path: root/compiler/mir-caffe-importer/caffe_op_creator.cpp
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1 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/mir-caffe-importer/caffe_op_creator.cpp b/compiler/mir-caffe-importer/caffe_op_creator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d43d248e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/mir-caffe-importer/caffe_op_creator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "caffe_op_creator.h"
+#include "mir/ops/AddOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/AvgPool2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ConcatOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ConstantOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/Conv2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/Deconv2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/EluOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/FullyConnectedOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/GatherOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/LeakyReluOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/MaxOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/MaxPool2DOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/MulOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ReluOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/ReshapeOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/SigmoidOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/SliceOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/SoftmaxOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/TanhOp.h"
+#include "mir/ops/TransposeOp.h"
+#include "mir/Index.h"
+#include "mir/ShapeRange.h"
+#include "mir/Tensor.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+namespace mir_caffe
+static mir::Shape convertBlobShape(const caffe::BlobShape &shape)
+ mir::Shape mir_shape(shape.dim_size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < shape.dim_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ mir_shape.dim(i) = shape.dim(i);
+ }
+ return mir_shape;
+using namespace mir;
+/// @brief Split arg into @p num_parts equal parts along @p axis axis.
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> CaffeOpCreator::createSplit(mir::Operation::Output *arg,
+ int32_t num_parts, int32_t axis)
+ const auto &arg_shape = arg->getShape();
+ assert(axis >= 0 && axis < arg_shape.rank());
+ int32_t part_size = arg_shape.dim(axis) / num_parts;
+ assert(part_size * num_parts == arg_shape.dim(axis));
+ Shape starts(arg_shape.rank());
+ Shape sizes(arg_shape);
+ sizes.dim(axis) = part_size;
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> outputs(num_parts);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_parts; ++i)
+ {
+ outputs[i] = createOp<ops::SliceOp>(arg, starts, sizes)->getOutput(0);
+ starts.dim(axis) += part_size;
+ }
+ return outputs;
+/// @brief Helper function for creating FullyConnected operation with non-square input.
+mir::Operation::Output *CaffeOpCreator::createFullyConnected(mir::Operation::Output *input,
+ mir::Operation::Output *weights,
+ int32_t axis)
+ const auto &input_shape = input->getShape();
+ const auto &weights_shape = weights->getShape();
+ assert(axis >= 0 && axis < input_shape.rank());
+ assert(weights_shape.rank() == 2);
+ // Result shape is: input.shape[0:axis] + weights.shape[1].
+ Shape result_shape = input_shape;
+ result_shape.resize(axis + 1);
+ result_shape.dim(axis) = weights_shape.dim(1);
+ // Flatten input to 2-D shape.
+ int32_t outer_size = 1;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < axis; ++i)
+ outer_size *= input_shape.dim(i);
+ int32_t inner_size = 1;
+ for (int32_t i = axis; i < input_shape.rank(); ++i)
+ inner_size *= input_shape.dim(i);
+ auto flatten = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(input, Shape{outer_size, inner_size})->getOutput(0);
+ auto fc = createOp<ops::FullyConnectedOp>(flatten, weights)->getOutput(0);
+ return createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(fc, result_shape)->getOutput(0);
+TensorVariant CaffeOpCreator::convertBlob(const caffe::BlobProto &blob)
+ const void *src_data;
+ mir::DataType dtype;
+ if (blob.data_size() != 0)
+ {
+ assert(blob.double_data_size() == 0);
+ dtype = mir::DataType::FLOAT32;
+ src_data =;
+ }
+ else if (blob.double_data_size() != 0)
+ {
+ dtype = mir::DataType::FLOAT64;
+ src_data = blob.double_data().data();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("No data in Caffe BlobProto, investigate");
+ }
+ const mir::Shape shape = convertBlobShape(blob.shape());
+ return TensorVariant({dtype, shape}, src_data);
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertInput(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer)
+ const auto &params = layer.input_param();
+ const auto num_inputs = layer.top_size();
+ const auto num_shapes = params.shape_size();
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> outputs;
+ assert((num_shapes == 1 || num_shapes == num_inputs) && "Unsupported number of shapes.");
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i)
+ {
+ const auto &blob_shape = params.shape(num_shapes == 1 ? 0 : i);
+ mir::TensorType input_type(DataType::FLOAT32, convertBlobShape(blob_shape));
+ auto input = createOp<ops::InputOp>(input_type)->getOutput(0);
+ outputs.push_back(input);
+ }
+ return outputs;
+template <class OperationAttributes>
+static void convertConvolutionParam(const caffe::ConvolutionParameter &conv_param,
+ OperationAttributes &attributes)
+ std::int32_t stride_h, stride_w;
+ if (conv_param.has_stride_h() || conv_param.has_stride_w())
+ {
+ // If stride_h or stride_w are set, they take precedence.
