ std::uint8_t>::type>::type;
+inline Int32x4 LoadInt32x4(const std::int32_t* src) {
+ return _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const Int32x4*>(src));
+inline void StoreInt32x4(std::int32_t* dst, Int32x4 value) {
+ _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst), value);
+inline Uint8x16 LoadUint8x16(const std::uint8_t* src) {
+ return _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const Uint8x16*>(src));
+inline void StoreUint8x16(std::uint8_t* dst, Uint8x16 value) {
+ _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst), value);
+template <int Lane>
+std::int32_t GetLane(Int32x4 value) {
+ return _mm_extract_epi32(value, Lane);
+template <int Lane>
+Int32x4 DupLane(Int32x4 value) {
+ return _mm_shuffle_epi32(value, _MM_SHUFFLE(Lane, Lane, Lane, Lane));
+inline Int32x4 Mul(Int32x4 a, std::int32_t b) {
+ return Mul(a, Dup<Int32x4>(b));
+inline Int32x4 Min(Int32x4 a, Int32x4 b) { return _mm_min_epi32(a, b); }
+inline Int32x4 Max(Int32x4 a, Int32x4 b) { return _mm_max_epi32(a, b); }
+inline Int32x4 SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(Int32x4 a, std::int32_t b) {
+ return SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(a, Dup<Int32x4>(b));
+template <int Lane>
+Int32x4 MulByRhsLane(Int32x4 a, Int32x4 b) {
+ return Mul(a, DupLane<Lane>(b));
+inline void MulAdd(Int32x4 lhs, Int32x4 rhs, Int32x4* acc) {
+ *acc = Add(*acc, Mul(lhs, rhs));
+inline void MulAdd(Int32x4 lhs, std::int32_t rhs, Int32x4* acc) {
+ *acc = Add(*acc, Mul(lhs, rhs));
+template <int Lane>
+inline void MulAddByRhsLane(Int32x4 lhs, Int32x4 rhs, Int32x4* acc) {
+ *acc = Add(*acc, MulByRhsLane<Lane>(lhs, rhs));
+template <>
+struct LoadContiguousImpl<RegBlockUint8<8, 8>> {
+ static RegBlockUint8<8, 8> Run(const std::uint8_t* src) {
+ RegBlockUint8<8, 8> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = LoadUint8x16(src + 16 * i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <>
+struct LoadContiguousImpl<RegBlockInt32<8, 8>> {
+ static RegBlockInt32<8, 8> Run(const std::int32_t* src) {
+ RegBlockInt32<8, 8> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ result.buf.reg[i] = LoadInt32x4(src + 4 * i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
+#include "simd_wrappers_common_neon_sse.h"
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/single_thread_gemm.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/single_thread_gemm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d430c5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/single_thread_gemm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// single_thread_gemm.h: Single-threaded GEMM implementation.
+// This is a good place to start reading code, as it shows the overall
+// structure of a GEMM and is much simpler than multi_thread_gemm.h.
+#include <cassert>
+#include "../public/map.h"
+#include "allocator.h"
+#include "compute.h"
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include "pack.h"
+#include "unpack.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+class SingleThreadGemmContext {
+ public:
+ Allocator* allocator() { return &allocator_; }
+ void set_l1_bytes_to_use(int n) { l1_bytes_to_use_ = n; }
+ void set_l2_bytes_to_use(int n) { l2_bytes_to_use_ = n; }
+ void set_l2_rhs_factor(float n) { l2_rhs_factor_ = n; }
+ int l1_bytes_to_use() const { return l1_bytes_to_use_; }
+ int l2_bytes_to_use() const { return l2_bytes_to_use_; }
+ float l2_rhs_factor() const { return l2_rhs_factor_; }
+ protected:
+ Allocator allocator_;
+ // The cache configurationt to use.
+ int l1_bytes_to_use_ = kDefaultL1CacheSize;
+ int l2_bytes_to_use_ = kDefaultL2CacheSize;
+ float l2_rhs_factor_ = kDefaultL2RhsFactor;
+template <typename KernelFormat, typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar,
+ typename BitDepthParams, MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder,
+ MapOrder ResultOrder, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
+ typename OutputPipelineType>
+void SingleThreadGemm(SingleThreadGemmContext* context,
+ const KernelBase& kernel,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* result,
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("gemmlowp::SingleThreadGemm");
+ assert(lhs.cols() == rhs.rows());
+ int rows = result->rows();
+ int cols = result->cols();
+ int depth = lhs.cols();
+ // zero sizes should have been caught earlier and early-returned.
+ assert(rows > 0);
+ assert(cols > 0);
+ assert(depth > 0);
+ // The case of rows<cols should have been caught earlier and transposed.
+ assert(rows >= cols);
+ Allocator* allocator = context->allocator();
+ BlockParams block_params;
+ block_params.Init<KernelFormat>(rows, cols, depth, 1,
+ context->l1_bytes_to_use(),
+ context->l2_bytes_to_use(),
+ context->l2_rhs_factor());
+ // Using a static map of label strings. Not reentrant at all!
