path: root/compiler/mir-caffe2-importer/caffe2_op_creator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/mir-caffe2-importer/caffe2_op_creator.cpp')
1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/mir-caffe2-importer/caffe2_op_creator.cpp b/compiler/mir-caffe2-importer/caffe2_op_creator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d279fb1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/mir-caffe2-importer/caffe2_op_creator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "caffe2_op_creator.h"
+#include "caffe2_proto_helper.h"
+#include "mir/ops/AddOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/AvgPool2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/CappedReluOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ConcatOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ConstantOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/Conv2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/FullyConnectedOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/MaxPool2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/MulOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ReluOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ReshapeOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ResizeOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/SigmoidOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/SoftmaxOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/TransposeOp.h"
+#include "mir/Index.h"
+#include "mir/Shape.h"
+#include "mir/ShapeRange.h"
+#include "mir/Tensor.h"
+#include "mir/TensorUtil.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+namespace mir_caffe2
+using namespace ::caffe2;
+using namespace mir;
+// Helper functions
+static std::pair<std::vector<int32_t>, std::vector<int32_t>>
+getPadding(const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ if (hasArgument(op.arg(), "pads"))
+ {
+ // pads order: t l b r
+ auto pads_arg = findArgumentByName(op.arg(), "pads");
+ std::vector<int32_t> paddings;
+ for (const auto &pad : pads_arg.ints())
+ paddings.push_back(static_cast<int32_t>(pad));
+ assert(paddings.size() == 4);
+ int32_t pad_t = paddings[0];
+ int32_t pad_l = paddings[1];
+ int32_t pad_b = paddings[2];
+ int32_t pad_r = paddings[3];
+ std::vector<int32_t> padding_before{pad_t, pad_l};
+ std::vector<int32_t> padding_after{pad_b, pad_r};
+ return {padding_before, padding_after};
+ }
+ bool has_custom_pad = hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_l") || hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_r") ||
+ hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_t") || hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_b");
+ if (has_custom_pad)
+ {
+ int32_t pad_l = getSingleArgument(op, "pad_l", 0);
+ int32_t pad_t = getSingleArgument(op, "pad_t", 0);
+ int32_t pad_r = getSingleArgument(op, "pad_r", 0);
+ int32_t pad_b = getSingleArgument(op, "pad_b", 0);
+ std::vector<int32_t> padding_before{pad_t, pad_l};
+ std::vector<int32_t> padding_after{pad_b, pad_r};
+ return {padding_before, padding_after};
+ }
+ int32_t pad = getSingleArgument(op, "pad", 0);
+ return {{pad, pad}, {pad, pad}};
+static std::vector<std::int32_t> getStrides(const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ std::vector<std::int32_t> strides;
+ if (hasArgument(op.arg(), "stride"))
+ {
+ std::int32_t stride = getSingleArgument(op, "stride", 1);
+ strides = {stride, stride};
+ }
+ if (hasArgument(op.arg(), "strides"))
+ {
+ // strides order: h w
+ auto strides_arg = findArgumentByName(op.arg(), "strides");
+ for (const auto &s : strides_arg.ints())
+ strides.push_back(s);
+ }
+ assert(!strides.empty() && "Strides not found");
+ return strides;
+static std::vector<std::int32_t> getWindowSize(const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ int is_global_pooling = getSingleArgument(op, "global_pooling", 0);
+ bool has_custom_kernel_size =
+ hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel_h") || hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel_w");
+ bool has_custom_kernels_size = hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernels");
+ int kernel_h(0), kernel_w(0);
+ if (is_global_pooling)
+ {
+ const auto &input_shape = inputs[0]->getShape();
+ assert(input_shape.rank() == 4 && "getWindowSize() inputs must be of rank 4");
+ kernel_h = input_shape.dim(2);
+ kernel_w = input_shape.dim(3);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (has_custom_kernel_size)
+ {
+ kernel_h = getSingleArgument(op, "kernel_h", 0);
+ kernel_w = getSingleArgument(op, "kernel_w", 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (has_custom_kernels_size)
+ {
+ // kernels order: h w
+ std::vector<int32_t> kernels;
+ auto kernels_arg = findArgumentByName(op.arg(), "kernels");
+ for (const auto &ker : kernels_arg.ints())
+ kernels.push_back(static_cast<int32_t>(ker));
+ assert(kernels.size() == 2);
+ kernel_h = kernels[0];
+ kernel_w = kernels[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kernel_h = kernel_w = getSingleArgument(op, "kernel", 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {kernel_h, kernel_w};
+// Check functions
+static void checkLayout(const OperatorDef &op)
+ if (getSingleArgument(op, "order", "NCHW") != "NCHW")
+ throw std::runtime_error(op.type() + ": only 'NCHW' axis order is supported");
+static void checkConvLikeOp(const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ checkLayout(op);
+ // Padding
+ bool has_custom_pad = hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_l") || hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_r") ||
+ hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_t") || hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_b");
+ if (has_custom_pad && hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad"))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Custom pad can't be combined with overall pad");
+ if (has_custom_pad &&
+ !(hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_l") && hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_r") &&
+ hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_t") && hasArgument(op.arg(), "pad_b")))
+ throw std::runtime_error("If one custom pad specified - all custom pads must be specified");
+ // Kernel size
