/* * Copyright 2012-2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Flora License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://floralicense.org/license/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "MsgUtilFile.h" #include "MmsPluginDebug.h" #include "MmsPluginDecode.h" #include "MmsPluginCodecCommon.h" #include "MmsPluginStorage.h" #include "MmsPluginDebug.h" #include "MmsPluginMIME.h" #include "MmsPluginAvCodec.h" #include "MmsPluginSmil.h" #include "MmsPluginTextConvert.h" #include "MmsPluginUtil.h" #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ #include "MmsPluginDrm.h" #include "MsgDrmWrapper.h" #endif /*Decode wsp*/ static int __MmsGetDecodeOffset(void); static bool __MmsDecodeInitialize(void); static void __MmsCleanDecodeBuff(void); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeMovePointer(FILE *pFile, int offset, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(int *pLength, int valueLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength); /* bufLen < gMmsDecodeMaxLen */ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeGetLongBytes(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength); /* no bufLen limit */ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(FILE *pFile, UINT8 *pOneByte, int totalLength); static UINT32 __MmsHeaderDecodeIntegerByLength(FILE *pFile, UINT32 length, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pInteger, int *pIntLen, int totalLength); static bool __MmsDecodeLongInteger(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pLongInteger, int totalLength); static int __MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pUintVar, int totalLength); static int __MmsDecodeValueLength(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pValueLength, int totalLength); static int __MmsDecodeValueLength2(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pValueLength, int totalLength); static int __MmsBinaryDecodeText(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength); static char *__MmsBinaryDecodeText2(FILE *pFile, int totalLength, int *pLength); static int __MmsBinaryDecodeQuotedString(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeEncodedString(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeCharset(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *nCharSet, int *pCharSetLen, int totalLength); static int __MmsDecodeGetFilename(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength); static MsgHeaderAddress *__MmsDecodeEncodedAddress(FILE *pFile, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeMultipart(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeEachPart(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodePartHeader(FILE *pFile, MsgType *pMsgType, int headerLen, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodePartBody(FILE *pFile, UINT32 bodyLength, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeEntries(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *npEntries, int totalLength); static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeParameter(FILE *pFile, MsgType *pMsgType, int valueLength, int totalLength); static int __MmsBinaryDecodeContentType(FILE *pFile, MsgType *pMsgType, int totalLength); #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeDRMContent(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, unsigned int bodyLength, int totalLength); #endif //util funcion static void __MsgRemoveFilePath(char *pSrc); static bool __MsgChangeSpace(char *pOrg, char **ppNew); static void __MsgConfirmPresentationPart(MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, MsgPresentaionInfo *pPresentationInfo); static MsgPresentationFactor __MsgIsPresentationEx(MsgType *multipartType, char* szStart, MimeType typeParam); static bool __MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(FILE *pFile, char **ppBuf, int *pPtr, int *pOffset, char *pInBuf1, char *pInBuf2, int maxLen, int *npRead, int endOfFile); static bool __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(MsgHeaderAddress *pAddr); static bool __MsgCheckFileNameHasInvalidChar(char *szName); static bool __MsgReplaceInvalidFileNameChar(char *szInText, char replaceChar); static char *__MsgGetStringUntilDelimiter(char *pszString, char delimiter); static bool __MsgParseParameter(MsgType *pType, char *pSrc); static char *__MsgSkipWS(char *s); static char *__MsgSkipComment(char *s, long trim); static MsgMultipart *__MsgAllocMultipart(void); static char *__MsgConvertLatin2UTF8FileName(char *pSrc); static bool __MsgIsUTF8String(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static bool __MsgIsPercentSign(char *pSrc); static bool __MsgIsMultipartRelated(int type); static bool __MsgIsPresentablePart(int type); static bool __MsgIsText(int type); static bool __MsgResolveNestedMultipart(MsgType *pPartType, MsgBody *pPartBody); static bool __MsgIsHexChar(char *pSrc); static char __MsgConvertHexValue(char *pSrc); static int __MsgConvertCharToInt(char ch); static bool __MsgCopyNestedMsgType(MsgType *pMsgType1, MsgType *pMsgType2); static bool __MsgCopyNestedMsgParam(MsgContentParam *pParam1, MsgContentParam *pParam2); static bool __MsgIsMultipartMixed(int type); static bool __MsgIsInvalidFileNameChar(char ch); static int __MsgGetLatin2UTFCodeSize(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgLatin5code2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgGetLatin52UTFCodeSize(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgLatin2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgLatin7code2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgGetLatin72UTFCodeSize(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgUnicode2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned short *szSrc, int nChar); static int __MsgGetUnicode2UTFCodeSize(unsigned short *szSrc, int nChar); static bool __MmsAddrUtilCheckEmailAddress(char *pszAddr); static int __MsgCutUTFString(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar); static void __MsgMIMERemoveQuote(char *szSrc); static bool __MmsMultipartSaveAsTempFile(MsgType *pPartType, MsgBody *pPartBody, char *pszMailboxPath, char *pszMsgFilename, int index, bool bSave); static bool __MmsGetMediaPartData(MsgType *pPartType, MsgBody *pPartBody, FILE *pFile); static char *__MmsGetBinaryUTF8Data(char *pData, int nRead, int msgEncodingValue, int msgTypeValue, int msgCharsetValue, int *npRead); #ifndef __SUPPORT_DRM__ static bool __MsgMakeFileName(int iMsgType, char *szFileName, int nUntitleIndex); #else static bool __MsgMakeFileName(int iMsgType, char *szFileName, MsgDrmType drmType, int nUntitleIndex, char *outBuf, int outBufLen); #endif static bool __MmsDebugPrintMulitpartEntry(MsgMultipart *pMultipart, int index); static char gszMmsLoadBuf1[MSG_MMS_DECODE_BUFFER_MAX + 1] = {0, }; static char gszMmsLoadBuf2[MSG_MMS_DECODE_BUFFER_MAX + 1] = {0, }; static char *gpCurMmsDecodeBuff = NULL; static int gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos = 0; /* next decoding position in gpCurMmsDecodeBuff */ static int gMmsDecodeMaxLen = 0; static int gMmsDecodeCurOffset = 0; /* current offset in file (last read) */ static int gMmsDecodeBufLen = 0; /* number of last read characters */ static char *gpMmsDecodeBuf1 = NULL; static char *gpMmsDecodeBuf2 = NULL; __thread MmsHeader mmsHeader = { false, //bActive NULL, //pszOwner -1, //msgID (MmsMsgType)MMS_MSGTYPE_ERROR, //MmsMsgType iType; "", //char[] szTrID; //"", //short int version; 0, //short int version; 0, //UINT32 date; NULL, //MsgHeaderAddress* pFrom; NULL, //MsgHeaderAddress* pTo; NULL, //MsgHeaderAddress* pCc; NULL, //MsgHeaderAddress* pBcc; "", //char[] szSubject; (MmsResponseStatus)MMS_RESPSTATUS_OK, //MmsResponseStatus iResponseStatus; (MmsRetrieveStatus)MMS_RETRSTATUS_OK, //MmsRetrieveStatus iRetrieveStatus; "", //char[] szResponseText; "", //char[] szRetrieveText; /* has default value in specification */ (MmsMsgClass)MMS_MSGCLASS_PERSONAL, //MmsMsgClass msgClass; {MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE, 0}, //MmsTimeStruct expiryTime; {MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE, 0}, //MmsTimeStruct deliveryTime; (MmsPriority)MMS_PRIORITY_NORMAL, //MmsPriority priority; // Refer [OMA-MMS-ENC-v1_2-20030915-C] (MmsSenderVisible)MMS_SENDER_SHOW, //MmsSenderVisible senderVisible; (MmsReport)MMS_REPORT_NO, //MmsReport deliveryReport; (MmsReport)MMS_REPORT_NO, //MmsReport readReply; (MmsReportAllowed)MMS_REPORTALLOWED_NO,//MmsReportAllowed iReportAllowed; "", //char[] szContentLocation; /* there is no right default value */ (msg_delivery_report_status_t)MSG_DELIVERY_REPORT_NONE, //MmsMsgStatus iMsgStatus; (msg_read_report_status_t)MSG_READ_REPORT_NONE, //MmsReadStatus readStatus; /* MMS v1.1 ReplyCharge */ { (MmsReplyChargeType)MMS_REPLY_NONE, //MmsReplyChargeType chargeType; {MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE, 0}, //MmsTimeStruct deadLine; 0, //int chargeSize; "" , //char szChargeID; }, "", //char[] szMsgID; 0, //UINT32 msgSize; }; #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ #define MMS_DRM2_CONVERT_BUFFER_MAX 4*1024 const UINT32 MMS_UINTVAR_LENGTH_1 = 0x0000007f; //7bit const UINT32 MMS_UINTVAR_LENGTH_2 = 0x00003fff; //14bit const UINT32 MMS_UINTVAR_LENGTH_3 = 0x001fffff; //21bit #endif static bool __MmsDecodeInitialize(void) { MmsInitMsgType(&mmsHeader.msgType); MmsInitMsgBody(&mmsHeader.msgBody); return true; } void MmsInitHeader() { mmsHeader.type = MMS_MSGTYPE_ERROR; memset(mmsHeader.szTrID, 0, MMS_TR_ID_LEN + 1); mmsHeader.version = MMS_VERSION; mmsHeader.date = 0; __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mmsHeader.pFrom); __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mmsHeader.pTo); __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mmsHeader.pCc); __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mmsHeader.pBcc); mmsHeader.pFrom = NULL; mmsHeader.pTo = NULL; mmsHeader.pCc = NULL; mmsHeader.pBcc = NULL; memset(mmsHeader.szSubject, 0, MSG_LOCALE_SUBJ_LEN + 1); mmsHeader.responseStatus = (MmsResponseStatus)MMS_RESPSTATUS_OK; mmsHeader.retrieveStatus = (MmsRetrieveStatus)MMS_RETRSTATUS_OK; memset(mmsHeader.szResponseText, 0, MMS_LOCALE_RESP_TEXT_LEN + 1); memset(mmsHeader.szRetrieveText, 0, MMS_LOCALE_RESP_TEXT_LEN + 1); mmsHeader.msgClass = (MmsMsgClass)MMS_MSGCLASS_PERSONAL; mmsHeader.expiryTime.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE; mmsHeader.expiryTime.time = 0; mmsHeader.deliveryTime.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE; mmsHeader.deliveryTime.time = 0; mmsHeader.priority = (MmsPriority)MMS_PRIORITY_NORMAL; // Refer [OMA-MMS-ENC-v1_2-20030915-C] mmsHeader.hideAddress =(MmsSenderVisible)MMS_SENDER_SHOW; mmsHeader.deliveryReport = (MmsReport)MMS_REPORT_NO; mmsHeader.readReply = (MmsReport)MMS_REPORT_NO; mmsHeader.reportAllowed = (MmsReportAllowed)MMS_REPORTALLOWED_YES; memset(mmsHeader.szContentLocation, 0, MMS_LOCATION_LEN + 1); mmsHeader.msgStatus = (msg_delivery_report_status_t)MSG_DELIVERY_REPORT_NONE; mmsHeader.readStatus = (msg_read_report_status_t)MSG_READ_REPORT_NONE; mmsHeader.replyCharge.chargeType = (MmsReplyChargeType)MMS_REPLY_NONE; mmsHeader.replyCharge.chargeSize = 0; mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE; mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.time = 0; memset(mmsHeader.replyCharge.szChargeID, 0, MMS_MSG_ID_LEN + 1); memset(mmsHeader.szMsgID, 0, MMS_MSG_ID_LEN + 1); mmsHeader.msgSize = 0; #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ mmsHeader.drmType = MSG_DRM_TYPE_NONE; #endif __MmsDecodeInitialize(); } void MmsReleaseHeader(MmsHeader *mms) { __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mms->pFrom); __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mms->pTo); __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mms->pCc); __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(mms->pBcc); mmsHeader.pFrom = NULL; mmsHeader.pTo = NULL; mmsHeader.pCc = NULL; mmsHeader.pBcc = NULL; } static void __MmsCleanDecodeBuff(void) { memset(gpMmsDecodeBuf1, 0, gMmsDecodeMaxLen + 1); memset(gpMmsDecodeBuf2, 0, gMmsDecodeMaxLen + 1); gpCurMmsDecodeBuff = NULL; gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos = 0; gMmsDecodeBufLen = 0; } void MmsRegisterDecodeBuffer() { gpMmsDecodeBuf1 = gszMmsLoadBuf1; gpMmsDecodeBuf2 = gszMmsLoadBuf2; gpCurMmsDecodeBuff = NULL; gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos = 0; gMmsDecodeMaxLen = MSG_MMS_DECODE_BUFFER_MAX; gMmsDecodeCurOffset = 0; gMmsDecodeBufLen = 0; } void MmsUnregisterDecodeBuffer(void) { gpMmsDecodeBuf1 = NULL; gpMmsDecodeBuf2 = NULL; gpCurMmsDecodeBuff = NULL; gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos = 0; gMmsDecodeMaxLen = 0; gMmsDecodeCurOffset = 0; gMmsDecodeBufLen = 0; } static int __MmsGetDecodeOffset(void) { return (gMmsDecodeCurOffset - gMmsDecodeBufLen + gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos); } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(int *pLength, int valueLength) { if (*pLength <= valueLength) { gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos -= valueLength; gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos += *pLength; return false; } *pLength -= valueLength; return true; } /* ========================================================== B I N A R Y D E C O D I N G ==========================================================*/ /* * Binary Encoded Message Format * * < Single Part Body Message > * ----------------------------------- * | Header Fields | * ----------------------------------- * | Content Type:start=xxx;type=xxx | ->(ex) Text/Plain, Text/Html, .... * ----------------------------------- * | Single Part Body | * ----------------------------------- * * < Multi Part Body Message > * ----------------------------------- * | Header Fields | * ----------------------------------- * | Content Type:start=xxx;type=xxx | -> (ex) Application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed(related), multipart/mixed(related) * ----------------------------------- * | # of Entries (body parts) | * ----------------------------------- < Each Entry > * | Entry 1 | -> ----------------------------- * ----------------------------------- | header Length | * | Entry 2 | ----------------------------- * ----------------------------------- | Data Length | * | ...... | ----------------------------- - * ----------------------------------- | Content-Type | | * | Entry n | ----------------------------- | Header Length * ----------------------------------- | Header | | * ----------------------------- - * | Data | | Data Length * ----------------------------- - */ bool MmsBinaryDecodeMsgHeader(FILE *pFile, int totalLength) { MSG_BEGIN(); UINT16 fieldCode = 0xffff; UINT16 fieldValue = 0xffff; UINT8 oneByte = 0xff; MsgHeaderAddress *pAddr = NULL; MsgHeaderAddress *pLastTo = NULL; MsgHeaderAddress *pLastCc = NULL; MsgHeaderAddress *pLastBcc = NULL; UINT32 valueLength = 0; UINT32 tmpInteger = 0; int tmpIntLen = 0; int offset = 0; char szGarbageBuff[MSG_STDSTR_LONG] = {0, }; char *pLimitData = NULL; int nRead = 0; MSG_DEBUG("pFile ptr : [%p], total len = [%d]", pFile, totalLength); __MmsCleanDecodeBuff(); if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_FATAL("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } while (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength)) { fieldCode = oneByte & 0x7f; switch (MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeFieldCode, fieldCode)) { case MMS_CODE_RESPONSESTATUS: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("responseStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } // range 197 to 223 as it does to the value 192 (Error-transient-failure). // range 236 to 255 as it does to the value 224 (Error-permanent-failure). if (fieldValue >= 0x0045 && fieldValue <= 0x005F) { fieldValue = 0x0040; } else if (fieldValue >= 0x006A && fieldValue <= 0x007F) { fieldValue = 0x0060; } fieldValue = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeResponseStatus, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); if (fieldValue == 0xFFFF) { MSG_DEBUG("responseStatus error"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.responseStatus = (MmsResponseStatus)fieldValue; MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Response-Status = [0x%02x][%s]", oneByte, MmsDebugGetResponseStatus(mmsHeader.responseStatus)); break; case MMS_CODE_RETRIEVESTATUS: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("retrieveStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } fieldValue = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeRetrieveStatus, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); if (fieldValue == 0xFFFF) { MSG_DEBUG("retrieveStatus error"); goto __CATCH; } if (fieldValue >= 0x0043 && fieldValue <= 0x005F) { fieldValue = 0x0040; // 192; Error-transient-failure } else if (fieldValue >= 0x0064 && fieldValue <= 0x007F) { fieldValue = 0x0060; //224; Error-permanent-failure } mmsHeader.retrieveStatus = (MmsRetrieveStatus)fieldValue; MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Retrieve-Status = [0x%02x][%s]", oneByte, MmsDebugGetRetrieveStatus(mmsHeader.retrieveStatus)); break; case MMS_CODE_RESPONSETEXT: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeEncodedString(pFile, mmsHeader.szResponseText, MMS_LOCALE_RESP_TEXT_LEN + 1, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_RESPONSETEXT"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Response-Text = [%s]", mmsHeader.szResponseText); break; case MMS_CODE_RETRIEVETEXT: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeEncodedString(pFile, mmsHeader.szRetrieveText, MMS_LOCALE_RESP_TEXT_LEN + 1, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_RETRIEVETEXT"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Retrieve-Text = [%s]", mmsHeader.szRetrieveText); break; case MMS_CODE_MSGID: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, mmsHeader.szMsgID, MMS_MSG_ID_LEN + 1, totalLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_MSGID is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("Message-ID =[%s]", mmsHeader.szMsgID); if (MsgStrlen (mmsHeader.szMsgID) > 2) __MsgMIMERemoveQuote (mmsHeader.szMsgID); break; case MMS_CODE_SUBJECT: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeEncodedString(pFile, mmsHeader.szSubject, MSG_LOCALE_SUBJ_LEN + 1, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_SUBJECT"); goto __CATCH; } pLimitData = (char *)malloc(MSG_LOCALE_SUBJ_LEN + 1); if (pLimitData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pLimitData malloc fail"); goto __CATCH; } nRead = __MsgCutUTFString((unsigned char*)pLimitData, MSG_LOCALE_SUBJ_LEN + 1, (unsigned char*)mmsHeader.szSubject, MSG_SUBJ_LEN); MSG_DEBUG("Subject edit.."); if (nRead > MSG_LOCALE_SUBJ_LEN) { memset(mmsHeader.szSubject, 0 , sizeof(mmsHeader.szSubject)); strncpy(mmsHeader.szSubject, pLimitData, MSG_SUBJ_LEN); } else { memset(mmsHeader.szSubject, 0 , sizeof(mmsHeader.szSubject)); strncpy(mmsHeader.szSubject, pLimitData, MSG_LOCALE_SUBJ_LEN); } if (pLimitData) { free(pLimitData); pLimitData = NULL; } MSG_DEBUG("Subject = [%s]", mmsHeader.szSubject); break; case MMS_CODE_FROM: /* Value-length (Address-present-token Encoded-string-value | Insert-address-token) */ if (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_FROM is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_FROM GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } // DRM_TEMPLATE - start valueLength--; if (oneByte == (MmsGetBinaryValue(MmsCodeAddressType, MMS_ADDRESS_PRESENT_TOKEN)|0x80)) { if (valueLength > 0) { mmsHeader.pFrom = __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress(pFile, totalLength); if (mmsHeader.pFrom == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_FROM __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress fail"); goto __CATCH; } } else { mmsHeader.pFrom = (MsgHeaderAddress *)malloc(sizeof(MsgHeaderAddress)); if (mmsHeader.pFrom == NULL) goto __CATCH; mmsHeader.pFrom->szAddr = (char *)malloc(1); if (mmsHeader.pFrom->szAddr == NULL) { free(mmsHeader.pFrom); mmsHeader.pFrom = NULL; goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.pFrom->szAddr[0] = '\0'; mmsHeader.pFrom->pNext = NULL; } MSG_DEBUG("From = [%s]", mmsHeader.pFrom->szAddr); // DRM_TEMPLATE - end } else if (oneByte == (MmsGetBinaryValue(MmsCodeAddressType, MMS_INSERT_ADDRESS_TOKEN)|0x80)) { /* Present Token only */ MSG_DEBUG("From = [insert token]"); } else { /* from data broken */ MSG_DEBUG("from addr broken"); gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; goto __CATCH; } break; case MMS_CODE_TO: pAddr = __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress(pFile, totalLength); if (pAddr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_TO __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (mmsHeader.pTo == NULL) { /* the first TO */ pLastTo = mmsHeader.pTo = pAddr; } else { if (pLastTo) pLastTo->pNext = pAddr; pLastTo = pAddr; } MSG_DEBUG("To = [%s]", mmsHeader.pTo->szAddr); break; case MMS_CODE_BCC: pAddr = __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress(pFile, totalLength); if (pAddr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_BCC __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (mmsHeader.pBcc == NULL) { /* the first Bcc */ pLastBcc = mmsHeader.pBcc = pAddr; } else { if (pLastBcc) pLastBcc->pNext = pAddr; pLastBcc = pAddr; } MSG_DEBUG("Bcc = [%s]", mmsHeader.pBcc->szAddr); break; case MMS_CODE_CC: pAddr = __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress(pFile, totalLength); if (pAddr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_CC __MmsDecodeEncodedAddress fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (mmsHeader.pCc == NULL) { /* the first Cc */ pLastCc = mmsHeader.pCc = pAddr; } else { if (pLastCc) pLastCc->pNext = pAddr; pLastCc = pAddr; } MSG_DEBUG("Cc = [%s]", mmsHeader.pCc->szAddr); break; case MMS_CODE_CONTENTLOCATION: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, mmsHeader.szContentLocation, MMS_LOCATION_LEN + 1, totalLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_CONTENTLOCATION is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Content-Location = [%s]", mmsHeader.szContentLocation); break; case MMS_CODE_DATE: if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.date, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_DATE is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("Date = [%u]", mmsHeader.date); break; case MMS_CODE_DELIVERYREPORT: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("deliveryReport GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } fieldValue = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeDeliveryReport, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); if (fieldValue == 0xFFFF) { MSG_DEBUG("deliveryReport error"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.deliveryReport = (MmsReport)fieldValue; MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Delivery-Report =[0x%02x][%s]", oneByte, MmsDebugGetMmsReport(mmsHeader.deliveryReport)); break; case MMS_CODE_DELIVERYTIME: /* value_length (absolute-token Long-integer | Relative-token Long-integer) */ if (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_DELIVERYTIME"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("delivery time GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } //DRM_TEMPLATE - start valueLength--; if (oneByte == (MmsGetBinaryValue(MmsCodeTimeType, MMS_TIMETYPE_ABSOLUTE)|0x80)) { mmsHeader.deliveryTime.