+ static std::unordered_map<std::uint64_t, std::string> labels_map;
+ std::uint64_t sizes_hash = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(rows) ^
+ (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(depth) << 16) ^
+ (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(cols) << 32);
+ if (!labels_map.count(sizes_hash)) {
+ char label[256];
+ snprintf(label, sizeof(label),
+ "(rows = %d, depth = %d, cols = %d, l2_rows = %d, l2_depth = %d, "
+ "l2_cols = %d, l1_rows = %d, l1_depth = %d, l1_cols = %d)",
+ rows, depth, cols, block_params.l2_rows, block_params.l2_depth,
+ block_params.l2_cols, block_params.l1_rows, block_params.l1_depth,
+ block_params.l1_cols);
+ labels_map[sizes_hash] = label;
+ }
+ ScopedProfilingLabel size_label(labels_map[sizes_hash].c_str());
+ PackedSideBlock<typename KernelFormat::Lhs> packed_lhs(Side::Lhs, allocator,
+ block_params);
+ PackedSideBlock<typename KernelFormat::Rhs> packed_rhs(Side::Rhs, allocator,
+ block_params);
+ PackedResult packed_result(allocator, block_params);
+ allocator->Commit();
+ const bool pack_rhs_once = block_params.l2_cols >= cols;
+ if (pack_rhs_once) {
+ PackRhs(&packed_rhs, rhs);
+ }
+ for (int r = 0; r < rows; r += block_params.l2_rows) {
+ int rs = std::min(block_params.l2_rows, rows - r);
+ PackLhs(&packed_lhs, lhs.block(r, 0, rs, depth));
+ for (int c = 0; c < cols; c += block_params.l2_cols) {
+ int cs = std::min(block_params.l2_cols, cols - c);
+ if (!pack_rhs_once) {
+ PackRhs(&packed_rhs, rhs.block(0, c, depth, cs));
+ }
+ Compute(kernel, block_params, &packed_result, packed_lhs, packed_rhs,
+ depth);
+ UnpackResult<KernelFormat>(
+ result, MatrixBlockBounds(r, c, rs, cs), packed_result, depth,
+ packed_lhs.sums_of_each_slice(), packed_rhs.sums_of_each_slice(),
+ lhs_offset.block(r, rs), rhs_offset.block(c, cs), output_pipeline);
+ }
+ }
+ allocator->Decommit();
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/unpack.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/unpack.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33aee13b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/internal/unpack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// unpack.h: unpacking the result blocks computed by compute.h,
+// storing them into the destination matrix.
+#include "allocator.h"
+#include "block_params.h"
+#include "output.h"
+#include "pack.h"
+#include <cmath>
+namespace gemmlowp {
+class PackedResult {
+ public:
+ PackedResult(Allocator* _allocator, const BlockParams& _block_params)
+ : allocator_(_allocator), block_params_(_block_params) {
+ matrix_handle_ = allocator_->Reserve<std::int32_t>(block_params_.l2_rows *
+ block_params_.l2_cols);
+ }
+ ~PackedResult() {}
+ MatrixMap<std::int32_t, MapOrder::ColMajor> Map() {
+ return MatrixMap<std::int32_t, MapOrder::ColMajor>(
+ allocator_->GetPointer<std::int32_t>(matrix_handle_),
+ block_params_.l2_rows, block_params_.l2_cols, block_params_.l2_rows);
+ }
+ MatrixMap<const std::int32_t, MapOrder::ColMajor> Map() const {
+ return MatrixMap<const std::int32_t, MapOrder::ColMajor>(
+ allocator_->GetPointer<const std::int32_t>(matrix_handle_),
+ block_params_.l2_rows, block_params_.l2_cols, block_params_.l2_rows);
+ }
+ private:
+ Allocator* allocator_;
+ Allocator::Handle matrix_handle_;
+ const BlockParams& block_params_;
+struct MatrixBlockBounds {
+ int start_row;
+ int start_col;
+ int rows;
+ int cols;
+ MatrixBlockBounds(int start_row_, int start_col_, int rows_, int cols_)
+ : start_row(start_row_),
+ start_col(start_col_),
+ rows(rows_),
+ cols(cols_) {}
+template <int Rows, int Cols, typename SrcMapType>
+void PrefetchResultBlock(const SrcMapType& src,
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Col>&
+ lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ int src_row, int src_col) {
+ const std::int32_t* src_data =, src_col);
+ const int src_stride = src.stride();
+ const std::int32_t* lhs_sums_data =;
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r += 4) {
+ Prefetch(lhs_sums_data + r);
+ }
+ for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r += 4) {
+ Prefetch(src_data + r + c * src_stride);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename KernelFormat, typename RegisterBlockType,
+ typename SrcMapType, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
+ typename OutputPipelineExecutorType, typename DstType>
+void UnpackResultBlock(const SrcMapType& src,
+ const OutputPipelineExecutorType& executor, DstType* dst,
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Col>&
+ lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Row>&
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
+ int depth, int src_row, int src_col, int src_global_row,
+ int src_global_col, int dst_row, int dst_col) {
+ using KernelLhsScalar = typename KernelFormat::Lhs::Scalar;
+ using KernelRhsScalar = typename KernelFormat::Rhs::Scalar;
+ static constexpr int KernelLhsZeroPointInput =
+ ZeroPointInputValue<KernelLhsScalar>::kValue;
+ static constexpr int KernelRhsZeroPointInput =
+ ZeroPointInputValue<KernelRhsScalar>::kValue;
+ auto acc = Load<RegisterBlockType>(src, src_row, src_col);
+ const auto& lhs_sums_of_each_slice_block =
+ LoadForBroadcasting<RegisterBlockType>(lhs_sums_of_each_slice, src_row);
+ const auto& rhs_sums_of_each_slice_block =
+ LoadForBroadcasting<RegisterBlockType>(rhs_sums_of_each_slice, src_col);
+ auto lhs_offset_block =
+ LoadForBroadcasting<RegisterBlockType>(lhs_offset, src_row);
+ auto rhs_offset_block =
+ LoadForBroadcasting<RegisterBlockType>(rhs_offset, src_col);
+ AddConstant<KernelLhsZeroPointInput>(&lhs_offset_block);
+ AddConstant<KernelRhsZeroPointInput>(&rhs_offset_block);
+ BroadcastMulAdd(lhs_sums_of_each_slice_block, rhs_offset_block, &acc);
+ for (int i = 0; i < decltype(rhs_offset_block)::kRegisterCount; i++) {
+ rhs_offset_block.buf.reg[i] = Mul(rhs_offset_block.buf.reg[i], depth);
+ }
+ BroadcastMulAdd(BroadcastAdd(rhs_sums_of_each_slice_block, rhs_offset_block),
+ lhs_offset_block, &acc);
+ executor.Execute(acc, dst, src_global_row, src_global_col, dst_row, dst_col);
+template <typename KernelFormat, typename ResultBlockType,
+ typename PackedResultType, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
+ typename OutputPipelineType>
+void UnpackResult(ResultBlockType* dst, const MatrixBlockBounds& dst_block,
+ const PackedResultType& src, int depth,
+ const std::int32_t* lhs_sums_of_each_slice_ptr,
+ const std::int32_t* rhs_sums_of_each_slice_ptr,
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label(ResultBlockType::kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor
+ ? "unpack to column-major"
+ : "unpack to row-major");
+ assert(dst_block.start_row >= 0);
+ assert(dst_block.start_row + dst_block.rows <= dst->rows());
+ assert(dst_block.start_col >= 0);
+ assert(dst_block.start_col + dst_block.cols <= dst->cols());
+ const auto src_map = src.Map();
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Col> lhs_sums_of_each_slice(
