path: root/compiler/loco/src/tensorflow.test.cpp
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1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/loco/src/tensorflow.test.cpp b/compiler/loco/src/tensorflow.test.cpp
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index 000000000..f534aee7b
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+++ b/compiler/loco/src/tensorflow.test.cpp
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+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @brief This file includes various tests that shows how to encode TensorFlow models using loco.
+ *
+ * @note All the python examples below assume TensorFlow v1.13
+ */
+#include "loco.h"
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <stdex/Memory.h>
+using stdex::make_unique;
+loco::Permutation<loco::Domain::Feature> make_NHWC_permutation(void)
+ loco::Permutation<loco::Domain::Feature> NHWC;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Count) = 0;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Height) = 1;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Width) = 2;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Depth) = 3;
+ return NHWC;
+ * @brief Create a HxWxIxO (or HxWxCxN) permutation which tf.nn.conv2d uses
+ *
+ * Reference: [tf.nn.conv2d](
+ * > Given an input tensor of shape [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels] and a filter /
+ * > kernel tensor of shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels], ...
+ *
+ * NOTE "HWIO" is borrowed from TensorFlow Lite Converter
+ *
+ *
+ */
+loco::Permutation<loco::Domain::Filter> make_HWIO_permutation(void)
+ loco::Permutation<loco::Domain::Filter> HWIO;
+ HWIO.axis(loco::FilterAxis::Height) = 0; // H
+ HWIO.axis(loco::FilterAxis::Width) = 1; // W
+ HWIO.axis(loco::FilterAxis::Depth) = 2; // I, a.k.a. C
+ HWIO.axis(loco::FilterAxis::Count) = 3; // O, a.k.a. N
+ return HWIO;
+} // nemaspace
+#if 0
+>>> MaxPool_Float_000 testcase
+MaxPool_Float_000 test guarantees that loco is expressive enough to encode the following example.
+import tensorflow as tf
+value = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, 16, 16, 2], name="value")
+maxpool = tf.nn.max_pool(value, [1, 3, 3, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], 'VALID', name="maxpool")
+The above code produces the following TensorFlow GraphDef:
+node {
+ name: "value"
+ op: "Placeholder"
+ attr {
+ key: "dtype"
+ value { type: DT_FLOAT }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "shape"
+ value {
+ shape {
+ dim { size: 1 }
+ dim { size: 16 }
+ dim { size: 16 }
+ dim { size: 2 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+node {
+ name: "maxpool"
+ op: "MaxPool"
+ input: "Placeholder"
+ attr {
+ key: "T"
+ value { type: DT_FLOAT }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "data_format"
+ value { s: "NHWC" }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "ksize"
+ value { list { i: 1 i: 3 i: 3 i: 1 } }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "padding"
+ value { s: "VALID" }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "strides"
+ value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
+ }
+Below test guarantees that loco is expressive enough to encode this example.
+TEST(TensorFlowTest, MaxPool_Float_000)
+ auto g = loco::make_graph();
+ // The first "value" node corresponds to the following "Pull" node.
+ //
+ // %value = Pull(dtype: FLOAT32, shape: [1, 16, 16, 2])
+ auto value = g->nodes()->create<loco::Pull>();
+ value->dtype(loco::DataType::FLOAT32);
+ value->shape({1, 16, 16, 2});
+ // The next "maxpool" node corresponds to a sequence of the following loco nodes:
+ // - "FeatureEncode"
+ // - "MaxPool2D
+ // - "FeatureDecode"
+ //
+ // "maxpool.data_format" is 'NHWC' which corresponds to the following permutation
+ // Count <-> 0
+ // Height <-> 1
+ // Width <-> 2
+ // Depth <-> 3
+ loco::Permutation<loco::Domain::Feature> NHWC;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Count) = 0;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Height) = 1;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Width) = 2;
+ NHWC.axis(loco::FeatureAxis::Depth) = 3;
+ auto encoder = make_unique<loco::PermutingEncoder<loco::Domain::Feature>>();
+ encoder->perm(NHWC);
+ auto decoder = make_unique<loco::PermutingDecoder<loco::Domain::Feature>>();
+ decoder->perm(NHWC);
+ // %node_0 = FeatureEncode(%value, perm { Count = 0, Height = 1, Width = 2, Depth = 3 })
+ auto node_0 = g->nodes()->create<loco::FeatureEncode>();
+ node_0->input(value);
+ node_0->encoder(std::move(encoder));
+ // %node_1 = MaxPool(%node_0, window.H: 3, window.W: 3, stride.H: 1, stride.W : 1)
+ auto node_1 = g->nodes()->create<loco::MaxPool2D>();
+ node_1->ifm(node_0);
+ // From "ksize" attributes
+ node_1->window()->horizontal(3);
+ node_1->window()->vertical(3);
+ // From "strides" attributes
+ node_1->stride()->horizontal(1);
+ node_1->stride()->vertical(1);
+ // %output = FeatureDecode(%node_1, perm { Count = 0, Height = 1, Width = 2, Depth = 3 })
+ auto output = g->nodes()->create<loco::FeatureDecode>();
+ output->input(node_1);
+ output->decoder(std::move(decoder));
+ // %push = Push(%output)
+ auto push = g->nodes()->create<loco::Push>();
+ push->from(output);
+ //
+ // Mark network-level input/output
+ //
+ auto input_0 = g->inputs()->create();
+ loco::link(input_0, value);
+ auto output_0 = g->outputs()->create();
+ loco::link(output_0, push);
+ // NOTE This example SHOULD BE valid.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loco::valid(g.get()));
+#if 0
+>>> Conv2D_Float_000 testcase
+Conv2D_Float_000 test guarantees that loco is expressive enough to encode the following example.