+ bool has_custom_kernel_size =
+ hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel_h") || hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel_w");
+ if (has_custom_kernel_size && hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel"))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Custom kernel size can't be combined with overall kernel size");
+ if (has_custom_kernel_size &&
+ !(hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel_h") && hasArgument(op.arg(), "kernel_w")))
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "If one custom kernel size specified - all custom kernel sizes must be specified");
+static mir::TensorVariant createTensor(const OperatorDef &op)
+ assert(hasArgument(op.arg(), "shape") && hasArgument(op.arg(), "values"));
+ const auto &shape = findArgumentByName(op.arg(), "shape");
+ const auto &values = findArgumentByName(op.arg(), "values");
+ mir::DataType element_type;
+ const void *src_data;
+ // if values on floats
+ if (!values.floats().empty())
+ {
+ element_type = mir::DataType::FLOAT32;
+ src_data = values.floats().data();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!values.ints().empty());
+ if (op.type() == "GivenTensorInt64Fill")
+ {
+ element_type = mir::DataType::INT64;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ element_type = mir::DataType::INT32;
+ }
+ src_data = values.ints().data();
+ }
+ mir::Shape tensor_shape(shape.ints_size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < shape.ints_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ tensor_shape.dim(i) = shape.ints(i);
+ }
+ return mir::TensorVariant({element_type, tensor_shape}, src_data);
+// Convert functions
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertConstant(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ // Constant may not contain any data if it is a fake input.
+ if (!hasArgument(op.arg(), "values"))
+ return {};
+ return {createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(createTensor(op))->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertAdd(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ assert(inputs.size() == 2);
+ auto lhs = inputs[0];
+ auto rhs = inputs[1];
+ if (getSingleArgument(op, "broadcast", 0) != 0)
+ {
+ // FIXME This only works when 'axis' == 1 and the second input is 1-D.
+ rhs = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(rhs, Shape{1, rhs->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(lhs, rhs)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+ }
+ auto result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(lhs, rhs)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertAveragePool(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const OperatorDef &op)
+ checkConvLikeOp(op);
+ assert(inputs.size() == 1);
+ auto input = inputs[0];
+ AvgPool2DOpAttributes attributes;
+ std::tie(attributes.padding_before, attributes.padding_after) = getPadding(op);
+ attributes.window = getWindowSize(op, inputs);
+ attributes.strides = getStrides(op);
+ attributes.include_pad = false;
+ attributes.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ auto result = createOp<ops::AvgPool2DOp>(input, attributes)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertConv(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ // dilation order: h w (not used)
+ mir::Conv2DOpAttributes attributes;
+ attributes.strides = getStrides(op);
+ std::tie(attributes.padding_before, attributes.padding_after) = getPadding(op);
+ attributes.num_groups = getSingleArgument(op, "group", 1);
+ attributes.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ std::vector<std::size_t> perm{0, 2, 3, 1}; // OIHW -> OHWI
+ auto kernel = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(inputs[1], perm)->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::Conv2DOp>(inputs[0], kernel, attributes)->getOutput(0);
+ if (op.input_size() > 2)
+ {
+ auto bias = inputs[2];
+ bias = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(bias, Shape{1, bias->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertConcat(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ checkLayout(op);
+ // `1` corresponds to the default (channels) axis.
+ int axis = getSingleArgument(op, "axis", 1);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::ConcatOp>(inputs, axis);
+ return {result->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertDropout(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &)
+ // This is a no-op in inference mode.
+ return {inputs[0]};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertFC(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ for (auto &s : {"axis", "axis_w", "float16_compute"})
+ if (hasArgument(op.arg(), s))
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string("FC: only default '") + s + "' value is supported");
+ const auto &input_shape = inputs[0]->getShape();
+ // Transform input into 2-D tensor by flattening axes
+ Shape shape{input_shape.dim(0), input_shape.numElements() / input_shape.dim(0)};
+ auto reshape = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(inputs[0], shape)->getOutput(0);
+ auto weights =
+ createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(inputs[1], std::vector<std::size_t>{1, 0})->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::FullyConnectedOp>(reshape, weights)->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, inputs[2])->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertMaxPool(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const OperatorDef &op)
+ checkConvLikeOp(op);
+ assert(inputs.size() == 1);
+ auto input = inputs[0];
+ MaxPool2DOpAttributes attributes;
+ std::tie(attributes.padding_before, attributes.padding_after) = getPadding(op);
+ attributes.window = getWindowSize(op, inputs);
+ attributes.strides = getStrides(op);
+ attributes.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ auto result = createOp<ops::MaxPool2DOp>(input, attributes)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertMul(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ assert(inputs.size() == 2);
+ auto lhs = inputs[0];
+ auto rhs = inputs[1];
+ if (getSingleArgument(op, "broadcast", 0) != 0)
+ {
+ // FIXME This only works when `axis` == 1 and the second input is 1-D.