+ lhs_sums_of_each_slice_ptr, dst_block.rows);
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Row> rhs_sums_of_each_slice(
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice_ptr, dst_block.cols);
+ using Int32x1x1 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, 1, 1>;
+ using Int32x4x1 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, 4, 1>;
+ using Int32x8x1 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, 8, 1>;
+ using Int32x1x4 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, 1, 4>;
+ using Int32x4x4 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, 4, 4>;
+ using Int32x8x4 = RegisterBlock<std::int32_t, 8, 4>;
+ using DstScalarType = typename ResultBlockType::Scalar;
+ using DstScalarx8x8 = RegisterBlock<DstScalarType, 8, 8>;
+ OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, Int32x1x1>
+ output_pipeline_executor_1x1(output_pipeline);
+ OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, Int32x4x1>
+ output_pipeline_executor_4x1(output_pipeline);
+ OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, Int32x8x1>
+ output_pipeline_executor_8x1(output_pipeline);
+ OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, Int32x1x4>
+ output_pipeline_executor_1x4(output_pipeline);
+ OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, Int32x4x4>
+ output_pipeline_executor_4x4(output_pipeline);
+ OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, Int32x8x4>
+ output_pipeline_executor_8x4(output_pipeline);
+ int c8 = 0;
+ if (ResultBlockType::kOrder == MapOrder::RowMajor) {
+ for (; c8 <= dst_block.cols - 8; c8 += 8) {
+ PrefetchResultBlock<8, 8>(src_map, lhs_sums_of_each_slice, 0, c8);
+ int r = 0;
+ for (; r <= dst_block.rows - 8; r += 8) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ PrefetchResultBlock<8, 8>(src_map, lhs_sums_of_each_slice, r + 8, c8);
+ DstScalarType dst_colmajor_buf[64];
+ MatrixMap<DstScalarType, MapOrder::ColMajor> dst_colmajor_map(
+ dst_colmajor_buf, 8, 8);
+ for (int cx = 0; cx < 8; cx += 4) {
+ const int c = c8 + cx;
+ const int global_col = c + dst_block.start_col;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x8x4>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_8x4, &dst_colmajor_map,
+ lhs_sums_of_each_slice, rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset,
+ rhs_offset, depth, r, c, global_row, global_col, 0, cx);
+ }
+ StoreFinalOutput(LoadContiguous<DstScalarx8x8>(dst_colmajor_buf), dst,
+ r + dst_block.start_row, c8 + dst_block.start_col);
+ }
+ for (; r <= dst_block.rows - 4; r += 4) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ for (int cx = 0; cx < 8; cx += 4) {
+ const int c = c8 + cx;
+ const int global_col = c + dst_block.start_col;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x4x4>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_4x4, dst,
+ lhs_sums_of_each_slice, rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset,
+ rhs_offset, depth, r, c, global_row, global_col, global_row,
+ global_col);
+ }
+ }
+ for (; r < dst_block.rows; r++) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ for (int cx = 0; cx < 8; cx += 4) {
+ const int c = c8 + cx;
+ const int global_col = c + dst_block.start_col;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x1x4>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_1x4, dst,
+ lhs_sums_of_each_slice, rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset,
+ rhs_offset, depth, r, c, global_row, global_col, global_row,
+ global_col);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int c = c8;
+ for (; c <= dst_block.cols - 4; c += 4) {
+ const int global_col = c + dst_block.start_col;
+ PrefetchResultBlock<8, 4>(src_map, lhs_sums_of_each_slice, 0, c);
+ int r = 0;
+ for (; r <= dst_block.rows - 8; r += 8) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ PrefetchResultBlock<8, 4>(src_map, lhs_sums_of_each_slice, r + 8, c);
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x8x4>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_8x4, dst, lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, depth, r, c,
+ global_row, global_col, global_row, global_col);
+ }
+ for (; r <= dst_block.rows - 4; r += 4) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x4x4>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_4x4, dst, lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, depth, r, c,
+ global_row, global_col, global_row, global_col);
+ }
+ for (; r < dst_block.rows; r++) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x1x4>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_1x4, dst, lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, depth, r, c,
+ global_row, global_col, global_row, global_col);
+ }
+ }
+ for (; c < dst_block.cols; c++) {
+ const int global_col = c + dst_block.start_col;
+ PrefetchResultBlock<8, 1>(src_map, lhs_sums_of_each_slice, 0, c);
+ int r = 0;
+ for (; r <= dst_block.rows - 8; r += 8) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ PrefetchResultBlock<8, 1>(src_map, lhs_sums_of_each_slice, r + 8, c);
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x8x1>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_8x1, dst, lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, depth, r, c,
+ global_row, global_col, global_row, global_col);
+ }
+ for (; r <= dst_block.rows - 4; r += 4) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x4x1>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_4x1, dst, lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, depth, r, c,
+ global_row, global_col, global_row, global_col);
+ }
+ for (; r < dst_block.rows; r++) {
+ const int global_row = r + dst_block.start_row;
+ UnpackResultBlock<KernelFormat, Int32x1x1>(
+ src_map, output_pipeline_executor_1x1, dst, lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
+ rhs_sums_of_each_slice, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, depth, r, c,
+ global_row, global_col, global_row, global_col);
+ }
+ }
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/profiling/instrumentation.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/profiling/instrumentation.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51b652590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/profiling/instrumentation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// instrumentation.h: contains the definitions needed to
+// instrument code for profiling:
+// ScopedProfilingLabel, RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling.
+// profiler.h is only needed to drive the profiler:
+// StartProfiling, FinishProfiling.
+// See the usage example in profiler.h.
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace std {
+using ::uint8_t;
+using ::uint16_t;
+using ::uint32_t;
+using ::int8_t;
+using ::int16_t;
+using ::int32_t;
+using ::size_t;
+using ::uintptr_t;
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <set>
+// We should always use C++11 thread_local; unfortunately that
+// isn't fully supported on Apple yet.