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_ABSOLUTE; if (valueLength > 0) { if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.deliveryTime.time, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_DELIVERYTIME"); goto __CATCH; } } // DRM_TEMPLATE - end } else { mmsHeader.deliveryTime.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.deliveryTime.time, &tmpIntLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger fail..."); goto __CATCH; } } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Delivery-Time : type = [%d], time= [%u]", mmsHeader.deliveryTime.type, mmsHeader.deliveryTime.time); break; case MMS_CODE_EXPIRYTIME: /* value_length(absolute-token Long-integer | Relative-token Long-integer) */ if (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_EXPIRYTIME"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("expiry time GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } // DRM_TEMPLATE - start valueLength--; if (oneByte == (MmsGetBinaryValue(MmsCodeTimeType, MMS_TIMETYPE_ABSOLUTE)|0x80)) { mmsHeader.expiryTime.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_ABSOLUTE; if (valueLength > 0) { if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.expiryTime.time, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_EXPIRYTIME is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } } // DRM_TEMPLATE - end } else { mmsHeader.expiryTime.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.expiryTime.time, &tmpIntLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger fail..."); goto __CATCH; } } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Expiry : type = [%d], time = [%u]", mmsHeader.expiryTime.type, mmsHeader.expiryTime.time); break; case MMS_CODE_MSGCLASS: /* Class-value = Class-identifier | Token Text */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgClass GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (oneByte > 0x7f) { /* Class-identifier */ mmsHeader.msgClass = (MmsMsgClass)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeMsgClass, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); } else { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, szGarbageBuff, MSG_STDSTR_LONG, totalLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("1. __MmsBinaryDecodeText fail. (class)"); goto __CATCH; } } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Message-Class =[%s]", MmsDebugGetMsgClass(mmsHeader.msgClass)); break; case MMS_CODE_MSGSIZE: if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.msgSize, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_MSGSIZE is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Message-Size = [%d]", mmsHeader.msgSize); break; case MMS_CODE_MSGSTATUS: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.msgStatus = (msg_delivery_report_status_t)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeMsgStatus, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Status = [%s]", MmsDebugGetMsgStatus(mmsHeader.msgStatus)); break; case MMS_CODE_MSGTYPE: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.type = (MmsMsgType)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeMsgType, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Message-Type = [%s]", MmsDebugGetMsgType(mmsHeader.type)); break; case MMS_CODE_PRIORITY: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.priority = (MmsPriority)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodePriority, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Priority = [%d]", mmsHeader.priority); break; case MMS_CODE_READREPLY: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.readReply = (MmsReport)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeReadReply, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Read-Report = [0x%02x][%s]", oneByte, MmsDebugGetMmsReport(mmsHeader.readReply)); break; case MMS_CODE_REPORTALLOWED: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.reportAllowed = (MmsReportAllowed)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeReportAllowed, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Report-Allowed = [%d]", MmsDebugGetMmsReportAllowed(mmsHeader.reportAllowed)); break; case MMS_CODE_SENDERVISIBILLITY: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.hideAddress= (MmsSenderVisible)!(MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeSenderVisibility, (UINT16)(oneByte &0x7F))); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Sender-Visibility = [%d]", mmsHeader.hideAddress); break; case MMS_CODE_TRID: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, mmsHeader.szTrID, MMS_TR_ID_LEN + 1, totalLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("Transaction ID Too Long"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Transaction-Id = [%s]", mmsHeader.szTrID); break; case MMS_CODE_VERSION: if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.version = oneByte; MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-MMS-Version = [0x%02x]", mmsHeader.version); break; case MMS_CODE_CONTENTTYPE: /* * Content-type is the last header field of SendRequest and RetrieveConf. * It's required to decrease pointer by one and return, * to parse this field in MmsBinaryDecodeContentType(). */ goto __RETURN; /* ----------- Add by MMSENC v1.1 ----------- */ case MMS_CODE_READSTATUS: /* Read-status-value = Read | Deleted without being read */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.readStatus = (msg_read_report_status_t)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeReadStatus, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Read-Status = [%s]", MmsDebugGetMmsReadStatus(mmsHeader.readStatus)); break; case MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGING: /* Reply-charging-value = Requested | Requested text only | Accepted | Accepted text only */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.replyCharge.chargeType = (MmsReplyChargeType)MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeReplyCharging, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Reply-Charging = [%d]", mmsHeader.replyCharge.chargeType); break; case MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGINGDEADLINE: /* Reply-charging-deadline-value = Value-length (Absolute-token Date-value | Relative-token Delta-seconds-value) */ if (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGINGDEADLINE"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("msgStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (oneByte == (MmsGetBinaryValue(MmsCodeTimeType, MMS_TIMETYPE_ABSOLUTE) | 0x80)) { mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_ABSOLUTE; } else { mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.type = MMS_TIMETYPE_RELATIVE; } // DRM_TEMPLATE - start valueLength--; if (valueLength > 0) { if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.time, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGINGDEADLINE is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Reply-Charging-Deadline : type = [%d], time = [%u]", mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.type, mmsHeader.replyCharge.deadLine.time); // DRM_TEMPLATE - end break; case MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGINGID: /* Reply-charging-ID-value = Text-string */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, mmsHeader.replyCharge.szChargeID, MMS_MSG_ID_LEN + 1, totalLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("1. __MmsBinaryDecodeText fail. (szReplyChargingID)"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Reply-Charging-ID = [%s]", mmsHeader.replyCharge.szChargeID); break; case MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGINGSIZE: /* Reply-charging-size-value = Long-integer */ if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&mmsHeader.replyCharge.chargeSize, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_REPLYCHARGINGSIZE is invalid"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Mms-Reply-Charging-Size = [%d]", mmsHeader.replyCharge.chargeSize); break; case MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTBY: /* * Previously-sent-by-value = Value-length Forwarded-count-value Encoded-string-value * Forwarded-count-value = Integer-value * MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTBY shall be a pair with MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE */ /* * fixme: There is no proper field to store this information. * Just increase pointer now. */ if (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("1. invalid MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTBY"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, &tmpInteger, &tmpIntLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("2. invalid MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTBY"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeEncodedString(pFile, szGarbageBuff, MSG_STDSTR_LONG, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_RETRIEVETEXT"); goto __CATCH; } break; case MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE: /* * Previously-sent-date-value = Value-length Forwarded-count-value Date-value * Forwarded-count-value = Integer-value * MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE shall be a pair with MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTBY */ /* * fixme: There is no proper field to store this information. * Just increase pointer now. */ if (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("1. invalid MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, &tmpInteger, &tmpIntLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("2. invalid MS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsDecodeLongInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&tmpInteger, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("3. invalid MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE"); goto __CATCH; } break; default: /* * Application-header = Token-text Application-specific-value * Token-text = Token End-of-string * Application-specific-value = Text -string * * OR unknown header field - Just ignore these fields. * * Read one byte and check the value >= 0x80 * (check these value can be field code) */ { int remainLength = 0; oneByte = 0x00; offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; remainLength = totalLength - offset; while ((oneByte < 0x80) && (remainLength > 0)) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&remainLength, 1) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("responseStatus GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } } gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; } break; } /* switch */ offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; } /* while */ __RETURN: if (mmsHeader.pTo == NULL && pLastTo) { free(pLastTo); } if (mmsHeader.pCc == NULL && pLastCc) { free(pLastCc); } if (mmsHeader.pBcc == NULL && pLastBcc) { free(pLastBcc); } MSG_DEBUG("## Decode Header Success ##"); MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: if (mmsHeader.pTo == NULL && pLastTo) { free(pLastTo); } if (mmsHeader.pCc == NULL && pLastCc) { free(pLastCc); } if (mmsHeader.pBcc == NULL && pLastBcc) { free(pLastBcc); } MSG_FATAL("## Decode Header Fail ##"); MSG_END(); return false; } bool MmsBinaryDecodeMsgBody(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, int totalLength) { MSG_BEGIN(); int length = 0; int offset = 0; if (szFilePath != NULL) strncpy(mmsHeader.msgType.szOrgFilePath, szFilePath , strlen(szFilePath)); mmsHeader.msgType.offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset() - 1; // + Content-Type code value // read data(2K) from msg file(/User/Msg/Inbox/5) to gpCurMmsDecodeBuff for decoding if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } // msg's type [ex] related, mixed, single part (jpg, amr and etc) length = __MmsBinaryDecodeContentType(pFile, &mmsHeader.msgType, totalLength); if (length == -1) { MSG_DEBUG("MMS_CODE_CONTENTTYPE is fail"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.msgType.size = length + 1; // + Content-Type code value mmsHeader.msgBody.offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); switch (mmsHeader.msgType.type) { case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_MIXED: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_RELATED: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ASTERIC: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: case MIME_MULTIPART_REPORT: case MIME_MULTIPART_MIXED: case MIME_MULTIPART_RELATED: case MIME_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_CONTENT: MSG_DEBUG("Decode Multipart"); offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeMultipart(pFile, szFilePath, &mmsHeader.msgType, &mmsHeader.msgBody, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsBinaryDecodeMultipart is fail."); goto __CATCH; } break; default: /* Single part message ---------------------------------------------- */ MSG_DEBUG("Decode Singlepart"); offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (__MmsBinaryDecodePartBody(pFile, totalLength - mmsHeader.msgBody.offset, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsBinaryDecodePartBody is fail.(Single Part)"); goto __CATCH; } mmsHeader.msgBody.size = totalLength - mmsHeader.msgBody.offset; mmsHeader.msgType.contentSize = totalLength - mmsHeader.msgBody.offset; break; } #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ mmsHeader.drmType = MsgGetDRMType(&mmsHeader.msgType, &mmsHeader.msgBody); #endif __RETURN: MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: return false; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeParameter(FILE *pFile, MsgType *pMsgType, int valueLength, int totalLength) { MSG_BEGIN(); UINT8 oneByte = 0; int charSetLen = 0; char *szTypeString = NULL; char *szTypeValue = NULL; UINT8 paramCode = 0xff; UINT32 integer = 0; int intLen = 0; int length = 0; int textLength = 0; /* * Parameter = Typed-parameter | Untyped-parameter * WAP-230-WSP-20010118-p, Proposed Version 18 January 2001 (pp.107) */ while (valueLength > 0) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("paramCode _MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } paramCode = oneByte; valueLength--; switch (paramCode) { case 0x81: // charset if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCharset(pFile, (UINT32*)&(pMsgType->param.charset), &charSetLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeCharset fail."); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, charSetLen) == false) goto __RETURN; break; case 0x85: //name = Text-string case 0x97: //name = Text-value = No-value | Token-text | Quoted-string memset(pMsgType->param.szName, 0, sizeof(pMsgType->param.szName)); length = __MmsDecodeGetFilename(pFile, pMsgType->param.szName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX -5, // MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX + 1, : change @ 110(Ui code have to change for this instead of DM) totalLength); if (length < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsDecodeGetFilename fail. (name parameter)"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MsgCheckFileNameHasInvalidChar(pMsgType->param.szName)) { __MsgReplaceInvalidFileNameChar(pMsgType->param.szName, '_'); } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, length) == false) goto __RETURN; break; case 0x86: //filename = Text-string case 0x98: //filename = Text-value = No-value | Token-text | Quoted-string memset(pMsgType->param.szFileName, 0, sizeof(pMsgType->param.szFileName)); length = __MmsDecodeGetFilename(pFile, pMsgType->param.szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX -5, totalLength); if (length < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsDecodeGetFilename fail. (filename parameter)"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MsgCheckFileNameHasInvalidChar(pMsgType->param.szFileName)) { __MsgReplaceInvalidFileNameChar(pMsgType->param.szFileName, '_'); } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, length) == false) goto __RETURN; break; case 0x89: //type = Constrained-encoding = Extension-Media | Short-integer if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("type _MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (oneByte > 0x7f) { pMsgType->param.type = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeContentType, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7f)); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, 1) == false) goto __RETURN; } else { gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; textLength = 0; szTypeString = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); pMsgType->param.type = MmsGetTextType(MmsCodeContentType, szTypeString); if (szTypeString) { free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } break; case 0x8A: //start encoding version 1.2 case 0x99: //start encoding version 1.4 textLength = 0; szTypeString = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (szTypeString) { memset(pMsgType->param.szStart, 0, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1); strncpy(pMsgType->param.szStart, szTypeString, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN); free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } break; case 0x8B: //startInfo encoding version 1.2 case 0x9A: //startInfo encoding version 1.4 textLength = 0; szTypeString = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (szTypeString) { memset(pMsgType->param.szStartInfo, 0, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1); strncpy(pMsgType->param.szStartInfo, szTypeString, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN); free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } break; default: if (paramCode > 0x7F) { MSG_DEBUG("Unsupported parameter"); // In case of the last byte of Parameter field, it should be returned without decreasing the gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos value. valueLength++; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, 1) == false) goto __RETURN; } else { /* * Untyped Parameter = Token-text Untyped-value * Token-text = Token End-of-string * Untyped-value = Integer-value | Text-value * Text-value = No-value | Token-text | Quoted-string * * Just increase pointer!!! */ /* Token-text */ gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; valueLength++; textLength = 0; szTypeString = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; /* Text-value */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, &integer, &intLen, totalLength) == true) { MSG_DEBUG("Unsupported parameter(%d)\n", integer); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, intLen) == false) goto __RETURN; } else { textLength = 0; szTypeValue = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (szTypeValue) { /* checkMe: forwardLock needs boudary string */ if (strcasecmp(szTypeString, "boundary") == 0) { memset(pMsgType->param.szBoundary, 0, MSG_BOUNDARY_LEN + 1); strncpy(pMsgType->param.szBoundary, szTypeValue, MSG_BOUNDARY_LEN); #ifdef FEATURE_JAVA_MMS } else if (strcasecmp(szTypeString, "Application-ID") == 0) { pMsgType->param.szApplicationID = (char*) malloc(textLength + 1); memset(pMsgType->param.szApplicationID, 0, textLength + 1); strncpy(pMsgType->param.szApplicationID, szTypeValue, textLength); MSG_DEBUG("Application-ID:%s",pMsgType->param.szApplicationID); } else if (strcasecmp(szTypeString,"Reply-To-Application-ID") == 0) { pMsgType->param.szReplyToApplicationID= (char*) malloc(textLength + 1); memset(pMsgType->param.szReplyToApplicationID, 0, textLength + 1); strncpy(pMsgType->param.szReplyToApplicationID, szTypeValue, textLength); MSG_DEBUG("ReplyToApplication-ID:%s",pMsgType->param.szReplyToApplicationID); #endif } free(szTypeValue); szTypeValue = NULL; MSG_DEBUG("Unsupported parameter(%s)\n", szTypeValue); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&valueLength, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } } if (szTypeString) { MSG_DEBUG("Unsupported parameter(%s)\n", szTypeString); free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; } } break; } } /*end of while loop*/ __RETURN: if (szTypeString) { free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; } MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: MSG_END(); return false; } /** * Decode Encoded Content type * * @param pEncodedData [in] ContentType encoded data * @param pMsgType [out] Decoded MsgType * @return Decoded address list */ static int __MmsBinaryDecodeContentType(FILE *pFile, MsgType *pMsgType, int totalLength) { MSG_BEGIN(); UINT8 oneByte = 0; char *szTypeString = NULL; int valueLength = 0; int length = 0; int textLength = 0; /* * Content-type-value : [WAPWSP] * Preassigned content-types : [WAPWSP Appendix A, Table 40] * The use of start-parameter : [RFC2387] and SHOULD be encoded according to [WAPWSP]. * * Content-type-value = Constrained-media | Content-general-form * Content-general-form = Value-length Media-type * Media-type = (Well-known-media | Extension-Media) *(Parameter) */ length = __MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, (UINT32*)&valueLength, totalLength); if (length <= 0) { /* * Constrained-media or Single part message * Constrained-media = Constrained-encoding = Extension-Media | Short-integer * Extension-media = *TEXT End-of-string * Short-integer = OCTET(1xxx xxxx) */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Constrained-media _MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (oneByte > 0x7F) { /* Short-integer */ pMsgType->type = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeContentType, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); length = 1; } else { char *pszTemp = NULL; /* Extension-Media */ gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; textLength = 0; szTypeString = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (szTypeString && (strchr(szTypeString, ';')) != NULL) { pszTemp = __MsgGetStringUntilDelimiter(szTypeString, ';'); if (pszTemp) { free(szTypeString); szTypeString = pszTemp; } } pMsgType->type = MmsGetTextType(MmsCodeContentType, szTypeString); length = textLength; if (szTypeString) { free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; } } } else { /* * Content-general-form = Value-length Media-type * Media-type = (Well-known-media | Extension-Media)*(Parameter) */ length += valueLength; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Well-known-media _MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (oneByte > 0x7F) { /* Well-known-media */ pMsgType->type = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeContentType, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); valueLength--; } else { /* Extension-Media */ gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; textLength = 0; szTypeString = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); pMsgType->type = MmsGetTextType(MmsCodeContentType, szTypeString); valueLength -= textLength; if (szTypeString) { free(szTypeString); szTypeString = NULL; } } MSG_DEBUG("Content-Type = [%s]", MmsDebugGetMimeType((MimeType)pMsgType->type)); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeParameter(pFile, pMsgType, valueLength, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Content-Type parameter fail"); goto __CATCH; } } MSG_END(); return length; __CATCH: MSG_END(); return -1; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodePartHeader(FILE *pFile, MsgType *pMsgType, int headerLen, int totalLength) { UINT8 fieldCode = 0xff; int length = 0; UINT32 valueLength = 0; char *pCode = NULL; char *pValue = NULL; char *pParam = NULL; char ch = '\0'; UINT8 oneByte = 0; int textLength = 0; int tmpInt = 0; int tmpIntLen = 0; char *pLatinBuff = NULL; char *szSrc = NULL; char *szTemp = NULL; if (pFile == NULL || pMsgType == NULL) return false; /* * Message-header = Well-known-header | Application-header * Well-known-header = Well-known-field-name Wap-value * Application-header = Token-text Application-specific-value * Well-known-field-name = Short-integer * Application-specific-value = Text-string */ while (headerLen > 0) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("field code GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (0x80 <= oneByte && oneByte <= 0xC7) { /* Well-known-header = Well-known-field-name Wap-value (0x00 ~ 0x47) */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, 1) == false) goto __RETURN; fieldCode = oneByte & 0x7f; switch (fieldCode) { case 0x0E: //Content-Location case 0x04: //Content-Location pLatinBuff = (char *)malloc(MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1); if (pLatinBuff == NULL) goto __CATCH; length = __MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, pLatinBuff, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1, totalLength); if (length == -1) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeQuotedString fail."); goto __CATCH; } szSrc = MsgChangeHexString(pLatinBuff); if (szSrc) { strcpy(pLatinBuff, szSrc); free(szSrc); szSrc = NULL; } textLength = strlen(pLatinBuff); if (__MsgLatin2UTF ((unsigned char*)pMsgType->szContentLocation, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1, (unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, textLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgLatin2UTF fail"); goto __CATCH; } free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, length) == false) goto __RETURN; break; case 0x40: // Content-ID { char szContentID[MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1]; pLatinBuff = (char *)malloc(MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1); if (pLatinBuff == NULL) goto __CATCH; length = __MmsBinaryDecodeQuotedString(pFile, pLatinBuff, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1, totalLength); if (length == -1) { MSG_DEBUG("Content-ID __MmsBinaryDecodeQuotedString fail."); goto __CATCH; } szSrc = MsgChangeHexString(pLatinBuff); if (szSrc) { strcpy(pLatinBuff, szSrc); free(szSrc); szSrc = NULL; } textLength = strlen(pLatinBuff); if (__MsgLatin2UTF ((unsigned char*)szContentID, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1, (unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, textLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgLatin2UTF fail"); goto __CATCH; } free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; removeLessGreaterMark(szContentID, pMsgType->szContentID, sizeof(pMsgType->szContentID));//remove "< >" if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, length) == false) goto __RETURN; } break; case 0x2E: // Content-Disposition case 0x45: // Content-Disposition /* * Content-disposition-value = Value-length Disposition *(Parameter) * Disposition = Form-data | Attachment | Inline | Token-text * Form-data = : 0x80 * Attachment = : 0x81 * Inline = : 0x82 */ length = __MmsDecodeValueLength2(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength); if (length > 0) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, length) == false) goto __RETURN; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Disposition value GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (length > 0) valueLength--; if (oneByte >= 0x80) { pMsgType->disposition = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeMsgDisposition, (UINT16)(oneByte & 0x7F)); if (pMsgType->disposition == INVALID_HOBJ) { MSG_DEBUG("Content-Disposition MmsGetBinaryType fail."); pMsgType->disposition = MSG_DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT; // default } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, 1) == false) goto __RETURN; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeParameter(pFile, pMsgType, valueLength, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Disposition parameter fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, valueLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } else { gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; valueLength++; pLatinBuff = (char *)malloc(MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX); memset(pLatinBuff, 0, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX); textLength = __MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, pLatinBuff, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1, totalLength); if (textLength < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("Content-Disposition decodingfail."); goto __CATCH; } free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; valueLength -= textLength; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeParameter(pFile, pMsgType, valueLength, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Disposition parameter fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, valueLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } break; case 0x0B: //Content-Encoding if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Disposition value GetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, 1) == false) goto __RETURN; break; case 0x0C: //Content-Language if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&tmpInt, &tmpIntLen, totalLength) == true) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, tmpIntLen) == false) goto __RETURN; } else { char* cTemp = NULL; cTemp = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (cTemp == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeText2 fail..."); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, textLength) == false) { if (cTemp) { free(cTemp); } goto __RETURN; } if (cTemp) free(cTemp); } break; case 0x0D: //Content-Length if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&tmpInt, &tmpIntLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger fail..."); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, tmpIntLen) == false) goto __RETURN; break; case 0x30: //X-Wap-Content-URI skip this value MSG_DEBUG("X-Wap-Content-URI header."); pLatinBuff = (char *)malloc(MMS_TEXT_LEN); if (pLatinBuff == NULL) goto __CATCH; length = __MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, pLatinBuff, MMS_TEXT_LEN, totalLength); if (length == -1) { MSG_DEBUG(" __MmsBinaryDecodeQuotedString fail."); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("X-Wap-Content-URI header decoded. Value length %d\n", length); free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, length) == false) goto __RETURN; MSG_DEBUG("X-Wap-Content-URI header skipped."); break; case 0x01: // Accept-charset //if (NvGetInt(NV_SI_ADM_GCF_STATE) == 1) { /* WAP-230-WSP-200010705-a.pdf Accept charset field The following rules are used to encode accept character set values. Accept-charset-value = Constrained-charset | Accept-charset-general-form Accept-charset-general-form = Value-length (Well-known-charset | Token-text) [Q-value] Constrained-charset = Any-charset | Constrained-encoding Well-known-charset = Any-charset | Integer-value ; Both are encoded using values from Character Set Assignments table in Assigned Numbers Any-charset = ; Equivalent to the special RFC2616 charset value ��*�� */ int charset = 0; int charSetLen = 0; MSG_DEBUG("Accept-charset."); length = __MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength); if (length > 0) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, length) == false) goto __RETURN; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, (UINT32*)&charset, &charSetLen, totalLength) == false) { // We only support the well-known-charset format MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger fail..."); goto __CATCH; } if (charset > 0) MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeCharSet, (UINT16)charset); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, charSetLen) == false) goto __RETURN; break; } default: /* Other Content-xxx headers : Have valueLength */ MSG_DEBUG("unknown Value = 0x%x\n", oneByte); length = __MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength); if (length <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid MMS_CODE_PREVIOUSLYSENTDATE"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, length) == false) goto __RETURN; szTemp = (char *)malloc(valueLength); if (szTemp == NULL) goto __CATCH; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, szTemp, valueLength, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("default _MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes() fail"); if (szTemp) { free(szTemp); szTemp = NULL; } goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, valueLength) == false) goto __RETURN; break; } } else { /* * Application-header = Token-text Application-specific-value * Application-specific-value = Text-string */ MSG_DEBUG(" Application-header = Token-text Application-specific-value"); gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; /* Token-text */ textLength = 0; pCode = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (pCode == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pCode is null"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; MSG_DEBUG(" Token-text (%s) \n", pCode); /* Application-specific-value */ textLength = 0; pValue = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (pValue == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pValue is null"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG(" Application-specific-value (%s) \n", pValue); pParam = strchr(pValue, MSG_CH_ADDR_DELIMETER); if (pParam) { ch = *pParam; *pParam = '\0'; } switch (MmsGetTextType(MmsCodeMsgBodyHeaderCode, pCode)) { case MMS_BODYHDR_TRANSFERENCODING: // Content-Transfer-Encoding pMsgType->encoding = MmsGetTextType(MmsCodeContentTransferEncoding, pValue); break; case MMS_BODYHDR_CONTENTID: // Content-ID { char szContentID[MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1]; pLatinBuff = (char *)malloc(MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1); if (pLatinBuff == NULL) { goto __CATCH; } __MsgMIMERemoveQuote (pValue); strncpy(pLatinBuff, pValue, MMS_MSG_ID_LEN); length = strlen(pLatinBuff); if (__MsgLatin2UTF ((unsigned char*)szContentID, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1, (unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, length) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgLatin2UTF fail"); goto __CATCH; } removeLessGreaterMark(szContentID, pMsgType->szContentID, sizeof(pMsgType->szContentID));//remove "< >" free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; break; } case MMS_BODYHDR_CONTENTLOCATION: // Content-Location pLatinBuff = (char *)malloc(MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1); if (pLatinBuff == NULL) goto __CATCH; strncpy(pLatinBuff, pValue, MMS_MSG_ID_LEN); length = strlen(pLatinBuff); if (__MsgLatin2UTF ((unsigned char*)pMsgType->szContentLocation, MMS_CONTENT_ID_LEN + 1, (unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, length) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgLatin2UTF fail"); goto __CATCH; } free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; break; case MMS_BODYHDR_DISPOSITION: // Content-Disposition pMsgType->disposition = MmsGetTextType(MmsCodeMsgDisposition, pValue); break; case MMS_BODYHDR_X_OMA_DRM_SEPARATE_DELIVERY: // DRM RO WAITING break; default: MSG_DEBUG("Unknown Field : %s, Value: %s\n", pCode, pValue); break; } if (pParam) { __MsgParseParameter(pMsgType, pParam + 1); *pParam = ch; } if (pCode) { free(pCode); pCode = NULL; } if (pValue) { free(pValue); pValue = NULL; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCheckAndDecreaseLength(&headerLen, textLength) == false) goto __RETURN; } } //while __RETURN: if (szTemp) { free(szTemp); szTemp = NULL; } if (pCode) { free(pCode); pCode = NULL; } return true; __CATCH: if (pLatinBuff) { free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; } if (pCode) { free(pCode); pCode = NULL; } if (pValue) { free(pValue); pValue = NULL; } if (szTemp) { free(szTemp); szTemp = NULL; } return false; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeEntries(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *npEntries, int totalLength) { int length = 0; length = __MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(pFile, npEntries, totalLength); if (length <= 0) { goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("Number of Entries = [%d]", *npEntries); return true; __CATCH: return false; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodePartBody(FILE *pFile, UINT32 bodyLength, int totalLength) { int offset = 0; /* * Currently, offset and size is * the only information used with msgBody. * If you need, add here more information */ MSG_BEGIN(); offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); offset += bodyLength; if (MsgFseek(pFile, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to seek file pointer"); goto __CATCH; } __MmsCleanDecodeBuff(); gMmsDecodeCurOffset = offset; if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } return true; __RETURN: return true; __CATCH: return false; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeMovePointer(FILE *pFile, int offset, int totalLength) { if (offset > totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (MsgFseek(pFile, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to seek file pointer"); goto __CATCH; } __MmsCleanDecodeBuff(); gMmsDecodeCurOffset = offset; if (offset == totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } __RETURN: return true; __CATCH: return false; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeMultipart(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, int totalLength) { UINT32 nEntries = 0; MsgMultipart *pMultipart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pLastMultipart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pPreMultipart = NULL; int offset = 0; int index = 0; MsgPresentationFactor factor = MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; MsgPresentaionInfo presentationInfo; MSG_DEBUG("pdu length = [%d]", totalLength); presentationInfo.factor = MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; presentationInfo.pCurPresentation = NULL; presentationInfo.pPrevPart = NULL; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeEntries(pFile, &nEntries, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsBinaryDecodeEntries is fail."); goto __CATCH; } if (pMsgBody->body.pMultipart != NULL) { pLastMultipart = pMsgBody->body.pMultipart; MSG_DEBUG("previous multipart exist [%p]", pMsgBody->body.pMultipart); } else { MSG_DEBUG("first multipart"); } while (nEntries) { MSG_DEBUG("decoding [%d]th multipart", index); offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; if ((pMultipart = __MsgAllocMultipart()) == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgAllocMultipart Fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeEachPart(pFile, szFilePath, &(pMultipart->type), pMultipart->pBody, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsBinaryDecodeEachPart is fail.(nEntries = %d)\n", nEntries); goto __CATCH; } if (pMultipart->type.type == MIME_APPLICATION_SMIL) { factor = __MsgIsPresentationEx(&(pMultipart->type), pMsgType->param.szStart, (MimeType)pMsgType->param.type); if (factor == MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE) { factor = MSG_PRESENTATION_TYPE_BASE; } } else { factor = MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; } // priority 1 : content type match, 2: content location, 3: type if (presentationInfo.factor < factor) { // Presentation part presentationInfo.factor = factor; presentationInfo.pPrevPart = pLastMultipart; presentationInfo.pCurPresentation = pMultipart; } /* first multipart */ if (pLastMultipart == NULL) { pMsgBody->body.pMultipart = pMultipart; pLastMultipart = pMultipart; pPreMultipart = NULL; } else { pLastMultipart->pNext = pMultipart; pLastMultipart = pMultipart; pPreMultipart = pMultipart; } pMsgType->contentSize += pMultipart->pBody->size; nEntries--; __MmsDebugPrintMulitpartEntry(pMultipart, index++); } pMsgBody->size = totalLength - pMsgBody->offset; __MsgConfirmPresentationPart(pMsgType, pMsgBody, &presentationInfo); if (__MsgResolveNestedMultipart(pMsgType, pMsgBody) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgResolveNestedMultipart failed"); goto __CATCH; } __RETURN: return true; __CATCH: if (pMultipart) { if (pMultipart->pBody) { free(pMultipart->pBody); pMultipart->pBody = NULL; } free(pMultipart); pMultipart = NULL; } return false; } static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeEachPart(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, int totalLength) { int length = 0; bool bSuccess = false; UINT32 headerLength = 0; UINT32 bodyLength = 0; int offset = 0; MSG_DEBUG("pdu length = [%d]", totalLength); /* header length */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(pFile, &headerLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("Get header length fail"); goto __CATCH; } offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; /* body length */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(pFile, &bodyLength, totalLength) <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("Get body length fail"); goto __CATCH; } offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; /* Content Type */ if (szFilePath != NULL) strncpy(pMsgType->szOrgFilePath, szFilePath, strlen(szFilePath)); pMsgType->offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); pMsgType->size = headerLength; pMsgType->contentSize = bodyLength; if (pMsgType->offset > totalLength) goto __RETURN; length = __MmsBinaryDecodeContentType(pFile, pMsgType, totalLength); if (length <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("Decode contentType Fail"); goto __CATCH; } offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; /* Part Header */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodePartHeader(pFile, pMsgType, headerLength - length, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Decode contentHeader Fail"); goto __CATCH; } offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; /* Part Body */ if (szFilePath != NULL) strncpy(pMsgBody->szOrgFilePath, szFilePath, strlen(szFilePath)); pMsgBody->offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); pMsgBody->size = bodyLength; if (pMsgBody->offset > totalLength) goto __RETURN; switch (pMsgType->type) { case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_MIXED: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_RELATED: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ASTERIC: case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: case MIME_MULTIPART_REPORT: case MIME_MULTIPART_MIXED: case MIME_MULTIPART_RELATED: case MIME_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: MSG_DEBUG("Multipart"); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeMultipart(pFile, szFilePath, pMsgType, pMsgBody, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsBinaryDecodeMultipart is fail"); goto __CATCH; } offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; break; #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE: /* Contains forwardLock OR combined-delivery media part */ MSG_DEBUG("MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE Part"); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeDRMContent(pFile, szFilePath, pMsgType, pMsgBody, bodyLength, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; break; case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_CONTENT: /* Contains seperate-delivery media part (DCF) */ MSG_DEBUG("MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_CONTENT Part"); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeDRMContent(pFile, szFilePath, pMsgType, pMsgBody, bodyLength, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; break; #endif default: MSG_DEBUG("Normal Part"); bSuccess = __MmsBinaryDecodePartBody(pFile, bodyLength, totalLength); if (bSuccess == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Decode contentBody Fail"); goto __CATCH; } offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; break; } MSG_END(); return true; __RETURN: MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: MSG_END(); return false; } #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeDRMContent(FILE *pFile, char *szFilePath, MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, unsigned int bodyLength, int totalLength) { int offset = 0; char szTempFilePath[MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; char *pRawData = NULL; bool isFileCreated = false; int lenght; MSG_DEBUG("bodyLength: %d\n", bodyLength); lenght = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/drm.dcf",MSG_DATA_PATH); if (lenght >= MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX){ MSG_DEBUG("File path lenght is too long "); goto __CATCH; } snprintf(szTempFilePath,lenght,"%s/drm.dcf",MSG_DATA_PATH); offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (szFilePath != NULL) strncpy(pMsgBody->szOrgFilePath, szFilePath, strlen(szFilePath)); if (szFilePath != NULL) strncpy(pMsgType->szOrgFilePath, szFilePath, strlen(szFilePath)); pRawData = (char *)malloc(bodyLength); if (pRawData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pRawData alloc FAIL"); goto __CATCH; } if (MsgFseek(pFile, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgFseek() returns -1"); goto __CATCH; } if (MsgReadFile(pRawData, sizeof(char), bodyLength, pFile) != (size_t)bodyLength) { MSG_DEBUG("FmReadFile() returns false"); goto __CATCH; } if (MsgOpenCreateAndOverwriteFile(szTempFilePath, pRawData, bodyLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgOpenCreateAndOverwriteFile() returns false"); goto __CATCH; } isFileCreated = true; if (pMsgType->type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE) { if (MsgDRM2GetDRMInfo(szTempFilePath, pMsgType) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgDRM2GetDRMInfo() returns false"); goto __CATCH; } } if(remove(szTempFilePath) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); isFileCreated = false; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeMovePointer(pFile, offset + bodyLength, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; __RETURN: if (pRawData) { free(pRawData); pRawData = NULL; } return true; __CATCH: if (isFileCreated) if(remove(szTempFilePath) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); if (pRawData) { free(pRawData); pRawData = NULL; } return false; } static int __MmsDrm2BinaryEncodeUintvarLen(UINT32 integer) { UINT32 length = 0; /* Find encoded unitvar length */ if (integer <= MMS_UINTVAR_LENGTH_1) { length = 1; } else { if (integer <= MMS_UINTVAR_LENGTH_2) { length = 2; } else { if (integer <= MMS_UINTVAR_LENGTH_3) { length = 3; } else { length = 4; } } } return length; } static bool __MmsDrm2BinaryEncodeUintvar(UINT32 integer, int length, char *pszOutput) { const char ZERO = 0x00; int i = 2; char szReverse[MSG_STDSTR_LONG] = {0, }; union { UINT32 integer; char bytes[4]; } source; source.integer = integer; memset(szReverse, 0, MSG_STDSTR_LONG); /* Seperate integer to 4 1 byte integer */ szReverse[3] = source.bytes[3] & 0x0f; szReverse[0] = source.bytes[0]; szReverse[0] = szReverse[0] & 0x7f; while (length >= i) {// initially, i = 2 /* Move integer bit to proper position */ source.integer = source.integer << 1; source.integer = source.integer >> 8; source.bytes[3] = ZERO; /* Retrive 1 encode uintvar */ szReverse[i-1] = source.bytes[0]; szReverse[i-1] = szReverse[i-1] | 0x80; i++; } for (i=0; i < length; i++) pszOutput[i] = szReverse[length - i - 1]; return true; } static int __MmsDrm2GetEntriesValueLength(FILE *pFile, int orgOffset) { char szEntries[5] = {0, }; UINT8 oneByte = 0; int j = 0; //j is the length of nEntries value if (MsgReadFile(szEntries, sizeof(char), 4, pFile) != (size_t)4) { MSG_DEBUG("FmReadFile() returns false"); return false; } while (true) { oneByte = szEntries[j++]; if (oneByte <= 0x7f) break; } //move file pointer to point nEntries if (MsgFseek(pFile, orgOffset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to seek file pointer"); return false; } return j; } static bool __MmsDrm2WriteDataToConvertedFile(FILE *pSrcFile, FILE *pDestinationFile, char *pszMmsLoadTempBuf, int length, int bufLen) { int loadLen = 0, totalLoadLen = 0, nRead = 0; for (int i=0; i<(length/bufLen)+1; i++) { loadLen = (length-totalLoadLen < bufLen) ? length-totalLoadLen : bufLen; memset(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, 0, MMS_DRM2_CONVERT_BUFFER_MAX + 1); nRead = MsgReadFile(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, sizeof(char), loadLen, pSrcFile); if (nRead != (size_t)loadLen) { MSG_DEBUG("FmReadFile() returns false, nRead = %d, loadLen = %d", nRead, loadLen); } if (MsgWriteFile(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, sizeof(char), nRead, pDestinationFile) != (size_t)nRead) { MSG_DEBUG("File Writing is failed."); return false; } totalLoadLen += nRead; } return true; } /************************************************************************* * description : make new message file converting CD & FL part of original message file to SD type * argument : void * return value - bool : result of converting **************************************************************************/ bool MmsDrm2ConvertMsgBody(char *szOriginFilePath) { FILE *pFile = NULL; FILE *hConvertedFile = NULL; FILE *hTempFile = NULL; FILE *hFile = NULL; MsgMultipart *pMultipart = NULL; char szTempFilePath[MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; char szTempFile[MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX]; char *pszMmsLoadTempBuf = NULL; char *pszOrgData = NULL; int length = 0; int bufLen = MMS_DRM2_CONVERT_BUFFER_MAX; int curOffset = 0; int lenghtFilePath; MSG_DEBUG("start convert~~~~~~"); lenghtFilePath = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/Drm_Convert",MSG_DATA_PATH); if (lenghtFilePath >= MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX){ MSG_DEBUG("File path lenght is too long "); goto __CATCH; } snprintf(szTempFilePath,lenghtFilePath,"%s/Drm_Convert",MSG_DATA_PATH); lenghtFilePath = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/temp.dm",MSG_DATA_PATH); if (lenghtFilePath >= MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX){ MSG_DEBUG("File path lenght is too long "); goto __CATCH; } snprintf(szTempFilePath,lenghtFilePath,"%s/temp.dm",MSG_DATA_PATH); pFile = MsgOpenFile(szOriginFilePath, "rb"); if (pFile == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Open decode temporary file fail"); goto __CATCH; } hConvertedFile = MsgOpenFile(MMS_DECODE_DRM_CONVERTED_TEMP_FILE, "wb+"); if (hConvertedFile == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Open decode temporary file fail"); goto __CATCH; } pszMmsLoadTempBuf = (char*)malloc(MMS_DRM2_CONVERT_BUFFER_MAX + 1); if (pszMmsLoadTempBuf == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("malloc for pszMmsLoadTempBuf failed"); goto __CATCH; } memset(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, 0, MMS_DRM2_CONVERT_BUFFER_MAX + 1); // MMS Header copy length = mmsHeader.msgBody.offset; if (__MmsDrm2WriteDataToConvertedFile(pFile, hConvertedFile, pszMmsLoadTempBuf, length, bufLen) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Write header data fail"); goto __CATCH; } curOffset += length; //change offset // MMS Body copy if (MsgIsMultipart(mmsHeader.msgType.type) == true) { // nEntries copy length = __MmsDrm2GetEntriesValueLength(pFile, curOffset); // getting nEntries value's length if (__MmsDrm2WriteDataToConvertedFile(pFile, hConvertedFile, pszMmsLoadTempBuf, length, bufLen) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Write nEntries fail"); goto __CATCH; } curOffset += length; //change offset // each Multipart entry copy pMultipart = mmsHeader.msgBody.body.pMultipart; while (pMultipart) { if (pMultipart->type.type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE) { int orgDataLen = pMultipart->pBody->size; int nSize = 0; MSG_DEBUG("Write MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE multipart data(orgDataLen = %d).\n", orgDataLen); pszOrgData = (char *)malloc(orgDataLen + 1); if (pszOrgData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pszOrgData is NULL"); goto __CATCH; } memset(pszOrgData, 0, orgDataLen + 1); // move file pointer to data if (MsgFseek(pFile, pMultipart->pBody->offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to seek file pointer 1"); goto __CATCH; } if (MsgReadFile(pszOrgData, sizeof(char), orgDataLen, pFile) != (size_t)orgDataLen) { MSG_DEBUG("FmReadFile() returns false for orgData"); goto __CATCH; } if((hFile = MsgOpenFile(szTempFile, "wb+")) == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("file open failed [%s]", szTempFile); goto __CATCH; } if (MsgWriteFile(pszOrgData, sizeof(char), orgDataLen, hFile) != (size_t)orgDataLen) { MSG_DEBUG("File write error"); goto __CATCH; } if (pszOrgData) { free(pszOrgData); pszOrgData = NULL; } MsgFflush(hFile); MsgCloseFile(hFile); hFile = NULL; // --> invoking drm agent api, converting data part start MSG_DEBUG("start data part convert by callling drm agent api"); int ret = 0; ret = MsgDrmConvertDmtoDcfType(szTempFile, szTempFilePath); MSG_DEBUG("MsgDrmConvertDmtoDcfType returned %s", ret ? "true": "false"); if (MsgGetFileSize(szTempFilePath, &nSize) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgGetFileSize error"); goto __CATCH; } MSG_DEBUG("end data part convert(converted data len = %d)\n", nSize); // move file pointer to the head of multipart if (MsgFseek(pFile, curOffset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to seek file pointer 2"); goto __CATCH; } // read headerLen, dataLen length = pMultipart->type.offset - curOffset; memset(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, 0, MMS_DRM2_CONVERT_BUFFER_MAX + 1); if (MsgReadFile(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, sizeof(char), length, pFile) != (size_t)length) { MSG_DEBUG("FmReadFile() returns false for headerLen, dataLen"); goto __CATCH; } curOffset += length; // change dataLen based on converted data { UINT8 oneByte = 0; int j = 0; int encodeLen = 0; char szOutput[MSG_STDSTR_LONG] = {0, }; while (true) { oneByte = pszMmsLoadTempBuf[j++]; if (oneByte <= 0x7f) break; } encodeLen = __MmsDrm2BinaryEncodeUintvarLen((UINT32)nSize); __MmsDrm2BinaryEncodeUintvar((UINT32)nSize, encodeLen, szOutput); strncpy(&(pszMmsLoadTempBuf[j]), szOutput, encodeLen); pszMmsLoadTempBuf[j+encodeLen] = '\0'; if (MsgWriteFile(pszMmsLoadTempBuf, sizeof(char), length, hConvertedFile) != (size_t)length) { MSG_DEBUG("FmWriteFile() returns false for dateLen"); goto __CATCH; } } length = pMultipart->pBody->offset - pMultipart->type.offset; if (__MmsDrm2WriteDataToConvertedFile(pFile, hConvertedFile, pszMmsLoadTempBuf, length, bufLen) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Write content type, headers fail"); goto __CATCH; } curOffset += length; // write converted data hTempFile = MsgOpenFile(szTempFilePath, "rb"); if (hTempFile == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Open decode temporary file fail"); goto __CATCH; } length = nSize; if (__MmsDrm2WriteDataToConvertedFile(hTempFile, hConvertedFile, pszMmsLoadTempBuf, length, bufLen) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Write converted data fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (hTempFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(hTempFile); hTempFile = NULL; } curOffset += pMultipart->pBody->size; // move file pointer to the head of multipart if (MsgFseek(pFile, curOffset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to seek file pointer"); goto __CATCH; } } else { // it doesn't need to convert if it is not CD or FL MSG_DEBUG("Write normal multipart data"); length = pMultipart->pBody->offset + pMultipart->pBody->size - curOffset; if (__MmsDrm2WriteDataToConvertedFile(pFile, hConvertedFile, pszMmsLoadTempBuf, length, bufLen) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("Write multipart data fail"); goto __CATCH; } curOffset += length; } pMultipart = pMultipart->pNext; } } MSG_DEBUG("end convert~~~~~~"); if (pFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(pFile); pFile = NULL; } if (hConvertedFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(hConvertedFile); hConvertedFile = NULL; } if (pszMmsLoadTempBuf) { free(pszMmsLoadTempBuf); pszMmsLoadTempBuf = NULL; } if(remove(szTempFile) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); if(remove(szTempFilePath) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); return true; __CATCH: if (pFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(pFile); pFile = NULL; } if (hConvertedFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(hConvertedFile); hConvertedFile = NULL; } if (hTempFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(hTempFile); hTempFile = NULL; } if (pszMmsLoadTempBuf) { free(pszMmsLoadTempBuf); pszMmsLoadTempBuf = NULL; } if (pszOrgData) { free(pszOrgData); pszOrgData = NULL; } if (hFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(hFile); hFile = NULL; } if (remove(szTempFile) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); if (remove(szTempFilePath) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); if (remove(MMS_DECODE_DRM_CONVERTED_TEMP_FILE) != 0) MSG_DEBUG("remove fail"); //remove convertin result if it goes to __CATCH return false; } /************************************************************************* * description : Function for decoding a converted file * argument : void * return value - bool : result of converting **************************************************************************/ bool MmsDrm2ReadMsgConvertedBody(MSG_MESSAGE_INFO_S *pMsg, bool bSavePartsAsTempFiles, bool bRetrieved, char *retrievedPath) { MmsMsg *pMmsMsg; MmsPluginStorage::instance()->getMmsMessage(&pMmsMsg); MmsUnregisterDecodeBuffer(); #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pMmsMsg->msgType.drmInfo); #endif MmsReleaseMsgBody(&pMmsMsg->msgBody, pMmsMsg->msgType.type); if (MmsReadMsgBody(pMsg->msgId, bSavePartsAsTempFiles, bRetrieved, retrievedPath) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("_MmsReadMsgBody with converted file is failed"); return false; } return true; } #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * B I N A R Y D E C D E U T I L I T Y * * --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool __MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(FILE *pFile, UINT8 *pOneByte, int totalLength) { int length = gMmsDecodeMaxLen - gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos; if (pFile == NULL || pOneByte == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid file or buffer"); goto __CATCH; } if (length < 1) { if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } } *pOneByte = gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos++]; return true; __CATCH: return false; } /* * @remark: bufLen < gMmsDecodeMaxLen */ bool __MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength) { int length = gMmsDecodeMaxLen - gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos; int i = 0; if (pFile == NULL || szBuff == NULL || bufLen == 0 || bufLen > gMmsDecodeMaxLen) goto __CATCH; memset(szBuff, 0, bufLen); if (length < bufLen) { if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } } for (i = 0; i < bufLen - 1; i++) szBuff[i] = gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos++]; gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos++; //NULL return true; __CATCH: return false; } bool __MmsBinaryDecodeGetLongBytes(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength) { int iPos = 0; if (pFile == NULL || szBuff == NULL || bufLen == 0) goto __CATCH; memset(szBuff, 0, bufLen); if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } while ((bufLen - iPos) >= gMmsDecodeMaxLen) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, szBuff + iPos, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes fail"); goto __CATCH; } iPos += gMmsDecodeMaxLen; } if ((bufLen - iPos) > 0) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, szBuff + iPos, (bufLen - iPos), totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes fail"); goto __CATCH; } iPos += (bufLen - iPos); } return true; __CATCH: return false; } /** * Decode uintvar to 32bit unsigned integer * * @param pEncodedData [in] encoded data * @param pUintVar [out] Decode uintvar (32bit unsigned integer) * @return The length of uintvar (-1, if cannot be converted to a uintvar) * * 0 XXXXXXX -> 0-bit: continue bit & 1~7bit: integer value * - ------- */ static const UINT32 uintvarDecodeTable[] = { 0x00000001, 0x00000080, 0x00004000, 0x00100000, 0x08000000 }; static int __MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pUintVar, int totalLength) { UINT8 count = 0; UINT8 oneByte = 0; UINT32 decodedUintvar = 0; UINT8 iBuff[5] = {0}; int length = MSG_MMS_DECODE_BUFFER_MAX - gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos; if (pFile == NULL || pUintVar == NULL) return -1; if (length < 5) { if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } } while (true) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; if (oneByte > 0x7f) { iBuff[count++] = oneByte; } else { iBuff[count++] = oneByte; break; } if (count > 4) { MSG_DEBUG("legnth is too long"); goto __CATCH; } } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) decodedUintvar += (uintvarDecodeTable[i] * (iBuff[count-(i+1)]&0x7f)); *pUintVar = decodedUintvar; return count; __CATCH: gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos -= count; return -1; } /** * Decode uintvar to 32bit unsigned integer by uintvar length * * @param pEncodedData [in] uintvar encoded data * @param length [in] length of integer value * @return unsigned integer value */ static UINT32 __MmsHeaderDecodeIntegerByLength(FILE *pFile, UINT32 length, int totalLength) { UINT32 i = 0; UINT8 oneByte = 0; char *pData = NULL; union { UINT32 integer; UINT8 seg[4]; } returner; returner.integer = 0; if (length > 4) length = 4; if (length == 1) { if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("_MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte fail"); return oneByte; } if (oneByte > 0x7f) { return (oneByte & 0x7f); } else { return oneByte; } } if (length == 0) return 0; pData = (char *)malloc(length + 1); if (pData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pData alloc fail"); goto __CATCH; } memset(pData, 0, length + 1); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, length + 1, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("_MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte fail"); goto __CATCH; } gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; // - NULL for (i= 0; i < length; i++) returner.seg[length - (i+1)] = pData[i]; if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return returner.integer; __CATCH: if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return returner.integer; } /** * Decode uintvar to 32bit unsigned integer by uintvar length * * @param pEncodedData [in] uintvar encoded data * @param pInteger [out] Decode integer value (long/short) * @return unsigned integer value (-1, if cannot be converted to unsigned integer value) */ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pInteger, int *pIntLen, int totalLength) { UINT8 oneByte = 0; char *pData = NULL; union { UINT32 integer; UINT8 seg[4]; } returner; if (pInteger == NULL) return false; returner.integer = 0; *pIntLen = 0; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("GetOneByte fail"); return false; } if (oneByte < 0x1F) /* long integer : WAP-230-WSP-20010118-p, Proposed Version 18 January 2001 (pp.86) */ { pData = (char *)malloc(oneByte + 1); if (pData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pData memalloc fail"); goto __CATCH; } memset(pData, 0, oneByte + 1); // Even NULL is copied in the _MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, oneByte + 1, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("GetBytes fail"); goto __CATCH; } gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; // - NULL int length = 0; if (oneByte > 4) { length = 4; } else { length = oneByte; } int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) returner.seg[length - (i+1)] = pData[i]; *pInteger = returner.integer; *pIntLen = oneByte + 1; } else if (oneByte >= 0x80) { /* short integer : WAP-230-WSP-20010118-p, Proposed Version 18 January 2001 (pp.86) */ *pInteger = oneByte & 0x7f; *pIntLen = 1; } else { goto __CATCH; } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return true; __CATCH: gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return false; } /** * Decode uintvar to 32bit unsigned integer by uintvar length * * @return 1 : Success * 0 : This is not Value Length type data * -1 : Requires System error report */ static int __MmsDecodeValueLength(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pValueLength, int totalLength) { int length = 0; UINT32 uintvar = 0; UINT8 oneByte = 0; /* * value-length = short-length | (Length-quote Length) * = 0~30 | 31 + Uintvar-length */ if (pFile == NULL || pValueLength == NULL) goto __CATCH; *pValueLength = 0; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; goto __CATCH; } if (0x00 < oneByte && oneByte < 0x1F) { /* short-length */ *pValueLength = oneByte; length = 1; } else if (oneByte == 0x1F) { /* Length-quote = 0x1F */ length = __MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(pFile, &uintvar, totalLength); if (length == -1) { MSG_DEBUG(" __MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar fail.."); goto __CATCH; } length ++; // + length-quote *pValueLength = uintvar; } else { MSG_DEBUG("not a value length type data"); gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; return 0; } return length; __CATCH: MSG_DEBUG("getting data fail"); return -1; } /** * Decode uintvar to 32bit unsigned integer by uintvar length * * @return 1 : Success * 0 : This is not Value Length type data * -1 : Requires System error report * @ defference : if there is not length-quote, consider it as short length. */ static int __MmsDecodeValueLength2(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pValueLength, int totalLength) { int length = 0; UINT32 uintvar = 0; UINT8 oneByte = 0; /* * value-length = short-length | (Length-quote Length) * = 0~30 | 31 + Uintvar-length */ if (pFile == NULL || pValueLength == NULL) goto __CATCH; *pValueLength = 0; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) { gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos--; goto __CATCH; } if (0x00 < oneByte && oneByte < 0x1F) { /* short-length */ *pValueLength = oneByte; length = 1; } else if (oneByte == 0x1F) { /* Length-quote = 0x1F */ length = __MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar(pFile, &uintvar, totalLength); if (length == -1) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeUintvar fail.."); goto __CATCH; } length ++; // + length-quote *pValueLength = uintvar; } else { MSG_DEBUG("there is not length-quote, consider it as short length."); *pValueLength = oneByte; length = 1; } return length; __CATCH: MSG_DEBUG("getting data fail"); return -1; } /** * Decode QuotedString * * @param pEncodedData [in] QuotedString encoded data * @param szBuff [out] Decoded quoted string * @param