path: root/compiler/luci/service/src/CircleShapeInferenceRule.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/luci/service/src/CircleShapeInferenceRule.cpp')
1 files changed, 907 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/luci/service/src/CircleShapeInferenceRule.cpp b/compiler/luci/service/src/CircleShapeInferenceRule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e872b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/luci/service/src/CircleShapeInferenceRule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "luci/Service/CircleShapeInferenceRule.h"
+#include "Check.h"
+#include <luci/IR/CircleNodes.h>
+#include <luci/IR/CircleDialect.h>
+#include <luci/IR/CircleNodeVisitor.h>
+#include <luci/Log.h>
+#include <oops/InternalExn.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// Call this for CircleAvgPool2D and CircleMaxPool2D only
+template <class Pool2DType> loco::NodeShape infer_pool_2d_shape(const Pool2DType *node)
+ LUCI_ASSERT(loco::shape_known(node->value()), "Shape must be known");
+ auto ifm_shape = loco::shape_get(node->value()).template as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ assert(ifm_shape.rank() == 4);
+ uint32_t input_height = ifm_shape.dim(1).value();
+ uint32_t input_width = ifm_shape.dim(2).value();
+ uint32_t stride_height = node->stride()->h();
+ uint32_t stride_width = node->stride()->w();
+ uint32_t window_height = node->filter()->h();
+ uint32_t window_width = node->filter()->w();
+ uint32_t dilation_height = 1; // dilation for CircleAvgPool2D and CircleMaxPool2D is 1
+ uint32_t dilation_width = 1;
+ uint32_t effective_window_height = dilation_height * (window_height - 1) + 1;
+ uint32_t effective_window_width = dilation_width * (window_width - 1) + 1;
+ uint32_t output_height = 0;
+ uint32_t output_width = 0;
+ if (node->padding() == luci::Padding::VALID)
+ {
+ output_height = (input_height + stride_height - effective_window_height) / stride_height;
+ output_width = (input_width + stride_width - effective_window_width) / stride_width;
+ }
+ else if (node->padding() == luci::Padding::SAME)
+ {
+ output_height = (input_height + stride_height - 1) / stride_height;
+ output_width = (input_width + stride_width - 1) / stride_width;
+ }
+ else
+ LUCI_ASSERT(false, "Wrong padding type");
+ loco::TensorShape ofm_shape;
+ ofm_shape.rank(4);
+ ofm_shape.dim(0) = ifm_shape.dim(0);
+ ofm_shape.dim(1) = output_height;
+ ofm_shape.dim(2) = output_width;
+ ofm_shape.dim(3) = ifm_shape.dim(3);
+ return loco::NodeShape{ofm_shape};
+ * @brief Create a higher-rank TensorShape following NumPy broadcasting semantics
+ *
+ *
+ * auto expanded_tensor_shape = expand(tensor_shape).to(N);
+ */
+class TensorShapeExpander
+ TensorShapeExpander(const loco::TensorShape &shape) : _shape{shape}
+ {
+ }
+ loco::TensorShape to(uint32_t output_rank)
+ {
+ auto const &input_shape = _shape;
+ uint32_t const input_rank = input_shape.rank();
+ assert(input_rank <= output_rank && "Cannot shrink rank");
+ uint32_t const axis_shift = output_rank - input_rank;
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ output_shape.rank(output_rank);
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < output_rank; ++axis)
+ {
+ output_shape.dim(axis) = (axis < axis_shift) ? 1 : input_shape.dim(axis - axis_shift);
+ }
+ return output_shape;
+ }
+ const loco::TensorShape _shape;
+ * @breif Expand shape x and y to same rank by align right and filling with 1
+ */
+void expand_rank(loco::TensorShape &x, loco::TensorShape &y)
+ auto x_rank = x.rank();
+ auto y_rank = y.rank();
+ if (x_rank == y_rank)
+ return;
+ TensorShapeExpander x_exp(x);
+ TensorShapeExpander y_exp(y);
+ auto xy_rank = std::max(x_rank, y_rank);
+ x = x_rank > y_rank ? x :;
+ y = y_rank > x_rank ? y :;
+ * @breif Returns shape of expanded dimension of input x and y having same rank
+ */
+loco::TensorShape expand_dimension(const loco::TensorShape &x, const loco::TensorShape &y)
+ assert(x.rank() == y.rank());
+ auto rank = x.rank();
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ output_shape.rank(rank);
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < rank; ++axis)
+ {
+ assert(x.dim(axis).known() && y.dim(axis).known());
+ auto x_dim = x.dim(axis).value();
+ auto y_dim = y.dim(axis).value();
+ // each dimension of x and y should be same or one must be 1 if different
+ if (!((x_dim == y_dim) || (x_dim == 1 || y_dim == 1)))
+ INTERNAL_EXN("Cannot produce expand_dimension of two shapes");