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#define GEMMLOWP_THREAD_LOCAL static __thread
+#define GEMMLOWP_THREAD_LOCAL thread_local
+namespace gemmlowp {
+inline void ReleaseBuildAssertion(bool condition, const char* msg) {
+ if (!condition) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "gemmlowp error: %s\n", msg);
+ abort();
+ }
+// To be used as template parameter for GlobalLock.
+// GlobalLock<ProfilerLockId> is the profiler global lock:
+// registering threads, starting profiling, finishing profiling, and
+// the profiler itself as it samples threads, all need to lock it.
+struct ProfilerLockId;
+// A very plain global lock. Templated in LockId so we can have multiple
+// locks, one for each LockId type.
+template <typename LockId>
+class GlobalLock {
+ static pthread_mutex_t* Mutex() {
+ static pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+ return &m;
+ }
+ public:
+ static void Lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(Mutex()); }
+ static void Unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(Mutex()); }
+// A very simple RAII helper to lock and unlock a GlobalLock
+template <typename LockId>
+struct AutoGlobalLock {
+ AutoGlobalLock() { GlobalLock<LockId>::Lock(); }
+ ~AutoGlobalLock() { GlobalLock<LockId>::Unlock(); }
+// MemoryBarrier is purely a compile-time thing; it tells two things
+// to the compiler:
+// 1) It prevents reordering code across it
+// (thanks to the 'volatile' after 'asm')
+// 2) It requires the compiler to assume that any value previously
+// read from memory, may have changed. Thus it offers an alternative
+// to using 'volatile' variables.
+inline void MemoryBarrier() { asm volatile("" ::: "memory"); }
+// Profiling definitions. Two paths: when profiling is enabled,
+// and when profiling is disabled.
+// This code path is when profiling is enabled.
+// A pseudo-call-stack. Contrary to a real call-stack, this only
+// contains pointers to literal strings that were manually entered
+// in the instrumented code (see ScopedProfilingLabel).
+struct ProfilingStack {
+ static const std::size_t kMaxSize = 15;
+ typedef const char* LabelsArrayType[kMaxSize];
+ LabelsArrayType labels;
+ std::size_t size;
+ ProfilingStack() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(ProfilingStack)); }
+ void Push(const char* label) {
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ ReleaseBuildAssertion(size < kMaxSize, "ProfilingStack overflow");
+ labels[size] = label;
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ size++;
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ }
+ void Pop() {
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ ReleaseBuildAssertion(size > 0, "ProfilingStack underflow");
+ size--;
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ }
+ void UpdateTop(const char* new_label) {
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ assert(size);
+ labels[size - 1] = new_label;
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ }
+ ProfilingStack& operator=(const ProfilingStack& other) {
+ memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(ProfilingStack));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const ProfilingStack& other) const {
+ return !memcmp(this, &other, sizeof(ProfilingStack));
+ }
+ !(sizeof(ProfilingStack) & (sizeof(ProfilingStack) - 1)),
+ "ProfilingStack should have power-of-two size to fit in cache lines");
+struct ThreadInfo;
+// The global set of threads being profiled.
+inline std::set<ThreadInfo*>& ThreadsUnderProfiling() {
+ static std::set<ThreadInfo*> v;
+ return v;
+struct ThreadInfo {
+ pthread_key_t key; // used only to get a callback at thread exit.
+ ProfilingStack stack;
+ ThreadInfo() {
+ pthread_key_create(&key, ThreadExitCallback);
+ pthread_setspecific(key, this);
+ }
+ static void ThreadExitCallback(void* ptr) {
+ AutoGlobalLock<ProfilerLockId> lock;
+ ThreadInfo* self = static_cast<ThreadInfo*>(ptr);
+ ThreadsUnderProfiling().erase(self);
+ pthread_key_delete(self->key);
+ }
+inline ThreadInfo& ThreadLocalThreadInfo() {
+ // We're leaking this ThreadInfo structure, because Apple doesn't support
+ // non-trivial constructors or destructors for their __thread type modifier.
+ GEMMLOWP_THREAD_LOCAL ThreadInfo* i = nullptr;
+ if (i == nullptr) {
+ i = new ThreadInfo();
+ }
+ return *i;
+ return i;
+// ScopedProfilingLabel is how one instruments code for profiling
+// with this profiler. Construct local ScopedProfilingLabel variables,
+// passing a literal string describing the local code. Profile
+// samples will then be annotated with this label, while it is in scope
+// (whence the name --- also known as RAII).
+// See the example in profiler.h.
+class ScopedProfilingLabel {
+ ProfilingStack* profiling_stack_;
+ public:
+ explicit ScopedProfilingLabel(const char* label)
+ : profiling_stack_(&ThreadLocalThreadInfo().stack) {
+ profiling_stack_->Push(label);
+ }
+ ~ScopedProfilingLabel() { profiling_stack_->Pop(); }
+ void Update(const char* new_label) { profiling_stack_->UpdateTop(new_label); }
+// To be called once on each thread to be profiled.
+inline void RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling() {
+ AutoGlobalLock<ProfilerLockId> lock;
+ ThreadsUnderProfiling().insert(&ThreadLocalThreadInfo());
+// This code path is when profiling is disabled.
+// This empty definition of ScopedProfilingLabel ensures that
+// it has zero runtime overhead when profiling is disabled.
+struct ScopedProfilingLabel {
+ explicit ScopedProfilingLabel(const char*) {}
+ void Update(const char*) {}
+inline void RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling() {}
+} // end namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/profiling/profiler.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/profiling/profiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a18c036c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/profiling/profiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// profiler.h: a simple sampling profiler that's always just one #include away!
+// Overview
+// ========
+// This profiler only samples a pseudo-stack, not the actual call stack.
+// The code to be profiled needs to be instrumented with
+// pseudo-stack "labels", see ScopedProfilingLabel.
+// Using pseudo-stacks allows this profiler to be very simple, low-overhead,
+// portable, and independent of compilation details such as function inlining
+// and frame pointers. The granularity of instrumentation can be freely chosen,
+// and it is possible to get some annotate-like detail, i.e. detail within one
+// function without splitting it into multiple functions.
+// This profiler should remain small and simple; its key feature is to fit in
+// a single header file so that there should never be a reason to refrain
+// from profiling. More complex and feature-rich alternatives are
+// readily available. This one offers a strict superset of its
+// functionality:, including
+// intertwining pseudostacks with real call stacks, more annotation options,
+// and advanced visualization.