bufLen [out] Buffer length * @return length of quoted string */ static int __MmsBinaryDecodeQuotedString(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength) { int iPos = 0; int length = 0; int readBytes = 0; char *pData = NULL; int returnLength = 0; /* * Quoted-string = *TEXT End-of-string * The TEXT encodes an RFC2616 Quoted-string with the enclosing quotation-marks <"> removed */ if (pFile == NULL || szBuff == NULL || bufLen <= 0) return -1; memset(szBuff, 0, bufLen); if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } length = strlen(gpCurMmsDecodeBuff) + 1; // + NULL if (length == 0) goto __RETURN; while (length > gMmsDecodeBufLen) { if (gMmsDecodeBufLen <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("gMmsDecodeBufLen <= 0"); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[0], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[1], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[2], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[3], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[4]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[5], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[6], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[7], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[8], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[9]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[10], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[11], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[12], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[13], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[14]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[15], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[16], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[17], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[18], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[19]); goto __CATCH; } pData = (char *)malloc(gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (pData == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(pData, 0, gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; returnLength += gMmsDecodeBufLen; if ((bufLen - iPos) > 0) { readBytes = (gMmsDecodeBufLen < (bufLen - iPos)) ? gMmsDecodeBufLen : (bufLen - iPos); if (iPos == 0 && (pData[0] == MARK)) { /* MARK: check first time only */ strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData + 1, readBytes - 1); iPos += (readBytes - 1); } else { strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData, readBytes); iPos += readBytes; } } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } length = strlen(gpCurMmsDecodeBuff) + 1; // + NULL } /* while */ if (length > 0) { pData = (char *)malloc(length); if (pData == NULL) goto __CATCH; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, length, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; returnLength += length; if ((bufLen - iPos) > 0) { /* read until NULL from raw data, and copy only string */ readBytes = (length < (bufLen - iPos)) ? length : (bufLen - iPos); if (iPos == 0 && (pData[0] == MARK)) { /* MARK: check first time only */ strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData + 1, readBytes - 1); iPos += (readBytes - 1); } else { strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData, readBytes - 1); // + NULL iPos += readBytes; } } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } } szBuff[bufLen - 1] = '\0'; return returnLength; __RETURN: return length; __CATCH: if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return -1; } /** * Decode Text * * @param pEncodedData [in] QuotedString encoded data * @param szBuff [out] Decoded quoted string * @param bufLen [out] Buffer length * @return length of decode text string */ static int __MmsBinaryDecodeText(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength) { int length = 0; int readBytes = 0; int iPos = 0; int returnLength = 0; char *pData = NULL; bool bQuote = false; int offset = 0; /* * Text-String = [QUOTE]*TEXT end_of_string * [QUOTE]*(128~255)\0 * *(32~126)\0 */ if (pFile == NULL || szBuff == NULL || bufLen <= 0) return -1; offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; memset(szBuff, 0, bufLen); if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } length = strlen(gpCurMmsDecodeBuff) + 1; // + NULL if (length == 0) goto __RETURN; while (length > gMmsDecodeBufLen) { if (gMmsDecodeBufLen <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("gMmsDecodeBufLen <= 0"); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[0], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[1], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[2], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[3], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[4]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[5], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[6], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[7], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[8], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[9]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[10], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[11], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[12], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[13], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[14]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[15], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[16], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[17], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[18], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[19]); goto __CATCH; } pData = (char *)malloc(gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (pData == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(pData, 0, gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; if ((bufLen - iPos) > 0) { readBytes = (gMmsDecodeBufLen < (bufLen - iPos)) ? gMmsDecodeBufLen : (bufLen - iPos); if (iPos == 0 && (pData[0] == QUOTE) && (bQuote == false)) { /* QUOTE: check first time only */ strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData + 1, readBytes - 1); iPos += (readBytes - 1); bQuote = true; } else { strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData, readBytes); iPos += readBytes; } } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } returnLength += gMmsDecodeBufLen; if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } length = strlen(gpCurMmsDecodeBuff) + 1; // + NULL } /* while */ if (length > 0) { pData = (char *)malloc(length); if (pData == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(pData, 0, length); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, length, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; if ((bufLen - iPos) > 0) { readBytes = (length < (bufLen - iPos)) ? length : (bufLen - iPos); if (iPos == 0 && (pData[0] == QUOTE) && (bQuote == false)) { /* QUOTE: check first time only */ strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData + 1, readBytes - 1); iPos += (readBytes - 1); bQuote = true; } else { strncpy(szBuff + iPos, (char*)pData, readBytes - 1); // + NULL iPos += readBytes; } } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } returnLength += length; // + NULL } szBuff[bufLen - 1] = '\0'; return returnLength; __RETURN: szBuff[0] = '\0'; length = 0; __MmsBinaryDecodeMovePointer(pFile, offset, totalLength); return length; __CATCH: if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return -1; } static char* __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(FILE *pFile, int totalLength, int *pLength) { int length = 0; int curLen = 0; char *pData = NULL; char *szBuff = NULL; char *szTempPtr = NULL; bool bQuote = false; int offset = 0; /* * Text-String = [QUOTE]*TEXT end_of_string * [QUOTE]*(128~255)\0 * *(32~126)\0 */ if (pFile == NULL || pLength == NULL) goto __CATCH; *pLength = 0; offset = __MmsGetDecodeOffset(); if (offset >= totalLength) goto __RETURN; if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } length = strlen(gpCurMmsDecodeBuff) + 1; if (length == 0) goto __CATCH; while (length > gMmsDecodeBufLen) { if (gMmsDecodeBufLen <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("gMmsDecodeBufLen <= 0"); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[0], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[1], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[2], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[3], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[4]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[5], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[6], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[7], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[8], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[9]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[10], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[11], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[12], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[13], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[14]); MSG_DEBUG("%x %x %x %x %x\n", gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[15], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[16], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[17], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[18], gpCurMmsDecodeBuff[19]); goto __CATCH; } pData = (char *)malloc(gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (pData == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(pData, 0, gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; if (szBuff == NULL) { szBuff = (char *)malloc(gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); } else { szTempPtr = (char *)realloc(szBuff, curLen + gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); //NULL pointer check for realloc if (szTempPtr == NULL) { goto __CATCH; } else { szBuff = szTempPtr; } } if (szBuff == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(szBuff + curLen, 0, gMmsDecodeBufLen + 1); if (curLen == 0 && (pData[0] == QUOTE) && (bQuote == false)) { /* QUOTE: check first time only */ strncpy(szBuff + curLen, (char*)pData + 1, gMmsDecodeBufLen - 1); curLen += (gMmsDecodeBufLen - 1); bQuote = true; } else { strncpy(szBuff + curLen, (char*)pData, gMmsDecodeBufLen); curLen += gMmsDecodeBufLen; } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } *pLength += gMmsDecodeBufLen; if (__MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(pFile, &gpCurMmsDecodeBuff, &gCurMmsDecodeBuffPos, &gMmsDecodeCurOffset, gpMmsDecodeBuf1, gpMmsDecodeBuf2, gMmsDecodeMaxLen, &gMmsDecodeBufLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("fail to load to buffer"); goto __CATCH; } length = strlen(gpCurMmsDecodeBuff) + 1; } /* while */ if (length > 0) { pData = (char *)malloc(length); if (pData == NULL) { goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetBytes(pFile, pData, length, totalLength) == false) { goto __CATCH; } if (szBuff == NULL) { szBuff = (char *)malloc(length); } else { szTempPtr = (char *)realloc(szBuff, curLen + length); //NULL pointer check for realloc if (szTempPtr == NULL) goto __CATCH; else szBuff = szTempPtr; } if (szBuff == NULL) { goto __CATCH; } memset(szBuff + curLen, 0, length); if (curLen == 0 && (pData[0] == QUOTE) && (bQuote == false)) { /* QUOTE: check first time only */ strncpy(szBuff + curLen, (char*)pData + 1, length - 2); curLen += (length - 1); bQuote = true; } else { strncpy(szBuff + curLen, (char*)pData, length - 1); curLen += length; } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } *pLength += length; // + NULL } return szBuff; __RETURN: *pLength = 1; __MmsBinaryDecodeMovePointer(pFile, offset, totalLength); return szBuff; __CATCH: if (szBuff) { free(szBuff); szBuff = NULL; } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return NULL; } /** * Decode Charset * * @param pEncodedData [in] QuotedString encoded data * @param nCharSet [out] Decoded character set * @return length of charset value */ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeCharset(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *nCharSet, int *pCharSetLen, int totalLength) { UINT32 integer = 0; /* * Charset v1.1 0x01 Well-known-charset * Well-known-charset = Any-charset | Integer-value * ; Both are encoded using values from * Character Set Assignments table in Assigned Numbers * Any-charset = * ; Equivalent to the special RFC2616 charset value ��*�� */ if (pFile == NULL || nCharSet == NULL || pCharSetLen == NULL) return false; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger(pFile, &integer, pCharSetLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeInteger fail..."); goto __CATCH; } if (integer == 0) { /* AnyCharSet : return MSG_CHARSET_UTF8 */ *nCharSet = MSG_CHARSET_UTF8; return true; } *nCharSet = MmsGetBinaryType(MmsCodeCharSet, (UINT16)integer); if (*nCharSet == MIME_UNKNOWN) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsGetBinaryType fail.."); *nCharSet = MSG_CHARSET_UNKNOWN; } return true; __CATCH: return false; } /** * Decode EncodedString * * @param pEncodedData [in] QuotedString encoded data * @param szBuff [out] Decoded string buffer * @param bufLen [in] Decoded buffer length * @return length of decoded string length */ static bool __MmsBinaryDecodeEncodedString(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength) { UINT32 valueLength = 0; UINT32 charSet = 0; int charSetLen = 0; int nTemp = 0; char *pData = NULL; MSG_DEBUG(" decode string.."); if (pFile == NULL || szBuff == NULL || bufLen <= 0) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid file or buffer"); goto __CATCH; } /* * Encoded_string_value = Text-string | Value-length Char-set Text-String * Text-string = [Quote]*TEXT End-of-string * Value-length = 0 ~ 31 */ memset(szBuff, 0, bufLen); switch (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength)) { case -1: goto __CATCH; case 0: /* Text-string = [Quote]*TEXT End-of-string */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, szBuff, bufLen, totalLength) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("__MmsBinaryDecodeText fail."); goto __CATCH; } break; default: /* Value-length Charset Text_string */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCharset(pFile, &charSet, &charSetLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG(" __MmsBinaryDecodeCharset error"); goto __CATCH; /* (valueLength + valueLengthLen) */ } nTemp = __MmsBinaryDecodeText(pFile, szBuff, bufLen, totalLength); if (nTemp < 0) { /* There can be some error in data - no NULL -> try again with value length */ pData = (char *)malloc(valueLength - charSetLen); if (pData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pData alloc fail."); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetLongBytes(pFile, pData, valueLength - charSetLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("_MmsBinaryDecodeGetLongBytes fail."); goto __CATCH; } strncpy(szBuff, pData, bufLen - 1); } {//temp brace nTemp = strlen(szBuff); const char *pToCharSet = "UTF-8"; UINT16 charset_code = MmsGetBinaryValue(MmsCodeCharSet, charSet); const char *pFromCharSet = MmsPluginTextConvertGetCharSet(charset_code); if (pFromCharSet == NULL || !strcmp(pFromCharSet, pToCharSet)) { if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return true; } char *pDest = NULL; int destLen = 0; if (MmsPluginTextConvert(pToCharSet, pFromCharSet, szBuff, nTemp, &pDest, &destLen) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsPluginTextConvert Fail"); } else { memset(szBuff, 0x00, bufLen); snprintf(szBuff, destLen, "%s", pDest); } } break; } if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return true; __CATCH: if (pData) { free(pData); pData = NULL; } return false; } /** * Decode Encoded Addresses * * @param pEncodedData [in] QuotedString encoded data * @param pAddrLength [out] Decoded address length * @return Decoded address list */ MsgHeaderAddress *__MmsDecodeEncodedAddress(FILE *pFile, int totalLength) { UINT32 valueLength = 0; UINT32 charSet = 0; int charSetLen = 0; int textLength = 0; char *pAddrStr = NULL; MsgHeaderAddress *pAddr = NULL; MSG_DEBUG("decoding address.."); if (pFile == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("invalid file or buffer"); goto __CATCH; } /* * Encoded_string_value = Text-string | Value-length Char-set Text-String * Text-string = [Quote]*TEXT End-of-string * Value-length = 0 ~ 31 */ switch (__MmsDecodeValueLength(pFile, &valueLength, totalLength)) { case -1: goto __CATCH; case 0: /* Text-string = [Quote]*TEXT End-of-string */ textLength = 0; pAddrStr = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (pAddrStr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG(" __MmsBinaryDecodeText2 fail."); goto __CATCH; } break; default: /* Value-length Charset Text_string */ if (__MmsBinaryDecodeCharset(pFile, &charSet, &charSetLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG(" __MmsBinaryDecodeCharset error"); goto __CATCH; } textLength = 0; pAddrStr = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); if (pAddrStr == NULL) { /* There can be some error in data - no NULL -> try again with value length */ pAddrStr = (char *)malloc(valueLength - charSetLen); if (pAddrStr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pData alloc fail."); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetLongBytes(pFile, pAddrStr, valueLength - charSetLen, totalLength) == false) { MSG_DEBUG(" _MmsBinaryDecodeGetLongBytes fail."); goto __CATCH; } } /* fixme: charset transformation */ break; } pAddr = (MsgHeaderAddress *)malloc(sizeof(MsgHeaderAddress)); if (pAddr == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(pAddr, 0, sizeof(MsgHeaderAddress)); pAddr->szAddr = pAddrStr; return pAddr; __CATCH: if (pAddrStr) { free(pAddrStr); pAddrStr = NULL; } return NULL; } /** * Decode Encoded Pointer String * * @param pEncodedData [in] Long integer encoded data * @param pLongInteger [out] Decoded long integer * @return Decoded address list */ static bool __MmsDecodeLongInteger(FILE *pFile, UINT32 *pLongInteger, int totalLength) { UINT8 oneByte = 0; /* * Long-integer = Short-length Multi-octet-integer * Short-length = 0~30 * Multi-octet-integer */ if (pFile == NULL || pLongInteger == NULL) return false; *pLongInteger = 0; if (__MmsBinaryDecodeGetOneByte(pFile, &oneByte, totalLength) == false) goto __CATCH; if (oneByte > 31) goto __CATCH; *pLongInteger = __MmsHeaderDecodeIntegerByLength(pFile, oneByte, totalLength); return true; __CATCH: return false; } /* * @param pEncodedData [in] filename encoded data * @param szBuff [out] filename output buffer * @param fullLength [in] full filename length * @param bufLen [in] buffer length * CAUTION: bufLen - 1 */ static int __MmsDecodeGetFilename(FILE *pFile, char *szBuff, int bufLen, int totalLength) { char *pUTF8Buff = NULL; char *pLatinBuff = NULL; char *pExt = NULL; char *szSrc = NULL; char *szSrc2 = NULL; int length = 0; int textLength = 0; char *pTmpBuff = NULL; memset (szBuff, 0, bufLen); textLength = 0; pLatinBuff = __MmsBinaryDecodeText2(pFile, totalLength, &textLength); //remove "" if (pLatinBuff) { szSrc = MsgRemoveQuoteFromFilename(pLatinBuff); if (szSrc) { strcpy(pLatinBuff, szSrc); free(szSrc); szSrc = NULL; } szSrc2 = MsgChangeHexString(pLatinBuff); if (szSrc2) { strcpy(pLatinBuff, szSrc2); free(szSrc2); szSrc2 = NULL; } if (__MsgIsUTF8String((unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, strlen(pLatinBuff)) == false) { length = strlen(pLatinBuff); int utf8BufSize = 0; utf8BufSize = __MsgGetLatin2UTFCodeSize((unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, length); if (utf8BufSize < 3) utf8BufSize = 3;//min value pUTF8Buff = (char *)malloc(utf8BufSize + 1); if (pUTF8Buff == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pUTF8Buff alloc fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MsgLatin2UTF ((unsigned char*)pUTF8Buff, utf8BufSize + 1, (unsigned char*)pLatinBuff, length) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgLatin2UTF fail"); goto __CATCH; } free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; } else { pTmpBuff = MsgDecodeText(pLatinBuff); pUTF8Buff = pTmpBuff; free (pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; } } if (pUTF8Buff) { /* * keeping extension * it should be kept extention even if the file name is shorten */ length = strlen(pUTF8Buff); if ((pExt = strrchr(pUTF8Buff, '.')) != NULL) { int nameLength = 0; nameLength = (length < bufLen) ? (length - strlen(pExt)) : (bufLen - strlen(pExt)); strncpy(szBuff, pUTF8Buff, nameLength); strcat (szBuff, pExt); } else { strncpy(szBuff, pUTF8Buff, bufLen - 1); } free(pUTF8Buff); pUTF8Buff = NULL; return textLength; } __CATCH: if (pLatinBuff) { free(pLatinBuff); pLatinBuff = NULL; } if (pUTF8Buff) { free(pUTF8Buff); pUTF8Buff = NULL; } return -1; } /* ========================================================== M M S D E C O D I N G ==========================================================*/ // to get message body this function should be modified from message raw file. bool MmsReadMsgBody(msg_message_id_t msgID, bool bSavePartsAsTempFiles, bool bRetrieved, char *retrievedPath) { FILE *pFile = NULL; MmsMsg *pMsg = NULL; MsgMultipart *pMultipart = NULL; int nSize = 0; char szFullPath[MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX] = {0, }; char szTempMediaDir[MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX] = {0, }; MSG_BEGIN(); MmsPluginStorage::instance()->getMmsMessage(&pMsg); memset(pMsg, 0, sizeof(MmsMsg)); MmsInitHeader(); if (bRetrieved && (retrievedPath != NULL)) { strncpy(szFullPath, retrievedPath, (strlen(retrievedPath) > MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX ? MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX:strlen(retrievedPath))); } else { MmsPluginStorage::instance()->getMmsRawFilePath(msgID, szFullPath); } pMsg->msgID = msgID; /* read from MMS raw file */ strncpy(pMsg->szFileName, szFullPath + strlen(MSG_DATA_PATH), strlen(szFullPath + strlen(MSG_DATA_PATH))); MSG_DEBUG("msg_id = [%d]", msgID); MSG_DEBUG("raw file path = [%s]", szFullPath); if (MsgGetFileSize(szFullPath, &nSize) == false) { MSG_FATAL("Fail MsgGetFileSize"); goto __CATCH; } pFile = MsgOpenFile(szFullPath, "rb"); if (pFile == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Fail MsgOpenFile [%s]", szFullPath); goto __CATCH; } MmsRegisterDecodeBuffer(); if (MmsBinaryDecodeMsgHeader(pFile, nSize) == false) { MSG_FATAL("Fail to MmsBinaryDecodeMsgHeader"); goto __CATCH; } if (MmsBinaryDecodeMsgBody(pFile, szFullPath, nSize) == false) { MSG_FATAL("Fail to MmsBinaryDecodeMsgBody"); goto __CATCH; } /* Set mmsHeader.msgType & msgBody to pMsg ----------- */ memcpy(&(pMsg->msgType), &(mmsHeader.msgType), sizeof(MsgType)); memcpy(&(pMsg->msgBody), &(mmsHeader.msgBody), sizeof(MsgBody)); {//attribute convert mmsHeader -> mmsAttribute pMsg->mmsAttrib.contentType = (MimeType)mmsHeader.msgType.type; pMsg->mmsAttrib.date = mmsHeader.date; if (mmsHeader.deliveryReport == MMS_REPORT_YES) { pMsg->mmsAttrib.bAskDeliveryReport = true; } memcpy(&pMsg->mmsAttrib.deliveryTime, &mmsHeader.deliveryTime, sizeof(MmsTimeStruct)); memcpy(&pMsg->mmsAttrib.expiryTime, &mmsHeader.expiryTime, sizeof(MmsTimeStruct)); pMsg->mmsAttrib.msgClass = mmsHeader.msgClass; snprintf(pMsg->szMsgID, sizeof(pMsg->szMsgID), "%s", mmsHeader.szMsgID); pMsg->mmsAttrib.msgType = mmsHeader.type; pMsg->mmsAttrib.version = mmsHeader.version; pMsg->mmsAttrib.msgSize = mmsHeader.msgSize; pMsg->mmsAttrib.priority = mmsHeader.priority; if (mmsHeader.readReply == MMS_REPORT_YES) { pMsg->mmsAttrib.bAskReadReply = true; } snprintf(pMsg->mmsAttrib.szSubject, sizeof(pMsg->mmsAttrib.szSubject), "%s", mmsHeader.szSubject); snprintf(pMsg->szTrID, sizeof(pMsg->szTrID), "%s", mmsHeader.szTrID); pMsg->mmsAttrib.retrieveStatus = mmsHeader.retrieveStatus; //FIXME:: mmsHeader will release after delete global mmsHeader //memset(&(mmsHeader.msgBody), 0x00, sizeof(MsgBody));//After copy to MmsMsg } if (pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody) { if(MsgFseek(pFile, pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) goto __CATCH; pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->body.pText = (char *)malloc(pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->size + 1); if (pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->body.pText == NULL) goto __CATCH; memset(pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->body.pText, 0, pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->size + 1); ULONG nRead = 0; nRead = MsgReadFile(pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->body.pText, sizeof(char), pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody->size, pFile); if (nRead == 0) goto __CATCH; } MsgCloseFile(pFile); pFile = NULL; /* nPartCount */ pMsg->nPartCount = 0; if (MsgIsMultipart(mmsHeader.msgType.type) == true) { pMultipart = pMsg->msgBody.body.pMultipart; while (pMultipart) { pMsg->nPartCount++; pMultipart = pMultipart->pNext; } } else { if (pMsg->msgBody.size > 0) pMsg->nPartCount++; } /* make temporary */ snprintf(szTempMediaDir, MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX, "%s/%s.dir", MSG_DATA_PATH, pMsg->szFileName); if (MsgIsMultipart(pMsg->msgType.type) == true) { int partIndex = 0; pMultipart = pMsg->msgBody.body.pMultipart; if (bSavePartsAsTempFiles) { if (mkdir(szTempMediaDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { MSG_DEBUG("exist dir : [%s]", szTempMediaDir); } else { MSG_DEBUG("Fail to Create Dir [%s]", szTempMediaDir); goto __CATCH; } } else { MSG_DEBUG("make dir : [%s]", szTempMediaDir); } } if (pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody) { if (__MmsMultipartSaveAsTempFile(&pMsg->msgBody.presentationType, pMsg->msgBody.pPresentationBody, (char*)MSG_DATA_PATH, pMsg->szFileName, 0, bSavePartsAsTempFiles) == false) goto __CATCH; } while (pMultipart) { if (__MmsMultipartSaveAsTempFile(&pMultipart->type, pMultipart->pBody, (char*)MSG_DATA_PATH, pMsg->szFileName, partIndex, bSavePartsAsTempFiles) == false) goto __CATCH; pMultipart = pMultipart->pNext; partIndex ++; } } else { //single part if (pMsg->nPartCount > 0) { if (bSavePartsAsTempFiles) { if (mkdir(szTempMediaDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { MSG_DEBUG("exist dir : [%s]", szTempMediaDir); } else { MSG_DEBUG("Fail to Create Dir [%s]", szTempMediaDir); goto __CATCH; } } else { MSG_DEBUG("make dir : [%s]", szTempMediaDir); } } if (__MmsMultipartSaveAsTempFile(&pMsg->msgType, &pMsg->msgBody, (char*)MSG_DATA_PATH, pMsg->szFileName, 0, bSavePartsAsTempFiles) == false) goto __CATCH; } } MSG_DEBUG("### Success ###"); MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: MmsInitHeader(); MmsUnregisterDecodeBuffer(); if (pFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(pFile); pFile = NULL; } #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pMsg->msgType.drmInfo); #endif MmsReleaseMsgBody(&pMsg->msgBody, pMsg->msgType.type); MSG_DEBUG("### Fail ###"); MSG_END(); return false; } static bool __MsgFreeHeaderAddress(MsgHeaderAddress *pAddr) { MsgHeaderAddress *pTempAddr = NULL; while (pAddr != NULL) { pTempAddr = pAddr; pAddr = pAddr->pNext; if (pTempAddr->szAddr) { free(pTempAddr->szAddr); pTempAddr->szAddr = NULL; } free(pTempAddr); pTempAddr = NULL; } return true; } static bool __MsgCheckFileNameHasInvalidChar(char *szName) { int strLen = 0; int i = 0; strLen = strlen(szName); for (i=0; i bcharsnospace */ memset (pType->param.szBoundary, 0, MSG_BOUNDARY_LEN + 1); strncpy(pType->param.szBoundary, pDec, MSG_BOUNDARY_LEN); MSG_DEBUG("szBoundary = [%s]", pType->param.szBoundary); break; case MSG_PARAM_CHARSET: pType->param.charset = _MsgGetCode(MSG_CHARSET, pDec); if (pType->param.charset == INVALID_HOBJ) pType->param.charset = MSG_CHARSET_UNKNOWN; MSG_DEBUG("type = %d [charset] = %d", pType->type, pType->param.charset); break; case MSG_PARAM_NAME: memset (pType->param.szName, 0, MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX + 1); pUTF8Buff = __MsgConvertLatin2UTF8FileName(pDec); if (pUTF8Buff) { if ((pExt = strrchr(pUTF8Buff, '.')) != NULL) { if ((MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1) < strlen(pUTF8Buff)) { nameLen = (MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1) - strlen(pExt); } else { nameLen = strlen(pUTF8Buff) - strlen(pExt); } strncpy(pType->param.szName, pUTF8Buff, nameLen); strcat (pType->param.szName, pExt); } else { strncpy(pType->param.szName, pUTF8Buff, (MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1)); } free(pUTF8Buff); pUTF8Buff = NULL; if (__MsgChangeSpace(pType->param.szName, &szSrc) == true) { if (szSrc) strncpy(pType->param.szName, szSrc , strlen(szSrc)); } if (szSrc) { free(szSrc); szSrc = NULL; } // Remvoe '/', ex) Content-Type: image/gif; name="images/vf7.gif" __MsgRemoveFilePath(pType->param.szName); } else { MSG_DEBUG("MsgConvertLatin2UTF8FileName(%s) return NULL", pDec); } MSG_DEBUG("szName = %s", pType->param.szName); break; case MSG_PARAM_FILENAME: memset (pType->param.szFileName, 0, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1); pUTF8Buff = __MsgConvertLatin2UTF8FileName(pDec); if (pUTF8Buff) { if ((pExt = strrchr(pUTF8Buff, '.')) != NULL) { if ((MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1) < strlen(pUTF8Buff)) { nameLen = (MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1) - strlen(pExt); } else { nameLen = strlen(pUTF8Buff) - strlen(pExt); } strncpy(pType->param.szFileName, pUTF8Buff, nameLen); strcat (pType->param.szFileName, pExt); } else { strncpy(pType->param.szFileName, pUTF8Buff, (MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX-1)); } free(pUTF8Buff); pUTF8Buff = NULL; if (__MsgChangeSpace(pType->param.szFileName, &szSrc) == true) strcpy(pType->param.szFileName, szSrc); if (szSrc) { free(szSrc); szSrc = NULL; } // Remvoe '/', ex) Content-Type: image/gif; name="images/vf7.gif" __MsgRemoveFilePath(pType->param.szFileName); } else { MSG_DEBUG("MsgConvertLatin2UTF8FileName(%s) return NULL", pDec); } MSG_DEBUG("szFileName = %s", pType->param.szFileName); break; case MSG_PARAM_TYPE: /* type/subtype of root. Only if content-type is multipart/related */ pType->param.type = _MsgGetCode(MSG_TYPE, pDec); MSG_DEBUG("type = %d", pType->param.type); break; case MSG_PARAM_START: /* Content-id. Only if content-type is multipart/related */ memset (pType->param.szStart, 0, MSG_MSG_ID_LEN + 1); strncpy(pType->param.szStart, pDec, MSG_MSG_ID_LEN); MSG_DEBUG("szStart = %s", pType->param.szStart); break; case MSG_PARAM_START_INFO : /* Only if content-type is multipart/related */ memset (pType->param.szStartInfo, 0, MSG_MSG_ID_LEN + 1); strncpy(pType->param.szStartInfo, pDec, MSG_MSG_ID_LEN); MSG_DEBUG("szStartInfo = %s", pType->param.szStartInfo); break; case MSG_PARAM_REPORT_TYPE : // only used as parameter of Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status; if (pDec != NULL && strcasecmp(pDec, "delivery-status") == 0) { pType->param.reportType = MSG_PARAM_REPORT_TYPE_DELIVERY_STATUS; } else { pType->param.reportType = MSG_PARAM_REPORT_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } MSG_DEBUG("reportType = %s", pDec); break; default: MSG_DEBUG("Unknown paremeter (%s)", pDec); break; } if (pDec) { free(pDec); pDec = NULL; } } pSrc = pNextParam; } return true; } static char *__MsgSkipWS(char *s) { while (true) { if ((*s == MSG_CH_CR) || (*s == MSG_CH_LF) || (*s == MSG_CH_SP) || (*s == MSG_CH_TAB)) { ++s; } else if ((*s != '(') || (__MsgSkipComment(s,(long)NULL)==NULL)) { return s; } } } static char *__MsgSkipComment (char *s,long trim) { char *ret; char *s1 = s; char *t = NULL; // ignore empty space for (ret = ++s1; *ret == ' '; ret++) ; // handle '(', ')', '\', '\0' do { switch (*s1) { case '(': if (!__MsgSkipComment (s1,(long)NULL)) return NULL; t = --s1; break; case ')': s = ++s1; if (trim) { if (t) { t[1] = '\0'; } else { *ret = '\0'; } } return ret; case '\\': if (*++s1) break; case '\0': *s = '\0'; return NULL; case ' ': break; default: t = s1; break; } }while (s1++); /* DEADCODE return NULL; */ } static char *__MsgConvertLatin2UTF8FileName(char *pSrc) { char *pUTF8Buff = NULL; char *pData = NULL; //convert utf8 string if (__MsgIsUTF8String((unsigned char*)pSrc, strlen(pSrc)) == false) { int length = 0; int utf8BufSize = 0; length = strlen(pSrc); utf8BufSize = __MsgGetLatin2UTFCodeSize((unsigned char*)pSrc, length); if (utf8BufSize < 3) utf8BufSize = 3; //min value pUTF8Buff = (char *)malloc(utf8BufSize + 1); if (pUTF8Buff == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pUTF8Buff alloc fail"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MsgLatin2UTF ((unsigned char*)pUTF8Buff, utf8BufSize + 1, (unsigned char*)pSrc, length) < 0) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgLatin2UTF fail"); goto __CATCH; } } else { int length = strlen(pSrc); pUTF8Buff = (char *)calloc(1, length+1); if (pUTF8Buff == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pUTF8Buff alloc fail"); goto __CATCH; } memcpy(pUTF8Buff, pSrc, length); } //convert hex string if (__MsgIsPercentSign(pUTF8Buff) == true) { pData = MsgChangeHexString(pUTF8Buff); if (pData) { strcpy(pUTF8Buff, pData); free(pData); pData = NULL; } } return pUTF8Buff; __CATCH: if (pUTF8Buff) { free(pUTF8Buff); pUTF8Buff = NULL; } return NULL; } static bool __MsgChangeSpace(char *pOrg, char **ppNew) { char *pNew = NULL; int cLen = 0; int cIndex =0; int index = 0; if (pOrg == NULL) return false; cLen = strlen(pOrg); pNew = (char *)malloc(cLen + 1); if (pNew == NULL) return false; memset(pNew, 0, cLen + 1); for (cIndex=0; cIndex vf7.gif if (pPath != NULL && *(pPath+1) != '\0') { strncpy(szFileName, pPath+1, strlen(pPath+1)); strncpy(pSrc, szFileName , strlen(szFileName)); } } // Remove additional file information // ex) Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="060728gibson_210.jpg?size=s" // if "?size=" exist, insert NULL char. { pTemp = strcasestr(pSrc, "?size="); if (pTemp != NULL) *pTemp = '\0'; } } static bool __MsgIsUTF8String(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgIsUTF8String: ---------------"); if (szSrc == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("szSrc is NULL !!!! ---------------"); return true; } while (nChar > 0 && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (*szSrc < 0x80) { szSrc++; nChar--; } else if ((0xC0 <= *szSrc) && (*szSrc < 0xE0)) { if (*(szSrc + 1) >= 0x80) { szSrc += 2; nChar -= 2; } else { MSG_DEBUG("1. NOT utf8 range!"); goto __CATCH; } } else if (*szSrc >= 0xE0) { if (*(szSrc + 1) >= 0x80) { if (*(szSrc + 2) >= 0x80) { szSrc += 3; nChar -= 3; } else { MSG_DEBUG("2. NOT utf8 range!"); goto __CATCH; } } else { MSG_DEBUG("3. NOT utf8 range!"); goto __CATCH; } } else { MSG_DEBUG("4. NOT utf8 range!"); goto __CATCH; } } return true; __CATCH: return false; } static bool __MsgIsPercentSign(char *pSrc) { char *pCh = NULL; bool bRet = false; pCh = strchr(pSrc , '%'); if (pCh != NULL) { bRet = true; } else { bRet = false; } return bRet; } static MsgMultipart *__MsgAllocMultipart(void) { MsgMultipart *pMultipart = NULL; MSG_BEGIN(); pMultipart = (MsgMultipart*)malloc(sizeof(MsgMultipart)); if (pMultipart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pMultipart malloc Fail"); goto __CATCH; } pMultipart->pBody = (MsgBody*)malloc(sizeof(MsgBody)); if (pMultipart->pBody == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pMultipart->pBody malloc Fail"); goto __CATCH; } MmsInitMsgType(&pMultipart->type); MmsInitMsgBody(pMultipart->pBody); pMultipart->pNext = NULL; MSG_END(); return pMultipart; __CATCH: if (pMultipart) { if (pMultipart->pBody) { free(pMultipart->pBody); pMultipart->pBody = NULL; } free(pMultipart); pMultipart = NULL; } return NULL; } static MsgPresentationFactor __MsgIsPresentationEx(MsgType *multipartType, char* szStart, MimeType typeParam) { char szTmpStart[MSG_MSG_ID_LEN + 3] = { 0, }; char szTmpContentID[MSG_MSG_ID_LEN + 3] = { 0, }; char szTmpContentLO[MSG_MSG_ID_LEN + 3] = { 0, }; int strLen = 0; // remove '<' and '>' in Start Param : contentID ex] <0_1.jpg> or <1233445> if (szStart && szStart[0]) { int startLen = 0; startLen = strlen(szStart); if (szStart[0] == '<' && szStart[startLen - 1] == '>') { strncpy(szTmpStart, &szStart[1], startLen - 2); } else { strncpy(szTmpStart, szStart, startLen); } } // remove '<' and '>' in ContentID : contentID ex] <0_1.jpg> or <1233445> if (multipartType->szContentID[0]) { strLen = strlen(multipartType->szContentID); if (multipartType->szContentID[0] == '<' && multipartType->szContentID[strLen - 1] == '>') { strncpy(szTmpContentID, &(multipartType->szContentID[1]), strLen - 2); } else { strncpy(szTmpContentID, multipartType->szContentID, strLen); } } // remove '<' and '>' in ContentLocation : contentID ex] <0_1.jpg> or <1233445> if (multipartType->szContentLocation[0]) { strLen = strlen(multipartType->szContentLocation); if (multipartType->szContentLocation[0] == '<' && multipartType->szContentLocation[strLen - 1] == '>') { strncpy(szTmpContentLO, &multipartType->szContentLocation[1], strLen - 2); } else { strncpy(szTmpContentLO, multipartType->szContentLocation, strLen); } } if ((szTmpContentID[0] == '\0') && (szTmpContentLO[0] == '\0') && (multipartType->type == MIME_UNKNOWN)) return MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; // exception handling if (szTmpStart[0] != '\0') { // presentation part : 1.compare with contentID 2.compare with content Location 3. compare with type if (strcmp(szTmpStart, szTmpContentID) == 0) { return MSG_PRESENTATION_ID; } else if (strcmp(szTmpStart, szTmpContentLO) == 0) { return MSG_PRESENTATION_LOCATION; } else if (multipartType->type == typeParam) { return MSG_PRESENTATION_TYPE_BASE; } else { return MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; } } else { if (multipartType->type == typeParam && typeParam != MIME_UNKNOWN) { return MSG_PRESENTATION_TYPE_BASE; } else { return MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; } } } static void __MsgConfirmPresentationPart(MsgType *pMsgType, MsgBody *pMsgBody, MsgPresentaionInfo *pPresentationInfo) { MSG_BEGIN(); MsgMultipart *pNextPart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pRemovePart = NULL; if (__MsgIsMultipartRelated(pMsgType->type)) { // assign the multipart to presentation part // remove the multipart(pCurPresentation) which is presentation part from the linked list. // if there is no presentation part -> assign first multipart to presentation part by force. if (pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation == NULL) { pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation = pMsgBody->body.pMultipart; pPresentationInfo->pPrevPart = NULL; pPresentationInfo->factor = MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE; } if (pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation != NULL && __MsgIsPresentablePart(pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->type.type)) { /* Presentable Part is some MARK-UP page, such as SMIL, HTML, WML, XHTML. * In this case, COPY the Presentation part and leave other multiparts. */ memcpy(&pMsgBody->presentationType, &pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->type, sizeof(MsgType)); pMsgBody->pPresentationBody = pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pBody; // remove pCurPresentation from multipart linked list if ((pPresentationInfo->factor == MSG_PRESENTATION_NONE)||(pPresentationInfo->pPrevPart == NULL)) { // first part pMsgBody->body.pMultipart = pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pNext; pMsgType->contentSize -= pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pBody->size; pMsgBody->size -= pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pBody->size; if (pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation) { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->type.drmInfo); #endif free(pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation); pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation = NULL; } } else { // not a first part pPresentationInfo->pPrevPart->pNext = pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pNext; pMsgType->contentSize -= pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pBody->size; pMsgBody->size -= pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pBody->size; if (pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation) { free(pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation); pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation = NULL; } } } else if (pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation != NULL && __MsgIsText(pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->type.type)) { /* NON-Presentable Part is some PLAIN part such as, text/plain, multipart/alternative. * In this case, leave the Presentation part as a multipart and remove other multiparts. */ // Backup the multipart link information pNextPart = pMsgBody->body.pMultipart; // Copy presentation part as a main part memcpy(pMsgType, &pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->type, sizeof(MsgType)); memcpy(pMsgBody, pPresentationInfo->pCurPresentation->pBody, sizeof(MsgBody)); // Remove multipart linked list while (pNextPart) { pRemovePart = pNextPart; pNextPart = pNextPart->pNext; if (pRemovePart->pBody) { MmsReleaseMsgBody(pRemovePart->pBody, pRemovePart->type.type); free(pRemovePart->pBody); pRemovePart->pBody = NULL; } free(pRemovePart); pRemovePart = NULL; } } else { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pMsgBody->presentationType.drmInfo); #endif MmsInitMsgType(&pMsgBody->presentationType); pMsgBody->pPresentationBody = NULL; } } MSG_END(); } static bool __MsgIsMultipartRelated(int type) { if (type == MIME_MULTIPART_RELATED || type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_RELATED) { return true; } else { return false; } } static bool __MsgIsPresentablePart(int type) { if (type == MIME_TEXT_HTML || type == MIME_TEXT_VND_WAP_WML || type == MIME_APPLICATION_SMIL) { return true; } else { return false; } } #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ bool MsgCopyDrmInfo(MsgType *pPartType) { char *pExt = NULL; char *pTmpBuf = NULL; //convert application/vnd.oma.drm.content to media type pPartType->type = pPartType->drmInfo.contentType; // fix wrong file name presentation on save media screen. if (pPartType->szContentID[0] == '\0' && pPartType->drmInfo.szContentURI) strncpy(pPartType->szContentID, pPartType->drmInfo.szContentURI, MSG_MSG_ID_LEN); /* set title name (content name) */ if (pPartType->param.szName[0] == '\0') { /* szName is vitual name, real filename is *.dcf or *.dm */ if (pPartType->drmInfo.szContentName && pPartType->drmInfo.szContentName[0] != '\0') { /* In case of szContentName retrieved from DRM agent is exist. */ pTmpBuf = pPartType->drmInfo.szContentName; } else if (pPartType->szContentLocation[0] != '\0') { /* In case of szContentLocation parsed from MMS header */ pTmpBuf = strrchr(pPartType->szContentLocation, '/'); if (pTmpBuf == NULL) pTmpBuf = pPartType->szContentLocation; } else { /* use another name */ /* possible NULL pointer assignment*/ pTmpBuf = strdup("untitled"); } if ((pExt = strrchr(pTmpBuf, '.')) != NULL) { int extLen = 0; int fileNameLen = 0; int tmpLen = 0; extLen = strlen(pExt); tmpLen = strlen(pTmpBuf); fileNameLen = (tmpLen - extLen < MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX - extLen)?