path: root/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/products/GeneralMatrixMatrix.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/products/GeneralMatrixMatrix.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/products/GeneralMatrixMatrix.h
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--- a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/products/GeneralMatrixMatrix.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
-// for linear algebra.
-// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gael Guennebaud <>
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
-// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
-// with this file, You can obtain one at
-namespace Eigen {
-namespace internal {
-template<typename _LhsScalar, typename _RhsScalar> class level3_blocking;
-/* Specialization for a row-major destination matrix => simple transposition of the product */
- typename Index,
- typename LhsScalar, int LhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateLhs,
- typename RhsScalar, int RhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateRhs>
-struct general_matrix_matrix_product<Index,LhsScalar,LhsStorageOrder,ConjugateLhs,RhsScalar,RhsStorageOrder,ConjugateRhs,RowMajor>
- typedef gebp_traits<RhsScalar,LhsScalar> Traits;
- typedef typename ScalarBinaryOpTraits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar>::ReturnType ResScalar;
- static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void run(
- Index rows, Index cols, Index depth,
- const LhsScalar* lhs, Index lhsStride,
- const RhsScalar* rhs, Index rhsStride,
- ResScalar* res, Index resStride,
- ResScalar alpha,
- level3_blocking<RhsScalar,LhsScalar>& blocking,
- GemmParallelInfo<Index>* info = 0)
- {
- // transpose the product such that the result is column major
- general_matrix_matrix_product<Index,
- RhsScalar, RhsStorageOrder==RowMajor ? ColMajor : RowMajor, ConjugateRhs,
- LhsScalar, LhsStorageOrder==RowMajor ? ColMajor : RowMajor, ConjugateLhs,
- ColMajor>
- ::run(cols,rows,depth,rhs,rhsStride,lhs,lhsStride,res,resStride,alpha,blocking,info);
- }
-/* Specialization for a col-major destination matrix
- * => Blocking algorithm following Goto's paper */
- typename Index,
- typename LhsScalar, int LhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateLhs,
- typename RhsScalar, int RhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateRhs>
-struct general_matrix_matrix_product<Index,LhsScalar,LhsStorageOrder,ConjugateLhs,RhsScalar,RhsStorageOrder,ConjugateRhs,ColMajor>
-typedef gebp_traits<LhsScalar,RhsScalar> Traits;
-typedef typename ScalarBinaryOpTraits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar>::ReturnType ResScalar;
-static void run(Index rows, Index cols, Index depth,
- const LhsScalar* _lhs, Index lhsStride,
- const RhsScalar* _rhs, Index rhsStride,
- ResScalar* _res, Index resStride,
- ResScalar alpha,
- level3_blocking<LhsScalar,RhsScalar>& blocking,
- GemmParallelInfo<Index>* info = 0)
- typedef const_blas_data_mapper<LhsScalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder> LhsMapper;
- typedef const_blas_data_mapper<RhsScalar, Index, RhsStorageOrder> RhsMapper;
- typedef blas_data_mapper<typename Traits::ResScalar, Index, ColMajor> ResMapper;
- LhsMapper lhs(_lhs,lhsStride);
- RhsMapper rhs(_rhs,rhsStride);
- ResMapper res(_res, resStride);
- Index kc = blocking.kc(); // cache block size along the K direction
- Index mc = (std::min)(rows,; // cache block size along the M direction
- Index nc = (std::min)(cols,; // cache block size along the N direction
- gemm_pack_lhs<LhsScalar, Index, LhsMapper, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
- gemm_pack_rhs<RhsScalar, Index, RhsMapper, Traits::nr, RhsStorageOrder> pack_rhs;
- gebp_kernel<LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, ResMapper, Traits::mr, Traits::nr, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs> gebp;
- if(info)
- {
- // this is the parallel version!
- int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
- int threads = omp_get_num_threads();
- LhsScalar* blockA = blocking.blockA();
- eigen_internal_assert(blockA!=0);
- std::size_t sizeB = kc*nc;
- ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(RhsScalar, blockB, sizeB, 0);
- // For each horizontal panel of the rhs, and corresponding vertical panel of the lhs...