+// Usage
+// =====
+// 0. Enable profiling by defining GEMMLOWP_PROFILING. When profiling is
+// not enabled, profiling instrumentation from instrumentation.h
+// (ScopedProfilingLabel, RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling)
+// is still defined but does nothing. On the other hand,
+// when profiling is not enabled, it is an error to #include the
+// present file.
+// 1. Each thread can opt in to profiling by calling
+// RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling() defined in instrumentation.h.
+// This can be done at any time, before or during profiling.
+// No sample will be collected from a thread until
+// it has called RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling().
+// 2. Instrument your code to be profiled with ScopedProfilingLabel,
+// which is a RAII helper defined in instrumentation.h. The identifier
+// names (some_label, etc) do not matter; what will show up
+// in the profile is the string passed to the constructor, which
+// must be a literal string. See the full example below.
+// Note: the overhead of ScopedProfilingLabel is zero when not
+// enabling profiling (when not defining GEMMLOWP_PROFILING).
+// 3. Use the profiler.h interface to control profiling. There are two
+// functions: StartProfiling() and FinishProfiling(). They must be
+// called on the same thread. FinishProfiling() prints the profile
+// on stdout.
+// Full example
+// ============
+ #include "profiling/instrumentation.h"
+ using namespace gemmlowp;
+ const int iters = 100000000;
+ volatile int i;
+ void Bar() {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("Bar");
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) {}
+ }
+ void Foo() {
+ ScopedProfilingLabel label("Foo");
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) {}
+ Bar();
+ }
+ void Init() {
+ RegisterCurrentThreadForProfiling();
+ }
+ #include "profiling/profiler.h"
+ int main() {
+ Init();
+ StartProfiling();
+ Foo();
+ FinishProfiling();
+ }
+* Output:
+ gemmlowp profile (1 threads, 304 samples)
+ 100.00% Foo
+ 51.32% other
+ 48.68% Bar
+ 0.00% other (outside of any label)
+// Interpreting results
+// ====================
+// Each node shows the absolute percentage, among all the samples,
+// of the number of samples that recorded the given pseudo-stack.
+// The percentages are *NOT* relative to the parent node. In addition
+// to your own labels, you will also see 'other' nodes that collect
+// the remainder of samples under the parent node that didn't fall into
+// any of the labelled child nodes. Example:
+// 20% Foo
+// 12% Bar
+// 6% Xyz
+// 2% other
+// This means that 20% of all labels were under Foo, of which 12%/20%==60%
+// were under Bar, 6%/20%==30% were under Xyz, and 2%/20%==10% were not
+// under either Bar or Xyz.
+// Typically, one wants to keep adding ScopedProfilingLabel's until
+// the 'other' nodes show low percentages.
+// Interpreting results with multiple threads
+// ==========================================
+// At each sample, each thread registered for profiling gets sampled once.
+// So if there is one "main thread" spending its time in MainFunc() and
+// 4 "worker threads" spending time in WorkerFunc(), then 80% (=4/5) of the
+// samples will be in WorkerFunc, so the profile will look like this:
+// 80% WorkerFunc
+// 20% MainFunc
+#error Profiling is not enabled!
+#include <vector>
+#include "instrumentation.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// A tree view of a profile.
+class ProfileTreeView {
+ struct Node {
+ std::vector<Node*> children;
+ const char* label;
+ std::size_t weight;
+ Node() : label(nullptr), weight(0) {}
+ ~Node() {
+ for (auto child : children) {
+ delete child;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ static bool CompareNodes(Node* n1, Node* n2) {
+ return n1->weight > n2->weight;
+ }
+ Node root_;
+ void PrintNode(const Node* node, int level) const {
+ if (level) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < level; i++) {
+ printf(" ");
+ }
+ printf("%.2f%% %s\n", 100.0f * node->weight / root_.weight, node->label);
+ }
+ for (auto child : node->children) {
+ PrintNode(child, level + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ static void AddStackToNode(const ProfilingStack& stack, Node* node,
+ std::size_t level) {
+ node->weight++;
+ if (stack.size == level) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* child_to_add_to = nullptr;
+ for (auto child : node->children) {
+ if (child->label == stack.labels[level]) {
+ child_to_add_to = child;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!child_to_add_to) {
+ child_to_add_to = new Node;
+ child_to_add_to->label = stack.labels[level];
+ node->children.push_back(child_to_add_to);
+ }
+ AddStackToNode(stack, child_to_add_to, level + 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ void AddStack(const ProfilingStack& stack) {
+ AddStackToNode(stack, &root_, 0);
+ }
+ void AddOtherChildrenToNode(Node* node) {
+ std::size_t top_level_children_weight = 0;
+ for (auto c : node->children) {
+ AddOtherChildrenToNode(c);
+ top_level_children_weight += c->weight;
+ }
+ if (top_level_children_weight) {
+ Node* other_child = new Node;
+ other_child->label =
+ node == &root_ ? "other (outside of any label)" : "other";
+ other_child->weight = node->weight - top_level_children_weight;
+ node->children.push_back(other_child);
+ }
+ }
+ void AddOtherNodes() { AddOtherChildrenToNode(&root_); }
+ void SortNode(Node* node) {
+ std::sort(node->children.begin(), node->children.end(), CompareNodes);
+ for (auto child : node->children) {
+ SortNode(child);
+ }
+ }
+ void Sort() { SortNode(&root_); }
+ public:
+ explicit ProfileTreeView(const std::vector<ProfilingStack>& stacks) {
+ for (auto stack : stacks) {
+ AddStack(stack);
+ }
+ AddOtherNodes();
+ Sort();
+ }
+ void Print() const {
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("gemmlowp profile (%d threads, %d samples)\n",
+ static_cast<int>(ThreadsUnderProfiling().size()),
+ static_cast<int>(root_.weight));
+ PrintNode(&root_, 0);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+// This function is the only place that determines our sampling frequency.
+inline void WaitOneProfilerTick() {
+ static const int millisecond = 1000000;
+#if defined __arm__ || defined __aarch64__
+ // Reduced sampling frequency on mobile devices helps limit time and memory
+ // overhead there.