(tmpLen - extLen):(MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX - extLen); strncpy(pPartType->param.szName, pTmpBuf, fileNameLen); strcpy (pPartType->param.szName + fileNameLen, pExt); } else { strncpy(pPartType->param.szName, pTmpBuf, MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX); __MsgMakeFileName(pPartType->type, pPartType->param.szName, MSG_DRM_TYPE_NONE, 0, pPartType->param.szName, sizeof(pPartType->param.szName)); } } return true; } #endif static bool __MsgIsText(int type) { if (type == MIME_TEXT_PLAIN || type == MIME_TEXT_HTML || type == MIME_TEXT_VND_WAP_WML || type == MIME_TEXT_X_VNOTE || type == MIME_APPLICATION_SMIL || type == MIME_TEXT_X_IMELODY) { return true; } else { return false; } } static bool __MsgResolveNestedMultipart(MsgType *pPartType, MsgBody *pPartBody) { MSG_BEGIN(); MsgMultipart *pTmpMultipart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pSelectedPart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pPrevPart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pFirstPart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pLastPart = NULL; MsgMultipart *pRemoveList = NULL; MsgMultipart *pNextRemovePart = NULL; switch (pPartType->type) { case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: case MIME_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: /* fixme: * Policy: multipart/alternative * multipart/alternative message has only several parts of media. * You should choose one of them and make the alternative part * to the selected media part. */ MSG_DEBUG("MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE"); pSelectedPart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; // NULL Pointer check!! if (pSelectedPart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("multipart(ALTERNATIVE) does not exist"); break; } pTmpMultipart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart->pNext; while (pTmpMultipart) { if (pSelectedPart->type.type <= pTmpMultipart->type.type) pSelectedPart = pTmpMultipart; pTmpMultipart = pTmpMultipart->pNext; } pTmpMultipart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; pPrevPart = NULL; while (pTmpMultipart) { if (pSelectedPart == pTmpMultipart) break; pPrevPart = pTmpMultipart; pTmpMultipart = pTmpMultipart->pNext; } if (pPrevPart == NULL) { /* selected part is the first part */ pRemoveList = pSelectedPart->pNext; } else { pPrevPart->pNext = pSelectedPart->pNext; pRemoveList = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; pPartBody->body.pMultipart = pSelectedPart; } pSelectedPart->pNext = NULL; if (pRemoveList) { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pRemoveList->type.drmInfo); #endif MmsReleaseMsgBody(pRemoveList->pBody, pRemoveList->type.type); free(pRemoveList->pBody); free(pRemoveList); } if (__MsgCopyNestedMsgType(pPartType, &(pSelectedPart->type)) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgPriorityCopyMsgType failed"); goto __CATCH; } if (pSelectedPart->pBody != NULL) memcpy(pPartBody, pSelectedPart->pBody, sizeof(MsgBody)); if (pSelectedPart != NULL) { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pSelectedPart->type.drmInfo); #endif if (pSelectedPart->pBody != NULL) { free(pSelectedPart->pBody); pSelectedPart->pBody = NULL; } free(pSelectedPart); pSelectedPart = NULL; } break; case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_RELATED: case MIME_MULTIPART_RELATED: MSG_DEBUG("MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_RELATED"); pSelectedPart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; while (pSelectedPart) { if (__MsgIsMultipartMixed(pSelectedPart->type.type)) { if (pSelectedPart->pBody == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pSelectedPart->pBody(1) is NULL"); break; } pFirstPart = pSelectedPart->pBody->body.pMultipart; if (pFirstPart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("multipart(RELATED) does not exist"); break; } if (pFirstPart->pNext) { pLastPart = pFirstPart->pNext; while (pLastPart->pNext) pLastPart = pLastPart->pNext; } else { pLastPart = pFirstPart; } if (pPrevPart == NULL) { /* the first part */ pTmpMultipart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart->pNext; pPartBody->body.pMultipart = pFirstPart; pLastPart->pNext = pTmpMultipart; } else { pTmpMultipart = pSelectedPart->pNext; pPrevPart->pNext = pFirstPart; pLastPart->pNext = pTmpMultipart; } if (pSelectedPart) { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pSelectedPart->type.drmInfo); #endif free(pSelectedPart->pBody); free(pSelectedPart); } pSelectedPart = pTmpMultipart; } else if (__MsgIsMultipartRelated(pSelectedPart->type.type) && pPrevPart != NULL) { pPrevPart->pNext = pTmpMultipart = pSelectedPart->pNext; MmsReleaseMsgBody(pSelectedPart->pBody, pSelectedPart->type.type); free(pSelectedPart->pBody); free(pSelectedPart); pSelectedPart = pTmpMultipart; } else { pPrevPart = pSelectedPart; pSelectedPart = pSelectedPart->pNext; } } break; case MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_MIXED: case MIME_MULTIPART_MIXED: MSG_DEBUG("MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_MIXED"); pPrevPart = NULL; pSelectedPart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; while (pSelectedPart) { if (MsgIsMultipart(pSelectedPart->type.type)) { if (pSelectedPart->pBody == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pSelectedPart->pBody(2) is NULL"); break; } pFirstPart = pSelectedPart->pBody->body.pMultipart; // NULL Pointer check!! if (pFirstPart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("multipart does not exist"); break; } if (pFirstPart->pNext) { pLastPart = pFirstPart->pNext; while (pLastPart->pNext) pLastPart = pLastPart->pNext; } else { pLastPart = pFirstPart; } if (pPrevPart == NULL) { /* the first part */ pTmpMultipart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart->pNext; pPartBody->body.pMultipart = pFirstPart; pLastPart->pNext = pTmpMultipart; } else { pTmpMultipart = pSelectedPart->pNext; pPrevPart->pNext = pFirstPart; pLastPart->pNext = pTmpMultipart; } if (pSelectedPart->pBody->pPresentationBody) pPartBody->pPresentationBody = pSelectedPart->pBody->pPresentationBody; memcpy(&pPartBody->presentationType, &pSelectedPart->pBody->presentationType, sizeof(MsgType)); pPartType->type = pSelectedPart->type.type; #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pSelectedPart->type.drmInfo); #endif free(pSelectedPart->pBody); free(pSelectedPart); pSelectedPart = pTmpMultipart; } else { pPrevPart = pSelectedPart; pSelectedPart = pSelectedPart->pNext; } } break; case MIME_MULTIPART_REPORT: MSG_DEBUG("MIME_MULTIPART_REPORT"); pTmpMultipart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; pPrevPart = NULL; if (pTmpMultipart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pTmpMultipart == NULL"); return false; } while (pTmpMultipart) { if (pTmpMultipart->type.type == MIME_TEXT_PLAIN) { pSelectedPart = pTmpMultipart; break; } pPrevPart = pTmpMultipart; pTmpMultipart = pTmpMultipart->pNext; } if (pSelectedPart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MIME_MULTIPART_REPORT [no selected part]"); pRemoveList = pPartBody->body.pMultipart->pNext; if (pPartBody->body.pMultipart != NULL) { pSelectedPart = pPartBody->body.pMultipart; pSelectedPart->pNext = NULL; } } else { if (pPrevPart == NULL) { // first part is selected pRemoveList = pPartBody->body.pMultipart->pNext; } else { pRemoveList = pPartBody->body.pMultipart->pNext; pPrevPart->pNext = pSelectedPart->pNext; } pSelectedPart->pNext = NULL; pPartBody->body.pMultipart = pSelectedPart; } pTmpMultipart = pRemoveList; while (pTmpMultipart) { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pTmpMultipart->type.drmInfo); #endif MmsReleaseMsgBody(pTmpMultipart->pBody, pTmpMultipart->type.type); pNextRemovePart = pTmpMultipart->pNext; free(pTmpMultipart->pBody); free(pTmpMultipart); pTmpMultipart = pNextRemovePart; } if (__MsgCopyNestedMsgType(pPartType, &(pSelectedPart->type)) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgPriorityCopyMsgType failed"); goto __CATCH; } if (pSelectedPart != NULL) { if (pSelectedPart->pBody != NULL) memcpy(pPartBody, pSelectedPart->pBody, sizeof(MsgBody)); #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ MmsReleaseMsgDRMInfo(&pSelectedPart->type.drmInfo); #endif if (pSelectedPart->pBody != NULL) { free(pSelectedPart->pBody); pSelectedPart->pBody = NULL; } free(pSelectedPart); pSelectedPart = NULL; } break; default: break; } MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: return false; } char *MsgResolveContentURI(char *szSrc) { char *szTemp = NULL; char *szReturn = NULL; int length = 0; if (szSrc == NULL) { goto __CATCH; } if (szSrc[0] == '\0') goto __CATCH; if (!strncasecmp(szSrc, "cid:", 4)) { length = strlen(szSrc) - 3; szSrc += 4; } else { length = strlen(szSrc) + 1; } szTemp = (char *)malloc(length); if (szTemp == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("memory full"); goto __CATCH; } memset(szTemp, 0, length); strcpy(szTemp, szSrc); szReturn = MsgChangeHexString(szTemp); if (szTemp) { free(szTemp); szTemp = NULL; } return szReturn; __CATCH: return NULL; } char *MsgRemoveQuoteFromFilename(char *pSrc) { int cLen = 0; // length of pBuff char *pBuff = NULL; if (pSrc == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pSrc is Null"); return NULL; } cLen = strlen(pSrc); pBuff = (char *)malloc(cLen + 1); if (pBuff == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pBuff mem alloc fail!"); return NULL; } memset(pBuff, 0 , sizeof(char)*(cLen + 1)); // remove front quote if (pSrc[0] == MSG_CH_QUOT) { cLen--; strncpy(pBuff, &pSrc[1], cLen); pBuff[cLen] = '\0'; } if (pSrc[0] == MSG_CH_LF) { cLen--; strncpy(pBuff, &pSrc[1], cLen); } else { strcpy(pBuff, pSrc); } // remove last qoute if (pBuff[cLen-1] == MSG_CH_QUOT) { pBuff[cLen-1] = '\0'; } return pBuff; } bool MsgIsMultipart(int type) { if (type == MIME_MULTIPART_RELATED || type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_MIXED || type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_RELATED || type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_ASTERIC || type == MIME_MULTIPART_MIXED || type == MIME_MULTIPART_REPORT) { return true; } else { return false; } } static bool __MsgIsHexChar(char *pSrc) { int cIndex = 0; int cLen = 0; bool bRet = false; cLen = strlen(pSrc); for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < cLen ; cIndex++) { if ((pSrc[cIndex] >= '0' && pSrc[cIndex] <= '9') || (pSrc[cIndex] >= 'A'&& pSrc[cIndex] <= 'F') || (pSrc[cIndex] >= 'a' && pSrc[cIndex] <= 'f')) { bRet = true; } else { return false; } } return bRet; } static char __MsgConvertHexValue(char *pSrc) { int ch = 0; int cIndex = 0; int cLen = 0; char ResultChar; unsigned char uCh[2] = {0,}; cLen = strlen(pSrc); for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < cLen ; cIndex += 2) { uCh[0] = __MsgConvertCharToInt(pSrc[cIndex]); uCh[1] = __MsgConvertCharToInt(pSrc[cIndex+1]); ch = (int)uCh[0]<<4|uCh[1]; } ResultChar = (char)ch; return ResultChar; } static int __MsgConvertCharToInt(char ch) { if (ch>='0' && ch<='9') { return ch - '0'; } else if (ch>='a'&& ch <='f') { return ch -'a'+10; } else if (ch>='A'&& ch <='F') { return ch -'A'+10; } else { return 0; } } static bool __MsgCopyNestedMsgType(MsgType *pMsgType1, MsgType *pMsgType2) { if(!pMsgType1 || !pMsgType2) return false; if (pMsgType1->section == INVALID_HOBJ) pMsgType1->section = pMsgType2->section; #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ int length = 0; if (pMsgType1->drmInfo.drmType == MSG_DRM_TYPE_NONE) pMsgType1->drmInfo.drmType = pMsgType2->drmInfo.drmType; if (pMsgType1->szContentID[0] == '\0') { strcpy(pMsgType1->szContentID, pMsgType2->szContentID); if (pMsgType2->szContentID[0]) { length = MsgStrlen(pMsgType2->szContentID); if (pMsgType2->szContentID[0] == '<' && pMsgType2->szContentID[length - 1] == '>') { pMsgType1->drmInfo.szContentURI = MsgStrNCopy(pMsgType2->szContentID + 1, length - 2); } else { pMsgType1->drmInfo.szContentURI = MsgStrCopy(pMsgType2->szContentID); } } } else { length = MsgStrlen(pMsgType1->szContentID); if (pMsgType1->szContentID[0] == '<' && pMsgType1->szContentID[length - 1] == '>') { pMsgType1->drmInfo.szContentURI = MsgStrNCopy(pMsgType1->szContentID + 1, length - 2); } else { pMsgType1->drmInfo.szContentURI = MsgStrCopy(pMsgType1->szContentID); } } #endif if (pMsgType1->szContentLocation[0] == '\0') strcpy(pMsgType1->szContentLocation, pMsgType2->szContentLocation); /* Copy informations - we shoud open the pMsgType2's orgFile * concerning its offset and size. */ if (pMsgType2->szOrgFilePath[0] != '\0') strcpy(pMsgType1->szOrgFilePath, pMsgType2->szOrgFilePath); if (pMsgType2->disposition != INVALID_HOBJ) pMsgType1->disposition = pMsgType2->disposition; if ((pMsgType1->type != MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_MESSAGE && pMsgType1->type != MIME_APPLICATION_VND_OMA_DRM_CONTENT) && pMsgType2->encoding != INVALID_HOBJ) pMsgType1->encoding = pMsgType2->encoding; pMsgType1->contentSize = pMsgType2->contentSize; pMsgType1->offset = pMsgType2->offset; pMsgType1->size = pMsgType2->size; pMsgType1->type = pMsgType2->type; __MsgCopyNestedMsgParam(&(pMsgType1->param), &(pMsgType2->param)); if (pMsgType1->param.szName[0]) { #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ pMsgType1->drmInfo.szContentName = MsgStrCopy(pMsgType2->param.szName); #endif } return true; } static bool __MsgCopyNestedMsgParam(MsgContentParam *pParam1, MsgContentParam *pParam2) { if (pParam1->charset == MSG_CHARSET_UNKNOWN) pParam1->charset = pParam2->charset; if (pParam1->type == MIME_UNKNOWN) pParam1->type = pParam2->type; /* Don't copy pParam2->pPresentation */ /* For alternative: copy the boundary string */ if (pParam2->szBoundary[0] !='\0') strcpy(pParam1->szBoundary, pParam2->szBoundary); if (pParam1->szFileName[0] =='\0') strcpy(pParam1->szFileName, pParam2->szFileName); if (pParam1->szName[0] =='\0') strcpy(pParam1->szName, pParam2->szName); if (pParam1->szStart[0] =='\0') strcpy(pParam1->szStart, pParam2->szStart); if (pParam1->szStartInfo[0] =='\0') strcpy(pParam1->szStartInfo, pParam2->szStartInfo); return true; } static bool __MsgIsMultipartMixed(int type) { if (type == MIME_APPLICATION_VND_WAP_MULTIPART_MIXED || type == MIME_MULTIPART_MIXED) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool MmsGetMsgAttrib(MmsMsgID msgID, MmsAttrib* pAttrib) { MmsMsg *pMsg = NULL; memset(pAttrib, 0, sizeof(MmsAttrib)); MmsPluginStorage::instance()->getMmsMessage(&pMsg); memcpy(pAttrib, &(pMsg->mmsAttrib), sizeof(MmsAttrib)); MSG_DEBUG("msgID = %lu ---------------------\n", msgID); if ('\0' != pMsg->szTrID[0]) MSG_DEBUG("szTrID = %s \n", pMsg->szTrID); MSG_END(); return true; } static bool __MsgIsInvalidFileNameChar(char ch) { if ((ch == 0x5C /* \ */) || (ch == 0x2F /* / */) || (ch == 0x3A /* : */) || (ch == 0x2A /* * */) || (ch == 0x3F /* ? */) || (ch == 0x22 /* " */) || (ch == 0x3C /* < */) || (ch == 0x3E /* > */) || (ch == 0x7C /* | */)) return true; return false; } bool MmsDataUpdateLastStatus(MmsMsg *pMsg) { MmsMsgMultiStatus* pStatus = NULL; pStatus = pMsg->mmsAttrib.pMultiStatus; while (pStatus != NULL) { pStatus->bDeliveyrReportIsLast = false; pStatus->bReadReplyIsLast = false; pStatus = pStatus->pNext; } return true; } bool MmsAddrUtilCompareAddr(char *pszAddr1, char *pszAddr2) { int len1; int len2; char *p; MmsAddrUtilRemovePlmnString(pszAddr1); MmsAddrUtilRemovePlmnString(pszAddr2); MSG_DEBUG("##### pszAddr1 = %s #####", pszAddr1); MSG_DEBUG("##### pszAddr2 = %s #####", pszAddr2); if (!strcmp(pszAddr1, pszAddr2)) return true; len1 = strlen(pszAddr1); len2 = strlen(pszAddr2); if (len1 > len2) { p = strstr(pszAddr1, pszAddr2); } else { p = strstr(pszAddr2, pszAddr1); } if (p) return true; return false; } static int __MsgGetLatin2UTFCodeSize(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { int nCount = 0; MSG_DEBUG("---------------"); if ((szSrc == NULL) || (nChar <= 0)) { MSG_DEBUG("szSrc is NULL !!!! ---------------"); return 0; } while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (0x01 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x7F) { nCount += 1; szSrc++; nChar--; } else { nCount += 2; szSrc++; nChar--; } } return nCount; } static int __MsgLatin5code2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { unsigned char *org; unsigned char t1; unsigned char t2; unsigned short temp = 0; org = des; outBufSize--; //Null Character while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (*szSrc >= 0x01 && *szSrc <= 0x7F) { //basic common temp = (unsigned short)(*szSrc); outBufSize --; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = (unsigned char) ((*szSrc) & 0x007F); des++; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if ((*szSrc == 0x00) || (*szSrc >= 0x80 && *szSrc <= 0x9F) || (*szSrc >= 0xA0 && *szSrc <= 0xCF) || (*szSrc >= 0xD1 && *szSrc <= 0xDC) || (*szSrc >= 0xDF && *szSrc <= 0xEF) || (*szSrc >= 0xF1 && *szSrc <= 0xFC) || (*szSrc == 0xFF)) {//uni 0x00A0 ~ 0x00CF temp = (unsigned short)(*szSrc); outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xD0) {//empty section OR vendor specific codes. temp = 0x011E; outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xDD) { temp = 0x0130; outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xDE) { temp = 0x015E; outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xF0) { temp = 0x011F; outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xFD) { temp = 0x0131; outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xFE) { temp = 0x015F; outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else { return -1; } } __RETURN: *des = 0; return(des-org); } static int __MsgGetLatin52UTFCodeSize(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { int nCount = 0; MSG_DEBUG("---------------"); if ((szSrc == NULL) || (nChar <= 0)) return 0; while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (*szSrc >= 0x01 && *szSrc <= 0x7F) { nCount += 1; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if (*szSrc == 0x00 || (*szSrc >= 0x80 && *szSrc <= 0x9F) || (*szSrc >= 0xA0 && *szSrc <= 0xCF) || (*szSrc >= 0xD1 && *szSrc <= 0xDC) || (*szSrc >= 0xDF && *szSrc <= 0xEF) || (*szSrc >= 0xF1 && *szSrc <= 0xFC) || *szSrc == 0xD0 || *szSrc == 0xDD || *szSrc == 0xDE || *szSrc == 0xF0 || *szSrc == 0xFD || *szSrc == 0xFE || *szSrc == 0xFF) { //uni 0x00A0 ~ 0x00CF nCount += 2; szSrc++; nChar--; } else { return -1; } } return nCount; } static int __MsgLatin2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { unsigned char* org; unsigned char t1, t2; MSG_DEBUG("---------------"); org = des; outBufSize--; // NULL character while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (0x01 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x7F) { /* check outbuffer's room for this UTF8 character */ outBufSize --; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = (unsigned char) (*szSrc & 0x007F); des++; szSrc++; nChar--; } else { /* check outbuffer's room for this UTF8 character */ outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (*szSrc & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((*szSrc & 0xC0) >> 6); // right most 2 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des + 1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } } __RETURN: *des = 0; return (des - org); } static int __MsgLatin7code2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { unsigned char *org; unsigned char t1; unsigned char t2; unsigned char t3; unsigned short temp = 0; MSG_DEBUG("---------------"); org = des; outBufSize--; //Null Character while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (*szSrc >= 0x01 && *szSrc <= 0x7F) { temp = (unsigned short)(*szSrc); outBufSize --; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x007F); des++; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if ((*szSrc == 0x00) || (*szSrc >= 0x80 && *szSrc <= 0x9F) || (*szSrc >= 0xA3 && *szSrc <= 0xAD) || (*szSrc == 0xBB)) { // consider 0xA4, 0xA5 temp = (unsigned short)(*szSrc); outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0xC0) >> 6); // right most 2 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des + 1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xA0) { temp = 0x0020; //*des = temp to utf-8 outBufSize--; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x007F); des++; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if (*szSrc == 0xA1) { temp = 0x2018; outBufSize -= 3; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t3 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t2 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0xF000) >> 12); // right most 4 bit *des = 0xE0 | (t1 & 0x0F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); *(des+2) = 0x80 | (t3 & 0x3F); des += 3; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xA2) { temp = 0x2019; outBufSize -= 3; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t3 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t2 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0xF000) >> 12); // right most 4 bit *des = 0xE0 | (t1 & 0x0F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); *(des+2) = 0x80 | (t3 & 0x3F); des += 3; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (*szSrc == 0xAF) { temp = 0x2015; outBufSize -= 3; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t3 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t2 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0xF000) >> 12); // right most 4 bit *des = 0xE0 | (t1 & 0x0F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); *(des+2) = 0x80 | (t3 & 0x3F); des += 3; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if (0xB0 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xB4) { //0x00B0 ~ 0x00B4 temp = (unsigned short)(*szSrc); outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else if ((0xB5 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xBA) || (0xBC <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xD1) || (0xD3 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xFE)) { temp= (unsigned short)(*szSrc + 0x02D0); outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (temp & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((temp & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else { return -1; } } __RETURN: *des = 0; return(des - org); } static int __MsgGetLatin72UTFCodeSize(unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { int nCount = 0; MSG_DEBUG(" ---------------"); if ((szSrc == NULL) || (nChar <= 0)) return 0; while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if ((*szSrc >= 0x01 && *szSrc <= 0x7F) || (*szSrc == 0xA0)) { nCount += 1; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if (*szSrc == 0x00 || (0x80 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x9F) || (0xA3 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xAD) || (0xB0 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xB4) || (0xB5 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0xFE)) { nCount += 2; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if (*szSrc == 0xA1 ||*szSrc == 0xA2 || *szSrc == 0xAF) { nCount += 3; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else { return -1; } } return nCount; } static int __MsgUnicode2UTF(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned short *szSrc, int nChar) { unsigned char *org; unsigned char t1; unsigned char t2; unsigned char t3; MSG_DEBUG(" ---------------"); org = des; outBufSize--; // NULL character while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (0x0001 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x007F) { /* check outbuffer's room for this UTF8 character */ outBufSize --; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = (unsigned char) (*szSrc & 0x007F); des++; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if ((*szSrc == 0x0000) || (0x0080 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x07FF)) { /* check outbuffer's room for this UTF8 character */ outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t2 = (unsigned char) (*szSrc & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((*szSrc & 0x07C0) >> 6); // right most 5 bit *des = 0xC0 | (t1 & 0x1F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); des += 2; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } else { /* check outbuffer's room for this UTF8 character */ outBufSize -= 3; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; t3 = (unsigned char) (*szSrc & 0x003F); // right most 6 bit t2 = (unsigned char) ((*szSrc & 0x0FC0) >> 6); // right most 6 bit t1 = (unsigned