+ stride_h = conv_param.stride_h();
+ stride_w = conv_param.stride_w();
+ }
+ else if (conv_param.stride_size() == 0)
+ {
+ // If no strides specified, they defaults to 1.
+ stride_h = stride_w = 1;
+ }
+ else if (conv_param.stride_size() == 1)
+ {
+ // If only one stride specified, all strides take the same value.
+ stride_h = stride_w = conv_param.stride(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, there must be a stride for each dimension.
+ assert(conv_param.stride_size() == 2);
+ stride_h = conv_param.stride(0);
+ stride_w = conv_param.stride(1);
+ }
+ attributes.strides = {stride_h, stride_w};
+ std::int32_t pad_h, pad_w;
+ if (conv_param.has_pad_h() || conv_param.has_pad_w())
+ {
+ // If pad_h or pad_w are set, they take precedence.
+ pad_h = conv_param.pad_h();
+ pad_w = conv_param.pad_w();
+ }
+ else if (conv_param.pad_size() == 0)
+ {
+ // If no pads specified, they defaults to 0.
+ pad_h = pad_w = 0;
+ }
+ else if (conv_param.pad_size() == 1)
+ {
+ // If only one pad specified, all pads take the same value.
+ pad_h = pad_w = conv_param.pad(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, there must be a pad for each dimension.
+ assert(conv_param.pad_size() == 2);
+ pad_h = conv_param.pad(0);
+ pad_w = conv_param.pad(1);
+ }
+ attributes.padding_after = attributes.padding_before = {pad_h, pad_w};
+void CaffeOpCreator::checkConvolution(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ std::set<std::string> &problems_ops_set)
+ const caffe::ConvolutionParameter &params = layer.convolution_param();
+ assert(params.stride_size() <= 2);
+ if (params.axis() != 1)
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Conv2D: Unsupported axis");
+ if (params.pad_size() != 0 && (params.has_pad_h() || params.has_pad_w()))
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Conv2D: Conflicting padding properties");
+ if (params.pad_size() > 2)
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Conv2D: Unsupported number of pads");
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertConvolution(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.convolution_param();
+ Conv2DOpAttributes attributes;
+ convertConvolutionParam(params, attributes);
+ attributes.num_groups =;
+ attributes.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ assert(layer.blobs(0).shape().dim_size() == 4);
+ auto kernel = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(0)))->getOutput(0);
+ std::vector<std::size_t> perm{0, 2, 3, 1}; // OIHW -> OHWI
+ kernel = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(kernel, perm)->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::Conv2DOp>(inputs[0], kernel, attributes)->getOutput(0);
+ // Add the bias, if any.
+ if (params.bias_term())
+ {
+ auto bias = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(1)))->getOutput(0);
+ bias = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(bias, Shape{1, bias->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertDeconvolution(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const caffe::ConvolutionParameter &params = layer.convolution_param();
+ Deconv2DOpAttributes attributes;
+ convertConvolutionParam(params, attributes);
+ attributes.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ if ( != 1)
+ {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Deconvolution: 'group' != 1 is not supported.");
+ }
+ auto kernel = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(0)))->getOutput(0);
+ std::vector<std::size_t> perm{2, 3, 1, 0}; // IOHW -> HWOI
+ kernel = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(kernel, perm)->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::DeConv2DOp>(inputs[0], kernel, attributes)->getOutput(0);
+ // bias_term is optional (so might not be present) and defaults to true
+ if (params.bias_term())
+ {
+ auto bias = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(1)))->getOutput(0);
+ bias = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(bias, Shape{1, bias->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertInnerProduct(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.inner_product_param();
+ auto weights = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(0)))->getOutput(0);
+ if (!params.transpose())
+ weights = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(weights, std::vector<std::size_t>{1, 0})->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createFullyConnected(inputs[0], weights, params.axis());
+ // Add the bias, if any.