+ static const int interval = 10 * millisecond;
+ static const int interval = 1 * millisecond;
+ timespec ts;
+ ts.tv_sec = 0;
+ ts.tv_nsec = interval;
+ nanosleep(&ts, nullptr);
+// This is how we track whether we've already started profiling,
+// to guard against misuse of the API.
+inline bool& IsProfiling() {
+ static bool b;
+ return b;
+// This is how we tell the profiler thread to finish.
+inline bool& ProfilerThreadShouldFinish() {
+ static bool b;
+ return b;
+// The profiler thread. See ProfilerThreadFunc.
+inline pthread_t& ProfilerThread() {
+ static pthread_t t;
+ return t;
+// Records a stack from a running thread.
+// The tricky part is that we're not interrupting the thread.
+// This is OK because we're looking at a pseudo-stack of labels,
+// not at the real thread stack, and if the pseudo-stack changes
+// while we're recording it, we are OK with getting either the
+// old or the new stack. Note that ProfilingStack::Pop
+// only decrements the size, and doesn't null the popped label,
+// so if we're concurrently recording it, it shouldn't change
+// under our feet until another label is pushed, at which point
+// we are OK with getting either this new label or the old one.
+// In the end, the key atomicity property that we are relying on
+// here is that pointers are changed atomically, and the labels
+// are pointers (to literal strings).
+inline void RecordStack(const ThreadInfo* thread, ProfilingStack* dst) {
+ assert(!dst->size);
+ while (dst->size < thread->stack.size) {
+ dst->labels[dst->size] = thread->stack.labels[dst->size];
+ dst->size++;
+ MemoryBarrier(); // thread->stack can change at any time
+ }
+// The profiler thread's entry point.
+// Note that a separate thread is to be started each time we call
+// StartProfiling(), and finishes when we call FinishProfiling().
+// So here we only need to handle the recording and reporting of
+// a single profile.
+inline void* ProfilerThreadFunc(void*) {
+ assert(ProfilerThread() == pthread_self());
+ // Since we only handle one profile per profiler thread, the
+ // profile data (the array of recorded stacks) can be a local variable here.
+ std::vector<ProfilingStack> stacks;
+ while (!ProfilerThreadShouldFinish()) {
+ WaitOneProfilerTick();
+ {
+ AutoGlobalLock<ProfilerLockId> lock;
+ for (auto t : ThreadsUnderProfiling()) {
+ ProfilingStack s;
+ RecordStack(t, &s);
+ stacks.push_back(s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Profiling is finished and we now report the results.
+ ProfileTreeView(stacks).Print();
+ return nullptr;
+// Starts recording samples.
+inline void StartProfiling() {
+ AutoGlobalLock<ProfilerLockId> lock;
+ ReleaseBuildAssertion(!IsProfiling(), "We're already profiling!");
+ IsProfiling() = true;
+ ProfilerThreadShouldFinish() = false;
+ pthread_create(&ProfilerThread(), nullptr, ProfilerThreadFunc, nullptr);
+// Stops recording samples, and prints a profile tree-view on stdout.
+inline void FinishProfiling() {
+ {
+ AutoGlobalLock<ProfilerLockId> lock;
+ ReleaseBuildAssertion(IsProfiling(), "We weren't profiling!");
+ // The ProfilerThreadShouldFinish() mechanism here is really naive and bad,
+ // as the scary comments below should make clear.
+ // Should we use a condition variable?
+ ProfilerThreadShouldFinish() = true;
+ } // must release the lock here to avoid deadlock with profiler thread.
+ pthread_join(ProfilerThread(), nullptr);
+ IsProfiling() = false; // yikes, this should be guarded by the lock!
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/bit_depth.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/bit_depth.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cb4ecf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/bit_depth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// bit_depth.h: defines the settins controlling LHS/RHS bit depth
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// The range of allowed values for an operand.
+template <int tMinValue, int tMaxValue>
+struct OperandRange {
+ static const int kMinValue = tMinValue;
+ static const int kMaxValue = tMaxValue;
+ static_assert(0 <= kMinValue, "");
+ static_assert(kMinValue < kMaxValue, "");
+ static_assert(kMaxValue <= 255, "");
+using Uint8Range = OperandRange<0, 255>;
+using Uint8RangeExcludingZero = OperandRange<1, 255>;
+template <typename tLhsRange, typename tRhsRange>
+struct BitDepthParams {
+ using LhsRange = tLhsRange;
+ using RhsRange = tRhsRange;
+// Default: LHS and RHS are 8bit.
+using DefaultL8R8BitDepthParams = BitDepthParams<Uint8Range, Uint8Range>;
+// Variant: LHS may not take the value 0. This allows using
+// faster kernels using signed arithmetic, see
+// NEON_64bit_GEMM_Int8Operands_Int32Accumulators_AccumTwoWithin16Bits
+using L8R8WithLhsNonzeroBitDepthParams =
+ BitDepthParams<Uint8RangeExcludingZero, Uint8Range>;
+// Deprecated: when gemmlowp used to allow requantizing 8bit
+// inputs to less-than-8-bit depths, the public setting allowing
+// that was DefaultL7R5BitDepthParams. That requantization
+// feature has been removed, but as the whole point of that
+// requantization was to make less-than-8-bit an internal
+// optimization without any impact on the API (other than lowering
+// accuracy), we can temporarily support users who were using it
+// by mapping it to the default 8bit behavior.
+using DefaultL7R5BitDepthParams = DefaultL8R8BitDepthParams;
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/gemmlowp.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/gemmlowp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05b0f4714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/gemmlowp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// gemmlowp.h: the main public interface header of gemmlowp.
+#include "../internal/dispatch_gemm_shape.h"
+#include "bit_depth.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "output_stages.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+class GemmContext : public MultiThreadGemmContext {};
+// Computes a general matrix product ("GEMM").
+// This is a version that supports per channel quantization.
+template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar, typename BitDepthParams,
+ MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder, MapOrder ResultOrder,
+ typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset, typename OutputPipelineType,
+ typename GemmContextType>
+void GemmWithOutputPipelinePC(GemmContextType* context,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* result,
+ const LhsOffset& lhs_offset,
+ const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
+ DispatchGemmShape<InputScalar, OutputScalar, BitDepthParams>(
+ context, lhs, rhs, result, lhs_offset, rhs_offset, output_pipeline);
+// Computes a general matrix product ("GEMM").
