path: root/compiler/enco/test/tflite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/enco/test/tflite')
52 files changed, 1046 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..746c34334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 7 dim: 7 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "AveragePool2D"
+ averagepool2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ filter_width: 2
+ filter_height: 2
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_001/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_001/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_001/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_001/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_001/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36bbda78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/AveragePool2D_001/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 5 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 5 }
+operation {
+ type: "AveragePool2D"
+ averagepool2d_options {
+ padding: SAME
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ filter_width: 3
+ filter_height: 3
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/CMakeLists.txt b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5a96a6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+option(ENCO_TFLITE_TEST "Enable enco test for TFLite" ON)
+ return()
+### Common function(s)
+function(get_test_configuration PREFIX)
+### Prepare test(s)
+if(NOT TARGET tflchef-file)
+ return()
+endif(NOT TARGET tflchef-file)
+if(NOT TARGET enco_tflite_frontend)
+ return()
+endif(NOT TARGET enco_tflite_frontend)
+ get_filename_component(PREFIX ${MODEL} DIRECTORY)
+ get_test_configuration(${PREFIX})
+ # Copy recipe
+ # Generate tflitemodel
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${TFLITEMODEL_FILE}
+ # Generate C++ code
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${SOURCE_FILE} ${ASM_FILE} ${BIN_FILE}
+ --frontend $<TARGET_FILE:enco_tflite_frontend>
+ --frontend-arg ${TFLITEMODEL_FILE}
+ --backend-arg ${PREFIX}
+ DEPENDS enco-cli enco_caffe_frontend ${TFLITEMODEL_FILE}
+ COMMENT "Generating ${SOURCE_FILE}")
+ set_source_files_properties(${ASM_FILE} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE LANGUAGE C)
+### Inference test
+if(NOT TARGET ann_ref_static)
+ return()
+endif(NOT TARGET ann_ref_static)
+find_program(H5DIFF h5diff)
+if (NOT H5DIFF)
+ return()
+endif(NOT H5DIFF)
+message(STATUS "Enable enco(tflite) inference test")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ get_test_configuration(${PREFIX})
+ set(BINDER_TARGET enco_tflite_test_${PREFIX}_binder)
+ # Compile nnkit binder (from generated C++ code)
+ target_include_directories(${BINDER_TARGET} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
+ target_link_libraries(${BINDER_TARGET} nnkit_intf_backend)
+ target_link_libraries(${BINDER_TARGET} ann_api)
+ target_link_libraries(${BINDER_TARGET} ann_ref_static)
+ target_link_libraries(${BINDER_TARGET} stdex)
+# Run tests
+add_test(NAME enco_test_tflite
+ $<TARGET_FILE:nnkit-run>
+ $<TARGET_FILE:nnkit_tflite_backend>
+ $<TARGET_FILE:nnkit_randomize_action>
+ $<TARGET_FILE:nnkit_HDF5_export_action>
+ $<TARGET_FILE:nnkit_HDF5_import_action>
+ ${TESTS})
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35641bd07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm2"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+operation {
+ type: "Concatenation"
+ concatenation_options {
+ axis: 3
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm1"
+ input: "ifm2"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm1"
+input: "ifm2"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_001/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_001/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_001/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_001/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_001/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7adaf1645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_001/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Concatenate two feature maps along "width" dimension
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm2"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Concatenation"
+ concatenation_options {
+ axis: 2
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm1"
+ input: "ifm2"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm1"
+input: "ifm2"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_002/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_002/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_002/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_002/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_002/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..918cb13d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_002/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Concatenate two feature maps along "height" dimension
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm2"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 2 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Concatenation"
+ concatenation_options {
+ axis: 1
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm1"
+ input: "ifm2"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm1"
+input: "ifm2"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_003/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_003/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_003/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_003/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_003/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f1b64ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Concat_003/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Concatenate two feature maps along "batch" dimension
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm2"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 2 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 3 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Concatenation"
+ concatenation_options {
+ axis: 0
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm1"
+ input: "ifm2"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm1"
+input: "ifm2"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f0841819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Test for basic case: VALID padding, no activation layer, stride=[1,1]
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_001/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_001/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_001/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_001/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_001/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9d4904da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_001/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Test for SAME padding
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 5 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 5 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: SAME
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_002/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_002/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_002/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_002/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_002/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55976c9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_002/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Test for RELU activation layer
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ activation: RELU
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_003/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_003/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_003/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_003/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_003/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30c9473b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_003/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ activation: RELU6
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_004/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_004/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_004/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_004/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_004/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20f4a9908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Conv2D_004/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Conv2D with ifm w, h = 14, 14 && ofm w, h = 7, 7 && stride = 2, 2 && padding = SAME (similar case from Mobile)
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 14 dim: 14 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 7 dim: 7 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: SAME
+ stride_w: 2
+ stride_h: 2
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27bc767fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# SAME padding, stride = [1,1], activation=RELU6.