+ if (params.bias_term())
+ {
+ auto bias = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(1)))->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertConcat(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.concat_param();
+ auto concat = createOp<ops::ConcatOp>(inputs, params.axis());
+ return {concat->getOutput(0)};
+template <class PoolingAttributes>
+static void convertPoolingParam(const caffe::PoolingParameter &params,
+ const mir::Shape &input_shape, PoolingAttributes &attributes)
+ std::int32_t kernel_h, kernel_w;
+ assert(!params.global_pooling());
+ if (params.has_kernel_size())
+ {
+ kernel_h = kernel_w = params.kernel_size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kernel_h = params.kernel_h();
+ kernel_w = params.kernel_w();
+ }
+ attributes.window = {kernel_h, kernel_w};
+ std::int32_t stride_h, stride_w;
+ if (params.has_stride_h() || params.has_stride_w())
+ {
+ stride_h = params.stride_h();
+ stride_w = params.stride_w();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stride_h = stride_w = params.stride();
+ }
+ attributes.strides = {stride_h, stride_w};
+ std::int32_t pad_h, pad_w;
+ if (params.has_pad_h() || params.has_pad_w())
+ {
+ pad_h = params.pad_h();
+ pad_w = params.pad_w();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pad_h = pad_w = params.pad();
+ }
+ attributes.padding_before = attributes.padding_after = {pad_h, pad_w};
+ // Caffe uses different formula for computing output shape than MIR. Adjust padding so that
+ // the output shape stays the same.
+ constexpr int num_spatial_dims = 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_dims; ++i)
+ {
+ // Assuming NCHW format.
+ const std::int32_t padded_input =
+ input_shape.dim(2 + i) + attributes.padding_before[i] + attributes.padding_after[i];
+ if ((padded_input - attributes.window[i]) % attributes.strides[i] != 0)
+ ++attributes.padding_after[i];
+ }
+void CaffeOpCreator::checkPooling(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ std::set<std::string> &problems_ops_set)
+ const caffe::PoolingParameter &params = layer.pooling_param();
+ if (params.has_global_pooling() && params.global_pooling())
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Pooling: pooling layer global_pooling param is not supported yet");
+ if (params.pool() != caffe::PoolingParameter::AVE &&
+ params.pool() != caffe::PoolingParameter::MAX)
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Pooling: unsupported pooling type");
+ if (params.has_pad() && (params.has_pad_h() || params.has_pad_w()))
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Pooling: conflicting padding properties in pooling");
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertPooling(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.pooling_param();
+ assert(inputs.size() == 1);
+ auto input = inputs[0];
+ mir::Operation::Output *result;
+ switch (params.pool())
+ {
+ case caffe::PoolingParameter::AVE:
+ {
+ AvgPool2DOpAttributes attributes_avg;
+ attributes_avg.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ convertPoolingParam(params, input->getShape(), attributes_avg);
+ result = createOp<ops::AvgPool2DOp>(input, attributes_avg)->getOutput(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case caffe::PoolingParameter::MAX:
+ {
+ MaxPool2DOpAttributes attributes_max;
+ attributes_max.data_format = DataFormat::NCHW;
+ convertPoolingParam(params, input->getShape(), attributes_max);
+ result = createOp<ops::MaxPool2DOp>(input, attributes_max)->getOutput(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertSoftmax(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.softmax_param();
+ // CPP and ACL backends are able to perform Softmax only along the last axis.
+ // FIXME Do it in backends.
+ if (inputs[0]->getShape().rank() == 4)
+ {
+ // For now, we only account for the most common case.