- for(Index k=0; k<depth; k+=kc)
- {
- const Index actual_kc = (std::min)(k+kc,depth)-k; // => rows of B', and cols of the A'
- // In order to reduce the chance that a thread has to wait for the other,
- // let's start by packing B'.
- pack_rhs(blockB, rhs.getSubMapper(k,0), actual_kc, nc);
- // Pack A_k to A' in a parallel fashion:
- // each thread packs the sub block A_k,i to A'_i where i is the thread id.
- // However, before copying to A'_i, we have to make sure that no other thread is still using it,
- // i.e., we test that info[tid].users equals 0.
- // Then, we set info[tid].users to the number of threads to mark that all other threads are going to use it.
- while(info[tid].users!=0) {}
- info[tid].users += threads;
- pack_lhs(blockA+info[tid].lhs_start*actual_kc, lhs.getSubMapper(info[tid].lhs_start,k), actual_kc, info[tid].lhs_length);
- // Notify the other threads that the part A'_i is ready to go.
- info[tid].sync = k;
- // Computes C_i += A' * B' per A'_i
- for(int shift=0; shift<threads; ++shift)
- {
- int i = (tid+shift)%threads;
- // At this point we have to make sure that A'_i has been updated by the thread i,
- // we use testAndSetOrdered to mimic a volatile access.
- // However, no need to wait for the B' part which has been updated by the current thread!
- if (shift>0) {
- while(info[i].sync!=k) {
- }
- }
- gebp(res.getSubMapper(info[i].lhs_start, 0), blockA+info[i].lhs_start*actual_kc, blockB, info[i].lhs_length, actual_kc, nc, alpha);
- }
- // Then keep going as usual with the remaining B'
- for(Index j=nc; j<cols; j+=nc)
- {
- const Index actual_nc = (std::min)(j+nc,cols)-j;
- // pack B_k,j to B'
- pack_rhs(blockB, rhs.getSubMapper(k,j), actual_kc, actual_nc);
- // C_j += A' * B'
- gebp(res.getSubMapper(0, j), blockA, blockB, rows, actual_kc, actual_nc, alpha);
- }
- // Release all the sub blocks A'_i of A' for the current thread,
- // i.e., we simply decrement the number of users by 1
- for(Index i=0; i<threads; ++i)
- #pragma omp atomic
- info[i].users -= 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // this is the sequential version!
- std::size_t sizeA = kc*mc;
- std::size_t sizeB = kc*nc;
- ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(LhsScalar, blockA, sizeA, blocking.blockA());
- ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(RhsScalar, blockB, sizeB, blocking.blockB());
- const bool pack_rhs_once = mc!=rows && kc==depth && nc==cols;
- // For each horizontal panel of the rhs, and corresponding panel of the lhs...
- for(Index i2=0; i2<rows; i2+=mc)
- {
- const Index actual_mc = (std::min)(i2+mc,rows)-i2;
- for(Index k2=0; k2<depth; k2+=kc)
- {
- const Index actual_kc = (std::min)(k2+kc,depth)-k2;
- // OK, here we have selected one horizontal panel of rhs and one vertical panel of lhs.
- // => Pack lhs's panel into a sequential chunk of memory (L2/L3 caching)
- // Note that this panel will be read as many times as the number of blocks in the rhs's
- // horizontal panel which is, in practice, a very low number.
- pack_lhs(blockA, lhs.getSubMapper(i2,k2), actual_kc, actual_mc);
- // For each kc x nc block of the rhs's horizontal panel...
- for(Index j2=0; j2<cols; j2+=nc)
- {
- const Index actual_nc = (std::min)(j2+nc,cols)-j2;
- // We pack the rhs's block into a sequential chunk of memory (L2 caching)
- // Note that this block will be read a very high number of times, which is equal to the number of
- // micro horizontal panel of the large rhs's panel (e.g., rows/12 times).