+// This is the legacy version that does not support per channel quantization.
+// The meaning of the offsets, result_mult_int and result_shift
+// parameters is the same as in the standard EightBitIntGemm interface
+// (which is also implemented in the eight_bit_int_gemm directory).
+template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar, typename BitDepthParams,
+ MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder, MapOrder ResultOrder,
+ typename OutputPipelineType, typename GemmContextType>
+void GemmWithOutputPipeline(GemmContextType* context,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
+ const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
+ MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* result,
+ int lhs_offset, int rhs_offset,
+ const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
+ typedef VectorDup<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Col> OffsetColDup;
+ typedef VectorDup<const std::int32_t, VectorShape::Row> OffsetRowDup;
+ const OffsetColDup lhs_offset_vector(lhs_offset, lhs.rows());
+ const OffsetRowDup rhs_offset_vector(rhs_offset, rhs.cols());
+ DispatchGemmShape<InputScalar, OutputScalar, BitDepthParams>(
+ context, lhs, rhs, result, lhs_offset_vector, rhs_offset_vector,
+ output_pipeline);
+// Computes a general matrix product ("GEMM").
+// The meaning of the offsets, result_mult_int and result_shift
+// parameters is the same as in the standard EightBitIntGemm interface
+// (which is also implemented in the eight_bit_int_gemm directory).
+template <typename Scalar, typename BitDepthParams, MapOrder LhsOrder,
+ MapOrder RhsOrder, MapOrder ResultOrder, typename GemmContextType>
+void Gemm(GemmContextType* context,
+ const MatrixMap<const Scalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
+ const MatrixMap<const Scalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
+ MatrixMap<Scalar, ResultOrder>* result, int lhs_offset,
+ int rhs_offset, int result_offset, int result_mult_int,
+ int result_shift) {
+ GemmWithOutputPipeline<Scalar, Scalar, BitDepthParams>(
+ context, lhs, rhs, result, lhs_offset, rhs_offset,
+ MakeStandardOutputPipeline(result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift));
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/map.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/map.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3073e05f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// map.h: a minimalist view-existing-buffer-as-a-matrix class,
+// which is how gemmlowp interfaces with external matrix data.
+#include "../internal/common.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// The two storage orders allowed to map buffers as matrices: ColMajor
+// means column-major, RowMajor means row-major.
+enum class MapOrder { ColMajor, RowMajor };
+// A MatrixMap is a view of an existing buffer as a matrix. It does not own
+// the buffer.
+template <typename tScalar, MapOrder tOrder>
+class MatrixMap {
+ public:
+ typedef tScalar Scalar;
+ static const MapOrder kOrder = tOrder;
+ protected:
+ Scalar* data_; // not owned.
+ int rows_, cols_, stride_;
+ public:
+ MatrixMap() : data_(nullptr), rows_(0), cols_(0), stride_(0) {}
+ MatrixMap(Scalar* data, int rows, int cols)
+ : data_(data),
+ rows_(rows),
+ cols_(cols),
+ stride_(kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor ? rows : cols) {}
+ MatrixMap(Scalar* data, int rows, int cols, int stride)
+ : data_(data), rows_(rows), cols_(cols), stride_(stride) {}
+ MatrixMap(const MatrixMap& other)
+ : data_(other.data_),
+ rows_(other.rows_),
+ cols_(other.cols_),
+ stride_(other.stride_) {}
+ int rows() const { return rows_; }
+ int cols() const { return cols_; }
+ int stride() const { return stride_; }
+ int rows_stride() const { return kOrder == MapOrder::ColMajor ? 1 : stride_; }
+ int cols_stride() const { return kOrder == MapOrder::RowMajor ? 1 : stride_; }
+ Scalar* data() const { return data_; }
+ Scalar* data(int row, int col) const {
+ return data_ + row * rows_stride() + col * cols_stride();
+ }
+ Scalar& operator()(int row, int col) const { return *data(row, col); }
+ MatrixMap block(int start_row, int start_col, int block_rows,
+ int block_cols) const {
+ assert(start_row >= 0);
+ assert(start_row + block_rows <= rows_);
+ assert(start_col >= 0);
+ assert(start_col + block_cols <= cols_);
+ return MatrixMap(data(start_row, start_col), block_rows, block_cols,
+ stride_);
+ }
+enum class VectorShape { Col, Row };
+// A VectorMap is a view of an existing buffer as a vector. It does not own
+// the buffer.
+template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
+class VectorMap {
+ public:
+ typedef tScalar Scalar;
+ static const VectorShape kShape = tShape;
+ protected:
+ Scalar* data_; // not owned.
+ int size_;
+ public:
+ VectorMap() : data_(nullptr), size_(0) {}
+ VectorMap(Scalar* data, int size) : data_(data), size_(size) {}
+ VectorMap(const VectorMap& other) : data_(other.data_), size_(other.size_) {}
+ int size() const { return size_; }
+ Scalar* data() const { return data_; }
+ Scalar* data(int index) const { return data_ + index; }
+ Scalar& operator()(int index) const { return *data(index); }
+ VectorMap block(int start, int len) const {
+ assert(start >= 0);
+ assert(start + len <= size_);
+ return VectorMap(data(start), len);
+ }
+// A VectorDup is a (duplicated value) vector where all components are the same.
+template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
+class VectorDup {
+ public:
+ typedef tScalar Scalar;
+ static const VectorShape kShape = tShape;
+ protected:
+ Scalar data_;
+ int size_;
+ public:
+ VectorDup() : data_(0), size_(0) {}
+ VectorDup(Scalar data, int size) : data_(data), size_(size) {}
+ VectorDup(const VectorDup& other) : data_(other.data_), size_(other.size_) {}
+ int size() const { return size_; }
+ Scalar& operator()(int) const { return data_; }
+ VectorDup block(int start, int len) const {
+ assert(start >= 0);
+ assert(start + len <= size_);
+ return VectorDup(data_, len);
+ }
+} // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/output_stages.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/output_stages.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23bcdc05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/gemmlowp/public/output_stages.h
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+// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// output_stages.h: public definitions of the output stages that can
+// be assembled into an output pipeline, to control how internal
+// 32-bit accumulators are transformed to obtain the final uint8
+// result matrix entries.