+ if (params.axis() != 1)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Softmax: unsupported axis");
+ int32_t axis = 3;
+ auto input = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(inputs[0], std::vector<std::size_t>{0, 2, 3, 1});
+ auto softmax = createOp<ops::SoftmaxOp>(input->getOutput(0), axis);
+ auto result =
+ createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(softmax->getOutput(0), std::vector<std::size_t>{0, 3, 1, 2});
+ return {result->getOutput(0)};
+ }
+ auto softmax = createOp<ops::SoftmaxOp>(inputs[0], params.axis());
+ return {softmax->getOutput(0)};
+void CaffeOpCreator::checkReshape(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ std::set<std::string> &problems_ops_set)
+ const caffe::ReshapeParameter &params = layer.reshape_param();
+ if (params.has_axis() || params.has_num_axes())
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Reshape layer axis and num_axes params are not supported yet");
+ if (!params.has_shape())
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Reshape layer doesn't have shape parameter");
+ const mir::Shape newShape = convertBlobShape(params.shape());
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < newShape.rank(); ++i)
+ if (newShape.dim(i) == 0)
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Reshape layer zero shape values are not supported yet");
+ * @brief Converts Caffe Reshape layer to Model IR Reshape operation.
+ * @todo Support "axis" and "num_axes" parameters as needed.
+ * @todo Decide how to react to the absence of "shape" parameter.
+ * @todo Support zero values in "shape" parameter.
+ */
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertReshape(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const caffe::ReshapeParameter &params = layer.reshape_param();
+ const mir::Shape new_shape = convertBlobShape(params.shape());
+ auto reshape = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(inputs[0], new_shape);
+ return {reshape->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertReLU(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ mir::Operation *relu;
+ if (layer.relu_param().has_negative_slope())
+ {
+ float alpha = layer.relu_param().negative_slope();
+ relu = createOp<ops::LeakyReluOp>(inputs[0], alpha);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ relu = createOp<ops::ReluOp>(inputs[0]);
+ }
+ return {relu->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertScale(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.scale_param();
+ auto scale = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(0)))->getOutput(0);
+ scale = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(scale, Shape{1, scale->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ auto result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(inputs[0], scale)->getOutput(0);
+ // Add the bias, if any.
+ if (params.bias_term())
+ {
+ auto bias = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(1)))->getOutput(0);
+ bias = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(bias, Shape{1, bias->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+void CaffeOpCreator::checkBatchNorm(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ std::set<std::string> &problems_ops_set)
+ const auto &scale_shape = layer.blobs(2).shape();
+ // Check that last blob(with scaleFactor) containing only one number
+ if (scale_shape.dim_size() != 1 || scale_shape.dim(0) != 1)
+ problems_ops_set.insert("Unexpected shape of scale parameter in batch norm");
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertBatchNorm(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const caffe::BatchNormParameter &params = layer.batch_norm_param();
+ auto input = inputs[0];
+ auto mean_tensor = convertBlob(layer.blobs(0));
+ auto var_tensor = convertBlob(layer.blobs(1));
+ auto scale_tensor = convertBlob(layer.blobs(2));
+ const float eps = params.eps();
+ float scale_factor = *reinterpret_cast<float *>({0}));
+ // See
+ // Y = (X - mean / scale_factor) / sqrt(var / scale_factor + epsilon) =
+ // = (X + C1) * C2
+ if (scale_factor != 0.0f)
+ scale_factor = 1.0f / scale_factor;
+ // C1 = -mean / scale_factor
+ Tensor<float> mean_accessor(mean_tensor);
+ for (const auto &idx : ShapeRange(mean_accessor.getShape()))
+ *= -scale_factor;
+ auto c1 = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(mean_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ // C2 = 1 / sqrt(var / scale_factor + epsilon)
+ Tensor<float> var_accessor(var_tensor);
+ for (const auto &idx : ShapeRange(var_accessor.getShape()))
+ = 1.0f / std::sqrt( * scale_factor + eps);
+ auto c2 = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(var_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ c1 = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(c1, Shape{1, c1->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ c2 = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(c2, Shape{1, c2->getShape().dim(0), 1, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ // Y = (X + C1) * C2
+ auto result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(input, c1)->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(result, c2)->getOutput(0);
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertDropout(const caffe::LayerParameter &,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ // This is a no-op in inference mode.
+ return {inputs[0]};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertELU(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const caffe::ELUParameter &params = layer.elu_param();
+ auto elu = createOp<ops::EluOp>(inputs[0], params.alpha());
+ return {elu->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertEmbed(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.embed_param();
+ auto data = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(0)));
+ auto result = createOp<ops::GatherOp>(data->getOutput(0), inputs[0], 0)->getOutput(0);
+ // Add the bias, if any.