- if((!pack_rhs_once) || i2==0)
- pack_rhs(blockB, rhs.getSubMapper(k2,j2), actual_kc, actual_nc);
- // Everything is packed, we can now call the panel * block kernel:
- gebp(res.getSubMapper(i2, j2), blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, actual_nc, alpha);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-* Specialization of generic_product_impl for "large" GEMM, i.e.,
-* implementation of the high level wrapper to general_matrix_matrix_product
-template<typename Scalar, typename Index, typename Gemm, typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Dest, typename BlockingType>
-struct gemm_functor
- gemm_functor(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Dest& dest, const Scalar& actualAlpha, BlockingType& blocking)
- : m_lhs(lhs), m_rhs(rhs), m_dest(dest), m_actualAlpha(actualAlpha), m_blocking(blocking)
- {}
- void initParallelSession(Index num_threads) const
- {
- m_blocking.initParallel(m_lhs.rows(), m_rhs.cols(), m_lhs.cols(), num_threads);
- m_blocking.allocateA();
- }
- void operator() (Index row, Index rows, Index col=0, Index cols=-1, GemmParallelInfo<Index>* info=0) const
- {
- if(cols==-1)
- cols = m_rhs.cols();
- Gemm::run(rows, cols, m_lhs.cols(),
- &m_lhs.coeffRef(row,0), m_lhs.outerStride(),
- &m_rhs.coeffRef(0,col), m_rhs.outerStride(),
- (Scalar*)&(m_dest.coeffRef(row,col)), m_dest.outerStride(),
- m_actualAlpha, m_blocking, info);
- }
- typedef typename Gemm::Traits Traits;
- protected:
- const Lhs& m_lhs;
- const Rhs& m_rhs;
- Dest& m_dest;
- Scalar m_actualAlpha;
- BlockingType& m_blocking;
-template<int StorageOrder, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar, int MaxRows, int MaxCols, int MaxDepth, int KcFactor=1,
-bool FiniteAtCompileTime = MaxRows!=Dynamic && MaxCols!=Dynamic && MaxDepth != Dynamic> class gemm_blocking_space;
-template<typename _LhsScalar, typename _RhsScalar>
-class level3_blocking
- typedef _LhsScalar LhsScalar;
- typedef _RhsScalar RhsScalar;
- protected:
- LhsScalar* m_blockA;
- RhsScalar* m_blockB;
- Index m_mc;
- Index m_nc;
- Index m_kc;
- public:
- level3_blocking()
- : m_blockA(0), m_blockB(0), m_mc(0), m_nc(0), m_kc(0)
- {}
- inline Index mc() const { return m_mc; }
- inline Index nc() const { return m_nc; }
- inline Index kc() const { return m_kc; }
- inline LhsScalar* blockA() { return m_blockA; }
- inline RhsScalar* blockB() { return m_blockB; }
-template<int StorageOrder, typename _LhsScalar, typename _RhsScalar, int MaxRows, int MaxCols, int MaxDepth, int KcFactor>
-class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, MaxDepth, KcFactor, true /* == FiniteAtCompileTime */>
- : public level3_blocking<
- typename conditional<StorageOrder==RowMajor,_RhsScalar,_LhsScalar>::type,
- typename conditional<StorageOrder==RowMajor,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar>::type>
- enum {
- Transpose = StorageOrder==RowMajor,
- ActualRows = Transpose ? MaxCols : MaxRows,
- ActualCols = Transpose ? MaxRows : MaxCols
- };
- typedef typename conditional<Transpose,_RhsScalar,_LhsScalar>::type LhsScalar;
- typedef typename conditional<Transpose,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar>::type RhsScalar;
- typedef gebp_traits<LhsScalar,RhsScalar> Traits;
- enum {
- SizeA = ActualRows * MaxDepth,
- SizeB = ActualCols * MaxDepth
- };
- EIGEN_ALIGN_MAX LhsScalar m_staticA[SizeA];
- EIGEN_ALIGN_MAX RhsScalar m_staticB[SizeB];
- EIGEN_ALIGN_MAX char m_staticA[SizeA * sizeof(LhsScalar) + EIGEN_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES-1];