char) ((*szSrc & 0xF000) >> 12); // right most 4 bit *des = 0xE0 | (t1 & 0x0F); *(des+1) = 0x80 | (t2 & 0x3F); *(des+2) = 0x80 | (t3 & 0x3F); des += 3; szSrc += 1; nChar -= 1; } } __RETURN: *des = 0; return (des - org); } static int __MsgGetUnicode2UTFCodeSize(unsigned short *szSrc, int nChar) { int nCount = 0; MSG_DEBUG(" ---------------"); if ((szSrc == NULL) || (nChar <= 0)) { MSG_DEBUG("szSrc is NULL !!!! ---------------"); return 0; } while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (0x0001 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x007F) { nCount += 1; szSrc++; nChar--; } else if ((*szSrc == 0x0000) || (0x0080 <= *szSrc && *szSrc <= 0x07FF)) { nCount += 2; szSrc++; nChar--; } else { nCount += 3; szSrc++; nChar--; } } return nCount; } static bool __MmsAddrUtilCheckEmailAddress(char *pszAddr) { if (!pszAddr || pszAddr[0] == 0) return false; if (!strchr (pszAddr, MSG_MMS_CH_EMAIL_AT)) return false; return true; } bool MmsAddrUtilRemovePlmnString(char *pszAddr) { char *pszAddrCopy = NULL; char *pszStrStart = NULL; char *pszStrTemp = NULL; int strLen = 0; if ((!pszAddr) || (pszAddr[0] == 0)) { MSG_DEBUG("pszAddr is null or zero"); return false; } strLen = strlen(pszAddr); pszAddrCopy = (char*)calloc(1,strLen + 1); if (!pszAddrCopy) { MSG_DEBUG("pszAddrCopy is NULL, mem alloc failed"); return false; } strcpy(pszAddrCopy, pszAddr); pszAddr[0] = 0; pszStrStart = pszAddrCopy; while (true) { char* pszStrEnd = NULL; int addressLen = 0; if (__MmsAddrUtilCheckEmailAddress(pszAddrCopy)) pszStrEnd = strstr(pszStrStart, "/TYPE=PLMN"); else pszStrEnd = strstr(pszStrStart, "/"); if (!pszStrEnd) { // "/TYPE=PLMN" not found int remainedLen = strlen(pszStrStart); if (remainedLen <= 0) break; strcat(pszAddr, pszStrStart); break; } // Get one address length addressLen = pszStrEnd - pszStrStart; strncat(pszAddr, pszStrStart, addressLen); // Find next address pszStrStart = pszStrEnd; pszStrTemp = strstr(pszStrStart, MSG_MMS_STR_ADDR_DELIMETER); if (pszStrTemp) { addressLen = pszStrTemp - pszStrEnd; pszStrStart += addressLen; } else { pszStrStart += strlen(pszStrEnd); } if (pszStrStart[0] == 0) // end of string break; strcat(pszAddr, MSG_MMS_STR_ADDR_DELIMETER); // add ';' pszStrStart++; // remove ';' } if (pszAddr[0] == 0) strcpy(pszAddr, pszAddrCopy); free(pszAddrCopy); return true; } static int __MsgCutUTFString(unsigned char *des, int outBufSize, unsigned char *szSrc, int nChar) { unsigned char *org; MSG_DEBUG("---------------"); org = des; outBufSize--; // NULL character while ((nChar > 0) && (*szSrc != '\0')) { if (*szSrc < 0x80) { outBufSize --; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = *szSrc; des++; szSrc++; } else if (((0xC0 <= *szSrc) && (*szSrc < 0xE0)) && (*(szSrc+1) >= 0x80)) { outBufSize -= 2; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = *szSrc; *(des + 1) = *(szSrc + 1); des += 2; szSrc += 2; } else if ((*szSrc >= 0xE0) && (*(szSrc+1) >= 0x80) && (*(szSrc+2) >= 0x80)) { outBufSize -= 3; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = *szSrc; *(des + 1) = *(szSrc + 1); *(des + 2) = *(szSrc + 2); des += 3; szSrc += 3; } else { outBufSize --; if (outBufSize < 0) goto __RETURN; *des = *szSrc; des++; szSrc++; MSG_DEBUG("utf8 incorrect range!"); } nChar--; } __RETURN: *des = 0; return (des - org); } static void __MsgMIMERemoveQuote(char *szSrc) { int length = 0; length = MsgStrlen(szSrc); if (szSrc[0] == MSG_CH_QUOT && szSrc[length-1] == MSG_CH_QUOT) { int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < length-2; index++) szSrc[index] = szSrc[index+1]; szSrc[index] = '\0'; } } static bool __MsgLoadDataToDecodeBuffer(FILE *pFile, char **ppBuf, int *pPtr, int *pOffset, char *pInBuf1, char *pInBuf2, int maxLen, int *pBufLen, int endOfFile) { MSG_BEGIN(); int nRead = 0; int length= 0; if (pFile == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Error"); *pBufLen = 0; return false; } if (pPtr == NULL || pInBuf1 == NULL || pInBuf2 == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Error"); *pBufLen = 0; return false; } if (*pBufLen == 0) { length = maxLen - (*pPtr); } else { length = (*pBufLen) - (*pPtr); } if (length < 0) length = 0; if ((*ppBuf) == NULL) { memset(pInBuf1, 0, maxLen); (*ppBuf) = pInBuf1; } else if ((*ppBuf) == pInBuf1) { memset(pInBuf2, 0, maxLen); if (length) memcpy(pInBuf2, pInBuf1 + (*pPtr), length); (*ppBuf) = pInBuf2; } else { memset(pInBuf1, 0, maxLen); if (length) memcpy(pInBuf1, pInBuf2 + (*pPtr), length); (*ppBuf) = pInBuf1; } (*pPtr) = 0; if (*pOffset == endOfFile) { *pBufLen = length; return true; } if (maxLen == length) { /* (*pPtr) was 0 */ if (MsgReadFileForDecode(pFile, (*ppBuf), maxLen, &nRead) == false) return false; *pBufLen = nRead; } else { if (MsgReadFileForDecode(pFile, (*ppBuf) + length, maxLen - length, &nRead) == false) return false; *pBufLen = length + nRead; } if ((*pOffset = MsgFtell(pFile)) == -1L) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgFtell Error"); return false; } MSG_END(); return true; } bool MsgGetTypeByFileName(int *type, char *szFileName) { char *pExt = NULL; AvCodecType AvType = AV_CODEC_NONE; pExt = strrchr(szFileName, '.'); if (pExt == NULL || pExt[0] == '\0') goto __CATCH; pExt++; if (strcasecmp(pExt, "mp4") == 0 ||strcasecmp(pExt, "mpeg4") == 0 ||strcasecmp(pExt, "3gp") == 0 ||strcasecmp(pExt, "3gpp") == 0) { if (szFileName[0] != '/') goto __CATCH; AvType = AvGetFileCodecType(szFileName); MSG_DEBUG("AvType(0x%x)\n", AvType); switch (AvType) { case AV_DEC_AUDIO_MPEG4: *type = MIME_AUDIO_MP4; break; case AV_DEC_VIDEO_MPEG4: *type = MIME_VIDEO_MP4; break; default: *type = MIME_VIDEO_3GPP; break; } return true; } if (strcasecmp(pExt, "amr") == 0) { *type = MIME_AUDIO_AMR; return true; } else if ((strcasecmp(pExt, "mid") == 0) || (strcasecmp(pExt, "midi") == 0)) { *type = MIME_AUDIO_MIDI; return true; } else if (strcasecmp(pExt, "imy") == 0) { *type = MIME_TEXT_X_IMELODY; return true; } *type = MimeGetMimeFromExtInt((const char*)pExt); MSG_DEBUG("filename [%s], type [%d]", szFileName, *type); return true; __CATCH: *type = MIME_UNKNOWN; MSG_DEBUG("filename [%s], type [%d]", szFileName, *type); return false; } /* * This function write media data from raw data to file. * @param pMsg * @param pPartBody * @param pszMailboxPath : path of mailbox * @param pszMsgFilename : name of msg file * @param index : used for file naming * @param bSave : if true, file will be save otherwise just filename will be stored. */ static bool __MmsMultipartSaveAsTempFile(MsgType *pPartType, MsgBody *pPartBody, char *pszMailboxPath, char *pszMsgFilename, int index, bool bSave) { FILE *pFile = NULL; char szFileName[MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1] = {0, }; // file name of temp file char szFullPath[MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX] = {0, }; // full absolute path of temp file. bool bFileExist = false; MSG_BEGIN(); if (!pPartType) { MSG_DEBUG("pPartType is NULL"); return false; } if (pPartType->type == MIME_APPLICATION_SMIL) { snprintf(szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s", "smil.txt"); } else { if (pPartType->param.szName[0] != '\0') { snprintf(szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s", pPartType->param.szName); } else if (pPartType->param.szFileName[0] != '\0') { snprintf(szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s", pPartType->param.szFileName); } else { snprintf(szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%lu", (unsigned long)index); } } #ifndef __SUPPORT_DRM__ __MsgMakeFileName(pPartType->type, szFileName, 0); //FL & CD -> extension(.dm) SD -> extension(.dcf) #else __MsgMakeFileName(pPartType->type, szFileName, pPartType->drmInfo.drmType, 0, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)); //FL & CD -> extension(.dm) SD -> extension(.dcf) if (MsgDRMIsForwardLockType(pPartType->drmInfo.drmType)) MsgChangeDrm2FileName(szFileName); #endif snprintf(szFullPath, MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX, "%s%s.dir/%s", pszMailboxPath, pszMsgFilename, szFileName); // get absolute path of each temp file of each part snprintf(pPartType->param.szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s.dir/%s", pszMsgFilename, szFileName);// store relative path of each temp file of each part including sub folder. if (pPartType->param.szName[0] == '\0') { snprintf(pPartType->param.szName, MSG_LOCALE_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s", szFileName); MSG_DEBUG("Set Name : %s", pPartType->param.szName); } if (pPartType->type == MIME_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) MsgGetTypeByFileName(&pPartType->type, szFullPath); // save file bFileExist = MsgAccessFile(szFullPath, F_OK); MSG_DEBUG("save flag [%d], filepath [%s], file exist [%d]", bSave, szFullPath, bFileExist); if (bSave == true && bFileExist == false) { if ((pFile = MsgOpenFile(szFullPath, "wb+")) == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("MsgOpenFile failed"); goto __CATCH; } if (__MmsGetMediaPartData(pPartType, pPartBody, pFile) == false) { MSG_DEBUG("MmsGetMediaPartData fail [index:%d]\n", index); goto __CATCH; } MsgCloseFile(pFile); pFile = NULL; snprintf(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath, sizeof(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath), "%s", szFullPath); pPartBody->offset = 0; pPartBody->size = MsgGetFileSize(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath); if (pPartType->drmInfo.drmType != MSG_DRM_TYPE_NONE) { MsgDrmRegisterFile(MSG_MODE_FILE, szFullPath, strlen(szFullPath)); /* change szDrm2FullPath as current content path*/ if (pPartType->drmInfo.szDrm2FullPath) { free(pPartType->drmInfo.szDrm2FullPath); pPartType->drmInfo.szDrm2FullPath = MsgStrCopy(szFullPath); } } MSG_DEBUG("Save Part File to [%s]", pPartBody->szOrgFilePath); } else { snprintf(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath, sizeof(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath), "%s", szFullPath); pPartBody->offset = 0; pPartBody->size = MsgGetFileSize(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath); MSG_DEBUG("Set Part File to [%s]", pPartBody->szOrgFilePath); } MSG_END(); return true; __CATCH: if (pFile != NULL) { MsgCloseFile(pFile); pFile = NULL; } MSG_END(); return false; } bool __MmsGetMediaPartData(MsgType *pPartType, MsgBody *pPartBody, FILE* pFile) { int nRead = 0; int nRead2 = 0; char *pData = NULL; char *pNewData = NULL; char *pTempData = NULL; int msgEncodingValue = 0; int msgTypeValue = 0; int msgCharsetValue = 0; int cidLen = 0; char *szCid = NULL; int offset = 0; int size = 0; msgEncodingValue = pPartType->encoding; msgTypeValue = pPartType->type; msgCharsetValue = pPartType->param.charset; cidLen = MsgStrlen(szCid); offset = pPartBody->offset; size = pPartBody->size; if (pPartBody->szOrgFilePath[0]) { pTempData = MsgOpenAndReadMmsFile(pPartBody->szOrgFilePath, offset, size, &nRead); if (pTempData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pTempData read fail"); goto __CATCH; } pData = pTempData; } else if (pPartBody->body.pText) { pData = pPartBody->body.pText; nRead = pPartBody->size; } if (pData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("there is no data"); goto __RETURN; } pNewData = __MmsGetBinaryUTF8Data(pData, nRead, msgEncodingValue, msgTypeValue, msgCharsetValue, &nRead2); pPartType->encoding = MSG_ENCODING_BINARY; if (__MsgIsText(msgTypeValue)) pPartType->param.charset = MSG_CHARSET_UTF8; if (MsgWriteFile(pNewData, sizeof(char), nRead2, pFile) != (size_t)nRead2) { MSG_DEBUG("file writing fail"); goto __CATCH; } __RETURN: if (pNewData) { free(pNewData); pNewData = NULL; } if (pTempData) { free(pTempData); pTempData = NULL; } return true; __CATCH: if (pNewData) { free(pNewData); pNewData = NULL; } if (pTempData) { free(pTempData); pTempData = NULL; } return false; } static char *__MmsGetBinaryUTF8Data(char *pData, int nRead, int msgEncodingValue, int msgTypeValue, int msgCharsetValue, int *npRead) { int nChar = 0; int nByte = 0; int nTemp = 0; char *pTemp = NULL; unsigned short *mszTempStr = NULL; char *pConvertedStr = NULL; char *pConvertedData = NULL; char *pNewData = NULL; char *pReturnData = NULL; switch (msgEncodingValue) { case MSG_ENCODING_BASE64: pConvertedData = (char*)MsgDecodeBase64((UCHAR*)pData, (ULONG)nRead, (ULONG*)&nByte); MSG_DEBUG("MSG_ENCODING_BASE64 bodyLength [%d]", nByte); pTemp = pConvertedData; nTemp = nByte; break; case MSG_ENCODING_QUOTE_PRINTABLE: pConvertedData = (char*)MsgDecodeQuotePrintable((UCHAR*)pData, (ULONG)nRead, (ULONG*)&nByte); MSG_DEBUG("MSG_ENCODING_QUOTE_PRINTABLE bodyLength [%d]", nByte); pTemp = pConvertedData; nTemp = nByte; break; default: MSG_DEBUG("encoding val [%d] bodyLength [%d]", msgEncodingValue, nRead); pTemp = pData; nTemp = nRead; break; } if (__MsgIsText(msgTypeValue)) { /* charset converting */ switch (msgCharsetValue) { case MSG_CHARSET_UTF16: case MSG_CHARSET_USC2: MSG_DEBUG("MSG_CHARSET_USC2"); if (((UINT8)pTemp[0]) == 0xFF && ((UINT8)pTemp[1]) == 0xFE) { nChar = (nTemp / 2 - 1); mszTempStr = (unsigned short*) malloc(nChar * sizeof(unsigned short)); if (mszTempStr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Memory Full !!!"); goto __CATCH; } memcpy(mszTempStr, ((unsigned short*)pTemp + 1), nChar * sizeof(unsigned short)); nByte = __MsgGetUnicode2UTFCodeSize(((unsigned short*)pTemp + 1), nChar); if (nByte < 3) nByte = 3; //min value pConvertedStr = (char *)malloc(nByte + 1); if (pConvertedStr != NULL) __MsgUnicode2UTF ((unsigned char*)pConvertedStr, nByte + 1, mszTempStr, nChar); } else { nChar = (nTemp / 2); mszTempStr = (unsigned short*) malloc(nChar * sizeof(unsigned short)); if (mszTempStr == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Memory Full !!!"); goto __CATCH; } memcpy(mszTempStr, ((unsigned short*)pTemp), nChar * sizeof(unsigned short)); nByte = __MsgGetUnicode2UTFCodeSize(((unsigned short*)pTemp), nChar); pConvertedStr = (char *)malloc(nByte + 1); if (pConvertedStr) __MsgUnicode2UTF ((unsigned char*)pConvertedStr, nByte + 1, mszTempStr, nChar); } if (pConvertedStr != NULL) pNewData = pConvertedStr; *npRead = nByte + 1; break; case MSG_CHARSET_US_ASCII: MSG_DEBUG("MSG_CHARSET_US_ASCII"); /* fall through */ case MSG_CHARSET_UTF8: MSG_DEBUG("MSG_CHARSET_UTF8 or Others"); // skip BOM (Byte Order Mark) bytes .. (Please refer to the http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM) if (nTemp >= 3) { if (((UINT8)pTemp[0]) == 0xEF && ((UINT8)pTemp[1]) == 0xBB && ((UINT8)pTemp[2]) == 0xBF) { pTemp += 3; nTemp -= 3; } } pNewData = pTemp; *npRead = nTemp; break; case MSG_CHARSET_ISO_8859_7: /* Greek */ MSG_DEBUG("MSG_CHARSET_ISO_8859_7"); nByte = __MsgGetLatin72UTFCodeSize((unsigned char*)pTemp, nTemp); pConvertedStr = (char *)malloc(nByte + 1); if (pConvertedStr) __MsgLatin7code2UTF((unsigned char*)pConvertedStr, nByte + 1, (unsigned char*)pTemp, nTemp); pNewData = pConvertedStr; *npRead = nByte + 1; break; case MSG_CHARSET_ISO_8859_9: /* Turkish */ MSG_DEBUG("MSG_CHARSET_ISO_8859_9"); nByte = __MsgGetLatin52UTFCodeSize((unsigned char*)pTemp, nTemp); pConvertedStr = (char *)malloc(nByte + 1); if (pConvertedStr) __MsgLatin5code2UTF((unsigned char*)pConvertedStr, nByte + 1, (unsigned char*)pTemp, nTemp); pNewData = pConvertedStr; *npRead = nByte + 1; break; default: MSG_DEBUG("Other charsets"); nByte = __MsgGetLatin2UTFCodeSize((unsigned char*)pTemp, nTemp); pConvertedStr = (char *)malloc(nByte + 1); if (pConvertedStr) __MsgLatin2UTF((unsigned char*)pConvertedStr, nByte + 1, (unsigned char*)pTemp, nTemp); pNewData = pConvertedStr; *npRead = nByte + 1; break; } } else { pNewData = pTemp; *npRead = nTemp; } pReturnData = (char *)malloc(*npRead); if (pReturnData == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("pReturnData alloc fail."); goto __CATCH; } if (pNewData != NULL) { memset(pReturnData, 0, *npRead); memcpy(pReturnData, pNewData, *npRead); } if (pConvertedData) { free(pConvertedData); pConvertedData = NULL; } if (pConvertedStr) { free(pConvertedStr); pConvertedStr = NULL; } if (mszTempStr) { free(mszTempStr); mszTempStr = NULL; } return pReturnData; __CATCH: if (pConvertedData) { free(pConvertedData); pConvertedData = NULL; } if (pConvertedStr) { free(pConvertedStr); pConvertedStr = NULL; } if (mszTempStr) { free(mszTempStr); mszTempStr = NULL; } return NULL; } #ifndef __SUPPORT_DRM__ static bool __MsgMakeFileName(int iMsgType, char *szFileName, int nUntitleIndex) { char szText[MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1]={0,}; char szTemp[MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1]={0,}; char szTempFileName[MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1]={0,}; char *pExt = NULL; MSG_DEBUG("iMsgType = %d, szFileName = %s", iMsgType, szFileName); if (szFileName == NULL) return false; if (szFileName && (szFileName[0] != '\0')) { MsgGetFileNameWithoutExtension (szTempFileName, szFileName); pExt = strrchr(szTempFileName, '.'); if (pExt == NULL) { memset (szText, 0, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1); strncpy(szText, szTempFileName, MSG_FILEPATH_LEN_MAX - 1); strcat(szText, "."); // add '.' } else { memset (szText, 0, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1); strncpy(szText, szTempFileName, pExt+1 - szFileName); // add '.' } } else { if (nUntitleIndex >= 1) { snprintf(szText, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s_%d.", "Untitled", nUntitleIndex); } else { snprintf(szText, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s.", "Untitled"); } } if (iMsgType == MIME_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) { MSG_DEBUG("unsupported MsgType"); goto __CATCH; } else { int nLen = 0; strncpy(szTemp, szText, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX - 5); if (iMsgType == MIME_UNKNOWN || (pExt = MimeGetExtFromMimeInt((MimeType)iMsgType)) == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Failed to get extension of that mime data file."); goto __CATCH; } nLen = MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX - strlen(szTemp); strncat(szTemp, pExt, nLen); } strcpy(szFileName, szTemp); MSG_DEBUG("made szFileName = %s", szFileName); return true; __CATCH: { char *p = NULL; p = strrchr(szText, '.'); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; snprintf(szFileName, MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1, "%s", szText); return false; } } #else static bool __MsgMakeFileName(int iMsgType, char *szFileName, MsgDrmType drmType, int nUntitleIndex, char *outBuf, int outBufLen) { char szTemp[MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1]={0,}; char szTempFileName[MSG_FILENAME_LEN_MAX+1]={0,}; char *pExt = NULL; MSG_DEBUG("Input : type [0x%x], drmType [%d], filename [%s]", iMsgType, drmType, szFileName); if (szFileName == NULL) return false; int inp_len = strlen(szFileName); if (inp_len >0) { MsgGetFileNameWithoutExtension (szTempFileName, szFileName); } else { if (nUntitleIndex >= 1) { snprintf(szTempFileName, sizeof(szTempFileName), "%s_%d", "untitled", nUntitleIndex); } else { snprintf(szTempFileName, sizeof(szTempFileName), "%s", "untitled"); } } if (drmType == MSG_DRM_TYPE_SD) { snprintf(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), "%s.dcf", szTempFileName); } else if (MsgDRMIsForwardLockType(drmType)) { snprintf(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), "%s.dm", szTempFileName); } else { if (iMsgType == MIME_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) { MSG_DEBUG("unsupported MsgType"); goto __CATCH; } else { if (iMsgType == MIME_UNKNOWN) { MSG_DEBUG("Failed to get extension of that mime data file."); goto __CATCH; } pExt = MimeGetExtFromMimeInt((MimeType)iMsgType); if (pExt) { snprintf(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), "%s.%s", szTempFileName, pExt); } else { MSG_DEBUG("Failed to get extension of that mime data file."); goto __CATCH; } } } snprintf(outBuf, outBufLen, "%s", szTemp); MSG_DEBUG("Result : filename [%s]", outBuf); return true; __CATCH: return false; } #endif bool MsgGetFileNameWithoutExtension (char *szOutputName, char *szName) { char *pszExt = NULL; if (szOutputName == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("szOutputName is NULL"); return false; } strncpy(szOutputName, szName, strlen(szName)); if ((pszExt = strrchr(szOutputName, '.'))) { if (pszExt[0] == '.') pszExt[0] = '\0'; } return true; } int MmsGetMediaPartCount(msg_message_id_t msgId) { MmsMsg *pMsg; MmsPluginStorage::instance()->getMmsMessage(&pMsg); if (msgId != pMsg->msgID) { MSG_DEBUG("Invalid Message Id"); return -1; } return pMsg->nPartCount; } bool MmsGetMediaPartHeader(int index, MsgType *pHeader) { MmsMsg *pMsg = NULL; MsgMultipart *pPart = NULL; if (pHeader == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("Invalid pHeader input. It's null"); return false; } MmsPluginStorage::instance()->getMmsMessage(&pMsg); MmsInitMsgType(pHeader); /* Requires header of non-presentation */ if (MsgIsMultipart(pMsg->msgType.type)) { MSG_DEBUG("Multipart header [index = %d] \n", index); pPart = pMsg->msgBody.body.pMultipart; while (pPart && index--) pPart = pPart->pNext; if (pPart == NULL) { MSG_DEBUG("There is no such msg part."); return false; } memcpy(pHeader, &pPart->type, sizeof(MsgType)); } else { MSG_DEBUG("Requires singlepart header"); memcpy(pHeader, &pMsg->msgType, sizeof(MsgType)); } return true; } static bool __MmsDebugPrintMulitpartEntry(MsgMultipart *pMultipart, int index) { MSG_DEBUG("------------------------------"); MSG_DEBUG("[%dth] multipart info", index); MSG_DEBUG("header size [%d], body size [%d]", pMultipart->type.size, pMultipart->type.contentSize); MSG_DEBUG("content type [%s]", MmsDebugGetMimeType((MimeType)pMultipart->type.type)); MSG_DEBUG("content ID [%s]", pMultipart->type.szContentID); MSG_DEBUG("content location [%s]", pMultipart->type.szContentLocation); MSG_DEBUG("parameter Name [%s]", pMultipart->type.param.szName); MSG_DEBUG("parameter Filename[%s]", pMultipart->type.param.szFileName); if (pMultipart->type.type == MIME_TEXT_PLAIN) { MSG_DEBUG("text info : charset [%d], name [%s]", pMultipart->type.param.charset, pMultipart->type.param.szName); } #ifdef __SUPPORT_DRM__ if (pMultipart->type.drmInfo.drmType != MSG_DRM_TYPE_NONE) { MSG_DEBUG("drm info"); MSG_DEBUG("drm type [%d] (0: NONE 1: Fowward Lock, 2:Combined Delivery, 3: Separated Delivery)", pMultipart->type.drmInfo.drmType); MSG_DEBUG("drm content type [%s]", MmsDebugGetMimeType((MimeType)pMultipart->type.drmInfo.contentType)); MSG_DEBUG("drm content URI [%s]", pMultipart->type.drmInfo.szContentURI); MSG_DEBUG("drm2FullPath [%s]", pMultipart->type.drmInfo.szDrm2FullPath); } #endif MSG_DEBUG("------------------------------"); return true; }