+ output_shape.dim(axis) = std::max(x_dim, y_dim);
+ }
+ return output_shape;
+loco::TensorShape broadcast_shape(const loco::TensorShape &x, const loco::TensorShape &y)
+ auto x_match = x;
+ auto y_match = y;
+ expand_rank(x_match, y_match);
+ auto output_shape = expand_dimension(x_match, y_match);
+ return output_shape;
+ * @brief Class to infer the shape of CircleNode
+ *
+ * @note All CircleNode's inputs and outputs are always loco::Domain::Tensor
+ */
+class ShapeInferenceAlgorithm final : public luci::CircleNodeVisitor<loco::NodeShape>
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleAbs *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{x_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleAdd *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleArgMax *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto dimension_shape = loco::shape_get(node->dimension()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ int64_t select_axis = 0;
+ {
+ LUCI_ASSERT(node->dimension(), "2nd input dimension() should not be nullptr");
+ // Only support node's shape() is CircleConst with S32/S64
+ // Support S32 for now.
+ auto const_shape_node = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->dimension());
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_shape_node, "Only support CircleConst for shape of CircleArgMax");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_shape_node->dtype() == loco::DataType::S32,
+ "Only support int32 CircleConst for CircleArgMax");
+ if (const_shape_node->rank() > 1)
+ INTERNAL_EXN_V("Only support rank 0/1 CircleConst",
+ oops::to_uint32(const_shape_node->rank()));
+ select_axis = const_shape_node->scalar<loco::DataType::S32>();
+ }
+ assert(select_axis < input_shape.rank());
+ assert(select_axis >= 0); // TODO support minus of this breaks
+ // NOTE select_axis is removed
+ loco::TensorShape shape_output;
+ uint32_t rank = input_shape.rank();
+ uint32_t shrink = static_cast<uint32_t>(select_axis);
+ assert(rank > 0);
+ shape_output.rank(rank - 1);
+ for (uint32_t r = 0, d = 0; r < rank; ++r)
+ {
+ if (r == shrink)
+ continue;
+ shape_output.dim(d++) = input_shape.dim(r);
+ }
+ return loco::NodeShape{shape_output};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleAveragePool2D *node) final
+ {
+ return infer_pool_2d_shape(node);
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleBatchToSpaceND *node) final
+ {
+ const loco::DataType S32 = loco::DataType::S32;
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ // Support only input rank is 3 and 4
+ assert(input_shape.rank() == 3 || input_shape.rank() == 4);
+ // Only support block_shape() with S32 type CircleConst for now
+ auto const_block_shape = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->block_shape());
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_block_shape, "Only support CircleConst for block_shape");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_block_shape->dtype() == loco::DataType::S32,
+ "Only support int32 block_shape");
+ // Only support crops() with S32 type CircleConst for now
+ auto const_crops = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->crops());
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_crops, "Only support CircleConst for crops");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_crops->dtype() == loco::DataType::S32, "Only support int32 crops");
+ auto const_block_shape_shape = loco::shape_get(const_block_shape).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto const_crops_shape = loco::shape_get(const_crops).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ assert(const_block_shape_shape.rank() == 1);
+ assert(const_crops_shape.rank() == 2);
+ int32_t input_spatial_dim = input_shape.rank() - 2;
+ assert(const_block_shape_shape.dim(0) == input_spatial_dim);
+ assert(const_crops_shape.dim(0) == input_spatial_dim);
+ assert(const_crops_shape.dim(1) == 2);
+ loco::TensorShape shape_output;
+ shape_output.rank(input_shape.rank());
+ int32_t output_batch_size = input_shape.dim(0).value();
+ for (int32_t dim = 0; dim < input_spatial_dim; ++dim)
+ {
+ int dim_size = input_shape.dim(dim + 1).value() * const_block_shape->at<S32>(dim);
+ dim_size -= const_crops->at<S32>(dim * 2);
+ dim_size -= const_crops->at<S32>(dim * 2 + 1);
+ shape_output.dim(dim + 1) = dim_size;
+ assert(output_batch_size % const_block_shape->at<S32>(dim) == 0);
+ output_batch_size = output_batch_size / const_block_shape->at<S32>(dim);