+import tensorflow as tf
+inp = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, 16, 16, 2], name="inp")
+ker = tf.constant(value=[1.0], dtype=tf.float32, shape=[7, 1, 2, 4], name="ker")
+conv2d = tf.nn.conv2d(input=inp, filter=ker, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID', name="conv2d")
+TensorFlow GraphDef:
+node {
+ name: "inp"
+ op: "Placeholder"
+ attr {
+ key: "dtype"
+ value { type: DT_FLOAT }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "shape"
+ value {
+ shape {
+ dim { size: 1 }
+ dim { size: 16 }
+ dim { size: 16 }
+ dim { size: 2 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+node {
+ name: "ker"
+ op: "Const"
+ attr {
+ key: "dtype"
+ value { type: DT_FLOAT }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "value"
+ value {
+ tensor {
+ dtype: DT_FLOAT
+ tensor_shape {
+ dim { size: 7 }
+ dim { size: 1 }
+ dim { size: 2 }
+ dim { size: 4 }
+ }
+ float_val: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+node {
+ name: "conv2d"
+ op: "Conv2D"
+ input: "inp"
+ input: "ker"
+ attr {
+ key: "T"
+ value { type: DT_FLOAT }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "data_format"
+ value { s: "NHWC" }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "dilations"
+ value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "padding"
+ value { s: "VALID" }
+ }
+ attr {
+ key: "strides"
+ value { list { i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 i: 1 } }
+ }
+TEST(TensorFlowTest, Conv2D_Float_000)
+ auto g = loco::make_graph();
+ // The first "inp" node corresponds to "Pull"
+ auto inp = g->nodes()->create<loco::Pull>();
+ {
+ inp->dtype(loco::DataType::FLOAT32);
+ inp->shape({1, 16, 16, 2});
+ }
+ // The seoncd "ker" node corresponds to "ConstGen"
+ auto ker = g->nodes()->create<loco::ConstGen>();
+ {
+ ker->dtype(loco::DataType::FLOAT32);
+ // 'I' denotes IFM DEPTH, and 'O' denotes OFM DEPTH
+ ker->shape({7 /*H*/, 1 /*W*/, 2 /*I*/, 3 /*O*/});
+ ker->size<loco::DataType::FLOAT32>(7 * 1 * 2 * 3);
+ for (uint32_t n = 0; n < 7 * 1 * 2 * 3; ++n)
+ {
+ // NOTE TensorFlow uses the last value to fill unspecified region
+ ker->at<loco::DataType::FLOAT32>(n) = 1.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ // The next "conv2d" node is decomposed into the following loco nodes
+ // - "FeatureEncode"
+ // - "FilterEncode"
+ // - "Conv2D"
+ // - "FeatureDecode"
+ auto encoded_ifm = g->nodes()->create<loco::FeatureEncode>();
+ {
+ // From "conv2d.data_format" attribute
+ auto encoder = make_unique<loco::PermutingEncoder<loco::Domain::Feature>>();
+ encoder->perm(make_NHWC_permutation());
+ encoded_ifm->input(inp);
+ encoded_ifm->encoder(std::move(encoder));
+ }
+ auto encoded_ker = g->nodes()->create<loco::FilterEncode>();
+ {
+ // From "tf.nn.conv2d" specification
+ auto encoder = make_unique<loco::PermutingEncoder<loco::Domain::Filter>>();
+ encoder->perm(make_HWIO_permutation());
+ encoded_ker->input(ker);
+ encoded_ker->encoder(std::move(encoder));
+ }
+ auto conv2d = g->nodes()->create<loco::Conv2D>();
+ {
+ conv2d->ifm(encoded_ifm);
+ conv2d->ker(encoded_ker);
+ // From "stride" attribute
+ conv2d->stride()->horizontal(1);
+ conv2d->stride()->vertical(1);
+ }
+ // "decoded_ofm" corresponds to the output of "conv2d" node.
+ auto decoded_ofm = g->nodes()->create<loco::FeatureDecode>();
+ {
+ // From "conv2d.data_format" attribute
+ auto decoder = make_unique<loco::PermutingDecoder<loco::Domain::Feature>>();
+ decoder->perm(make_NHWC_permutation());
+ decoded_ofm->input(conv2d);
+ decoded_ofm->decoder(std::move(decoder));
+ }
+ // Makr "conv2d" as a network-level output with Push
+ auto push = g->nodes()->create<loco::Push>();
+ {
+ push->from(decoded_ofm);
+ }
+ //
+ // Mark network-level input/output
+ //
+ auto input_0 = g->inputs()->create();
+ loco::link(input_0, inp);
+ auto output_0 = g->outputs()->create();
+ loco::link(output_0, push);
+ // NOTE This example SHOULD BE valid.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loco::valid(g.get()));