+#include <tuple>
+#include "../internal/common.h"
+namespace gemmlowp {
+// This output stage takes int32 values and returns still int32 values,
+// but "quantized down" to the uint8 scale; in other words, its output
+// is typically what one would then clamp to [0..255] and cast to uint8
+// (see OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8).
+// This "quantization down" process depends on 3 parameters,
+// result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift,
+// and the result is:
+// ((input + result_offset) * result_mult_int + rounding) >> result_shift
+// where
+// rounding = (result_shift < 1) ? 0 : (1 << (result_shift - 1));
+struct OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale {
+ std::int32_t result_offset;
+ std::int32_t result_mult_int;
+ std::int32_t result_shift;
+// This output stage takes int32 values and returns still int32 values,
+// but "quantized down" to the uint8 scale; in other words, its output
+// is typically what one would then clamp to [0..255] and cast to uint8
+// (see OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8).
+// This "quantization down" process depends on 3 parameters,
+// result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift,
+// and the result is:
+// ((input + result_offset) * result_mult_int + rounding) >> result_shift
+// where
+// rounding = (result_shift < 1) ? 0 : (1 << (result_shift - 1));
+// Difference from OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale here is that each
+// row or column of the output (depending on tShape) has its own result_offset
+// and result_mult_int numbers.
+template <VectorShape tShape>
+struct OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC {
+ VectorMap<const std::int32_t, tShape> result_offset;
+ VectorMap<const std::int32_t, tShape> result_mult_int;
+ std::int32_t result_shift;
+// This output stage takes int32 values and returns still int32 values,
+// but "quantized down" to the uint8 scale; in other words, its output
+// is typically what one would then clamp to [0..255] and cast to uint8
+// (see OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8).
+// This "quantization down" process depends on 3 parameters,
+// result_offset, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift,
+// and the result is:
+// ((FixedPointMul(input, result_fixedpoint_multiplier) +
+// rounding) >> result_shift) + result_offset_after_shift
+// where
+// rounding = (result_shift < 1) ? 0 : (1 << (result_shift - 1));
+// and where FixedPointMul(x, y) is the nearest integer to the following
+// mathematical expression, evaluated without overflow or intermediate
+// rounding:
+// (x * y) / 2^31
+// In practice, it is expected that FixedPointMul will be implemented
+// using hardware "rounding doubling int32 multiply high" instructions,
+// such as VQRDMULH on ARM. See in fixedpoint.h the generic function,
+// SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul.
+// Notice that the other difference from
+// OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale is that the result offset
+// is applied after the multiplier and shift, not before. This ensures
+// that no matter what the multiplier and shift are, the result offset
+// is effectively integral: offsetting the final result by an integer.
+// The motivation for this is to faithfully support quantization schemes
+// where the formula linking quantized values to the real mathematical
+// values that they represent, is of the form
+// real_value = scale * (quantized_value - zero_point)
+// where scale is a real number (represented in quantized form by
+// result_fixedpoint_multiplier and result_shift) and zero_point
+// is an integer telling which quantized value correspond to the
+// real value 0, and is represented here by (the opposite of)
+// result_offset_after_shift.
+// The motivation for such a quantization scheme, designed to
+// ensure that 0 is always a representable value, is that in
+// many applications, we need to 0-pad arrays and that can only be
+// done for quantized arrays if 0 is a representable value in
+// quantized form. In particular, convolution-like operations
+// are often implemented using 0-padding, or "im2col"-like
+// expansions that implicitly rely on 0-padding. If 0 were not
+// a representable value, such operations would have to pad
+// using a nonzero value, introducing bias in the computation.
+struct OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPoint {
+ std::int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier;
+ std::int32_t result_shift;
+ std::int32_t result_offset_after_shift;
+// This output stage takes int32 values that are expected to be already
+// on the final uint8 scale, but not necessarily in the [0..255] range.
+// It clamps them to the [0..255] range and returns them casted to uint8.
+struct OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 {};
+// This output stage depends on a "bias vector" that should contain int32
+// entries, and be either a row-vector of the same number of columns as the
+// result matrix, or a column-vector of the same number of rows as the
+// result matrix. This output stage takes int32 values and adds to them
+// the corresponding entry of the bias vector (broadcasted in the other
+// direction to fit the matrix's shape), outputting int32 values.
+template <typename VectorType>
+struct OutputStageBiasAddition {
+ VectorType bias_vector;
+// This output stage clamps value between the specified min and max bounds.
+// It can be used to implement "rectified linear unit" activation functions
+// in neural networks.
+struct OutputStageClamp {
+ std::int32_t min;
+ std::int32_t max;
+struct OutputStageTanh {
+ std::int32_t real_zero_as_int32;
+ std::int32_t real_amplitude_as_int32;
+// An output pipeline is just a std::tuple of output stages.
+// This function generates a standard output pipeline consisting of two stages:
+// OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale, OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8.
+inline std::tuple<OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale,
+ OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8>
+MakeStandardOutputPipeline(std::int32_t result_offset,
+ std::int32_t result_mult_int,
+ std::int32_t result_shift) {
+ OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8Scale quantize_down_stage;
+ quantize_down_stage.result_offset = result_offset;
+ quantize_down_stage.result_mult_int = result_mult_int;
+ quantize_down_stage.result_shift = result_shift;
+ OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 saturating_cast_stage;
+ return std::make_tuple(quantize_down_stage, saturating_cast_stage);
+// An output pipeline is just a std::tuple of output stages.
+// This function generates a standard output pipeline consisting of two stages:
+// OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC, OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8.
+template <VectorShape tShape>
+inline std::tuple<OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<tShape>,
+ OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8>
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, tShape>& result_offset,
+ const VectorMap<const std::int32_t, tShape>& result_mult_int,
+ std::int32_t result_shift) {
+ OutputStageQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScalePC<tShape> quantize_down_stage;
+ quantize_down_stage.result_offset = result_offset;
+ quantize_down_stage.result_mult_int = result_mult_int;
+ quantize_down_stage.result_shift = result_shift;
+ OutputStageSaturatingCastToUint8 saturating_cast_stage;
+ return std::make_tuple(quantize_down_stage, saturating_cast_stage);
+} // namespace gemmlowp