path: root/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/CwiseUnaryView.h
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1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/CwiseUnaryView.h b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/CwiseUnaryView.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..271033056
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+++ b/runtimes/nn/depend/external/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/CwiseUnaryView.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Gael Guennebaud <>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at
+namespace Eigen {
+namespace internal {
+template<typename ViewOp, typename MatrixType>
+struct traits<CwiseUnaryView<ViewOp, MatrixType> >
+ : traits<MatrixType>
+ typedef typename result_of<
+ ViewOp(const typename traits<MatrixType>::Scalar&)
+ >::type Scalar;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Nested MatrixTypeNested;
+ typedef typename remove_all<MatrixTypeNested>::type _MatrixTypeNested;
+ enum {
+ FlagsLvalueBit = is_lvalue<MatrixType>::value ? LvalueBit : 0,
+ Flags = traits<_MatrixTypeNested>::Flags & (RowMajorBit | FlagsLvalueBit | DirectAccessBit), // FIXME DirectAccessBit should not be handled by expressions
+ MatrixTypeInnerStride = inner_stride_at_compile_time<MatrixType>::ret,
+ // need to cast the sizeof's from size_t to int explicitly, otherwise:
+ // "error: no integral type can represent all of the enumerator values
+ InnerStrideAtCompileTime = MatrixTypeInnerStride == Dynamic
+ ? int(Dynamic)
+ : int(MatrixTypeInnerStride) * int(sizeof(typename traits<MatrixType>::Scalar) / sizeof(Scalar)),
+ OuterStrideAtCompileTime = outer_stride_at_compile_time<MatrixType>::ret == Dynamic
+ ? int(Dynamic)
+ : outer_stride_at_compile_time<MatrixType>::ret * int(sizeof(typename traits<MatrixType>::Scalar) / sizeof(Scalar))
+ };
+template<typename ViewOp, typename MatrixType, typename StorageKind>
+class CwiseUnaryViewImpl;
+/** \class CwiseUnaryView
+ * \ingroup Core_Module
+ *
+ * \brief Generic lvalue expression of a coefficient-wise unary operator of a matrix or a vector
+ *
+ * \tparam ViewOp template functor implementing the view
+ * \tparam MatrixType the type of the matrix we are applying the unary operator
+ *
+ * This class represents a lvalue expression of a generic unary view operator of a matrix or a vector.
+ * It is the return type of real() and imag(), and most of the time this is the only way it is used.
+ *
+ * \sa MatrixBase::unaryViewExpr(const CustomUnaryOp &) const, class CwiseUnaryOp
+ */
+template<typename ViewOp, typename MatrixType>
+class CwiseUnaryView : public CwiseUnaryViewImpl<ViewOp, MatrixType, typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::StorageKind>
+ public:
+ typedef typename CwiseUnaryViewImpl<ViewOp, MatrixType,typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::StorageKind>::Base Base;
+ typedef typename internal::ref_selector<MatrixType>::non_const_type MatrixTypeNested;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_all<MatrixType>::type NestedExpression;
+ explicit inline CwiseUnaryView(MatrixType& mat, const ViewOp& func = ViewOp())
+ : m_matrix(mat), m_functor(func) {}
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index rows() const { return m_matrix.rows(); }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index cols() const { return m_matrix.cols(); }
+ /** \returns the functor representing unary operation */
+ const ViewOp& functor() const { return m_functor; }
+ /** \returns the nested expression */
+ const typename internal::remove_all<MatrixTypeNested>::type&
+ nestedExpression() const { return m_matrix; }
+ /** \returns the nested expression */
+ typename internal::remove_reference<MatrixTypeNested>::type&
+ nestedExpression() { return m_matrix.const_cast_derived(); }
+ protected:
+ MatrixTypeNested m_matrix;
+ ViewOp m_functor;
+// Generic API dispatcher
+template<typename ViewOp, typename XprType, typename StorageKind>
+class CwiseUnaryViewImpl
+ : public internal::generic_xpr_base<CwiseUnaryView<ViewOp, XprType> >::type
+ typedef typename internal::generic_xpr_base<CwiseUnaryView<ViewOp, XprType> >::type Base;
+template<typename ViewOp, typename MatrixType>
+class CwiseUnaryViewImpl<ViewOp,MatrixType,Dense>
+ : public internal::dense_xpr_base< CwiseUnaryView<ViewOp, MatrixType> >::type
+ public:
+ typedef CwiseUnaryView<ViewOp, MatrixType> Derived;
+ typedef typename internal::dense_xpr_base< CwiseUnaryView<ViewOp, MatrixType> >::type Base;
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar* data() { return &(this->coeffRef(0)); }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline const Scalar* data() const { return &(this->coeff(0)); }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index innerStride() const
+ {
+ return derived().nestedExpression().innerStride() * sizeof(typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar) / sizeof(Scalar);
+ }
+ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index outerStride() const
+ {
+ return derived().nestedExpression().outerStride() * sizeof(typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar) / sizeof(Scalar);
+ }
+} // end namespace Eigen