+ rhs = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(rhs, Shape{1, rhs->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(lhs, rhs)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+ }
+ auto result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(lhs, rhs)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertRelu(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ auto relu = createOp<ops::ReluOp>(inputs[0]);
+ return {relu->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertResizeNearest(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ std::vector<float> scales(4);
+ assert(inputs[0]->getShape().rank() == 4 && "only 4d tensors is supported");
+ // Assuming NCHW format.
+ scales[0] = 1.0f;
+ scales[1] = 1.0f;
+ scales[2] = getSingleArgument(op, "height_scale", 1.0f);
+ scales[3] = getSingleArgument(op, "width_scale", 1.0f);
+ auto result =
+ createOp<ops::ResizeOp>(inputs[0], ops::ResizeOp::ResizeMethod::nearestNeighbor, scales)
+ ->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertSigmoid(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ auto result = createOp<ops::SigmoidOp>(inputs[0]);
+ return {result->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertSoftmax(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ int axis = getSingleArgument(op, "axis", 1);
+ auto softmax = createOp<ops::SoftmaxOp>(inputs[0], axis);
+ return {softmax->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertSpatialBN(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ checkLayout(op);
+ // Sanity checks
+ if (op.input_size() != 5)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "SpatialBN must have exactly 5 inputs ('sums' and 'sumsq' are not supported yet)");
+ if (getSingleArgument(op, "is_test", 1) != 1)
+ throw std::runtime_error("SpatialBN: only test mode supported");
+ // overall_res = (X - mean) / sqrt(var + epsilon) * scale + bias
+ auto scale_op = dynamic_cast<mir::ops::ConstantOp *>(inputs[1]->getNode());
+ auto bias_op = dynamic_cast<mir::ops::ConstantOp *>(inputs[2]->getNode());
+ auto mean_op = dynamic_cast<mir::ops::ConstantOp *>(inputs[3]->getNode());
+ auto var_op = dynamic_cast<mir::ops::ConstantOp *>(inputs[4]->getNode());
+ if (scale_op == nullptr || bias_op == nullptr || mean_op == nullptr || var_op == nullptr)
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "SpatialBN: non-constant 'scale', 'bias', 'mean' and 'var' inputs are not supported yet.");
+ const auto &scale_tensor = scale_op->getValue();
+ const auto &bias_tensor = bias_op->getValue();
+ const auto &mean_tensor = mean_op->getValue();
+ const auto &var_tensor = var_op->getValue();
+ float eps = getSingleArgument(op, "epsilon", 1e-5f);
+ // res1 = X - mean
+ Tensor<float> bias_data(mean_tensor);
+ for (auto &idx : ShapeRange(bias_data.getShape()))
+ *= -1;
+ auto mean = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(mean_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ mean = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(mean, Shape{1, mean->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(inputs[0], mean)->getOutput(0);
+ // res2 = res1 * scale / (var + epsilon)
+ Tensor<float> multiplier(scale_tensor);
+ for (auto &idx : ShapeRange(scale_tensor.getShape()))
+ /= std::sqrt(*reinterpret_cast<float *>( + eps);
+ auto scale = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(scale_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ scale = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(scale, Shape{1, scale->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(result, scale)->getOutput(0);
+ // overall_res = res2 + bias
+ auto bias = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(bias_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ bias = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(bias, Shape{1, bias->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertSum(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ auto result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(inputs[0], inputs[1])->getOutput(0);
+ for (int i = 2; i < static_cast<int>(inputs.size()); ++i)
+ {
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, inputs[i])->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertClip(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ float max = getSingleArgument(op, "max", float(0));
+ float min = getSingleArgument(op, "min", float(0));
+ assert(max > 0.0 && min == 0.0 && "Support only if clip is CappedRelu");
+ auto cap_relu = createOp<ops::CappedReluOp>(inputs[0], max);
+ return {cap_relu->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+Caffe2OpCreator::convertReshape(const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs,
+ const ::caffe2::OperatorDef &op)
+ auto shape_op = dynamic_cast<mir::ops::ConstantOp *>(inputs[1]->getNode());
+ if (shape_op == nullptr)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Reshape: non-constant shape is not supported yet.");
+ const auto &shape_tensor = shape_op->getValue();
+ Tensor<int64_t> out_shape_tensor(shape_tensor);
+ ShapeRange range(out_shape_tensor.getShape());
+ std::vector<int32_t> shape_vec;
+ for (const auto &index : range)
+ {
+ shape_vec.push_back(static_cast<int32_t>(;
+ }
+ Shape out_shape(shape_vec);
+ auto reshape = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(inputs[0], out_shape);
+ return {reshape->getOutput(0)};
+} // namespace mir_caffe2