+ if (params.bias_term())
+ {
+ auto bias = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(1)))->getOutput(0);
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, bias)->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertSigmoid(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ auto result = createOp<ops::SigmoidOp>(inputs[0]);
+ return {result->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertTanH(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ auto tanh = createOp<ops::TanhOp>(inputs[0]);
+ return {tanh->getOutput(0)};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertEltwise(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ auto &params = layer.eltwise_param();
+ mir::Operation::Output *result;
+ switch (params.operation())
+ {
+ case caffe::EltwiseParameter::PROD:
+ {
+ result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(inputs[0], inputs[1])->getOutput(0);
+ for (int i = 2; i < layer.bottom_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ result = createOp<ops::MulOp>(result, inputs[i])->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case caffe::EltwiseParameter::SUM:
+ {
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> scaled_inputs = inputs;
+ if (params.coeff_size() > 0)
+ {
+ assert(params.coeff_size() == layer.bottom_size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < layer.bottom_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (params.coeff(i) != 1.0f)
+ {
+ const float coeff_val = params.coeff(i);
+ TensorVariant coeff_tensor({DataType::FLOAT32, {}}, &coeff_val);
+ auto coeff_const = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(coeff_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ scaled_inputs[i] = createOp<ops::MulOp>(coeff_const, inputs[i])->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(scaled_inputs[0], scaled_inputs[1])->getOutput(0);
+ for (int i = 2; i < layer.bottom_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ result = createOp<ops::AddOp>(result, scaled_inputs[i])->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case caffe::EltwiseParameter::MAX:
+ {
+ result = createOp<ops::MaxOp>(inputs[0], inputs[1])->getOutput(0);
+ for (int i = 2; i < layer.bottom_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ result = createOp<ops::MaxOp>(result, inputs[i])->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown element-wise operation.");
+ }
+ return {result};
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertSplit(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> outputs(layer.top_size(),;
+ return outputs;
+void CaffeOpCreator::checkLSTM(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ std::set<std::string> &problems_ops_set)
+ const auto &params = layer.recurrent_param();
+ if (params.expose_hidden())
+ problems_ops_set.insert("LSTM: parameter 'expose_hidden' has unsupported value: " +
+ std::to_string(params.expose_hidden()));
+static TensorVariant createZeroedTensor(const mir::Shape &shape)
+ // TODO For now it is hardcoded float32.
+ auto elem_type = mir::DataType::FLOAT32;
+ std::vector<float> zeros(static_cast<std::size_t>(shape.numElements()), 0.0f);
+ return TensorVariant({elem_type, shape},;
+/* See the following links for details on implementation:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * x -- The time-varying input. Shape: [T, N, d0, d1, ..., dn].
+ * cont -- The sequence continuation indicators. Shape: [T, N].
+ * x_static -- The static (non-time-varying) input. Shape: [N, ...].
+ * This parameter is optional and not currently supported.
+ *
+ * Additional inputs when parameter "expose_hidden" is true (not currently supported):
+ * h_0 -- The initial value of the hidden state. Shape: [1, N, D].
+ * c_0 -- The initial value of the cell state. Shape: [1, N, D].
+ *
+ * Learned parameters:
+ * xw -- x weights for input, output, forget and cell gates concatenated.
+ * Shape: [4 * D, d0 * d1 * ... * dn].
+ * xb -- x biases for input, output, forget and cell gates concatenated. Shape: [4 * D].
+ * hw -- h weights for input, output, forget and cell gates concatenated. Shape: [4 * D, D].
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ * h -- The time-varying output. Shape: [T, N, D].
+ *
+ * Additional outputs when parameter "expose_hidden" is true (not currently supported):
+ * h_T -- The value of the hidden state at the last timestep. Shape: [1, N, D].
+ * c_T -- The value of the cell state at the last timestep. Shape: [1, N, D].
+ *
+ * Here:
+ * T - the number of timesteps,
+ * N - the number of independent streams.
+ * D - the number of hidden parameters.