+# In mobilenet, there are two cases using depthwiseConv2D : A case like this one, and another case with stride=[2,2]
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 5 dim: 5 dim: 4 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 4 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 4 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 5 dim: 5 dim: 4 }
+operation {
+ type: "DepthwiseConv2D"
+ depthwiseconv2d_options {
+ padding: SAME
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ depth_multiplier: 1
+ activation: RELU6
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_001/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_001/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_001/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_001/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_001/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0166474d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/DepthwiseConv2D_001/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# depthwiseConv2D with ifm w, h = 14, 14 && ofm w, h = 7, 7 && stride = 2, 2 && padding = SAME (similar case from Mobile)
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 14 dim: 14 dim: 5 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 5 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 5 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 7 dim: 7 dim: 5 }
+operation {
+ type: "DepthwiseConv2D"
+ depthwiseconv2d_options {
+ padding: SAME
+ stride_w: 2
+ stride_h: 2
+ activation: RELU6
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Div_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Div_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Div_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Div_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Div_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6335de46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Div_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm0"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+operation {
+ type: "Div"
+ input: "ifm0"
+ input: "ifm1"
+ output: "ofm"
+ div_options {
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+input: "ifm0"
+input: "ifm1"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/MaxPool2D_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/MaxPool2D_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/MaxPool2D_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/MaxPool2D_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/MaxPool2D_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..718630f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/MaxPool2D_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 7 dim: 7 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "MaxPool2D"
+ maxpool2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ filter_width: 2
+ filter_height: 2
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU6_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU6_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU6_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU6_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU6_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..226593593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU6_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operation {
+ type: "ReLU6"
+ input: "ifm"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8eaa3602f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ReLU_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operation {
+ type: "ReLU"
+ input: "ifm"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f3c03670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker_0"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias_0"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "0.1"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm_0"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker_0"
+ input: "bias_0"
+ output: "ofm_0"
+operand {
+ name: "ker_1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias_1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "0.1"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm_1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker_1"
+ input: "bias_1"
+ output: "ofm_1"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm_0"
+output: "ofm_1"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0001/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0001/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0001/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0001/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0001/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6f4eca8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0001/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler { tag: "gaussian" arg: "0.0" arg: "1.0" }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler { tag: "gaussian" arg: "0.0" arg: "1.0" }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 1 }
+operand {
+ name: "arr"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 9 }
+operand {
+ name: "shape"
+ type: INT32
+ shape { dim: 2 }
+ filler { tag: "explicit" arg: "-1" arg: "9" }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options { padding: VALID stride_w: 1 stride_h: 1 activation: RELU6 }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+operation {
+ type: "Reshape"
+ input: "ofm"
+ input: "shape"
+ output: "arr"
+ reshape_options { new_shape: [-1, 9] }
+input: "ifm"
+output: "arr"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0002/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0002/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0002/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0002/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0002/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8234c7996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0002/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Compilation SHOULD NOT fail even when there is no effective calcualtion