+ }
+ shape_output.dim(0) = output_batch_size;
+ shape_output.dim(input_shape.rank() - 1) = input_shape.dim(input_shape.rank() - 1);
+ return loco::NodeShape{shape_output};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleConcatenation *node) final
+ {
+ // TODO Support when CircleConcatenation has 0 input
+ assert(node->numValues() > 0);
+ auto first_shape = loco::shape_get(node->values(0)).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto axis = node->axis();
+ if (axis < 0)
+ axis += first_shape.rank();
+ assert(0 <= axis);
+ assert(first_shape.rank() > static_cast<uint32_t>(axis));
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ output_shape.rank(first_shape.rank());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < output_shape.rank(); ++i)
+ output_shape.dim(i) = first_shape.dim(i);
+ for (uint32_t i = 1; i < node->numValues(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->values(i)).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < output_shape.rank(); ++j)
+ {
+ if (j == static_cast<uint32_t>(axis))
+ output_shape.dim(j) = output_shape.dim(j).value() + input_shape.dim(j).value();
+ else
+ assert(output_shape.dim(j) == input_shape.dim(j));
+ }
+ }
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleConst *node) final
+ {
+ loco::TensorShape shape;
+ shape.rank(node->rank());
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < node->rank(); axis++)
+ shape.dim(axis) = node->dim(axis);
+ return loco::NodeShape{shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleConv2D *node) final
+ {
+ LOGGER(l);
+ auto ifm_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>(); // in NHWC
+ auto ker_shape = loco::shape_get(node->filter()).as<loco::TensorShape>(); // in OHWI
+ INFO(l) << "[luci] CircleConv2D ShapeInf ifm(" << ifm_shape.rank() << ") ker("
+ << ker_shape.rank() << ")" << std::endl;
+ assert(ifm_shape.rank() == 4);
+ assert(ker_shape.rank() == 4);
+ assert(ifm_shape.dim(3) == ker_shape.dim(3));
+ uint32_t input_height = ifm_shape.dim(1).value();
+ uint32_t input_width = ifm_shape.dim(2).value();
+ uint32_t stride_height = node->stride()->h();
+ uint32_t stride_width = node->stride()->w();
+ uint32_t ker_height = ker_shape.dim(1).value();
+ uint32_t ker_width = ker_shape.dim(2).value();
+ uint32_t dilation_height = 1;
+ uint32_t dilation_width = 1;
+ uint32_t effective_ker_height = dilation_height * (ker_height - 1) + 1;
+ uint32_t effective_ker_width = dilation_width * (ker_width - 1) + 1;
+ uint32_t output_height = 0;
+ uint32_t output_width = 0;
+ if (node->padding() == luci::Padding::VALID)
+ {
+ output_height = (input_height + stride_height - effective_ker_height) / stride_height;
+ output_width = (input_width + stride_width - effective_ker_width) / stride_width;
+ }
+ else if (node->padding() == luci::Padding::SAME)
+ {
+ output_height = (input_height + stride_height - 1) / stride_height;
+ output_width = (input_width + stride_width - 1) / stride_width;
+ }
+ else
+ LUCI_ASSERT(false, "Wrong padding type");
+ loco::TensorShape ofm_shape;
+ ofm_shape.rank(4);
+ ofm_shape.dim(0) = ifm_shape.dim(0);
+ ofm_shape.dim(1) = output_height;
+ ofm_shape.dim(2) = output_width;
+ ofm_shape.dim(3) = ker_shape.dim(0);
+ return loco::NodeShape{ofm_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleCos *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{x_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleDepthwiseConv2D *node) final
+ {
+ auto ifm_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>(); // in NHWC
+ auto ker_shape = loco::shape_get(node->filter()).as<loco::TensorShape>(); // in 1 H W CM
+ assert(ifm_shape.rank() == 4);
+ assert(ker_shape.rank() == 4);
+ assert(ker_shape.dim(0).value() == 1);
+ uint32_t input_height = ifm_shape.dim(1).value();
+ uint32_t input_width = ifm_shape.dim(2).value();
+ uint32_t stride_height = node->stride()->h();
+ uint32_t stride_width = node->stride()->w();
+ uint32_t ker_height = ker_shape.dim(1).value();
+ uint32_t ker_width = ker_shape.dim(2).value();
+ uint32_t dilation_height = 1;
+ uint32_t dilation_width = 1;
+ uint32_t effective_ker_height = dilation_height * (ker_height - 1) + 1;
+ uint32_t effective_ker_width = dilation_width * (ker_width - 1) + 1;
+ uint32_t output_height = 0;
+ uint32_t output_width = 0;
+ if (node->padding() == luci::Padding::VALID)
+ {
+ output_height = (input_height + stride_height - effective_ker_height) / stride_height;