- EIGEN_ALIGN_MAX char m_staticB[SizeB * sizeof(RhsScalar) + EIGEN_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES-1];
- public:
- gemm_blocking_space(Index /*rows*/, Index /*cols*/, Index /*depth*/, Index /*num_threads*/, bool /*full_rows = false*/)
- {
- this->m_mc = ActualRows;
- this->m_nc = ActualCols;
- this->m_kc = MaxDepth;
- this->m_blockA = m_staticA;
- this->m_blockB = m_staticB;
- this->m_blockA = reinterpret_cast<LhsScalar*>((internal::UIntPtr(m_staticA) + (EIGEN_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES-1)) & ~std::size_t(EIGEN_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES-1));
- this->m_blockB = reinterpret_cast<RhsScalar*>((internal::UIntPtr(m_staticB) + (EIGEN_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES-1)) & ~std::size_t(EIGEN_DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES-1));
- }
- void initParallel(Index, Index, Index, Index)
- {}
- inline void allocateA() {}
- inline void allocateB() {}
- inline void allocateAll() {}
-template<int StorageOrder, typename _LhsScalar, typename _RhsScalar, int MaxRows, int MaxCols, int MaxDepth, int KcFactor>
-class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, MaxDepth, KcFactor, false>
- : public level3_blocking<
- typename conditional<StorageOrder==RowMajor,_RhsScalar,_LhsScalar>::type,
- typename conditional<StorageOrder==RowMajor,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar>::type>
- enum {
- Transpose = StorageOrder==RowMajor
- };
- typedef typename conditional<Transpose,_RhsScalar,_LhsScalar>::type LhsScalar;
- typedef typename conditional<Transpose,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar>::type RhsScalar;
- typedef gebp_traits<LhsScalar,RhsScalar> Traits;
- Index m_sizeA;
- Index m_sizeB;
- public:
- gemm_blocking_space(Index rows, Index cols, Index depth, Index num_threads, bool l3_blocking)
- {
- this->m_mc = Transpose ? cols : rows;
- this->m_nc = Transpose ? rows : cols;
- this->m_kc = depth;
- if(l3_blocking)
- {
- computeProductBlockingSizes<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,KcFactor>(this->m_kc, this->m_mc, this->m_nc, num_threads);
- }
- else // no l3 blocking
- {
- Index n = this->m_nc;
- computeProductBlockingSizes<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,KcFactor>(this->m_kc, this->m_mc, n, num_threads);
- }
- m_sizeA = this->m_mc * this->m_kc;
- m_sizeB = this->m_kc * this->m_nc;
- }
- void initParallel(Index rows, Index cols, Index depth, Index num_threads)
- {
- this->m_mc = Transpose ? cols : rows;
- this->m_nc = Transpose ? rows : cols;
- this->m_kc = depth;
- eigen_internal_assert(this->m_blockA==0 && this->m_blockB==0);
- Index m = this->m_mc;
- computeProductBlockingSizes<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,KcFactor>(this->m_kc, m, this->m_nc, num_threads);
- m_sizeA = this->m_mc * this->m_kc;
- m_sizeB = this->m_kc * this->m_nc;
- }
- void allocateA()
- {
- if(this->m_blockA==0)
- this->m_blockA = aligned_new<LhsScalar>(m_sizeA);
- }
- void allocateB()
- {
- if(this->m_blockB==0)
- this->m_blockB = aligned_new<RhsScalar>(m_sizeB);
- }
- void allocateAll()
- {
- allocateA();
- allocateB();
- }
- ~gemm_blocking_space()
- {
- aligned_delete(this->m_blockA, m_sizeA);
- aligned_delete(this->m_blockB, m_sizeB);
- }
-} // end namespace internal
-namespace internal {
-template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-struct generic_product_impl<Lhs,Rhs,DenseShape,DenseShape,GemmProduct>
- : generic_product_impl_base<Lhs,Rhs,generic_product_impl<Lhs,Rhs,DenseShape,DenseShape,GemmProduct> >