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 2 }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "1.0"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler {
+ tag: "gaussian"
+ arg: "0.0"
+ arg: "0.1"
+ }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 8 dim: 8 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options {
+ padding: VALID
+ stride_w: 1
+ stride_h: 1
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0003/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0003/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0003/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0003/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0003/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..693c45543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0003/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Compilation SHOULD NOT fail even if all the inputs are constant
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 2 }
+ filler { tag: "constant" arg: "0.1" }
+operand {
+ name: "ker"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 2 }
+ filler { tag: "constant" arg: "0.2" }
+operand {
+ name: "bias"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 }
+ filler { tag: "constant" arg: "0.3" }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 3 dim: 1 }
+operation {
+ type: "Conv2D"
+ conv2d_options { padding: VALID }
+ input: "ifm"
+ input: "ker"
+ input: "bias"
+ output: "ofm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0004/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0004/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0004/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0004/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0004/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80705efd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Regression_0004/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm0"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+ filler { tag: "constant" arg: "0.1" }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+ filler { tag: "constant" arg: "0.1" }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 4 dim: 4 dim: 3 }
+operation {
+ type: "Div"
+ input: "ifm0"
+ input: "ifm1"
+ output: "ofm"
+ div_options {
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Reshape_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Reshape_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Reshape_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Reshape_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Reshape_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb7ce48a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Reshape_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 10 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 10 }
+operation {
+ type: "Reshape"
+ reshape_options {
+ new_shape: -1
+ new_shape: 10
+ }
+ input: "ifm"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Sub_000/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Sub_000/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Sub_000/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Sub_000/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Sub_000/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0397c9c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/Sub_000/test.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+operand {
+ name: "ifm1"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 5 dim:2 dim:3 }
+operand {
+ name: "ifm2"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 5 dim:2 dim:3 }
+operand {
+ name: "ofm"
+ type: FLOAT32
+ shape { dim: 1 dim: 5 dim:2 dim:3 }
+operation {
+ type: "Sub"
+ sub_options {
+ activation: NONE
+ }
+ input: "ifm1"
+ input: "ifm2"
+ output: "ofm"
+input: "ifm1"
+input: "ifm2"
+output: "ofm"
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/empty/INFERENCE b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/empty/INFERENCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/empty/INFERENCE
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/empty/test.recipe b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/empty/test.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/empty/test.recipe
diff --git a/compiler/enco/test/tflite/ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c274f724b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/enco/test/tflite/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+if [[ $# -le 6 ]]; then
+ echo "USAGE: $0 [nnkit-run path] [reference backend path] [randomize action path] [HDF5 export action path] [HDF5 import action path] [WORKDIR] [Prefix1] [Prefix2] ..."
+ exit 255
+NNKIT_RUN_PATH="$1"; shift
+WORKDIR="$1"; shift
+echo "-- Found nnkit-run: ${NNKIT_RUN_PATH}"
+echo "-- Found reference backend: ${REFERENCE_BACKEND_PATH}"
+echo "-- Found randomize action: ${RANDOMIZE_ACTION_PATH}"
+echo "-- Found HDF5 export action: ${HDF5_EXPORT_ACTION_PATH}"
+echo "-- Found HDF5 import action: ${HDF5_IMPORT_ACTION_PATH}"
+echo "-- Found workdir: ${WORKDIR}"
+pushd "${WORKDIR}"
+while [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; do
+ PREFIX="$1"; shift
+ PASSED_TAG="${PREFIX}.passed"
+ rm -f "${PASSED_TAG}"
+ cat > "${PREFIX}.log" <(
+ exec 2>&1
+ echo "-- Found tflite: ${PREFIX}.tflite"
+ echo "-- Found backend: lib${PREFIX}.so"
+ --backend "${REFERENCE_BACKEND_PATH}" \
+ --backend-arg "${WORKDIR}/${PREFIX}.tflite" \
+ --pre "${HDF5_EXPORT_ACTION_PATH}" \
+ --pre-arg "${PREFIX}.input.h5" \
+ --post "${HDF5_EXPORT_ACTION_PATH}" \
+ --post-arg "${PREFIX}.expected.h5"
+ --backend "./lib${PREFIX}.so" \
+ --pre "${HDF5_IMPORT_ACTION_PATH}" \
+ --pre-arg "${PREFIX}.input.h5" \
+ --post "${HDF5_EXPORT_ACTION_PATH}" \
+ --post-arg "${PREFIX}.obtained.h5"
+ h5diff -d 0.001 "${PREFIX}.expected.h5" "${PREFIX}.obtained.h5"
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ touch "${PASSED_TAG}"
+ fi
+ )
+ if [[ -f "${PASSED_TAG}" ]]; then
+ else
+ fi
+if [[ ${#TESTED[@]} -ne ${#PASSED[@]} ]]; then
+ echo "FAILED"
+ for TEST in "${FAILED[@]}"
+ do
+ echo "- ${TEST}"
+ done
+ exit 255
+echo "PASSED"
+exit 0