+ output_width = (input_width + stride_width - effective_ker_width) / stride_width;
+ }
+ else if (node->padding() == luci::Padding::SAME)
+ {
+ output_height = (input_height + stride_height - 1) / stride_height;
+ output_width = (input_width + stride_width - 1) / stride_width;
+ }
+ else
+ LUCI_ASSERT(false, "Wrong padding type");
+ loco::TensorShape ofm_shape;
+ ofm_shape.rank(4);
+ ofm_shape.dim(0) = ifm_shape.dim(0);
+ ofm_shape.dim(1) = output_height;
+ ofm_shape.dim(2) = output_width;
+ ofm_shape.dim(3) = ker_shape.dim(3);
+ return loco::NodeShape{ofm_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleDiv *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleEqual *node) final
+ {
+ const auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ const auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleExp *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{x_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleFullyConnected *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto weights_shape = loco::shape_get(node->weights()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ // Checking shape capability for fully connected layer
+ // Input: a tensor of at least rank 2 [D1, D2, ... Dn]
+ // Weight: [# of units, K]
+ // Output: [D1 * D2 * ... * Dn / K, # of units]
+ LUCI_ASSERT(input_shape.rank() >= 2, "Input rank should be at least 2");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(weights_shape.rank() == 2, "Incompatible weights rank for fully connected");
+ uint32_t input_size = 1;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < input_shape.rank(); i++)
+ {
+ input_size = input_size * input_shape.dim(i).value();
+ }
+ const uint32_t batch_size = input_size / weights_shape.dim(1).value();
+ loco::TensorShape out_shape;
+ out_shape.rank(2);
+ out_shape.dim(0) = batch_size;
+ out_shape.dim(1) = weights_shape.dim(0);
+ return loco::NodeShape{out_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleLogicalNot *node) final
+ {
+ const auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleLogicalOr *node) final
+ {
+ const auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleMaximum *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleMaxPool2D *node) final
+ {
+ return infer_pool_2d_shape(node);
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleMean *node) final
+ {
+ const loco::DataType S32 = loco::DataType::S32;
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto reduction_indices = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->reduction_indices());
+ { // Exceptions
+ // TODO support non-const case
+ LUCI_ASSERT(reduction_indices, "Only support constant reduction_indices");
+ // TODO support other data type
+ LUCI_ASSERT(reduction_indices->dtype() == S32, "Only support int 32");
+ }
+ std::vector<int32_t> reduction_values;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < reduction_indices->size<S32>(); ++i)
+ {
+ int32_t axis = reduction_indices->at<S32>(i);
+ if (axis < 0)
+ axis += input_shape.rank();
+ if (not(0 <= axis and axis < static_cast<int32_t>(input_shape.rank())))
+ INTERNAL_EXN_V("Invalid reduction axis for MEAN", oops::to_uint32(axis));
+ reduction_values.push_back(axis);
+ }
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ if (node->keep_dims())
+ {
+ output_shape.rank(input_shape.rank());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < input_shape.rank(); ++i)
+ output_shape.dim(i) = input_shape.dim(i);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < reduction_values.size(); ++i)
+ output_shape.dim( = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::vector<bool> check_reduce(input_shape.rank(), false);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < reduction_values.size(); ++i)
+ = true;
+ uint32_t reduce_cnt = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < check_reduce.size(); ++i)
+ if (
+ ++reduce_cnt;
+ output_shape.rank(input_shape.rank() - reduce_cnt);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < check_reduce.size(); ++i)
+ if ( == false)
+ output_shape.dim(j++) = i;
+ }
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleMul *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CirclePack *node) final
+ {
+ LUCI_ASSERT(node->values_count() > 0, "Only support one or more inputs");
+ auto first_shape = loco::shape_get(node->values(0)).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ // Make sure all inputs have the same shape.