+ *
+ * Formulas:
+ * c_cont = c[t-1] * cont[t]
+ * h_cont = h[t-1] * cont[t]
+ * i[t] = Sigmoid(x[t] . xw_i + xb_i + h_cont . hw_i)
+ * f[t] = Sigmoid(x[t] . xw_f + xb_f + h_cont . hw_f)
+ * o[t] = Sigmoid(x[t] . xw_o + xb_o + h_cont . hw_o)
+ * g[t] = Tanh(x[t] . xw_g + xb_g + h_cont . hw_g)
+ * c[t] = c_cont * f[t] + i[t] * g[t]
+ * h[t] = o[t] * Tanh(c[t])
+ *
+ * Here:
+ * t -- the timestep (ranges from 1 to T),
+ * * -- the inner product,
+ * . -- the Hadamard product (elementwise product).
+ *
+ * In this implementation the inner products for all gates are performed as single inner product for
+ * efficiency.
+ */
+std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *>
+CaffeOpCreator::convertLSTM(const caffe::LayerParameter &layer,
+ const std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> &inputs)
+ const auto &params = layer.recurrent_param();
+ // Inputs to the layer.
+ auto x = inputs[0];
+ auto cont = inputs[1];
+ assert(inputs.size() == 2);
+ const auto &x_shape = x->getShape();
+ const int32_t seq_length = x_shape.dim(0);
+ const int32_t batch_size = x_shape.dim(1);
+ const int32_t hidden_size = params.num_output();
+ // Learned parameters of the layer. Tensors are transposed to match the ModelIR.
+ auto xw = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(0)))->getOutput(0);
+ auto xb = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(1)))->getOutput(0);
+ auto hw = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(convertBlob(layer.blobs(2)))->getOutput(0);
+ xw = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(xw, std::vector<std::size_t>{1, 0})->getOutput(0);
+ hw = createOp<ops::TransposeOp>(hw, std::vector<std::size_t>{1, 0})->getOutput(0);
+ // Add a dummy dimension so that element-wise operations perform properly.
+ cont = createOp<ops::ReshapeOp>(cont, Shape{seq_length, batch_size, 1})->getOutput(0);
+ // Initialize cell and hidden states with zeros.
+ auto zero_tensor = createZeroedTensor(Shape{1, batch_size, hidden_size});
+ auto c_t = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(zero_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ auto h_t = createOp<ops::ConstantOp>(zero_tensor)->getOutput(0);
+ auto x_xw = createFullyConnected(x, xw, 2);
+ auto x_xw_b = createOp<ops::AddOp>(x_xw, xb)->getOutput(0);
+ // Split input and continuation tensors into seq_length slices.
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> x_xw_b_slices = createSplit(x_xw_b, seq_length, 0);
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> cont_slices = createSplit(cont, seq_length, 0);
+ std::vector<mir::Operation::Output *> h_slices(seq_length);
+ for (int32_t t = 0; t < seq_length; t++)
+ {
+ auto c_cont_t = createOp<ops::MulOp>(c_t, cont_slices[t])->getOutput(0);
+ auto h_cont_t = createOp<ops::MulOp>(h_t, cont_slices[t])->getOutput(0);
+ auto x_xw_b_t = x_xw_b_slices[t];
+ auto h_hw_t = createFullyConnected(h_cont_t, hw, 2);
+ auto activation_inputs_concat = createOp<ops::AddOp>(x_xw_b_t, h_hw_t)->getOutput(0);
+ auto activation_inputs = createSplit(activation_inputs_concat, 4, 2);
+ auto i_t = createOp<ops::SigmoidOp>(activation_inputs[0])->getOutput(0);
+ auto f_t = createOp<ops::SigmoidOp>(activation_inputs[1])->getOutput(0);
+ auto o_t = createOp<ops::SigmoidOp>(activation_inputs[2])->getOutput(0);
+ auto g_t = createOp<ops::TanhOp>(activation_inputs[3])->getOutput(0);
+ c_t = createOp<ops::AddOp>(createOp<ops::MulOp>(c_cont_t, f_t)->getOutput(0),
+ createOp<ops::MulOp>(i_t, g_t)->getOutput(0))
+ ->getOutput(0);
+ h_t = createOp<ops::MulOp>(createOp<ops::TanhOp>(c_t)->getOutput(0), o_t)->getOutput(0);
+ h_slices[t] = h_t;
+ }
+ return {createOp<ops::ConcatOp>(h_slices, 0)->getOutput(0)};
+} // namespace mir_caffe