- typedef typename Product<Lhs,Rhs>::Scalar Scalar;
- typedef typename Lhs::Scalar LhsScalar;
- typedef typename Rhs::Scalar RhsScalar;
- typedef internal::blas_traits<Lhs> LhsBlasTraits;
- typedef typename LhsBlasTraits::DirectLinearAccessType ActualLhsType;
- typedef typename internal::remove_all<ActualLhsType>::type ActualLhsTypeCleaned;
- typedef internal::blas_traits<Rhs> RhsBlasTraits;
- typedef typename RhsBlasTraits::DirectLinearAccessType ActualRhsType;
- typedef typename internal::remove_all<ActualRhsType>::type ActualRhsTypeCleaned;
- enum {
- MaxDepthAtCompileTime = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(Lhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime,Rhs::MaxRowsAtCompileTime)
- };
- typedef generic_product_impl<Lhs,Rhs,DenseShape,DenseShape,CoeffBasedProductMode> lazyproduct;
- template<typename Dst>
- static void evalTo(Dst& dst, const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
- {
- if((rhs.rows()+dst.rows()+dst.cols())<20 && rhs.rows()>0)
- lazyproduct::evalTo(dst, lhs, rhs);
- else
- {
- dst.setZero();
- scaleAndAddTo(dst, lhs, rhs, Scalar(1));
- }
- }
- template<typename Dst>
- static void addTo(Dst& dst, const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
- {
- if((rhs.rows()+dst.rows()+dst.cols())<20 && rhs.rows()>0)
- lazyproduct::addTo(dst, lhs, rhs);
- else
- scaleAndAddTo(dst,lhs, rhs, Scalar(1));
- }
- template<typename Dst>
- static void subTo(Dst& dst, const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
- {
- if((rhs.rows()+dst.rows()+dst.cols())<20 && rhs.rows()>0)
- lazyproduct::subTo(dst, lhs, rhs);
- else
- scaleAndAddTo(dst, lhs, rhs, Scalar(-1));
- }
- template<typename Dest>
- static void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst, const Lhs& a_lhs, const Rhs& a_rhs, const Scalar& alpha)
- {
- eigen_assert(dst.rows()==a_lhs.rows() && dst.cols()==a_rhs.cols());
- if(a_lhs.cols()==0 || a_lhs.rows()==0 || a_rhs.cols()==0)
- return;
- typename internal::add_const_on_value_type<ActualLhsType>::type lhs = LhsBlasTraits::extract(a_lhs);
- typename internal::add_const_on_value_type<ActualRhsType>::type rhs = RhsBlasTraits::extract(a_rhs);
- Scalar actualAlpha = alpha * LhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(a_lhs)
- * RhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(a_rhs);
- typedef internal::gemm_blocking_space<(Dest::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor,LhsScalar,RhsScalar,
- Dest::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,Dest::MaxColsAtCompileTime,MaxDepthAtCompileTime> BlockingType;
- typedef internal::gemm_functor<
- Scalar, Index,
- internal::general_matrix_matrix_product<
- Index,
- LhsScalar, (ActualLhsTypeCleaned::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, bool(LhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate),
- RhsScalar, (ActualRhsTypeCleaned::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, bool(RhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate),
- (Dest::Flags&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor>,
- ActualLhsTypeCleaned, ActualRhsTypeCleaned, Dest, BlockingType> GemmFunctor;
- BlockingType blocking(dst.rows(), dst.cols(), lhs.cols(), 1, true);
- internal::parallelize_gemm<(Dest::MaxRowsAtCompileTime>32 || Dest::MaxRowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic)>
- (GemmFunctor(lhs, rhs, dst, actualAlpha, blocking), a_lhs.rows(), a_rhs.cols(), a_lhs.cols(), Dest::Flags&RowMajorBit);
- }
-} // end namespace internal
-} // end namespace Eigen