path: root/nnpackage/spec/
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1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nnpackage/spec/ b/nnpackage/spec/
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index 000000000..cc4c99246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nnpackage/spec/
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+# Model
+## Serialization Format
+`nnpackage` uses flatbuffers to store model.
+1. `flatbuffers` is:
+- space-efficient
+- explicit-schema based
+- royalty-free license open-source library
+- header-only solution (unless we use flatbuffer's reflection)
+- proven solution (used by TensorFlow-Lite)
+2. We've checked other solutions:
+- [`bjson (binary JSON)`](
+- `protocol buffers`
+## Baseline Schema
+`nnpackage` schema is based on tensorflow-lite schema.
+- Fundamentally, `nnpackage` and `TFLite` have same aim:
+Running pre-trained models on a device, which has relatively low computing power and memory.
+TFLite's solution is acceptable, we don't need to create same thing again.
+- We can use several infra-structures and tools from TFLite.
+## Schema Source
+nnpackage supports two kinds of models: `tflite` and `circle`
+- For tflite, see `schema.fbs` from tensorflow lite `v1.13.1` source.
+- For circle, see [`../schema/circle_schema.fbs`](../schema/circle_schema.fbs).
+## Extensions
+`nnpackage` model has some extensions that are different or missing from TFLite.
+### A. Multiple Layout
+`nnpackage` can support multiple layouts.
+1. The layout is presented using `DataFormat` enumeration.
+`DataFormat` must be one of the enumeration defined in `nnpackage_schema.fbs`.
+For example, `CHANNELS_FIRST` or `CHANNELS_LAST` can be used.
+ // For 2D data, NHWC(batch, height, width, channels)
+ // For 3D data, NDHWC(batch, depth, height, width, channels)
+ // For 2D data, NCHW(batch, channels, height, width)
+ // For 3D data, NCDHW(batch, channels, depth, height, width)
+2. `DataFormat` must be same within a submodel.
+- frequent switching between different layout degrades the performance
+Under this assumption, We expect to
+- simplify the runtime implementation
+- accelerate the performance
+- reduce the memory usage
+### B. Unspecified Dimension
+`nnpackage` represents unspecified dimension with `-1`.
+1. It should be `int` since dimension is int type flatbuffer schema. Thus '?' cannot be used.
+2. `0` is also a candidate, which is used for Android NN API.
+However, we would like to reserve `0` because `0` could be a valid dimension for a certain
+operator (e.g. `tflite.slice`).
+### C. Additional operators
+`circle` has additional operators that are not available in `tflite`.
+See operator reference below.
+# Operator Reference
+## TensorFlow Lite operators
+All operators (except for additional operators) in `tflite` and `circle` use same semantics of tensorflow lite operators.
+Refer tensorflow lite source code (our baseline: `v1.13.1`) to understand what inputs, outputs and attributes are required and how they are interpretered.
+## Additional operators
+### instance_norm
+Applies instance normalization
+y = `gamma` * (x - mean) / sqrt(variance + `epsilon`) + `beta`, where mean and variance are computed per instance per channel.
+#### attributes
+- `epsilon` : float (default is 1e-05)
+The epsilon value is added to variance to avoid division by zero.
+- `fused_activation_function` : enumeration for `fused activation function type`.
+`fused activation function type` can be `NONE`, `RELU`, `RELU6` and `TANH` to name a few.
+For complete list, see `circle_schema.fbs`.
+The epsilon value is added to variance to avoid division by zero.
+#### inputs
+- `input` : 4-dimensional tensor
+ - Input data tensor; dimensions are determined by `DataFormat`. See `DataFormat` for further information.
+ - If `DataFormat` is `CHANNELS_FIRST`, layout will be (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data.
+- `gamma` : 1-dimensional tensor of size C
+ - The gamma value is the scale applied to the normalized tensor
+- `beta` : 1-dimensional tensor of size C
+ - The beta value is the offset applied to the normalized tensor
+#### outputs
+- `output` : 4-dimensional tensor
+ - The output tensor is the normalized tensor of the same shape and type of `input`.