+ for (uint32_t i = 1; i < node->values_count(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto in_shape = loco::shape_get(node->values(i)).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ LUCI_ASSERT(loco::NodeShape{first_shape} == loco::NodeShape{in_shape},
+ "All inputs must have the same shape");
+ }
+ // Checking shape capability for pack layer
+ // Input: tensors [D1, D2, ... Dn]
+ // Axis: K
+ // Output: [D1, D2, ... , D_K-1, n, D_K+1, ... Dn]
+ auto axis = node->axis();
+ if (axis < 0)
+ axis += first_shape.rank() + 1;
+ LUCI_ASSERT(0 <= axis, "Axis is out of range");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(axis) <= first_shape.rank(), "Axis is out of range");
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ output_shape.rank(first_shape.rank() + 1);
+ uint32_t j = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < output_shape.rank(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == static_cast<uint32_t>(axis))
+ {
+ output_shape.dim(i) = node->values_count();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ output_shape.dim(i) = first_shape.dim(j++);
+ }
+ }
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CirclePad *node) final
+ {
+ const loco::DataType S32 = loco::DataType::S32;
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto paddings = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->paddings());
+ // TODO support non-const case
+ LUCI_ASSERT(paddings, "Only support constant reduction_indices");
+ // TODO support other data type
+ LUCI_ASSERT(paddings->dtype() == S32, "Only support int 32 for now");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(paddings->rank() == 2, "paddings should be rank 2")
+ int32_t n = paddings->dim(0).value();
+ int32_t v = paddings->dim(1).value();
+ LUCI_ASSERT(v == 2, "paddings should be [n, 2]");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(n == int32_t(input_shape.rank()),
+ "paddings [n, 2] should have same value of input rank");
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ output_shape.rank(input_shape.rank());
+ for (int32_t ni = 0; ni < n; ++ni)
+ {
+ int32_t idx = ni * 2;
+ int value = input_shape.dim(ni).value();
+ value += paddings->at<S32>(idx + 0); // left
+ value += paddings->at<S32>(idx + 1); // right
+ output_shape.dim(ni) = value;
+ }
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleRelu *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->features()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleRelu6 *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->features()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ /**
+ * @note CircleReshape has new shape info in two places: 2nd input and attribute.
+ * This shape inference forces both to exist, and match each other.
+ * When this condition satisfied, it return the inferred shape
+ *
+ * TODO Change this policy when not appropriate
+ */
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleReshape *node) final
+ {
+ const loco::DataType S32 = loco::DataType::S32;
+ loco::TensorShape shape_by_input;
+ {
+ LUCI_ASSERT(node->shape(), "2nd input shape() should not be nullptr");
+ // Only support node's shape() is CircleConst with S32
+ // TODO support other node with other types
+ auto const_shape_node = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->shape());
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_shape_node, "Only support CircleConst for shape of CircleReshape");
+ LUCI_ASSERT(const_shape_node->dtype() == S32, "Only support int32 CircleConst");
+ if (const_shape_node->rank() != 1)
+ INTERNAL_EXN_V("Only support rank 1 CircleConst",
+ oops::to_uint32(const_shape_node->rank()));
+ shape_by_input.rank(const_shape_node->dim(0).value());
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < shape_by_input.rank(); ++axis)
+ {
+ shape_by_input.dim(axis) = const_shape_node->at<S32>(axis);
+ }
+ }
+ loco::TensorShape shape_by_attr;
+ {
+ shape_by_attr.rank(node->newShape()->rank());
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < shape_by_attr.rank(); ++axis)
+ {
+ shape_by_attr.dim(axis) = node->newShape()->dim(axis);
+ }
+ }
+ LUCI_ASSERT(shape_by_input == shape_by_attr,
+ "Warning: Two new shape information mismatched for CircleReshape");
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape = shape_by_input;
+ // One of the dimensions can have special value -1, meaning its actual value should be inferred.
+ const auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->tensor()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ const uint32_t input_element_count = loco::element_count(&input_shape);
+ uint32_t output_element_count = 1;
+ uint32_t unknown_dim_index = UINT32_MAX;
+ for (uint32_t dim_index = 0; dim_index < output_shape.rank(); ++dim_index)
+ {
+ const uint32_t dim_value = output_shape.dim(dim_index).value();
+ if (static_cast<int>(dim_value) == -1)
+ {
+ LUCI_ASSERT(unknown_dim_index == UINT32_MAX, "More than one unknown dimension");
+ unknown_dim_index = dim_index;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ output_element_count *= dim_value;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unknown_dim_index != UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ output_shape.dim(unknown_dim_index) = input_element_count / output_element_count;
+ }
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleRsqrt *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleSoftmax *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->logits()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleSqrt *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleSquaredDifference *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleSub *node) final
+ {
+ auto x_shape = loco::shape_get(node->x()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto y_shape = loco::shape_get(node->y()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto output_shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, y_shape);
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape};
+ }
+ // TODO CircleTanh
+ /// @brief Returns output shape of transpose. Use loco::ConstGen and luci::CircleConst for ConstT.
+ template <class ConstT>
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape_of_transpose(loco::TensorShape input_shape,
+ const ConstT *perm_node)
+ {
+ loco::TensorShape output_shape;
+ output_shape.rank(input_shape.rank());
+ assert(perm_node->dtype() == loco::DataType::S32);
+ assert(input_shape.rank() == perm_node->template size<loco::DataType::S32>());
+ for (uint32_t out_axis = 0; out_axis < output_shape.rank(); out_axis++)
+ {
+ auto in_axis = perm_node->template at<loco::DataType::S32>(out_axis);
+ output_shape.dim(out_axis) = input_shape.dim(in_axis);
+ }
+ return output_shape;
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleTranspose *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->a()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ auto canon_perm = dynamic_cast<loco::ConstGen *>(node->perm());
+ auto circle_perm = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->perm());
+ if (canon_perm)
+ {
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape_of_transpose(input_shape, canon_perm)};
+ }
+ else if (circle_perm)
+ {
+ return loco::NodeShape{output_shape_of_transpose(input_shape, circle_perm)};
+ }
+ else
+ INTERNAL_EXN("perm of CircleTranspose should be either ConstGen or CircleConst");
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleTransposeConv *node) final
+ {
+ // TransposeConv's output shape is written in its 'inputSizes' argument
+ auto input_sizes_const = dynamic_cast<luci::CircleConst *>(node->inputSizes());
+ LUCI_ASSERT(input_sizes_const,
+ "Only support when CircleTransposeConv's inputSizes is CircleConst")
+ LUCI_ASSERT(input_sizes_const->dtype() == loco::DataType::S32, "Only support S32 dtype")
+ LUCI_ASSERT(input_sizes_const->rank() == 1 && input_sizes_const->dim(0).value() == 4,
+ "Only support rank 1 with 4 entries")
+ loco::TensorShape shape;
+ shape.rank(4);
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < 4; ++axis)
+ shape.dim(axis) = input_sizes_const->at<loco::DataType::S32>(axis);
+ return loco::NodeShape{shape};
+ }
+ // Circle Only
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleInstanceNorm *node) final
+ {
+ auto input_shape = loco::shape_get(node->input()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{input_shape};
+ }
+ // Virtual
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleInput *node) final
+ {
+ loco::TensorShape shape;
+ shape.rank(node->rank());
+ for (uint32_t axis = 0; axis < node->rank(); axis++)
+ shape.dim(axis) = node->dim(axis);
+ return loco::NodeShape{shape};
+ }
+ loco::NodeShape visit(const luci::CircleOutput *node) final
+ {
+ auto from_shape = loco::shape_get(node->from()).as<loco::TensorShape>();
+ return loco::NodeShape{from_shape};
+ }
+} // namespace
+namespace luci
+bool CircleShapeInferenceRule::recognize(const loco::Dialect *d) const
+ return CircleDialect::get() == d;
+bool CircleShapeInferenceRule::infer(const loco::Node *node, loco::NodeShape &shape) const
+ assert(node->dialect() == CircleDialect::get());
+ assert(dynamic_cast<const CircleNode *>(node) != nullptr);
+ ShapeInferenceAlgorithm alg;
+ shape = dynamic_cast<const CircleNode *>(node)->accept(&alg);
+ return true;
+} // namespace luci